

2018-03-02 41页 doc 543KB 28阅读




玛咖压片糖的作用玛咖压片糖的作用 什么是玛咖, 玛咖是原产于南美洲秘鲁安第斯山脉4000米左右的一种十字花科植物,数千年来一直是当地印加人的主要食物来源,有着抗疲劳和提高生育力的神奇功效,被土著居民称之为“安第斯山神赐予人类的礼物”,也有着“南美人参”的美誉。 2001年经CCTV央视报道后逐渐被国人所了解和接受,后被我国云南引种至丽江玉龙雪山,因其地理环境与南美安第斯山脉及其相似是一个最佳的玛咖种植基地,国产玛咖也逐渐进入国内市场。 玛咖富含55种活力营养素,独有的玛咖烯、玛咖酰胺是玛卡提取物中具有促进性功能勃起,提高精子数量,并促...
玛咖压片糖的作用 什么是玛咖, 玛咖是原产于南美洲秘鲁安第斯山脉4000米左右的一种十字花科植物,数千年来一直是当地印加人的主要食物来源,有着抗疲劳和提高生育力的神奇功效,被土著居民称之为“安第斯山神赐予人类的礼物”,也有着“南美人参”的美誉。 2001年经CCTV央视报道后逐渐被国人所了解和接受,后被我国云南引种至丽江玉龙雪山,因其地理环境与南美安第斯山脉及其相似是一个最佳的玛咖种植基地,国产玛咖也逐渐进入国内市场。 玛咖富含55种活力营养素,独有的玛咖烯、玛咖酰胺是玛卡提取物中具有促进性功能勃起,提高精子数量,并促进其活力的有效物质之一,可以刺激人体内荷尔蒙分泌平衡,达到修复生理机能的效果,这个功能让玛咖成为全球十大保健品之一,享誉风靡世界。 此外玛咖还富含蛋白质、糖类、脂肪酸(含较多α-亚麻酸、亚油酸)、膳食纤维,20种氨基酸(天冬氨酸、精氨酸等)、多种种矿物质(铁、锰、铜、锌、钠、钾、钙、磷、硫、镁等)、8种维生素(VB1、VB2、VB5、VB6、VB12、VC、VA、VE),多种生物碱以及芥子油苷、牛磺酸、植物多酚、皂角苷等生物活性成分。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 玛咖有什么功效呢? 玛咖的作用是什么, 由于玛卡中含有多种均衡合理的营养成份以及多种具有生物活性的次生代谢产物,因 此,玛卡具备多种保健和治疗功能,传统上可用于增强精力、提高生育力、改善性功能、治 疗更年期综合症、风湿症、抑郁症、贫血症,另外,它还具有抗癌和抗白血病等作用。这些 神奇的功效在近十年引起了世界各国科学家的极大兴趣。关于玛卡的营养保健和药理、药效 以及临床实验研究正在世界范围内全面展开。 玛咖对于男性功效有:抗疲劳、补充精力、增加精子质量、提高生育能力、改善前列腺 带来的症状、壮阳补肾、平衡男性荷尔蒙分泌、改善阳痿早泄症状。 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 玛咖对于老年人功效有:营养均衡、增加精力、增加抵抗力、改善睡眠提高记忆力、防 止动脉硬化、降血脂。 玛咖对于女性功效有:改善睡眠质量、调节内分泌、改善亚健康状态、增加免疫力、缓 解精神压力、缓解女性更年期综合症、抗氧化、抗贫血、修复生理机能。 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 玛咖对女性的效果: A、自然减肥美容,有效率95%上以上。 B、平衡体内荷尔蒙年轻水平,有效率78%以上。 C、延缓更年期,有效率80%以上。 D、提高免疫系统抵御疾病能力,有效率75%以上。 E、改善睡眠、缓解疲劳,抗焦虑等抑郁性状况~效果达89%以上。 可见成年女性可以吃玛咖,玛咖可以调节内分泌,平衡人体荷尔蒙分泌,从而达到美容养颜的作用,所以成年女性吃玛咖可以起到美容、增强体质、提高性欲的作用,成年女性吃玛咖是不错的选择。 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 玛咖有没有副作用吗,什么人不适宜吃玛咖, 临床验证表明玛咖容易上火,所以一般容易上火的要少量吃玛咖,对于正在上火的人,吃玛咖会加重上火的病情,所以建议少吃甚至不吃。 哪些人不适合吃玛咖呢, 婴幼儿:玛咖虽然是一种天然食物,可以快速补充人的精力、改善善睡眠等功效,但是玛咖中独有的玛咖烯和玛咖酰胺具有调节荷尔蒙,提高人的性欲和性能力,这个不适合婴幼儿吃,因为有可能导致孩子早熟,所以玛咖产品不建议婴幼儿服用。 