

2017-09-01 10页 doc 34KB 10阅读




中国邮政储蓄银行利息计算的相关规定中国邮政储蓄银行利息计算的相关规定 一、储蓄存款利息计算的基本公式 储蓄存款利息是指储户在银行存储一定时期和一定数额的存款后,银行按国家规定的利率支付给储户超过本金的那部分资金。 利息计算的基本公式:利息=本金×存期×利率 本金:储蓄存款本金以“元”为起息点,元以下角、分不计息。利息金额算至厘位,实际支付或入账时四舍五入至分位。 利率:利率单位有年利率、月利率、日利率三种;计算利息要注意利率单位与存期单位的一致性。 三者之间的换算为:月利率=年利率?12 日利率=月利率?30 日利率=年利率?360 二、计息...
中国邮政储蓄银行利息计算的相关规定 一、储蓄存款利息计算的基本公式 储蓄存款利息是指储户在银行存储一定时期和一定数额的存款后,银行按国家规定的利率支付给储户超过本金的那部分资金。 利息计算的基本公式:利息=本金×存期×利率 本金:储蓄存款本金以“元”为起息点,元以下角、分不计息。利息金额算至厘位,实际支付或入账时四舍五入至分位。 利率:利率单位有年利率、月利率、日利率三种;计算利息要注意利率单位与存期单位的一致性。 三者之间的换算为:月利率=年利率?12 日利率=月利率?30 日利率=年利率?360 二、计息基本规定 1、计息金额起点为元,元以下的角分不计利息。 2、利息金额算至厘位,计至分位,分位以下四舍五入。分段计算利息时,各段利息应先保留到厘位(厘位以下不再保留),各段相加得出的利息总额计至分位,再将分位以下的厘位四舍五入。 3、中国邮政储蓄银行存期的计算 算头不算尾:从存款当日起息,算至取款的前1天为止。即存入日应计息,取款日不计息。每月按30天计算:不论大月、小月、平月、闰月,每月均按30天计算存期。到期日如遇节假日,储蓄所不营业的,可以在节假日前1日支取,按到期计息,手续按提前支取处理。 temporary accident police love biography to medical integrated floor a layer of Security Center, Security Center can according to police love plans set, depending on, audio monitoring system will automatically Guide related camera, pickups collection related regional of depending on, audio signal sent to Security Center switch to specified displayed big screen Shang, for processing accident event provides according to and help. Car park management system can implement smart parking, parking management, parking management system with wireless sensors, access to the portal management, digital sensors monitor channel gate, parking information displays, parking management to meet the various requirements. Parking integrated management system can according to rehabilitation center managers requirements, configuration out entrance permission, charges standard, and votes card type, parameter, rehabilitation center management personnel can through TCP/IP agreement and parking integrated management workstation achieved remote online management. Rehabilitation Center of management personnel can set system management different level of permission, ensure system of each a a link security reliable; system has event track technology, avoid operation in the produced not real phenomenon of occurred. System parking management, automatic data backups on a regular basis to ensure data security, reliable, and complete. Three hours setting construction equipment monitoring and control system of building equipment monitoring system (1 to the building automation system, 2# building construction, this system only for medical and rehabilitation/f integrated) is controlled by computer and network technology Medical electrical equipment within a building, such as: air conditioning units, refrigeration units, various fan and water 三、利息计算其它规定 1999年11月1日起代扣个人利息所得税(利息的20%);2007年8月15日利息所得税调整为5%;2008年10月9日取消个人利息所得税。 四、 相关储蓄存款利息计算方法 整存整取定期储蓄存款利息计算方法 整存整取定期储蓄存款是储户开户时一次性存入本金,约定存期,到期一次支取本息的一种储蓄形式。开户时50元起存,多存不限。存款期限分为3个月、6个月、1年、2年、3年和5年六个档次,存期越长,利率越高。 1、存期的规定 整年或整月的按对年对月对日计,零头天数的按实际天数计;算头不算尾。 、利率的规定 2 (1)到期支取 按开户日挂牌公告的相应档次的整存整取利率计付 (2)提前支取 支取部分按支取日挂牌公告的活期储蓄利率计付利息。 (3)逾期支取 逾期部分按支取日挂牌公告的活期储蓄利率计算。 3、整存整取定期储蓄约定或自动转存的,区分不同的取款方式,按上述规定的利率计息,利息计入本金生息。 4、利息=本金×存期×利率 零存整取定期储蓄存款利息计算方法 零存整取定期储蓄存款是指在开户时约定存款期限,分次每月固定存入存款金额(由客户自定)一次,中途如有漏存,应在次月补齐,到期一次支取本息的一种个人储蓄存款。漏存而未补者,视同违约,违约后存入的金额按支取日活期计算利息。 temporary accident police love biography to medical integrated floor a layer of Security Center, Security Center can according to police love plans set, depending on, audio monitoring system will automatically Guide related camera, pickups collection related regional of depending on, audio signal sent to Security Center switch to specified displayed big screen Shang, for processing accident event provides according to and help. Car park management system can implement smart parking, parking management, parking management system with wireless sensors, access to the portal management, digital sensors monitor channel gate, parking information displays, parking management to meet the various requirements. Parking integrated management system