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Except后面可以接名词Except后面可以接名词 Unit6 Nature and Nurture Teaching Objectives: In this unit students are required to: 1. Practice listening skills; 2. Get to know some useful information concerning the topic of this unit; 3. Do some preparation activities such as discussion, grou...
Except后面可以接名词 Unit6 Nature and Nurture Teaching Objectives: In this unit students are required to: 1. Practice listening skills; 2. Get to know some useful information concerning the topic of this unit; 3. Do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work to enhance their spoken English and communicative skills; 4. Learn new words and phrases to further broaden students’ scope of vocabulary; 5. Read the in-class reading passage within limited time for a general idea of the passage and then do detailed reading for a command of useful expressions; 6. Do post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to test how far they have gone in grasping reading skills and language points; 7. Translate some key sentences in the unit to upgrade students’ translation abilities; Teaching Methodology Communicative approach; Multi-media teaching; Teaching process: Pre-task------Task cycle------Post-task Time Distribution Listening & Speaking: 2 periods; In-class Reading :2 periods; Exercise & After-class Reading :2 periods; Further Development &Writing :2 periods. Period 1 &2 Listening and Speaking ITeaching Focus 1. Background information introduction 2. Preparation 3. Listening to tapes IITeaching steps 1. Background Information: “Nature and Nurture” is the catchy and rather poetic term used to evoke the two main sources of factors that influence the physical, psychological and intellectual characteristics of any human being. “Nature”, in this case, means everything a person inherits genetically. Originally, the verb “nurture” was chosen to describe the home environment and the influences parents had on their children. In a broader sense, “nurture” refers to the general social environment which includes such things as family influences, peer influences, and educational experiences. Which has more influence on us, our genes or our environment? Hoe do people become who they are? These are questions that have intrigued educators, psychologists, and geneticists for decades. Over the years, various experiments and studies have been carried out in an effect to determine the relative importance of heredity and environment. Although it is fairly easy to see how our genetic make-up affects physical characteristics such as hair color, bone structure, and facial features, it is far more difficult to measure the impact of parental behavior on the development of personality, for example. One of the best-known studies on nature-nurture issues was carried out by scientists at the University of Minnesota. Their research on identical twins raised apart suggests that genes play a major role in shaping both personality and intelligence. Some critics of the Minnesota study feel that the social environments of the twins raised apart were too similar to really make conclusive observations feasible. Ideally, the Minnesota researchers should have had twins raised in different cultures and in totally different social classes. Other studies have stressed the influence of parental verbal behavior on the intellectual development of children. In other words, the more parents talk with their children, the more they are likely to enhance their children’s communication skills, the same studies also showed that socially and financially deprived working-class families were much less communicative than professional families. A recent study carried out by the Colorado Adoption Project on a large number of adopted children has shown the preponderance of genetic inheritance with regard to personality and intelligence. Other researches have stressed the importance of factors outside the home, such as neighborhoods and one’s peers. The debate over the relative importance of genes and environment is likely to continue until additional major discoveries are made in the field of genetics. Perhaps someday, the genes for shyness or for gentleness, for example, will be isolated. For the moment, common sense and personal experience tend to suggest that nature and nurture are equally important. 2. Preparation 1. Talking about twins Samples 1). I knew two twins in my class in middle school. They usually dressed alike. But they have quite different personalities: one was shy, quiet, and self-conscious while the other was self-confident and optimistic. 2) I think it’s because there aren’t many twins around us. People are always curious about things that they rarely see. Another reason for their curiosity is probably that twins resemble each other, which is very unusual among other people. 3).—They must be proud because they are different from others. ---They may feel lonely because it is difficult to make friends with other people. ---They may feel bored and discouraged because every day they will see the mirror image of themselves. 2. Inherited Traits Inherited traits include: small/big eyes; curly hair; poor/good eyesight; good brain(s); left-handedness; big feet; logical mind; height; fat gene; facial feature… 4. Heredity and Environment 1) heredity 2)influences 3)expressed 4)inherit 5)never 3. Listening to tapes Period 3&4 Reading ITeaching focus Practice students’ reading skills and help them learn new words and phrases IITeaching steps 1. Pre-reading 2. Words, phrases and grammatical points 1)….she had had few educational advantages herself,…(l. 37-38) This means that she did not have much education herself or she was not educated person herself. 2).except, except for Except后面可以接名词、代词、介词短语、不定式或从句,意思为 not including。 e.g. We disagreed on nothing, except method. Everyone except me got an invitation. He rarely went anywhere except to his office. He had no effect except to make him angry. He never came except when he was in trouble. except for 除了表示not including 以外,还可以表示 if it were not for, but for (要不是……)。 e.g. We had a very pleasant time, except for the weather. Except for her lack of experience she would be the ideal person for the job. 3).”As an advertisement for a college education the contrast between these two twins should be quite effective.” (l.54~55) The differences between the twins in their behavior were associated with the different education they had received. Helen had received a good education while Gladys was not well educated. As a result, Helen was more confident and graceful than Gladys. So the contrast between the twins can serve as an effective advertisement for a college education. 3. Exercises Period 5&6 Post-reading and Exercise ITeaching focus Test students’ reading skills the their command of new words and phrases. IITeaching steps 1. Fast reading for exercises 2. Questions for discussions Period 7&8 Further Development and Writing I. Teaching Content Further enhance students’ communicative abilities and writing abilities II. Teaching Steps 1. Are We Born Bright or Dull? 1) --- I disagree. There is no such a thing as a math gene. If you work hard, have good teachers and classmates who can help you , you can succeed in math. If you fail a test, it is not because of your genes! --- I think there is a math gene and it is usually associated with boys because they are better at math and more boys become engineers and scientists than girls. 2). There are other factors that determine success, such as good teachers, a good school, money, good luck etc. but hard work does contribute to a person’s success. Some people do not have to work harder than others, but their success still depends on hard work. 3).--- Yes, women are naturally gentle, kind and caring. Women can take care of babies and young children better. They give birth to babies. Taking care of their children is the natural role of a mother. --- Men are just as capable of looking after children as women but they are usually working in the fields or factories, so they cannot help with very young children. 2 Relating Your Own Experience 3. Which Has a Stronger Influence, Heredity or Environment? 4. Writing Which Has Had More Influence on You, Heredity or Environment?
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