

2018-01-17 12页 doc 113KB 19阅读




鲜花品种大全,鲜花图片大全鲜花品种大全,鲜花图片大全 鲜花品种大全,鲜花图片大全 常用木本花卉: 月季花、月季经典品种、林肯先生、梅花、桃花、牡丹、海棠、玉兰、木笔、紫荆、连翘、金钟、丁香、紫藤、春鹃 杜鹃花、石榴花、含笑花、白兰花、 茉莉花、栀子花、桂花、木芙蓉、腊梅、免牙红、银芽柳、山茶花、迎春花 常用草本花卉:春兰、香堇、慈菇花、风信子、郁金香、紫罗兰、金鱼草、 长春菊、瓜叶菊、香豌豆、夏兰、石竹、石蒜、荷花、翠菊、睡莲、芍药、福禄考、晚香玉、万寿菊、千日红、建兰、铃兰、报岁兰、香堇、大岩桐、 水仙、小草兰、瓜叶菊、蒲包花、免子花、入腊红...
鲜花品种大全,鲜花图片大全 鲜花品种大全,鲜花图片大全 常用木本花卉: 月季花、月季经典品种、林肯先生、梅花、桃花、牡丹、海棠、玉兰、木笔、紫荆、连翘、金钟、丁香、紫藤、春鹃 杜鹃花、石榴花、含笑花、白兰花、 茉莉花、栀子花、桂花、木芙蓉、腊梅、免牙红、银芽柳、山茶花、迎春花 常用草本花卉:春兰、香堇、慈菇花、风信子、郁金香、紫罗兰、金鱼草、 长春菊、瓜叶菊、香豌豆、夏兰、石竹、石蒜、荷花、翠菊、睡莲、芍药、福禄考、晚香玉、万寿菊、千日红、建兰、铃兰、报岁兰、香堇、大岩桐、 水仙、小草兰、瓜叶菊、蒲包花、免子花、入腊红、三色堇、百日草、鸡冠花、一串红、孔雀草、大波斯菊、金盏菊、非洲凤仙花、菊花、非洲菊、观 赏凤梨类、射干、非洲紫罗兰、天堂鸟、炮竹红、菊花、康乃馨、花烛、满天星、非洲菊、星辰花、三角梅 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 每月花卉代人物 正月梅花——寿阳公主, 二月杏花——杨贵妃, 三月桃花一一息夫人, 四月牡丹一一李白, 五月石榴——钟道, 六月莲花——西施, 七月蜀葵——李夫人, 八月桂花——徐惠, 九月菊花——陶渊明, 十月木芙蓉——石曼卿, 十一月山茶——自居易, 十二月水仙——娥皇与女英。 每月文人花卉 月兰花一一屈原, 二月梅花一一林逋, 三月桃花——皮日休, 四月牡丹——欧阳修, 五月芍药——苏东坡, 六月石榴——江淹, 七月荷花——周敦颐, 八月 紫薇——杨万里, 九月桂花——洪适, 十月芙蓉——范成大, 十一月菊花——陶渊明, 十二月水仙——高似孙。 一二年生花卉 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 飞燕草 黑种草 黄海罂粟 蓝花绿绒蒿 虞美人 醉蝶花 羽衣甘蓝 香屈曲花 诸葛菜 麦仙翁 丝石竹 高雪轮 三色松叶菊 鸭跖草 生石花 宝绿 半支莲 土人参 荭草 红菾菜 地肤 雁来红 鸡冠花 千日红 落葵 凤仙花 送春花 月见草 花亚麻 石海椒 观赏南瓜 观赏葫芦 夜落金钱 黄秋葵 花葵 马络葵 锦葵 银边翠 香豌豆 三色羽扇豆 松虫草 藿香蓟 雁河菊 金盏菊 翠菊 红花 矢车菊 花环菊 蛇目菊 波斯菊 雨菊 缨绒花 天人菊 向日葵 麦杆菊 日 光菊 小麦秆菊 莱雅菊 母菊 蛇眼菊 孔雀草 肿柄菊 南非王菊 斑鸠菊 百日草 草原龙胆 点地梅 风铃草 南非半边莲 吉利花 福禄考 大幌菊 蓝英花 曼陀罗 智利喇叭花 蛾蝶花 大花牵牛 羽叶茑萝 蒲包花 龙面花 贝壳花 皱叶紫苏 多年生花卉 乌头 侧金盏花 大火草 耧斗菜 驴蹄草 翠雀花 嚏根草 白头翁 匍枝毛茛 瓣蕊唐松草 金莲花 芍药 萍蓬草 睡莲 王莲 荷花 金线吊乌龟 细辛 豆瓣绿 蓟罂粟 雪花丽春 花菱草 黄英花 博落回 东方罂粟 荷包牡丹 桂竹香 紫花香花芥 香雪球 紫罗兰 三色堇 小丛红景天 蝎子草 翡翠景天 垂盆草 美丽石莲花 燕子掌 落新妇 岩白菜 大叶落地生根 虎耳草 猪笼草 圆叶茅膏菜 瓶子草 卷耳 石竹 香石竹 皱叶剪夏罗 洋石竹 石碱花 露薇花 珊瑚藤 商陆 五色苋 红花酢浆草 旱金莲 何氏凤仙 斑点梅笠草 独丽花 鹿蹄草 萼距花 千屈菜 柳兰 山桃草 紫茉莉 宿根亚麻 秋海棠 蜀葵 蔓锦葵 芙蓉葵 西达葵 霸王鞭 蛇莓 含羞草 蝶豆 金钱草 百脉根 羽扇豆 紫花棘豆 苦马豆 