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下水道施工方案下水道施工方案 林海公路,A20~A30,工程6标 下 水 道 施 工 方 案 上海市第二建筑有限公司 林海公路LH-6标工程项目部 2009年11月 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the s...
下水道施工 林海公路,A20~A30,工程6标 下 水 道 施 工 方 案 上海市第二建筑有限公司 林海公路LH-6标工程项目部 2009年11月 Adhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of study-oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and the 编制依据 1、林海公路6标排水管道设计图纸 2、《城市测量规范》 (CJJ8-90) 3、《市政排水管道工程施工及验收规范》 (DBJ08-220-96) 4、《市政排水构筑物工程施工及验收规范》 (GBJ08-224-96) 5、《给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范》 (GB50268-97) 6、《砌体工程施工质量验收规范》 (GB50203-2003) 7、《上海市排水管道通用图》 8、《埋地塑料排水管道工程技术规程》 (DG/TJ08-308-2002) 9、《埋地塑料排水管道施工》 (04S520) 10、《市政排水管道工程质量检验评定》 (CJJ3—90) 11、《中华人民共和国工程建设标准强制性条文》(城市建设部分)(建标[2000]202号) rk systems, party systems, monitoring systems and theough the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and wock thrin an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, practiher emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve y organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Furtoriented part-belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of studye vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and rm thbuilding. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently a nd social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideologicalomic ad upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast econred to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption anAdhe1 目 录 1 工程概况 .............................................. 1 2 施工准备 .............................................. 1 2(1 技术准备 ..............................................1 2(2 组织机构 ..............................................2 2(3 劳动力 ............................................3 2(4 材料准备 ..............................................3 2(5 机械计划 ..............................................3 3 施工方案 .............................................. 4 3.1管道施工工艺流程 ........................................4 3.2土方工程沟槽开挖 ........................................5 3.3加筋管、钢筋砼承插管基础垫层 .............................6 3.4管道安装 ...............................................6 3.5管道与检查井的衔接 ......................................8 3.6回 填 ..................................................9 4 施工进度流程、计划及保证措施 ........................... 