

2018-04-14 15页 doc 103KB 16阅读




NM450耐磨板,NM450耐磨钢板NM450耐磨板,NM450耐磨钢板 NM450耐磨板 NM450是高强度耐磨钢板。 命名:N是耐(nai)M是磨(mo)两个中文汉字的第一个拼音字母, 450则代表这种钢板的平均布氏硬度 热处理:高温回火,淬火+回火(调质) 应用:NM450耐磨钢板被广泛应用矿山机械、煤矿机械、环保机 械、工程机械等,也常用作为屈服强度?850MPa高强度结构钢使用。 作用:主要是在需要耐磨的场合或部位提供保护,使设备寿命更 长,减少维修带来的检修停机,相应的减少资金的投入。 性能:屈服在950多,抗拉强度在1180上。 N...
NM450耐磨板,NM450耐磨钢板 NM450耐磨板 NM450是高强度耐磨钢板。 命名:N是耐(nai)M是磨(mo)两个中文汉字的第一个拼音字母, 450则代表这种钢板的平均布氏硬度 热处理:高温回火,淬火+回火(调质) 应用:NM450耐磨钢板被广泛应用矿山机械、煤矿机械、环保机 械、工程机械等,也常用作为屈服强度?850MPa高强度结构钢使用。 作用:主要是在需要耐磨的场合或部位提供保护,使设备寿命更 长,减少维修带来的检修停机,相应的减少资金的投入。 性能:屈服在950多,抗拉强度在1180上。 NM450对应国外标准及牌号 JFE:NK-EH450/HARDOX450/DILLDUR:450V 舜冶NM450耐磨板现货库存表 **mm 材质 规格厚度宽度长度() 重量 名称 现货厂商 NM450 8*1500-4200*6000-18800M 168.315T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 10*1500-4200*6000-18800M 186.618T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 20*1500-4200*6000-18800M 193.348T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 30*1500-4200*6000-18800M 241.624T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 40*1500-4200*6000-18800M 263.254T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 50*1500-4200*6000-18800M 283.318T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 60*1500-4200*6000-18800M 284.315T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 70*1500-4200*6000-18800M 351.318T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 80*1500-4200*6000-18800M 231.315T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 90*1500-4200*6000-18800M 341.318T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 100*1500-4200*6000-18800M 461.318T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 110*1500-4200*6000-18800M 482.318T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 120*1500-4200*6000-18800M 431.621T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 130*1500-4200*6000-18800M 361.304T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 140*1500-4200*6000-18800M 348.351T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450 150*1500-4200*6000-18800M 431.648T 耐磨钢板 聊城舜冶金属 NM450耐磨板-主要用途 1)工程机械设备:装载机推土机挖掘机铲斗板、侧刃板、斗底板、 刀片、忖板。 2)装卸机械设备:卸轧机链板,料斗衬板,抓斗刃板,中型自动 翻斗车翻斗板 vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is 3)建筑机械设备:水泥推料机齿板,混凝土搅拌机衬板,搅拌楼衬板,除尘器衬板 4)冶金机械设备:铁矿烧结输送弯头,铁矿石烧结机衬板,刮板机衬板 5)矿山机械设备:矿料、石料破碎机衬板、叶片。 6)其他机械设备:沙磨机筒体、叶片,各种港口机械耐磨部件 7)火电设备:磨煤机衬板,煤斗,煤分输送管,煤分分配器格板,卸煤设备衬板 8)抛丸机械设备:抛丸机衬板 NM450耐磨板-结构特点 NM450耐磨板由低碳钢板和合金耐磨层两部分组成,合金耐磨层一般为总厚度的1/3~1/2。工作时由基体提供抵抗外力的强度、韧性和塑性等综合性能,由合金耐磨层提供满足指定工况需求的耐磨性能。 NM450耐磨板合金耐磨层和基板之间是冶金结合。通过专用设备,采用自动焊接工艺,将高硬度自保护合金焊丝均匀地焊接在基板聊城市舜冶金属制品有限公司耐磨板现货主要材质包括:MN13,NM360,NM400,NM450,NM500 上,复合层数一层至两层以至多层,复合过程中由于合金收缩比不同,出现均匀横向裂纹,这是耐磨钢板的显著特点。 