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自制交流发电机自制交流发电机 自制交流发电机需知原理 一,交流发电机的作用:与发电机调节器互相配合工作~其主要任务是对除起动机以外的所有用电设备供电~并向蓄电池充电。 ,二,交流发电机的分类 ,三,交流发电机的组成: 发电机部分,三相同步交流发电机,---发出交流电 整流器部分,硅二极管,---把交流电变成直流电 ,四,交流发电机的型号(见教材) 一、发电机的基本原理 ,一,电磁感应现象 所有充电系统都是利用电磁感应原理来产生电流。 电磁感应现象:如果导体和磁场间有相对运动就会产生电压。导体中产生电压的强度取决于: 磁场...
自制交流发电机 自制交流发电机需知原理 一,交流发电机的作用:与发电机调节器互相配合工作~其主要任务是对除起动机以外的所有用电设备供电~并向蓄电池充电。 ,二,交流发电机的分类 ,三,交流发电机的组成: 发电机部分,三相同步交流发电机,---发出交流电 整流器部分,硅二极管,---把交流电变成直流电 ,四,交流发电机的型号(见教材) 一、发电机的基本原理 ,一,电磁感应现象 所有充电系统都是利用电磁感应原理来产生电流。 电磁感应现象:如果导体和磁场间有相对运动就会产生电压。导体中产生电压的强度取决于: 磁场强度 导体切割磁场的速度 通过磁场的导体数量 ,二,磁场的建立 1、利用永久磁铁 2、导线或线圈通电~周围产生磁场。电流的方向与产生磁场的方向的关系---右手螺旋定则。 ,三,导体或线圈内感应电动势的产生方法 1、使导体在磁场中运动,固定磁场, 2、使线圈中的磁场发生变化,固定导体, -----都会在导体中产生感应电动势,右手定则, 3、如何产生连续的电动势 ,1,使导体在磁场中往复运动~或在磁场中旋转~有效地利用磁力线所穿过的有限空间来产生电动势 ,2,也可以使导体不动~让磁场不断发生变化 由于必须经常改变导体或磁场的方向~所产生的电动势的大小、方向经常变化-----交流电动势 stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put ,四,三相交流发电机的基本原理 1、结构特点: 通电线圈绕在旋转铁心上产生旋转磁场 三相绕组产生三相交流电。 2、基本原理: 当绕有磁场绕组的磁铁旋转时~通过各铁心的磁通发生变化~三相绕组中产生电动势~但因各相绕组的磁通变化存在时间差~故产生的电动势也有时间差 三、三相交流发电机的组成(见图) 转子组件:产生旋转磁场 定子组件:产生三相交流电 整流器:把交流电变成直流电 前后端盖:减少发电机漏磁;安装电刷架和整流二极管. 带轮及风扇:传递动力;散热. (一)交流发电机的构造—转子组件 功能:是用来建立磁场的。 组成: 两块爪极、,转子线圈,激磁绕组、轴和滑环等组成。见教材 磁场的产生: 电刷将直流电通入两个集电环时~磁场绕组中就有电流通过~并产生轴向磁通~使爪极一块被磁化为N极~另一块被磁化为S极~从而形成六对相互交错的磁极。当转子转动时~就形成了旋转的磁场。 磁场的磁力线分布及激磁电路 (见右图) (二)交流发电机的构造—定子组件 定子组件的作用:产生三相交流电 定子组件的组成:定子由定子铁心和定子绕组成。见图 定子铁心由内圈带槽的硅钢片叠成~定子绕组的导线就嵌放在铁心的槽中。 三相绕组的必须按一定绕制,才能使之获得频率相同、幅值相等、stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 相位互差120?的三相电动势。 定子绕组有三相~三相绕组采用星形接法或三角形,大功率,接法~都能产生三相交流电。 定子线圈的绕制:在三相绕组中所产生的电动势应是对称电动势~即电动势的大小相等、电位差互差120o电角度。波绕法、叠绕法 定子线圈的连接方法:星型连接,三角形连接 (三)交流发电机的构造—硅整流器 整流器的作用: 将定子绕组的三相交流电变为直流电 6管交流发电机的整流器的组成: 由6只硅整流二极管组成三相全波桥式整流电路~6只硅整流二极管分别压装,或焊装,在相互绝缘的两块板上~其中一块为正极板,带有输出端螺栓,~另一块为负极板~负极板和发电机外壳直接相连,搭铁,~也可以将发电机的后盖直接作为负极板。 压装在散热板上的三个二极管~引线为二极管正极--正极管子。 压装在后端盖上的三个二极管~引线为二极管负极—负极管子。 散热板必须与后端盖绝缘~并固定在后端盖上用螺栓引至后端盖外部作为发电机的火线接柱~标记为“B”,“A”、“+”、或“电枢”,。 汽车用硅整流二极管的特点: 汽车用硅整流二极管是专用的~有如下特点: ,1,允许的工作电流大~如ZQ50型二极管的正向平均电流为50A~浪涌电流为600A。 ,2,承受反向电压的能力高~可承受的反向重复峰值电压在270V左右~反向不重复峰值电压在300V左右。 ,3,只有一根引线,引出电极, ,4,根据引出电极的不同分为正二极管和负二极管。 即:整流二极管有正二极管和负二极管之分。 将正极管安装在一块铝制散热板上~称为正整流板, stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 将负极管安装另一块铝制散热板上~称为负整流板~也可用发电机后盖代替负整流板。见图。 在正整流板上有一个输出接线柱B,发电机的输出端,。 负整流板直接搭铁。负整流板上一定和壳体相联接。 (四)交流发电机的构造—前后端盖 后端盖上装有电刷架和电刷 电刷组件组成:由电刷、电刷架和电刷弹簧。 电刷的作用:将电源通过滑环引入励磁绕组。两个电刷分别装在电刷架的孔内~借助弹簧压力与滑环保持接触。 电刷和滑环的接触应良好~否则会因为磁场电流过小~导致发电机发电不足。 外装式电刷架其拆装和更换在电机外部即可进行,检修方便. 