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2013昆明高新区规模工业企业销售收入冲千亿2013昆明高新区规模工业企业销售收入冲千亿 2013昆明高新区规模工业企业销售收入冲千亿 来源:四川成都浩旺集团杂志 2013年,企业将在高新区寻找到更多合作机会。因为2012年,高新区新注册企业达到777家,2013年,高新区还将继续扩大企业集聚效应,引进和整合上下游企业。 昆明高新区将继续扩大经济总量,在2011年首家迈入云南省千亿园区门槛之后,2012年营业总收入1204.5亿元,同比增长11%;2013年将在2012年的基础上继续增加,力争实现规模以上工业企业销售收入在2012年808亿元的基础上过千亿~ 2...
2013昆明高新区规模工业企业销售收入冲千亿 2013昆明高新区规模工业企业销售收入冲千亿 来源:四川成都浩旺集团杂志 2013年,企业将在高新区寻找到更多合作机会。因为2012年,高新区新注册企业达到777家,2013年,高新区还将继续扩大企业集聚效应,引进和整合上下游企业。 昆明高新区将继续扩大经济总量,在2011年首家迈入云南省千亿园区门槛之后,2012年营业总收入1204.5亿元,同比增长11%;2013年将在2012年的基础上继续增加,力争实现规模以上工业企业销售收入在2012年808亿元的基础上过千亿~ 2013年,省内外园区可寻找到更多借力高新区的机会。因为高新区明确提出,“在全省、全市园区中当好排头兵”,2013年将发挥“溢出效应”,推进与省内、市内和境外园区合作,可以通过企业扩散,股份合作,一区多园、“飞地”建设或者援建方式合作。 2013年,高新区内企业的科技创新将获得更多支持。高新区实施创新推动战略,本级财政对科技投入将在2012年达3%的基础上,增加到5%。 高新区推进科技部提出的“创新型特色园区”建设,将吸引稀贵金属新材料和生物科技两大产业的高端企业,加盟高新区的强势产业队伍,同时,吸引高精尖的水科技企业、通用航空企业、电力装备企 业以及电子商务软件企业和高端人才加盟,因为高新区有园区和基地专门支撑上述新兴产业的突破发展。 指标:营业总收入达1204.5亿元 在2011年实现营业总收入1088.6亿元的基础上,2012年营业总收入达1204.5亿元,同比增长11%;全年完成规模以上工业增加值154.6亿元,同比增长18.1%;规模以上工业企业销售收入808亿元;完成财政总收入41.77亿元,增收5.93亿元,同比增长16.55%。 新注册企业777户,进区企业数达6263户。园区总收入上百亿元企业达4家,上十亿元企业12家,上亿元企业44家。 科技投入:3% 新认定高新技术企业27个,获得专利授权232项。2012年,科技部批准高新区创建国家创新型特色园区,按照创建要求,科技投入达到了高新区财政支出比重的2.97%,约3%。 产业:16个亿元以上项目开工 高新区2012年引进项目213个,实际利用外资2.65亿美元,引进市外到位资金146.09亿元,亿元以上工业项目开工16个,竣工10个。 concentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called determines, it actually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentration of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations of potassium hydrogen di-potassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of standard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen di-potassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchmark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the following conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal water, the content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compounding or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smaller. Benchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO, and so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount of base material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the solution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, otherwise it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • L-1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not necessary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following principles: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when taking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as fluoride salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decomposition of the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, solutions such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Large-capacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cylinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating the surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readings will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipette and pipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the capacity of the pot-bellied tubes, only a tick-tick-free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volumes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette, 2012年,工信部正式批准高新区为国家新材料(稀贵金属)新型工业化产业示范基地。云南生物谷灯盏花等“产业基地项目”竣工,即将试生产。中航通飞公司、航天万源公司、大地航空等数家通航企业已签订投资,电力装备产业园有多家骨干企业建成投产。丰源水务、城投碧水源、亚太环保等重点企业签约入驻昆明水科技园,13万平方米标准厂房已经交付使用。 高新区电子商务基地被商务部确定为首批示范基地,美国新蛋公司中国西部分部等企业签约入驻,电子商务企业正不断向园区集聚。 基础设施投资:12亿元 完成建成区城市及控详规调整,启动10项城市改造提升。 基础设施建设取得新进展。建设项目开竣工面积87.28万平方米,完成基础设施投资12.39亿元。收储土地3330.77亩。平整土地1652.65亩。高新大道等7条道路建设稳步推进,其中,高新大道化城段、白云段拆迁取得实质性进展。建设公租房、安置房1574套。城中村改造开工17.5万平方米,竣工40.77万平方米。完成环保投资1.3亿元。开展了梁王河综合整治。 民生建设:首次开办初中 教育经费投入达到1.3亿元。高新一小“云南基础教育国际化实验学校”正式挂牌。高新实验学校开办初中起步顺利。 规模工业企业销售收入冲关千亿 高新区认为,园区是经济建设的主战场,做大经济总量是园区发展的首要任务。省委、省政府提出,2013年要实现主营业务收入超千亿元园区零的突破。昆明市委、市政府指出:经济总量偏小、工业支撑乏力是昆明经济发展中存在的亟待解决的问题。做大做强园区经济,既是省、市党委、政府赋予的重任,也是高新区自身发展的必然要求。 高新区2013年要力争实现规模以上工业企业销售收入过千亿。去年高新区规模以上工业企业销售收入808亿元,要实现冲关过千亿,高新区面临的难度非常大。高新区提出必须勇于担当,以超常规的努力争取突破性成就。 存量大企业是高新区经济发展的重要支柱,也是今年经济总量超千亿的重要增长点。为此,高新区还将加大服务重点企业的力度,对云铜、云锡、贵研铂业、云白药电子商务、滇虹药业、昆明制药等重点骨干优势企业要实行重点服务、重点保障;2013年要实现云南锗业、贵研催化、娃哈哈二期、宏绿辣素、龙津药业、生物谷灯盏花、植物药工业园等一批项目的生产和销售,形成新的经济增长点。 concentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called determines, it actually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentration of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations of potassium hydrogen di-potassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of standard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen di-potassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchmark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the following conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal water, the content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compounding or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smaller. Benchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO, and so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount of base material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the solution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, otherwise it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • L-1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not necessary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following principles: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when taking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as fluoride salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decomposition of the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, solutions such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Large-capacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cylinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating the surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readings will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipette and pipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the capacity of the pot-bellied tubes, only a tick-tick-free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volumes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette, 将遴选30家左右成长性高、创新性强、发展前景好的中小企业给予重点关注和扶持,培育一批事关园区长远发展的潜力企业。继续申报“新三板”试点,做好国资公司发行企业债券的相关工作,加强对滇虹药业、黄金矿业等拟上市企业的指导和服务,支持和引导其尽快上市。 固定资产投资要确保达到百亿,力争突破110亿。在去年启动实施20个重点产业项目、10个建成区改造提升项目、10个基础设施项目的基础上,今年再启动实施20个重点产业项目、10个建成区改造提升项目、10个基础设施项目。通过3年左右的努力,实施百余个项目,为高新区新一轮增长和跨越发展奠定基础。 产业:倾力打造“云南电商谷” 年内碧水源要建成投产,开工建设滇池流域水环境监测中心项目、云南中环金泽科技有限公司环保科技装备、环保新材料及环保生物药剂产业化基地项目,使水科技园形成相应的规模;积极推进新能源示范基地建设,在建设云南电力装备产业基地的基础上,积极引入光伏发电、智能电网、风能设备、新能源电池等制造企业,启动建设中国南方电网新能源示范工程项目、云南保利天同仪器有限公司高精度压力变送器及前视声呐应用开发项目、云南卓玺投资有限公司配电网智能化产业中心项目、昆明益通美尔防雷工程有限公司防雷设备及变压器的研发生产项目,加快把马金铺基地建设成为新能源示范基地;航 空航天科技园要进一步落实已签约的项目,以培训、运营服务、制造、销售、维修为重点,推进通航产业的起步和发展,年内通用飞机临时起降点投入使用,通用航空产业园要初具雏形,卫星应用产业项目启动实施。 电子信息产业要以整体提升云南软件园的功能为切入点,进一步实现整合提升,拓展研发设计、企业咨询、财务管理、技术支持、文化创意等现代服务,引进北京网库互通信息技术有限公司、云南鲲鹏农产品电子商务批发市场有限公司等一批有较强市场吸引力的电子商务企业,完善电子商务交易支撑的服务体系,倾力打造“云南电商谷”,初步形成国家电子商务示范基地的整体框架。 园区拓展:推进开放合作 高新区认为,经过20年的发展, 高新区应发挥溢出效应和示范效应, 探索与东南亚、南亚科技园区、境外经济合作区合作发展的新路子。 以产业延伸、项目对接、技术辐射、人才交流为纽带,采取双方共建、项目援建、股份合作、委托开发等方式,加强与宜良、晋宁、富民、石林等县区合作,拓展与玉溪高新区、楚雄经开区、文山三七产业园等园区的合作,探索建设高新区分园区、“飞地”经济等一区多园的发展模式,既开拓园区的发展空间,又促进区域产业升级,带动经济协调发展。 concentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called determines, it actually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentration of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations of potassium hydrogen di-potassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of standard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen di-potassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchmark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the following conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal water, the content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compounding or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smaller. Benchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO, and so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount of base material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the solution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, otherwise it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • L-1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not necessary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following principles: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when taking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as fluoride salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decomposition of the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, solutions such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Large-capacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cylinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating the surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readings will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipette and pipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the capacity of the pot-bellied tubes, only a tick-tick-free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volumes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette, 10新项目提升西城品质 高新区将推进“活力高新?