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洛阳古都的魅力洛阳古都的魅力 更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~ 洛阳古都的魅力 洛阳古都的魅力 从中国第一个王朝夏朝开始,先后有13个朝代的100多个帝王在这儿坐过龙廷,有3600年的都城历史。“生在苏杭,死葬北邙”,历代有多少帝王将相、王公贵族、达官贵人葬于此地。洛阳,这座位于黄河之畔、邙山脚下的古都,你知道在它的地下挖掘出多少宫殿遗址和稀世珍宝吗?„„ 我国七大古都之一的洛阳,以建都时间最早、历时最长、朝代最多著称。50多年来,特别是近20年来,经文物考古工作者的苦苦追寻和不懈探索,洛阳众多的文化遗存...
洛阳古都的魅力 更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~ 洛阳古都的魅力 洛阳古都的魅力 从中国第一个王朝夏朝开始,先后有13个朝代的100多个帝王在这儿坐过龙廷,有3600年的都城历史。“生在苏杭,死葬北邙”,历代有多少帝王将相、王公贵族、达官贵人葬于此地。洛阳,这座位于黄河之畔、邙山脚下的古都,你知道在它的地下挖掘出多少宫殿遗址和稀世珍宝吗?„„ 我国七大古都之一的洛阳,以建都时间最早、历时最长、朝代最多著称。50多年来,特别是近20年来,经文物考古工作者的苦苦追寻和不懈探索,洛阳众多的文化遗存陆续浮出水面,这些出土文物使一处处文献记载得以证实,一个个历史谜团悄悄揭开,一层层传闻迷雾终于廓清。2004年9月30日,在洛阳博物馆展出的“魅力洛阳?河洛地区文物考古成果精华展”向世人展示了千年帝都的本来面目和真实容颜,她灿烂辉煌的历史和博大精深的文化,让世人击节赞赏,叹为观止。 我国最早的青铜酒器 20多年来,洛阳市的文物钻探队伍配合基本建设,共发现不同时代的重要古墓葬36000余座,灰坑、烧窑、河道、古井、地窖、仓窖、车马坑、道路等遗迹15000余处,许多重大的考古发现,首先是由文物钻探提供第一手资料,这是名扬中外的“洛阳铲”的功劳。二里头夏都遗址、偃师商城遗址的发现,使大量的出土文物见证历史,昭示文明,这是古都洛阳的魅力所在。 古代在洛阳建都的有13个王朝,100多个帝王,历时1600多年。每个朝代定都洛阳后都曾在洛阳进行过大规模的营建工程,因而洛阳的城池宏伟,城廓巍峨,宫阙壮丽,由于帝王贵族死后都葬于洛阳, 更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~ 遂有“生在苏杭,死葬北邙”“邙山无卧牛之地”的说法。洛阳迄今为止已发掘出夏都斟城、商都西亳城、周都王城、周都成周城、汉魏故城、隋唐东都城的遗址以及数以万计的古墓。 被称为“华夏第一都”的夏代都城遗址在洛阳偃师二里头村,从发掘出的宫城城垣和宫殿基址看,这座3600多年前的都城规划缜密,布局严密,其中一二号宫殿是我国发现的最早的大型宫殿遗址,它开创了中国古代宫殿建筑的先河。面积10万平方米的二里头宫城遗址被评为2004年“中国六大考古新发现之一,二里头遗址还发掘出数十座墓葬,随葬品有铜器、玉器、陶器等。于这里出土的并陈列在“精华展”中的一尊青铜酒器和一件镶嵌绿松石铜牌饰,是我国目前发现同类器物中最早的实物资料,乃国之瑰宝。那酒器腹部有横排5颗乳钉,故名乳钉纹铜器,为出土的青铜酒器中最完美者,它高22.5厘米,长31.3厘米,前有长流,后有尖尾,束腰平顶,三棱足像鸟的双脚和尾,整体造型优美,为我国目前发现的最早的青铜酒器之一,已被写进中国历史教科书。那件镶嵌绿松石兽面纹铜牌饰,发现于死者骨架胸前,四五百片绿松石镶粘在镂空铜框架上,工艺精美绝伦,图案古朴粗犷,极为罕见。 商代都城西亳遗址于1983年在洛阳偃师尸乡沟发现时,在国内外考古界引起轰动,被专家称之为世界奇迹,联合国教科文组织把它列为1983年世界十七大发现之一。根据国家科研项目夏商周断代工程的,在之后十几年的发掘中,这里已发掘出多个院落组成的宫殿群,取得重大突破,1997年被国家文物局公布为全国十大考古重要发现之一。西亳都城北依邙山,南临洛水,商族首领汤灭夏建商后即定都于此,当时是全国的政治、经济、文化中心。这里展出的遗址地貌全景照、宫城遗址照、四号殿复原照和商城墓葬中发掘出的数十件随葬品,给予参观者以无限的遐想。 小玉兽大铜鼎皆是国宝 周王朝时在洛阳先后建有两座都城,一为王城,一为成周城。经过几十年的勘探发掘,两座城的地域范围、城区布局已经弄清,部分 更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~ 城墙遗址犹存。周朝在洛阳建都的时间最长,其中西周262年,东周515年,共777年,故埋葬于地下的遗存也特别丰富。2002年发掘出的周王陵墓陪葬坑――“天子驾六”车马坑遗存震惊了世界,现已原址原状地保护并建成专题博物馆向世人开放。去年5月在离“天子驾六”车马坑百余米的国际贸易中心大厦基建工程中,又发掘清理60多座东周墓葬,其中一座距地14.6米的未成年人墓中,出土了一批稀世珍品,它们被陈列在精华展中,吸引了众多的参观者在此俯身细看,不肯离去。该墓葬出土的116件(组)随葬品,全皆小巧玲珑,显然是为小墓主人定制的。其中有核桃大小的陶鼎、比指甲盖还小的玉兽、一二厘米长的小铜虎、小铜人、小铜鸟以及铜鼎、铜壶、铜刀、玉璧、玉环、玉剑、陶碗、陶鬲、陶罐等,这些小巧别致的工艺品,具有极高的历史价值和艺术价值。最令人惊奇的是一根近千枚绿松石串成的1.3米长的串饰,这绿松石大的如麦粒,最小的比小米粒还小,但中间均有穿孔,其制作工艺之精巧,让现代人也叹为观止。墓中还发现一小块纯蓝颜料,据专家介绍,东周时期我国还不能生产纯蓝颜料,因而此物可能来自西域,这说明中原和西域的交流在东周时期已经开展。 陈列物中还有一尊高近半米、直径近1米的大铜鼎,内壁铸有铭文“王作宝尊彝”,器皿虽有破裂缝,但仍是无价之宝,原来它是惟一的一件周王室用品,是2002年初从一座东周王墓中出土的。此墓虽被盗掘过,仍出土青铜器、玉石器、蚌器等文物204件(套)。 出土唐三彩美不胜收 隋唐时期,洛阳作为隋都15年、唐都30年、武周15年、后梁、后唐、后晋19年,共79年。