

2017-08-31 25页 doc 166KB 13阅读




当你读懂这些句子,离成功已经不远了当你读懂这些句子,离成功已经不远了 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他与别人共处逆境时,别人失去了信心,他却下决心实现自己的目标。成功之路不可以被模仿,但成功者的思想却可以拿来学习。 1. 思路决定出路,观念决定方向,性格决定命运,生活方式决定健康~ 2. 有眼界才有境界,有实力才有魅力,有思路才有出路,有作为才有地位。政从正来,智从知来,财从才来,位从为来~ 3. 观念比能力重要,策划比实施重要,行动比承诺重要,选择比努力重要,感知比告知重要,创造比证明重要,尊重生命比别人看法重要~ 4. 方向比速度重要,智能比吃苦重要,...
当你读懂这些句子,离成功已经不远了 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他与别人共处逆境时,别人失去了信心,他却下决心实现自己的目标。成功之路不可以被模仿,但成功者的思想却可以拿来学习。 1. 思路决定出路,观念决定方向,性格决定命运,生活方式决定健康~ 2. 有眼界才有境界,有实力才有魅力,有思路才有出路,有作为才有地位。政从正来,智从知来,财从才来,位从为来~ 3. 观念比能力重要,策划比实施重要,行动比承诺重要,选择比努力重要,感知比告知重要,创造比证明重要,尊重生命比别人看法重要~ 4. 方向比速度重要,智能比吃苦重要,学习比学历重要,机遇比关系重要,the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 要什么比做什么重要~ 5. 智力比知识重要,素质比智力重要,觉悟比素质重要。方向大于,动力大于能力,做人大于做事~ 6. 思路清晰远比卖力苦干重要,心态正确远比现实表现重要,选对方向远比努力做事重要,做对的事情远比把事情做对重要。成长的痛苦远比后悔的痛苦好,胜利的喜悦远比失败的安慰好~ 7. 拥有远见比拥有资产重要,拥有能力比拥有知识重要,拥有人才比拥有机器重要,拥有健康比拥有金钱重要~ 8. 表面上缺的是金钱,本质上缺的是观念,命运里缺的是选择,骨子里缺的是勇气,肚子里缺的是知识,事业上缺的是毅力,行动上缺的是改变~ 9. 落后是观念落后,贫穷是脑袋贫穷。许多人,不是没有好机会,而是没有好观念。不是不接受新观念,而是不愿抛弃旧观念~ 10. 信念改变思维,思维改变心态,心态改变行动,行动改变习惯,习惯改变性格,性格改变命运。要改变命运,先确立信念~ 11. 心态决定看世界的眼光,行动决定生存的状态。要想活出尊严,展现不凡,只有改变观念,敢于和命运抗争~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 12. 如果事情无法改变,那就改变自己;如果无法说服他人,那就想法说服自己。如果山过不来,那人就过去~ 13. 命运不是放弃,而是努力。命运不是运气,而是选择。命运不是等待,而是把握。命运不是名词,而是动词。要改变命运,先改变观念~ 14. 决定今天的不是今天,而是昨天对人生的态度;决定明天的不是明天,而是今天对事业的作为。我们的今天由过去决定,我们的明天由今天决定~ 15. 制胜不凭体力靠智力,成功不靠奇迹靠轨迹。成功不在于是否拿到好牌,关键在于能否将手中的坏牌打好。人生最重要的是,知道自己去哪里~ 16. 不是井里没有水,而是挖的不够深;不是成功来的慢,而是放弃速度快。得到一件东西需要智慧,放弃一样东西则需要勇气~ 17. 终而复始,日月是也。死而复生,四时是也。奇正相生,循环无端,涨跌相生,循环无穷。机遇孕育着挑战,挑战中孕育着机遇,这是千古验证了的定律~ 18. 种子放在水泥地板上会被晒死,种子放在水里会被淹死,种子放到肥沃的土壤里就生根发芽结果。选择决定命运,环境造就人生~ 19. 懂得如何避开问题的人,胜过知道怎样解决问题的人。在这个世界上,the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 不知道怎么办的时候,选择顺其自然,也许是最佳选择。胜出者往往不是能力而是观念~ 20. 在家里看到的永远是家,走出去看到的才是世界。把钱放在眼前,看到的永远是钱,把钱放在有用的地方,看到的是金钱的世界。 21. 给人金钱是下策,给人能力是中策,给人观念是上策。财富买不来好观念,好观念能换来亿万财富。世界上最大的市场,是在人的脑海里~ 22. 要用行动控制情绪,不要让情绪控制行动;要让心灵启迪智慧,不能让耳朵支配心灵。人与人之间的差别,主要差在两耳之间的那块地方~ 23. 人无远虑,必有近忧。