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绝望主妇连续剧笔记整理DH S2笔记 Clare 制作 版权所有,不得私自转用。 DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES 2X01: - Next 1.Mike: "Susan, Officer Romslo is here for your statement." Statement:声明, 陈述,这里可以解释为口供。 2.Mike: "You gotta understand, Zach's had a tough time. He's got emotional issues. tough time:很常用的一个词语,形容不容易,很困...
DH S2笔记 Clare 制作 版权所有,不得私自转用。 DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES 2X01: - Next 1.Mike: "Susan, Officer Romslo is here for your statement." Statement:声明, 陈述,这里可以解释为口供。 2.Mike: "You gotta understand, Zach's had a tough time. He's got emotional issues. tough time:很常用的一个词语,形容不容易,很困难的时候。Emotional:情绪的 issues:时间,通常是泛制,在DH中经常出现,大家可以留意他每次出现是的用法。 3.Mike: "Still, I don't think he meant to hurt anybody." Mean to do sth:故意做某事,等同于on purpose。Mean有很多种解释,用途很广,今后碰到再做具体解释。 4.Mike: "Actually, Susan fired the gun. Fire the gun:开枪 动词是fire 5.Susan: "Okay, that's because I was wrestling it away from Zach so that he wouldn't shoot you." Wrestle: 与(对手)摔跤 shoot:射击 还解释为打针 6.Julie: "Could we do this later? She's kind of a mess right now." kind of :有点,在美语中经常用到,还有个意思像近的词sort of。mess:混乱,脏乱,也是个很常用的口语,还有个词组mess up可以解释为搞糟, 陷入困境,相信考过TOEFL的朋友对这个词很熟悉,在TOEFL的听力考试中出现频率很高,经常是抱怨男人的寝室脏乱差。它的形容词是messy。大家可以参照这句话“Lynette: "Aah! No! No! No, nobody touches Mommy, okay? I love you, I love your finger painting, but if you touch me with those messy hands, I will cut them off."” 7.Mike: "No, I'm telling you. Susan really flew off the handle when she jumped the kid." Officer Romslo: "So you're saying this was more of a domestic squabble?" Mike: "Definitely, yeah. Are we required to press charges?" Officer Romslo: "Well, you're not really required, but it's something you should really consider when a handgun is involved."flew off the handle:勃然大怒 a domestic squabble:家庭争论 这里的charge是上诉,控诉的意思。Be involved:被涉及其中,常用词组,可以是人,也可以是物。这里稍微谈一下美国的司法,警察只是负责到抓捕犯人,抓回去后,有个专门机构,针对嫌疑犯的犯罪程度提起控诉,根据刑事案件的大小上交不同的法院。如果Zach被起诉由于他还未满18岁,会被送到当地的青少年法院进行诉讼。 8. John: "I made yours with seltzer." Seltzer:=Seltzer water塞尔查水(一种德国矿泉水) 9.Gabrielle: "Do you have any idea what you've done? That little stunt you pulled yesterday in the courtroom could get Carlos sent away for eight years!" stunt:作惊人表演(是指John在法庭上悄悄得对Carlos说的那泛话,使得Carlos在法庭上大发雷霆。)courtroom:法庭 10.Tom: "It's my job to clean that up now, so it's my call, right?" it’s my call:不是“这是我的电话的意思”而是“我说了算” 11.Lynette: "Oh, I have a thousand things to do before that. Borrow a decent scarf from Bree, buy a lipstick I don't hate." A thousand things to do :用了个夸张的手法,老外说话经常会有些夸张的数字来做形容。就象“A thousand thanks”万分感谢一样,我曾看到给我EMAIL希望传给他们第一季的笔记那些美剧爱好者,都会恢复我时用这句话。美语就是要活学活用。 12.Tom: "You are experienced. You are brilliant. You are going to nail this job interview, okay?" nail:原意是将...钉牢的意思,引申的意思就是认为Lynette会轻而易举的搞定这份工作。 13.Nina: "It appears there's a seven-year gap since your last position. What, did you take some time off?" gap:沟,这里是指7年的时间,我们常说到的代沟就是Generation gap。Take some time off:这里可以理解为休假的意思。 14.Lynette: "Yeah, of course, they won't get in the way of the job because my husband's staying home with them from now on." Nina: "I knew I could never do both jobs justice. That's why I chose not to have a family. I didn't want to be one of those kind of women. You know, sloughing things off onto coworkers because of a pediatrician appointment or a dance recital. I get really neurotic about putting people out." get in the way:妨碍 slough:使陷入困境中 pediatrician:儿科医生 recital:独奏会, 独唱会 neurotic:神经质的 put people out:这里是解雇某人,辞退某人的意思。 