

2017-09-01 41页 doc 136KB 19阅读




描写西湖的诗句描写西湖的诗句 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and tec...
描写西湖的诗句 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 描写西湖美景的诗句 西湖是天下第一美湖,很多名人都喜欢到西湖游玩,古代的文人骚客都写下诗句以表对西湖的热爱。歪歪并从网上搜集汇总了一些描写西湖诗句。 春望 白居易 望海楼明照曙霞,护江堤白蹋晴沙。 涛声夜入伍员庙,柳色春藏苏小家。 红袖织绫夸柿蒂,青旗沽酒趁梨花。 谁开湖寺西南路,草绿裙腰一道斜。 晓出净慈寺杨万里 毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。 白居易 杭州回舫 自别钱塘山水后,不多饮酒懒吟诗。 欲将此意凭回棹,报与西湖风月知。 答客问杭州 白居易 为我踟蹰停酒盏,与君约略说杭州。 山名天竺堆青黛,湖号钱唐泻绿油。 大屋檐多装雁齿,小航船亦画龙头。 所嗟水路无三百,官系何因得再游, extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 杭州送裴大泽赴庐州长史 李白 西江天柱远,东越海门深。 去割慈亲恋,行忧报国心。 好风吹落日,流水引长吟。 五月披裘者,应知不取金。 送章孝标校归杭州因寄白舍人杨巨源 曾过灵隐江边寺,独宿东楼看海门。 潮色银河铺碧落,日光金柱出红盆。 不妨公事资高卧,无限诗情要细论。 若访郡人徐孺子,应须骑马到沙村。 杭州祝涛头二首 徐凝 不道沙堤尽,犹欺石栈顽。 寄言飞白雪,休去打青山。 倒打钱塘郭,长驱白浪花。 吞吴休得也,输却五千家。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 杭州观潮 姚合 楼有章亭号,涛来自古今。势连沧海阔,色比白云深。 怒雪驱寒气,狂雷散大音。浪高风更起,波急石难沈。 鸟惧多遥过,龙惊不敢吟。坳如开玉穴,危似走琼岑。 但褫千人魄,那知伍相心。岸摧连古道,洲涨踣丛林。 跳沫山皆湿,当江日半阴。天然与禹凿,此理遣谁寻。 经杭州 顾非熊 郡郭绕江濆,人家近白云。 晚涛临槛看,夜橹隔城闻。 浦转山初尽,虹斜雨未分。 有谁知我意,心绪逐鸥群。 杭州孤山寺 张祜 楼台耸碧岑,一径入湖心。 不雨山长润,无云水自阴。 断桥荒藓涩,空院落花深。 犹忆西窗月,钟声在北林。 观杭州柘枝 张祜 舞停歌罢鼓连催,软骨仙蛾暂起来。 红罨画衫缠腕出,碧排方胯背腰来。 旁收拍拍金铃摆,却踏声声锦袎摧。 看著遍头香袖褶,粉屏香帕又重隈。 题杭州天竺寺 张祜 西南山最胜,一界是诸天。上路穿岩竹,分流入寺泉。 蹑云丹井畔,望月石桥边。洞壑江声远,楼台海气连。 塔明春岭雪,钟散暮松烟。何处去犹恨,更看峰顶莲。 题杭州灵隐寺 张祜 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 峰峦开一掌,朱槛几环延。佛地花分界,僧房竹引泉。 五更楼下月,十里郭中烟。后塔耸亭后,前山横阁前。 溪沙涵水静,涧石点苔鲜。好是呼猿久,西岩深响连。 中秋夜杭州玩月 张祜 万古太阴精,中秋海上生。鬼愁缘辟照,人爱为高明。 历历华星远,霏霏薄晕萦。影流江不尽,轮曳谷无声。 似镜当楼晓,如珠出浦盈。岸沙全借白,山木半含清。 小槛循环看,长堤蹋阵行。殷勤未归客,烟水夜来情。 杭州开元寺牡丹 张祜 浓艳初开小药栏,人人惆怅出长安。 风流却是钱塘寺,不踏红尘见牡丹。 杭州江亭留题登眺 项斯 处处日驰销,凭轩夕似朝。 渔翁闲鼓棹,沙鸟戏迎潮。 树间津亭密,城连坞寺遥。 因谁报隐者,向此得耕樵。 登杭州城 郑谷 漠漠江天外,登临返照间。 潮来无别浦,木落见他山。 沙鸟晴飞远,渔人夜唱闲。 岁穷归未得,心逐片帆还。 登杭州秦望山 马湘 太乙初分何处寻,空留历数变人心。 九天日月移朝暮,万里山川换古今。 风动水光吞远峤,雨添岚气没高林。 秦皇谩作驱山计,沧海茫茫转更深。 游杭州圣果寺 王安石 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 登高见山水,身在水中央。 下视楼台处,空多树木苍。 浮云连海气,落日动湖光。 偶坐吹横笛,残声入富阳。 杭州故人信至齐安 苏轼 昨夜风月清,梦到西湖上。 朝来闻好语,扣户得吴饷。 轻圆白晒荔,脆酽红螺酱。 