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公务员考试行测言语理解:填空题类似词语含义大解析公务员考试行测言语理解:填空题类似词语含义大解析 公务员考试行测言语理解:填空题类似词语含义大解析 逻辑选词是公务员考试的常考题型,其中实词是重要考点。在考查中经常会出现一些易混词需要辨析,下面将一些易混词汇列举出来希望对考生有所帮助。 【爱护 爱惜】 爱护:有精心保护,不使受到损坏或伤害的意思。如“爱护公物”。 爱惜:指不浪费,不糟蹋。 如“爱惜粮食” 【安置 安顿 安排】 安置:重在“置”,使工作、生活、物品等有适当的位置,或指对人或物的处置各得其所。如“安置人员”、“安置行李”等。 安顿:重在“顿”,妥当...
公务员考试行测言语理解:填空题类似词语含义大解析 公务员考试行测言语理解:填空题类似词语含义大解析 逻辑选词是公务员考试的常考题型,其中实词是重要考点。在考查中经常会出现一些易混词需要辨析,下面将一些易混词汇列举出来希望对考生有所帮助。 【爱护 爱惜】 爱护:有精心保护,不使受到损坏或伤害的意思。如“爱护公物”。 爱惜:指不浪费,不糟蹋。 如“爱惜粮食” 【安置 安顿 安排】 安置:重在“置”,使工作、生活、物品等有适当的位置,或指对人或物的处置各得其所。如“安置人员”、“安置行李”等。 安顿:重在“顿”,妥当安排使有着落。如“安顿住处”等 安排:重在“排”,分轻重缓急、先后主次,有条不紊地处置人或事物,多指人、事、任务等的处理。 如“安排任务”等。 【包含 饱含 包涵】 三者都有含有的意思,但含有的浓度或对象不同。 包含:仅指里边含有,如“这句话包含好几层意思”。 饱含:指所含的量特别充足,如“饱含着深厚的阶级感情”。 包涵:指客套话请人原谅,如“唱得不好,请大家多多包涵”。 【爆发 暴发】 爆发:?指岩浆突然冲破地壳,向外迸出,如“火山爆发”;?指通过外部冲突而发生的质变,如“爆发革命”;?指力量、情绪等忽然发作,或事变突然发生,如“会场里爆发出雷鸣般的掌声”。 暴发:?指突然发作,如“山洪暴发”;?指突然发财得势,多含贬义,如“暴发户”。 【变换 变幻】 两者都是动词,都有变化之意。 变换:指事物的一定形式或内容换成另一种,多指具体的事物,如“变换一下位置”。 变幻:指不规则地改变,多指抽象的事物,如“世界上的政治风云变幻莫测”。 【不耻 不齿】 不齿:是不愿意提到的意思,如“出卖师友者,君子不齿”。 不耻:是不感到羞耻的意思,如“身居显位,却有如此贪心,别人尚羞,他自己却不耻”。 【部署 布置】 二者都与安排有关事情有关。 部署:指安排、布置人力、任务等,一般指大规模地、全面地、原则地安排配置,如“指挥员的正确部署来源于正确的决心”。 布置:指在一些活动中作出安排,多指具体的安排、配置等,如“布置工作”,“布置任务”。 【充斥 充满】 Three, arrange the whole project construction organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of number and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to work closely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirements for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, contract, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project records, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the construction process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the project is completed to provide as-built drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; Packaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testing techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, technical standards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, therefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards and norms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, process 充斥:指到处都塞满,带厌恶色彩,是贬义词。 充满:泛指填满或充分具有,可指具体事物。 【篡改 窜改】 二者都有改动的意思,但改动的对象和动机不同。 窜改:指改动文件、书籍、古书中不应该改动的部分,单指文字改动,不含贬义,如“抄写文件要细心,不要随意窜改”。 篡改:指把正确的东西强行或暗中改为不正确的东西,不限于文字的,含贬义,如“他们肆意篡改历史”。 【度过 渡过】 度过:用于与时间推移有关的情况。如“度过春节”、“度过假期”等。 渡过:专指从此岸至彼岸,也引申至“渡过难关”等。 【独力 独立】 独力:指单独依靠自己的力量做,如“独力经营”。 “独立”,?指单独地站立,如“独立山巅”;?指自主地存在,如“他们宣布独立”;?指不隶属于某高一级单位的,如“独立师”;?指不依靠他人,如“独立完成作业”。 【遏止 遏制】 遏止:指用力阻止,如“不可遏止的革命洪流”。 遏制:指制止,如“政府官员的****现象现在还没有得到很好的遏制”。 【反映 反应】 反映:主要有两种用法:?比喻把客观事物的实质表现出来,如“党内的斗争反映着社会上的阶级斗争”;?把客观情况或别人的意见等告诉上级有关部门,如“他把情况反映到县里”。 反应:主要有三种用法:?名词,有机体受到刺激引起相应的活动或化学上一物质与另一物质发生作用,产生了新物质的过程,如“化学反应”;?名词,受外界影响而引起的意见、态度或行动受外界影响而引起的思想活动,如“还没等我反应过来,他就走远了,头也不回”。 【抚养 扶养 赡养】 抚养:兼指保护、教养和供养,一般指长辈对子女或晚辈的保护和教养。 扶养:指帮助、扶助、养活,一般用于平辈之间。 赡养:供给生活所需,特指子女对父母在物质和生活上进行的帮助。 【沟通 勾通】 沟通:指使两方能通连,褒义,如“沟通感情”。 勾通:指暗中串通,勾结,贬义,如“他经常勾通土匪来村里骚扰”。 【国是 国事】 国是:指国家大计,书面用语,如“人大代表在京共商国是”。 国事:指国家大事,可以用于口语,如“每个公民都应关心国事”。 