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PETS公共英语二级考试复习资料百朗~英语听力—PETS专项训练[纯正听力] PETS2是中下级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足进入高等院校继续学习的要求,同时也基本符合诸如宾馆前台服务员、一般银行职员、涉外企业一般员工,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。该级考生应能在熟悉的情景中进行简单对话,例如询问或传递基本的事实性信息,应能提供或是要求得到更清楚的阐述,同时口才也能表达简单的观点和态度,能适当运用基本的语法知识,掌握2000左右的词汇以及相关词组。 ?PETS-2:二级是中下级,相当于普通高中优秀毕业生的英语水平 考生为两种,一...
百朗~英语听力—PETS专项训练[纯正听力] PETS2是中下级,通过该级考试的考生,其英语水平基本满足进入高等院校继续学习的要求,同时也基本符合诸如宾馆前台服务员、一般银行职员、涉外企业一般员工,以及同层次其他工作在对外交往中的基本需要。该级考生应能在熟悉的情景中进行简单对话,例如询问或传递基本的事实性信息,应能提供或是要求得到更清楚的阐述,同时口才也能表达简单的观点和态度,能适当运用基本的语法知识,掌握2000左右的词汇以及相关词组。 ?PETS-2:二级是中下级,相当于普通高中优秀毕业生的英语水平 考生为两种,一种是已经工作的人,一种是学生,此内容为已工作的内容,学生可在此基础上稍加改动。 一正式考试前 以下为进入考场后,正式考试之前的对话内容,考官会了解你是学生还是已经工作的人员。黑体为考官问话,有时形式不同,但是内容大致相同。\ 1. 打招呼: --Good morning / afternoon. Nice to meet you! --Nice meeting you too! --Good morning / afternoon. How are you doing! / How are you! --Wonderful! What about you?=Great! What about you?=Not bad! What about you? =Fine! What about you? 2.向学生要分数单 Can I have your mark-sheet分数单please?=Could you give me your mark-sheet please? Sure, here you are. 3.问姓名Can I have your name, please?=Could you tell me your name, please? Sure. My name is(Chinese name), but you can call me (English name). /Sure. I?m(Chinese name), but you can call me (English name). 或也可以这样问答 May I know your name, please?=Are you xxx?=Y ou are xxx,aren’t you? Y es. My name is(Chinese name), but you can call me (English name). 二.正式考试3个步骤 Step 1(2 mins):初次见面时向别人提供个人信息(如姓名、出生地、职业、家庭等)见后面 Step 2(5 mins):根据信息卡内容就具体事实互相问答。(信息涉及日常生活、娱乐和社会活动。) 口语考官分别递给2个考生卡片A和B。要求两人用英语交流自己卡上的信息,不得看对方的卡片,不得使用中文。一个问另一个答。考生A需借助信息卡对考生B提出的任何问题作出简短回答。如信息卡不含某一所需信息,考生A可以表示歉意并说明自己不知道,也可以利用背景知识或想象力提供该信息。 考生进行完四、五个来回的对话已经获知卡片内容,口试教师要求其停止并按规定互换身份,利用一套新卡片进行对话。 建议不要询问卡片没有的信息,以免加大难度。 同时注意老师在此轮提的要求,中间会包含1-2个关键单词,如果你刚好不会这个词汇,那么正好可以借用这个词汇。 如果考生完成卡上信息,也可自己停下对话,这时可以用英语对考官说,excuse me, sir/Madam, we have finished our conversation. What shall we do next? 不过一般来说考官会主动要求停止。 Step 3(3 mins):提供详细信息及阐述个人观点。教师根据Step 2向两个考生各提出2~3个问题。因此在上一轮即step2中听懂对方提供的信息很重要。 如果实在没听清,可以要求对方考生或考官再说一遍,你可以说:May I beg your pardon?可以再说一遍吗或Could you please say it a little bit slowly? 可以说慢一点点吗? ****这种口语考试讲究的是合作,不要搞个人秀。没有双方的合作一定是双输。建议跟另一个考生在进考场前简单沟通下,两人进去后尽量稍稍放慢语速,吐词清晰。如果对方没明白,可以用一般疑问句或其他英语方式或肢体提醒他。切记!! 正式考试Step 1 部分可能的问题 1. Asking for personal information问个人信息 ?What is your name? ?Where do you come from?/ Where are you from? ?What do you study? ?Which school are you in? No.20 Middle School of Changsha ?What subjects do you study? English, computer science, math, PE ?What subjects are you good at? ?What subjects do you like? 询问对方兴趣爱好: ?What?s your hobby? ?What do you like to do in your spare/free time?空闲时间爱做什么? ?How do you usually spend your free time? 你怎么打发业余时间? 回答: ?I like doing sth。 ?What I like most/best is doing sth. I like doing sth. ?I usually read books/play basketball. 问朋友信息 ?Q1: Do you have any good friends? ?Q2: Who is your best friend? What’s the name of your best friend? ?Q3: Can you describe him/her? 你能描绘一下他吗?(外表和个性) What is he/she like? He is tall. ?Q4: How tall is he/she? ?Q5: What are his hobbies? ?Q6: What kind of friend do you like? 具体示范朋友信息问答: ?-What’s your friend’s name? -Gao Feng. ?-Which grade is he in? -He is in grade 2. ?-What is he like? -He is tall and black. ?-How tall is he? -He is 185 cm tall. ?-What are his hobbies -he likes playing basketball and running. 问你的老师信息 ?What subject do you like? ?What kind of teacher do you prefer?你更喜欢哪种老师? ?What is he/she like? ?How old do you guess he/she is? ?What is his/her personality?她的个性如何? 如何提出问题? ?什么? What 谁? who ?哪个? Which 怎样? how ?什么地方? Where 什么时间? when ?有没有? Is there/Are there…..? 多少个? How many….? ?多少钱? How much…? 正式考试step2样卷 口语一(2个学生各拿一张卡,彼此不知对方内容,通过问问题来获知对方卡片内容)第一轮卡片一 ?英语角活动时间: ?活动地点: ?组织者: ?是否有外籍专家参加: 第一轮卡片二 ?英语角活动时间:每周三晚上7点至9点30分 ?活动地点:第三教学楼前广场 ?组织者:英语系 ?是否有外籍专家参加:约10名英、美等国的外籍教师参加 范例: 1.When will the English Corner be held? It will be held every Wednesday evening from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 英语角什么时候举办活动?