10 4.1施工进度流程 ...........................................10 4.2工程进度计划节点控制 ...................................10 4.3进度保证措施 ...........................................10 5 质量保证措施 .......................................... 10 6 成品保护措施 .......................................... 12 7 安全保证措施 .......................................... 12 tly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constanny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptio2 8 文明施工保证措施....................................... 15 rk systems, party systems, monitoring systems and theough the construction of party system construction, and constantly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and wock thrin an effort to promote scientific development and social harmony made new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and improve the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, practiher emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory with practice, problem solving and the combine to solve y organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quality. Furtoriented part-belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on power and interest. Advancing the construction of studye vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and rm thbuilding. Persist in the first place to ideological construction, strengthening and improving the theory work, persistently a nd social development to provide strong protection. 1. the exploration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideologicalomic ad upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of the construction, in order to promote sound and fast econred to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruption anAdhe3 1 工程概况 工程名称:林海公路(A20~A30)工程6标 建设单位:上海公路投资建设发展有限公司 设计单位:上海市诚市建设设计研究院 监理单位:江苏交通工程咨询监理有限公司 施工单位:上海市第二建筑有限公司 我标段工程范围:K23+000.0,K25+150.0,长2150.0m,起、终点与5、7标相接。林海公路LH-6标主线为一级干线公路,设计车速80km,h,辅道、集散车道设计车速40km/h,主线沿规划中心线走向,规划红线宽度50m。LH-6标共设平曲线1处,JD.6(R=2500m),本标内圆曲线长度为370.62m。