哺乳期妇女:在哺乳期的妈妈不建议吃玛咖,因为玛咖能够增强性欲,而且玛咖中的营养成分是否会对哺乳期妈妈的奶水成分造成影响,目前还没有确切的研究证明,哺乳期妈妈吃玛咖其奶水是否对胎儿有影响,在这种情况下,为了保险起见,不建议吃玛咖。 孕妇:是指处于怀孕期的女性,在怀孕期间,由于出于孩子的保护,一般都会停止同房,而玛咖可以增强性欲、提高性能力,这不利于孕妇保胎,从另一方面讲,目前并没有临床证明玛咖的营养成分不会对胎儿产生不好的影响,但是为了保险起见,不建议孕妇吃玛咖。 甲状腺疾病患者:玛咖中有一种叫硫代葡萄糖甙的化合物,由于饮食中或多或少都有一些碘摄入,而硫代葡萄糖甙结合碘可能会导致甲状腺肿胀,这对甲状腺疾病患者会产生一系列影响。那么玛咖可能导致正常人甲状腺肿胀吗,这个是不会的,请放心食用。 未成年人:玛咖专家认为玛咖不适合未成年人食用,未成年人处于发育期,是正在长身体的时候,建议多吃各种营养丰富的蔬菜、水果,这样就可以发育的很好,从健康意义上讲,只要营养跟得上,一般都可以健康成长。玛咖面对的人群主要是精力不足,性欲下降、性能力下降、内分泌失调等身体亚健康成年人群。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 玛咖的吃法 吃法1:直接服用玛咖精片或专业的有机玛咖系列产品,这是最便利的玛咖食用方式,也是对人体吸收最好的方法。一般每天按照用餐时间服用,即早中晚各一次,饭前空腹用温水送服。 吃法2:将玛咖原料干片或干果,加入白酒中,然后放入黑松露或东革阿里,这样效果更佳。玛咖原料按重量(g)、体积(ml)1:10,泡50-60度纯粮白酒,浸泡4周以上,饮用25ml/天,泡后的玛咖片或果可按“吃法5”服用。 吃法3:在炖鸡、鸭、排骨、煲汤等时,在停火前25分钟加入20克玛咖原料干片或干果/1000ml汤。 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 玛咖哪个牌子好, 当下玛咖越来越受到更多的人的熟知,在健康养生,提高免疫力方面他的确表现的很出色,很多人也买来保健使用。但是现在市场上玛咖的品牌种类很多,玛咖哪个牌子好呢, 现在市场上的玛卡类型很多,其中主要可归纳为三类: 第一类以玛卡初粉为原料,纯度低,效果不好; 第二类以玛卡提取物为原料,添加其它中药成分,价格昂贵且玛卡所起作用有限; 第三类以玛卡胚体精粉为主要原料,并进行有效提纯,有效成分高,容易被人体吸收。 而【体恒健商城】官方销售的体恒健牌玛咖正是属于第三类。体恒健牌玛咖有5项独有优势 (1)、科学优势:依据"下丘脑—垂体—性腺"调节中枢神经分泌性激素的原理,玛卡的营养及独有的生物活性物质玛咖烯、玛咖酰胺等物质能够调控性活动的前期阶段,它们通过参与中枢神经传递,达到调控性活动的目的,对改善性功能和生育力有显著作用,而且天然安全,无副作用。 (2)、原料优势:体恒健玛卡采用优质玛卡胚体原料,通过瞬时高温消毒和干燥,确保有效物质的高吸收率。 (3)、工艺优势:独有的专利"糊化"技术,可打断大分子链但又不影响其活性成分,能保证工艺过程中保留玛卡胚体中所有的精华营养,并剔去无效用的物质,同时保证人体对提取的营养活性成份消化吸收率高达98%。 (4)、功效优势:健康不疲劳,具有明确的调节性功能的作用,通过多方检测认定,体恒健玛卡安全无副作用,不含任何激素,其独有的专利技术也保证了1片体恒健牌玛卡片的营养价值就相当于6-8片其他的玛卡产品。有些宣称能提高性能力保健品,它可能添加了万艾可等春药成分。这些药物成分只能作为处方药出售,而且患有心血管疾病的人不能服用,体恒健玛卡绝对不含任何激素,绿色安全,无副作用。 (5)、安全,品质保证:济南体恒健生物工程有限公司是山东首家获GMP认证保健食品企业,专注于生命健康20年,获“山东省著名商标”称号。知名企业,安全品质有保障。 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 体恒健牌玛咖说明书 【产品名称】体恒健玛咖 【产品类型】压片糖果 【配料表】玛咖粉、麦芽糊精、低聚木糖、食品增加剂 【食用方法】口含口嚼,每日2次,每次3片 【不适宜人群】婴幼儿、哺乳期妇女、孕妇 【生产许可证号】QS370113011336 【执行】SB/T10347 【净含量】30g(0.5g*60片) 【注意事项】每天使用量不超过25g 【贮存方法】置于阴凉干燥处 【保质期】24个月 【购买渠道】体恒健商城 (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 体恒健牌玛咖功效 1.