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让人心情愉快的方法让人心情愉快的方法 这是一个焦虑的时代,所有的人都迫不及待……有一位作家说过:“如果我们感到可怜,很可能会一直感到可怜。”快乐也许只是一种生活态度,一种生活习惯。心理学博士凯伦?撒尔玛索恩女士说:“我们的生活有太多不确定的因素,你随时可能会被突如其来的变化扰乱心情。与其随波逐流,不如有意识地培养一些让你快乐的习惯,随时帮助自己调整心情。”以下介绍的19种快乐习惯,也许有几款适合您。 1.每天拍几张照片 心理学家建议,每天用相机拍下一些身边的人和事,如窗外的树木、路边的小花、邻居家的孩子和朋友的婚礼。将这些随时可能被遗忘的...
让人心情愉快的方法 这是一个焦虑的时代,所有的人都迫不及待……有一位作家说过:“如果我们感到可怜,很可能会一直感到可怜。”快乐也许只是一种生活态度,一种生活习惯。心理学博士凯伦?撒尔玛索恩女士说:“我们的生活有太多不确定的因素,你随时可能会被突如其来的变化扰乱心情。与其随波逐流,不如有意识地培养一些让你快乐的习惯,随时帮助自己调整心情。”以下介绍的19种快乐习惯,也许有几款适合您。 1.每天拍几张照片 心理学家建议,每天用相机拍下一些身边的人和事,如窗外的树木、路边的小花、邻居家的孩子和朋友的婚礼。将这些随时可能被遗忘的片段记录起来,当你不定期整理照片时,你会觉得所有的细节都是美好回忆,没什么可抱怨的,于是人会很容易变得快乐起来。 2.看悲伤的电影 看一部令人伤感的电影,如《当男人爱上女人》,情难自禁时,不妨尽情地放声哭出来,然后安慰自己说,还好这只是电影情节,并不是真实的生活,心情便会大有改观。这是一种反向思考的方法,常运用在心理学中,帮助人们换角度思考问。 3.在周末的清晨做白日梦 不少能干的主妇,会从星期六一大早起床开始,马不停蹄地做家务活,如收拾屋子,清洗马桶等。这样的习惯常常会让人在星期六晚上疲惫不堪,并影响到星期日的睡眠。不妨暂时抛开那些琐碎的家务活,在周末的清晨做一个美美的白日梦。不要自责,而应鼓励自己说:“我工作那么辛苦,挥霍一下自己的休息时间,无可厚非。” 4.定期写邮件 和相识多年的朋友定期以邮件的形式保持联系。有写日记习惯的人,只是在纸上随手涂鸦或草草地写上几句,便能反映出潜意识中的心理状态,写邮件也是如此。而定期与朋友通邮件,聊聊最近的生活,不仅能帮助你放下心里的事情,还能帮助你拾起被淡漠的友情。 5.在水边散步 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 有研究指出,因为在婴儿时期便置身于羊水,因此人与生俱来就是亲水的。在水边散步,能有效地帮助人放松身心,即使烦恼再多,在有绿树有流水的环境中,你也能暂时抛开一切,为自己“偷”得片刻悠闲。 6.偶尔吃一顿大餐 吃一顿大餐的美妙在于,不仅能享受到美味可口的食物,还能让你感觉自己受到了特别礼遇。人在受到与别人不同的照顾时,心情会不知不觉地变好。我们在小时侯都可能有类似这样的经历:当父母特意为你买了一只与其他孩子不一样的、漂亮的碗,你会高高兴兴地吃下比平时多的食物,即使不爱吃的食物也变得“可爱 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 回复:让人心情愉快的方法 整理 7.每星期做1次美甲 当看见自己又长又脏又难看的指甲时,没人会有好心情。每星期做1次美甲,不仅能让你的指甲看起来更加整洁、漂亮,还能让你有“一切尽在掌握”的满足感,人也由此变得豁然开朗。 8.参加集体活动 虽然独处也是调节心情的方法之一,但是不要吝啬自己的休息时间,分出一部分给集体活动。登山、郊游、野餐、party、歌友会……鼓励自己积极参加集体活动,你会在共同的玩乐中找到让自己坚强、平和的力量。 9.定期游泳 游泳是最消耗体力的运动之一,但这种让人精疲力竭的活动,能让人摆脱烦恼,身心舒展。选择一个人去游泳也不错,被水包围其中,再糟糕的心情也能被软化。 10.一边开车,一边大声歌唱 心情不好时,打开车上的收音机,调到较大音量,跟着里面播放的旋律大声歌唱,完全不必在意别人投来异样的眼神。也许此时的你在别人眼中有点傻乎乎的,但这确实是一种让人快速释放心情的好方法。 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 11.一边喝咖啡,一边读小说 挑一家出名的咖啡馆,带上一本近期最让你感兴趣的小说,选一个靠窗边的位置,坐下来点一杯咖啡,边喝边读……是的,这是电影里常常出现的“小资”镜头。但那又有什么关系,让自己体验一下电影中才有的浪漫镜头,你也会受到气氛的影响,得到真实的放松和享受。 12.给朋友寄卡片 挑选10——15张别致的卡片,放在包中随身携带,在等公共汽车、排队结帐、等人时,随手拿出一张写上只字片语,如 “想念你”、“愿你的心情和今天的天气一样灿烂”、“一定要幸福哟”、“想起我们上大学的日子”等等,然后邮寄给你的朋友。当所有的卡片都被一一写完并邮寄出去后,一想到朋友们收到卡片时惊喜的表情,你会露出发自内心的迷人笑容。 13.在每个星期一的早晨,穿一身色彩亮丽、明快的衣服。 14.一边打电话,一边信手涂鸦。 15.偶尔吃一份最昂贵的蛋糕或巧克力,并保存价签和包装盒。 16.一边洗澡,一边唱歌。 17.穿让你感觉最舒服的内衣。 18.定期有夜生活。 19.在酸奶上撒少许干果。 20.每天对着镜子努力地笑一下。如果发现自己的表情很难看,那一定后情不自禁地笑出来, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 当你不顺心或遇到挫折时,悲伤、愤怒、抑郁、忧愁等损害健康的恶性情绪便会纷至沓来。如何尽快尽早地积极化解,心理学家向您推荐如下措施,您不妨一试。 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 一、多做跑步、转圈、疾走、游泳等体育活动。这些活动是化解不良情绪的行之有效的措施之一。 二、晒太阳。著名精神病专家缪勒指出,阳光可改善抑郁病人的病情。 三、吃香蕉。德国营养心理学家帕德尔教授发现,香蕉含有一种能帮助人脑产生五羟色氨的物质,它可减少不良激素的分泌,使人安静、快活。 四、大声哭喊。找个僻静的所在,尽情地大声哭喊。日本心理专家研究发现,这种哭喊可使压抑心理得到尽情宣泄,同时,由不良情绪产生的毒素,也可“哭喊”出来。 五、睡好觉。睡眠有助于克服恶劣情绪,稳心定神。一觉醒来,心情就会好多了。 六、听音乐。音乐可使大脑产生一种镇静安神的物质,但要注意选择“对路”的音乐。 七、赏花草。花草的颜色和气味,有调解人情绪的作用。 八、观山水。青山绿水,莺歌燕舞,会将你置于美好的情境中,心情便会被“快活化”。 九、打木偶。将木偶贴上让自己不顺心者的名字或事件名称,然后拼命击打。过后,人不再憋闷,心情自然就会好起来。 十、洗淋浴。