Three, arrange the whole project construction organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of number and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to work closely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirements for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, contract, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project records, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the construction process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the project is completed to provide as-built drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; Packaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testing techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, technical standards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, therefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards and norms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, process 【化装 化妆】 化装:指演员为了适合所扮演的角色而修饰容貌,或者假扮另外一种身份,如“他化装成一个收酒瓶的小商贩,到处打听情况”。 化妆:指用脂粉等使容貌美丽,如“她不化妆脸倒好看些,越化脸越难看了”。 【精密 严密 周密】 精密:指准确精细,常形容仪器、机械、语言、测量、计算等。 严密:指客观事物间结合得毫无空隙,也指人们做事毫无疏漏,或形容组织、逻辑、结构等,又形容防卫性的行为,如封锁、防守、注视等。 周密:着重指处处照顾到,没有遗漏,不疏忽大意,常形容人的行为,如计划、部署、安排等。 【截至 截止】 截至:表示停止于某个时间,强调“时间”,后面必须带时间宾语。如“截至昨天”、“截至某月某日”。 截止:表示到某个时间停止,强调“停止”,不能带时间词语(做宾语)。如“报名工作已于昨日截止”。如果“截止”后面加上“到”,就与“截至”的意思相同了,可以在后面带宾语。例如“截止到昨天”、“截止至某月某日”。 【偶尔 偶然】 偶尔:指有时候,跟“经常”相对。 偶然:指事情发生意外,跟“必然”相对,它还有形容词用法。 【品味 品位】 品味:是动词,品尝、欣赏的意思。 品位:是名词,指矿石中有用元素或它的化合物含量的百分数,含量的百分数越大,品位越高,现引申为对艺术品等或人的行为的评价。 【圣地 胜地】 圣地:具有重大历史意义的地方,如“佛教圣地”。 胜地:名胜之地,如“旅游胜地”。 Three, arrange the whole project construction organization and management system during construction, the project managers, technicians, installers and engineer of number and their approach to avoid unnecessary waste of labor, increased labor costs. That combination of management need to work closely with construction schedule management. Four, project document management project documents management system requirements for project documents implemented detailed and orderly management. Including: customer sources of raw materials, contract, contract, project schedule, project budget, project design, construction and acceptance criterion, basis and standard, project records, documents related to sending and receiving records, document management, document management, and so on. During the construction process, we work according to attributes by hand the responsibility to implement. Regular progress reports; After the project is completed to provide as-built drawings and test reports. We will submit to the next information: the design specification; Packaging, handling, transport, storage requirements and programmes; ... Wire specifications, installation requirements, testing techniques, acceptance criteria and other aspects of technical supervision and effective management. Fifth section, technical standards and standardized management in the countries involved in the project or industry standard specification for many, therefore, we will carefully in systems design, equipment supply and installation of link check against the relevant standards and norms so that the whole management is controlled. Sixth section, installation management systems engineering is a technical, process
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