15.Phyllis: "Oh, yes, I kept everything. Look here. I even kept the dirty magazine that he hid under his mattress. He didn't think I knew about it, but I did." dirty magazine:就是playboy那种杂志,dirty:卑鄙的, 下流的,dirty words 粗俗,底下的,不雅的语言。 16.Carlos: "I want a paternity test." Paternity test:亲子鉴定 17.Bree: "Anyway, I'm afraid that my visit has an ulterior motive. The organist at our church is on vacation, and Edie Britt mentioned that you used to be a concert pianist, and - " ulterior motive: 秘而不宣的动机 organist: 风琴弹奏者 18.Bree: "Thank you. That's just a huge weight off my shoulders. Oh, these are for you." Betty: "How sweet. Bree, we widows have to stick together." huge weight off my shoulders:字面上的解释就是肩上的胆子一下子送了下来。 19.Betty: "Oh, sweetie. I know you meant well. But in the future, you leave the cleverness to me."这里又出现了mean这个词,这里是解释你的本意,你的目的是好的。 20.Woman: "I just found out the clinic screwed up and gave me an egg that belonged to some lesbian. It was supposed to implanted in her lover, and now my husband's freaking out because he thinks that our baby's gonna be gay!" screwed up:搞杂,搞错了 egg:卵子 lesbian:女同性恋者 implant:这里是植入的意思 freak out:发疯,抓狂 这个女人的理论蛮有意思的,错误的把一个女同性恋的卵子植入自己的体内,丈夫居然认为将来他们生出来的小孩也可能是同性恋,呵呵,我不是学医的,但我觉得不可能。 21.Reverend: "Obviously, I've known Rex for years, but when it comes to writing a eulogy, I like as much input from the family as possible." Eulogy:悼词 22.Bree: "I am not kidding. I will go nondenominational so fast, it will make your head spin." Nondenominational:不限于一宗教宗派的, 与宗教宗派无关的 23.Lynette: "Tom, being a mom is like being an E.R. doctor. There are no days off, so get up! Get up!" E.R: emergency room:急诊室 days off:休息 24.这季没有Mary Alice的结束语言,但我觉得Susan 的话很有道理,所以做为结束语。 Susan: "No, not really. I mean, what do we actually know about our neighbors? I mean, we can tell if they keep their lawns nice or they take their trash cans in, but when they do those things, we stop asking questions 'cause if people are good neighbors..." Bree: "...we don't really care what happens behind closed doors." Desperate Housewives 202 - You Could Drive a Person Crazy 1.Susan: "I live on this street. Your daughter lives on this street. I will not have you flaunting your sexcapades in front of us." Flaunt:招摇, 炫耀 sexcapade:<口> 性胡闹,越轨的性行为 2.Danny: "You're a month behind in your payments." Susan: "I'll take care of it, I promise." Danny: "My dad says, if you read something and don't pay for it, that's the same as stealing." Dabby跟Susan说她已经有一个月没有付给他送报纸的钱了,这里用的句子很好,他用了“behind”很简单的几个词语就把一句话的意思表达出来了,换了我们,或许会用很多词语。大家可以自己体会下,希望在日常的口语中可以运用。 3.Tom: "Oh, hey, honey, um, just stick that anywhere. I'll take care of it." Lynette: "Wow. It's really pilin' up." Stick:原意是粘住, 粘贴,这里的意思是“放,阁在那边” pile up:堆积, 积累 4.Phyllis: "I told you when we left the house that I needed to eat. I have low blood sugar. Do you wanna see me keel over?" keel over:倾覆, 翻身,这里是晕倒的意思。 5.Gabrielle: "Do you know how long it takes me to schlep out here to this hellhole?" schlep:携带, 搬运 hellhole:非常令人不舒服的场所 6.Julie: "Because I knew you'd wig out. Besides, haven't you always told me to respect people's privacy?" wig out:使激动 7.Susan: "No! I have not even begun ripping into Edie Britt yet. Oh, that peroxide vulture! I just know as sure as I am standing here that she went after your father just to tick me off." Peroxide:过氧化物 vulture:贪婪的人 go after :追求 take sb off:使某人恼怒 8.Mike: "Where are we now?" 