

2017-09-30 16页 doc 48KB 26阅读




二岁孩子的叛逆期二岁孩子的叛逆期 合理的要求还是要尽量满足她。不合理的要注意方法来拒绝她,两岁是人生第一个反抗期的开始(第二个是青春叛逆期,还有六岁左右有个中间反抗期),使用合理的教育方式可以帮孩子顺利地渡过这个难缠期。 两岁反抗期{指一岁多到三岁多的孩子}尽管是正常的,但是如何对待却不可轻忽。这个阶段,如果发展得好,孩子可以逐渐成长为一个既自主又懂得遵守规则的幼儿,如果发展得不好,则可能变得娇纵任性,或者过分顺从、退缩,没有主见。 好象还是昨天,你的孩子还是那个襁褓中的乖宝宝,除了吃吃睡睡还什么都不会,转眼之间,他不仅会挣脱你的手去做你不...
二岁孩子的叛逆期 合理的要求还是要尽量满足她。不合理的要注意方法来拒绝她,两岁是人生第一个反抗期的开始(第二个是青春叛逆期,还有六岁左右有个中间反抗期),使用合理的教育方式可以帮孩子顺利地渡过这个难缠期。 两岁反抗期{指一岁多到三岁多的孩子}尽管是正常的,但是如何对待却不可轻忽。这个阶段,如果发展得好,孩子可以逐渐成长为一个既自主又懂得遵守规则的幼儿,如果发展得不好,则可能变得娇纵任性,或者过分顺从、退缩,没有主见。 好象还是昨天,你的孩子还是那个襁褓中的乖宝宝,除了吃吃睡睡还什么都不会,转眼之间,他不仅会挣脱你的手去做你不让他做的事,甚至会开始用他极其有限的词汇开始和你顶嘴~甚至他在公开场合的“坐地炮”,更是父母记忆中的噩梦~ 从心理发展的角度来说,孩子的“造反”其实是孩子成长的现。婴儿期的孩子还没有独立的自我意识,不能区分自己和外界,对他来说,自己和母亲是一体的。而到了两岁左右,孩子明确意识到“我”的存在,也意识到“我”是有着自己的想法、愿望,和他人不同。因此,他就需要通过行动体验自己的独立,也证明自己的独立。所以,这一年龄段孩子的反抗是正常的发展阶段,并不是你的孩子特别淘气,也不是你教育孩子的方式特别有问。 一般来说,几乎没有哪个孩子在三岁以前没有闹过,两岁多的孩子每周发脾气一到两次是正常的。而且,越是身体健康、精力充沛、自我意识强的孩子“造反”的程度越强。 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 应对两岁反抗期的实用策略: 兵来将挡 典型场景1:游戏场上拖不走 分明已经在游戏场上玩了一个多小时,已经到了吃饭时间了,“咱们该走了吧,”“不~”又过了5分钟再问:“现在必须回家了,走~”“不~就不~”最后,演变成一场生拉硬拽和号啕大哭。 解析:孩子为什么那么固执 孩子有时显得非常固执,很难让他们遵守成人设定的活动安排。这其实和他们的认知水平有关。这个年龄的孩子没有什么时间观念,不能预期未来,他们是典型的“活在当下”“活在此时此刻”的状态。因此,当他们沉浸在自己喜欢的事情当中时,让他们转换活动往往会遇到强烈的抵抗。 应对:转换活动技巧 要让活动的转换能够顺畅,家长可以使用一些技巧。比如,让他们对即将发生的事有预期,你告知他随后的事情:“我们要回家吃饭了,妈妈让你帮忙拌沙拉好不好,” 另一个技巧就是提前警告。比如,每次转换活动前,都在10分钟、5分钟、1分钟的时候给予警告:“再过……分钟我们就要回家了。”虽然他开始可能不明白几分钟的含义,但如果你每次都这样做,他就会逐渐习惯,并且逐渐有了时间观念。 当然,一旦到了所说的时间,你要能够果断地带孩子走,不拖泥带水。一开始你也许会遭到抵抗,但当孩子习惯后,就会很简单,不会每次离开游戏场都像打仗一样。相反,如果你无法坚持,那么什么技巧都没有用~ 关键词:常规 有没有想过幼儿园老师为什么能够看那么多孩子吗,其中一个重要因素就是幼儿园的每of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 日活动都有相对严格的常规和时间安排,但是在家里,我们往往过分随意,向孩子过多让步,孩子就会觉得没有什么是必须遵守的。如果在家也能比较规律地生活,那么在日常活动上,孩子发脾气的可能就会比较少啦~ 典型场景2:专门挑公开场合给大人难看 在商场,本来是买别的东西,但路过玩具区时,孩子突然看见了一组积木非买不可,而类似的积木你已经买给他了,你说不行,他就开始大哭。周围人投来异样的目光,你没办法,狠狠心,买了这套价格不菲的积木。 解析:孩子为什么会在公开场合大闹 孩子可能在家里发脾气,也可能在公共场合发脾气。也许我们在家里还可以理智处理,但是在别人的目光之下,还要保持理智、维持原则,就有点困难了。一旦孩子发现父母在公共场合很容易让步,他就会学会在公共场合大闹来控制父母。 