合金耐磨层主要以铬合金为主,同时还添加锰、钼、铌、镍等其它合金成份,金相组织中碳化物呈纤维状分布,纤维方向与表面垂直。碳化物显微硬度可以达到HV1700-2000以上,表面硬度可达到HRC58-62。合金碳化物在高温下有很强的稳定性,保持较高的硬度,同时还具有很好的抗氧化性能,在500?以内完全正常使用。 耐磨层表现形式有窄道(2.5-3.5mm)、宽道(8-12mm)、曲线(S、W)等;主要以铬合金为主,同时还添加锰、钼、铌、镍、硼等其它合金成份,金相组织中碳化物呈纤维状分布,纤维方向与表面垂直。碳化物含量40-60%,显微硬度可以达到HV1700以上,表面硬度可达到HRC58-62。 NM450耐磨板主要分为通用型、抗冲击型和耐高温型三类;耐磨钢板总厚度最小可以达到5.5(2.5+3)mm,最厚可以达到30(15+15)mm;耐磨钢板可以卷制最小直径DN200的耐磨管道,并可加工成耐磨弯头、耐磨三通、耐磨变径管。 NM450耐磨板-技术参数 硬度,HRC 耐磨层厚度?4mm:HRC54-58; vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is 耐磨层厚度>4mm:HRC56-62 外观参数 平整度:5mm/M NM450耐磨板-性能描述 . . 优秀的耐磨性 . 合金耐磨层 的化学成分中碳含量达4,5%,铬含量高达25,30%,其 金相组织中Cr7C3碳化物的体积分数达到50%以上,宏观 硬度为HRC56,62,碳化铬的硬度为HV1400,1800。由于 碳化物成于磨损方向相垂直分布,即使与同成分和硬度的 铸造合金相比较,耐磨性能提高一倍以上。与几种典型的 材料耐磨性对比如下: 聊城市舜冶金属制品有限公司耐磨板现货主要材质包括:MN13,NM360,NM400,NM450,NM500 . (1)与低碳钢;20,25:1 . (2)与铸态高铬铸铁;1.5,2.5:1 . 良好的耐冲击性 . 耐磨复合钢板的基板为低碳钢或低合金。不锈钢等韧性材 料,体现双金属的优越性,耐磨层抵抗磨损介质的磨损, 基板承受介质的载荷,因此有良好的耐冲击性。可以承受 物料输送系统中承受高落差料斗等冲击和磨损。 . 较好的耐热性 . 合金耐磨层推荐使用在?600?工况下使用,若在合金耐磨 层中加入钒,钼等合金,可以承受?800?的高温磨损。 . 推荐使用温度如下: . 普通碳钢基板推荐不高于380?工况使用; . 低合金耐热钢板(15CrMo,12Cr1MOV等)基板推荐不高 于540?工况使用; . . . 耐热不锈钢基板推荐在不高于800?工况使用。 . 好的耐腐蚀性 . 耐磨复合钢板的合金层中含有高百分比的金属铬,故具有 一定防锈和耐腐蚀能力。用于落煤筒和漏斗等场合可以做 到防止粘煤。 . 品种规格齐全 . . vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is . 耐磨钢板规格全,品种多,已成商品系列化。耐磨合金层 的厚度在3,20mm。复合钢板的厚度最薄为6mm,厚度 不限。标准耐磨钢板可提供1200或3800×12000mm,也 可根据用户需求,按图纸尺寸定做加工。耐磨钢板现分为 普通型、耐冲击型和高温型三种,定购高温耐磨和耐冲击 型复合钢板要说明。 . 方便的加工性能 . 耐磨钢板可以切割,弯曲或卷曲、焊接和打孔,它可以加 工成普通钢板可以加工的各种部件。切割好的耐磨钢板可 以拼焊成各种工程结构件或零部件。 . 功能及特点 . 可焊接、耐磨性能好。 . 聊城市舜冶金属制品有限公司耐磨板现货主要材质包括:MN13,NM360,NM400,NM450,NM500 NM450耐磨板-加工方法 1、钢板切割方法适用于冷切割和热切割。冷切割包括有水射流切割、剪切、锯切或磨料切割;热切割包括有氧气燃料火焰切割(以下简称“火焰切割”)、等粒子切割和激光切割。 2、切割方法:通过相关工艺试验,掌握钢板各种切割方法的一般特性和切割厚度范围。 3、高级别耐磨钢板的火焰切割方法与普通低碳和低合金钢的切割一样简单,在切割耐磨钢板厚板时,需要注意~~~随着钢板厚度和硬度的增加,切割边部出现裂纹倾向加大。为防止钢板切割裂纹的产生,切割时应遵循以下建议: 切割裂纹:钢板切割裂纹类似于焊接时产生氢致裂纹,如果钢板切边产生裂纹,将会在切厚48小时至几周内才出现。因此,切割裂纹属于延迟性裂纹,钢板厚度和硬度越大,出现切割裂纹就越大。 预热切割:预防钢板切割裂纹最有效的方法,就是在切割前进行预热。在进行火焰切割前,钢板通常都要预热,其预热温度高低主要取决于钢板质量等级和板厚,见表2.预热方法可采用火焰烧枪、电子加热垫进行的,也可以使用加热炉加热。为确定钢板预热效果,应在加热点被面测试所需温度。 注意:预热特别注意,要使正个钢板界面均匀受热,以免接触热源的区域出现局部过热现象。 低速切割:避免切割裂纹的另一种方法就是降低切割速度。如果无法进行整版预热,则可以使用局部预热法代替。使用低速切割方法防止vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is 切割裂纹,其可靠性不如预热。我们建议切割前先对切割带用火焰枪空泡几趟进行预热,预热温度达到100?C左右为宜。其最大切割速度取决于钢板等级和厚度. 特别说明:将预热和低速两种火焰切割方法结合使用,可以进一步降低切割裂纹的出现几率。 切割后缓冷要求:无论对切割不见是否预热,钢板切割后的缓冷都会有效降低切割裂纹的风险。如果切割后将其带有温热的不见进行堆放,使用隔热毯将其覆盖,也可以实现缓冷,缓冷要求冷却到室温。 切割后加热要求:对于耐磨钢板的切割,切割后立即采取加热(低温回火),也是预防切割裂纹的有效方法和措施。钢板切厚通过低温回火处理,可以有效消除切割参与应力(低温回火工艺;保温时间安5min/mm) 对于切割后加热的方法,也采用燃烧枪、电子加热毯和节哀热炉的加热方式进行切割后的加热。 4、降低钢板软化的措施钢的抗软化特性主要取决于它的化学成分、微观组织和加工方式。