/每周三晚上7点到9点半。 2. Where will it be held? / Where is it? It will be held in the square in front of the 3rd classroom building. 在哪举办?/第3栋教学大楼前面的广场/空坪 3. Who organizes the activity?/Who is the organizer? The English Department. 谁组织的?/英语系。 4. Are there any foreign experts who will take part in the activity? Who are they? Y es. About 10 foreign teachers from the UK and the US will go to the English corner. 有外籍专家参加吗?都有谁?/ 有。有10个左右美国和英国外教会去英语角。 第二轮海豚表演之前问的考生这一轮主意是回答问题,之前回答的同学这轮提问。 第二轮卡片一 ?地点 ?表演月份: ?每日演出时间: ?门票价格 第二轮卡片二 ?地点:海洋公园 ?表演月份:4月-9月 ?每日演出时间:周六周日10:00-11:30 ?门票价格:成人30元,儿童15元 范例: 1.Where can I watch the dolphin show? In Ocean Park. 在哪观看海豚表演?/ 在海洋公园 2.When can I watch it? / When will be the show on? From April to September. 什么时候看表演?/ 从四月到9月。 3.When does the show start? It starts at 10 o’clock and ends at 11:30 on weekends. 表演什么时候开始?/ 通常周末的上午10点开始,11点半结束。 5.How much is the ticket? Tickets for adults are 30 Y uan and 15 for children. 门票多少钱?/成年人票价30,小孩15元。 附注:第一步部分常考话题汇总及答案 1. And what shall I call you? Most people call me Xiao Huang. 2. Where do you come from? a. I was born in Xi…an,which is one of the major cities in China. It used to be the capital city at one point in China?s history. b. I come from Shanghai,but I was born in Xi…an. My parents moved to Shanghai when I was just 4 years old,so I really don?t know much about Xi…an,apart from occasional summer visits to see some good friends of the family. In fact,I don?t have any relatives at all living in Xi…an. 3. Where is your hometown? Xi?an is located in Shanxi Province,which is in central China. 4. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Hmm. . well,the population is about 6 million. It…s famous for its historic sites,especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi?an was named the capital of China several times over many dynasties. Also,Xi…an is the starting point of the famous Silk Road,which was important in ancient times. The weather is extremely hot in summer,about 40 degrees Centigrade,and fairly cold in the winter,about 14 degrees Centigrade below zero. b. Okay. Well,first of all,my hometown is “X”。I was born in the city,but moved to the outskirts of the town when I was small. “X” is a fairly large city — a pretty important economic centre actually. It has a population of 3 million. It?s pretty flat,and is situated right near a large lake. 5. What is the climate like in your hometown? It…s generally very hot in summ er,about 40 degrees Centigrade. In winter,it?s cold — about minus 14 degrees Centigrade. The spring and autumn are both mild and pleasant,with temperatures ranging from 12 to 25 degrees Centigrade. Oh,and the summer time is extremely humid as well. There are four seasons. Winter is cold and snowy; spring is short and rainy; summer is hot and humid; and autumn is beautiful. 6. T ell me about what‘s the biggest traditional festival in your country. Definitely the Spring Festival. I suppose it?s somewhat li ke Christmas in western countries. Spring Festival is the only time when all families gather together and stores and business are closed for several days. 7. Can you describe one of the main festivals celebrated in your country? National Day, which is on October 1st,is a big holiday. We get three days off and there are a lot of fireworks displays. There are large flower pictures and other types of flowers decorating the city,and some of the larger cities hold parades. 8. Which city,in your opinion,is the best city in China? Beijing,because it…s the capital of China and has a very rich culture. In addition,Beijing is more beautiful than many other cities,because it?s the showcase of China. A lot of money has been invested in Beijing and it is a very interesting place to visit. 