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绯闻女孩英文剧本全集10本文由派派txt小说论坛提供下载,更多好书请访问http://www.paipaitxt.com/ Hi,Society The annual Cotillion Ball is about to take place. Blair is not going with Nate, but she finds herself being featured in The New York Times and is enjoying her secret affair with Chuck. Serena is not g...
本文由派派txt小说论坛提供下载,更多好请访问http://www.paipaitxt.com/ Hi,Society The annual Cotillion Ball is about to take place. Blair is not going with Nate, but she finds herself being featured in The New York Times and is enjoying her secret affair with Chuck. Serena is not going, so her grandmother, CeCe, shows up to change her mind. Jenny volunteers for the ball and Lily takes her under her wing. But the night of The Cotillion is the night of Alison's first art opening, and Rufus and Alison say Jenny cannot attend the ball. Jenny decides to defy them both. Refreshed by Blair's newly buoyant attitude, Nate asks her to The Cotillion and she says yes, which makes Chuck jealous. CeCe tells Lily and Serena that she is sick and her last dying wish is to see Serena go to the ball, and she wants Serena to go with Carter Baizen. CeCe insults Dan and offers to pay Rufus off to convince Dan not to go with Serena. Dan learns of this and tells Serena that he does not think very highly of CeCe, which results in a huge fight between them. Serena decides to go to the ball with Carter. Chuck manipulates Nate into thinking Carter is having an affair with Blair, so Nate punches Carter at the ball. The episode was directed by Patrick Norris and written by Joshua Safron. Gossip Girl:Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite. Chuck:You're the guy who gave us our first joint, snuck us into our first club. Man:I'm in this weekly game-high stakes, big money.. Nate:You set me up. Man:No one forced his hand.Your boy lost fair and square. Jenny:I know who Blair and those girls are but I know who I am and I'm not gonna forget that just 'cause I hang out with them. Blair:You're dismissed, Jenny,for good! Rufus:I'm sorry I kissed you. Rufus:Your mother must've been kind of surprised to see you. Alison:Yeah, she was. Hi, Rufus. Alison:If she's in your life, you're never gonna get over her. Blair:You should deal with your father. He needs you. I don't. Blair:We broke up, okay? Dan:I like you-only you. Serena:That's good because I feel the same about you. Blair:Do you like me? Chuck:Define "like." Serena:Tell me you didn't sleep with Chuck for revenge. Blair:Well, it wasn't because I like his natural musk. *********************** Gossip Girl:Hey, upper east siders,it's that time of year again,when the mere act of descending a staircase means you're a woman. That's right-debutante season.And from what we hear,there’s been some changes to the lineup. Blair:I'm actually glad I'm going with Prince Theodore instead of Nate. The further we get from the breakup,the more self-involved I see he was. Always so brooding,so tortured. Ugh.A girl wants Romeo,not Hamlet. Serena:Romeo died. Blair:Yeah, but he died for something exciting and I want my debutante ball to be something to die for. ********************* Nate:Hey, so has Blair mentioned who's escorting her? Chuck:Why? Are you having remorse sex fantasies about your ex? Nate:What? No. Chuck:Don't eff with an effer. I know that look. Nate:No man, it's just every time I see her lately,something's different,you know.She's lighter. She's happier.She's just less Blair. Chuck:She does have a certain glow about her, doesn't she? *************************** Jenny:I don't understand why you don't get this, okay? A debutante ball is all a girl could ask for. It's gorgeous and formal and totally legendary. Dan:Don't forget out of touch and totally classist. Jenny:And if that's how you feel,then why are you even going? Dan:I'm not going and neither is Serena, actually. I'm just going to meet her grandmother to make a good impression and… take off before I put my foot in my mouth like I usually do. ************************ Blair:All I get with Nate is some rose in the back of a town car but with the prince,I get a security detail and a high-speed chase to the Pierre after it's over. Serena:Ooh! I can see you on the cover of "hello!" already. Blair:Yeah, well,try the New York times. They've chosen me for "a night out with" and I'm gonna give them the most perfect night out of the year. ************************** Nate:With my dad in rehab, it's like the pressure's finally off me. You know, I can see Blair clearly and it's... (sighs) I don't know, man. I think I might miss her. Chuck:You don't miss her, man. ****************** Blair:Is your mom mad that you're not being presented? Serena:Well, she doesn't really like to stand on since I found out she used to be my boyfriend's father's biggest fan. Blair:Yeah. Serena:Ew! It sounds so gross when you say it out loud. Blair:Silly me. Here I actually thought you wanted to go. Serena:I'm here with you all night? Blair:Yeah, only 'cause your grandmother's meeting you here. Serena:Blah-blah-blah. ****************************** Serena:Oh! You're