更将西庵茶,劝我洗江瘴。 故人情义重,说我必西向。 一年两仆夫,千里问无恙。 相期结书社,未怕供诗帐。 还将梦魂去,一夜到江涨。 阻郁达夫移家杭州 鲁迅 钱王登假仍如在,伍相随波不可寻。 平楚日和憎健翮,小山香满蔽高岑。 坟坛冷落将军岳,梅鹤凄凉处士林。 何似举家游旷远,风波浩荡足行吟。 忆西湖 张煌言 梦里相逢西子湖,谁知梦醒却模糊。 高坟武穆连忠肃,添得新祠一座无。 西湖晚归回望孤山寺赠诸客 白居易 柳湖松岛莲花寺,晚动归桡出道场。 卢橘子低山雨重,棕榈叶战水风凉。 烟波澹荡摇空碧,楼殿参差倚夕阳。 到岸请君回首望,蓬莱宫在海中央。 西湖留别 白居易 征途行色惨风烟,祖帐离声咽管弦。 翠黛不须留五马,皇恩只许住三年。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 绿藤阴下铺歌席,红藕花中泊妓船。 处处回头尽堪恋,就中难别是湖边。 重别西湖 李绅 浦边梅叶看凋落,波上双禽去寂寥。 吹管曲传花易失,织文机学羽难飘。 雪欺春早摧芳萼,隼励秋深拂翠翘。 繁艳彩毛无处所,尽成愁叹别溪桥。 送唐中丞开淘西湖夏日游泛因书示郡人朱庆馀 萍岸新淘见碧霄,中流相去忽成遥。 空余孤屿来诗景,无复横槎碍柳条。 红旆路幽山翠湿,锦帆风起浪花飘。 共知浸润同雷泽,何虑川源有旱苗。 离岐下题西湖 吴融 送夏迎秋几醉来,不堪行色被蝉催。 身随渭水看归远,梦挂秦云约自回。 雨细若为抛钓艇,月明谁复上歌台。 千波万浪西风急,更为红蕖把一杯。 春日西湖作 齐己 一水绕孤岛,闲门掩春草。 曾无长者辙,枉此问衰老。 移居西湖作二首 齐己 火云阳焰欲烧空,小槛幽窗想旧峰。 白汗此时流枕簟,清风何处动杉松。 残更正好眠凉月,远寺俄闻报晓钟。 只待秋声涤心地,衲衣新洗健形容。 官园树影昼阴阴,咫尺清凉莫浣心。 桃李别教人主掌,烟花不称我追寻。 蜩螗晚噪风枝稳,翡翠闲眠宿处深。 争似出尘地行止,东林苔径入西林。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 西湖杂诗 黄任 珍重游人入画图,楼台绣错与茵铺。 宋家万里中原土,博得钱塘十顷湖。 次林伯玉侍郎韵赋西湖春游 陆游 西湖一别不知年,陈迹重寻麦岭边。 山远往来双白鹭,波平俯仰两青天。 残骸自觉难支久,一笑相从亦宿缘。 旅食京华诗思尽,羡公落笔思如泉。 西湖杂感 钱谦益 板荡凄凉忍再闻,烟峦如赭水如焚。 白沙堤下唐时草,鄂国坟边宋代云。 树上黄鹂今作友,枝头杜宇昔为君。 昆明劫后钟声在,依恋湖山报夕曛。 潋艳西湖水一方,吴根越角两茫茫。 孤山鹤去花如雪,葛岭鹃啼月似霜。 油壁轻车来北里,梨园小部奏西厢。 而今纵会空王法,知是前尘也断肠。 夜泛西湖五绝 苏轼 新月生魄迹未安,才破五六渐盘桓。 今夜吐艳如半璧,游人得向三更看。 三更向阑月渐垂,欲落未落景特奇。 明朝人事谁料得,看到苍龙西没时。 苍龙已没牛斗横,东方芒角升长庚。 渔人收筒及未晓,船过惟有菰蒲声。 菰蒲无边水茫茫,荷花夜开风露香。 渐见灯明出远寺,更待月黑看湖光。 湖光非鬼亦非仙,风恬浪静光满川。 须臾两两入寺去,就视不见空茫然。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 西湖春游 陆游 灵隐前,天竺后,鬼削神剜作岩岫。 冷泉亭中一尊酒,一昌可敌千年寿。 清明后,上巳前,千红百紫争妖姘。 冬冬鼓声鞠场边,秋千一蹴如登仙。 人生得意须年少,白发茏锺空自笑。 君不见灞亭耐事故将军,醉尉怒诃如不闻。 与儿辈泛舟游西湖一日间晴阴屡易陆游 逢著园林即款扉,酌泉鬻笋欲忘归。 杨花正与人争路,鸠语还催雨点衣。 古寺题名那复在,后生识面自应稀。 伤心六十余年事,双塔依然在翠微。 题临安邸 林升 山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休。 暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州当汴州。 岳鄂王墓 赵子昂 鄂王墓上草离离,秋日荒凉石兽危。 南渡君臣轻社稷,中原父老望旌旗。 英雄已死嗟何及,天下中分遂不支。 莫向西湖歌此曲,水光山色不胜悲。 饮湖上初晴后雨 苏轼 水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。 冷泉亭 林稹 一泓清可沁诗脾,冷暖年来只自知。 流出西湖载歌舞,回头不似在山时。