9. Has the transport changed over the past 20 years in China? Y es,very much indeed. We used to have very few bus lines years ago. Most people would use their bikes to get to places in the city. But now in big cities,there are more bus lines linking different places so it is a lot more convenient. Some cities also have subway lines so it makes traveling much faster than before. There are also more taxis in cities and more people are also using that as a mode of transportation. 10. Let‘s talk a little about traveling and transport. For a long trip,how do you prefer to travel? In my country,if it is a long trip,I would prefer to take a train ride. Not only is train ride more economical,but also the time and route have shortened tremendously in the past few years. Air travel is more expensive and they are often beyond my budget. 11. Let’s talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it? My hometown is in the outskirts of Beijing. Maybe one hour travel time to get to Beijing. Fairly close I would say. The people there are mostly farmers but many young people have gone to Beijing to work. I like the place because it is very quiet. Unlike the people in big cities who are more complicated,the people of the place where I come from are usually more down to earth. 12. Why do you think trains are better than buses? Trains are better because they don…t encounter any traffic,whereas sometimes in the bus,we get stuck in the traffic. Also,it is always difficult to get on the buses during the peak hour but with the train,you can bet that the chances of getting on are always greater during the peak hour. 13. What kind of parent do you intend to be? I want to have a good relationship with my child. I have seen so man y kids who don?t really know their own parents,and I don…t want to end up like that. I do plan to be strict,but loving. I want my child to always feel comfortable to approach me,whether they?ve been good or bad. It…s pretty easy to tell you what kind of parent I want to be,but when I actually become a parent, I?m sure I…ll have to revise my ideals a bit. 14. How different is your life from the lives of your parents? It…s very different. I have had many more opportunities and a much more comfortable lif e than they had. I remember my father telling me stories about having just one egg to eat each week, and that was the highlight of his week. I can?t really imagine life like that,so I…m grateful that I have a better life than my parents did. I appreciate their hard work to get us to this point in our lives. 15. Who does most of the shopping in your family? Well,I do most of the grocery shopping because there?s a market very close to my work. It…s very convenient for me to pick up milk or eggs or what ever on my way home from work. But,my wife also enjoys shopping very much. She usually does a lot of the clothes shopping for my son and me. 16. Are you a good cook? a. Y es. I learned everything from my mother who was really famous in our hometown for her coo king. I suppose she learned how to cook from her mother as well. I think that?s how I won my husband…s heart,by being such a good cook. He really appreciates good food,and I enjoy cooking for him. b. No. I?m a terrible cook. No one has ever taught me how to cook. I barely know how to boil an egg. Well,I do know how to make instant noodles,but it…s just a matter of pouring boiling water on them and waiting for some time. I don?t like cooking either,but I do like eating. I suppose I…ll have to marry someone who is a good cook. 17. Do you have a lot of friends? It depends on what you mean by “a lot”。。. I do have one or two very close friends,which is all that I need. I don?t have any trouble making friends,and I do have many good friends and acquaintances. But,really I feel most close to just one or two friends. 