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众泰控股集团“众泰2008EV”营销策划众泰控股集团“众泰2008EV”营销策划 众泰控股集团“众泰2008EV”营销策划 1、纲要 众泰控股集团始建于2003年,是一家以汽车整车及发动机、模具、钣金件、变速器等汽车关键零部件的研发制造为核心业务和发展方向的现代化民营企业集团。现有浙江、湖南两大整车生产基地,形成“众泰”、“江南”两大汽车整车自主品牌,具有国内外先进水平的冲压、焊装、涂装、总装四大工艺生产线和整车动态性能检测线。是目前国内拥有轿车、轻型客车、轻型货车和纯电动汽车等完整汽车生产资质的民营汽车专业制造商之一,企业注册资本4.6亿元。 集团主导产品为...
众泰控股集团“众泰2008EV”营销策划 众泰控股集团“众泰2008EV”营销策划 1、纲要 众泰控股集团始建于2003年,是一家以汽车整车及发动机、模具、钣金件、变速器等汽车关键零部件的研发制造为核心业务和发展方向的现代化民营企业集团。现有浙江、湖南两大整车生产基地,形成“众泰”、“江南”两大汽车整车自主品牌,具有国内外先进水平的冲压、焊装、涂装、总装四大工艺生产线和整车动态性能检测线。是目前国内拥有轿车、轻型客车、轻型货车和纯电动汽车等完整汽车生产资质的民营汽车专业制造商之一,企业注册资本4.6亿元。 集团主导产品为“众泰2008”、“众泰5008”、“梦迪博朗”轿车、0.8L—2.0L排量环保型汽车发动机。其中“众泰2008EV”是中国第一款经过国家工信部认证,获得生产销售许可的纯电动乘用车,该车采用大容量锂离子电池,突破了电机、控制系统等核心技术,真正实现低噪音、零排放。08EV纯电动汽车在浙江杭州正式上牌,成为国内首款挂牌上路的纯电动乘用车。08年底众泰2008EV便取得了纯电动乘用车国家公告,成为国内首款能批量生产、销售的纯电动乘用车,被业内誉为国内纯电动“第一车”。该车采用聚合物锂离子动力电池,最大功率27KW,最高车速可达110km/h。充满电后续驶里程为200公里,足可实现城市特定交通圈及上班族的日常用车需求。 近年来,全球汽车工业可持续发展面临能源和环境问题的巨大挑战,各国政府争相发展以纯电动汽车为代表的新能源汽车。在各国政府的推动下,电动汽车研发与市场应用取得了突破性进展,纯电动汽车的商业化生产也在逐步推进。目前众多汽车生产企业正处于纯电动汽车的研发与试验阶段,并未进行量产与市场推广。众多企业到2010年下半年至2012年才能批量生产电动车,企业在市场上并未存在强有力的竞争对手。“众泰2008EV”定位为商用纯电动SUV车型,可适用于商业企业、政府机构、学校、风景区、环卫、执法机构、邮政部门等日常使用。在纯电动车市场中,该车型做为第一款量产车处于产品生命周期的导入期,可采用快速撇脂的策略,成为市场的市场的领导者并起到培育市场的作用。以下就是“众泰2008EV”的营销策划 2、市场环境 (一)宏观环境分析 1、政治因素 在最新发布的《汽车产业振兴规划细则》的出台也确立了中国新能源汽车发展的分割点。以改造现有生产能力,形成50万辆纯电动、充电式混合动力和普通5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for non-compliance, and so on. On the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch early small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized. Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 型混合动力等新能源汽车产能,新能源汽车销量占乘用车销售总量的5%左右作为2011年量化战略性目标。 2、经济因素 相比燃油车,纯电动汽车在很多核心技术层面拥有得天独厚的优势。无污染、零排放、无发动机噪音,不仅解决了能源紧缺和环保的问题,还提升了乘坐的舒适性。对于消费者来说,最直接的获益就是用电代替汽油后用车成本的缩减。 3、社会因素 由于中国消费经济的发展已经引起国际有色金属、钢铁和能源的大幅涨价。我国虽然地域辽阔但是由于人口数量世界第一,人均自然资源占有量远低于国际平均水平。这也是开发电动汽车的原因之一,发展节约型经济。节约能源和原材料环保的电动汽车成为自然的选择。 4、科技因素 电动汽车可以在短时间内补充到充沛的动力,用专用设备仅需20分钟就可充满总蓄电量的80%;考虑到目前专业充电站还不普及,又配备了车载充电系统,在任何有普通220V民用电源的地方,只需在车前保险杠处插上一根电线接上电源,就可正常充电,充电量随着充电时间递增,最多只要8个小时,车载充电系统就能把电充满并自动停机。 5、环保因素 电动汽车被称为“绿色汽车”,能量利用率比燃油汽车高7.5个百分点,污染物排量仅为普通内燃机车的2,8%,随着能源发展战略的调整,电动汽车将成为未来新能源汽车的主导。 (二)竞争对手分析 1、比亚迪E6 比亚迪E6是比亚迪继F3DM之后再次打造的第二款新能源车型。其车身尺寸为4554*1822*1630mm,轴距达到2830mm。预售价在30万元左右 比亚迪E6采用比亚迪自主研发生产的ET-POWER铁电池,不会对环境造成任何危害,最高车速可达每小时160公里以上,百公里能耗约为20度电, E6续驶里程超过300公里,是目前世界上续驶里程最长的纯电动轿车。 总结: 1. 比亚迪知名度高 2. 比亚迪铁电池技术技术处于行业领先地位 3. 最高时速与行驶距离均处于优势地位 compliance, and so on.