抗击疲惫,恢复精力 工作繁重,压力太大,疲劳乏力,肾亏!玛咖所含特殊生物碱和丰富营养成分氨基酸,可减轻人们沉重的工作生活压力,缓解由各种原因带来的焦虑和消除身心抑郁,使人充满活力。 2.改善睡眠,提升活力 玛咖有效的防止亚健康硬气的精神匮乏,适应能力睡眠质量和反应能力下降等症状,还可以改善注意力不集中,记忆力下降,思维迟钝。 3.强效温补,充沛体力 玛咖中的氨基酸和精氨酸有血管扩张作用,能增强血管流动,有助于男女在性生活中达到性高潮. 4.调节荷尔蒙,提升生理机能 玛咖激发荷尔蒙睾酮,滋补肾脏,促进男性荷尔蒙分泌,男性肾动力更足,精力更充沛! 5.强效补肾,活力无限 玛咖含丰富天然草本营养物质,能有效提高精子数量和活跃度,使男人射精强劲有力,强力提高男性能力. 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 体恒健牌玛咖同其他产品的对比 品类 成分 特点 功效 安全性 玛咖提取物 云南原产优质玛人体荷尔蒙分泌纯植物制剂,无任何毒副 体恒健玛咖 玛咖烯 卡植物强肾滋补有显著作用 作用,可长期服用 玛卡酰胺 剂 透支肾精,副作用大、长 市场类 化学成分 通过化学药物刺对勃起障碍有很期使用会产生依赖,造成 激实现快速勃起 好效果 终身阳痿 一般无副作用,不恰当偏 一般补肾产品 普通中药 偏补肾阴或肾阳 需辩证施治,对补肾阴肾阳会损害肾精, 肾精亏损患者效加重肾虚 果不大 中药成分增加激通过中药的温补长期使用造成慢性中毒, 中药提取类壮阳素成分 辅助激素刺激,因人而异,有一并且会逐步产生抗药性产品 达到壮阳功效 定的疗效 而丧失性功能 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健牌玛咖适用人群 A: 经常感觉疲劳的男性/勃起有障碍者、性欲低下者; B: 经常精神不振、心情抑郁者/工作压力大及饮食不正常者; C: 精子活力不足弱精量稀少者/患有前列腺增生的成年男性。 适用症状(如果你有以下症状 , 就该是服用体恒健牌玛咖的时候了): A: 性功能减退、性欲降低、精力、体力、注意力、记忆力减退、容易疲劳、食量减退、便秘、夜尿次数增加等。 B: 间发性头痛、心悸、胸闷、呼吸不畅、耳鸣、局部麻木等。容易烦躁、 易怒、多疑、恐怖感、孤独感、兴趣减低等 服用效果表现 A:10 — 20 天:身体困乏与精力不济的现象有明显改善,睡眠质量好转,不易疲劳。 B:30 — 40 天:气色变好,记忆力好转,明显改善反应迟钝与注意力不易集中的现象;腰酸背痛好转,性生活质量有明显提高。 C:40 — 60 天:皮肤恢复光泽,精力更加充沛,心态积极,消除睡眠障碍,身体的抗病能力明显增强,性生活质量更高,不再有性生活后的疲乏感。 D:60 —120 天:巩固第二周期的效果,全面调理身心。因疲劳引起的生理机能退化与情绪不稳的情况得到根本的改变,身体各项生理指标呈 25 岁般的年轻健康状态。 体恒健牌玛咖产品特点 ? 100% 纯天然食品,非复方制剂,纯天然、无副作用。 ? 强精补肾,让你更加龙精虎猛。 ? 增强性欲,享受持续高潮快感。 ? 提高精子数量,提高生育能力。 ? 富含 55 种活力营养素。 ? 服用方便,保障营养成份的全面高速吸收,服用 20 天就可均 衡提高生理机能。 ? 高含量 , 所含 MACA 纯度 100% ,有效成分远远高于同类产品 ? 质量有保障, MACA 产品达到世界卫生组织 (WHO) 质量标准,并通过 FDA 认证。 ? 普通玛卡吸收率不到30%。体恒健牌玛卡采用专利糊化技术,以玛卡精粉为原料,吸收率可以高达98% ? 体恒健牌玛卡经国家兴奋剂及运动营养测试中心检测证明不含任何违禁成分和激素类药物,天然安全。 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 体恒健牌玛咖价格 活力体验装1瓶:原价198 优惠价88元 适用症状:常感疲劳?有气无力?失眠多梦 产品功效:该套餐的主要功效是通过激活荷尔蒙,修复肾脏功能,令精神振作、气色红润、增强体力,提升性功能。 