
广东 惠州 驾驶证 办理 流程 申请 迁入 转移 增驾 相关 业务

2017-10-16 26页 doc 69KB 36阅读




广东 惠州 驾驶证 办理 流程 申请 迁入 转移 增驾 相关 业务广东 惠州 驾驶证 办理 流程 申请 迁入 转移 增驾 相关 业务 广东 惠州 驾驶证 相关业务办理流程 收集整理:flower91 2013-3-6 申请人身份证明的补充说明 申请的身份证明是指 1、惠州市户籍居民——《居民身份证》; 2、外地居民——《居民身份证》和公安机关核发的居住、暂住证明; 3、现役人员——军队未统一办理《居民身份证》前,《军官证》、《文职干部证》、《士兵证》、《退休证》、《离休证》等有效军人身份证件,以及所在团级以上单位出具的本人住所地址证明; 4、港澳居民——港澳身份证,以及《港澳...
广东 惠州 驾驶证 办理 流程 申请 迁入 转移 增驾 相关 业务
广东 惠州 驾驶证 办理 流程 申请 迁入 转移 增驾 相关 业务 广东 惠州 驾驶证 相关业务办理流程 收集整理:flower91 2013-3-6 申请人身份证明的补充 申请的身份证明是指 1、惠州市户籍居民——《居民身份证》; 2、外地居民——《居民身份证》和公安机关核发的居住、暂住证明; 3、现役人员——军队未统一办理《居民身份证》前,《军官证》、《文职干部证》、《士兵证》、《退休证》、《离休证》等有效军人身份证件,以及所在团级以上单位出具的本人住所地址证明; 4、港澳居民——港澳身份证,以及《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或回乡证或公安机关核发的居住、暂住证明; 5、台湾居民——所持有的有效期三个月以上公安机关核发的《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或者外交部核发的《中华人民共和国旅行证》和公安机关核发的居住、暂住证明; 6、境外人员——其入境的身份证明(即护照)和居留证明,居留证明包括居留证、暂住证或《公安机关出具的住宿登记证明》等; 7、外国驻华使馆、领馆人员及国际组织驻华代机构人员——外交部核发的有效身份证件。 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 准驾车型及代号 准予驾驶的其他 准驾车型 代号 准驾的车辆 准驾车型 A3、B1、B2、C1、大型客车 A1 大型载客汽车 C2、C3、C4、M B1、B2、C1、C2、牵引车 A2 重型、中型全挂、半挂汽车列车 C3、C4、M 城市公交车 A3 核载10人以上的城市公共汽车 C1、C2、C3、C4 中型载客汽车,含核载10人以上、19中型客车 B1 人以下的城市公共汽车, C1、C2、C3、C4、M 重型、中型载货汽车,大、重、中型大型货车 B2 专项作业车 小型、微型载客汽车以及轻型、微型小型汽车 C1 C2、C3、C4 载货汽车,轻、小、微型专项作业车 小型、微型自动挡载客汽车以及轻型、小型自动挡汽车 C2 微型自动挡载货汽车 低速载货汽车 C3 低速载货汽车,原四轮农用运输车, C4 三轮汽车 C4 三轮汽车,原三轮农用运输车, 残疾人专用小型、微型自动挡载客汽残疾人专用小型C5 车,只允许右下肢或者双下肢残疾人 自动挡载客汽车 驾驶, 发动机排量大于50ml或者最大设计车普通三轮摩托车 D E、F 速大于50km/h的三轮摩托车 发动机排量大于50ml或者最大设计车普通二轮摩托车 E F 速大于50km/h的二轮摩托车 发动机排量小于等于50ml~最大设计轻便摩托车 F 车速小于等于50km/h的摩托车 轮式自行机械车 M 轮式自行机械车 无轨电车 N 无轨电车 有轨电车 P 有轨电车 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 机动车驾驶人提交身体条件证明 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶人身体条件证明》;(注:点击此处下载“《机动车驾驶人身体条件证明》”表 单文件,注意有正反两页。) 2、机动车驾驶证; 3、1张1寸近期半身免冠正面彩色白底照片。 二、办事流程 领取表格并填写 领取方式:到市车管所或各县(区)交警大队车管所窗口领取 体检方式:持表格到县级或部队团级以上医院体检 业务受理 方式一:持《身体条件证明》到市车管所或各县(区)交警大队车管 所打印回执 方式二:直接到惠州市中医医院、惠州市预防疾病控制中心或协和医 院填《身体条件证明》表格、体检和打印受理回执 除医院体检外,打印回执业务不收费 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain 3 wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 机动车驾驶证异地转入换证 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶证申请表》; 2、申请人的身份证明原件及复印件; 3、机动车驾驶证原件; 4、3张白底一寸彩色相片; 5、此项业务可代办,申请表需申请人及代理人共同签字,还需提交代 理人身份证明原件及复印件。 