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 蝶恋花 西湖感旧 叶森 小院闲春愁几许。 目断行云,醉忆曾游处。寂寞而今芳草路。 年年绿遍清明雨。花影重帘斜日暮。 酒冷香温,幽恨无人顾。一阵东风吹柳絮。 八声甘州 戊申再到西湖 张野 忆湖光,醉别几经春,千里每神驰。 恨无穷烟水,无情岁月,无限相思。 万里风沙梦觉,山色碧参差。 忙对玻璃镜,照我尘姿。 欲写从前离阔,便安排画舸,准备新诗。 见六桥遗构,烟雨强撑支。 怨东风、红消翠减,比向来、浑是老西施。 如何得、刘郎双鬓,长似当时。 鹦鹉曲 忆西湖 冯子振 吴侬生长西湖住。舣画舫听棹歌父。 苏堤万柳春残,曲院风荷番雨。 草萋萋一道腰裙,软绿断桥斜去。 判兴亡说向林逋,醉梅屋梅梢偃处。 摸鱼儿 春日西湖泛舟 涨西湖、半篙新雨,麴尘波外风软。 兰舟同上鸳鸯浦,天气嫩寒轻暖。 帘半卷。度一缕、歌云不碍桃花扇。莺娇燕婉。 任狂客无肠,王孙有恨,莫放酒杯浅。 垂杨岸,何处红亭翠馆。如今游兴全懒。 山容水态依然好,惟有绮罗云散。 君不见。歌舞地、青芜满目成秋苑。斜阳又晚。 正落絮飞花,将春欲去,目送水天远。 锦堂春 西湖 刘迎 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 水漫汀洲新绿,云开崦嶂微青。 残红不见成阴后,寂无声。 笑傲坡公一梦,风流杜牧三生。 西湖依旧人中意,来去竟难凭。 西湖留别 【唐】白居易 征途行色惨风烟,祖帐离声咽管弦。 翠黛不须留五马,皇恩只许住三年。 绿藤阴下铺歌席,红藕花中泊妓船。 处处回头尽堪恋,就中难别是湖边。 杭州回舫 【唐】白居易 自别钱塘山水后,不多饮酒懒吟诗。 欲将此意凭回棹,报与西湖风月知。 寄题余杭郡楼兼呈裴使君 【唐】白居易 官历二十政,宦游三十秋。 江山与风月,最忆是杭州。 北郭沙堤尾,西湖石岸头。 绿觞春送客,红烛夜回舟。 不敢言遗爱,空知念旧游。 凭君吟此句,题向望涛楼。 和西川李尚书汉州微月游房太尉西湖 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 【唐】刘禹锡 木落汉川夜,西湖悬玉钩。旌旗环水次,舟楫泛中流。 目极想前事,神交如共游。瑶琴久已绝,松韵自悲秋。 颍州从事西湖亭宴饯 【唐】许浑 西湖清宴不知回,一曲离歌酒一杯。 城带夕阳闻鼓角,寺临秋水见楼台。 兰堂客散蝉犹噪,桂楫人稀鸟自来。 独想征车过巩洛,此中霜菊绕潭开。 题磻溪垂钓图 【唐】罗隐 吕望当年展庙谟,直钩钓国更谁如。 若教生在西湖上,也是须供使宅鱼。 重别西湖 【唐】李绅 浦边梅叶看凋落,波上双禽去寂寥。 吹管曲传花易失,织文机学羽难飘。 雪欺春早摧芳萼,隼励秋深拂翠翘。 繁艳彩毛无处所,尽成愁叹别溪桥。 题临安邸 【宋】林升 山外青山楼外楼,西湖歌舞几时休。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 暖风熏得游人醉,直把杭州当汴州。 晓出净慈寺 【宋】杨万里 毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同。 接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。 饮湖上,初晴后雨 【宋】苏轼 水光潋滟晴方好,山色空蒙雨亦奇。 欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。 岳鄂王墓 【元】赵子昂 鄂王墓上草离离,秋日荒凉石兽危。 南渡君臣轻社稷,中原父老望旌旗。 英雄已死嗟何及,天下中分遂不支。 莫向西湖歌此曲,水光山色不胜悲。 忆西湖 【明】张煌言 梦里相逢西子湖,谁知梦醒却模糊。 高坟武穆连忠肃,添得新祠一座无。 西湖杂诗 【清】黄任 珍重游人入画图,楼台绣错与茵铺。 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 宋家万里中原土,博得钱塘十顷湖。 闻意索三门湾以兵轮三艘迫浙江有 【清】康有为 凄凉白马市中箫,梦入西湖数六桥。 绝好江山谁看取,涛声怒断浙江潮。 南游吟草 【现当代】郁达夫 武夷三十六雄峰,九曲清溪境不同。 山水若从奇处看,西湖终是小家容。 苏堤春晓 【明】杨周 柳暗花明春正好,重湖雾散分林沙。 何处黄鹤破瞑烟,一声啼过苏堤晓。 曲院风荷 【明】王瀛 古来曲院枕莲塘,风过犹疑酝酿香。 尊得凌波仙子醉,锦裳零落怯新凉。 双峰插云 【清】陈糜 南北高峰高插天,两峰相对不相连。 