主线最大坡度为4%,位于川南奉公路,老川南奉公路组合菱形立交两侧落地处。 本标段新建雨水管道设计管位位于道路中心线两侧,采用开槽埋管施工,本工程机动车道的检查井窨井基座采用防沉降盖板,窨井盖采用高强高纤维防盗砼窨井盖。管道DN300~DN400采用硬聚氯乙烯(upvc)加筋管,管道基础采用15cm厚碎石或砾石砂垫层,上铺10cm黄砂找平层,碎石粒径为25~38mm,砾石砂粒径为,60mm。粗砂坞傍至管外顶,管道采用“T”型橡胶圈接口,DN600~DN1200管道采用双壁缠绕管,承插式接口,橡胶圈止水,15cm砾石砂基础,5cm中粗砂找平,中粗砂回填至管外顶。雨水进水口采用?型雨水进水口,连管采用DN300硬聚氯乙烯(upvc)加筋管。 2 施工准备 2(1 技术准备 1) 熟悉和审阅施工图纸,了解设计意图及相关细节,另一方面开展有关图 纸会审、技术交底、技术方案的编写等准备工作,同时根据施工需要 编制更为详尽的施工作业指导书,以便工程从开始就受控于技术管理, 从而确保工程质量。 1 2) 办理测量、检验和计量仪器、设备的检测工作。 3) 办理好坐标点、水准点控制点交接手续,建立施工现场测量坐标、高程 控制网。 4) 施工用水根据现场实际情况有原总体各管线处理使用。 5) 施工用电从原各总电箱接至施工现场,夜间施工配备若干只太阳灯施工 照明。 6) 现场布置根据总体情况逐步推进。 2(2 组织机构 选调有相关经验的项目经理成立项目经理部对工程进行全面的管理,项目经理部设工程管理部、工程技术部、物资供应部、质量安全部和办公室等职能部门,对整个工程总协调、总控制,实施全面、统一管理,负责安全、技术、质量、文明施工、标准化管理等工作,按项目法要求组织施工。 项目各部门的职能: 工程管理部: 施工管理、工程进度、质量、安全、文明施工具体实施与控制。 工程技术部: 施工技术管理、编制施工方案、计划与统计、测量复核、材料试验。 质量安全部: 制定各项质量、安全,实施全过程的质量、安全控制。 物资供应部: 材料的采购、保管、发放,机电设备的维修、保养、管理以及操作人员的管理。 综合管理部: 工程预决算,劳动工资管理,财务成本管理,工程合同管理。 办公室: 负责内外协调、文件管理,现场保卫、后勤等工作。 项目机构设置详见:?工程项目组织架构表? tly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constanny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptio2 项目负责人 项目工程师 项目副经理 质办综工 工 量合程程公安管管 技 全理理术室部部部 部 下水道作业队2队 11111 2(3 劳动力计划 根据现场施工实际情况,结合工程进度、质量等要求,施工拟配备如下人员: 序号 工种名称 人数 进场时间 备注 1 混凝土工 10 2009.10.15 2 砌 筑 工 15 2009.10.15 3 管道工 10 2009.10.15 4 杂 工 10 2009.10.15 2(4 材料准备 针对于本工程的设计材料要求,根据预算工程和施工进度要求,编制材料、设备、机具、成品的供应计划,工程用材料提前请进行检测,具有合格资质及检测合格的材料才能投入使用。 2(5 机械计划 3 施工主要机具 序号 名 称 规 格 数量 备 注 31 挖 掘 机 PC200(1m) 2台 32 挖 掘 机 PC200(0.4m) 1台 4 压 路 机 1台 6 水 泵 4BA-18 5台 7 打 夯 机 HN-80 2台 3 施工方案 3.1排水管道施工工艺流程 测量 确定线路 钉中心桩 放线定位 管沟开挖 3.1.1测量放线 1) 以测绘院提供的水准点为依据,在沿线设置临时水准点,临时水准点 设在周边永久建筑上,距沟边大于10m。 2) 沿管线方向定出管道中心和转线角处检查井的中心点,并与就近固定 建筑物相连。 3) 新建排水管及构筑物与地下 原有管道或构筑物交叉处, 设置特别标记示众。 4) 用全站仪定出管道中心线位 置,标出管线的起点、终点 管道沟槽底标高测量 和转角点,作为中心控制桩。 5) 核对新排水管道末端和接旧有管道的底标高,核对设计坡度。根据沟 底的宽度、边坡和挖深计祘出上口宽度,放出上口挖槽线。 tly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constanny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptio4 3.2土方工程沟槽开挖 (1)根据现场实际原地面情况,本工程排水管道开挖深度在3米以内。为 了防止地下水的影响,扰动沟槽地基的土壤,沟槽采用围棱板支撑分 段开挖,沟槽开挖尽量避开雨季。 (3)开挖沟槽时,严格控制基底高程,不得扰动基面,应保留基底设计标 高以上0.2,0.3m的原状土,待铺管前用人工开挖至设计标高。如果 局部超挖或发生扰动,应换填粒径10,15mm天然级配的砂石料或5, 40mm的碎石,整平夯实。 