
亲子快乐英语班英语教案 亲亲宝贝早教中心.doc

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亲子快乐英语班英语教案 亲亲宝贝早教中心.doc亲子快乐英语班英语教案 亲亲宝贝早教中心.doc 快乐英语班英语教案(一) 一. Greetings and introductions: 1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! 2. Hello! What’s your name? Hello! Hello! What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? Hello! Hello! What’s your name? My name is ~~ 目的: 通过歌曲的形式唱...
亲子快乐英语班英语教案 亲亲宝贝早教中心.doc
亲子快乐英语班英语教案 亲亲宝贝早教中心.doc 快乐英语班英语教案(一) 一. Greetings and introductions: 1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! 2. Hello! What’s your name? Hello! Hello! What’s your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? Hello! Hello! What’s your name? My name is ~~ 目的: 通过歌曲的形式唱出幼儿的名字,认识幼儿, 调动气氛. 3. Song: Good morning to you. 二. Warming up: If you are happy 首先让幼儿按指令做claps your hands, one two; stamp your feet, one two; shout hurray; do all three, one two,熟悉歌词,再跟着音乐做律动。 三. 主题教学: butterfly 1.教师戴着butterfly头饰伴着音乐飞出来和幼儿打招呼:Hello, butterfly!教Fly high, fly low. 2. 出示白纸和小蝴蝶,幼儿按教师的指令Fly high或 fly low把蝴蝶贴 在纸上方或下方. 3. 给予头饰,一群蝴蝶Fly high(站起), fly low(蹲下). 4. 律动: Fly, butterfly Fly, fly, the butterfly, in the meadow is flying high, in the garden is flying low, fly, fly, the butterfly. 四: 游戏 两名教师拉着网,幼儿在网下飞过, 音乐停时,下网抓蝴蝶. 五. 认识字母b和图蝴蝶 六. 再见歌 快乐英语班英语教案(二) 一( Greetings: 1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! Good morning, ~~. Shake hands with the kids and ask them to say good morning Miss Li. 2. Song: Good morning to you! 首先要求幼儿伸出两个手指做smiling face. 跟着音乐做律动,问候。 二( Warming up: If you are happy 首先让幼儿按指令做claps your hands, one two; stamp your feet, one two; shout hoo lei; do all three, one two,熟悉歌词,再跟着音乐做律动。 三( 复习上一课:butterfly, 发头饰做律动 四( 主题:peanut 1. 首先把一颗花生藏于手心,让幼儿猜猜是在了left hands或 right hands, 引出单词,变出后教单词。 2. 出示大花生,小花生,教big peanut, small peanut, big peanut放大 碗,small peanut放在小碗里,边放边说small peanut, big peanut。 3. 花生和小玩具混在一起,让幼儿找出peanut并说出来。 4. 律动:Find a peanut 5. Find a peanut, find a peanut, find a peanut, just now. Find a peanut, find a peanut, find a peanut, just now. 五:游戏:找花生 幼儿戴着花生的头饰在彩虹伞里,不能跑到外面,在音乐中找。 六( 分享花生 七( 认识字母P和图花生 快乐英语班英语教案(三) 二( Greetings: 2. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! Good morning, ~~. Shake hands with the kids and ask them to say good morning Miss Li. 3. Song: Good morning to you! 首先要求幼儿伸出两个手指做smiling face. 跟着音乐做律动,问 候。 三( Warming up: If you are happy 首先让幼儿按指令做claps your hands, one two; stamp your feet, one two; shout hoo lei; do all three, one two,熟悉歌词,再跟着音 乐做律动。 四( 复习上一课:peanut 五( 主题:circle 2( 先在纸上画圆,让幼儿想象猜测是什么,引出单词,教单词。 3( 出示各种各样的圆形玩具,让幼儿拿着感知并边说circle. 4( 出示感统圆圈道具,有大有小,教small circle, big circle ,把 圆圈排队,让幼儿边说出英语边跳到相应的圈中;把圆圈乱放, 让幼儿听指令跳到相应的圈中。 5( 律动:Small circle, big circle Small circle, Small circle, Small circle, big circle, this is Mama, this is Papa, waving goodbye, six times six, six times six, thirty-six, six times six, six times six is many. Teddy bear. 六( 游戏:家长与教师拉手围成一个圆圈, 宝宝在圆中,尝试跑到 圈外。 七( 美术活动:给小鱼画泡泡和认识字母C 八( 再见歌 快乐英语班英语教案(四) 一(Greetings: 1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! Good morning, ~~. Shake hands with the kids and ask them to say good morning Miss Li. 2. Song: Good morning to you! 首先要求幼儿伸出两个手指做smiling face. 跟着音乐做律动,问候。 二( Warming up: If you are happy 首先教师说claps your引导幼儿说 hands, 教师说stamp your 引导幼 儿说feet, 教师说shout 引导幼儿说hoo lei; do all three, one two,熟悉 歌词,再跟着音乐做律动。 三(复习上一课:circle,跟着音乐做律动 四(主题:elephant 1. 先用英语加姿体动作描述大象的长鼻子和大耳朵特征,出示 elephant和幼儿打招呼,让幼儿摸摸它的长鼻子。 2. 教词组,引导幼儿做long nose,边说:elephant, elephant, elephant, long nose, long nose 3. 