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单词 中山大学医学研究生英语考试复习

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单词 中山大学医学研究生英语考试复习单词 中山大学医学研究生英语考试复习 mass field trials大样本田间实验 endeared钟爱 disseminated传播 Withhold: keep back, stop giving stand for: to have as a principle, support He stands for self-reliance. Before we elect him to parliament, we want to know what he stands for. be contrary t...
单词 中山大学医学研究生英语考试复习
单词 中山大学医学研究生英语考试复习 mass field trials大样本田间实验 endeared钟爱 disseminated传播 Withhold: keep back, stop giving stand for: to have as a principle, support He stands for self-reliance. Before we elect him to parliament, we want to know what he stands for. be contrary to: to be completely different from set out: to state, to describe, to define The view ser out above are based on investigation. He set out his arguments in detail. be preferable to: to be better than (esp. because more suitable); to be preferred In the first place: at the beginning set foot in/on: to enter; to visit She said she wouldn?t set foot in the room until it had been properly cleaned. Potentials: possibility for development be confident of/ be confident that: 有信心fully trust; have a belief in one?s power or ability or another?s The government is confident that it will win the next election. account for: to give an explanation or reason for; to explain How do you account for the difference between them? This does not quite account for his uneasiness. stand to do: to be in a position to gain or lose If this new law is passed, we stand to lose our tax advantage. Grotesque: very strange perish枯萎,腐烂,死亡 Relish n.滋味, 爱好, 调味品; v.品味, 喜欢, 有……味道 vt. enjoy thoroughly, appreciate I relish a good joke as much as anyone else. I do not relish my food as I used to. I do not relish the idea of a bath in that icy water. Awe. n.敬畏Mixture of great fear, wonder and respect We stared in awe at the president on the stage. Awesome.可畏的Adj. Showing or causing awe The towering mountains , covered with snow, are an awesome sight. Mary had such an awesome amount of work to complete before graduation. reconcile和解, 调停; [会计]调节, 核对 v. to accept sth. unpleasant He reconciled himself cheerfully to a modest livelihood in a small country town. She could not easily be reconciled to the prospect of a falling income. He was disappointed by his result, but he is now reconciled to having to retake the exam. Institution [c]& [u] n. 1.customs, established practice, convention, unwritten law Our annual barbecue has become a local ~. 2. company, organization, establishment, organized society government ~s, the highest ~s of learning Strong financial ~s are the foundation of a sound economy. the act of instituting the ~ of a new law, the ~of a savings bank in every large city ,包被 invest with vt. 包埋 v.投资, 花费, 授与 to give officially to…; to fill..with.. The singer invested her songs with a special nostalgic乡愁的, 怀旧的sadness. The old ruins were invested with romance. The government invested him with special powers to deal with the situation. redeem赎回,赎(罪),补救,弥补 vt. Buy back, pay off, carry out, set free, make up for The property on which money has been lent is redeemed when the loan is paid back. My family was relieved to hear that the mortgage has been redeemed. After 20 years in prison, he was redeemed. Ordain v.注定, 规定, 任命Relinquishment Wondrous a.奇异的;奇妙的;ad.[只修饰形容词]极; No more =out of control/mind Pore孔,气孔,细孔,孔隙,门,注视,钻研 Tendered触痛,敏感,柔嫩的,触痛的,敏感的 Gurney轮床 Preoccupied被先占的, 出神的, 一心一意的 Gleaned from vt.?拾(穗);?一点点地搜集(消息、事实等); vi.?拾遗穗;?搜集(消息、资料等); Reverent a.尊敬的, 虔诚的Heedless a.不注意 的, 不留心的, 不谨慎的Nay ad.不但如此, 而且; 甚至; 否, 不 Womb n.子宫, 肚子 Progression n.前进,进展,增进 Demise死亡,崩解 Evanescent 易消灭的,渐消失的,挥发性的,隐失的(指叶脉) Torn bl. 撕开, 扯裂 Relentless无情的, 冷酷的, 残酷的 Flow on ,流动,流通,涌出,流出,流量 Live on through继续活着; 靠……活着 Endure忍耐 Humblest ?谦逊的;[指人]微贱的,社会地位低的;[指事物]卑下的,低级的;vt. 贬抑;使谦卑; Edifices 大厦, 大建筑物 sanctuary圣所, 耶路撒冷的神殿, 至圣所 Stunt pilot: a pilot for special flying performance ALS: 肌肉萎缩性侧索硬化症 Motor strength: function of the system for movement, 运动肌肉功能,运动神经功能 On the horizon: in sight, in near future Formality :形式,礼节; legal procedures Resuscitative:使复生的, 使生醒的, 使复兴的resuscitate – resuscitation Befriend:待……如友, 帮助be a friend to; assist Only a man with full human kindness could have continued to befriend the proud and obstinate young man. 只有天性善良的人才会和这个性情高傲脾气倔强的年轻人继续交往。 I begged my grand aunt Miss Betsey not to let me go. I prayed her to befriend me for the sake of my father. 我肯求我的姑婆贝特西小姐留下我,请求她看在我父亲的面上好好待我。 