这里不是MIKE在问“我们在哪里,什么地方的意思”而是感情中,人们常会问“我们两现是处什么阶段了?经过JACK的事情后,SUSAN对MIKE的感情有所变化了,让MIKE觉得SUSAN在刻意的躲避他。所以问了SUSAN这句话。 9.Susan: "So, I'm thinking we should keep it casual." keep it casual:顺其自然 10.Bree: "For God sakes, Phyllis, don't you ever worry about dehydration?" dehydration:脱水 11.Bree: "So am I, but no one would ever know it with your incessant caterwauling." Incessant:不断的 caterwauling:哀诉声,抱怨声 12.Bree: "That darn insurance company is dragging its heels on paying Rex's policy, and I don't understand why." Phyllis: "Well, he died unexpectedly. And that brings up a lot of questions. It's probably easier when people are just diseased. BREE正在为REX的死亡保险为什么还有兑现的问题发愁,因为通常情况下,死亡保险是很复杂的,是死于疾病,还是死于他杀,保险公司都要查清楚的,因为有些人就是钻了这里面的空子可以发一笔财。 13.Carlos: "Listen to me, you're gonna go back there, you're gonna put that money in Rita's hands, and you're gonna convince her that life is not worth living unless she has jugs the size of Texas. Do I make myself clear?" Do I make myself clear?“我是不是把自己表达的很清楚了?”就是“你听清楚了么?”老美都是这么说的,大家可以学习一下。 14.Gabrielle: "I just realized Rita and I have a lot in common." in common:有很多相同的地方。common sense.:常识 15.Carlos: "Gabrielle, the morphine's wearing off. I really don't have time for these games." Wear off:失效,CARLOS打了麻药,他的意思是麻药快失效了。 16.Susan: "Well, etiquette is a lost art for a lot of people." Etiquette:礼节 17.Bree: "I'm, uh, I'm going to see Rex's lawyer. We're going to go over some details involving Rex's will. Phyllis, obviously, I'm just mortified over slapping you. I, I've just been in a weird place since Rex's death, but, that's no excuse. I'm very, very sorry." Will这里是遗嘱的意思。 18.结束语:Mary Alice Voiceover:"Control.It's extraordinary the tactics people employ to obtain it.Some rely on deception.While others engage in outright trickery.Then there are those who resort to extortion。 Why do we fight so hard for control?Because we know to lose it is to put our fate in the hands of others. And what could be more dangerous?" Desperate Housewives Episode 02.03 - You'll Never Get Away From Me 1.Susan: "It's Karl's weekend to have Julie, and they're always back by six. That's our custody agreement, back by six, and it's after six." Custody:保管,这里是指JULIE的周末和谁一起过。SUSAN和KARL离婚后,JULIE可以选择周末和谁一起度过,这周正巧是JULIE和KARL一起过。大家好6点之前JULIE要回家的,现在都6点15分了,JULIE还没有回家,SUSAN有点担心了。 2.Susan: "But he's with Edie. I mean, she's not exactly the maternal type. I wouldn't be a good mother if I wasn't concerned. I mean, who knows what passes for a kid-friendly, good time in there? Drugs? Porn? Smoking?" maternal:母性的,但SUSAN认为EDIE完全不符合,还记得第一季中SUSAN说EDIE是肉食动物么。呵呵。所以SUSAN自然而然联想出毒品,色情,吸烟等 3.Mike: "Doesn't sound like they're having an orgy in there." Orgy:纵酒狂欢, 放荡 4.Lynette: "Yeah, well, honey, I have to work. Mommy's boss is a mean, mean lady and if I miss work, I'll lose my job and then we won't have any money to buy food. Honey, you gotta believe me, if I could be there, you know that I would." 这里又出现mean这个单词了,和第一集中不同,这里解释“小气,吝啬”的意思,LYNETTE说自己的BOSS很小气,如果她不去上班会被解雇的,没工作了就没有钱,没钱就不可以买任何吃的东西了。 5.Tom: "Wow, I don't want to rain on your parade, but he just totally manipulated you." rain on your parade:游行时下雨(扫兴,浇冷水) manipulate:操控 6.Bree: "An autopsy? Detective, Rex died of a heart attack." Autopsy:(为查明死因而做的)尸体解剖, 验尸 7.Gabrielle: "Yeah, and husbands remember anniversaries, so I guess we're even." Anniversary:周年纪念 even:这里是撤平 we’re even:我们撤平 8.Julie: "I'm singing at church for the family follies. Edie's going to accompany me on guitar. She's really good." Folly: 轻松歌舞剧 accompany:陪伴,陪同的意思。