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2013年湖北省国营五三农场(屈家岭管理区)建场60年华诞。2013年湖北省国营五三农场(屈家岭管理区)建场60年华诞。 五三农场的创建过程 1952年8月,湖北省委书记、省政府主席李先念派周季方同志,1932年参加革命,参加了长征和中原突围,建国初任武汉市委副书记、副市长,为五三农场第一任场长,后任湖北省政协副主席,,到京山、钟祥、天门、荆门、潜江交界的荒原创办国营农场。9月,周季方一行在沙洋一带探荒,路经京山杨家丰,从高湖地区钻进芦苇丛中,行走了一里多路,看到一望无边的荒of the network is very weak, not only increases the tr...
2013年湖北省国营五三农场(屈家岭管理区)建场60年华诞。 五三农场的创建过程 1952年8月,湖北省委记、省政府主席李先念派周季方同志,1932年参加革命,参加了长征和中原突围,建国初任武汉市委副书记、副市长,为五三农场第一任场长,后任湖北省政协副主席,,到京山、钟祥、天门、荆门、潜江交界的荒原创办国营农场。9月,周季方一行在沙洋一带探荒,路经京山杨家丰,从高湖地区钻进芦苇丛中,行走了一里多路,看到一望无边的荒of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 原,沼泽里长满了芦苇,旱地上长满了白茅草,泥土是沙壤土,适合种庄稼。他们发现在方圆百里内,东面和北面是大片的丘陵和山地,南面和西面是大片的平原荒地,适宜大规模开垦建设农 场,于是向省委。省委决定在此创办国营农场。of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 1952年11月7日,周季方一行6人乘坐一辆破旧的美式吉普车从汉口出发,第二天才在荒原中心下洋港落脚。这片荒原野兽成群,血吸虫泛滥,许多当地群众都染上了血吸虫和血丝虫病,到处都是“大肚子”和“粗腿子”,还有解放初期未剿尽的土匪时常出没。刚进入荒原,没有测绘的和地图,探荒队伍就地目测,绘出草图,详细记载荒原、丘陵、山区。12月,为帮助农场解决困难,李先念同志安排把襄阳和大冶一部分职工连同农of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 机具调给农场,把当时参加荆江分洪和汉宜公路建设的500余名宜昌工人调给农场,还将武汉市内300多名失业工人调给农场,一支千余人的开荒队伍组建了起来,这就是五三农场最早的开拓者。 1953 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 年2月,春节刚过,李先念来五三农场视察。20日,李先念同志在司马河边潘家台西北,现何集办事处马档桥西南,的荒原上挥锹开荒,举行了农场奠基礼。随后,省里派勘测队来测绘地图,进行总体规划。勘测队分派两路人马,用马匹驮着行李、干粮,对荒原、丘陵、山区进行实地观测绘图,历时近一个月,把荒原和山丘分成了长滩埠、何集、高湖、坡子湾、蒋家湖等几个居民 点,也就是后来的生产队、作业区、分场的所在地。of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 1952年11月农场筹建时为“国营沙洋机械农场”, 1953年10月命名为“国营五三机械农场”,1956年定名为“湖北省国营五三农场”。建场初期,场部曾设在杨家丰、潘家台、下洋港,1954年洪水后,周季方提议,并经省里众多专家论证,将场部定在一家岭,现名易家 岭,。 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 13、李先念同志与五三农场 五三农场由李先念同志亲自开垦奠基创办。他十分关心农场的建设和发展,并给予了极大支持,曾先后四次到五三农场视察指导工作。 1953年2月,春节刚过,李先念同志坐一辆旧吉普,只带of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 一名警卫员,直接到农场开垦荒地的场部草棚,这是李先念同志第一次来五三农场视察。 2月 2 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 0日,李先念同志在司马河边潘家台西北,现何集办事处马档桥西南,的荒原上挥锹开荒,举行了农场奠基礼。李先念对周季方说,“这里所有的荒地,全由你们开,国家需要粮食啊,东边有武钢作为钢铁基地,西边有你们农场作为粮棉油基地。我告知荆州地委支持你们,你们大胆地工作,有困难找我。要特别关心职工生活,同群众建立好关系,把水系弄清楚后向我。”