应对:脸皮要厚,态度要坚决 孩子当众大闹,绝对考验你的心理承受力:他人的目光有幸灾乐祸的,有怀疑你虐待孩子的,有认为孩子粗鲁一定是家长粗鲁的……对待这种目光,最好就是假装没看见。不为他人目光所影响,不因孩子的哭闹和处在公共场合而对你的决定有所变更。如果孩子闹得离谱,最简单的方式就是采取“冷处理”,带孩子离开“事发现场”,把孩子带到一个相对安静和私密的环境,等他闹够了再出来。其实,家长控制孩子行为的手段很多,对于比较严重的发脾气,可以给予适当的惩罚,比如不给他看动画片等,让孩子承担自己行为的后果。 关键词:原则 原则之所以称之为原则,就是因为它of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 应该具有一定的恒常性。坚持原则的好处是:如果你不轻易因为外在的变化而变化,孩子也不会因为换了环境就换一个人。要做到这一点,还需要多个照看者的配合,保证原则可以一以贯之。 有备无患 如何预防孩子发脾气 1( 让孩子的能量找到适当途径发泄。 孩子活跃好动,长时间闷在室内会烦躁,只要天气许可,每天要进行至少一个小时的户外运动,这对孩子的身心健康、能力发展都有益。 2( 充分照顾孩子的生理需求。 孩子饿了、累了、困了,就容易发脾气。尤其是节假日,生活节律会打乱。因此在安排上需要考虑孩子的需要。 3( 少让孩子当“小大人”。 尽量多带孩子去适合孩子的场合,如果必须去成人的场合,要事先为他准备打发时间的物品,如体积不大的玩具,喜欢的书,蜡笔和纸张等,否则,如果他感觉很无聊,就容易通过闹事获得注意。 4( 提前告诉孩子规矩。 如果带他去陌生的场合,最好提前告诉他规则。比如去超市没付钱不能吃购买的食品,去博物馆不能摸展品。这样到了现场,你就比较容易管他,即使他不能遵守也容易纠正,因为事先有约,他自知有错。 5( 教给孩子表达自己的语言。 如果孩子会说“我不高兴”,他就会少一些用跺脚、尖叫和打人来表达自己的不高兴。如果他会说“这是我的,请你给我。”他就会少一些直接去抢东西。你需要教给孩子表达自己的意愿、需要、情绪的语言。 6( 明确主次,抓大放小。 什么该管,什么可不管,要有重点。一般来说,凡涉及孩子和他人的人身安全、健康的事,要坚持原则。但对于没有大碍的事,不妨of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 先放一马。多数时候宽松,但在该严格的地方能够保证“不就是不”,你的教育就可算是成功了。反之,什么都想管,反而会什么都管不住。 7( 身教重于言教,自己保持冷静。 面对孩子的无理取闹,如果你自己也大发脾气,怎么能让孩子学会冷静面对挫折呢,对孩子,最好的方式是“冷处理”。对自己,你也需要给自己着急上火的头脑做一点“冷处理”。 8( 尊重孩子的合理要求。 有时,孩子的所谓“不听话”,不过是正常的要求自主的行为,比如要自己吃饭,自己穿脱衣服。也许他做得太慢,而你正在赶时间,那你需要的是以后想办法调整时间让他可以尝试练习,而不是打击他自己做事的积极性。 9( 关注正面,给予孩子足够的爱。 在多数情况下,孩子是非常可爱的。孩子需要我们的爱,也需要从我们的眼中看到自己是“好”的,是OK的。当孩子有点滴进步时,给予孩子充分鼓励,忽视孩子那些不重要的失误,你和孩子都会感觉更加愉快。 从出生起,孩子就显示出了性格上的差异,有的孩子好哭,哭声高亢;有的孩子哭几声就止;有的孩子哭起来,嘤嘤泣泣,让人生怜……人的确存在着先天的秉性。但要知道,在性格的形成中,后天因素也起着重要作用。 特别是3岁前,是培养宝宝形成良好性格的关键时期。此期基础打得好,孩子长大后就会成为一个豁达、开朗、乐观、随和的人,这对他今后的学习、生活、工作都会有极大的帮助。 “做一个好脾气的小宝宝。”平时要常对孩子说这句话,当孩子使of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 性子时,当孩子哭泣时,当孩子做什么事没成功而发急时,你一定要提醒他,好脾气的小宝宝应该怎样做。其实,大人在做事不成功时也会发急的,但是,急对解决问题并无任何帮助。正确的方法是动脑筋,找到解决问题的办法。对孩子,我们可以提示他正确的方法,并且可以示范或暗助,让孩子知道,急躁是没用的,想办法才能做成功。 孩子也会有不顺心的时候,如果孩子哭闹,我们应该找找孩子哭的原因,因为孩子是不会无缘无故地闹的。找到原因后,对孩子提出的合理的要求要给予满足,对孩子的不合理的要求要跟他讲明为什么不行。父母在讲清不行后,就一定要态度坚决,使孩子知道,闹是没用的。当然,态度坚决不是说态度生硬。