On guitar:中学时就说过了,乐器前介词用ON 9.Bree: "I would like to submit myself to a lie detector test to eliminate any uncertainty about what happened with my husband." Detective: "Are you sure you don't want a lawyer present?" lie detector test:测谎测试 侦探问的那句话是“你确认不需要律师在现场么?”在美国做这种测谎试验一般都需要律师在场,启到公证的作用。 10.结束语Mary Alice Voiceover:"Everyone enjoys a game of make-believe now and then. Of course, the ways in which we play can vary greatly.Sometimes, we imagine certain relationships to be more meaningful than they really are.Occasionally, we put on a show, as if to convince ourselves our secrets aren't really all that terrible.Yes, the game of make-believe is a simple one.And if you can get others to believe those lies, you win." Desperate Housewives Episode 02.04 - My Heart Belongs to Daddy 1. Gabrielle: "I don't think a conjugal visit is such a ridiculous request." Conjugal:结婚的, 夫妇间的 2. Mr. Doyle: "I am trying to get your husband out of jail. You want me to just stop everything so you can have a booty call?" booty call:曾经看过Jamie Foxx演的booty call ,当时就没明白什么叫booty call,去了一个非常好的词汇俚语网站,www.urbandictionary.com 终于查到它的意思了。有很多: a. (noun)a phonecall,page,or conversation aimed at getting into your pants.Not an invite to a movie or dinner, not just coffee, not a casual or formal get-together, just a plain old-fashioned "let's fuck" b. A call for sex. c. Calling someone up to come over and get hanky panky and dirrrrty. d. (noun) 1) a phone call placed in order to engage in sexual activity;2) a visit resulting from such a call e. A late night summons-often made via telephone-to arrange clandestine sexual liasions on an ad hoc basis. f. A phone call made, normally after 9 p.m., in order to get some BOOTY! Girl, that fool called me after 11 p.m., if he thought he was going to get some he was sadly mistaken, I don't do booty calls boo! 等等 3.Gabrielle: "Carlos, will you calm down?" Carlos: "You incited a prison riot!" Gabrielle: "It wasn't a riot. It was more of a melee." calm down:冷静 prison riot:监狱暴动,骚乱。 Melee:搏斗,混战 4.Gabrielle: "Yeah, but when we would finish arguing, we had this great sex! Now all we do is fight and there's no payoff and it sucks! You and I need to get laid!" get laid:To get laid means to have sex 5.Andrew: "You're so transparent, it's pathetic. You're worried about a ripped T-shirt humiliating this family? Wait 'till people see that you're dating the town nerd less than a month after your husband's funeral." Transparent:透明的,这里是看穿的意思。Pathetic:可怜的, 悲惨的 nerd:讨厌看到的人。 6.Susan: "You know, Edie, could you just back off? I mean the truth is we're probably never gonna find Zach, anyway. It's a needle in a haystack." back off:后退,这里是离我远点的意思。a needle in a haystack:haystack是干草堆的意思,字面上的意思就是在干草堆里找寻针,就是我们所说的大海捞针,机会很渺茫。 7.David: "You're privileged. You're pampered. You're spoiled. You want what you want, when you want it. You want excitement. A quickie every five months in a prison trailer isn't gonna scratch that itch." Privilege:特别待遇 pamper:纵容 You want what you want, when you want it:这句话读起来蛮有意思的,可以好好练练你的舌头。随心所欲的意思。 8.Gabrielle: "Are you hitting on me?" 这句话很常用,就是问“你在与我调情么?你在挑逗我的意思么” 9.David: "I charge seven hundred dollars an hour plus Xeroxing." Charge:这里是指收费 David是一个小时700刀,真赚啊?难怪美国做律师的人那么多。 