注意:复印件要求为A4规格 二、办事流程 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:到市车管所驾驶员办证大厅导办岗领取 窗口受理、领取受理回执 办理方式:到驾驶员办证大厅8号窗口受理转入业务并领取受理回执 领缴纳工本费 缴费方式:持受理回执到大厅刷卡缴纳工本费10元 领取驾驶证 领取方式:1.委托邮寄; 2.申请人或代理人到驾驶员办证大厅1号窗口领取 领证时间:领取回执后三个工作日 领证要求:凭受理回执领取 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 办理机动车驾驶证人自愿降低准驾车型换证 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶证申请表》; 2、申请人的身份证明原件及复印件; 3、机动车驾驶证; 4、2张白底一寸彩色相片; 5、此项业务不可代办。 注意:复印件要求为A4规格 二、办事流程 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:到市车管所驾驶员办证大厅导办岗领取,并按规定填写。 窗口受理、领取受理回执 办理方式: 驾驶员办证大厅; 持所需资料到3或4号窗受理业务,办理完毕领取受理回 执 领缴纳工本费 缴费方式:持受理回执到大厅刷卡缴纳工本费10元 领取驾驶证 领取方式:1.委托邮寄; 2.申请人或代理人到驾驶员办证大厅1号窗口领取 领证时间:领取回执后三个工作日 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain 5 wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should领证要求:凭受理回执领取 机动车驾驶人满分考试 一、办事条件: 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶人违法满分考试信息反馈通知书》; 2、身份证原件及复印件; 3、机动车驾驶证原件。 二、办事程序: 1、申请人到驾驶员办证大厅3或4号窗口受理; 2、到所内银联刷卡机刷卡交费; 3、车管所安排交通法规培训及科目一考试; 4、考试合格后将成绩单交到驾驶员办证大厅5号窗,予以消分。 三、办事结果:清除积分 四、服务承诺:所需考试的科目合格后,1个工作日内办结。 五、收费依据:车管业务行政性收费标准 六、监督投诉渠道:市公安局:110、市交警支队:2309319、车管所:2606197 七、询问及查询方式:电话咨询2606197或2606193; steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 机动车驾驶证注销 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶证申请表》; 2、申请人的身份证明原件及复印件; 3、机动车驾驶证; 5、1张1寸彩色免冠相片; 6、驾驶人丧失民事行为能力的,可委托监护人代办;代办需提交监护人身份证明原件及复印件。 ? 复印件要求为A4规格 二、办事流程 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:到车管所驾驶员办证大厅导办岗申请表 重要提示:注销业务一经受理,须初学考试后方可驾车 窗口受理、领取注销回执 办理方式:持所需资料到驾驶员办证大厅5号窗办理; 办理完毕领取注销回执 重要提示:注销业务一经受理,须初学考试后方可驾车 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain 7 wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 机动车驾驶人信息变化换证或机动车驾驶证损坏换证 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶证申请表》; 2、申请人的身份证明原件及复印件; 3、机动车驾驶证原件; 4、3张白底一寸彩色相片; 5、此项业务可代办,申请表需申请人及代理人共同签字,还需提交代 理人身份证明原件及复印件。 注意:复印件要求为A4规格 二、办事流程 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:到车管所驾驶员办证大厅导办岗申请表 窗口受理、领取回执 办理方式:持所需资料到驾驶员办证大厅3或4号窗口办理; 办理完毕领取受理回执 领缴纳工本费 缴费方式:持受理回执到大厅刷卡缴纳工本费10元 领取驾驶证 领取方式:1.委托邮寄; 2.申请人或代理人到驾驶员办证大厅1号窗口领取 领证时间:领取回执后三个工作日 领证要求:凭受理回执领取 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 机动车驾驶证有效期满换证或驾驶人达到规定年龄换证 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶证申请表》; 2、填写提交《机动车驾驶人身体条件证明》; 3、申请人的身份证明原件及复印件; 4、机动车驾驶证原件; 5、近期半身免冠正面白底彩色相片4张; 6、此项业务可代办,申请表需申请人及代理人共同签字,还需提交代 理人身份证明原件及复印件。 