品质西城”建设。对去年启动的黄金集团总部、云南科工大厦、云南心景旅游集团西城心景、海源?高新天地等10个重点项目,一要精心做好设计,严把品质关;二要加快建设进度,尽早形成体现城市新形象的标志性建筑。 要启动建设云南铭鼎药业、亚太环保、鑫慧、海源学院、中科生物、云大生物、大卫地块、创新大厦、大塘子城中村改造、小屯汽车城等10个城市改造提升工程。要抓紧做好土地收储协议谈判与签约工作,加快土地招拍挂步伐,争取在上半年实现地块交易。 全面展开新城基地大开发大建设的新格局。重点抓好三项工作:一要加快完成李子园片区修建性详规的编制工作,以昆明国家生物产业基地2号片区为重点,启动和推进工业上山项目建设。二要抓紧推进公租房、新型社区建设,已建成的公租房、新型社区要抓紧分配入住。三要抓紧推进重要道路基础设施建设。今年新城产业基地要启动10项基础设施建设工程:1、启动马澄路改造工程;2.2013年度公租房建设;3.林塘(二期)、化城(二期)新型社区建设;4.大营新型社区建设;5. 石头山生态修复工程;6.塔山路、高登街景观提升工程;7.新城基地14条路网及市政管线完善工程;8.中央景观公园建设;9.南冲河综合整治;10.“茶花五个一”工程。与此同时,要积 极配合有关部门,切实做好省政府重点工程——呈澄高速公路建设相 关工作。 concentration. Such as: 0.1015 mol/L,0.09827 mol/L and so on. The calibration standard solution concentration, is called determines, it actually is a titration process. In other words, you want acid titration with NaOH, you must first determine the exact concentration of NaOH by titration. General calibration NaOH using potassium hydrogen phthalate. Question: the exact concentrations of potassium hydrogen di-potassium acid then how come is it? it calibrated to do? said it does not need calibration. Can weigh the preparation of standard solutions. Such as potassium hydrogen di-potassium acid substance we call benchmarking. 1. benchmark benchmark: the ability to direct the preparation of calibration standard solutions or substances. Baseline must satisfy the following conditions: sufficient purity. Purity of more than 99.9%. Composition consistent with the chemical formula. With crystal water, the content should be consistent with the chemical formula. Stable. That cannot be decomposed in weighing or save time, compounding or moisture absorption. Large molar mass. Molar mass, required amount of weighing, weighing the relative error is smaller. Benchmarks are commonly used: pure metal, such as: Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn and so on; pure compounds such as K2Cr2O7,Na2CO3,Na2C2O4,ZnO, and so on. 2. preparation of standard solutions: direct method: on the analytical balance accurate weighing a certain amount of base material, dissolved in a volumetric flask and diluted to the desired size, then calculate the exact concentration of the solution, such as: K2Cr2O2 preparation of standard solutions. Direct method only applies to the base material.is very clear, otherwise it will result in an error. Preparation of 0.1mol • L-1 solution of Na2S2O3 required in scale 25G solid reagents, such as weighing on reagent in analytical balance, it is not necessary. Preparation and storage solutions can be guided by the following principles: 1. regular and substantial solutions, start preparing about 10 times times the stock solution concentration, when taking stock solution diluted 10 times. 2. easy solution of erosion or corrosion of glass to serve in glass bottles, such as fluoride salts (like NaF, NH4F, NH4HF2), caustic soda, and should be kept in polyethylene plastic bottle. 3. volatile, decomposition of the reagents and solutions, such as I2, KMnO4, H2O2, AgNO3, H2C2O4, and Na2S2O3, TiCl3, ammonia water, Br2, CCl4, CHCl3, solutions such as acetone, ethyl ether, ethanol and ...A Large-capacity measuring cups and measuring cylinders measuring small size, this reduces accuracy. Measuring liquids, graduated cylinder should be smooth and stay for more than 15 seconds after treating the surface calm, make the sight line and the graduated cylinder (Cup) of fluid meniscus at the lowest level, high or low readings will not cause major errors (see Figure 1). In General, the graduated cylinder designed glass of high precision. 2. pipette and pipette pipette and pipette is an accurate measure the precision of a certain volume of liquid instruments. Pipette is the capacity of the pot-bellied tubes, only a tick-tick-free, so the tick is the requirement under fixed temperature volume General volumes 1mL, 2mL, 5mL, 10mL, 20mL, 25mL, 50mL, 100mL and other specifications. Pipette is a linear indexing graduated pipette,
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