

2017-09-30 12页 doc 38KB 405阅读




幼儿园教师培训主持词幼儿园教师培训主持词 如何提升幼儿园教师教学技能 树人教育培训中心 肖朋娟 各位亲爱的、优秀的园长老师们,大家上午好,(回应:好,很好,非常好~)谢谢大家~我是树人教育培训中心的肖朋娟,很高兴在这个周日和大家见面,又是一个让人充电的星期天,非常感谢大家参加我们树人教育集团举办的《如何提升幼儿园教师教学技能》课程培训活动,在此对各位园长和老师的到来表示热烈的欢迎以及衷心的感谢~刚才这个好、很好、非常好不仅是在回应我,更是在激励我们自己,不管是生活还是事业,我们大家都希望自己能够好、很好、非常好,现在我就代表树人教育集团祝响...
幼儿园教师主持词 如何提升幼儿园教师教学技能 树人教育培训中心 肖朋娟 各位亲爱的、优秀的园长老师们,大家上午好,(回应:好,很好,非常好~)谢谢大家~我是树人教育培训中心的肖朋娟,很高兴在这个周日和大家见面,又是一个让人充电的星期天,非常感谢大家参加我们树人教育集团举办的《如何提升幼儿园教师教学技能》课程培训活动,在此对各位园长和老师的到来表示热烈的欢迎以及衷心的感谢~刚才这个好、很好、非常好不仅是在回应我,更是在激励我们自己,不管是生活还是事业,我们大家都希望自己能够好、很好、非常好,现在我就代表树人教育集团祝响起热烈掌声的优秀园长和老师们生活和事业都好、很好、非常好~谢谢大家~不知道我的激情有没有感染到在座的各位园长和老师~来吧,各位亲爱的园长老师们再一次释放你的激情吧,亲爱的各位园长、老师大家上午好~(回应,好、很好、非常好)谢谢大家的回应,相信你的事业和生活会越来越好,你的人生会越来越精彩~ 每次看到真么多人聚到一起,我就觉得心理暖暖的,非常感谢大家对树人教育集团的支持和信任,谢谢大家~亲爱的园长、老师们,看看你身边的人,可能有的人是,可能有的不认识,但是因为同一个目的我们聚在了这里,这就是缘分啊~现在给大家一分钟的时间带着你美丽的笑容,与你前后左右的朋友击一下掌,并说一句“你好,你很棒”,现在开始。 好,时间到~各位优秀的园长老师们,你们击掌了吗,微笑了吗,认识了吗,很好,一分钟的认识之后,我们成为了好朋友,那我们就要用好朋友的方式来问好,我说:上午好,你们回应:好、很好、非常好~准备好了吗,亲爱的各位园长各位老师,大家上午好~谢谢大家~ 为了更直接、有效地提升教师的综合素质和教育教学水平,广开思路、促进交流,帮助幼儿园解决困扰教师的一些热点、难点问,使教师领悟幼儿教育的深刻内涵,从而促进幼儿教师团队专业化发展,达到学习新理论、探索新方法,研究新策略,促进新发展的connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 目的。我们树人教育服务中心举办了本次“如何提升幼儿园教师教学技能”课程培训活动,接下来我来跟大家说一下我们今天一天的活动安排: 上午 8:30——9:00 签到、领资料、入场 9:10——9:40 幼儿园课程观摩(一) 《语言—猜猜我有多爱你》张钰辉 9:50——10:20 幼儿园课程观摩(二) 《科学—好玩的水》赵旭娟 10: 30——12:00 五大领域课程(李胜蕊) 中午 12:00——12:40 午餐时间 12:40——1:10 参观隆尧县实验幼儿园幼儿园 下午 1:10——1:40 幼儿园课程观摩(三) 小班数学活动《4以内按数取物》靳彦彦 1:50——2:20 幼儿园课程观摩(四) 大班拼音《b与前鼻韵母相拼》武晓茹 2:30——4:10 常规拼音和数学(魏彦召) 4:10——4:30 交流、散会、离场 以上就是我们今天一天的活动安排,如有改动,我会及时通知大家。 