磁场绕组的搭铁形式及相应的电刷 连接方式: 内搭铁外搭铁 内搭铁型发电机:磁场绕组负电刷,E,直接搭铁的发电机,和壳体直接相连,。 外搭铁型发电机:磁场绕组的两只电刷都和壳体绝缘的发电机。 外搭铁型发电机的磁场绕组负极,负电刷,接调节器~后再搭铁。 四、三相交流发电机的工作原理(见图) ,一,发电原理 ,二,整流原理 交流发电机定子的三相绕组中~感应产生的是交流电。是靠六只二极管组成的三相桥式整流电路,利用二极管的单向导电性,变为直流电的。 二极管具有单向导电性,当给二极管加上正向电压时,二极管导通, 当给二极管加上反向电压时,二极管截止,二极管的导通原则如下: 当三只二极管负极端相连时~正极端电位最高者导通, 当三只二极管正极端相连时~负极端电位最低者导通。 对于三个正极管子,D1、D3、D5正极和定子绕组始端相联,~在某stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 瞬时~电压最高一相的正极管导通。 对于三个负极管子,D2、D4、D6负极和定子绕组始端相联,~在某瞬时~电压最低一相的负极管导通。 但同时导通的管子总是两个~正、负管子各一个。 三相桥式整流电路中二极管的依次循环导通,使得负载RL两端得到一个比较平稳的脉动直流电压。 发电机输出的直流电压平均值为: U=1.35UL=2.34UΦ ,三,中性点电压 1、中性点电压的概念,见图, 在定子绕组为星形连接时~三相绕组的公共结点称为中性点~从三相绕组的中性点引一根导线到发电机外~标记为“N”。 中性点对发电机外壳,搭铁,之间的电压Un称为中性点电压~是通过三个负极管整流后得到的直流电压,即三相半波整流, 中性点电压为发电机输出电压的一半。 2、中性点电压的用途 1、中心点电压常用来控制各种用处的继电器,如磁场继电器、充电指示灯继电器等, 2、增大功率输出,八管交流发电机即为利用中性点电压提高发电机功率输出的, 3、八管交流发电机,如夏利,的原理: 说明: 1、中性点电压含有交流成分~即它是以直流电压的一半为中心线的交流电压。 2、在中性点和发电机的“+”,输出端,“-”,搭铁,之间分别增加一个二极管----中性点二极管 3、增加中性点二极管的目的---改善交流发电机的输出~可使发电机的输出电流提高10%---15%。 stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 原理: 1、中性点电压瞬时值高于输出电压平均值,14V,时:中性点正极管导通对外输出电流,电流回路为:中性点?中性点正极管?负载?某一负极管?定子绕组?中性点。 2、中性点电压瞬时值低于搭铁电压,0V,时:中性点负极管导通对外输出电流,电流回路:中性点?定子绕组?某一正极管?负载?中性点负极管?中性点 结论:通过整流二极管将中性点的输出提供给负载。 ,四,发电机的励磁方式 除了永磁式交流发电机不需要励磁以外~其他形式的交流发电机都需要励磁~因为它们的磁场都是电磁场~也就是说必须给磁场绕组通电才会有磁场产生。将电源引入到磁场绕组使之产生磁场称为励磁~交流发电机励磁方式: 他励、自励 1、他励: 由于交流发电机转子的剩磁较弱,发电机只有在较高的转速下,才能自励发电. 在发动机起动期间~需要蓄电池供给发电机磁场电流生磁~增强磁场~使发电机发电。这种由蓄电池供给磁场电流的方式称为他励发电。 这就是交流发电机低速充电性能好的主要原因。 一般发电机转速达到1000r/min后~由他励----自励。 2、自励: 随着转速的提高~ ,一般在发动机达到怠速时,发电机的电动势逐渐升高并能对外输出~ 当发电机的输出电压UB大于蓄电池电压时~发电机就能对外供电了当发电机能对外供电时~就可以把自身发的电供给磁场绕组生磁发电~这种供给磁场电流的方式称为自励。 3、交流发电机励磁过程是先他励后自励。当发动机达到正常怠速stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 转速时~发电机的输出电压一般高出蓄电池电压1,2V以便对蓄电池充电~此时~由发电机自励发电。 4、发电机励磁电路,见右图, 5、带有激磁二极管的励磁电路---九管发电机 电路特点:采用9个整流二极管组成两组全波整流电路。 其中6只大功率整流二极管组成的三相全波桥式整流电路~负责对外负载供电 3只小功率管二极管与三只大功率负极管也组成三相全波桥式整流电路专门为发电机磁场供电。所以称3只小功率管为励磁二极管。三个辅助二极管---激磁二极管,专用于激磁, 一般装有充电指示灯。不仅可通过控制充电指示灯指示充电系统的工作情况~还可以防止由于操作者忘关点火开关造成的蓄电池长时间地通过调节器向激磁绕组供电。 工作原理 1、非充电状态:电源开关接通后~激磁电流从蓄电池+-----K----充电指示灯---调节器,火线接线柱---触点---“磁场”接线柱,-----激磁绕组----搭铁-----蓄电池负。,他激~指示灯亮,见图 2、充电状态:发电机工作后~随转速的提高~三个激磁二极管输出端的电压升高~充电指示灯亮度减弱~当发电机电压达到蓄电池充电电压时~自激~指示灯灭。 一方面通过D1-D6六个二极管整流输出直流电压向蓄电池充电. 一方面通过三个激磁二极管D7、D8、D9和三个负极二极管D2、D4、D6六个二极管整流后向激磁电路供电。 充电指示灯的作用: 1、若忘记关电源开关~指示灯亮 2、发电机正常工作时~指示灯灭 3、当发电机转速降低或发电机有故障~由于指示灯两端电压增大~指示灯亮 stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put 结论:充电指示灯的作用: 用于提醒司机及时关闭电源开关 反映发电机的工作状况。 6、11管交流发电机的结构、原理 11管交流发电机的整流器由8只大功率整流二极管,其中2只中性点二极管,和3只磁场二极管组成 桑塔纳轿车11管交流发电机整流器的电路特点:,见教材, 11管交流发电机的整流器由8只大功率硅整流二极管和3只小功率磁场二极管组成。 