18. Which university is the best one in your country? Qinghua University is probably the best, although there are also others which are considered to b e top notch. Still, Qinghua has the best international reputation, so I think most people would s ay it…s the best. 19. How are you as a student? I am a very organized and highly motivated student. I study very hard, and like to constantly revi ew my lecture notes and textbooks. After each class, I re-read all my notes and refer to them in t he textbook. When I encounter something I?m not sure of, I make a point of finding the professo r and asking him or her for further explanation. Also, I have a very good memory. Once I learn s omething, I remember it for a very long time. 20. Is there anything you don‘t like about your studies? Generally I like my studies but I hate the examination system. There are too many examinations d uring my school years and most of the time we have to memorize lots of things in books. I?m not v ery good at that and I find it…s a waste of time and energy. Other than that, I quite enjoy my scho ol time. 21. How did you become interested in your hobby? When I was young,my father has always involved me in different activities. My father is a ping-pong coach in a high school. So I always have a chance to follow him when he coached. When I was in the school,I got a chance to play with other students in other sports. So that?s how I developed my skills in different sports. 22. How do you spend your weekends? I usually sleep on Saturday morning if I can,study in the afternoon in the library,and go out with friends in the evening. On Sundays,I like to go shopping and just spend time walking around outside,if the weather is nice. If I don…t have much money,I still like to go window shopping and I almost get as much pleasure out of that! 23. Why do you go to the Internet for your news stories? Well,to get the latest updates. Also,in the Internet there is a variety of news so perhaps I may come across something I can never encounter in the newspaper. 24. Why do you think that newspapers are more reliable than,say,TV news? Because before a newspaper is printed,the editor will check through the articles and the sources often more reliable. In TV news,the news broadcaster may say something he or she thinks is right. So I feel newspaper are more reliable. 25. Why do you think advertising influences what people buy very strongly? Advertising is a very powerful tool in the media. Because many people do not have the real knowledge of the product,most of the time they rely on media for information,which they think is trustworthy. 26. Who‘s your favourite film star? Can you describe him/her to me? I like Leonardo di Caprio. I first saw him when he starred in Titanic,and after that I was head over heels in love with him. He?s very handsome. 。. blonde hair,blue eyes. He has this look about him that makes him seem very sad,but at the same time hopeful. I have his posters all over my room at home. 27. What do you think of the unemployment problem in China? I think the unemployment problem is getting more and more serious now. China is a country with a large population and there has always been more labour than required. It was not a big problem in the past under the planned economy system,but now enterprises could not afford the burden of a surplus labour force and many workers in state owned enterprises are being laid off. Something must be done about it before more serious problems arise. 28. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so,why? Y es. People in China aren?t aware of the terrible health consequences of smoking. They just smoke because it…s socially acceptable to do so. If more peo ple knew they might get cancer from smoking,they would probably stop smoking,or at least smoke less. I do think that the tobacco industry is a big business,and if we tried to eliminate smoking,we?d also be eliminating jobs. It…s a tough situation,but at the very least,people should be told that smoking causes lung cancer. That way they can make an informed choice about whether to smoke or not.
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