在浴池中淋浴,能产生一种安神的活性分子,不快时,不妨洗洗淋浴,过后定会一身轻松 作者:华佳学生2009-6-20 18:00 回复此发言 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 跑步能让人拥有清醒头脑和愉快心情 想拥有清醒的头脑和愉快的心情吗,那就时常跑跑步吧。据美国《牛约四报》3月30日报道,德国研究人员发现,跑步能让大脑某些区域更活跃,头脑更灵敏。德国柏林大学的亨宁?伯歇尔教授领导了这项研究,他们在对大脑的研究中发现,人们坚持跑步超过20分钟时,大脑会大量释放内啡呔,这种物质是大脑天然的镇静剂,能让人更清醒。 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall 此时,脑边缘和脑额前区会变得更加活跃。研究人员解释:“当人们沉浸于爱情, 或听到令人欢快的音乐时,脑边缘和脑额前区也会被激活,此时人的思维会变得更加活 跃。” 研究人员指出,很多人都表示运动能让他们心情变好,但他们更应该知道,经常跑 步或骑自行车,头脑会变得清醒,一些让人苦恼的问题也就迎刃而解了。 of support and hanger. Cable hole plugging gaps should use qualified fireproof materials, block surface should have sufficient strength, surface appearance. When cables pass through the firewall, of lax structure of local fire safety clamps. Thermoplastics production, to comply with the process, no bubbles in the thermoplastics pipes, linear nose consistent with the core wire specifications, contact is good, no cracks, break. Tinned copper nose clean solder full exterior surface is smooth without burrs. Control cable Assembly should be fastened, dense, solid, clean, and beautiful. Secondary wiring the cable terminations should be arranged by the actual location of the device line cards, the wiring from the upper to the lower, from left to right in the order. Fixed to maintain consistent spacing between lines, flat, should be around the corner in the same location, same shape, to ensure that the wiring process neater and more elegant. 5 thermal process control measures for quality problems 5.1 control thermal duct system leakage measure to ensure that the use of electric door and actuator installation quality and equipment to the site to check its seal, acceptance, in order to fundamentally solve oil spill problems. Plant for local Panel after installation, in conjunction with the quality Department to check its overall quality, poor-quality parts replacement. Supply good quality of purchasing instrument and ovality of the guarantee instrument tubes as small as possible, selection of high quality, high precision sleeve connector. Instrument pipe welding, construction workers and technicians on every road, every instrument as well recorded and well identified in the instrument, welding welding following the end of each review, responsibility and prevention of welding, welding wrong. Requirements for welding personnel certified, and welding before welding training, select skills good sense to carry out construction, welding quality inspection and acceptance every day to ensure that the welding ... All unreleased material sampling, invited supervision engineers arrived at the scene, after confirmation by the supervising engineer, seal immediately sent authorized bodies in accordance with the requested test indicator test, according to the inspection report and approved by the supervising engineer to review and then transported for the construction. Amount of insulation materials shall
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