使用人群:性生活疲软、心理疲劳、常感身体乏力、精神不振、失眠多梦等人群使用 坚挺修复装3瓶:原价594 优惠价264元 适用症状:勃起障碍?体力不济?中度早泄 产品功效:该套餐搭配使用,能很好的改善性生活时间,促进睾丸素分泌,增强体力与硬度.克服器质与心理勃起障碍,提升性生活质量。 使用人群:轻度勃起障碍、性生活低于8分钟、性欲望冷淡、频繁手淫、腰酸背疼、常感身体乏力、精神不振、失眠多梦等人群使用。 刚硬加强装6瓶:原价1188 优惠价528元 适用症状:阳痿早泄?依赖药物?勃起困难?肾功能衰退 该套餐搭配使用,能很好改善肾脏功能,帮助调节身体抗药性,促进海绵体充血,改善阳痿、不举、疲劳等勃起困难,恢复正常性生活 使用人群:阳痿、不举、举而不坚、性欲降低、性生活低于3分钟、有药物依赖症、体质虚弱、体乏无力、肤色晦暗等人群使用。 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 玛咖是性药吗,玛咖跟伟哥是一样的吗, 玛咖是养鸡生蛋,性药是杀鸡取卵。从原理上讲,玛咖不是补药,也不是性药。从效果上说,性药的功效主要是改善性功能,如伟哥。而玛咖的功效比性药要广泛,自身的独特活性成分,能激发性腺的分泌,有“天然伟哥”之称。 近几年在国内外开始流行补充植物类激素如卵磷脂等,其在一定程度上可以起到调节身体某玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 种激素缺乏的作用。然而其也有一些副作用,如每天服用超过30毫克的卵磷脂就会对甲状腺功能产生负面影响等。 体恒健牌玛咖哪里卖 方式:体恒健商城 【体恒健商城】是济南体恒健生物工程有限公司指定的官方商城,可以百度搜索:体恒健商城,体恒健,tihengjian等关键词查找登陆商城。或者直接访问商城网址:(请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 体恒健商城介绍 【体恒健商城】隶属于济南体恒健生物工程有限公司旗下,于2009年开始创办,并于2015年进行全面升级,打破原有的网购局限性,扩大产品品类,加强运营管理,成为网上销售体恒健牌各类保健营养食品的指定官方商城。 购物保障体系 全场正品 假一赔三 如果您对所购买商品是否为正品有质疑,登录【体恒健商城】,联系客服来投诉处理。如商品为非正品,将“假一赔三”。 官方认证 优质商家 【体恒健商城】与支付宝等建立了亲密的合作关系,成为支付宝的认证商家,并签订正式的合作,。【体恒健商城】检查组为客户严格把关商品质量,保障客户的权益。 anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 3大权威平台认证、信誉保障 【体恒健商城】为CCTV合作伙伴、360及百度安全认证商家,保障信誉。 资质证书展示 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) 玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健牌玛咖购买地址: (请将网址复制到浏览器中打开) anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanese performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue and the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership 体恒健商城 www.tihengjian.com 商城主营产品列表 商品名称 商品作用 商城售价(1瓶) 体恒健牌养肝片 养肝护肝,改善化学性肝损伤 169元 体恒健牌硒维康口嚼片 科学补硒,提高免疫力 238元 体恒健牌育之缘口嚼片 男性备孕必备,提高精子活力 665元(10盒) 体恒健牌铁之缘片 补铁,预防改善缺铁性贫血 90元 体恒健牌钙之缘片 碳酸钙+VD科学补钙 76元 体恒健牌DHA 补充儿童所需DHA 99元 体恒健牌B组维生素 补充B组维生素 55元 体恒健牌孕多维 补充叶酸及多种维生素 68元 体恒健牌玛卡 