-nough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonick ecross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere th orm normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not f armonious, more civilized.y small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more hearlOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 2Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. ive to" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strhe work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction ofote tthe cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to prom tion evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly graspAccording to the urban civiliza 4. 售价高昂 2、时风电动车 时风电动轿车选用了目前制造技术已经相当成熟的铅酸蓄电池,为了节约成本,车内使用了大量的硬塑料,没有空调、没有CD音乐盒,只能算作一款电动自行车、摩托车的替代品,它甚至没有太大的科技含量,没有自己的核心竞争力,也没有漂亮的内饰。 时风电动车凭借自身的制造优势,实现关键部件自制,如车身、驱动系统等,可大幅度降低成本,使整车价格降低,甚至比经济型燃油轿车还低,极大地适应了当前的消费市场。时风电动车2007年11月份开始下线,利用短短不到一年的时间就有了10000多辆的销量。 5. 总结: 6. 起步早 7. 价格低廉 8. 技术落后,只是电动摩托车的升级产品 3、swot分析 1、优势 众泰2008EV是我国第一辆拿到工信部‘准生证’的纯电动汽车,也是目前我国第一辆实现挂牌上路的纯电动汽车。众泰2008EV为SUV车型,相比于其他厂家推出的经济紧凑型纯电动车空间更大可满足多用途的使用要求。目前国家政策对纯电动车进行补贴,最高可补6万元,大大降低了消费者的购买成本。众泰2008EV采用的锂离子动力电池,可是使用家用220v电源对其充电,最高车速可达110km/h。在等速行驶情况下,充满电后最大续驶里程为200公里。众泰2008EV只有三个档位比燃油车操作简便、容易使用。 2、劣势 由于技术原因,汽车锂电池的价格昂贵,且使用寿命较短。更换电池的成本过高,导致行业的相对成本偏高。由于电池成本因素导致了纯电动车相对与燃油车价格高出一大截。众泰2008燃油版的价格为6万元左右而众泰2008 EV的价格为10万元左右。纯电汽车使用电力作为能源供应,目前可为纯电动车提供能源供应的电站少、基础设施落后,相关配套设施与服务不完善减缓了纯电动车的市场推广。众泰品牌为地方品牌,知名度与消费者识别度不高,容易受到后进的著名汽车厂商的冲击。 3、机会 在全球石油价格提高,石油存量不断减少的背景下,新能源汽车行业的前景被普遍看好。人们的环保意识以及国家政策的引导也增强的消费者的环保意识、激发了消费者购买节能环保车的欲望。众泰2008EV的开发与推广得到国家发改委、工信部、科技部,以及当地省市政府及相关部门经济上与政策上的扶持。众泰2000EV符合环保理念,符合当下全球节能减排,低碳生活的趋势。通过携手国家电网、普天海油等合作伙伴,加速供电等配套设施建设,通过加电站实现比传统汽油车更便捷、更环保的绿色出行。 compliance, and so on.-l environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonternanclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but inRaiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities u 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in ve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized.early small, targeted, take effective measures to solOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 3order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.good y improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment,, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantlpeoplevalue concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the tion of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situa 4、威胁 国内外众多大型汽车厂家加快纯电动车研发的脚步,在2010-2011年之间将推出旗下的纯电动车产品,冲击纯电动车市场。国际风投对新能源汽车行业看涨,加大资金的注入,增强了行业的竞争。同等条件下,纯电动车相比于燃油车价格高昂,消费者较难改变现有的消费观念购买纯电动车。纯电动车的进入门槛不高,车型易被竞争对手模仿。低价低质的山寨纯电动车也对低端市场进行了强有力的冲击。 4、市场选择与定位 (一)市场细分 (1)家庭用车市场:车型为小型suv,适合家庭使用;通过对比众泰2008EV和同等配置燃油车会发现前者在性价比上不一定占优势。且充电站未普及,充电时间长,充电不便。 (2)游览车市场:车型风格合适,但现有游览车已被广大人群接受,市场已相对成熟。 (3)公务用车市场:国家政府机关和可以节省大量行车费用,同时可以树立节能环保的形象;由于这类客户较为特殊,开发这类客户较有难度。 (4)租赁市场:可以降低用车维护成本,同时绿色环保,企事业单位都可以选择,不少崇尚绿色出行的个人消费者也会选择这款电动车;充电由出租方负责,消费者无需担心充电问题。 (二)目标市场选择 基于对市场的细分发现,消费者对电动汽车最关注的主要是价格以及充电问题。由于电动汽车的刚上市,以及已经深入消费者生活的燃油汽车的存在,消费者自然而然会将两者进行对比,衡量二者带来的经济效益。同时充电不方便也是影响购买的因素之一。因此,在电动汽车产业化之初,可以选择租赁模式进行推广。 (三)市场定位 租赁模式进行推广的众泰2008EV,必然能给消费者带来较好的经济效益。众泰2008EV电动汽车无污染、低噪音、零排放,是国内纯电动“第一车,为环保节能做贡献。乘坐舒适,是消费者绿色出行的伴侣。 5、营销战略和目标 1.营销战略的选择: 竞争战略上采用差异化战略,突出品牌和产品的个性,树立鲜明的品牌印象; 市场地位战略上采取市场领导者战略,做当地最大的电动汽车生产供应销售商,巩固市场领先地位; 产品生命周期战略针对电动汽车属于新兴产品,处于导入期,采用导入阶段战略; 发展战略方面,电动汽车市场是富有巨大发展潜力的新兴细分市场,应该选择采用密集型成长战略。 2.战略目标的确定: compliance, and so on.-nough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonick ecross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere th orm normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not f armonious, more civilized.y small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more hearlOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks ive to" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strhe work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction ofote tthe cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to prom tion evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly graspAccording to the urban civiliza4Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. 目前众多汽车生产企业正处于纯电动汽车的研发与试验阶段,并未进行量产与市场推广。众多企业到2010年下半年至2012年才能批量生产电动车,企业在市场上并未存在强有力的竞争对手。“众泰2008EV”定位为商用纯电动SUV车型,可适用于商业企业、政府机构、学校、风景区、环卫、执法机构、邮政部门等日常使用。在纯电动车市场中,该车型做为第一款量产车处于产品生命周期的导入期,可采用快速撇脂的策略,成为市场的领导者并起到培育市场的作用。到2015年做到中国电动汽车制造企业第一。设想通过连续3年在国内10以上有条件的大城市进行千辆规模的示范运行, 使我国到2015年新能源汽车的市场规模在10万辆以上。 6、营销策略 1、产品策略。 “众泰2008EV”是中国第一款经过国家工信部认证,获得生产销售许可的纯电动乘用车,该车采用大容量锂离子电池,突破了电机、控制系统等核心技术,真正实现低噪音、零排放。 08EV纯电动汽车在浙江杭州正式上牌,成为国内首款挂牌上路的纯电动乘用车。 08年底众泰2008EV便取得了纯电动乘用车国家公告,成为国内首款能批量生产、销售的纯电动乘用车,被业内誉为国内纯电动“第一车”。 该车采用聚合物锂离子动力电池,最大功率27KW,最高车速可达110km/h。 充满电后续驶里程为200公里,足可实现城市特定交通圈及上班族的日常用车需求。 产品:“众泰2008EV”作为中国第一款挂牌上路的纯电动商务乘用车,定位在城市绿色环保小型SUV。 产品卖点:以电动车本身绿色无碳排放和商务小型SUV大容量的乘做空间为诉求点,突破普通电动车空间和行驶里程等实用性瓶颈。针对该车型开辟特别服务通道,包括定期检测、随时上门、应急救援、VIP优先通道、24小时电话等免费服务。 2.价格策略。 在2009年上海车展上,众泰曾公布展出的纯电动车型的售价为11.98万元。集团主导产品为“众泰2008”、“众泰5008”、“梦迪博朗”轿车、0.8L—2.0L排量环保型汽车发动机。 产品定价表: 3.促销策略。 (1)广告媒体宣传:中国汽车企业已经步入以品牌为核心的新营销时代,市场的竞争不单纯是技术的竞争,服务的竞争,更是品牌的竞争。要打造一个成熟的品牌,一个国际的品牌, compliance, and so on.-l environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonternanclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but inRaiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities u 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in ve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized.early small, targeted, take effective measures to solOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 5order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.good y improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment,, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantlpeoplevalue concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the tion of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situa 需要借力更高、更大的平台。