Suffocate – suffocation:使窒息to kill or be killed by the deprivation of oxygen, as by obstruction of the air The smoke and fumes almost suffocated me. The baby suffocated under its pillow. Fistula:复fistulae)瘘管,瘘,喙管an abnormal opening between one hollow organ and another or between a hollow organ and the surface of the skin, caused by ulceration, congenital malformation, etc 瘘,瘘管 Be adept at doing sth: 善于精于She is adept in music. He is adept in mathematical calculations. He is adept at organization work She is adept at cooking. He was highly adept at avoiding trouble Occipital lobes: 枕叶 Discrete: separate or distinct in form or concept 分离的, 不相关联的 The detective was able to find the underlying clue among those discrete events. discrete random signal processing 离散随机信号处理 discrete system simulation language 离散系统仿真语言 Eletro-encephalo-graph-icConcur: agree 1. 同意, 赞同, 表示一致意见 The two judges concurred on the ruling.两名法官对这个判决意见一致。 同时发生 So many things concurred to give rise to the problem. 许多事情同时发生而导致了这一问题。 Surrogate: a person or thing acting as a substitute 替代;代理 Foreshorten: reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; 按照透视法缩短, 缩短 Paternalistic: 家长式作风的 Fiscal restraint: 财政紧缩 Condone:容忍,宽恕,原谅 Do you condone his sin? 你宽恕他的罪过吗? I cannot condone the use of violence. 我不能宽恕使用暴力的行为。 We cannot condone violence of any sort. 我们不能容忍任何形式的暴力。 Debilitation: n, serious weakening and loss of energy,虚弱,无力,乏力 Envision: to conceive of as a possibility, esp in the future; foresee 想像,展望 They think of viruses that infect an organization from the outside.They envision hackers breaking into their information vaults. • 他们考虑来自外部的感染公司的病毒,他们设想黑客侵入到信息宝库中。 • Internship实习医师职位,实习医师期 • intermittent暂歇的;间歇的;断断续续的; • extremity极端, 极点, 困境 • amyotrophic肌萎缩的,进行性脊髓病性肌萎缩 • sclerosis硬化症, 硬化, 硬结 • secretion分泌, 分泌物, 分泌液, 隐蔽 • distress不良应激,不舒适的应激,痛苦,苦恼, • Prop up支撑, 维持,站起来 • ventilator通风机,风扇,空(气)调(节)器 • tracheotomy气管切开术 • concoction消化,调制,调制品 • limp跛行 • ailment疾病 • occipitala.枕部的, 枕骨的; n.枕骨 ,虚弱 • infirmities衰弱 • Surrogate.n.代用品,代理人,亲属 • futilityn.无用, 无益, 无价值 • debilitation虚弱,无力,乏力 • Envision v.想像, 拟思 预测 • keep an eye on/keep one?s eye upon: keep a watch on • scrutinize: look at or examine something carefully • a fast-growing body of research: an increasingly larger amount of research • There is a large body of support for nuclear disarmament裁军, 缴械. • He has a large body of facts to prove his statements. • to be inoculated接种的against hepatitis to vaccinate all children against tuberculosis结核病 • mental ills: • ill--- a) harm, trouble, wrong, unhappiness, etc. b) a disease • Your abilities count: • count: be of value or importance. * Her opinion counts because of her experience. * Every second counts. * For them what counted was money. * The individual does not count much in this situation. • look for loopholes. • loophole:漏洞way of escaping a rule • The lawyer found a loophole in the law and his client had to be relieved. • To close/plug a loophole • Fluke:an accidental stroke (of luck) • We won the football game by a fluke. fluke. His failure in history examination was a mere • take credit: get/take recognition赞誉,承认 • , honor etc. • It is dishonest to take credit for work done by others. • I did work in the project, but I can?t ~~ for everything. We have nine people in the team. • Claim credit for : demand/deserve honor for doing something • He never claimed credit for the excellent work he did. • self-fulfilling prophecy: a prediction brought to fulfillment chiefly as an effect of having been expected or predicted. the litmus test • reach out for: try to get • Opportunities will occur at any time, but you must reach out for them. • Peace, security and development are what we?ve been reaching out for. A pilot study/survey/plant/project/test in low spirits. • undermine: weaken at the base; weaken or destroy by stages • His self-confidence was undermined by repeated failure. • Drinking undermines his health. • He undermined my authority by allowing children to do things I have forbidden. • immune (to/against/from) adj. • Immunity n. immunize v. immunology n. • He seems to be immune to flattery. • We are immune from smallpox天花as the result of vaccination接种疫 苗, 种痘. • dodge v.避开, 躲避, 搪塞life?s blow: to avoid • I?ll leave early to dodge the rush hour. • He dodged to left and right as the gunman opened fire. • Dodge: 道奇 ( a kind of compact car) • floundering挣扎, 折腾, 挣扎著前进; students are those who have difficulty in study as if people moved with difficulty through mud or deep snow. • job leads: job guide / job direct • keep track of: keep informed about • Mr. Steven kept rack of his business by telephone when he was in hospital. • It is hard to keep track of all one?s old school friends. • memoir n.传记, 回忆录, 追思录 • 1) a story of one?s life, esp. a personal one, as by a friend • 2) a short piece of writing on a subject the writer has studied • 3) (pl.) the story of one?s own life; autobiography • mane n. ?鬃毛; • ?