

2017-09-20 15页 doc 49KB 22阅读




部分网站打不开如何处理部分网站打不开如何处理 部分网站打不开如何处理, 一、网络设置的问题 这种原因比较多出现在需要手动指定IP、网关、DNS服务器联网方式下,及使用代理服务器上网的。仔细检查计算机的网络设置。 二、DNS服务器的问题 当IE无法浏览网页时,可先尝试用IP地址来访问,如果可以访问,那么应该是DNS的问题,造成DNS的问题可能是连网时获取DNS出错或DNS服务器本身问题,这时你可以手动指定DNS服务(地址可以是你当地ISP提供的DNS服务器地址,也可以用其它地方可正常使用DNS服务器地址。)在网络的属性里进行,(控制面板—网...
部分网站打不开如何处理 部分网站打不开如何处理, 一、网络设置的问 这种原因比较多出现在需要手动指定IP、网关、DNS服务器联网方式下,及使用代理服务器上网的。仔细检查计算机的网络设置。 二、DNS服务器的问题 当IE无法浏览网页时,可先尝试用IP地址来访问,如果可以访问,那么应该是DNS的问题,造成DNS的问题可能是连网时获取DNS出错或DNS服务器本身问题,这时你可以手动指定DNS服务(地址可以是你当地ISP提供的DNS服务器地址,也可以用其它地方可正常使用DNS服务器地址。)在网络的属性里进行,(控制面板—网络和拔号连接—本地连接—右键属性—TCP/IP—属性—使用下面的DNS服务器地址)。不同的ISP有不同的DNS地址。有时候则是路由器或网卡的问题,无法与ISP的DNS服务连接,这种情况的话,可把路由器关一会再开,或者重新设置路由器。 还有一种可能,是本地DNS缓存出现了问题。为了提高网站访问速度,系统会自动将已经访问过并获取IP地址的网站存入本地的DNS缓存里,一旦再对这个网站进行访问,则不再通过DNS服务器而直接从本地DNS缓存取出该网站的IP地址进行访问。所以,如果本地DNS缓存出现了问题,会导致网站无法访问。可以在“运行”中执行ipconfig /flushdns来重建本地DNS缓存。 三、IE浏览器本身的问题 当IE浏览器本身出现故障时,自然会影响到浏览了;或者IE被恶意修改破坏也会导致无法浏览网页。这时可以尝试用“IE修复”来修复(建议到安全模式下修复),或者重新IE。 四、网络防火墙的问题 如果网络防火墙设置不当,如安全等级过高、不小心把IE放进了阻止访问列表、错误的防火墙策略等,可尝试检查策略、降低防火墙安全等级或直接关掉试试是否恢复正常。 五、网络协议和网卡驱动的问题 IE无法浏览,有可能是网络协议(特别是TCP/IP协议)或网卡驱动损坏导致,可尝试重新网卡驱动和网络协议。 六、HOSTS文件的问题 HOSTS文件被修改,也会导致浏览的不正常,解决当然是清空HOSTS文件里的。 七、系统文件的问题 当与IE有关的系统文件被更换或损坏时,会影响到IE正常的使用,这时可使用SFC命令修复一下,WIN98系统可在“运行”中执行SFC,然后执行扫描;WIN2000/XP/2003则在“运行”中执行sfc /scannow尝试修复。 其中当只有IE无法浏览网页,而QQ可以上时,则往往由于winsock.dll、wsock32.dll或wsock.vxd(VXD只在WIN9X系统下存在)等文件损坏或丢失造成,Winsock是构成TCP/IP协议的重要组成部分,一般要重装TCP/IP协议。但xp开始集成TCP/IP协议,所以不能像98那样简单卸载后重装,可以使用 netsh 命令重置 TCP/IP协议,使其恢复到初次安装操作系统时的状态。具体操作如下: 点击“开始 运行”,在运行对话框中输入“CMD”命令,弹出命令提示符窗口,接着输入“netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt”命令后会回车即可,其中“resetlog.txt”文件是用来记录命令执行结果的日志文件,该参数选项必须指定,这里指定的日志文件的完整路径是“c:\resetlog.txt。执行此命令后的结果与删除并重新安装 TCP/IP 协议的效果相同。 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency 小提示:netsh命令是一个基于命令行的脚本编写工具,你可以使用此命令配置和监视Windows 系统,此外它还提供了交互式网络外壳程序接口,netsh命令的使用格式请参看帮助文件(在令提示符窗口中输入“netsh/?”即可)。 第二个解决方法是修复以上文件,WIN9X使用SFC重新提取以上文件,WIN2000/XP/2003使用sfc /scannow命令修复文件,当用sfc /scannow无法修复时,可试试网上发布的专门针对这个问题的修复工具WinSockFix,可以在网上搜索下载。 八、Application Management服务的问题 出现只能上QQ不能开网页的情况,重新启动后就好了。不过就算重新启动,开7到8个网页后又不能开网页了,只能上QQ。有时电信往往会让你禁用Application Management服务,就能解决了。具体原因不明。 九、感染了病毒所致 这种情况往往表现在打开IE时,在IE界面的左下框里提示:正在打开网页,但老半天没响应。在任务管理器里查看进程,(进入方法,把鼠标放在任务栏上,按右键—任务管理器—进程)看看CPU的占用率如何,如果是100%,可以肯定,是感染了病毒,这时你想运行其他程序简直就是受罪。这就要查查是哪个进程贪婪地占用了CPU资源(找到后,最好把名称记录下来,然后点击结束,如果不能结束,则要启动到安全模式下把该东东删除,还要进入注册表里,(方法:开始—运行,输入regedit)在注册表对话框里,点编辑—查找,输入那个程序名,找到后,点鼠标右键删除,然后再进行几次的搜索,往往能彻底删除干净。 十、无法打开二级链接 还有一种现象也需特别留意:就是能打开网站的首页,但不能打开二级链接,如果是这样,处理的方法是重新注册如下的DLL文件: 在开始—运行里输入: regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll regsvr32 Shell32.dll(注意这个命令,先不用输) regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll regsvr32 Mshtml.dll regsvr32 Urlmon.dll regsvr32 Msjava.dll regsvr32 Browseui.dll 注意:每输入一条,按回车。