人好的时候要找一条备胎,人不好的时候要找一条退路;人得意的时候要找一条退路,人失意的时候要找一条出路~ 24. 孩子贫穷是做父母的错,因为他小的时候 ,父母没给他正确的人生观。家长的观念是孩子人生的起跑线~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 25. 有什么信念,就选择什么态度;有什么态度,就会有什么行为;有什么行为,就产生什么结果。要想结果变得好,必须选择好的信念。 26. 播下一个行动,收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,收获一种性格;播下一种性格,收获一种命运。思想会变成语言,语言会变成行动,行动会变成习惯,习惯会变成性格。性格会影响人生~ 27. 习惯不加以抑制,会变成生活的必需品,不良的习惯随时改变人生走向。人往往难以改变习惯,因为造习惯的就是自己,结果人又成为习惯的奴隶~ 28. 人生重要的不是你从哪里来,而是你到哪里去。当你在埋头工作的时侯,一定要抬头看看你去的方向。方向不对,努力白费~ 29. 你来自何处并不重要,重要的是你要去往何方,人生最重要的不是所站的位置,而是所去的方向。人只要不失去方向,就永远不会失去自己~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 30. 这个世界唯一不变的真理就是变化,任何优势都是暂时的。当你在占有这个优势时,必须争取主动,再占据下一个优势,这需要前瞻的决断力,需要的是智慧~ 31. 提出问题远比解决问题难,因为解决问题是技术性的,而提出问题则是革命性的。我们身边并不缺少财富,而是缺少发现财富的眼光~ 32. 观念改变并未改变事物本身,改变的只是对事物的认识,但观念可以改变人,人可以改变世界。做人最重要的是品格、态度、思想观念和人生价值观~ 33. 改变观念,就是改变可以改变的一切,适应不能改变的一切。改变观念,就是推陈出新,解放思想~ 34. 经验固然重要,但观念的正确与否起决定作用。经验只能做好现成的东西,观念则决定长远的方向。思维观念高于工作经验。 35. 你能够成为什么,惟一限制的就是你头脑里的框框,你的外部世界永远反映你的内心世界,要想改善外部世界,必须努力改变内心世界~ 36. 没有比脚更长的路,没有比人更高的山,没有做不到的事,只有想不到的人。阻挡你前进的不是高山大海,而往往是自己鞋底一粒小小的沙粒~ 37. 熟悉的习惯,熟悉的路线,熟悉的日子里,永远不会有奇迹发生。改变the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 思路,改变习惯,改变一种活的方式,往往会创造无限,风景无限~ 38. 发生一件事,喜欢它那就享受它,不喜欢它那就避开它,避不开那就改变它,改变不了那就接受它。接受不了是你的观念,别埋怨事情的本身。 39. 无法改变世界,可以改变观念;无法改变事情,可以改变心情;无法改变别人的看法,可以改变自已的想法~ 40. 无法改变风向,可以调整风帆;无法左右天气,可以调整心情。如果事情无法改变,那就去改变观念。 41. 要想事情改变,首先自己改变,只有自己改变,才可改变世界。人最大的敌人不是别人,而是自己,只有战胜自己,才能战胜困难~ 42. 别人不明白的时候你明白了,别人明白的时候你行动了,别人行动的时the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 候你成功了,别人成功的时候你富有了。这就是:超常思维,先见之明~ 43. 聪明人看得懂,精明人看得准,高明人看得远。智者的声音是愚者的方向,无法放弃过去的无知,就无法走进智慧的殿堂。偏见比无知更可怕~ 44. 手指脏了,大可不必把手指砍掉;帽子小了,大可不必把头削掉。证明鸡蛋是否变味,大可不必把它全吃掉;吃个鸡蛋味道不错,大可不必非要认识下蛋的鸡妈妈~ 45. 太阳不会因为你的失意,明天不再升起;月亮不会因为你的抱怨,今晚不再降落。蒙住自己的眼睛,不等于世界就漆黑一团;蒙住别人的眼睛,不等于光明就属于自己~ 46. 路再长也会有终点,夜再长也会有尽头,不管雨下得有多大,总会有停止的时候。乌云永远遮不住微笑的太阳~ 47. 鱼搅不浑大海,雾压不倒高山,雷声叫不倒山岗,扇子驱不散大雾。鹿的脖子再长,总高不过它的脑袋。人的脚指头再长,也长不过他的脚板。人的行动再快也快不过思想~ 48. 以前认为水不可能倒流,那是还没有找到发明抽水机的方法;现在认为太阳不可能从西边出来,这是还没住到太阳从西边出来的星球上。这个世界只有想不到的,没有做不到的~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 49. 