众泰汽车正是在品质价格和品牌价格两个层面双管齐下的战略指导下,搭乘央视这艘媒体航母,采用“大中央,小地方”的投放策略,以树立“品位实惠的汽车创造者”的品牌形象,让众泰汽车深入民心,成为物有所值、物超所值的品牌。依托央视的传播平台,迅速开拓和占领三、四级市场。网络媒体正在变成一个强势媒体,信息流正在发生改变,过去弱势的网络媒体时代,通常的信息流是纸媒或电视引导-网络新闻跟进、论坛博客自由传播,现在这种传播方式正在变成另外一种形式:网络点火-引导纸媒介入-撬动广电-引爆流行。借助网络媒体低成本高点击的特点,采用针对性的病毒广告营销对网络用户进行大面积的宣传活动。 (2)多种促销手段并用:设计、印刷精美的DM单宣传,车载广告,电视广告,互联网广告同步开展,提高覆盖面和广告记忆。 (3)积极开展公关活动:合理利用“众泰2008EV”作为中国第一款经过国家工信部认证的纯电动汽车并且得了纯电动乘用车国家公告的优势,积极在各地区与政府部门、旅游景区、邮政速递部门等展开合作,举办“绿色环保,低碳生活”主题的宣传活动,通过与消费者的互动增强品牌宣传效应。 4.渠道策略。 在沿海地区城市开设旗舰店、体验店、销售店和合作点,构建营销渠道,提高市场的渗透率和覆盖率。针对该车型开辟特别服务通道,包括定期检测、随时上门、应急救援、VIP优先通道、24小时电话等免费服务。 7、组织与实施计划 执行任务 时间安排 负责部门 认为完成指标 车载广告 广告部 产品认知度达到50% 广告宣传 电视广告 广告部 媒体广告 销售部 传单发放 宣传部 5万份DM宣传投放到杭州市 网络广告 网络部 达到100万人次的点击访问率 电邮广告 网络部 公关活动 公关部 完成与政府部门的车辆销售签约活动 “绿色环保,低碳生活”理念的宣传 人员招聘 人力资源部 招聘网络管理人员、临时传单发放人员 绩效考核 管理者 考核活动实施情况 8、费用预算 (定位:万元) 广告 费用项目 印刷费 公关活动费 人员薪酬 总计 车载广告 电视广告 媒体广告 网络广告 compliance, and so on.-nough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonick ecross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere th orm normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not f armonious, more civilized.y small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more hearlOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks ote tthe cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to prom tion evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly graspAccording to the urban civiliza6Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. ive to" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strhe work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of 预算 10 500 20 20 5 30 5 590 央视广告价格表 广告时段 播出时间 5秒 10秒 15秒 20秒 25秒 30秒 新闻30分前 32,000 48,000 60,000 81,600 96,000 108,000 今日说法前 37,300 56,000 70,000 95,200 112,000 126,000 非常6,1 29,300 44,000 55,000 74,800 88,000 99,000 开心辞典 24,500 36,800 46,000 62,600 73,600 82,800 体坛快讯 21,300 32,000 40000 54,400 64,000 72,000 公司选择在新闻30分前投放为期为一个月的10秒广告,每天二次。 费用:48,000×2×30=2880000 体坛快讯投放为期一个月的5秒广告,每天2次 费用:21,300×2×30=1278000 9、风险与控制 1、市场风险 (1)产品销量不足——以销定产,加大政府的公关力度,获得政府的订单。 (2)知名度不够高——加大广告的投放力度和覆盖面,增加人员推销的促销方式。重点区域轰炸式广告宣传,增强企业社会慈善活动。 (3)基础电站稀缺影响销售——加大与相关企业合作,共同建设电站。 (4)行业不统一——加强与竞争企业的交流,共同建立互利的行业标准,电源接入标准。 2、竞争风险 (1)竞争者进入市场——建立行业标准,提供进入壁垒和相关专利的研发与申请。提高服务质量和产品的品质。 (2)众泰2008EV遭到山寨厂模仿——加强与顾客的沟通,获取其顾客生命周期价值;增加售后服务项目,提高服务质量,并赢得消费者信任。继续开发研制新型电动车型。 (3)竞争者降价销售——继续销售原有产品,适当降低产品价格;保持原有产品的价格,进一步提高产品的性能;增加技术投入,提高产品的性能,同时提高产品的价格。 compliance, and so on.