of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 1953年秋,李先念同志第二次来五三农场视察,这时农场已开荒三万亩,播种了二万多亩农作物。当时,省委办公厅电话说,李先念同志带一名警卫员坐吉普车来农场,请派人负责of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 安全,可还没等周季方场长去路上迎接,李先念已经到了场部草房。一到场部,李先念就到地里实地查看,经过高湖走小路到月湖、陈家冲,他看到很多丘陵荒着,激励周季方说,“你把这荒山卖给美国人,他们马上就要来开的。”看到新开荒土地上长得不错的庄稼,部分荒地变成了良田,李先念很高兴,并作出指示,“农场建设任重道远,不要满足现状。一是建成粮、棉、油基地,社会主义农业机械化示范农村,二是搞多种经营,农、林、牧、副、渔全面发展,建成农村里的城市、城市里的公园,三是培养各种专业人员和管理干部,为全省农场、农村推广农业技术和良种服务。”李先念这次来农场共两天,住在赵家坡新修的奶牛房里,喝了农场自产的鲜牛奶。李先念生活简单朴素,吃饭都是自己付 钱。 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 1954年4月,李先念同志第三次来五三农场视察。李先念在场部草棚礼堂对农场作业区以上干部作了报告。李先念提出,“变荒山为林园,变小路为大路,变小块为大块,搞好农场培养人才,起到示范作用。”当时正值五三农场兴修石龙水库,李先念还亲自到石龙水库工地参加筑坝劳动。 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 六十年代初,在李先念同志的重视和支持下,省委、省政府在五三农场兴办了普通高校“湖北省农垦大学”,文革开始后停办,。 李先念同志调任国务院副总理后,日理万机,仍十分关心五三农场的建设,曾叮嘱农垦部部长王震,“要关心五三农场的发展,支持他们建设好农场。” 1959年12月31日,李先念同志of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 第四次来五三农场视察工作,陪同前来的有湖北省委、荆州地委主要负责人。李先念要求,五三农场要改变自然面貌,做到“寸土必争、寸土不 闲”。 14、王震同志与五三农场 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit 1957年3月,国家农垦部部长王震同志来五三农场视察工作。 1958年12月16日,王震部长再次来五三农场视察工作。 1966年5月,王震部长来五三农场视察工作,并出席了五三农场的三级干部会,参加了会议讨论,提出了五三农场“创造样板场”的奋斗目标。会后,王震部长视察了农中、茶校等学校,并题了词。 1973年4月,王震部长第四次视察了五三农场。 1974年9月,王震部长对赴京汇报工作的农场负责人说,“省委支持你们,我们支持你们,一定要把农场建设好,起到示范作用。” 王震部长在五三农场原高湖分场高湖队南500米处有一块实验田,作为他在湖北的实验基地和示范基地,实验田每年种植作物的产量及相关数据都要如实向他汇报。 15、王任重同志与五三农场 1957年10月,湖北省委书记王任重同志来五三农场视察工作,对农垦企业管理进行了为期一个月的调查研究,并在五三农场召开了荆州地区国营农场党委书记、场长会议,提出了一系列农垦企业管理措施。 1986年2月22日,时任全国人大副委员长的王任重同志来农场视察,为首部《五三农场志》题写书名,并为五三农场题词,of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit “团结奋斗,再展宏图”。 of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit of the network is very weak, not only increases the traffic in city center, and restricts the access of peripheral urban groups. Natural constraints and characteristics of spatial structure in Yibin city, decided to group passenger corridors must rely on mass transit to solve, only through the construction of urban rail transit
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