隋唐东都城由于隋炀帝的精心营建,唐代帝王又扩建重建,致使该城成为洛阳历史上规模最宏大最壮观的一座都城。《新唐书?地理志》载:东都城“前直伊阙,后据邙山,左廛右涧,洛水贯其中。”城周长26公里,由宫城、皇城、外廓城组成。精华展对近年来发掘的应天门遗址、定鼎门遗址、明堂遗址、温柔坊遗址、白居易故居遗址等均作了介绍,并展出了大量出土文物,尤以 更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~ 彩绘陶器、三彩器为多。三彩是指唐代俑器和陶器上的釉色而言,多 以红、绿、黄为主,也有白、黑、蓝等色。唐代这种艺术珍品起源并 盛产于洛阳一带,陪葬品也多用三彩,此类文物又大都在洛阳出土, 故有洛阳唐三彩之称。精华展中可见到各式各样的三彩、如三彩马、 三彩骆驼、三彩牵马俑、三彩牵驼俑、三彩天王俑、三彩文吏俑、三 彩武士俑、三彩骑马女俑、三彩骑马男俑、三彩睡俑、三彩坐俑、三 彩猴俑、三彩鸡俑、三彩瓶等等,真是琳琅满目,美不胜收,它折射 出盛世大唐文化繁荣的景象。 摆在展厅里的一个石雕品――石龙首形建筑构件,出土于宫城遗 址。龙首的鼻子酷似象鼻,故称象鼻龙,舌头上卷了一条似在挣扎的 小鲤鱼,诙谐有趣,整体造型优美生动,雕刻刀法娴熟,粗犷中透出 精细,从一个侧面反映了隋唐建筑的辉煌壮丽。 “魅力洛阳?河洛地区文物考古成果精华展”,分文物钻探成果、 史前考古成果、都城考古成果、宋西京城考古成果、金元时期考古成 果和援外考古成果六大部分,时间跨度从远古至元明,共展出文物 1700余件和大量照片、摹本、模型,是洛阳有史以来规模最大、精 品最多、品位最高、形式最新的大型文物展览。 (本文摄影刘航宁) Exhibition Reveals History of Empire Capital By Wu Fei, Wang Yifei Luoyang in central China's Henan Province is famed as a city of capitals. Indeed, no other city in the country has such an early and long history of being the capital of so many dynasties as Luoyang does. For more than 1,600 years, 13 dynasties set up their royal houses in Luoyang. More than 100 emperors ruled the country from there. Over the last 50 years and over the last 2 decades in particular, numerous cultural relics and sites have been 更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~ unearthed in Luoyang. These finds have coned historical records, unraveled some mysteries left over from the past, and clarified some rumors. On September 30, 2004, an exhibition was held at Luoyang Museum to showcase the archaeological results in Luoyang over the past decades. The exhibits showed the true face of the city of capitals, and the history and culture of the dynasties that once ruled the central empire from Luoyang. Archaeologists have disinterred more than 36,000 important ancient tombs in the area and 15,000 other relic sites such as palaces, forbidden cities, ash pits, kilns, riverbeds, wells, cells, warehouses, horse pits, and roads. With 1,700 exhibits plus a large number of photos, copies, and models, the exhibition spanned the millennia from the prehistorical period up to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). All this made it the largest exhibition of its kind ever held in Luoyang. At the exhibition were panoramic photographs that showed the sites of the palaces or forbidden cities, bringing back the lost grandeur and glory of the past dynasties. One of the sites is the capital site of the Shang Dynasty (C.1600-C.1100 B.C.). It was excavated in 1983 and listed by the UNESCO as one of the world's 17 major archaeological discoveries of the year. The site of the forbidden city