带头饰做律动: Elephant, elephant, why is your nose so long? That’s because my mother’s nose is also long. Elephant, elephant, who do you like most of all? Let me think I like my mother of all. 三( 游戏:大象搬树枝 家长帮忙把“树枝”放到大象鼻子上(幼儿用手做鼻子),让幼儿搬 到另一地方。 四( 认识字母e和图大象 五( 再见歌 快乐英语班英语教案(五)(复习前4课) 快乐英语班英语教案(六) 一. Greetings: 1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! How are you? 引导幼儿说: I am fine. 2. Song: Hello! How are you? Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? I am fine. I am fine. Thank you! Thank you very much. 二. Warming up: Clap our hands. 1. 首先让幼儿按指令做clap your hands, raise your arms, raise your legs, touch your toes, shake our hips, 熟悉歌词, 在跟着音乐做律动. 三. 复习上一课: elephant 1. 出示大象,复习long nose, big ear 2. 发头饰, 跟音乐做律动. 四. 主题: spider 1. 出示蜘蛛的模型或图片, 引出单词, 数一数蜘蛛的爪子和说说颜 色black spider, 出示一些其他黑的东西, 强调black. 2. 让幼儿伸出手做蜘蛛, 做律动: The eensy weensy spider The eensy weensy spider went up the water spout, down came the rain and washed the spider out, out came the sun and dried up. All the rain and the eensy weensy spider went up the spout again. 五. 游戏: 手脚撑地爬行比赛 六. 认识字母S 七. 再见歌 快乐英语班英语教案(七) 一. Greetings: 1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! How are you? 引导幼儿说: I am fine. 2. Song: Hello! How are you? 二. Warming up: Clap our hands. 1. 首先让幼儿按指令做clap your hands, raise your arms, raise your legs, touch your toes, shake our hips, 熟悉歌词, 在跟着音乐做律动. 三. 复习上一课: spider 1. 出示spider摸一摸, 复习单词. 2. 听音乐做律动. 四. 主题: airplane 1. 教师拟声做 airplane样飞出或折一架纸飞机放出, 引出单词. 2. 纸飞机飞到谁的面前谁就说airplane或说了再把纸飞机飞到他面 前,(教师幼儿可围成圈) 3. 律动: My little airplane Fly shall we fly, we’ll be up and away, up in the sky, up in the air in our little airplane. We’ll be reaching the blue sky. Reach the rainbow end. Fly small we fly, we’ll be up and away under the sun, how are you? How do you do? 五. 游戏: 用跳跳床, 让幼儿飞高时上跳跳床, 飞低时下来. 六. 认识字母a 七. 再见歌 快乐英语班英语教案(八) 一. Greetings: 1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! How are you? 引导幼儿说: I am fine. 2. Song: Hello! How are you? 二. Warming up: Clap our hands. 1. 首先让幼儿按指令做clap your hands, raise your arms, raise your legs, touch your toes, shake our hips, 熟悉歌词, 在跟着音乐做律动. 三. 复习上一课: airplane 1. 出示airplane, 让幼儿回忆歌词 2. 跟着音乐做律动 四. 主题: rainbow 1. 教师用蜡笔画rainbow, 让幼儿想象, 引出单词, 教单词. 2. 教rainbow上的颜色: red, yellow, pink, green, orange, purple and blue. 可出示些其他的东西教颜色. 3. 律动: I can sing my rainbow song Red and yellow and pink and green, orange and purple and blue, I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, too. Listen with your ears. Oh, listen with your ears and sing everything you see. You can song a rainbow song, sing a rainbow song, sing a rainbow song with me. 五: 游戏: 彩虹伞 彩虹伞平铺于地板,让幼儿边按格跳边说出颜色. 六. 认识字母S 七. 再见歌 快乐英语班英语教案(九) 一. Greetings: 1. Good morning, babies! I am Miss Li! How are you? 引导幼儿说: I am fine. 2. Song: Hello! How are you? 二. Warming up: Clap our hands. 1. 首先教师说clap your引导幼儿说 hands, raise your引导幼儿说 arms, raise your引导幼儿说 legs, touch your 引导幼儿说toes, shake our引导幼儿说 hips, 熟悉歌词, 在跟着音乐做律动. 三. 复习上一课: rainbow 1. 出示蜡笔和纸画rainbow, 复习单词和颜色. 2. 跟音乐做律动. 四. 主题: sheep 1. 教师拿手偶拟声出来和幼儿打招呼, 引出单词. 2. 让幼儿伸出手做羊的角边说: sheep sheep sheep, mie mie mie, 还可强调black sheep. 3. 膝盖跪地, 手撑地做sheep样, 摇摇屁股.律动: Baa, Baa, black sheep. Baa, Baa, black sheep have you any wool, Yes, sir, Yes, sir three bags full, one for the master, and one for the dame, but none for the little boy (girl) that cried in the lane. 五. 游戏 膝盖跪地, 手撑地爬行去吃青草, 吃完再爬回来, 看谁最快. 六. 认识字母b 七. 再见歌 快乐英语班英语教案(十) 复习前4课
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