[口语、幽默]长而厚的头发 • 1) long hair on the back of a horse?s neck • 2) a person?s long hair • ragged adj. lacking smoothness; having uneven outline, edges or surfaces • staccato断音的,断断续续的,断续的adj. disconnected • scrutinyn. • 细察; 详察careful and thorough examination • candidly ad. • 率直地, 坦白地. frankly • engross vt. v. • 占去, 使全神贯注Fill completely all the time and attention of ( usually in passive form ) or occupy • be engrossed in • e.g. He was so engrossed in his work that he completely forgot the time. • toy with sth. consider sth. without serious intent; deal with or treat lightly • e.g. I?ve been toying with the idea of moving abroad. • You shouldn?t toy with great issues. • oversight n. • ? [U][C]失察;大意;忽略; • ?监督;看管;细心照料;n. unintentional failure to notice sth. • come to terms with (sth. / sb.): accept ( sth. / sb.) unpleasantly • e.g. John seemed to come to terms with losing his sight. • be devoid of sth. be empty of sth.; be lacking in sth.; without • pretension n. being pretentious • pretentious adj. claiming merit or importance; showy; pompous • make oneself scarce: (infml) go away, keep away (from others) • allude to:vt. • 暗指,影射,提到(与 to 连用); • mention briefly and indirectly • clutter… with: v. • 弄乱, 混乱; • n. • 杂乱; [无]杂乱回波fill or cover sth, in an untidy way • e.g. The desk is cluttered with books and papers. • His head is cluttered with useless ideas. • tune up to adjust musical instrument so that they can play together in tune • mediocre ?平庸;平凡;中等; • ?[贬义]次等;无价值的adj. not very good; second rate • improvise v. make up ( a piece of music) as one is playing, compose or play music without previous preparation 即兴创作 • e.g. The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise the accompaniment. • As we have not got the proper material, we will just have to improvise. • An improvised speech • quasi prefix. Seemingly but hot really • e.g. a quasi-scientific explanation • a quasi-scholar • dub (sb.) with (a name): to name humorously or descriptively(ad. • 叙述地), to give a nick name • catboat 独桅艇 • outboard motor: removable engine that is attached to the outside of the back of a boat • becalmed adj. (of a sailing boat) unable to move forward because of lack of wind • pick up: start again • fretfully adv.焦躁地; 焦急地worriedly or irritably • royalty n. [c] ? [U]王位,王权; [C]皇亲;[U]皇族; • ? • ?[C](公司等付给土地所有者的)矿区使用费;(付给作者的)版税;sum paid to the owner of a copyright or patent • inception开始,发端; start or beginning of sth. • tricky adj.狡猾的, 机警的requiring skill or tact • dunk vt.泡; 浸submerge briefly in water • hit a flaw mistake • deluge n. 1) flood, heavy rain • 2) great quantity of sth. that comes all at once • e.g. a deluge of work / words / letters • single out: select from others for special attention • Holdup: ?拦(抢)劫; • ?(交通)停顿,阻碍; ( infml.) stickup; an attempt at robbery by threatening people with a gun • a holdup man , a robber Withhold: keep back, stop giving To stand for: to have as a principle, support He stands for self-reliance. Before we elect him to parliament, we want to know what he stands for. To be contrary to: to be completely different from To set out: to state, to describe, to define The views set out above are based on investigation. He set out his arguments in detail. To be preferable to: to be better than (esp. because more suitable); to be preferred To say otherwise…: to express the idea in another way, referring to „the reverse?. The humanitarian impulse: referring to the previous sentence „the justification for…? Prompt: to be the cause of In the first place: at the beginning Proceed to sth: to continue to do sth that has already been started To set foot in/on: to enter; to visit She said she wouldn't set foot in the room until it had been properly cleaned. account for: to give an explanation or reason for; to explaHow do you account for the difference between them This does not quite account for his uneasiness , Runaway: escaping control; out of control e.g. runaway horses 脱缰的马 a runaway car , Heel-toe: heel and toe, the way of walking , Exertion: effort, here it refers to physical effort , Companions in exertion: these two women were making physical effort / exercising together. , Run track: go running along the track , Track: a course laid out for running or racing. 跑道:铺设用于赛跑或赛马的道路 track events: athletic competition on such a course; 径赛项目 径赛: Track and field.径赛和田赛 , v. intr. To move along a track. , Intramural校内的(a.): , 1) intended for full-time students living within a college. e.g. intramural courses / studies / staff 2) (U.S.) between teams or players from the same school; e.g. intramural games , Trim: , 1)To make neat or tidy by clipping, smoothing, or pruning: 整 理,修剪: trimmed his moustache. , 2) To remove (excess) by cutting: trim a budget. 削减预算 , Lapse into: To pass gradually or smoothly; to slip lapse into reverie 陷入冥想 , Lauch into sth: Enter baldly or freely into a course of action 1) He launched into a long series of excuses for his behavior. 2) She wants to be more than just a singer and is launching out into film. 3) It takes courage to launch into a new business in this difficult times. , Erudite (a.)