注意:复印件要求为A4规格 二、办事流程 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:市车管所或各县(区)交警大队车管所窗口领取 体检方式:.持表格到县级或部队团级以上医院体检; 窗口受理、领取受理回执 办理方式:持所需资料到驾驶员办证大厅3或4号窗办理; 办理完毕领取受理回执 领缴纳工本费 缴费方式:持受理回执到大厅刷卡缴纳工本费10元 领取驾驶证 领取方式:1.委托邮寄; 2.申请人或代理人到驾驶员办证大厅1号窗口领取 领证时间:领取回执后三个工作日 领证要求:凭受理回执领取 延期办理机动车驾驶证期满换证或提交《身体条件证明》 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain 9 wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 持境外机动车驾驶证申请临时机动车驾驶许可 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《临时机动车驾驶许可申请表》; 2、申请人身份证明原件及复印件; 3、县级以上医疗机构出具的有关身体条件证明; 4、境外机动车驾驶证(属于非中文表述的,还应提供经我市区级以上公证处公证的中文翻译文本); 5、3张白底一寸彩色相片; 6、此项业务不可代办。 ?复印件要求为A4规格 二(办事流程 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:到市车管所驾驶员办证大厅导办岗申请表 窗口受理、领取受理回执 办理方式:持所需资料到驾驶员办证大厅3或4号窗办理; 办理完毕参加道路交通安全法律、法规学习; 学习结束领取受理回执 领缴纳工本费 缴费方式:持受理回执到大厅刷卡缴纳工本费70元 领取驾驶证 领取方式:1.委托邮寄; 2.申请人或代理人到驾驶员办证大厅1号窗口领取 领证时间:领取回执后三个工作日 领证要求:凭受理回执领取 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 香港机动车驾驶证免试换领机动车驾驶证 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶证申请表》; 2、填写提交《机动车驾驶人身体条件证明》; 3、填写提交《香港居民免试换领机动车驾驶证业务说明》; 4、香港居民身份证原件及复印件; 5、境外人员暂住证明: ?香港特别行政区居民来往内地通行证原件及复印件 ; ?回乡证原件及复印件; ?公安机关出具的临时住宿证明。 6、香港正式驾驶证原件及复印件; 7、3张近期免冠白底一寸彩色相片; 8、此项业务不可代办。 ?复印件要求为A4规格 二、办事流程 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:到市车管所驾驶员办证大厅导办岗申请表和体检表格 体检方式:持表格到县级或部队团级以上医院体检 窗口受理、领取受理回执 办理方式:持所需资料到车管所驾驶员股办证大厅9号受理窗口办理; 办理完毕领取受理回执 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain 11 wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 领缴纳工本费 缴费方式:持受理回执到大厅刷卡缴纳工本费480元 领取驾驶证 领取方式:1.委托邮寄; 2.申请人或代理人到驾驶员办证大厅1号窗口领取 领证时间:领取回执后三个工作日 领证要求:凭受理回执领取 持境外机动车驾驶证申领机动车驾驶证 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶证申请表》; 2、填写提交《机动车驾驶人身体条件证明》(外国驻华使馆、领馆人员及国际组 织驻华代表机构人员无需提供),公安机关出具临时住宿证明; 3、申请人的身份证明原件及复印件; 4、境外机动车驾驶证(属于非中文表述的,还应提供经我市级以上公证处公证的中文翻译文本); 5、3张白底一寸彩色相片; 6、此项业务不可代办。 ? 复印件要求为A4规格 二、办事流程 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:到市车管所驾驶员办证大厅导办岗领取申请表和体检表格 体检方式:持表格到县级或部队团级以上医院体检 与我国签订互认机 动车驾驶证, 免考的 窗口受理、参加科目考试 窗口受理、领取受理回执 持所需资料到市车管所驾驶员办证大厅 持所需资料到市车管所驾驶员办9号窗口受理审核 证大厅9号窗口受理; 审核完毕领取《机动车驾驶人考试成绩审核完毕领取受理回执 单》 C1(含)以下 B2 持所需资料和成绩单到持所需资料和成绩单 到惠源驾校预约参加惠源驾校预约参加科目 科目一、三考试 一考试 领缴纳工本费 缴费方式:持受理回执到所内业务大厅刷卡缴纳工本费10元;汽车类科目 一考试费70元/人次,科目三考试费280元/人次 领取驾驶证 领取方式:1.委托邮寄; 2.