of the Xia Dynasty (C.2100-C.1600 B.C.) was unearthed and was listed as one of the new archaeological finds in China in 2004. Found at the site and displayed at the exhibition were a bronze wine vessel and a bronze plaque ornament embedded with turquoises. Each is among the earliest pieces of its kind ever found in China. The wine vessel is 22.5 cm in height, 31.3 cm in length. The three feet of the vessel resemble the two feet and tail of 更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~ a bird. The artifact looks extremely exquisite. The animal-face bronze plaque was discovered in an ancient tomb. It was propped on a pierced bronze frame embedded with about 500 turquoises. The Zhou Dynasty (C.1100-256 B.C.) was based in Luoyang. The treasures of the dynasty buried are numerous. In 2002, a carriage drawn by 6 horses for the Son of the Heaven was found in a horse pit as the subordinate burial ground to a Zhou empire. The site has been turned into a theme museum. In May 2004, on a construction site only about 100 meters away from the horse pit, over 60 tombs of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256B.C.) were disinterred. One tomb, buried 14.6 meters deep, yielded 116 pieces and sets of rare burial articles.As the buried was a child, all the burial articles are in very small sizes. There are jade animals as small as a finger nail, a pottery tripod as small as a walnut, and bronze tigers, figurines, birds only 1 or 2 cm long.There are also mini-sized bronze, jade, pottery ornaments and tools such as knives, swords, rings, bowls, and kettles. The most amazing article is a 1.3-meter-long beading stringed by nearly 1,000 turquoises. The turquoises are as small as wheat or rice kernels. It is beyond imagination how the tiny holes were made. Also found in the tomb was a small chunk of pure blue pigment. According to experts, China was not yet able to make the pure blue pigment during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The pigment might have come from somewhere in the West. The forbidden city of the Sui Dynasty (581-618) was later expanded during the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Unearthed on a very large site, 26 km in circumference, were numerous pieces of Tricolor-Glazed Pottery of the Tang Dynasty. Most of the finds are tomb figures in three colors. These figures range from camels to horses, warriors, officials, horsemen and horsewomen, 更多专业、稀缺文档请访问——搜索此文档,访问上传用户主页~ monkeys, chickens, etc. The exhibition displayed an array of such brilliant funeral objects. (Translated by David)
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