沟槽允许偏差 序检查频率 允许偏差 量测项目 检验方法 号 范围 点数 (mm) 1 槽底高程 两井间3点 0 -30 水准仪测量 槽底中线每侧挂中心线用尺量,每侧2 两井点6点 不小于规定 高度 计3点 用坡度尺测量,每侧计33 沟槽边坡 两井点6点 不徒于规定 点 (4)由专业的测量人员进行坑底标高的监测,所有管道定位按施工图纸布 置,定位依据为施工建筑物。窨井位置应尽可能对应建筑物的出墙管 道,定位必须经过建设单位、监理单位认可后方能进行施工。总管位 置要求用50×50,L=600木柱打入地内以控制管道纵向位置,管道定 位采用钢皮尺,根据城市控制网点用DS3水准仪采用附合水准法三次 返测引测到施工点,并做好该点的保护工作,完成该工作后与原建筑 物复核一下,应考虑建筑物的沉降。用小方桩控制一次性将余土清理 到位。 (5)如局部遇地下水用水泵降水集中排出场外。在土方开挖前应做好轴线 的测量定位工作,土方放坡为1:0.3,基础工作面为0.4米。 (6)基坑验槽:基坑开挖完成至设计标高后,会同总包及施工单位、监理 5 单位等有关单位相关人员进行验槽,使基底持力层符合设计和相关规 范要求,待验收合格后方可进行下道工序施工,如地质不符合要求应 根据设计方案另行地基处理,使其达到设计要求,并填写相关的技术 资料,会同验收方共同签字。 3.3加筋管、钢筋砼承插管基础垫层 加筋管管道基础采用15cm碎石或砾石砂,10cm粗砂找平,粗砂砂坞膀至管外顶,雨水连管采用砂垫层。双壁缠绕管采用15cm砾石砂基础,5cm中粗砂找平,中粗砂回填至管外顶。 3.4管道安装 工艺流程: 管材检验 沟底检查 检查标高 检查管基础 检验机具、绳索 下管、接口 排水井施工 闭水试验 1.安装前,应按产品标准逐节进行外观质量检验,不符合标准要求的,应 做好记号,另作处理。 2. 管道布设:管道布设应根据总体图纸,在窨井井壁施工前管道均应铺 设完成。管道接口为承插式O形橡胶圈密封详见《上海市排水管道通用 图》及《建筑排水室外埋地硬聚氯乙烯管道安装》图集施工说明。 3.下管可用人工或起重机进行。采用人工下管时,铺管时应人工搬运,搬 运必须轻放,严禁管材在地面上的拖拉可由地面人员将管材传递给沟槽 施工人员,对放坡开挖的沟槽,也可用非金属绳索系住管身两端,保持 管身平衡均匀溜放至沟槽内,严禁将管材由槽顶滚入槽内,采用起重机 下管时,应用非金属绳索扣系住,不得串心吊装。安装时,承插口管应 将插口顺水流方向,承口逆水流方向,安装宜由下游往上游进行。塑料 管材的接口,应采用弹性密封橡胶圈连接的承插式或套筒式柔性接口。 tly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constanny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptio6 排水管道之间或其他公用管线相交或标高相碰时,若上下管道相交,标高相碰时采用道虹式,若上下管道相交标高不相碰蛋管壁间净距过小采用交叉加固处理。 4(橡胶圈接口应符合以下规定: (1)(接口前,应先检查橡胶圈是否配套完好,确认橡胶圈安放位置及 插口应插入承口的深度。 (2)(接口时,先将承口内壁清理干净,并在承口内壁及插口橡胶圈上 涂上润滑剂,然后将承插口端面的中心轴线对齐。 (3)(接口方法应按下述程序进行:DN400mm及其以下管道,先由一人用 棉纱绳吊信被安装管道的插口,另一人用长撬棒斜插入基础,并 抵住该管端部中心位置的横挡板,然后用力将该管缓缓插入待安 装管道的承口。DN400mm以上管道可用2台手扳葫芦将管节拉动就 位。接口合拢时,管节两侧的手扳葫芦应同步拉动,使橡胶密封 圈正确就位,不扭曲、不脱落。 5(粘接接口应符合以下规定: (1)(检查管材质量,必须将插口外侧和承口内侧表面擦干净,使被粘 结面保持清洁,不得有尘土水迹。表面沾有油污时,必须用棉纱 蘸丙酮等清洁剂擦净。 (2)(粘接前必须对两管的承口与插口粘接的紧密程度进行验证,使插 入深度及松紧度配合情况符合要求 ,并在插口端表面划出插入承 口深度的标线。 (3)(在承插接关表面用毛刷涂上符合管材材性要求的专用粘结剂,先 涂承口内面,后涂插口外面,沿轴向由里面往外涂沫均匀,不得 漏涂或涂沫过量。 (4)(涂沫粘结剂后,应立即校正对准轴线,将插口插入承口骼力推挤 至所划标线,插入后将管旋转1/4圈,在60S内保持施加外力不 7 变,并保持接口的正确位置。 (5)(插接完毕应及时将挤出接口的粘结剂擦拭干净,静止固化。 6(为防止接口合拢时已排设管道轴线位置移动,需采取稳管措施。具体 方法可在编织带内灌满黄砂,封口后压在已排设管道的顶部。具体数量 视管径大小而异。管道接口后,应复核管道的高程和轴线使其符合要求。 7(雨季施工应采取防止管材漂浮措施。管道安装结束后,可先回填至管 顶以上一倍管径以上高度。管道安装结束尚未回填时,一旦遭到水淹, 应进行管中心线和管底高程复测及外观检查,如发生位移、漂浮或拨口 现象,应返工处理。 表5.3.2 管道基础及管节安装实测项目 项次 检 查 项 目 规定值或允许偏差 检查方法和频率 权值 混凝土抗压强度或1? 