第二个命令可以先不用输,输完这些命令后重新启动windows,如果发现无效,再重新输入一遍,这次输入第二个命令。 始?运行?CMD?键入以下命令即可: gpedit.msc-----组策略 sndrec32-------录音机 Nslookup-------IP地址侦测器 explorer-------打开资源管理器 logoff---------注销命令 tsshutdn-------60秒倒计时关机命令 lusrmgr.msc----本机用户和组 services.msc---本地服务设置 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency oobe/msoobe /a----检查XP是否激活 notepad--------打开记事本 cleanmgr-------**整理 net start messenger----开始信使服务 compmgmt.msc---计算机管理 net stop messenger-----停止信使服务 conf-----------启动netmeeting dvdplay--------DVD播放器 charmap--------启动字符映射表 diskmgmt.msc---磁盘管理实用程序 calc-----------启动计算器 dfrg.msc-------磁盘碎片整理程序 chkdsk.exe-----Chkdsk磁盘检查 devmgmt.msc--- 设备管理器 regsvr32 /u *.dll----停止dll文件运行 drwtsn32------ 系统医生 rononce -p ----15秒关机 dxdiag---------检查DirectX信息 regedt32-------注册表编辑器 Msconfig.exe---系统配置实用程序 rsop.msc-------组策略结果集 mem.exe--------显示内存使用情况 regedit.exe----注册表 winchat--------XP自带局域网聊天 progman--------程序管理器 winmsd---------系统信息 perfmon.msc----计算机性能监测程序 winver---------检查Windows版本 sfc /scannow-----扫描错误并复原 winipcfg-------IP配置 taskmgr-----任务管理器(2000,xp,2003) command--------cmd fsmgmt.msc 共享文件夹 netstat -an----查看端口 osk 屏幕键盘 install.asp----修改注册网页 eventvwr.msc 时间查看器 secpol.msc 本地安全设置 services.msc 服务 2K accwiz.exe > 辅助工具向导 acsetup*.**e > acs setup dcom server executable actmovie.exe > 直接显示安装工具 append.exe > 允许程序打开制定目录中的数据 arp.exe > 显示和更改计算机的ip与硬件物理地址的对应列表 at.exe > 运行任务 atmadm.exe > 调用管理器统计 attrib.exe > 显示和更改文件和文件夹属性 autochk.exe > 检测修复文件系统 autoconv.exe > 在启动过程中自动转化系统 autofmt.exe > 在启动过程中格式化进程 autolfn.exe > 使用长文件名格式 bootok.exe > boot acceptance application for registry bootvrfy.exe > 通报启动成功 cacl*.**e > 显示和编辑acl calc.exe > 计算器 cdplayer.exe > cd播放器 change.exe > 与终端服务器相关的查询 charmap.exe > 字符映射表 chglogon.exe > 启动或停用会话记录 chgport.exe > 改变端口(终端服务) Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency chgusr.exe > 改变用户(终端服务) chkdsk.exe > 磁盘检测程序 chkntf*.**e > 磁盘检测程序 cidaemon.exe > 组成ci文档服务 cipher.exe > 在ntfs上显示或改变加密的文件或目录 cisvc.exe > 索引内容 ckcnv.exe > 变换cookie cleanmgr.exe > 磁盘清理 cliconfg.exe > sql客户网络工具 clipbrd.exe > 剪贴簿查看器 clipsrv.exe > 运行clipboard服务 clspack.exe > 建立系统文件列表清单 cluster.exe > 显示域的集群 _cmd_.exe > 没什么好说的~ cmdl32.exe > 自动下载连接管理 cmmgr32.exe > 连接管理器 cmmon32.exe > 连接管理器监视 cmstp.exe > 连接管理器配置文件安装程序 comclust.exe > 集群 comp.exe > 比较两个文件和文件集的内容, compact.exe > 显示或改变ntfs分区上文件的压缩状态 conime.exe > ime控制台 control.exe > 控制面板 convert.exe > 转换文件系统到ntfs convlog.exe > 转换iis日志文件格式到ncsa格式 cprofile.exe > 转换显示模式 cscript.exe > 较本宿主版本 csrs*.**e > 客户服务器runtime进程 csvde.exe > 日至格式转换程序 dbgtrace.exe > 和terminal server相关 dcomcnfg.exe > dcom配置属性 dcphelp.exe > ? dcpromo.exe > ad安装向导 ddeshare.exe > dde共享 ddmprxy.exe > debug.exe > 就是debug啦~ dfrgfat.exe > fat分区磁盘碎片整理程序 dfrgntf*.