晚来新雨湖中过,一片痴云锁二尖。 与颜钱塘登樟亭望潮作 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 【唐】孟浩然 百里闻雷震,鸣弦暂辍弹。 府中连骑出,江上待潮观。 照日秋空通,浮天渤解党。 惊涛来似雪,一座凛生寒。 平湖秋月 【宋】孙锐 月冷寒泉凝不流,棹歌何处泛归舟。 白苹红蓼西风里,一色湖光万顷秋。 涌金门见柳 【元】贡性之 涌金门外柳如金,三日不来成绿阴。 折取一技入城去,教人知道已春深。 南屏晚钟 【明】万达甫 玉屏青障暮烟飞,给殿钟声落翠微。 小径殷殷惊鹤梦,山增归去扣柴扉。 夜泛西湖 【明】董斯张 放棹西湖月满衣,千山晕碧秋烟微。 二更水鸟不知宿,还向望湖亭上飞。 花港观鱼 special welcome of is, XX Group also get has 2015 years Mayor quality award, showed that has has is strong of innovation capacity; Shandong Mo Shang source forest "cloud green Huai new varieties industrialization development" was as Shandong province 2015 years West economic uplift with focus development plans; nine Xin day of development of Chinese God SOAP, and Chinese God water, high-end day of products, became County development new highlights, in domestic also caused sensation. Five five years perseverance, talent highlight scene. Build XX, Shanghai, Guangdong, introducing only three workstations, widely implement "Golden Bridge project", a total of 32,000 people importing all kinds of talent, intelligence, and in particular the introduction of the Chinese Academy of engineering, XX University of chemical Tan tianwei, the "thousand person plan" expert-Guo Xin, domestic and foreign medical experts-Dr Wang Chuanhua and high-end talent in America. Among them, Dr Wang chuan-Hua was awarded the provincial government "province's Taishan industry leading talent" honor, Is the city's only overseas science and technology industry leaders, and provincial and municipal entrepreneurship support fund of 3 million Yuan. Rising part-time research scientists Zhu Qing of the Group increased, leading new materials research and development team, to focus on the more high-tech projects research, 2015 was awarded the XX city "Tarzan and leaders of excellence" honors. Two top talent is the embodiment of achievement in my talents over the years. Personnel training has