申请人或代理人到驾驶员办证大厅1号窗口领取; 领证时间:无需考试的,审核后1个工作日核发驾驶证,需要考试的,经 科目一、三考试合格后核发机动车驾驶证; 领证要求:凭受理回执领取 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain 13 wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 持军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证申领机动车驾驶证 一、所需资料 1、填写提交《机动车驾驶证申请表》; 2、填写提交《机动车驾驶人身体条件证明》; 3、申请人的身份证明原件及复印件; 4、属于复原、转业、退伍人员的: ?复原、转业、退伍证明原件及复印件; ?军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证及档案材料。 属于现役人员的: ?所在部队团级以上单位出具的本人住所地址证明; ?军队、武装警察部队机动车驾驶证。 5、3张近期免冠白底一寸彩色相片; 6、此项业务不可代办。 ? 复印件要求为A4规格 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should 二、办事流程 领取表格并规范填写 领表方式:到市车管所驾驶员办证大厅导办岗申请表和体检表格 体检方式:持表格到县级或部队团级以上医院体检 申领准驾车型为C1、 申领准驾车型为B2、A1 C2、E的,免考 A1、 的参加考试 窗口受理、领取受理回执 窗口受理、参加考试 持所需资料到车管所驾驶员办证 持所需资料到市车管所驾驶员办证大厅2或3大厅2、3号窗口受理; 号窗口受理 办理完毕领取受理回执 办理完毕领取《机动车驾驶人考试成绩单》 持所需资料和成绩单到惠源驾校参加科目一、 三考试 领缴纳工本费 缴费方式:持受理回执到所内业务大厅银联刷卡机刷卡缴纳工本费10元, 汽车类科目一考试费70元/人次,科目三考试费280元/人次 领取驾驶证 领取方式:1.委托邮寄; 2.申请人或代理人到驾驶员办证大厅1号窗口领取 steel bolts, screws and studs GB/T3098.6-2000 scope of this project are: 1, 2, 3 aluminium sheet curtain wall of glass curtain 15 wall and the Aluminum plastic Board curtain wall 4, and stone curtain wall 5, and curtain wall buried pieces 6, and light steel points type glass rain canopy, and aluminum Board rain canopy 7, and aluminum Venetian 8, and outdoor advertising (containing roofing and the State surface advertising) 9 to spring glass door 10, and concrete structure and curtain wall between of layer between, and around fire seal blocking 11, and anti-mine 12, and daughter wall top processing 13, and pan light ming, engineering of tie construction 14, and buildings of deformation sewing (settlement sewing, and expansion joints,) 15, and After the detailed design drawings issued a wall embedded part is inconsistent with the tenderer needs to increase fixed curtain wall structure 16, decorative surfaces and decorative surface and joints between parts of other buildings facing sealing process, required to support the outer decoration of a hole, hole, plugging holes and so on. This works more decorative items, in order to ensure that the decoration construction progress and quality, trying to avoid construction does not ... Processing. After installation is complete if you have damaged galvanized parts should领证时间:领取回执后三个工作日 领证要求:凭受理回执领取
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