没有规矩不成方圆,经常参加我们树人教育集团活动的园长和老师们对于我们的规则一定已经非常了解了,但是每次活动都会有新的朋友加入,所以我还是要向大家再次说明我们活动规则:今天的活动按座位分组,每组都要有队长、队名、队呼以及一名助教,我们将以组为单位进行活动计分,每组的基础分为100分。活动中会有很多互动的环节,参与一次就会有一次加分的机会。当然有加就有减,在活动过程中随意走动、接听电话、迟到这些现象都视为违规,有违规现象发生,本组的助教会受到相应的惩罚,违规第一次助教做10个小飞机,第二次20个,第三次40个,以此类推2倍续加。所以各位一定要看connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 清你的助教,这一天助教将与你荣辱与共。活动结束后,我们将评出团体第一名,奖品为树人教育服务中心价值50元的课程代金券,本组成员每人一张。 现在进入第一次加分活动,请大家以最快的速度为您所在的小组选队长、起队名、创队呼,并将队名、队呼、队长及队员的名称写到桌子上的白纸上,完成之后由各组助教交到我的手上,然后大声喊出你们的队名和队呼,我收到的第一队加50分,第二队45分,第三队40分,以此类推。各组队员请准备,现在开始。 第一次加分活动之后,我们今天的课程培训也就正式开始了,今天上午的课程以五大领域为主,第一节课是大班语言课《猜猜我有多爱你》,授课人是树人总园的张钰辉老师,接下来让我们用热烈的掌声有请张老师和她的小朋友们闪亮登场~ (教师说课) 当你很爱、很爱一个人的时候,也许,你会想把这种感觉描述出来。但,就像小兔子和大兔子发现到的:爱,不是一件容易衡量的东西。再次用掌声感谢张老师带来的课程展示。接下来是一节科学课《好玩的水》,授课人是树人总园的赵旭娟老师,掌声请出赵老师和她的小朋友们~ (教师说课)在这一活动中,我想大家应该能得到一些启示:在日常生活中,老师要善于观察,善于捕捉教育契机,从孩子感兴趣的事情着手,一杯水就能玩出很多的发现~让我们再次用掌声感谢赵老师~ 以上就是我们今天上午的两节优质课,我们中场休息10分钟(看时间,提醒入场时间) 各位亲爱的、优秀的园长老师们,大家上午好~(回应:好、很好、非常好)在我们后半场的课程开始之前,我们现在活动一下,现在有请我们的美女助教上场,和大家一起跳起我们的园操《树人,我们共同的家》,舞蹈结束,数人数,加分~ 非常感谢各位优秀的园长和老师们,请就坐~幼儿园教育的内容是广泛的、启蒙性的,可按照幼儿学习活动的范畴相对划分为健康、社会、科学、语言、艺术等五个方面,还可connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 按其它方式作不同的划分。各方面的内容都应发展幼儿的知识、技能、能力、情感态等,在《纲要》和《指南》的影响下,多数幼儿园的课程都以五大领域为主,但是五大领域课程具体应该怎样去实施,是我们一线老师面临的大问题,下面就有请我们树人教育服务中心的李胜蕊主任为大家分享《幼儿园五大领域课程实施》,掌声欢迎~ 再次把热烈的掌声送给我们的李老师,谢谢~以上就是我们今天上午的课程,现在我来公布一下上午各组的得分情况(有违规罚,没有违规只报分数)。亲爱的各位园长、各位老师,今天上午的课程到这里就结束了,各组助教负责各组的用餐,12:40由我们各组的助教带领大家参观我们的县实验幼儿园,参观时间为半小时,1:10下午活动准时开始~现在请各组的助教、队长和一名队员到食堂领餐,祝大家用餐愉快~ 亲爱的各位园长、各位老师,大家下午好~(好、很好、非常好),中午吃饱了吗,吃饱了等会就有力气参观我们的县实验幼儿园了。