在合格标准内 按附录D、F检查 3 砂浆强度(MPa) 经纬仪或拉线:每两井间测32 管轴线偏位(mm) 15 2 处 3 管内底高程(mm) 土10 水准仪:每两井间测2处 2 4 基础厚度(mm) 不小于设计 尺量:每两井间测3处 1 肩宽(mm) +10,-5 尺量、挂边线:每两井间测25 管座 1 处 肩高(mm) ?10 宽度 不小于设计 6 抹带 尺量:按10%抽查 2 厚度 不小于设计 3.5管道与检查井的衔接 管道的检查井可采用砖砌或混凝土直接浇制。管道与检查井的衔接,宜采用柔性连接。当管道与检查井采用砖砌或混凝土直接浇制衔接时,可采用中介层作法。施工前在管道与检查井相接部位预先用与管材相同的塑料胶粘剂和粗砂做成中介层,然后用水泥砂浆砌入检查井的井壁内。 管道位于软土地基或低洼、沼泽、地下水位高的地段时,与检查井宜采用短管连接。即直接与检查井连接处采用长0.5m的管段,后面再连以长度不大于2m的短管,以下再与整根管连接。 tly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constanny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptio8 窨井尺寸采用1000*1000,1000*1300,井底采用溜槽或落底300,井盖均采用标牌统一盖座。 表5.4.2 检查(雨水)井砌筑实测项目 项次 检 查 项 目 规定值或允许偏差 检查方法和频率 权值 1? 砂浆强度(MPa) 在合格标准内 按附录F检查 3 2 轴线偏位(mm) 50 经纬仪:每个检查井检查 1 圆井直径或方井长、宽3 土20 尺量:每个检查井检查 1 (mm) 4 井底高程(mm) 土15 水准仪:每个检查井检查 1 雨水井 0,-4 井盖与相邻路面高 水准仪、水平尺:每个检5 2 差(mm) 查井检查 检查井 0,+4 3.6回 填 1.管道隐蔽工程验收合格后应立即回填至管顶以上一倍管径的高度。管道回 填采用中粗砂回填至管外顶平,管顶以上0.7m范围内回填时必须用人工 回填,严禁用机械推土回填。管顶0.7m以上部位的回填,可采用机械从 管道轴线两侧同时回填、夯实或碾压。 2.回填前应排除沟槽积水,不得回填淤泥、有机质及冻土。回填土中不应含 有石块、砖及其它杂硬带有棱角的大块物体。 3.回填时应分层对称回填、夯实以确保管道及检查井不产生位移。回填土的 含水量,应按回填材料和采用的压实工具控制在最佳含水率。 4.回填土的每层虚铺厚度,应按采用的压实工具和要求 的密实度确定。 5.对常用的压实工具,虚铺厚度可按下表的数值选用 压实工具 虚铺厚度 木夯、铁夯 ?200 火力夯 200~250 压路机 200~300 振动压路机 ?400 9 4 施工进度流程、计划及保证措施 4.1施工进度流程 本工程根据施工现场情况,拟定在2009年年前完成本工程所有排水管道。 4.2工程进度计划节点控制 依据工程规模和特征、施工流程、综合现场及社会环境等因素,同时结合建设方对工期的要求,我们详尽编制工程施工进度计划,力求客观、全面地表达我们对工程的理解,做到在保证工程质量、工程安全的前提下达到最快、最合理。详见:《下水道施工进度计划》。 4.3进度保证措施 1(建立高素质的计划管理机构 承建本工程的施工组织机构,将由具有相当技术素质和经历类似本工程施工经验的管理层人员组成,其中慎重选派项目经理、生产副经理、项目工程师以及综合协调副经理的人选。项目经理对施工全过程的进度计划,进行全面管理、协调和监控。配备高素质的项目领导班子,从组织上保证工期目标的实现。 2. 建立完善的计划保证体系 建立完善的计划体系是掌握施工管理主动权、控制施工生产局面,保证工程进度的关键环节。本项目的计划体系将以日、周、月和总控制计划构成的工期计划为主线。 5 质量保证措施 (1)管材内压强度应满足设计要求,管材要求外观颜色一致内壁光滑平整, 管身部不得有裂缝,筋的连续缺陷不得超过二条及管口变形等缺陷。 (2)各种材料必须其有质量检验部门的产品质量合格和产品性能说明书, tly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constanny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptio10 应表明生产厂家规格和生产日期。 确保本工程所承包范围内的总体工程一次验收通过,达到国家质量验收合格标准。 施工质量保证措施将主要围绕施工质量保证体系、施工质量控制措施、成品保护措施、及全面质量管理等四个方面,而这四个方面的关系是相辅相成的。 详见:《工程质量总控制图》。 