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小儿推拿的基础手法小儿推拿的基础手法 1 推法 (1)直推法:以拇指桡侧或指面在穴位上作直线推动。亦可用食中二指面着力作直线推动。 (2)旋推法:以拇指面在穴位上作顺时针方向的旋转推动。 (3)分推法:用两手拇指桡侧或指面,自穴位中间向两旁分向推动。 (4)合推法:以拇指桡侧缘自穴位两端向中央推动称合推法。 2 揉法 (1)指揉法:以指端着力于穴位做环旋揉动。 (2)掌揉法:以掌着力于穴位做环旋揉动。 (3)鱼际揉法:以大鱼际着力于穴位做环旋揉动。 3 按法 以掌根或拇指在一定的部位或穴位上,逐渐向下用力按压称为按法。 4 摩法...
小儿推拿的基础手法 1 推法 (1)直推法:以拇指桡侧或指面在穴位上作直线推动。亦可用食中二指面着力作直线推动。 (2)旋推法:以拇指面在穴位上作顺时针方向的旋转推动。 (3)分推法:用两手拇指桡侧或指面,自穴位中间向两旁分向推动。 (4)合推法:以拇指桡侧缘自穴位两端向中央推动称合推法。 2 揉法 (1)指揉法:以指端着力于穴位做环旋揉动。 (2)掌揉法:以掌着力于穴位做环旋揉动。 (3)鱼际揉法:以大鱼际着力于穴位做环旋揉动。 3 按法 以掌根或拇指在一定的部位或穴位上,逐渐向下用力按压称为按法。 4 摩法 以手掌面或食中指面附着于一定部位上,以腕关节连同前臂,作顺时针或逆时针方向环形移动摩擦。 5 掐法 用指甲重按穴位称掐法。 6 捏法 (1)二指捏:医生两手略尺偏,两手食指中节桡侧横抵于皮肤,拇指置于食指前方的皮肤处。两手指共同捏拿肌肤,边捏边交替前进。 (2)三指捏:两手略背伸,两手拇指桡侧横抵于皮肤,食指中指置于拇指前方的皮肤处。三手指共同捏拿肌肤,边捏边交替前进。 7 运法 以拇指或食中指端在一定穴位上由此往彼作弧形或环形推动,称运法。 二、小儿按摩推拿常用穴位及操作 1 攒竹(天门) 位于两眉头连线中点至前发际成一直线。 用两拇指自下而上交替直推,称推攒竹,也称开天门。 2 坎宫 位于自眉头起沿眉向眉梢成一直线。 用两拇指桡侧自眉心向眉梢做分推,称推坎宫或分推坎宫。 3 太阳 位于眉梢与外眦连线中点向后一寸。 用两拇指桡侧推运,称推太阳或运太阳,向眼方向推运为补,向耳方向推运为泻。 4 天柱骨 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 位于颈后发际正中至大椎成一直线。 用拇指或食中指自上向下直推称推天柱。或用汤匙边蘸水边自上而下刮。 5 腹 位于腹部。 沿肋弓角边缘或自中脘至脐,向两旁分推,称分推腹阴阳;用掌或四指摩称摩腹。 6 脐 位于肚脐。 用中指端或掌根揉,称揉脐;用指或掌摩,称摩脐;用拇指和食、中指抓住肚脐抖揉,亦称揉脐。 7 丹田 位于脐下2-3寸之间。 用揉法揉称揉丹田;用摩法摩称摩丹田。 8. 脊柱 位于大椎至长强成一直线。 用食中二指自上而下直推,称推脊;用捏法自下而上称为捏脊。 9 七节骨 位于第四腰椎至尾椎上端成一直线。 用食中指自上而下直推称推下七节骨; 用拇指桡侧缘自下而上直推称推上七节骨。 10 龟尾 位于尾椎骨端。 用拇指或中指端揉,称揉龟尾。 11 脾经 位于拇指末节罗纹面。 旋推为补,称补脾经,将患儿拇指屈曲,循拇指桡侧边缘向掌根方向直推亦为补;由指端向指根方向直推为清。两者统称推脾经。 12 肝经 位于食指末节罗纹面。 旋推为补,称补肝经;向指根方向直推为清,称清肝经。两者统称推肝经。 13 心经 位于中指末节罗纹面。 旋推为补,称补心经;向指根方向直推为清,称清心经。两者统称为推心经。 14 肺经 位于无名指末节罗纹面。 旋推为补,称补肺经;向指根方向直推为清,称清肺经。两者统称推肺经。 15 肾经 位于小指末节罗纹面。 由指根向指尖方向直推为补,称补肾经;向指根方向直推为清,称清肾经。