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西班牙nullnullTopic Topic What’s your first impression of spain?BullfightBullfightWhen you fight with a bull, If the bullfighter kill the bull then he is the winner. nullThe well-known people and their achievements null                          ...
nullnullTopic Topic What’s your first impression of spain?BullfightBullfightWhen you fight with a bull, If the bullfighter kill the bull then he is the winner. nullThe well-known people and their achievements null                                                     null                   null null* The country * History * Economy * Politics * Culture * Leisure * Sports nullSpain is on the Iberian Peninsula(伊比利亚半岛) with Portugal. Atlantic Ocean in the west. Africa in the south. nullnull. \Three horizontal stripes: red, yellow and red, the yellow stripe being twice the size of each red stripe. Flag of SpainnullRed and yellow are Spanish’s favorite color which represent their impassioned and adventurous attitude toward life. The two colors also embody people’s loyalty to their country with their soul.nullnational emblem It is composed of six other coats of arms, including those of Aragon, House of Bourbon, Castile, Granada, Leon and Navarrenull国石国球The pink carnation is the symbol of mother's Day. May mother forever young and beautifulThe pink carnation is the symbol of mother's Day. May mother forever young and beautifulpomegranate flower pomegranate flower null货币:欧元TheThe Spanish Currencynull旧货币:比塞塔各国欧元2欧元1欧元50欧分20欧分10欧分5欧分2欧分1欧分null 汇率 截至 2009.11.06   1 欧元(EUR) = 0.896869 英镑(GBP)   1 欧元(EUR) = 1.48231 美元(USD)   1 欧元(EUR) = 1.51137 瑞士法郎(CHF)   1 欧元(EUR) = 133.737 日元(JPY)   1 欧元(EUR) = 1.62491 澳元(AUD)   1 欧元(EUR) = 10.1241 人民币(CNY) HistoryHistory在公元前35,000年前后,西班牙就出现了智人 公元前218年,罗马人开始占领伊比利亚半岛。西班牙人进行了长达800年的驱逐入侵者的战争,终于在1492年建立了欧洲最早的统一中央王权国家。 15世纪末,西班牙已经成为一个殖民大国。 1936年七月发生了西班牙内战。 西班牙在1982年加入了北大西洋公约组织,随后在1986年,西班牙加入了欧洲联盟。 nullEconomy: 西班牙是中等发达的资本主义工业国。国内生产总值居经济和发展组织第8位,世界第11位。 。 Politics: 宪法:西班牙是社会与民主的法制国家,实行议会君主制。王 位由胡安·卡洛斯一世及其直系后代世袭 议会:由参议院和众议院组成,行使立法权,审批财政预算,监督政府工作 司法:司法领导机构是司法总委员会,由20名成员组成,最高法院院长兼任主席 政党:西班牙实行多党制 文化教育文化教育文学:西班牙最为著名的文学作品毫无疑问应该是《堂·吉诃德》作者米格尔·德·塞万提斯文艺复兴时期著名的文学大师。 教育体制:中、小学实行10年免费义务教育(6—16岁)。 著名学府:有马德里康普鲁腾塞大学,萨拉曼卡大学,巴塞罗那中央大学、卡洛斯三世大学等。 艺术:美术,弗拉门戈舞null西班牙国粹 斗牛弗拉门戈舞nullFlamenco 弗拉门戈舞 西班牙之魅力 Flamenco is a Spanish art form with roots deep in Andalusia Spain’s southern region. Although there are clues as to how this dance and folk music evolved , the details are lost in history . Flamenco combines acoustic guitar playing, singing, chanting, dancing and handclapping. The flamenco dancer performs with passion, fervor and even tortured expressions ,but is always striving for grace and dignity.DressDress传统服饰有披风,也叫披肩;安达卢西亚长裙;斗牛裤,又称紧身裤 。FoodFood 西班牙盛产土豆、番茄、辣椒、橄榄。西班牙烹调喜欢用橄榄油和大蒜。西班牙人最喜爱吃的就属海鲜饭了 ,称海鲜饭为“西班牙国宝饭”。大多数西班牙人一天吃五顿。 null Mushroom Tartlets Marinated Olives TapasSpecial Food: 香肠煮豆子 Special Food: 香肠煮豆子   香肠煮豆子是巴塞罗那独特的地方菜,是用当地特有的一种小白豆和香肠一起做成的美食。先将白豆煮烂,加上各种佐料,再配以烤熟的香肠。 