can according to rehabilitation center managers requirements, configuration out entrance permission, charges standard, and votes card type, parameter, rehabilitation center management personnel can through TCP/IP agreement and parking integrated management workstation achieved remote online management. Rehabilitation Center of management personnel can set system management different level of permission, ensure system of each a a link security reliable; system has event track technology, avoid operation in the produced not real phenomenon of occurred. System parking management, automatic data backups on a regular basis to ensure data security, reliable, and complete. Three hours setting construction equipment monitoring and control system of building equipment monitoring system (1 to the building automation system, 2# building construction, this system only for medical and rehabilitation/f integrated) is controlled by computer and network technology Medical electrical equipment within a building, such as: air conditioning units, refrigeration units, various fan and water 1、利率的规定 (1)到期支取 按开户日挂牌公告的相应档次的整存整取利率计付 2)提前支取 支取部分按支取日挂牌公告的活期储蓄利率计付利息。 ( (3)逾期支取 逾期部分按支取日挂牌公告的活期储蓄利率计算。 2、零存整取定期储蓄计息方法一般为“月积数计息”法。其公式是:利息=月存金额×累计月积数×月利率。其中累计月积数=(存入次数+1)?2×存入次数。据此推算1年期的累计月积数为(12+1)?2×12=78,以此类推,3年期、5年期的累计月积数分别为666和1830。 定活两便储蓄存款利息计算方法 定活两便储蓄存款是指本金整笔一次存入,不确定存期,随时可以支取的一种储蓄形式。 1、利率的规定 存期不满3个月的,按支取日挂牌公告的活期储蓄存款利率计付利息; 存期满3个月而不满6个月的,按支取日挂牌公告的3个月整存整取定期储蓄存款利率打六折计算; 存期满6个月而不满1年的,按支取日挂牌公告的6个月整存整取定期储蓄存款利率打六折计算利息; 存期在1年以上(含1年)的,无论存期有多长,一律按支取日挂牌公告的1年期整存整取定期储蓄存款利率打六折计算利息。 2、利息=本金×存期×利率×60% 活期储蓄存款利息计算方法 利息=本金×存期×利率,按支取日挂牌公告的活期储蓄利率计算。 temporary accident police love biography to medical integrated floor a layer of Security Center, Security Center can according to police love plans set, depending on, audio monitoring system will automatically Guide related camera, pickups collection related regional of depending on, audio signal sent to Security Center switch to specified displayed big screen Shang, for processing accident event provides according to and help. Car park management system can implement smart parking, parking management, parking management system with wireless sensors, access to the portal management, digital sensors monitor channel gate, parking information displays, parking management to meet the various requirements. Parking integrated management system can according to rehabilitation center managers requirements, configuration out entrance permission, charges standard, and votes card type, parameter, rehabilitation center management personnel can through TCP/IP agreement and parking integrated management workstation achieved remote online management. Rehabilitation Center of management personnel can set system management different level of permission, ensure system of each a a link security reliable; system has event track technology, avoid operation in the produced not real phenomenon of occurred. System parking management, automatic data backups on a regular basis to ensure data security, reliable, and complete. Three hours setting construction equipment monitoring and control system of building equipment monitoring system (1 to the building automation system, 2# building construction, this system only for medical and rehabilitation/f integrated) is controlled by computer and network technology Medical electrical equipment within a building, such as: air conditioning units, refrigeration units, various fan and water 结息日与结息期。活期储蓄存款按季结息 ,每季末月的 20 日为结息日,按结息日挂牌活期利率计息,每季末月的21日为利息的入账日。对未到结息日办理销户的,其利息应随本金一同结清,利息算至销户的前一天止。 储蓄存款积数的计算:活期储蓄存款由计算机自动累加存款积数,结息或结清时将存款的累计未计积数乘以结息日或结清日挂牌公告的活期储蓄存款利率,结计出储户的利息。 积数计息法就是按实际天数每日累计账户余额,以累计积数乘以日利率计算利息的方法。 积数计息法的计息公式为:利息=累计计息积数×日利率 其中累计计息积数=账户每日余额合计数。 应付利息=累计日积数×结息日或销户日挂牌公告的活期储蓄日利率 实付利息=应付利息-应付利息×利息所得税税率 存款自动转存业务利息计算方法 (一) 一天通知存款 1. 计算公式 1) 到期支取的利息计算:按到期日挂牌公告的通知存款利率和实际存期天数计 息。 应付利息 = 本金 ? 存期天数(1天或7天) ? 存款到期日相应档次通知存款日利率 2) 提前支取的利息计算:按支取日挂牌公告的活期存款利率和实际天数计息。 