

2019-09-11 6页 doc 19KB 33阅读




六级语法1六级基础班 英文语法 1. 词法 -各类词的形态和变化 2. 句法 -句子的种类 -句子成分 -遣词造句的规律 六级语法长难句及翻译(第一讲) 简单句的五大句型 1、主谓: A man respires, aspires, perspires, inspires, and finally expires. 2、主谓宾: I love three things, the sun, the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you ,fo...
六级基础班 英文语法 1. 词法 -各类词的形态和变化 2. 句法 -句子的种类 -句子成分 -遣词造句的规律 六级语法长难句及翻译(第一讲) 简单句的五大句型 1、主谓: A man respires, aspires, perspires, inspires, and finally expires. 2、主谓宾: I love three things, the sun, the moon and you. The sun for the day, the moon for the night, and you ,forever. 3. 主+谓+间宾(人)+直宾(物) - Please do me a favor. -True love gives you a feeling which is a mixture of friendship, appreciation, support trust and happiness. 4. 主+谓+ 宾+宾补 -Love makes man grow up or sink down. 区分双宾语和复合宾语: — I will make Alex my husband. (复合) — I will make Alex a cake. (双宾) 5. 主+系+表 系动词:linking verb(连接主语和后面的成分) -You are my sunshine 简单句总结: 1. 抓主干:主谓宾 2. 修饰成分:定状补 A of B结构 —the insights of great men of genius 天才伟人的洞察力 —part of an exchange of duties and entitlements 权利和义务相交换的部分 Failure is the foundation of success; success is the lurking place of failure. 祸兮福所倚,福兮祸所伏。 --老子 A of B in Writing 观点:The pervasive issue of … is heatedly debated by the public recently. 原因:There are probably several fundamental reasons of this issue, and I would like to explore some primary ones. More and more in Writing A、越来越 + 名词 - an increasing number of +n. - a growing number of - an expanding number of B、越来越 + 形容词 -be increasingly+ adj. -be progressively +adj (二)英文思维黄金法则 1. 谓语单一原则 -一个简单句只能有一个谓语。 -如果要表达多个动作概念,有三种方式: a. 连词  b. 非谓语动词 c. 从句 Eg:There are many lovers become the strangers finally. 并列:There are many lovers and they become the strangers finally. 一个复杂句里有N个谓语动词就意味着有N个简单句,需要N-1个连接词。 非谓语动词: There are many lovers becoming the strangers finally.                         非谓语动词 - V-ing (主动) - V-ed (被动) - to do (将要) 从句:There are many lovers who become the strangers finally.                        (3)中英思维转换 中文的主动和被动 概念模糊 中文偏好主动句 The plane sent to search for the missing plane also disappeared. 中式思维的影响:  中文允许多谓语存在,没有非谓语动词。 因此看到主语后紧跟着的动词就会更容易认为是谓语。                                中英思维转换: 名/代+V-ed: I loved… 1、可以理解为谓语动词的过去时态。 2还可能是非谓语动词,表示“被爱” He loved in the past 20 years never felt the love anymore since his parents had left him. 中英思维对比: 中:含蓄-好戏在后 英:直接-开门见山 逻辑词: 英文:and; furthermore; moreover ;but also; if; in case; however 中文:而 --If it doesn’t rain tomorrow, we will go fishing. -- If you want to live a happy life,tie it to a goal,not to people or objects. --Albert Einstein
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