Ham in SpainHam in SpainBBQ meat , steak and dishesBBQ meat , steak and dishesChocolate FullChocolate FullChampagne and WineChampagne and WinenullSpanish TabooBullfights in Spain can not be criticizednull Spaniards the most taboo of “13” and “Friday” that these figures and dates are very unlucky.nullSpaniards could not understand public kiss on the mouth, and think that this is a very unsightly mannernull If you want to send flowers to the Spaniards, do not send dahlias and chrysanthemums, and they regard the two flowers as a symbol of death.The ArchitectureThe ArchitecturenullnullnullnullnullCountry yard handmade materialWhite wall,red sloping roof Light color null西班牙家居有很强烈的地中海风格,热情洋溢、自由奔放、色彩绚丽null斗牛节(Bullfighting Festival) 三王节(Three Kings Day ) 帕洛马节(Palomar Festival) 西红柿节(Tomato Festival ) 西班牙的复活节(Spain's Easter ) 火节(Fallas Festival ) 庭院节(Spanish courtyard Festival ) ···Tomato festivalTomato festivalthe last Wednesday of August. nullThe origin in 1945,many young men participated in a brawel in town's main square in spain,since there was a vegetable stand nearby, they picked up tomatoes and used them as weapons.Coincientally,The following year the young people repeated the fight on the Wednesday of August, as last year. only this time they brought their own tomatoes from home. After done this in subsequent years, the party was unofficially established. With more and more ,the festival gained popularity participants getting involved every year although it was banned for many times. Considering this popularity of the festival. In 1957 the festival became official ,with certain rules and restrictions.In 1980, the town hall took the responsibility of organizing the festival .null① Around 10 AM, the festivity begin with the first event of is tomato fight ② The signal for the onset is at about 11 when a loud shot rings out, and the chaos begins. ③ After exactly one hour, the fight ends with the firing of the second shot, announcing the end. ④ At the end of the festivity, all the people begin to do some cleaning. Holding on Every year from July 6 to July 14 since 1591 Holding on Every year from July 6 to July 14 since 1591 San Fermin (running of the bulls)null This day ,thousands of revelers, dressed in the traditional garb of white shirts and trousers and red handkerchiefs, took to the streets to celebrate Spain's annual Pamplona Bull-running Festival .西班牙节庆——奔牛节西班牙节庆——奔牛节   斗牛是西班牙的国粹,有着两千多年的历史。 1743年在马德里兴建的第一个永久性的斗牛场,是斗牛活动逐渐演变成一项民族娱乐性体育活动的标志。西班牙全国共有约400多个斗牛场,每年三至十月间,西班牙至少有5000场以上的斗牛,吸引外国旅游者高达3000多万人。 斗牛季节里,每逢周四和周日各举行两场。如逢节日和国家庆典,则每天都可观赏。 西班牙节庆——奔牛节西班牙节庆——奔牛节  很多西班牙人之所以痴迷于斗牛,其主要原因在于它不仅现出高超的艺术,而且代表了西班牙的民族精神。很多西班牙人觉得斗牛是人与动物之间力量与勇气的较量,是勇敢的象征,更是英雄气概的表现。西班牙节庆——奔牛节西班牙节庆——奔牛节 奔牛之路,全长848米,。奔牛时上万名奔牛爱好者挤满街道,重约500公斤的公牛从牛棚冲出后,在4分钟内以24公里时速在杂乱的人群中狂奔,时常险象环生,人仰牛翻,最后公牛被引入斗牛场则大功告成。西班牙节庆——奔牛节西班牙节庆——奔牛节      奔牛节是潘普洛纳的传统节日,奔牛节的起源与西班牙斗牛传统有直接关联。 美国著名作家海明威的著名小说《太阳照样升起》,他在作品中详细描述了奔牛节,奔牛节因而声名远播。 “生活与斗牛差不多,不是你战胜牛,就是牛挑死你”。 ————海明威null西班牙节庆——奔牛节西班牙节庆——奔牛节负面影响:这项活动也遭到了动物保护主义者的抗议。因为他们认为,斗牛是一项残忍的活动。动物们饱受折磨,而且没有人有权仅仅是为了在节日上取乐就这样对待动物。奔牛活动同样是不人道的,因为奔跑者会拉扯公牛的尾巴,用脚踢它们,并且让牛在恐慌的情绪中奔跑。 