here! I'm so glad. Dan:Hey! Serena:Oh! I can't wait for you to meet my grandma Cece.You're just gonna love her. Dan:Sure I know. Lily:Well, if you don't listen to me,you're gonna hear it from her and I promise,you don't want that to happen.The brands I listed are the key to her happiness and that includes Tanqueray. Dan, Jenny. It's so good to see you. Jenny:Hi. Serena:Oh hey, Jenny, what are you even doing here? Dan:Oh, she loves these things,apparently. Lily:Well, I wish Serena did. It would make my life a whole lot easier. Serena:My grandma was the chairwoman for this event for 15 years and now the committee's asked my mom to join. Lily:And my daughter could not wait to go for ten years and then suddenly, she's not even coming. Jenny? Jenny? Why don't you volunteer? Jenny:Well, Blair's lead deb and we're sort of on the outs. You know, I'm sure if she wanted my help, she would've asked. Lily:Well, I'm asking. I mean, of course, we'd have to get your parents' permission first but… we could use more help. Jenny:I'm certainly fine. See you Saturday. Lily:Oh, actually it's Sunday. Jenny:Uh... Can I call you? Lily:Okay. Cece:Ah! There is my magnificent granddaughter. Serena:Grandma. Cece:Oh! (laughing) Lily:Oh, hello mother. Cece:Is there a bar in this place? Woman:No! Cece:I should've known I had to bring the party myself. So this must be Daniel. Dan:Dan actually. Dan Humphrey. Yeah. Hi. Cece:My granddaughter told me that you were delighted when she decided not to make her debut this weekend? Serena:Yeah, go ahead. Tell her what you think. Grandma loves honesty. It's okay. Dan:Well, cotillions just seem antiquated to me. You know, remnant of a different age. Cece:Well, do go on. Dan:People spend all this money to have their daughters basically dance in front of others for attention. When… if you ask Serena, I bet she'd do that for you right now, free of charge. Cece:The cotillion teaches the great graces that women should always have in their arsenal. Dan:I think Serena's graces are pretty spectacular as they are. Serena:Oh, besides grandma, you haven't used your graces in a while. Cece:Oh, you. Serena:Oh, isn't she great? Dan:She's... she's great. She's something. Cece:Dan Humphrey, was it? Lily:Yes, mother. ************************** Chuck:You looked pretty hot on Prince Theodore's arm today. Blair:Oh, is that what I am to you? Just an accessory? Chuck:Next to him, yes.On me,you'd be so much more. Blair:Yes well, I can't be on you, remember? Because you don't want Nate to find out and I don't want anyone to,but you'd have to learn how to behave yourself first. Dorota: Miss Blair, Mr.Nate for you. ************ Blair:What are you doing here,Nate? Nate:Well, I...look, you know,after rehearsal,I just... I couldn't stop thinking about you. I mean, the ball's something we've talked about doing together since we were like 10 years old and I've given you every reason to hate me. Blair:True. Keep going. Nate:And the prince-he's...you know,he's a great dancer and all, but is there any chance you'd go with me instead,for old times' sake? Blair:Nate, after what you pulled on my birthday, the only thing we should be doing together is moving on. Nate:Yeah, I know.Look, I haven't worn this sweater in like forever and I... I just pulled it out today and I found this. Blair:It's my pin. I sewed it there so you'd always have my heart on your sleeve. wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve开城布公 袒露心声 I can never guess what Paul is thinking because he doesn’t wear his heart on his sleeve Nate:(chuckles)I know. Yeah, I figured you might need it back or something if... Blair:No, it was a gift.The prince will understand. Maybe we should go to the ball together...as friends. Nate:Absolutely. Blair:But only as friends. Nate:Just friends. ************************ Jenny:Hey dad. Rufus:Hey, sweetheart. I sense a favor about to be asked. Jenny:It's just...Well, it turns out I got a volunteer position at a charity. Rufus:That's great. When is it? Jenny:Sunday night and I know it's mom's opening and I know it's really important but I can do both. Rufus:As a family, we support each other.And when one of us has something important,we all show up for it. Maybe you can volunteer next year. Jenny:Dad. Alison:Volunteer for what? Jenny:Nothing, it doesn't matter 'cause dad said I can't go. Alison:Hey, I … went thrift store shopping and I found great stuff. I got you some black vintage pumps. They're gonna go perfectly with the dress you're gonna wear for the opening. Jenny:Mom,the kids I go to school with shop at Saks and Bendel's. I can't be walking around in someone's old shoes. *********************** Serena:I know. It's gross. Oh, that reminds me I still haven't shown you pictures from my summer abroad. Cece:Oh yes. (squeals) Be right back. Lily:Well, I know you must not be happy, mother. I remember how unhappy you were when I didn't go and I imagine you came all this way to change Serena's mind but she is intractable on this. Cece:That's not the reason I came. Lily:Everything okay? Cece:Lily, my