
平安福荣誉升级Microsoft Word 文档

2018-08-10 14页 doc 144KB 5阅读




平安福荣誉升级Microsoft Word 文档平安福荣誉升级Microsoft Word 文档 平安福荣誉升级——计划特色及投保示例(附45种重疾详细介绍) 重要通知平安福升级喽,4月增加15种重疾~植物人、爱滋病赫然在列~“平安福”15版由原来的30类重大疾病增加到45类,保费执行新的费率 平安福官方视频介绍 作为第一款以公司名字命名的产品,平安福产品已成为平安保障旗舰品牌~2014年平安福投保超过107万件,最大保额保单的保额达2.76亿。平安福未来将会不断升级,打造平安保障旗舰~ 在寿险领域,平安人寿在产品方面创新,首款费率市场化产品——平安福健康保障计划,斩...
平安福荣誉升级Microsoft Word 文档
平安福荣誉升级Microsoft Word 文档 平安福荣誉升级——特色及投保示例(附45种重疾详细介绍) 重要通知平安福升级喽,4月增加15种重疾~植物人、爱滋病赫然在列~“平安福”15版由原来的30类重大疾病增加到45类,保费执行新的费率 平安福官方视频介绍 作为第一款以公司名字命名的产品,平安福产品已成为平安保障旗舰品牌~2014年平安福投保超过107万件,最大保额保单的保额达2.76亿。平安福未来将会不断升级,打造平安保障旗舰~ 在寿险领域,平安人寿在产品方面创新,首款费率市场化产品——平安福健康保障计划,斩获“2014年卓越竞争力优秀保险产品”、“金口碑”年度最受欢迎保险产品、“最受欢迎的寿险产品”等荣誉~ 2014年平安人寿十大承保中9位客户购买平安福,升级后的平安福将更加完美~ 平安人寿为回馈广大客户,2015年4月1日,平安保障旗舰产品平安福荣耀升级啦~平安福(护身福)重疾14将升级至平安福(护身福)重疾15~双福重疾的涵盖种类将从30种增加至45种~ to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 2015年4月1日起,平安人寿首款费率市场化产品组合平安福再度升级,在保持原重大疾病、轻度重疾、交通意外、身故、残疾、保费豁免等多项保险责任的基础上,新增15种重大疾病保障,将重疾保障范围扩展至45种,保障更全,性价比更高。 平安福新增15种重疾如下: 1、严重类风湿性关节炎,2、严重溃疡性结肠炎,3、植物人状态,4、终末期肺病,5、急性坏死性胰腺炎开腹手术,6、经输血导致的艾滋病病毒感染,7、非阿尔茨海默病所致严重痴呆,8、严重弥漫性系统性硬皮病,9、严重肌营养不良症,10、严重肾髓质囊性病,11、胰腺移植,12、严重肝豆状核变性(wilson病),13、象皮病,14、严重感染性心内膜炎,15、严重自身免疫性肝炎 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 重大疾病保障范围及参考治疗康复费用,保障及时到位,为一家之主的健康和家庭财务安全保驾护航~ 平安福45种重疾及治疗费用介绍 参考治疗 序号 疾病种类 康复费用 与恶性肿瘤相关的疾1 恶性肿瘤 12-50万元 病 2 侵蚀性葡萄胎(或称恶性葡萄胎) 8-20万元 与心脏或脑血管相关3 急性心肌梗塞 10-30万元 的疾病 4 严重原发性肺动脉高压 10-20万元/年 5 心脏瓣膜手术 10-25万元 6 严重的原发性心肌病 8-20万元 7 脑中风后遗症 10-40万元 冠状动脉搭桥术(或称冠状动脉旁路 8 10-30万元 移植术) to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 9 主动脉手术 8-20万元 10 严重感染性心内膜炎 5-20万元 与器官功能严重受损11 重型再生障碍性贫血 15-40万元 相关的疾病 12 重大器官移植术或造血干细胞移植术 20-50万元 13 双耳失聪 20-40万元 14 慢性肝功能衰竭失代偿期 3-7万元/年 15 双目失明 8-20万元 非透析:5-8万元,透 16 系统性红斑狼疮并发肾功能损害 析:10-24万元 17 语言能力丧失 8-15万元 18 急性或亚急性重症肝炎 4-5万元/年 19 严重溃疡性结肠炎 5-15万元 终末期肾病(或称慢性肾功能衰竭尿 20 10万元/年 毒症期) 21 终末期肺病 10-50万元 22 胰腺移植 10-50万元 23 急性坏死性胰腺炎开腹手术 