工程质量总控制图 项目经理: 吴志勇 项目总工: 缪德贵 项目副经理: 尹永君 工程质量目标 施工质量保证体系 施工质量的控制措施 各分部分项工 程质量保证措 施及成品保护 施工质量阶段性质量各施工要素的施工质量 开始QC小 组活动 管理体系 控制措施 质量控制 控制体系 各 分成施施施事事事人机物工方部前中后品工工工控控控艺法 分控控控保质质质制 制 制 控控项 制 制 制 护 量量量制 制 工管管管程 理理理质组职体 量织 责 系 保 工程回访维修服务 编制相应作业指导书 证工程回访维修服务 认真审阅图纸,施工前会同建设方、监理、设计等单位做好图纸会审工 11 作,施工过程中发现问题经解决后提出不同意见经征得有关单位同意后应及时做好技术核定签证工作。 认真实行“三”按施工:按图施工、按规范施工、按施工组织设计施工。结合图纸和规范要求做好技术交底工作(包括口头交底和书面交底),施工技术人员先熟悉施工图,再向班组长作详细的交底,在施工过程中加强现场巡查,并解决疑难问题。执行有见证送检制度,进场材料的抽检应请监理进行有见证取样、送检。严格把好进场材料质量关,及时收集材料合格证、质保书,做好见证送检,经检验合格后方可使用。 施工中的抽检工作做到认真、及时,按照质评标准确定每批的取样组数,砂浆、砼按照上海市的有关规定进行标准养护。 在抓好现场施工质量的同时做好技术资料的收集与整理。技术资料的收集、整理应做到及时、真实、齐全,由专人负责,按照国家质量检验评定标准和质检站及上海市档案馆对工程资料的具体规定执行。 成立由项目工程师担任组长的质量领导小组,由施工技术部门、材料供应部门、施工班组等有关方面负责人参加。质量领导小组对项目经理部负责,实行全面质量管理加强质量通病的防治工作,强化全员质量意识,每周五组织分项负责人召开关于质量通病防治的要点。 项目部每星期一对工程进行全面质量检查,查出问题限期整改。 6 成品保护措施 土方开挖后应及时进行下一道工序的施工,严禁基槽内浸水。管道安装后即进行回填,防止其移位、变形。 7 安全保证措施 安全是建筑施工中永恒的主题,我企业将把安全放在重要的位置。进入施工现场必须自觉遵守施工现场安全生产六大纪律,按要求进行班前话并做好记录。对整个工程的施工过程而言,其排列应为安全——质量——进度— tly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constanny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptio12 —经济效益,只有在确保工程施工安全的前提下,才有质量、文明施工、进度、经济效益。没有安全,一切就无从谈起。 我企业承诺安全生产目标为:杜绝死亡及重伤事故,月安全事故频率控制在1.0‰之内。 安全生产管理组织详见:《组织机构图》。 项目经理 项目经理 吴志勇 项目总工 安全员 项目副经安全总监 施工操作人员进公司有关部门 缪德贵 乔新民 理 场 进场进行安全 教育 编制安全施工方在施工现场进行安全教 案 育 投 入 落实完善各进行全面检施工工长对人种安全设施查不间断完班组进行教材 方案 善 育 物 分发个人劳动用 品 制定相关 进行监督检施工过程 每周一次安全学制度、规定 查 习 设施不能满足要人员不注意安全生 求 产 按规加强 加强 定处教育 学习 罚 根据本工程管理人员规模,拟指定以项目经理为主,项目副经理为辅,各级工长及班组为主要执行者,保卫、安全员为主要监督者,医务人员为保障者的安全生产责任制。建立现场安全文明值班制度,及时检查解决生产过 13 程中所可能发生安全问题及文明生产要求。 加强机械检查、安全用电,防止漏电、触电事故,雨及暴雨季节做好防滑处理。 挖土前应有地下管道电缆等其它埋设物的报告书,如在挖土过程中发现与报告内容不符情况就立即停止施工不得擅自处理,开挖的下水道周围要设防护栏杆,土方开挖时每台挖机必须有专人进行指挥挖土。所有机械设备应经常性清洁、润滑、紧固、调整、不超负荷和带病工作;对特殊工序,必须编制作业方案,提出确保安全措施 施工现场必须设置畅通消防车道,配备足够消防器材、消火栓、进水主管务必满足消防要求; 现场料场、库房的布局应合理规范,易燃易爆物品、有毒物品均应设专库保管,严格执行领用、回收制度; 施工现场用电线路的设置和架设必须按有关规定与用电布置图进行。电缆线均应架空,穿越道路除防护套管外,埋置深度应超过0.2m,全部采用三相五线制。 现场配电房醒目处挂有警示标志,配备一组有效的干粉灭火器,配电房钥匙由现场电工班派专人保管。 现场配电箱设有可靠有效的三相漏电保护器和项漏电保护器,动作灵敏,动力、照明分开,与配电房内的漏电保护器形成二级保护,使施工用电人身更安全。 现场所有配电箱应统一编号、上锁,专人保管,箱壳接地良好。 施工用电的设备、电缆线、导线、漏电保护器等应有产品质量合格证。漏电保护器要经常检查,发现问题立即调换,熔丝要相匹配。 tly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constanny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptio14 8 文明施工保证措施 本工程文明施工目标为:创建一流的施工现场,确保获得市文明工地。 我公司严格按照上海市有关施工现场标准化管理规定的内容及相关文件进行布置及管理,避免和消除对周围环境的影响,建立起我企业的形象。 