抗击疲劳,提高男性能力 88元 体恒健牌蜂胶软胶囊 有效降血糖,预防改善糖尿病 68元 体恒健牌破壁灵芝孢子粉 补充营养,提高免疫 128元 新稀宝牌锌硒宝片 补锌第一品牌 106元 新稀宝牌海豹油软胶囊 进口产品,有效降三高 198元 盖思贝牌鳕鱼肝油 有效补充DHA 79元 体恒健:专注营养保健品20年 玛卡的功效作用anti-Japanese patriotism. Under the influence of the party, Zhu, Wang, acting in strict discipline, political, military quality,哪里买好玛咖.doc and combat effectiveness has improved. As well as youth service corps, women's service and young pioneers, countryside-Japanes玛卡的功效作用,哪里买好玛咖e performance, posting anti-Japanese slogans, operate private schools, literacy classes, founder of the iron, and the tongue an.doc d the sound, sparks and other anti-Japanese mimeographed tabloid, actively promote anti-Japanese. Hanchang recovery after the party, that is, "Jiangnan anti-Japanese guerrilla people save," Shen Yingjie, Xu Azhen to participate in development of the Chinese Communist Party, in October and set up a water party group in Hong Kong, Han chang long party group. Meanwhile, Xu on cleaning two wannan, demanding new army deployed cadres, and have sent many new progressive youth to receive training. On November 9, sheng, Wu Xing, Nanxun, jiaxing, Tongxiang, Zonta, Hangzhou, wukang strongholds such as Elves, nearly all men, together with the aircraft, boats, Zhu Xi Lu, pouncing on troop locations. 10th, the enemies have invaded yan Tomb, Xin Cheng, Wuzhen. 11th, Zhu Xi army pier at Bell House was surrounded by the enemy, break, casualties will be great, CPC party member Xu, Xu Quansheng, really so magnificent and head of three Wang Yulin, also died in the battle. Zhu Xi withdrew the remnants of more than 400 people back to Xiao Feng integration. Jie Xu with the new cadres, Communist party Mr CHOW (Zhou kangyu) came from southern Anhui. Zhu Xi Wei CHOY for staff officers. The end of unified leadership
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