对于热切割的部件,部件越小,整个部件软化的风险就越大。如果钢板温度超过200-250?C,钢板硬度就会降低。 切割方法:钢板在切割小型部件时,焊枪和预热所供应的热量将会在工件中聚集。切割不见尺寸越小,切割工件尺寸不得小于200mm,否则工件就将有软化的风险。消除软化风险的最好的办法是冷切割,聊城市舜冶金属制品有限公司耐磨板现货主要材质包括:MN13,NM360,NM400,NM450,NM500 例如水射流切割。若必须使用热切割,则应选择等离子或激光切割。这是因为火焰切割给工件提供更多的热量,因此提高了工件的温度。 水下切割方法:限制和降低软化区范围的有效方法,在切割过程中使用水来冷却钢板及切割表面。因此,钢板即可放在水中切割,也可以向切割面喷水进行切割。使用水下切割方法可选择等离子或火焰切割。水下切割具有以下特征: 切割热影响区小; 防止整个工件的硬度降低; 减少切割工件变形; 切割后可以直接对工件进行冷却。 5.火焰切割 只要操作正确并配有合适的切割工具,可采用火焰切割,等离子电弧切割或激光切割方法对耐磨钢进行切割。 不同厂家所生产出的切割工具种类不同,必须注意厂家在切割表中分别列出的要求(喷口的选择,气体压力,切割方法,速度等)。 钢板的表面状况也对火焰切割状况和切割面的质量有明显的影响。如果对切割面质量要求很高,则需要清理掉工件切割区域上面的氧化皮、锈渍、油漆以及其他杂质。 vibration pound used flat type and insert type phase combined vibration pound, specific for first with insert type vibrators vibration pound, requirements steep, fast plug slow pulled, plug points uniform, special strengthening on steel anchorage end of vibration pound, then with flat vibrators vibration pound, before and after two times overlap sewing many Yu 100mm, improve concrete of dense degrees and surface can wipe sex. 7.4 vibration pound end Hou began steel drum rolling, rolling General not less than three again, first again and second again of rolling direction vertical, third again direction with first again, guarantee concrete surface flat, rolling Hou, immediately with wood wipe child wipe flat a again, stay surface received water Hou, people stepped on has minor footprints Shi (settlement 5-10MM), began second again wipe pressure, with of with double plastic sheeting cover, sprinkler conservation, sprinkler conservation many Yu 7d. 8 concrete strength is not the same as note 8.1 during the different strength grade concrete pouring of concrete mix transport by car, listing number, clearly marked and signs indicating the grade of concrete, after delivery, led by full-time staff to the appropriate placement of parts in case of mistake. 8.2 strengthening communications links, concrete pouring process, the front and rear, floor and ground radio link issues timely processing. 8.3 After pouring the concrete to meet the design requirements of time, cleaned again, and watering than the concrete components with parts labeled a level concrete and Expander. 1.6 masonry construction engineering masonry with aerated concrete blocks and standard clay bricks. 1 material--for entry at the request of blocks and Clay tile product certificate, and product performance test report. --When aerated concrete masonry, its age should not exceed 28D. --Transportation, loading and unloading in the process throwing and dumping is
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