darling,the...the doctors think they found something. Lily:Something? What something? Cece:Something in my lungs. Lily:Oh no. Mom. Cece:Well,they're running tests but they said that...it might not be good. Look, I didn't want to worry you.I don't want to be a burden to you. I... Lily:Oh no,it's no burden at all. Cece:All I want to do is to see my granddaughter make her debut the way I did,the way my mother did before me. Lily:Oh mother,anything for you. Serena:What's going on? Lily:Serena, you're going to the debutante ball. Gossip Girl:Serena van der Woodsen,looks like your invitation just arrived...with strings attached. Come out, come out,wherever you are. ************************** Man:Everything all right,Mr. Archibald? Nate:Oh yes, everything's fine. It's just my... my date. She's never late, and she likes to have final approval. Blair:Sorry! Sorry-sorry-sorry. My cappuccino was decaf and I couldn't find my phone. It took forever to get a cab. Nate:But you live up the street. Blair:I wasn't home. Nate:Well,everything's taken care of. I'll pick you up at 5:00 in the car.I got that Laurent Perrier you like. I also thought we'd stop by the Modern afterwards for dessert 'cause that's your favorite. Blair. Blair:Oh, we don't have to go anywhere afterwards. Nate:It's fine. Sorry. Who's texting you so much? Blair:Serena.I gotta go back to my house. My mom was supposed to throw this tea for Serena's grandmother and she had to jet to Paris at the last minute,so it's all on me. Nate:Okay hey, I'll stop by and help you out. Blair:It's all right.I got it.Thanks. Nate:Who are you and what did you do with Blair Waldorf? Blair:Not bad, Archibald. I almost forgot how handsome you are. Gossip Girl:Spotted:Nate Archibald learning you don't know a good thing till it's gone and found someone else. ***************************** Lily:So your mom really didn't mind your coming to our ball with... me? Jenny:No, not at all. Lily:And your father is okay with you volunteering as well? Alison:Excuse me. Jenny. Lily:Alison. Didn't expect to see you... here. Alison:That's me, unexpected. Jenny:Mom, can I talk to you for a minute? Alison:No, sweetie, we'll have a plenty some to talk about later. Lily:You know what? It is so nice of you to let Jenny come to our little event.You know, cotillions really are instructive. They teach young girls good social graces... Alison:Well then I'm sure she'll learn a lot. I'm gonna go. Jenny:Um, I'll come with you. Alison:No need. I'll see you later. ************************ Serena:Thank you so much for being so understanding. Dan:Oh, come on. I would do anything for an ill grandparent and besides,my mom has her art opening,so we're both doing things for our families. Serena:Well, my thing isn't without conditions, believe me. I had a long talk with my mom and I said if i'm gonna do this,then I'm gonna be myself in every possible way. Dan:Well then can you promise me being yourself as they auction you off,that you won't go for anything less than a million dollars? Serena:Okay. Did you get that out of your system? Dan:Yeah, I think I'm good. Serena:Grandma. Cece:Serena, darling. This is Carter Baizen. Your escort for tomorrow night. Do you two already know each other? Carter:Actually, we used to go to school together. Just a couple years apart. Cece:Oh. Carter:Hi. I'm carter. Cece:This is Daniel Humphrey. Dan:Dan, actually. Cece:Serena's friend. Serena:No, my-my boyfriend. Carter:Oh, nice to meet you, man. Dan:Nice to meet you. Carter:I'm sorry. You're not- you're not escorting her or... Dan:No well, actually, I'm... Cece:Unavailable. Familial obligation. Dan:Yeah. Blair:There you are. Are you ready for tea? Cece:I don't like my ice to get lonely, dear. Maid:Of course, ma'am. Cece:Carter, it is such a pleasure to have you back with us. True gentlemen are a rare breed. Blair:So it is true that you're back. Dan:Back? Where were you? Kati:Oh, where wasn't he? He disowned his parents and took off around the world. Everyone is talking about him. Isabel:Gossip Girl even had a dedicated Carter Baizen map on "spotted." Dan:Whoa. A map, huh? Carter:In all honesty, I did go a little out of bounds. I'm just grateful my parents are giving me a second chance. Cece:Carter saw the error of his wayward ways and he rose like a phoenix from the ashes, Serena. Serena:Yes, I see that, grandma. Carter:I mean, they weren't all errors, but... Lily:Well, your mother did tell me that you got into a bit of a...a scrape in Dubai. Blair:Oh, I love Dubai. Did you stay at the Burj Al Arab? Carter:No, I stayed on palm island. Serena:I think Dubai is overrated. Carter:You know what isn't though? The...Prince's crown bombardier and I also went pheasant hunting with the sheikh while I was there. *********************** Jenny:I kept the tags. I'll return everything tomorrow. Alison:Look... I know that my coming back has been rocky...but I can't keep being afraid that if I act more like your mother and less like your friend,that I'm gonna lose you. Jenny:If you were still in Hudson, I'd be able to go. Alison:Well, I am