Xerox:其实是一个复印机的牌子,就是施乐复印机,他的意思是这700刀/小时,不包括用的纸张打印费用。 10.Mike: "At homeless shelters and bus stations? I'm gonna go ask these guys if they've seen Zach. I think we'll cover more ground if we split up." homeless shelters:无家可归人去的避难所 split up:原意是分裂,这里是指把他们手中的寻人启示的传单多分发出去。 11.结束语Mary Alice Voiceover:"The world is filled with good fathers. How do we recognize them? They're the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence.They're the ones who love us, long before we've even arrived.They're the ones who come looking for us when we can't find our way home.Yes, the world is filled with good fathers. And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives feel like good mothers." Desperate Housewives Episode 02.05 - They Asked Me Why I Believe In You 1.Mary Alice Voiceover:"To help relieve her tension, Lynette tried giving her boss thoughtful gifts. A soothing wave machine,Aromatherapy candles,Even meditative Chi balls." wave machine:游泳池中的造波机 Aromatherapy:用香料按摩 meditative:沉思的 Chi balls:太级球,老年人一直拿在手中转的那种球。 2.Nina: "You folks are going to toddle back to your little holes and you are gonna come up with a decent slogan or I will can all your asses the old-fashioned way!" folk:人们,民族的这里可以理解为你们这群人 toddle: 东倒西歪地走, 蹒跚学步 come up with:想出,提出 slogan:标语,这里就是广告语 3.Susan: "Really? 'Cause it sorta sounds like embezzlement." Embezzlement:盗用 4.Gabrielle: "Yeah? Well, if you don't mind the hemorrhoids and the nausea, it's quite the party." Hemorrhoid:痔疮 nausea:呕吐 5.Bree: "He is not a corpse. He is a man named Rex Van de Kamp. He was a loving husband, a devoted father, and a successful doctor. So successful, in fact, that he left me enough money to sue the city, this precinct, and you two gentlemen personally just for the fun of it." Corpse:尸体 sue:控告 precinct:区域 看到论坛上有网友在讨论,BREE的钱是哪里来的,现在应该很清楚,是REX留给他的。DH中的人物可以算是中产阶级,离开城市,住在郊区的人来说都是比较有经济实力的。更何况REX身前是做医生,医生在北美至今任是一份很好的职业,收入很高,早些年去美国的中国人,很多都是从事医生这一行业,后来才慢慢变成IT等职业。目前在北美最好移民的也是医疗工作的岗位,象护士什么的还是很缺少人手的。 6.Lynette: "Pals? 'Cause sometimes it's hard to tell. You know I wasn't feeling the love today when you mocked my campaign in front of the clients." Pal:口语中朋友的意思。Mock:嘲笑 7.Carlos: "Exactly. I'd prefer an attorney you didn't find so damn appealing." Attorney:律师 appealing:有吸引人的意思,这里Carlos的意识是那个律师长得太帅了。 8.Carlos: "Thousands of fat, bald attorneys out there in the world and she's gotta get the one that looks like an underwear model." 这里我们可以看到Carlos对当今美国律师形象的描述,呵呵,好象蛮有道理,电视剧中看到的律师也大多是那种矮胖,秃头的样子,但肯定也有比较帅的。 9.David: "I'll play it by ear. I don't want to sound to over rehearsed." Play it by ear: 随机应变,见机行事 10.结束语Mary Alice Voiceover:"Everyone in the world needs someone they can depend on.Be they faithful friends...determined advocates...or a loving family. But occasionally in life, the people we thought would always be there for us-leave. And if that happens-it's amazing the lengths we'll go to, to get them back." Desperate Housewives Episode 02.06 - I Wish I Could Forget You 1.Dr. Goldfine: "Bree, have you considered the idea that your subconscious mind was trying to sabotage your evening with George?" sabotage:破坏 2.Dr. Goldfine: "You say you got a case of hives for no reason. I think there is a reason and it's probably a psychosomatic one." Psychosomatic:受心理影响的, 精神身体相关的 3.David: "What the hell is this? I thought I told you to dress maternal." Gabrielle: "Yes, you did, and I considered it for about a second." David: "What happened?" Gabrielle: "David, I know you're the lawyer and all, but trust me, it's never a smart strategy to cover this up." David: "We've got forty minutes before the pre-trial hearing. Let's go home and get you changed." Gabrielle: "What?" David: "You want to get your husband out of jail? You gotta dress like a pregnant, suffering wife, not the cover of Vogue." 