有些家长,对孩子的态度是随自己的情绪而时常变化的,今天心情好,孩子的任何要求都答应;明天心情不好,孩子并没有怎么着,就对孩子一通呵斥。这样做的结果,会使孩子性格乖戾。 宝宝在两岁之后,自我意识会有很大的发展,他有了自己的看法,有了自己的主张。如果父母对孩子的主张强行压制,孩子就可能要“坚持己见”,父母往往会认为孩子变犟了,不听话了。其实孩子犟不犟,与父母的态度关系很大,父母如果总是要摆出绝对权威,不尊重孩子,不给孩子“自主权”,孩子就会心生不服。因此,要学会尊重孩子,听听孩子的想法,加以肯定或诱导,这对孩子性格的发展有很大的影响。 另外,应该注意,孩子对自己的认识,往往与父母对他的评价有of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 关,有些父母在孩子闹了一两次后,就对人说,这孩子,特别犟~他呀,怪脾气,跟他爸(妈)似的。孩子就会想,我是一个犟孩子,我爸爸(妈妈)就是这样,我当然也是这样。 将自己划入犟的行列之中。如果我们说,这孩子性格好,从来不胡闹,孩子也会自己约束自己“不胡闹”的。角色定位作用,对孩子的影响作用很大,所以,对孩子要多说赞扬的话,每个孩子都特别看重父母的肯定。 好脾气的小宝宝应该是不固执的,但也不是没主见的。让宝宝“发表意见”,认真听宝宝的想法并加以实施,孩子就会有主见。 好脾气,应表现在能与人友好相处上。在孩子与小朋友交往中,如果发生争执,父母要注意不能过分偏袒自己的孩子,应该帮助他学会协调、学会谦让,也学会正确地维护自己的利益。有一天,我看到一个孩子在哭,另一个女孩在哄他,旁边站了几个小朋友。我过去问了一下,得知那孩子之所以哭,是因为别的孩子不同她玩了。而那个哄她的孩子平时跟她最好,所以看到她哭就哄她。这说明,孩子们已经自己解决了问题。但正在这时候,那位哭的女孩的母亲来了,质问道:“谁弄哭静静了,”有孩子说:“王珊不跟她玩了,她就哭了。”那位母亲转而对着哄她孩子的小姑娘斥道:“你为什么不同她玩,我们还不同你玩呐~”说着拉着孩子就走了。她身后留下几个撇嘴的孩子。我知道,在短期内,她的孩子不大可能加入小朋友的游戏中,也不大可能获得孩子们的友谊了。所以说,让孩子成为一个好脾气的小宝宝,父母首先要大of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 度、开朗、温和,为孩子做一个好榜样。 两岁左右的孩子开始学习思考问题,开始形成自己处世的观点,并希望按照自己的方式做事。这时,身体和动作的发育使他们可以通过动作表示反抗,抵制自己不喜欢的东西。 虽然,独立是孩子成长过程中重要的一步,但父母不要忘记,两岁左右的孩子还太小,不知道行为的后果,不能预见可能发生的危险。因此,除了保护好孩子的安全外,父母还应教他们学习考虑他人的感受,重要的事情一定得和父母商量。 一、怎样的反抗表现是“正常”的 在孩子独立的过程中,你会遇到以下种种事情: 1、拒绝父母的要求; 2、和父母唱反调; 3、不理睬父母; 4、不要父母搂抱,不和父母亲热; 5、不呆在父母身边,从父母身边跑开。 从孩子一岁开始,这些事情就时有发生,在两岁左右更加频繁和激烈。这是因为他们的语言功能没有发育完善,孩子不能很好地理解父母的意思,因此不能完全执行父母的意思,而且,他们还没有足够的词汇表达自己的感情和需要。所以,在父母会感觉,孩子是和故意他们对着干。 随着年龄的增长,孩子又会变得很“乖”,3-5岁的孩子记忆力增加,思维能力增强,他们通过倾听和使用语言来学习更多的东西,of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 也可以更好地控制自己的情绪和行为。 二、帮助“反抗”幼儿度过反抗期 父母一定要记住:反抗行为是孩子成长过程中的必经阶段。只有通过父母的帮助,孩子才能顺利度过反抗期: 1、情绪紧张的孩子更易反抗 在孩子疲惫和饥饿的时候,就该让他们休息或者吃一些平常喜欢的零食,有助于缓解紧张的情绪,而不是教他学习新东西或做事情。 周围环境的变换也会让孩子紧张,反抗心理加重。比如,当孩子生病时,通常他们的情绪很低落,容易和父母对着干,这时父母应理解孩子,在他生病的时候不妨多宽容他们一些。 2、保护孩子的安全 孩子的危险意识不强,因此,他们会做出一些可能会产生危险后果的行为,发现后,父母应立即制止,然后你要好好地和孩子沟通,让他了解自己行为的后果。比如说,孩子在大街上跑得非常高兴,但可能被车子撞倒。你要告诉他:“妈妈不能让你在大街上跑,因为这里车子很多,如果被车子撞到,会受伤,非常疼。” 3、让孩子学会与人合作 举例告诉孩子,询问与命令产生的效果截然不同,比如“把书拿给我,好吗?”