**e > ntfs分区磁盘碎片整理程序 dfs_cmd_.exe > 配置一个dfs树 dfsinit.exe > 分布式文件系统初始化 dfssvc.exe > 分布式文件系统服务器 diantz.exe > 制作cab文件 diskperf.exe > 磁盘性能计数器 dllhost.exe > 所有com+应用软件的主进程 dllhst3g.exe > dmadmin.exe > 磁盘管理服务 dmremote.exe > 磁盘管理服务的一部分 dn*.**e > dns applications dns Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency doskey.exe > 命令行创建宏 dosx.exe > dos扩展 dplaysvr.exe > 直接运行帮助 drwatson.exe > 华生医生错误检测 drwtsn32.exe > 华生医生显示和配置管理 dtcsetup.exe > installs mdtc dvdplay.exe > dvd播放 dxdiag.exe > direct-x诊断工具 edlin.exe > 命令行的文本编辑器(历史悠久啊~) edlin.exe > 命令行的文本编辑器(历史悠久啊~) esentutl.exe > ms数据库工具 eudcedit.exe > type造字程序 eventvwr.exe > 事件查看器 evnt_cmd_.exe > event to trap translator; configuration tool evntwin.exe > event to trap translator setup exe2bin.exe > 转换exe文件到二进制 expand.exe > 解压缩 extrac32.exe > 解cab工具 fastopen.exe > 快速访问在内存中的硬盘文件 faxcover.exe > 传真封面编辑 faxqueue.exe > 显示传真队列 Sichuan-Guizhou town axis-the axis on the North, in the town of "Yangtze River City" Center in Yibin city, South Union "in shunan bamboo-sea", "XING Wen Shi Hai" and other high level tourism resources in the domain of Yibin city. External external link the historical and cultural city in Guizhou Zunyi and Guiyang China excellent tourism city, is the junction of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing and Sichuan basin along the edges of "World Heritage" on the tourism resources with high levels of tourism node. Axis should be in the town in the future by virtue of superior cultural and tourism resources, stronger Green eco-towns. Relying on the Yibin-changning-xingwen tourism portals, with the focus on xingwen town, Zhu Hai Zhen, Bo Wang Shanzhen along urban development. Figure 2.5-1 Yibin city city domain town system planning structure figure 2.5.2 Yibin Center City 1, and development direction from ecological protection, and with to suitable sex evaluation, and regional economic contact, and industry development, and traffic conditions, many on city development direction for integrated considerations Hou, Yibin eventually determine development direction select of general approach for: "East into West excellent, and North-South through, and intensive efficient, and the has focuses on". (1) East: focus development eastward along the Bank of the Yangtze, South Bank of the Yangtze River to protect cultural and ecological civilization of history. (2) the West: stressed especially the comprehensive improvement of urban areas of the Western City. (3) North to South: emphasized the link North to South, with regional hinterland of the docking, reducing the centrality of old town traffic. (4) the intensive and efficient: relying on the culture of the respective groups, industries, hub, ecological as well as the development of infrastructure, and fully tap the potential of the land, improve utilization efficiency
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