intensified. Strong integration of various training resources, vigorously implement the "advanced training Enterprise talents" "resettlement and practical training", "travel professionals in action" e-commerce "Yu CAI" four personnel training project. Only in 2015, training immigrants with practical skills, tourism professionals and other professionals at all levels to 64,000 people extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets 【清】许承祖 水上新红漾碧虚,卢园景物尽邱墟。 就中只觉游鱼乐,我亦忘机乐似鱼。 西湖柳枝词 【清】田庶 短长条拂短长堤,上有黄莺恰恰啼。 翠幕烟绡藏不得,一声声在画桥西。 extraction processes, production of pollution-free, high value-added products, fully meet the State environmental requirements. Four five-year relaxation and rest, achievements in concentrated bursts. In five years, 135 organized scientific research and technological innovation projects, promote scientific and technological research and development investment of 630 million Yuan. 26 key projects included in the national and provincial research and development projects, 32 new scientific and technological results of municipal-level science and technology progress award, first prize for 5. Ruixing group "biomass-based nutrient and microbial resistant and efficient construction of new system in urea production and industrialization", the 2015 annual provincial science and technology progress award, which the company won the provincial science and technology progress Award for four consecutive years. Increasing number of patent applications, in 2015, the County reached 168 invention patent applications, an increase of 143.5%, increase the city's 1th, patents for inventions accounted 33.9%, ranking the 3rd place in the city, run-silver bio-3 companies in the provincial intellectual property advantage enterprise. XX group development of atmospheric continuous desulfurization equipment included "province first Taiwan sets
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