nullSpanish bullfighting festivalnullSpain ,a famous "Bull Kingdom" in the world. Somebody says: nobody do not like bullfighting. In recent years, there are 50 million foreign tourists each year to enter Spain, and most of them are to see the bullfight. Spain has a long history of bullfighting. In the 13th century there has been Bull Festival. Now, Spain has more than 400 total size of bullring, the largest bullring can accommodates 20,000 people. Bullfighting is specifically fed, and stocking in the rural areas. Stocking time is 4-6 years.bullfightingnullDance with the bullsnullThe original people of Pamplona, should let the six big bull drive into the bullring in the city from the suburbs of the bullpen ,which is a very difficult task. In the 17th century, some bystanders whim. they ran to the front of bull and angered cattle, inducing it into the bullring. Later, this custom evolved into the Spanish bullfighting festivalOriginnullInjured bull ejected bloodnullthe stimulus and risk of bullfightA contest between bull and people, we know the power is disparate, but this is the exciting point of bullfight. It is why the Spanish bullfight festival has continued to this day. However, The visual impact of the activities is also a risk. Although the horns are treated, many matadors have good skill, we can easily see the breathtaking scene. bullfighter was knocked over like cattle accident also in place. This exciting event was co-exist with the risk, which we can easily find their good psychological quality and amazing courage and perseverance.nullnull加那利群岛-热带风光、 太阳海岸-地中海沙滩、 巴利阿里群岛-地中海浴池、 马德里-文化古城 nullnullnull巴利阿里群岛null马德里null托莱多nullnullnull阿兰胡埃斯城位于西班牙中部,位于马德里以南,沿N-IV公路行驶47公里处,它是一个复杂关系的实体:在自然和人活动之间,在弯曲的水道和几何学风景之间,在乡村和都市之间,在森林风景和细软调节堂皇大楼建筑之间。复杂设计的阿兰胡埃斯文化景观,从多种来源派生来,标明在风景的发展内的一个初期的舞台设计。nullCamp Nou stadium 坎帕诺球场BasketballBasketballSpain is the nba star players mainly play group basketball team,Have a lot of nba players. Giants on the world. Gasol brothersGasol brothersGasol is a typical post player, he accurately cast in, footsteps solid basket. The source of his score is a jumper on the left and right corner of area.On defense, Gasol is a cap expert rebounds protection is also good, but not strong enough so that his one-on-one power of a single anti-insider is more a disadvantage.nullMarc Gasol is a post player, has a strong body, cast in general, but the ability to coordinate aggressive interior defense, blocked shots and fierce Ricky RubioRicky RubioRicky Rubio, the young and an excellent defender in the NBA, one of the talented young star. Passing, defense, rebounding is superb, as the "golden boy".nullFootballFootballSpain national football team is founded by the Royal Spanish Football Federation.South Africa 2010 World Cup qualifying stage, Spain war Tokachi, easily advanced to the finals; Spain in the finals 6-1 record, 1-0 in the final victory over the Dutch team won theWorld Cup crown.The famous football clubThe famous football clubREALMADRIDFC BARCELONAnullRafael NadalRafael Nadal Four straight French Open singles titles from 2005 to 2008, In 2008, Nadal became the second Spanish man to win Wimbledon. In 2009, Australian Open In 2010, US Open Nadal has won ATP tournaments in 19 different countriesTennisTennisnull
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