5-50万元 24 严重肾髓质囊性病 10-50万元 25 严重肝豆状核变性(Wilson病) 10-50万元 26 严重自身免疫性肝炎 5-50万元 27 严重弥漫性系统性硬皮病 10-50万元 与神经系统相关的疾28 良性脑肿瘤 5-25万元 病 29 脑炎后遗症或脑膜炎后遗症 3-5万元/年 30 深度昏迷 8-12万元/年 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 31 严重阿尔茨海默病 5-20万元 32 瘫痪 5-20万元/年 33 严重的多发性硬化 4-10万元/年 34 严重帕金森病 5-20万元 35 严重运动神经元病 6-15万元/年 36 严重脑损伤 4-20万元 37 非阿尔茨海默病所致严重痴呆 10-20万元 38 植物人状态 10-20万元/年 39 多个肢体缺失 10-40万元 其他重大疾病 40 严重的1型糖尿病 4-12万元 41 严重?度烧伤 8-20万元 42 严重类风湿性关节炎 10-50万元 43 象皮病 5-20万元/年 44 经输血导致的艾滋病病毒感染 5-50万元 45 严重肌营养不良症 5-20万元/年 平安福2014是平安首款费率市场化产品,您用更低保费即可享受更高保额,其提供的全面健康保障恒久稳 定,是您寿险保障的明智之选~ 平安福计划特色及投保示例 计划特色: 轻度重疾显关爱,独立给付保障全 重疾保障范围广,确诊即付重疾金 自驾车意外保障加倍,保障更长范围广 稳定保障伴终身,确定利益抗风险 豁免保障更保险,安心无忧享未来 投保示例: 李女士,30岁,丈夫张先生30岁,是小有成就的私营企业主(无社保),也是家里的经济支柱。丈夫紧张的 工作使李女士倍感健康对他的重要。为了让丈夫的健康得到保障,更为了家庭的幸福美满,李女士决定为 他投保平安福计划,全方位的保障让李女士更安心。 年交保费:11937 元,20年交(第20年11112元)。 险种 基本保险金额 保险期间 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 平安平安福终身寿险 30万元 终身 平安附加平安福提前给付重大疾病保险(2015) 28万元 终身 平安附加长期意外伤害保险(2013) 50万元 保障至70周岁 平安附加意外伤害医疗保险(A) 5万元 一年,交费期内可续保 平安附加豁免保险费重大疾病保险(C,加强版) - 保险期间20年 平安附加豁免保险费重大疾病保险(B,加强版) - 保险期间20年 计划利益: 重疾保障范围广, 确诊即付重疾金 等待期后初次发生约定的45种重疾,确诊即付28万,保障及时到位,为一家之主的健康和家庭财务安全保驾护航。 轻度重疾显关爱,独立给付保障全 等待期后初次发生合同约定的“特定轻度重疾”,且确诊28日后仍生存的,按照重疾基本保险金额的20%(即5.6万)给付“特定轻度重疾保险金”,且不影响重大疾病保障的给付。 自驾车意外保障加倍,保障更长范围广 作为企业主的张先生,常驾车出行,平安福计划提供的驾乘意外保障,可在被保险人驾驶、乘坐非营运私家车或乘坐公共交通工具期间发生意外伤害时,获得双倍基本保额赔付,最高达100万,意外保障责任延长至70岁。此外,交费期内因意外产生的医疗费用,每年可获得最高5万元的医疗费用保障(100元免赔额在社保给付范围内赔付且不超过其他补偿后的余额),关爱升级,保障倍至;多达281项的意外伤残评定标准,让责任范围覆盖更广泛,保障更周全。 稳定保障伴终身,确定利益抗风险 平安福计划的主险保障30万与重疾保障28万元到终身,如张先生一生中未发生合同约定的重疾,身故时保险公司将根据当时的主险基本保额作为理赔金全额支付给保险合同受益人,确定的保单利益,相伴终身的呵护,让客户安享品质生活。 豁免保障更保险,安心无忧享未来 平安福计划还提供交费豁免功能,李女士身故、等待期后发生合同约定的全残、重疾,或张先生等待期后发生合同约定的重疾,可以免交豁免险保险期间内剩余的各期保险费,且被保险人张先生的保单权益仍然有效。豁免,让保险更保险,助客户从容面对人生的风雨。 详情请咨询您身边的平安代理人-~ to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results.
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