详见《文明施工管理组织机构》 项目经理 项目经理 吴志勇 项目总工 项目副经理 项目副经理 施工管理人员 缪德贵 尹永君 对现场进行总体规划 安排有关人员按要求进行全面布置 材料堆放整齐 投入相应人、财、物 工完场清 对现场布置进行明确 施工过程 环形道路整齐 生活卫生 其它 项目副经理 全面检查 制定有关制度、规定 达不到要求 达到要求 落实 进行处理 保证并提 高 成立各施工单位文明施工管理负责人参加的施工现场文明施工管理小组,组织现场的文明施工管理。 15 根据现场情况,项目经理部成立8-10人的场容清洁队,负责环境清扫及维护工作。 供电、给水、排水等系统的设置严格遵循平面图的布置。 所有的材料堆场、小型机械的布设均按平面图要求布置,如有调整应有书面的平面修改通知。 水泥和其他易飞扬物存放库内或严密遮盖,运输时要防止遗洒、飞扬。 对商品混凝土运输车要加强防止遗撒的管理,要求所有运输车卸料溜槽处必须装设防止遗撒的活动挡板,并必须清理干净后方可出现场。 确保雨水管网与污水管网分开使用,严禁将非雨水类的水体排进市政雨水管网。 施工现场设立专门的废弃物临时贮存场地,废弃物应分类存放,对有可能造成二次污染的废弃物必须单独贮存、设置安全防范措施且有醒目标识。 废弃物的运输确保不散撒、不混放,送到政府批准的单位或场所进行处理、消纳。 建筑垃圾与生活垃圾严禁混杂,集中堆放,并及时组织清运。 上海市第二建筑有限公司 林海公路LH-6标项目部 2009年10月15日 ny madprove the art of leadership, adhere to, which was to promote, in an effort to promote scientific development and social harmowith practice, problem solving and the combine to solve practical problems, to improve the theory, combining knowledge and imty. Further emancipating the mind, improve the ability of integrating theory oriented party organization and the learning cadre, establish a sound learning system, continuously enhance the overall quali-nd interest. Advancing the construction of studyower aialism with Chinese characteristics, strengthen the ideal and belief education, establish a correct world Outlook, views on prengthening and improving the theory work, persistently arm the vast numbers of party members and cadres with theories of socon, stloration and innovation, strengthening the party's ideological building. Persist in the first place to ideological constructihe construction, in order to promote sound and fast economic and social development to provide strong protection. 1. the expn and upholding integrity, continuously improve the scientific level of tAdhered to comprehensively strengthen the party's ideological, organizational, style, system, and focus on fighting corruptiotly strengthening the party's leadership, organization, and work systems, party systems, monitoring systems and thee new achievements. 2. work hard, strengthen cadre. Stick through the construction of party system construction, and constan16
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