-l environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonternanclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere thick enough, on the facade of the glamorous but inRaiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some cross department functions and responsibilities u 5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not form normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in ve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more harmonious, more civilized.early small, targeted, take effective measures to solOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 7order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city.good y improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strive to Juxian built into a beautiful environment,, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction of" eight "of the larger environment, and constantlpeoplevalue concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to promote the work, let a city for the benefit of the tion of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly grasp the cultivation and practice the socialist core According to the urban civilization evaluation requirements and the actual situa compliance, and so on.-nough, on the facade of the glamorous but internal environment dirty and messy, number of PSAs for nonick ecross department functions and responsibilities unclear, shuffle disputes over trifles; some departments create atmosphere th orm normalization, are engaged in mass, engage in Raiders of the phenomenon, not really so often caught, often grasping; some5, working mechanism, some of the functions of regulatory measures did not f armonious, more civilized.y small, targeted, take effective measures to solve them, to create the actual results of city let people live better, more hearlOn the existence of these problems, the county at all levels and departments must attach great importance to, to catch catch Two, focus, grasp the key to realistically catch fine Chong City tasks 8Juxian built into a beautiful environment, good order, quality service, people's satisfaction with the civilized city. ive to" eight "of the larger environment, and constantly improve the quality and extent of urban civilization civilized people, strhe work, let a city for the benefit of the people, the fundamental purpose of, fully optimized to promote the construction ofote tthe cultivation and practice the socialist core value concept of the fundamental task, adhere to the "to hit the city to prom tion evaluation requirements and the actual situation of the county. The county deepen civilized city created to firmly graspAccording to the urban civiliza
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