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劳伦斯pptnullD.H. LawrenceD.H. LawrenceD.H. LawrenceD.H. LawrenceBrief introduction: born in Nottinghamshire; his father, a crude and bibulous miner; his mother, the daughter of an engineer, grace and high-educated; the disharmony of his parents’ marriage; after the death of...
nullD.H. LawrenceD.H. LawrenceD.H. LawrenceD.H. LawrenceBrief introduction: born in Nottinghamshire; his father, a crude and bibulous miner; his mother, the daughter of an engineer, grace and high-educated; the disharmony of his parents’ marriage; after the death of his elder brother, becoming the focus of his mother and the exit of her endless love; his Oedipus Complex (恋母情结); getting the teaching certificate; unsmooth roads towards love and literature; fighting against wars; settling in France and died of tuberculosis, 44 years old.nullLifetime: 1885-1930 Position in literature: the most controversial and important writer, also the most productive one . Achievements (especially in novels): 13 full-length novels,70 novellas(中短篇小说),10 poetry anthologies (诗集),4 dramas ,5 literary reviews ,4 collections of essays,3 travel notes and large quantities of letters .Main works: Main works: 1911 《白孔雀》 (The White Peacock, 长篇小说)   1912《逾矩的罪人》 (The Trespasser, 长篇小说)   1913《爱情诗集》 (Love Poems and Others, 诗集)   《儿子与情人》 (Sons and Lovers, 长篇小说)   1914《孀居的霍尔罗伊德太太》 (The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd, 剧本)   《普鲁士军官》 (The Prussian Officer and Other Stories, 短篇小说集)   1915《虹》 (The Rainbow, 长篇小说)   1916《意大利的黄昏》 (Twilight in Italy, 游记)   《阿摩斯》 (Amores, 诗集)   1917《瞧,我们走过来了》 (Look! We Have Come Through! 诗集)   1918《新诗集》 (New Poems, 诗集)   1919《海湾》 (Bay, 诗集)   1920《一触即发》 (Tough and Go, 剧本)   《恋爱中的女人》 (Women in love, 长篇小说)   《误入歧途的女人》 (The lost Girl, 长篇小说)   1921《欧洲历史上的运动》 (Movement in European History, 论文)   《精神分析与无意识》 (Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious, 论文)   《乌龟》 (Tortoises, 诗集)   《大海与撒丁岛》 (Sea and Sardinia, 游记)   1922《亚伦的手杖》 (Aaron’s Rod, 长篇小说)   《无意识幻想曲》 (Fantasia of the Unconscious, 论文)   Main worksMain works《英格兰,我的英格兰》 (England, My England, 短篇小说集)   1923《小甲虫》 (The ladybird, 中篇小说集)   《美国经典文学研究》 (Studies in Classic American Literature, 论文集)   《袋鼠》 (Kangaroo, 长篇小说集)   《鸟、兽、花》 (Birds, Beast and Flowers, 诗集)   1924《灌林中的男孩》 (The Boy in the Bush, 与斯金纳合作的小说)   1925《烈马圣莫尔》 (St. Mawr: Together with the Princess, 中短篇小说集)   《关于豪猪之死的断想》 (Reflections on the Death of a Porcupine, 散文集)   1926《羽蛇》 (The Plumed Serpent, 长篇小说)   《大卫》 (David, 剧本)   《太阳》 (Sun, 短篇小说集)   《欢乐的幽灵》 (Glad Ghosts, 短篇小说集)   1927《墨西哥的早晨》 (Morning in Mexico, 游记)   1928《骑马出走的女人》 (The Woman Who Rode Away, 短篇小说集)   《查泰莱夫人的情人》 (Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 长篇小说)   《劳伦斯诗集》 (The Collected Poems of D·H·Lawrence, 诗集)   Main worksMain works1929《劳伦斯画集》 (The Paintings of D·H·Lawrence, 绘画作品集)   《三色紫罗兰》 (Pansies, 诗集)   《我与快乐罗杰的小论战》 (My Skirmish with Jolly Roger, 散文)   《逃跑的鸡》 (The Escaped Cock, 中篇小说)   《色情文学与淫秽行为》 (Pornography and Obscenity, 论文)   1930《荨麻》 (Nettles, 诗集)   《散文集锦》 (Assorted Articles, 散文)   《<查泰莱夫人的情人>刍议》 (A Propos of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 论文)   《少女与吉普赛人》 (The Virgin and the Gipsy, 中篇小说)   《干草堆中的爱情》 (Love among the Haystacks, 短篇小说集)   1931《启示录》 (Apocalypse, 散文) 《机器的胜利》 (The Triumph of the Machine, 诗集) Lawrence’s influenceLawrence’s influenceHe was the monster(怪杰)of Britain literature even the world literature in 20th century. In his works, he was subjected to show the dissatisfaction of the industrial society and worries about the loss of humanity. He assailed the drawbacks of western civilization with self-examination, social criticism and the exploration of sex psychology. He was the leader of literature in 20th century, with his genius and unique insight. His enormous circulation and influence to western countries may be only inferior to Shakespeare. What he saw ,felt and comprehended was engraved in his works and passed down from one generation to another. Lawrence’s three monumental worksLawrence’s three monumental worksSons and Lovers Sons and Lovers Sons and Lovers It is the third published novel of D.H. Lawrence, taken by many to be his earliest masterpiece. It tells the story of Paul Morel, a young man and a budding artist. This autobiographical novel is a brilliant evocation of life in a working class mining community. The leading character-Paul ,grows up in a miner’s family where is full of love and hatred .His mother is disappointed in his father who always get drunk ,so his mother gives all love to him .AS his growing up ,the emotion between Paul and his mother becomes deep day after day ,so that Paul loves Miriam ,but he can’t marry her ,then he only can keep ambiguous relationship with Clara who has husband .The love to his mother torments Paul all the time , even if released from “Oedipus complex” ,because his mother takes away his spirit propThe RainbowThe RainbownullThe Rainbow The novel starts with the family history. The first generation is represented by Tom. Tom was by his ambitious mother sent to the grammar