小叶野决明 白车轴草 小冠花 红花菜豆 富贵草 冷水花 啤酒花 芸香 蓝 互叶畸瓣葵 观赏蕨 蓝目菊 荷兰菊 雏菊 玻璃菊 山矢车菊 菊苣 大蓟 大金鸡菊 饰带花 马利筋 蜡源花 大花犀角 五星花 茜草 缬草 起绒草 著草 菊花 多榔菊 美丽飞蓬 泽兰 宿根天人菊 杂种勋章菊 非洲菊 紫鹅绒 堆心菊 簇生山柳菊 黄金菊 大花旋覆花 蛇鞭菊 花叶如意 毛叶金光菊 草地风 毛菊 瓜叶菊 仙人笔 一枝黄花 艾菊 款冬 南美蟛蜞菊 大花龙胆 莕菜 珍珠菜 报春花 海石竹 深波叶补血草 沙参 丛生风铃草 长叶党参 蓝花参 半 边莲 电灯花 宿根福禄考 花忍 勿忘草 观赏辣椒 花烟草 赛亚麻 矮牵牛 酸浆 篱天剑 肾叶天剑 马蹄金 月光花 鱼花茑萝 三色牵牛 金鱼草 梅花草 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 毛地黄 柳穿鱼 猴面花 钓钟柳 紫毛蕊花 大花婆婆纳 口脂藤 长花忌寒苣苔 旋蒴苣苔 小岩桐 高山苣苔 非洲堇 两广唇柱苣苔 全缘角蒿 金苞花 翼 柄山牵牛 美女樱 彩叶草 连钱草 薄荷 马薄荷 大花夏枯草 一串红 水鳖 水蕹 紫背万年青 紫鸭跖草 白花紫露草 吊竹梅 萼凤梨 艳凤梨 水塔凤梨 姬凤梨 擎凤梨 赪凤梨 巢凤梨 紫凤梨 剑凤梨 地涌金莲 红蕉 虾螯蕉 鹤望兰 绒叶肖竹芋 栉花竹芋 花叶竹芋 卧花竹芋 六出花 知母 蜘蛛抱蛋 黄 花棒 吊兰 万寿竹 独尾花 火炬花 萱草 玉簪 芦荟 吉祥草 万年青 白穗花 岩菖蒲 文竹 假叶树 凤眼莲 雨久花 菖蒲 广东万年青 海芋 魔芋 花烛 花叶万年青 扁叶芋 龟背竹 裂叶喜林芋 心叶半夏 大薸 黄金葛 白鹤芋 合果芋 百子莲 袋鼠花 君子兰 射干 非洲鸢尾 鹦哥肖鸢尾 裂瓣兰 丝柱鸢尾 鬼脚掌 虎尾兰 蒲草 小露兜 仙茅 春兰 石斛 指甲兰 竹叶兰 白及 虾脊兰 卡特兰 流苏贝母兰 杓兰 血叶兰 蕾丽兰 蝴蝶兰 独蒜兰 黑珊瑚 香果兰 令箭荷花 蟹爪 黄翁 翁柱 鼠尾掌 白云锦 星球 乌羽玉 金琥 量天尺 仙人球 三光球 瑞云 王冠龙 子孙球 岩牡丹 帝冠 松霞 黄毛掌 仙人掌 昙花 芦竹 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws 球根花卉 冠状银莲花 花毛茛 何首乌 风信子 立金花 大花酢浆草 大丽花 菊芋 仙客来 桔梗 大岩桐 泽泻 慈姑 砂仁 闭鞘姜 姜花 山柰 土田七 襄荷 大花美 人蕉 日影兰 卜若地 蝶花百合 卡马百合 荞麦叶大百合 雪宝花 铃兰 冠花贝母 夏风信子 嘉兰 百合类 土麦冬 西藏洼瓣花 喇叭莲 晚香玉 葡萄风信 子 钟花假百合 美丽豹子花 细叶沿阶草 虎眼万年青 玉竹 郁金香 绿叶伞兰 大花葱 花叶芋 曲苞芋 岩芋 斑叶香芋 马蹄莲 文殊兰 南美水仙 雪钟花 网球花 朱顶红 蜘蛛兰 鸢尾蒜 雪滴花 石蒜 中国水仙 喇叭水仙 娜丽花 火燕兰 非洲石蒜 葱兰 野风信子 狒狒花 水仙菖兰 番红花 小苍兰 唐菖蒲 鸢尾 小鸢尾 草菖蒲 裂缘莲 虎皮花 观音兰 喇叭莲 直立百部 亚灌木花卉 珠兰 草珊瑚 天竺葵 倒挂金钟 麒麟叶 金丝梅 鹦喙花 长春花 球兰 蕲艾 木茼蒿 蓝滨菊 香水草 冬珊瑚 串金鱼 小苣苔 银脉花 假杜鹃 银脉爆竹花 可爱花 鸭嘴花 虾衣花 珊瑚花 狮子尾 百里香 spacing of 100mm. C, line line line nearby. D, spare wire unified terminal strip Terminal (terminal strip at the top of the vertical, horizontal terminal strip from the harness to Terminal Pai end at the beginning), length to ensure as far as Terminal and set aside. After e, form a wire harness, cable, line. When the line should