世上本无移山之术,惟一能移山的方法就是:山不过来,我就过去。人生最聪明的态度就是:改变可以改变的一切,适应不能改变的一切~ 50. 亿万财富不是存在银行里,而是产生在人的思想里。你没找到路,不等于没有路,你想知道将来要得到什么,你必须知道现在应该先放弃什么~ 51. 命运把人抛入最低谷时,往往是人生转折的最佳期。谁能积累能量,谁就能获得回报;谁若自怨自艾,必会坐失良机~ 52. 创新就是求新,改革就是求变。求新不是排斥传统,而是继承传统;求变不是表面背叛,而是内在蜕化。科学的本质就是创新,变化的本质就是发展~ 53. 只有不快的斧,没有劈不开的柴;只有想不到的人,没有做不到的事。想干总会有办法,不想干总会有理由~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 54. 成功是优点的发挥,失败是缺点的累积。走对了路的原因只有一种,走错了路的原因却有很多。先知先觉改变一生,不知不觉断送一生~ 55. 农业社会,人们的时间观念是习惯面向过去看,工业社会人们的时间观念是注意现在,而当今信息社会,人们的时间观念是关注未来~ 56. 当今世界进入新经济时代,我们面对的是看不见的战线、没国界的战争、席卷全球的风暴,因特网是全球巨变的激素,电子商务将代表世界经济发展方向~ 57. 世界正发生着一种微妙的转变,财富资产变得越来越无形,过去重要的有形的生产和消费,现在真正重要的变成了知识、智力和观念. 58. 互联网为我们提供的速度是光、范围是全球、距离是零、时间是24小时、容量是无限,互联网创造的是前所未有的奇迹~ 59. 互联网好比是高速公路网,网站就是车,网址就是车牌号,电脑就是发动机,人就是驾驶员,货物就是南来北往的信息,它是信息时代的标志~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 60. 互联网对我们意味着:知识改变命运,网络改变生活,机会改变人生。今天互联网已经拥有20亿用户、覆盖世界五大洲,带来了人们生活方式的彻底改变~ 61. 在汽车上可以发信,在火车上可以银行转帐,在被窝里可以网上购物,时间和地点都不重要了,买台电脑,租个网站,申请个信箱,就可以做老板。 62. 用一个苹果交换一个苹果各此得到的仍是一个苹果,用一条信息交换一条信息彼此得到的是两条信息,网络具有倍增原理,信息的交换双方获多倍收益~ 63. 不要想你不想要的东西,否则你一定得到它;要思考你想要的东西,这样你也会得到它。其实在人生中,要时时须注意自己想要的,而不总是注意自己恐惧的~ 64. 喜欢追梦的人,切记不要被梦想主宰;善于谋划的人,切记空想达不到目标;拥有实干精神的人,切记选对方向比努力做事重要。 65. 不要以为建起城市你就能定居;不要以为播下种子你就能收获;不要以为登上顶峰你就能征服;不要以为堵住别人的嘴,你听到的就是赞扬声~ 66. 把自己当成大树,便时时有被狂风刮倒的忧愁;把自己当作棵幼苗,便时时会享受阳光雨露。青涩,便成长;熟透,便腐烂~ 67. 生活要追求四度空间:宽度、深度、热度、速度;工作要形成五动个性:the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 主动、行动、生动、带动、感动;人生须明确一个观念:只有缩短成功的日月,才能延长享受的时间~ 68. 人人都有两个门:一个是家门,成长的地方;一个是心门,成功的地方。能赶走门中的小人,就会唤醒心中的巨人~ 69. 先长出的眉毛,不如后长出的胡子长;先出世的耳朵,不如后出世的犄角长。智慧不在年龄,杰出不在辈高,后来者往往居上。 70. 不是街上东西贵,而是你口袋没有钱;不是你口袋里没有钱,而是你没有找到挣钱机会;不是你没有挣钱机会,而是你脑袋里没有致富的理念~ 71. 当你抓住一件东西总不放时,或许你永远只会拥有这件东西,如果肯放手,便获得了其它选择机会。旧观念不放弃,新观念难产生~ 72. 一天八遍镜子照,也不等于容貌美;一天九遍讲空话,也不等于实干家。擅长虚夸的人,是穿着一件不遮的纱衣~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 73. 在这个世界有两难:一是改变别人,二是改变自己。要求别人很痛苦,那改变自己应该很快乐。要改变别人,先改变自己~ 74. 天下的事有千难万难,但最难的有两件事:一是把别人口袋里面的钱放到自己的口袋里。二是把自己的想法放到别人脑袋里~ 75. 怀疑是痛苦的开始,释疑是快乐的开始。怀疑固然可以,求证更加重要,与其长时间的怀疑,不如短时间求证~ 76. 用灵魂撞击命运,用观念超越梦想。现在做什么并不重要,将来做什么才重要。