school for education, arousing his curiosity to strange and mysterious thing. He fell in love with Poland patriot's widow Lydia, and finally combined. Lydia in Tom's lifestyle found her confidence and Tom also found even more mysterious elements on his wife. In Lawrence pen, the first generation's marriage was lacking in spiritual communication, but showed fulfillment and success. Tom's stepdaughter Anna 's marriage with Tom's nephew Nashville was full of conflicts. There were differences not only in the faith but in the character . They do not have tenderness between each other. The meet of body at night couldn't change spiritual emptiness. As a result, Anna constantly gave birth to children to find reposing, while Nashville turned into a mediocre carpenter from an artist with creative spirit.Lady Chatterley’s LoverLady Chatterley’s LovernullLady Chatterley’s Lover This book is the last long novel of Laurence, the famous British novelist and poet. This book is about Connie (Constance‘s nickname)who marrys the nobles Chatterley as his wife, but soon he was wounded in the war, and below the waist lifelong paralysis. In her hometown, their life was unnecessary to worry about, but was lifeless. The hunter of the manor reawakened Connie’s love and desire for life, she often slipped into his little hut tryst, enjoying the primitive, passionate sex. Connie was pregnant, for camouflage( 伪装)moving to Venice on holiday. Then the hunter’s wife who had not been divorced suddenly came back, exposing the affair between them. Huge social gap forced Connie to marry others when the child hadn't been born and the hunter could do nothing but silently waiting for children to be born.nullThe research of Lawrence in China The name came into the China people’s eyes early in 1922. Then, there was a “Lawrence Rush” all over China leading by YuDa fu(郁达夫)and LinYu tang(林语堂). In the 1980s, a new climax of researching swept across our country, and the passion have been long-lasting till now. As follows, here are few main view points. ①A master of callipyga(女性形象),paralleling to Thomas Hardy. Lawrence had a mixed affection with his mother, which made his inner world paradoxical (矛盾的). This is the principal line of depicting femininity. ②The brushstrokes of sexual description. This is the weapon he used to express his thoughts. Lawrence advocated fighting against the social dogmas and yoke, and he appealed human beings to regress to nature. Through such descriptions, he pursued the unity of the spirit and the flesh.Lawrence –the colossus of the worldLawrence –the colossus of the world First, the “Lawrence” in the view of translaters. Lawrence advocated 'sex' while Britain was very strict with it, which other writers couldn't break through. However, Lawrence did it, showing in the novel ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’. Second, the Lawrence who loved hometown. Since he left Britain, Lawrence struggled in other countries and finally died in there. For a traveler who wrote, setting in his hometown, this was relentless either in his spirit or in his body. Third, the maverick Lawrence. Lawrence, the son of a miner, was a junior college student, but he was a genius in the field of literature. His literature sticked to life. In spite of pressure from different ways, he still insisted his ‘Art for my sake'. No association with an evil person or evening mist. Represented by his ‘women in love ’and ‘rainbow’. Forth, Lawrence in malformed family. Living in an ugly village, Lawrence had a miner father who was good at dancing and singing, but an illiterate person. His mother was a member of the capitalist class. Because of so many differences, quarrels were taken for granted, which led to a broken family. Fifth, Lawrence with Oedipus Complex. Lawrence had association with three women in his hometown, however, he couldn't get rid of the spirit control of his mother. Finally he eloped with a Germantic woman -Frida, three years older than him, when he still had Oedipus Complex in his emotion.His writing stylesHis writing stylesLawrence was well-known in western literary world as an untraditional novelist. He succeeded the main literary gimmicks of the 19th century, and mixed it with the modern literary tricks. In his works, Lawrence preferred to use symbolism(象征) in large scale. Eg. Darkness symbolized the shadowy corner of sepulchral inner world. He thought the moon is the mother of darkness.His limitations His limitations Lawrence is a supporter in the activity of women liberation and a actor. But in the patriarchal society, the thoughts of masculine are in the recess of his heart, and he was influenced deeply by the representatives of patriarchal system Aristotle's ranking system and Rousseau's concept of women an men 's nature-orientation. when Lawrence was trying to find ways to make women have a real and happy life, he can not avoid showing ideology of masculine ,which makes feminine in his novels have a tendency of strong alienation nullThank you!!!
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