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 两者统称推肾经。 16 大肠 位于食指桡侧缘,自指尖至虎口成一直线。 从食指尖直推向虎口为补,称补大肠;自虎口直推向食指尖的桡侧为清,称清大肠。两者统称推大肠。 17 小肠 位于小指尺侧缘,自指尖至指根成一直线。 沿小指尺侧缘处指尖直推向指根为补,称补小肠;沿小指尺侧缘自指根向指尖直推为清,称清小肠。两者统称推小肠。 18 胃经 位于拇指掌侧第一节。 旋推为补,称补胃经;向指根方向直推为清,称清胃经。两者统称推胃经。 19 四横纹 位于食指、中指、无名指、小指掌侧第一指间关节横纹处。 用拇指指甲掐揉,称掐四横纹;四指并拢从食指横纹处推向小指横纹处,称推四横纹。 20 板门 位于手掌大鱼际处。 指端揉板门或运板门;用推法自指根推向腕横纹,称板门推向横纹; 反之称横纹推向板门。本穴还常用割治法治疗疳积。 21 内八卦 本穴为手掌面,以掌心为圆心,从圆心到中指指根横纹的2/3为半径所作的圆。 用运法,顺时针方向掐运,称运内八卦或运八卦 22 二扇门 位于手背第三掌指关节近端两侧凹陷处。 用拇指指甲掐,称掐二扇门;拇指偏峰按揉,称揉二扇门。 23 外劳宫 位于手背与内劳宫相对处。 用揉法称揉外劳;用掐法称掐外劳。 24 三关 位于前臂桡侧阳池至曲池成一直线。 用拇指桡侧面或食中指指面自腕推向肘,称推三关;屈患儿拇指,自拇指桡侧推向肘为大推三关。 25 天河水 位于前臂正中,总筋至洪池成一直线。 用食指中指指面自腕推向肘,称清天河水;用食中指沾水自总筋处,一起一落弹打如弹琴状,直至洪池,同时一面用口吹气随之,称打马过天河。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 26 六腑 位于前臂尺侧,阴池至肘成一直线。 用拇指面或食中指面自肘推向腕,称退六腑或推六腑。 三、小儿保健按摩推拿 (不妨每天为您的孩子做做) 小儿保健按摩推拿简单易行,无痛苦,操作方便,具有健脾和胃,增进食欲,强壮身体,预防疾病,使小儿更趋于健康的作用。具体手法如下: 补脾经200,500次; 摩腹2,5分钟; 揉脐3,5分钟; 按揉足三里50,100次; 捏脊3,5次。 四、小儿推拿治疗常见病的处方 这里介绍的一种简易的由父母自行操作的具有清热泻火作用的推拿疗法,名称打马过天河。 治疗小儿感冒发热。 操作:父母左手握住小儿左手或右手,掌心向上,露出小儿手臂,父母用右手食指、中指,自小儿前臂内侧腕部向肘部如弹琴似的轻轻拍打5,6次为一回,如此拍打100,300回,可以在左右手臂交替,如小儿手臂经拍打出现潮红色为上佳。在拍打中也可向拍打处吹气,甚妙。 小儿推拿治疗发热 发热即体温升高,是常见病症。临床上可分为:外感发热、肺胃实热,阴虚内热三种。 【病因】 1.外感发热:由于小儿体质偏弱,抗邪能力不足,加之冷热不知调节,家长护理不周,易为风寒外邪所侵,邪气侵袭体,卫外之阳被郁而致发热。 2.阴虚内热:小儿体质素弱,先天不足或后天营养失调,或灸病伤阴而致肺曳不足,阴液亏损引起发热。 3.肺胃实热:多由于外感误治或乳食内伤,造成肺胃壅实,郁而化热。 【临床表现】 1.外感发热:发热,头痛,怕冷,无汗,鼻塞,流涕,苔薄白,指纹鲜红,为风寒;发热,微汗出,口干,咽痛,鼻流黄涕,苔薄黄,指纹红紫,为风热。 2.阴虚发热:午后发热,手足心热,形瘦,盗汗,食欲减退,脉细数,舌红苔剥,指纹淡紫。 3.肺胃实热:高热,面红,气促,不思饮食,便秘烦躁,渴而引饮,舌红苔燥,指We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 纹深紫。 【治疗】 1.外感发热:推攒竹,推坎宫,揉太阳,清肺经,清天河水,风寒者加掐揉二扇门,推三关,拿风池以发汗解表;风热者加推脊,多清天河水。