和“把书拿给我!”。还有,告诉孩子做什么而不是不要做什么。 例如你想要孩子小心一点,你可以说“轻轻地拿起那个杯子”,不of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development. 要说“不要把杯子打坏!” 4、父母的要求应合理 对小孩子来说,让他跟小朋友交换玩具比让他无偿地把自己的玩具给小朋友更容易。让孩子用语言表达要求,但不能纵容他的不良习惯。如果你遇到孩子在超市里大吵大闹地要蛋糕,不要因为周围人的目光让他得逞。你可以把他带出来,用平静的语言告诉他:“因为你的表现很差,所以妈妈不能给你买蛋糕。如果你想吃蛋糕应该对妈妈说。”慢慢地孩子就学会用语言表达自己的想法。 5、做好孩子的榜样 父母的行为会直接影响孩子的思想和行为,因此,父母要控制自己的行为,不要让抵触情绪控制自己,特别是在孩子面前。 除此之外,如果孩子确实毫无原因地产生抵抗行为,不要因为觉得烦而控制不了自己的情绪,这样做对孩子、对你自己都是很好的选择。 三、出现问题后怎么办 比如易怒、情绪低落都是孩子不可避免出现的一种状态,但孩子如果长时间处于这种状态就属于不正常的现象了。因此,当发现孩子在成长的过程中的确发生问题时,最好的方法是及时寻求医生和专业人士的帮助,千万不能听之任之。 of the meeting, the county public security organs peace volunteers construction work arrangements. Just propaganda department responsible comrades of our county's early peace volunteers construction activities carried out to make the explanation. Peace volunteers on behalf of Yang Zhaowei made a statement, which for our further understanding the work, how to further improve the next peace volunteers construction work will have a very good inspiration and help. Below, how to carry out the work of good, I am talking about three points. One, strengthen the political consciousness, improve the ideological understanding, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to do volunteer work The mass line is a magic weapon for public security work, combined with special groups, prevention and treatment is the traditional advantages of the crime prevention and control work, is the new period to maintain an important guarantee for social harmony and stability. Practice has proved that, all the power of the masses in the maintenance of social stability has an irreplaceable role. We set up the peace volunteers, further expanding public security defense force is to continue to carry forward the traditional advantages, enhance the county public security level, create a more peaceful and harmonious environment for the development.
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