为改变以后的命运,先改变现在的观念~ 77. 人无远虑,必有近忧,虑之不远,其忧即至。祸因多藏于隐微,而发于所忽。智者避险于无形,明者远见于未萌~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes 78. 最难打开的是心门,最难走的路是心路,最难过的桥是心桥,最难调整的是 心态。世界上最难干的工程是改造人的内心世界~ 人的一生有太多的不平,但困苦是一笔无价的财富,它能使我们变得更完美。 所以,你想要成功,就要不断地激励自己,激发自己的热情,然后才能继续前进~ the oil level to the normal oil level. (2) for the secondary prevention of the leakage of cooling water pipe fittings, valve parts before installation to check ... 4.2 measures to eliminate quality defects of cables cable laying in front of the cable construction, design, supervision and construction units to deliver the design, and drawing the third. Combined the engineering field to find fault, adding omitted items. Because the unit used computer DCS control and adds a great deal of control and signal cables. So you should carefully review, checks for missing physical cable, ready for construction and to verify cable length, specifications, familiar with the cable channel and the device location and bracket cable bracket on the section number. At the time of preparation of the inventory of cable, first of all, the professional carefully study electrical schematics, in accordance with the principle of accounting the cable path cable volume, the number of cores used, total volume and design inventory check cable to cable with and without omission, laying of the cable in order to ensure the process does not put a cable one cable. Finally, at the time of inventory, prepared to take the same path the cables together. Inventory preparation is completed, later in each enclosure affixed on both sides of each side of the cable you want to lay accurately verify cable lengths and set aside. Bridge should be combined, correcting errors, avoid straight, no cable bridge scaffolding used in the construction, not allowed to use electricity (fire) cutting, fix cable tray, cable tray is not allowed as a welding ground connection or cable tray cannot be used for other processes
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