be in the core wire for better identification and marking on the cards will be prepared in advance, alternate core core content for the cable numbering. F, finish line, according to the corresponding terminal locations, wire one by one from the bunch out, pulling line, should be kept parallel to each other and more. Core dark as possible, determined in accordance with specific conditions, it is required that: neat, beautiful, shapely, pleasing to the eye. 7.6.2 wiring technology, out of the core wire according to Terminal position, cut off the excess, with wire stripping pliers or electrician knife stripped of insulation, so that connection. Stripping should not damage the copper core. B, core wire on the oxide and chip-insulated electricians knife scrape. C, core processing has been completed, thread round long nose pliers in a clockwise direction. Circle with the screw in the direction of spin in the same direction, circle should be appropriate, it is best to slightly larger than the screws, bent round the circle and the length of root and appropriate so set screw is screwed on tight. D, when on the crimp-type terminals when wiring, threads do not have to bend. Insulating part should be careful not to press it into a Terminal, and make the loop doesn't make sense and to prevent bad head crimping, fell down, causing an open circuit. After wiring, may be tried. E, crimping Terminal crimping, wire and Terminal contact is good, solid, not subject to mechanical strain, and ensure the insulation level. F, cables, such as when there is a bare copper ground wire, bare copper wire with a plastic pipe should be set. G, when wiring wiring must be in radians. H, terminal screws
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