博学的: having or showing great learning; scholarly;learned , Quiescent (a.)静止的,休眠的: inactive; quiet , Get in the way: be in the way; disturb , Paternalism (n.): A policy or practice of treating or governing people in a fatherly manner, especially by providing for their needs without giving them rights or responsibilities.家长作风,家长式统治 , Reimbursement system偿付系统: repayment system , Reimburse (vt.): , [fml] to pay (money) back to (esp. one who has had to spend money in connection with their work) 1) All expenses will be reimbursed to you. broken vase. 2) We will reimburse the customer for the This sentence(Para.8) means: according to the present reimbursement system, radiologists and anesthesiologists get more than physicians. overhear无意中听到, 偷听: (v.) To hear something without the speaker's awareness or intent Overwhelming (adj.): overwhelming joy; an overwhelming majority. 压倒一切的欢乐; 压倒的多数 , A solid hour of bonding solid (a.): without a break or pause; continuous bond (v.): connection, here refers to communication This sentence (Para.9) means: high technology allows the mother and her daughter talk over the phone about the computer problems continuously for an hour. Talk things through: talk out; talk over; to resolve a problem through , discussion e.g. After three long meetings, the question seemed to be talked through. , In fact, I probably owe my job as an ethicist to the problems created by technology.------ I, as an ethicist, recognized that the problems created by technology gave me the job. , Technology-driven controversies:the controversies are activated by technology , a pay-driven job , a hunger-driven stealer , tension-driven suicide , Allocate v.分配,分派,拨(款)给 sth. to sb. / sth. assign sth. to sb. /sth for special purpose , allocate a room to be used for storage , unprovoked: occurring without motivation or provocation (尤指暴力言行)未 受招惹而自发的,无缘无故的 , The violent actions among teenagers are hostile and usually unprovoked. , Para 6: , Be run off the road: be driven out of the road , Venture:express in spite of possible refutation or criticism小心地说,谨慎地 做; , Para 14: , Cock one?s ear : to raise (in an alert or pround manner )竖起 耳朵 Preceptor: a practising physician giving practical training to a medical student. teacher at a university of college (especially at Cambridge or Oxford) 教师, 导师, 指导医师 Dementia:[di„men?i?] a state of serious emotional and mental deterioration, 〈医〉痴呆 wizard (para. 3) ---- 1)a male witch, a magician 2) a person with extraordinary abilities; genius e.g. a financial wizard truss sth. / sb. up with sth. (para. 3) ---- support with truss; to tie up firmly and roughly with a frame or structure used to support sponge (para. 3) ----- wipe, wash or clean sb. with a sponge sear (para. 3) ----- scorch or burn the surface of e.g. a searing pain ( a burning pain) scroll (para.6) ----- 1) ( of test on a computer screen) move gradually up or down 2) (of a computer) show (test) moving in the way e.g. This model scrolls far too slowly. marshal整顿;整理;安排; ?(按礼仪)引导;带领; ?集结(部队); (para.11) ----- arrange (sb./sth.) in proper order; gather e.g. to marshal troops/forces/crowd to marshal one?s thoughts intangible?不可触知的;无形的; ?不可捉摸的;模糊的; (para.11) ------ that can?t be clearly or definitely understood or grasped; unable to touch; indefinable e.g. intangible / tangible property rivet铆钉,铆接(para.12) ---- attract and strongly hold the attention of sb. e.g. I was absolutely riveted by her story. elude 逃避, 躲避, 把……难满(para.13) ---- escape; escape the memory or understanding of sb. e.g. I recognized her face, but her name eludes me. (I can?t remember it) jolt(震)摇(para.31) ---- make (sb.) act by five him a sudden shock; shake or be shocked e.g. He was jolted out of his laziness into action when he realized he had only a short time to finish his article. regimen摄生, 养生法, 食物疗法(para. 37) ---- a fixed plan of medicine to improve one?s health vigil彻夜不眠; 守夜(para. 39) ---- stay awake, esp. at night to keep watch or to prey e.g. to keep vigil over a sick person He?s tried out by long nightly vigil at his father?s bedside. Inveigh about痛骂, 漫骂, 臭骂: attack violently in words to inveigh against corrupt officials Vagary:狂妄行为, 异想天开, 妄想(often pl.) an unusual, purposeless or unexpected idea or act; The building of a house in such a strange shape was the designer?s vagary. Given: In accord with: Most people are in accord with their desire for peace. 在渴望和平这一点上, 大多数人都是一致的。 We live in perfect accord with each other. 我们生活在一起十分融洽。 