这段是Gaby和David出庭前的一段对话。Maternal:母亲的,母性的。为了让Carlos出狱,David希望Gaby在出庭的时候穿着的简朴些,最好是象家庭主妇一样。看来美国人也是会judge people by appearance.但似乎Gaby没有理解到David的用意,穿的象去参加晚宴,不过Gaby的身材在DH中确实够HOT的,难怪David会说她穿的象Vouge里面的人。Vouge是一本知名的世上杂志,女生应该都知道吧。 4.David: "Louis, this is your problem. You're creepy! Nobody likes you. What you call a conversation the rest of us call harassment. You want a friend? Get a hamster!" creepy:爬行的, 匍匐的,这里可以理解为古怪的人。Harassment:折磨 hamster:一种老鼠。 5.Security Guard: "Freeze!" Freeze在美语中很常用,当然是警察用的最多,意识是站住,不要动。 6.Nina: "I'm flattered, really. I mean, who knew that you cared so much about what I think?" Lynette: "I don't follow you." “I don’t follow you”不是我没跟上你,而是我不明白你的意思。很常用的口语。 Desperate Housewives Episode 02.07 - Color and Light 1.Susan: "Oh, Gabby, I didn't know you got a sonogram. Let me see. Oh!" sonogram:an image produced by ultrasound 这里是指Gaby’s baby的图片 2. Edie: "Susan. Why are you so eerily calm? Mike Delfino just dumped you. The Susan Mayer I know would be a blubbering mess right now. Oh, come on, trot her on out. She's fun to watch." Sb dumped sb :某人把某人甩了(通常指男女关系)blubber:又哭又闹 3.Mike: "Susan, it's over. On every level. Okay, I've, I've moved on. You should do the same." MIKE的这句话很常用尤其是在分手后,一方又去找另一方的时候。Move on :可以理解为,我已经从这段感情中脱离出来了,继续我的生活,不会因为这件事再想不通或者困惑。 4.George: "And this is Ceal, my mother's friend and the real estate agent who sold me the house." real estate:房地产 5.Karl: "I'm sorry to come over on such short notice. But, I couldn't face going to a hotel." KARL是因为突然来访,向SUSAN表示抱歉。在北美,尤其是美国,如果你要去访问人家,去之前一定要向对方打个电话,告诉他们你会去,并且要说清楚时间。说是几点,就要准时到,早到的话,你就先在门口站一会儿,到你们约好的时间再进去,稍微迟到点时间是没有关系的。 6.Lynette: "I need these play dates. Tom, we need these play dates." Play dates在这一集开始的时候也出现过,在美国这些活动普遍存在,就是双休日,邻居可以轮流照看孩子,有一家或者二家人照看,周围邻居都可以把自己的孩子带来,然后把孩子留下,夫妻两可以出去享受二人世界。下一周,就轮到他们一家来照看。 7.Stan: "She's a knockout, George. Guess I owe you an apology." Knockout:<美俚> 引人注目,杰出的,迷人的 8.结束语Mary Alice Voiceover:"But in truth, they can capture so much more.They can uncover hidden longing of men who should no longer care.They can reveal the extraordinary secrets of the most ordinary marriages.Most amazing of all, cameras can quietly and clearly reveal to us our dreams. Dreams we didn't even know we had." Desperate Housewives Episode 02.08 - The Sun Won't Set 1.Gabrielle: "That sounds so nice. It's just I'm booked solid today. My head's gonna explode. Can I take a rain check?" rain check:是指留到下一次吧。本来是指由于下雨天或其他原因而被延误或者推迟的球赛,但观众已经买了票子,退又不方便,所以下次来看的话也一样有效,在TOEFL的听力中经常出现。 2.Lynette: "Give me a break. You know our kids. I love them dearly, but that goes in one ear and out the other." Goes in one ear and out the other,字面上就知道是“一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出”的意思。 3.Susan: "Are you saying that I'm the result of my mother having a one-night stand?" one night stand:一夜情 4.Bree: "I'm sorry to drop by unannounced, but I just had this disturbing visit from an old friend of yours. A Leila Mitzman." 前面说到拜访他人的时候要提前通知对方,但由于某种重要的或者特殊原因不能提前通知他人就立马来到
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