not there. I am here and I don't really care if that make you happy or unhappy. I'm still your mother. You can come to my show tomorrow and then you are grounded for a week. Jenny:What?! Come on, mom. That's so unfair! ************************** Nate:I just don't get it. I organized everything the way she likes it. I mean, I even made sure my bow tie matched her dress. Chuck:Like the book says,she just not that into you. Nate:Man, I have to find out if she's seeing someone. It's killing me. You guys are still pretty close, aren't you? Chuck:Yeah. Nate:Could you find out who she's seeing? Chuck:Me? Nate:Yes. Come on, man.Who better? Chuck:Who better, indeed. ********************************** Cece:Do you like it here, Mr. Humphrey? Dan:Well, it's a little bit like a museum, a little cold although the water pressure is unparalleled. Cece:That's not what I meant,but of course you would make a joke.That goes to my point. Dan:Excuse me? Did I miss something here? Cece:Oh yes. The way you feel? It never goes away. It just gets worse. Dan:I'm sorry.I don't quite… Cece:You'll always use your dessert fork for your entre. You'll always feel underdressed,no matter what you wear and at dinner parties, it will be as if there's a language that sounds like English and you think you speak it,but they don't hear you and you don't understand them. As time passes, you'll feel that people never see you when they look at you but one day you are Serena's way more her...charity case, Until the day comes when you realize that girls like Serena don't end up with Dan Humphrey. They end up with the Carters of the world and...people like you,they turn into cocktail party anecdotes of their foolish youth. So why don't you give it up and spare yourself the pain,Hmm? I'm sure Serena will understand. Gossip Girl:This just in:we hear there's a cold war brewing between lonely boy and a certain blue blood. We never thought we'd say this ourselves... Serena:There you are. What's going on? Dan:I'll tell you what's going on. I just became your escort to the ball. Gossip Girl:But our money's on Brooklyn for the win. ************************** Man:Thanks so much for your time,Miss Waldorf. I guess I'll see you and the prince later tonight. Blair:Actually I'm not going with Prince anymore,I'm going with Nate Archibald. Given our history, It was only right.He is the perfect gentleman, the perfect date. Chuck:Chuck bass. John:Hi. John Mayberry. "New York times." Chuck:I'd just like to say how proud I am of Miss Waldorf and her commitment to Mr.Archibald even though he ruined her 17th birthday and slept with... Blair:Thank you. That was great, right? John:Take care. Blair:All right. Have a good one. What was that? Chuck:I should ask you the same question."Perfect gentleman"? "Perfect date"? That broken record was a hit last year. Get with the times. He bores .. Blair:You almost made a fool of me in front of New York times, which proves my very point- you can't be trusted. Nate is a gentleman. He would never cause a scene. Chuck:Never get your blood going either. Blair:Speaking of going,that's what you should do. Carter Baizen is on his way here right now. Chuck:What? What the hell are you doing with Carter Baizen? Blair:He left his jacket here yesterday and I'd rather you be gone when he got here. There's been enough scenes for today. ****************************** Cece:So I see it's true what they say about the apple and the tree. Rufus:Hello, celia. I'd say it's nice to see you,but I know how you hate dishonesty. Cece:It appears that your son is taking my granddaughter to the ball tonight. Rufus:He is? Cece:I'd rather see that not happen. There's no point in being presented if it's improperly and your Daniel is not a proper companion for a girl like Serena. He's a … temporary distraction. I need her to focus on her future. Rufus:Hers or yours? Cece:I am willing to purchase all the paintings in this gallery in exchange for you convincing your son not to accompany Serena. Before you answer, remember,a grown man with children is in a very different position than a young man. The money could be useful now. Not to mention,how much this sale would mean to your wife's career as an artist. Rufus:Your money was no good for me then and it's still no good with me now. And you can rest assured that like me,my son can't be bought. Cece:And I can assure you, just like her mother, my granddaughter can be. Rufus:What do you mean? Cece:All those years ago, I told Lily to choose between you and her inheritance. I'd tell you the end of that story but I think you know it by heart. *************************************** Rufus:You're a little overdressed for an art show, don't you think? Dan:Dad, listen. I've been meaning to tell you. I'm sorry. Rufus:Don't worry about your mom. I'll take care of it. Dan:You don't mind? I thought I'd be grounded when you found out, just like Jenny was. I gotta admit, it would be worth it. Rufus:I don't mind at all. Yeah. Tux looks great. Shoes look great. You look so
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