咳嗽痰多者加运内八卦,推膻中,揉肺俞,揉丰隆;脘腹胀满或不思饮食者加推揉板门,分推腹阴阳,揉中脘,推天柱骨;烦燥不安,睡卧不宁,惊惕不安者加清肝经。 2.阴虚发热:补脾经,补肺经,补肾经,运内劳宫,清天河水,按揉足三里,推搓涌泉。 3.肺胃实热:清肺经,清胃经,清大肠,揉板门,运内八卦,退六腑,摩腹,揉天枢。 小儿推拿治疗泄泻 泄泻是由外感时邪,或内伤乳食而致大便次数增多的疾病,如久病不愈,常可导致疳症。泄者粪便稀薄,排便势缓;泻则排便势急,有倾泻之意。 新生儿在出生后最初的三天内,其排出的粪便较粘稠,呈深绿色,一般无臭味,被称之为"胎便"。母乳喂养的婴儿其粪便为多黄色,状如软性黄油;有的婴儿粪便稀薄而微带绿色,有酸性气味。其正常者,每日大便为1,4次。母乳喂养的婴儿如果一日内粪便超过4次,而一般情况好,体重也在增加,则不视为病态。牛乳喂养的婴儿其粪便为淡黄色,有时为土灰色,大便比较坚硬,略有腐臭味。其正常者每 ,2次。 日大便1 婴儿摄入的食物中,若碳水化合物的比例很高时,则婴儿的大便次数会增多,且大便可能较稀。 【病因】 1.感受外邪:本病与气候有密切关系。寒湿暑热之邪皆能引起本病,而尤以湿邪引起的为多。 2.内伤乳食:因喂养不当,饥饱无度,或突然改变食物性质,或恣食油腻、生冷、或饮食不洁,导致脾胃损伤,运化失职,不能腐熟水谷,而致腹泻。 3.脾胃虚弱:小儿脏腑娇嫩,形气未充,易感受外邪而损伤脾胃。 【症状】 1.寒湿泻:大便清稀多沫,色淡不臭,肠鸣腹痛,面色淡白,口不渴,小便清长,苔白腻,脉濡,指纹色红。 2.湿热泻:腹痛即泻,急迫暴注,色黄褐热臭,身热,口渴,尿少色黄,苔黄腻,脉滑数,指纹色红。 3.伤食泻:腹痛胀满,泻前哭闹,泻后痛减,大便量多酸臭,口臭纳呆,或伴呕吐酸馊,苔厚或垢腻,脉滑。 4.脾虚泻:久泻不愈,或经常反复发作,面色苍白,食欲不振,便稀来有奶块,及食物残渣,或每于食后即泻,舌淡苔薄,脉濡。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 【诊断】 1.大便次数增多,每日3,5次,多达10次以上,呈淡黄色,如蛋花汤样,或色褐而臭,可有少量粘液。或伴有恶心、呕吐、腹痛,发热,口渴等症。 2.有乳食不节,饮食不洁或感受时邪的病史。 3.重者腹泻及呕吐较严重者,可见小便短少,体温升高,烦渴神萎,皮肤干瘪,囟门凹陷,目珠下陷,啼哭无泪,口唇樱红,呼吸深长,腹胀等症。 4.大便镜检可有脂肪球,少量红白细胞。 5.大便病原体检查可有致病性大肠杆菌等生长,或分离轮状病毒等。 6.重症腹泻有脱水、酸碱平衡失调及电解质紊乱。 【证候分类】 1.伤食泻:大便酸臭,或如败卵,腹部胀满,口臭纳呆,泻前腹痛哭闹,多伴恶心呕吐。舌苔厚腻,脉滑有力。 2.风寒泻:大便色淡,带有泡沫,无明显臭气,腹痛肠鸣。或伴鼻塞,流涕,身热。舌苔白腻,脉滑有力。 3.湿热泻:泻如水样,每日数次或数十次,色褐而臭,可有粘液,肛门灼热,小便短赤,发热口渴。舌质红,苔黄腻,脉数。 4.寒湿泻:大便每日数次或十数次,色较淡,可伴有少量粘液,无臭气,精神不振,不渴或渴不欲饮,腹满。舌苔白腻,脉濡。 5.脾虚泻:久泻不止,或反复发作,大便稀薄,或呈水样,带有奶瓣或不消化食物残渣,神疲纳呆,面色少华。舌质偏淡,苔薄腻,脉弱无力。 6.脾肾阳虚泻:大便稀溏,完谷不化,形体消瘦,或面目虚浮,四肢欠温。舌淡苔白,脉细无力。 【治疗】 1.寒湿泻 (1)治则:温中散寒,化湿止泻。 (2)处方:补脾经,补大肠,揉外劳,推三关,揉脐,推上七节骨,揉龟尾,按揉足三里。 (3)方义:推三关、揉外劳温阳散寒,配补脾经、揉脐与按揉足三里能健脾化湿,温中散寒;补大肠、推上七节骨、揉龟尾温中止泻。 2.湿热泻 (1)治则:清热利湿,调中止泻。 (2)处方:清脾胃,清大肠,清小肠,退六腑,揉天枢,揉龟尾。 (3)方义:清脾胃以清中焦湿热,清大肠、揉天枢清利肠府湿热积滞;退六腑、清小肠清热利尿除湿;配揉龟尾以理肠止泻。 3.伤食泻 (1)治则:消食导滞,和中助运。 (2)处方:补脾经,运内八卦,揉板门,清大肠,摩腹,揉中脘,揉天枢,揉龟尾。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe (3)方义:补脾经、揉中脘、运内八卦、揉板门、摩腹健脾和胃,行滞消食;清大肠、揉天枢疏调肠府积滞;配揉龟尾以理肠止泻。 4.脾虚泻 (1)治则:健脾益气,温阳止泻。 (2)处方:补脾经,补大肠,推三关,摩腹,揉脐,推上七节骨,揉龟尾,捏脊。 (3)方义:补脾经、补大肠、健脾益气,固肠实便;推三关、摩腹、揉脐、捏脊温阳补中;配推上七节骨、揉龟尾以温阳止泻。 【注意事项】 注意饮食调养。 治疗小儿夜啼的推拿手法 夜啼,俗称是夜哭郎,多见于未满月的婴儿,以及半岁以内的小乳儿,夜啼分为几种类型,间歇性夜啼,时哭时止,一会儿好,一会儿坏,第二种是定时的哭闹,比如说每天到三点钟就哭闹不止,再有就是孩子通宵达旦的,一到天黑就哭,一直哭到第二天天亮,如果小儿是因为正在断奶,或是灯光、过热等环境因素引起的,就不需要特别治疗 治疗小儿夜啼的推拿手法:清心经,小天心,百会穴,捏脊 如果小儿哭闹,脸色苍白,可以再加以下手法:推三关,揉肚脐 如果小儿面红耳赤的,再加以下手法:推脊柱,按摩腹部 如果是由于受惊吓引起的,再加以下手法:老龙穴,清肝经 小儿推拿治疗遗尿 遗尿是指5岁以上幼童,不能自主控制排尿,经常入睡后遗尿者。新生儿的排尿受植物神经系统的交感神经和副交感神经调节,而大脑皮层对其有效的控制尚未建立。随着膀胱感觉神经的成熟,小儿逐渐能意识到膀胱的充盈。在此之后,大脑皮层对排尿的控制作用在白天逐渐有效;再过一段时间当小儿在夜间卧床睡觉的过程中,也能有效地控制排尿。3岁以上,膀胱的排尿功能开始受大脑皮层的有效控制,当膀胱胀满时,产生冲动,向上传至大脑皮层,如果大脑皮层解除对脊髓排尿中枢的抑制,膀胱逼尿肌即收缩而产生排尿。 【病因】 1.先天肾气不足,下元虚冷所致。 2.下列情况可引起遗尿: 器质性疾病:例如先天性尿道畸形。 功能性遗尿:也可称为"原发性遗尿",大多数患儿属于这一类。 心理性原因,精神性原因,或缺乏训练也可造成经久不愈的遗尿。 【症状】 睡眠中不自主地排尿。 【诊断】 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe 1.睡眠较深,不易唤醒,每夜或隔几天发生尿床,甚则一夜尿床数次。 2.发病年龄在5周岁以上。 3.小便常规及尿培养多无异常发现。 4.X线摄片检查,部分患儿可发现有隐性脊柱裂,泌尿系X线造影可见其结构异常。 【证候分类】 1.肾气不足:睡中遗尿,尿量多,尿色清,熟睡,不易叫醒,面色淡白,精神不振,形寒肢冷。舌质淡,苔白,脉沉迟无力。 2.脾肺气虚:睡中遗尿,尿频而量多,面色无华,神疲乏力,食欲不振,大便溏薄。舌质偏淡,脉缓细。 3.肝经湿热:睡中遗尿,尿频量少,性情急躁,手足心热,唇红而干。舌质红,苔黄,脉弦滑。 【治疗】 1.治则:温补脾肾,固涩下元。 2.处方:揉百会,补脾经,补肺经,补肾经,推三关,揉丹田,推气海,揉关元,摩腹,推擦命门、肾俞,揉三阴交。 3.方义:揉丹田、补肾经、按揉肾俞、擦腰骶部以温补肾气,壮命门之火,固涩下元;补脾经、补肺经、推三关、健脾益气,补肺脾气虚;按揉百会、揉外劳温阳升提;按揉三阴交以通调水道。 【注意事项】 1.应帮助患儿养成定时排尿的习惯及安排合理的生活,不使其过度疲劳。 2.应及早治疗。 3.夜间入睡后应定时叫其起床排尿。 We hereby apply for! Applicant: date date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date recorded form 17: credit cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day loan maximum amount ... Computer transfer qilu bank file qilu Silver (2011) 39th, on issued qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach of notification the branch, and jurisdiction line and the by's business line, and Jinan's within the branch, and head office the sector: for promote personal guarantee loan business of development, specification business operation, effective control risk, Head Office Organization amendment has qilu Bank personal guarantee loan management approach (following referred to "this approach"), now will about requirements and the amendment content notification following, please seriously implementation: a, and Seriously study the documents, and strict implementation of this approach in all aspects of the business operations requirements to effectively manage risks. II, and this approach main amendment content: (a) according to China banking supervision Management Committee personal loan management provisional approach, will loan process subdivision for loan application, and accepted and survey, and risk evaluation and review, and loan approval, and contract signed, and loan issued, and loan paid, and loan Hou management, and recycling and disposal, nine a link, and on the link of operation proposed has specific requirements. (B) the simplification, the annex of the relevant amendments. (C) requesting the Executive double interview, double checking, double system. (D) loan factors: 1 the borrower (1) borrowe
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