creatine phosphokinase 肌酸磷酸激酶: Not so much … as … Extend oneself to do: try one?s best to do -- They didn?t have to extend themselves in the exam. -- The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain. Golden Mean: 中庸之道;黄金分割法 Replete: full, well-fed with food We were replete after a big meal. It?s a house replete with the finest of funiture. Home in on sth: be directed by; aim towards sth; The missile homed in on its target. At the mercy of sb/sth: under the control of… They were lost at sea, ~~~~wind and storm. The plants were ~~~~ the weather. Demean: lower the dignity, status of sb She demeans herself by accepting such an offer. The behavior of being dishonest in his research demeans the famous scientist in his peers? eyes. Passage Four Beats 搏动 authentically 确实的,真正的 rabbit 兔子 lamente a.被哀悼的; 令人遗憾的 demolished v.破坏, 粉碎, 撤销 laments vt. vi. [~ for (over)]哀悼;悲伤; n. ?悲叹,恸哭,哀悼; ?挽词(歌),悼词; Bound 到...去的;(船只)开往...去的;准备启程前往...;在赴...途中; n. 范围,界限;止境; vt. ?以...为界; ?限制,约束; v. bind 的过去式和过去分词; a. ?被束缚的,受拘束的; ?装订的;有封面的; ?理应,应当;有义务的;有责任的; ?必定,一定; ?哀悼;为…而悲伤; ?对…表示遗憾,惋惜;悔恨; Authenticity 确证性,可靠性 demolish vt. ?爆破;拆毁(建筑物等);破坏(组织等); ?推翻(等);驳倒(论点等); ?[口语]吃完 deter v. 制止, 使……断念 vt. 吓住;拦住; Shed n. ?棚,小屋; ?工棚;车库; vt. ?流出,流下; ?脱落; ?放射,散发; hang on to 紧握 Repress v.抑制, 压制, 阻止 impetus n. ?[U]惯性;动力,推动力; ?[C]刺激;激励; Reclaim vt. ?要求归还;收回;索回; ?开垦,垦拓;填筑; ?改造,感化(犯错误者或犯罪者),使悔改; ?(从废料中)回收; n. 改造,感化; authoritarian a. 独裁的, 独裁主义的 Passage Five Crippling n. 跛子,瘸子;残废人(或动物); vt. , 使跛,使瘸;使成残废; discourage vt. ?叫(人)气馁;令(人)泄气; ?阻碍,妨碍;劝阻; paralysisn. ?【医】麻痹;瘫痪; ?[比喻]完全无力,停顿; Swiftly ad. 很快地, 即刻 age-old problems古老的问题 awed a. 充满敬畏的; 表示敬畏的 Defined确定的 Zest n. for life ?热心,热情; ?[常用 a ~ ]滋味;兴趣;风味;刺激性; ?香橙皮,柠檬皮(用作食品香料); ?(酒的)风味,香味; vt. ?增加兴趣(风味); , 给(菜)调味 Go after追求 Security 安全性 Adversity n. 逆境;苦难; Independence 独立 interdependece互相依赖, 互相依存 dependence n. ?依靠;依赖[后跟(up)on]; ?信任,信赖; , 相关(性);相依(性);相倚(性); brutality n. ?[U]残忍;野蛮; ?[C]野蛮行为;残忍的行为;暴行;兽行; Autonomy 自主性,自治 Set patterns 定势 Repressed 被抑制的; 被压抑的 quo n. 监狱, 牢狱; v. 下狱 psychoanalysis精神分析,心理分析 streak 条纹 gestalt完形;经验的整体;格式塔; Passage Eight Dyspnea 呼吸困难 cannonball 炮弹 metastatic转移的 lesions 损害 Renal 肾脏的 resection 切除 regimen 疗法 Beside himself : In a state of extreme excitement or agitation:发狂, 处于异常兴奋或激动状态: Eg. They were beside themselves with glee. 他们欣喜若狂 Beneficence 善行,行善 maleficence 罪行, 恶行 be laced with 镶花边,绑带子,和…扯上关系 overtone 暗示:一个隐蔽且常常含蓄的意义或特质;蕴涵或暗示: eg. an overtone of anger barely masked; a praise with overtones of envy. Invasive n.猛烈抨击,痛骂 burdensome adj. 1. 繁重的,烦累的,难以承担的 zealous热心的 remission 免除 Palliation 减轻 wreak a havoc upon a life 给一条生命带来灾难 Groin 腹股沟 hematoma 血肿 catheter 导管 Litany 连祷,冗长而枯燥的故事(或陈述) weary 厌倦的 Enliven 使生动 color 使变色 Glossary for P10 Recount 列举,详述 italics 斜体 preceptor 指导医师 Triage 伤员鉴别分类:将受伤人员按轻重缓急或立即治疗的可能性进行分类的过程。伤员鉴别分类用于战场、灾难发生地和医院急救室,有限的医疗设施和人员不得不进行分配。 differential特异的:差别的 Glossary for P12 Myocardial infarction 心肌梗死 coronary 心脏的 Cardiac catheterization 心脏导管插入 karate 空手道 occlusion 闭塞,梗塞 Inveigh 猛烈抨击 vagaries 奇特行为,奇想 Replete 充满的 props 小道具 myriad 无数的,种种的 stoic 坚忍克己之人 Traumatize [医] 使受损伤, 使受精神上创伤 covert 隐蔽的, 偷偷摸摸的 Sadism [心] 虐待狂, 病态的残忍 empathic <美学>感情移入的 Serum血清 creatine [生化]肌氨酸, 肌肉素 phosphokinase [生化]磷酸激酶 Glossary for Passage 14 Trial 试验 bend the rules 犯规 logistics 后勤学,对行动细节的管理 Breach of honor 破坏名誉 aghast 吓呆的 clear-cut 清晰的 sloppy懈怠、不整洁、散漫 unsettling 令人不安的 mastectomy乳房切除术 disclosure 曝光 culpability 过失,有罪 lumpectomy乳房肿瘤切除术 smacked of 有…的意味 irregularity found the firm's books riddled with irregularities发现该公司的帐薄中到处都有不正当的地方 adamant 坚定的,毫不动摇的 wound up twisting that data 以篡改数据收场, 落到篡改数据的地步 demote vt.使降级, 使降职 retraction收回 contrite深感懊悔的, 由悔悟引起的 , memoir n.传记, 回忆录, 追思录 , 1) a story of one’s life, esp. a personal one, as by a friend , 2) a short piece of writing on a subject the writer has studied , 3) (pl.) the story of one’s own life; autobiography , mane n. ?鬃毛; , ?[口语、幽默]长而厚的头发 , 1) long hair on the back of a horse’s neck , 2) a person’s long hair , ragged adj. lacking smoothness; having uneven outline, edges or surfaces , staccato断音的,断断续续的,断续的adj. disconnected , scrutinyn. , 细察; 详察careful and thorough examination , candidly ad. , 率直地, 坦白地. frankly , engross vt. v. , 占去, 使全神贯注Fill completely all the time and attention of ( usually in passive form ) or occupy , be engrossed in , e.g. He was so engrossed in his work that he completely forgot the time , toy with sth. consider sth. without serious intent; deal with or treat lightly , e.g. I’ve been toying with the idea of moving abroad. , You shouldn’t toy with great issues. , oversight n. , ? [U][C]失察;大意;忽略; , ?监督;看管;细心照料;n. unintentional failure to notice sth. , come to terms with (sth. / sb.): accept ( sth. / sb.) unpleasantly , e.g. John seemed to come to terms with losing his sight. , be devoid of sth. be empty of sth.; be lacking in sth.; without , pretension n. being pretentious , pretentious adj. claiming merit or importance; showy; pompous , make oneself scarce: (infml) go away, keep away (from others) , allude to:vt. , 暗指,影射,提到(与 to 连用); , mention briefly and indirectly , clutter… with: v. , 弄乱, 混乱; , n. , 杂乱; [无]杂乱回波fill or cover sth, in an untidy way , e.g. The desk is cluttered with books and papers. , His head is cluttered with useless ideas , tune up to adjust musical instrument so that they can play together in tune , mediocre ?