8只整流管,其中6只接三相绕组,2只接中性点,组成全波桥式整流电路对外负载输出~输出端为B+ 3只小功率磁场二极管与3只大功率负极管也组成三相全波桥式整流电路~为发电机磁场供电和控制充电指示灯电路。输出端为D+。 桑塔纳发电机为整体式外搭铁型交流发电机~采用集成电路调节器~调节器和电刷架制成一个整体安装在发电机内部~称为整体式发电机。外搭铁型是指发电机磁场的负电刷通过调节器后再搭铁。 桑塔纳发电机的外部有两个接线柱~分别为火线接线柱B,和磁场电路输出端接线柱D+~火线接线柱B,向全车供电~磁场接线柱D+的作用是由蓄电池向励磁绕组提供励磁电流使发电机发电~并且控制充电指示灯电路。 11管交流发电机目前汽车上应用较多~因为它具有中性点二极管可提高发电机功率~又有励磁二极管可控制充电指示灯电路。 stator. Rotor installed in the stator end upper hangers supports or in the end cap oil parts installed special rotor shaft bracket. (Figure 19) in the stator ring shop in turn lower half of the hard steel sheet, rubber mat and curve skateboards on the plate fixed to the four corners of four rope or nylon rope, tie outside the stator on the basis of, respectively. (Figure 20) axial-flow fan blade diameter greater than retaining ring diameter of the rotor at the top, in front of the wear the stator, best to blade removed, preventing scratches and blades should be well marked. Rotor steam-side back wheel below the shaft or parts installed steam-side arc slider and the slider lower sliding surfaces coated with a thin layer of grease. The rotor excitation traction installed end to end by a horizontal pole. Wire ropes lashing shall not damage the rotor surface using soft material wrapping wire rope, and the pad on the rotor surface with hard wood, or aluminum, lashing rope rotor with two points, the distance between two points is generally not less than 500~700mm, lashing wire rope when winding on the rotor and tighten the double baolan slide knot ... rotor wear loaded official hanging up rotor, pendulum are direction Hou will rotor from Reed end level slow wear trance child bore within, wear loaded process stator bore has two people guardianship, and should guarantee steam end guardianship information smooth, ensure rotor surface don't and stator iron core coil collide; generator stator Reed end set two people guardianship, guardianship generator rotor not and stator core coil collide friction. Slow journey to move into the direction of the rotor, rotor wear them into the stator bore, will contact steam-side slider on the arc skateboards (must be over ladder after the stator to the slider, slider is only allowed access to the arc on a skateboard, or arc skateboards and protection of stator plate rollover may occur). Dang wire rope close machine shell Shi, stop wear loaded and slowly Panasonic lane hooks put
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