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杭州,安吉周末三日休闲游杭州,安吉周末三日休闲游 - We Bring LAW People IN - LawInn Weekend Outing peach blossoms & tulips (Nanhui) 召集人/Sponsor 南汇东部经济园区招商办Nanhui District Investment Office of East Zone 总策划/ Organizer LawInn 邀请对象/ Invitees 跨国公司法务;在沪外资事务所法律精英;以及家属 : In-house counsel from MNCs and l...
杭州,安吉周末三日休闲游 - We Bring LAW People IN - LawInn Weekend Outing peach blossoms & tulips (Nanhui) 召集人/Sponsor 南汇东部经济园区招商办Nanhui District Investment Office of East Zone 总/ Organizer LawInn 邀请对象/ Invitees 跨国公司法务;在沪外资事务所法律精英;以及家属 : In-house counsel from MNCs and lawyers from foreign law firms. Families are welcome. 参加人数/Participants 20-30人左右 About 20 – 30 persons 活动时间/Time Period 2005年4月17日上午9点-下午16点 Sunday April 17, 2005 from 9:00am - 5:00pm 活动形式/Transportation 自驾游 Private car (Schedule) 4月17日周日 Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:00am 集合。浦东世纪公园7号门(花木路806号海桐路口,近地铁2号线世纪公园站出口) 集合后出发约40分钟后抵达上海东部经济园区。 Leave from gate number 7 at Shanghai Century Park (No.806 Hua Mu Road, Pudong, close to Metro Line No. 2); arrive at Nanhui District in about 40 minutes. 10:00am 参观上海东部经济园区Visit Shanghai East Economic Area 10:30am 游览上海鲜花港主题公园** Arrive at Shanghai Flower Port ** 12:30am 午餐 Lunch 2:30pm 赏桃花 参观民族村*** Visit Folk Customs peach orchard*** at Huinan town and view peach blossoms 4:00pm 返程 Return to Pudong 5:00pm 到达上海世纪公园 Arrive at Shanghai Century Park 费用/Fee: RMB 100/person and payable when we meet 对上述活动如您有任何疑问,请与Susan Guo联系。/Please contact Susan Guo with any questions Tel: 6249 2300 x 203 Email: susanguo@lawinn.net 1 - We Bring LAW People IN - Fax Reply Form 2005415EMAIL (We will stop accepting registration on Apr 15, 2005) To: Ms. Susan Guo FAX: 86-21-6249 4188 EMAIL susanguo@lawinn.net 请为我注册本次活动,我会准时参加。 Please register me for the trip. 姓名性别单位 手机电话 电子邮件 (Name) (Gender) (Co./Firm) (MP Number) (Email) 参加人员 Attendees: 家属或朋友 Families or Friends 注意: 我们可能希望有更多的车辆参与。 1、 我选择自驾游:Yes, No, 2、 我的车牌号是: 3、 我愿意带上参加此次活动的其他同行的先生或女士,可带乘客数量: Attention: We may need more cars. >>> Are you planning to bring your own car? Yes or no. ______________ >>> If yes, please write the license number of your car. ______________________ >>> If yes, will you have space to take additional passengers? How many? _________ 2 - We Bring LAW People IN - Reference: **上海鲜花港主题公园 **Shanghai Flower Port 上海鲜花港坐落于上海正在加紧建设和拓展中的两个国际级枢纽港——上海国际空港和上海国 际深水港之间,规划占地99.75公顷,规划温室面积40万平方米,花卉品种展示用主题公园28万平方 米(已建成并投入使用温室25万平方米)。 鲜花港主题公园占地28公顷,与世界著名的荷兰郁金香公园——哥根霍夫是一样大小的,主要用 于荷兰郁金香、洋水仙、风信子等品种展示。园内种植了320万株郁金香,品种达120多种。还建造了形态各异的荷兰式木桥、小木屋、风车等。郁金香最佳的赏花期为3月底至4月底,此时游览上海鲜花港主题公园,能够领略到荷兰郁金香迷人的魅力,畅游花的海洋,让疲惫的身躯在怒放的郁金香 丛中焕发对生活的热爱。 Located in Shanghai Flower Port, New Tulip Flower Species Garden is a flower-featured park, covering a total area of 28 hectares-a life size replica of Kogenholf Park in Holland. The 120 kinds of tulip flowers are planted in the garden numbering 3.2million, accompanied by Dutch-style wooden bridges, log cabins and windmills in different shapes. The best season for viewing the flowers, from the end of March to late April, allows the citizens to appreciate the charming scents of tulip flowers from Holland during the longest possible period without traveling overseas. In the sea of flowers, the bloomy tulips will surely relieve fatigue and arouse the love for better life. Around the scenic spot: Seaside Tourism Resort. *** 城北民俗桃源 *** Chengbei folk customs peach orchard , 农家乐:浦东农家娶亲、纺纱织布、土灶烧菜 Happy farmer’s life: farmer’s wedding in Pudong, textile spinning & weaving, dishes fresh from local kitchen , 外婆家:奇花异果长廊 Grandma’s home: arrays of exotic flowers & fruits , 水系长廊:3万平方米的湖面,丰富的水上游乐项目 Canal network: colourful water sports events over the 30,000-squre-meter-large lake , 桃花缤纷周周演:魔术杂技、民族歌舞、国粹戏曲、江浙沪专场 Weekly shows at peach orchard: magic & acrobatic shows, folk artists from Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces , “桃源人家”民间工艺大汇展:剪纸、沙画、糖人、面人、糖葫芦等。 Folk arts & crafts demonstration by “peach orchard families”: paper cutting, sand picture, sugar-coated figurine, dough figurine, sugar-coated berry, etc. 3
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