平庸;平凡;中等; , ?[贬义]次等;无价值的adj. not very good; second rate , improvise v. make up ( a piece of music) as one is playing, compose or play music without previous preparation 即兴创作 , e.g. The pianist forgot his music and had to improvise the accompaniment. , As we have not got the proper material, we will just have to improvise. , An improvised speech , quasi 似乎; 在某种意义上 prefix. Seemingly but hot really , e.g. a quasi-scientific explanation , a quasi-scholar dub (sb.) with (a name): to name humorously or descriptively(ad. 叙述地), to give a nick name droop下垂, 消沉 distinctiveness 独特特征 unruly a 不服从的;难控制 的;倔强的; garb 服装(尤指某一种人所穿者);装束; tuberculosis 肺结核 create a sensation 引起轰动 authentically adv. not pretend, in a sincere, real way authenticity n. u quality of being genuine, true responsive adj. answering easily or quickly genuine adj. authentic, sincere, true, really what it is said to be Moses 摩西(古代希伯来人之先知,据圣经记载,曾领导以色列人脱离埃及人 之奴役。) unprecedented adj. not having, not supported by any earlier happening, etc. demolish v. destroy bound adj. determined awed adj. filled with a feeling of respect mixed with fear and wonder spontaneous adj. produced from natural feelings or causes, without outside force; natural discipline himself : be strict with himself go after try to win or obtain set himself up to lose : put himself in a losing situation adversity n. conflict; bad fortune; trouble. Here the word means “war”. along the line : on the road to win as we have noted : as we have said before, referring back to the last paragraph of Section One. dependency needs : referring to such things as clothes, shelter, food, etc brutality n. cruelty, savagery deter v. discourage autonomy and self-actualization 自律与自我体现 autonomy n. self-government ( in the philosophy of Kart ) the subjection of human will to its own laws, independent of God set patterns : normal way of life shed vt. shade off; get rid of hang on to sth. hold fast to sth., hold on to sth., try to keep sth. repress vt. deny; try to put down by force go nowhere : fail to succeed status quo existing state of affair channel vt. put change his “losing streak” : become more like a winner streak n. quality gestalt psychology : 格式塔心理学,完形心理学(现代欧美心理学主要派别之一) Freudian psychoanalysts : 弗洛伊德精神分析学家/者。弗洛伊德为奥地利心理学 家。 break away from abandon, give up orthodox adj. officially accepted orthodox psychoanalysis 传统心理分析法 impetus n. the force of sth. moving authoritarian adj. requiring obedience to authority if at all 如果有的话 impress sth. on sb. make the importance of sth. clear to sb.; fix sth. in sb.?s mind e.g. My father impressed on me the value of hard work. karate exercise 空手道 inveigh v. attack sb. or sth. violently in words inveigh against sb. / sth. e.g. The speaker was inveighing against the evils of drink. vagary n. ( often pl. ) 1) an unusual, purposeless or unexpected idea, act, or thought e.g. The building of this house in the shape of temple was a rich man?s vagary. 2) any of a set of unusual or unexpected events or changes that have an effect on one e.g. the vagaries of human nature coronary occlusion 冠状动脉闭塞 crush v. press or squeeze hard read sth. as sth. convey meaning which may not be intended e.g. Silence must not always be read as consent. the cardiac fraction of the serum creatine phosphokinase ( CPK ) level entertain vt. ( fml ) be ready and willing to think about or accept ( an idea, doubt, suggestion, etc.), consider e.g. He refused to entertain our proposal. If you put the idea before him, he may entertain it. in this light : in view of this ( heart ); considering (heart0 extend vt. use or stretch the ability or power of oneself to the greatest possible degree; cause to use all possible power e.g. Tim didn?t really have to extend himself in the exam. The horse was fully extended by the long ride up the mountain. He won the race easily without being fully extended. Aristotle’s Golden Mean 亚里士德的中庸之道;黄金分割法 replete adj. well-fed, quite full esp. of food e.g. We felt replete after a big meal. It?s a house replete with every modern convenience. instrumentation n. 1) the act of writing or arranging music for instruments 2) instruments and so forth : etc. ; and other like things complete with fully or additionally supplied e.g. We bought the house complete with furniture. He has a luxurious car complete with air conditioning, television, telephone and bar. prop n. c a person or thing that gives help or support to sb. / sth. e.g. She is a prop and comfort to her parents in their old age. His encourage was a great prop to her self-confidence. sophistication n. the quality of showing a knowledge of social life and behavior sanity n. 1) state of being sane; health of mind 2) soundness of judgement; state of being sensible or moderate e.g. Try to bring some sanity into a difficult situation myriad adj. uncountable many e.g. a butterfly?s wing with its myriad tiny scales a myriad of a great and varied number of e.g. A myriad of thoughts passed through his mind. stoic n. a person who has great self-control and who endures pain, discomfort or misfortune without complaint or showing signs of feeling it home in on sth. be directed or move towards sth. ; aim exactly towards sth. e.g. Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around. The torpedo homed in on its target. at the mercy of powerless against; in the power of; under the control of e.g. They were lost at sea, at the mercy of wind and weather. The ship was at the mercy of the storm. whim n. c a sudden idea or wish, often not reasonable e.g. to indulge one?s every whim a sudden whim to buy a new camera It?s only a passing whim. covert adj. secret, hidden, not openly shown sadism n. unnatural fondness for cruelty to other people empathy n. ability to imagine and share another person?s feeling, experience. and so on 移情 aloof adj. cool and remote in character, unconcerned e.g. I found her aloof and unfriendly. keep / hold / stand aloof from sth. /sb. : take no part in sth. ; show no friendship towards sb. e.g. He stood aloof from the crowd. She kept herself aloof from the others. demean vt. to lower in the opinion of oneself or others demean oneself ; to lower oneself in dignity e.g. Such behaviors demean you in my eyes. Don?t demean yourself by doing things dishonorable. degrade vt. bring down in self-respect, personal quality, behavior wield vt. to hold in one?s hands and use e.g. to wield an axe / a tool / a scalpel to wield authority / control / power audacity n. 1) daring, boldness, bravery 2) daring rudeness or cheek, impudence audacious adj. daring, fearless; impudent, recklessly bold e.g. an audacious plan / scheme / remark to approach the audacity of --- to be similar in quality or character of sb./ sth. falsify vt. To make false as by changing sth. , to alter falsely e.g. to falsify records / accounts / the receipt / the facts to bend the rules: to change or interpret the rules, laws, etc. in a way that suits oneself or the circumstance logistics n. an organization of supplies and services, etc. for any complex operation logistic, logistical adj. breach n. c breaking or neglecting ( of a law, agreement, duty, etc. ) e.g. a breach of loyalty / trust a breach of security a breach of confidence in giving away a secret to sue sb. for breach of contact adj. ( used as predicative ) filled with horror or amazement aghast e.g. He stood aghast at the terrible sight. fret about /at / over sth. : ( cause to ) be continually worried and anxious, dissatisfied, bad-tempered about small or unnecessary things e.g. Don?t fret, we?ll get there on time. Fretting about it won?t help. Babies often fret (themselves) when their mothers are not near. in the wake of: as a result of, coming after or following (sth.) e.g. Problems kept coming in the wake of the flood. allegation n. c statement fraud n. c u 1) ( an act of ) deceitful behavior for the purpose of gaining (money, goods, etc.) which may be punished by law e.g. to be found guilty of fraud Thousands of frauds are committed every year. 2) a person who deceives others by pretending to have abilities, skills, etc. that he does not really have e.g. The lady is a fraud. She has no medical qualifications at all. clear-cut adj. not vague; definite sloppiness n. carelessness sloppy adj. careless and untidy in the way one does things e.g. a sloppy worker / writer fabricate vt. to invent (sth.) in order to deceive, forge fabrication n. c u e.g. to fabricate an excuse / accusation The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated. That?s pure fabrication! Her story was nothing but a series of fabrications. unsettling adj. upsetting, disturbing culpable adj. deserving blame, blame worthy e.g. culpable behavior I can?t be held culpable for their mistakes. culpability n. smack of sth. : to have a taste or suggestion of e.g. Their comments smacked of racism. a scientific cover-up: a kind of concealment in the scientific field adamant adj. (esp. of a person or his behavior) firmly or stubbornly determined, unwilling to be persuaded e.g. an adamant refusal to be adamant in sth. She was quite adamant that she would not come. ego trip: an act or a set of acts that give selfish pleasure to the EGO; self centered activity e.g. Her life is just one big ego trip. The Office of Research Integrity: a justice department of the government handling crimes in scientific research field 科学研究廉政办公室 wind up ( of a person ) arrive finally in a place; end up e.g. We eventually wound up staying in an inn. You?ll wind up in hospital if you drive so fast. Before I wind up, there are two