(介绍县实验幼儿园)在星期二我们县实验幼儿园刚刚接受了省领导的督导检查,所以环境布置上做了很大的改变,现在请我们各组助教带领本组队员进行参观,也请各位园长和老师积极配合我们的工作,有什么问题可以直接向助教提出,也可以在休息时间与魏园长惊醒交流,在您参观过后,也请您留下您的宝贵意见和建议~(看时间,1:10准时集合,分组进行参观)。 各位亲爱的、优秀的园长、老师们,大家下午好~不知道我们的县实验幼儿园是不是给您带来了一些不一样的感受~时间有限我就不让大家分享了~来,现在转身看看你们组的美女助教,她们已经默默的陪我们度过了半天的培训,但是,你是否了解她,哪怕只是她的名字,你们知道吗,现在有请我们的美女助教团起立,依次来做个自我推销~ 再次将掌声送给我们的美女助教团~下午的课程马上就要开始了,下午的课程主要内容是《幼儿园常规拼音和数学》,今天上午李老师也说到了,现在很多幼儿园课程都以五大领域为主,但是地处农村的我们,有着不易更改的地域特点,因此《幼儿园常规拼音和数学》也成为很多家长所关注的课程之一。今天下午课程的主要内容就是《幼儿园常规拼音和数学》,首先我们来看两节观摩课,第一节是常规数学课,授课人是隆尧县实验幼儿connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 园的靳彦彦老师,掌声欢迎靳老师和她的小朋友们~ (教师说课) 非常精彩的一节常规拼音课,这节课对大家应该会有一点启发~好,接下来是一节《幼儿园常规拼音课》,授课人是县实验幼儿园的武晓茹老师,掌声有请武老师和她的小朋友们! (教师说课) 再次感谢靳老师为我们带来的数学课,以上就是我们今天下午的两节展示课。(看时间,中场休息10分钟,报入场时间)。 亲爱的各位园长和老师们,大家下午好~(回应:好、很好、非常好)。坐了一个多小时了,一直在很认真的听课,记笔记,脸上就这一个表情,接下来我们来玩个游戏,放松一下大家的心情。(找人,宣布游戏名称及规则)(游戏结束,各组加分) 再次感谢参与游戏的各位老师,给我们带来了这么多的欢乐~刚才我们两节课,接下来由我们隆尧县实验幼儿园的园长魏彦召在为大家做详细的分析,让大家对《幼儿园常规拼音和数学》有更深入的认识,接下来就让我们把剩下的宝贵时间留给最宝贵的魏园长,掌声有请~ 再一次感谢魏园长~以上就是我们今天所有的课程,今天一天的课程安排的比较紧凑,理论与实践的结合就是为了更好地提高幼儿园教学质量,以质量求生存,已经成为现今幼儿教育发展的趋向。因此,我们应遵循幼儿身心发展特点和教育规律,围绕促进幼儿全面发展的目标,不断探索、创新,为孩子的美好人生奠定良好的基础~ 接下来,激动人心的时刻到了,现在我要来公布各组的最后分数,大家紧张吗,激动吗,究竟谁是我们今天的赢家,我们现在就来揭晓~ 下面请获得第一名的团队上前,有请树人教育集团董事长侯恩芳女士为他们颁发奖品,本次奖品是树人教育集团价值50元的课程代金券一张。恭喜各位园长和各位老师,非常期待你们拿着代金券来参加我们下一次的课程培训。 connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 亲爱的各位园长、各位老师,请大家收拾好自己的物品,准备合影留念~ 亲爱的各位园长、各位老师,树人教育集团《如何提升幼儿园教师教学技能》课程培 训活动到此结束,再次感谢各位园长及老师的到来,树人教育集团期待您的在到来,在此 我祝愿大家:幼儿园越办越好,路越走越宽~祝大家一路顺风,天天开心~亲爱的园长老 师,让我们下次培训再见~ connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation
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