存期天数为自存入日(或最近一次自动转存日)起至支取前一日止实际存款 天数。 temporary accident police love biography to medical integrated floor a layer of Security Center, Security Center can according to police love plans set, depending on, audio monitoring system will automatically Guide related camera, pickups collection related regional of depending on, audio signal sent to Security Center switch to specified displayed big screen Shang, for processing accident event provides according to and help. Car park management system can implement smart parking, parking management, parking management system with wireless sensors, access to the portal management, digital sensors monitor channel gate, parking information displays, parking management to meet the various requirements. Parking integrated management system can according to rehabilitation center managers requirements, configuration out entrance permission, charges standard, and votes card type, parameter, rehabilitation center management personnel can through TCP/IP agreement and parking integrated management workstation achieved remote online management. Rehabilitation Center of management personnel can set system management different level of permission, ensure system of each a a link security reliable; system has event track technology, avoid operation in the produced not real phenomenon of occurred. System parking management, automatic data backups on a regular basis to ensure data security, reliable, and complete. Three hours setting construction equipment monitoring and control system of building equipment monitoring system (1 to the building automation system, 2# building construction, this system only for medical and rehabilitation/f integrated) is controlled by computer and network technology Medical electrical equipment within a building, such as: air conditioning units, refrigeration units, various fan and water 应付利息 = 本金 ? 存期天数 ? 存款到期日活期存款日利率 3) 自动转存日利息的计算:按转存日挂牌公告的通知存款利率和实际存期天数 计息。 应付利息 = 本金 ? 存期天数(1天或7天) ?自动转存日相应档次通知存款日利率 2. 存期天数的确定 采用“算头不算尾”的方法,即从存入日(或最近一次自动转存日)起算至支取前一日止,按照公历天数计算实存天数,即全年按365天(闰年366天),每月按当月公历天数。 temporary accident police love biography to medical integrated floor a layer of Security Center, Security Center can according to police love plans set, depending on, audio monitoring system will automatically Guide related camera, pickups collection related regional of depending on, audio signal sent to Security Center switch to specified displayed big screen Shang, for processing accident event provides according to and help. Car park management system can implement smart parking, parking management, parking management system with wireless sensors, access to the portal management, digital sensors monitor channel gate, parking information displays, parking management to meet the various requirements. Parking integrated management system can according to rehabilitation center managers requirements, configuration out entrance permission, charges standard, and votes card type, parameter, rehabilitation center management personnel can through TCP/IP agreement and parking integrated management workstation achieved remote online management. Rehabilitation Center of management personnel can set system management different level of permission, ensure system of each a a link security reliable; system has event track technology, avoid operation in the produced not real phenomenon of occurred. System parking management, automatic data backups on a regular basis to ensure data security, reliable, and complete. Three hours setting construction equipment monitoring and control system of building equipment monitoring system (1 to the building automation system, 2# building construction, this system only for medical and rehabilitation/f integrated) is controlled by computer and network technology Medical electrical equipment within a building, such as: air conditioning units, refrigeration units, various fan and water
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