more things to be said. If we all agree, let?s wind up the discussion. demote sb. from sth. to sth. : reduce sb. to a lower rank or grade e.g. He was demoted from doctor to office worker. Cf. promote retrieve sth. from sb. /sth. : get possession of sth. again, regain e.g. to retrieve one?s suitcase from the left luggage office I must retrieve my credit card from the waiter. retract vt. withdraw, take back ( a statement, a charge, etc. ) e.g. The accused refused to retract his statement. retraction n. e.g. to publicize a retraction of charge contrite adj. caused by, feeling or showing guilt; filled with or showing deep regret for having done wrong, impudent e.g. a contrite apology / manner contrite tears She was contrite the morning after her angry outburst. contrition n. contritely adv. to air it out air vt. express (an idea, a complaint, etc.) publicly, esp. in a noisy manner e.g. to air one?s view / opinion / grievance He likes to air his knowledge. ( that is, let others see how much he knows. ) palliative adj. to beat those odds 碰运气 odds chance; the probability that sth. will happen or will not happen havoc n. widespread damage; great destruction; chaos, disorder and confusion to make havoc of sth. to play / wreak havoc with sth. e.g. The bad weather played havoc with our plan. balance v. be of the same value Veterans Administration Hospital: 美国退伍军 人医院 Veterans Administration: 美国退伍军人管理局(主要负责退伍军人的福利事宜) remarkable adj. out of the ordinary, abnormal cannonballs n. cannonshells, here the word means large round lesions on chest X-ray that usually are metastases from the kidneys. Harrison’s a famous medical book on inner medicine regimen n. a set of rules for diet, exercise, etc. for promoting one?s health and physical well-being Memorial Day holiday, usually at the end of May, observed in the US to commemorate troops who died in wars 阵亡将士纪念日 to be beside oneself with sth. : to be / become almost mad (with anger, excitement, etc.) e.g. He was beside himself with joy when he heart he had passed the exam. The children were beside themselves with excitement. beneficence n. the quality of charity or kindness nonmaleficence n. maleficence n. the quality of being harmful or evil maleficent adj. causing or doing evil autonomy n. the ability to make one?s own decision about what to do rather than being influenced by someone else or told what to do Futility as a word was not laced with bioethical overtones.---无法医治这个词并 没有任何生物伦理学的含意。 futility n. a total lack of purpose or usefulness; uselessness; pointlessness lace sth. with sth. : flavor or strengthen ( a drink ) with a small amount of spirits or something strong e.g. a cup of coffee laced with brandy She laced her husband?s bedtime drink with poison. overtone n. ( usu. Pl.) something suggested or implied in addition to what is actually stated; hint e.g. overtones of despair in a letter threatening overtones in his comments invasive adj. invading, meaning one that spreads freely into areas where it is not wanted zealous adj. full of zeal; eager; fanatic e.g. to be zealous for liberty and freedom to be zealous for progress to be zealous to succeed at work zeal n. energy or enthusiasm; keenness; hearty and persistent effort e.g. to show zeal for a cause to work with great zeal a man of zeal consultant n. esp. A.E. a high ranking hospital doctor who gives special advice in addition to that given by an ordinary doctor at one’s expense with one?s paying e.g. We were entertained at the editor?s expense. informed opinion knowledgeable advice / judgment remission lessening or weakening of pain, disease, etc. e.g. slight remission of a fever palliate vt. to make a pain or disease les severe or unpleasant, without removing its cause; alleviate palliation n. toll n. loss or damage caused by sth. e.g. the death-toll in the earthquake the death-toll on the roads … the toll of these therapies… is tremendous: these therapies produce very serious effect. a groin hematoma 腹股沟血肿 glib adj. speaking or spoken fluently and without hesitation, but not sincerely油腔 滑调的 e.g. a glib talker / salesman / remark /speech / argument /excuse to have a glib tongue glibly adv. toss out throw sth. out slightly or carelessly or easily a litany of sth. a long boring recitation e.g. a litany of complaints 没完没了的抱怨 … … we glibly toss out a litany of complications…: 为了征得病人的同 意,我们漫不经心地油腔滑调地说出一系列的合并症, 其语调就像我们在念经一样。 recounting the list: telling about the complications; giving a detailed account of the complications get through manage to do or complete e.g. I have got through many letters today. Let?s start; there is a lot of work to get through today. get on to sth. begin to discuss ( a new subject ) e.g. It?s time we got on to the question of cost. grace n. God?s mercy and favor towards mankind
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