首页 > [精品]国庆期间写完后可以发到我的邮箱wzzxlily@21cncom


2018-10-13 3页 doc 16KB 3阅读




[精品]国庆期间写完后可以发到我的邮箱wzzxlily@21cncom[精品]国庆期间写完后可以发到我的邮箱wzzxlily@21cncom 国庆期间写完后可以发到我的邮箱wzzxlily@21cn.com, 并发短信告之4(因 为本人很少上网。 (1) beginning: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, a. First of all, I want to express my appreciation. Thanks for giving me this opportunity for an introduction. b. It is gr...
[精品]国庆期间写完后可以发到我的邮箱wzzxlily@21cncom 国庆期间写完后可以发到我的邮箱wzzxlily@21cn.com, 并发短信告之4(因 为本人很少上网。 (1) beginning: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, a. First of all, I want to express my appreciation. Thanks for giving me this opportunity for an introduction. b. It is greatly honoured for me to take this opportunity to introduce myself. c. It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an introduction . d. With tremendous(巨大的) interest in English, I am taking part in this competition and standing here to introduce myself. I hope i can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. (2) brief introduction about name, school. Age. a. My name is ... and I am years old…, from…….Grade 1 Wenzhou Middle School. (3) introduce characters (性格) : 要求幽默,吸引人。 1、 以星座为话作自我介绍 I’m an Aries(牧羊座). Arians are supposed to be courageous leaders but troublesome followers. Half true. I’m definitely a troublesome. follower. I’m a Leo狮子座. Some good Leo traits优点 are: broad-minded, loving, faithful. Bad traits缺点 are: bossy, patronizing. I’m a typical 典型的Leo. I’m faithful but patronizing. 自负 2、I’m a person of principle原则. I do NOT compromise妥协. Because I don’t smoke , I do NOT wear a T-shirt with a Marlboro 万宝路logo, even if somebody gives one to me free. 3. I am open-minded and optimistic. My classmates say I am always a real delight.(开心 果). Whenever you see me, you will hear laughers all around. (4) interest, hobbies and your achievements. A( Secondly, I will say something about my interests and hobbies. I have broad interests like basketball, reading and especially in engineering such as software programming, website design, hardware design. For example, during the past four years, I have accomplished two websites: one is the website of our school, and the other is the website of the doctor forum of china 2007. Furthermore, I am interested in C plus programming language and have written some application programs. One thing I am proud of myself is that in July in the last year, I finished my graduate project with flying colors, which was a software application about Image Process . In addition, … B Secondly, say something about my hobby. In my spare time I like surfing on internet to learn news about national and international events, economic and fashion. I am also interested in reading books, the books related to my major to improve my major skills, and others, such as history, culture, economic and biography of famous people. Besides, listening to music and sports are my favorite. I like playing football, so watching football games is a part of my life. 注意: 开头要有一个topic sentence.接着用连接词: firstly, secondly,…等连接。每个要点 要有个topic sentence,接着要进行举例论证。同时, 要把对英语的热爱作为一种爱好。 (5) conclusion I feel confident that I can meet your requirements as a candidate后选 人for this competition. I came here in hope of turning my interest in English into 1 enthusiasm, gaining more experience and further improving myself since this opportunity is also a challenge for me. (6) ending Thank you for your time(listening)! 2
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