

2018-05-02 32页 doc 91KB 13阅读




十千瓦风力发电机设计十千瓦风力发电机设计 前言 传统燃料终将逐渐耗竭,其价格势必日益上涨。因此,风能业已唤起人们再检视其能否成为未来主要可靠能源之一。 风能是一种干净的、储量极为丰富的可再生能源,他和存在于自然界的矿物燃料能源,如煤、石油、天然气等不同,它不会随着其本身的转化和利用而减少,因此也可以说是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的能源。 风能利用已有数千年的历史,在蒸汽机发明以前,风帆和风车是人类生产和生活的重要动力装置埃及被认为可能是最先利用风能的国家,约在几千年以前,他们就开始用风帆来帮助行船。波斯和中国也很早开始利用风能,主要使用垂直轴...
十千瓦风力发电机 前言 传统燃料终将逐渐耗竭,其价格势必日益上涨。因此,风能业已唤起人们再检视其能否成为未来主要可靠能源之一。 风能是一种干净的、储量极为丰富的可再生能源,他和存在于自然界的矿物燃料能源,如煤、石油、天然气等不同,它不会随着其本身的转化和利用而减少,因此也可以说是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的能源。 风能利用已有数千年的历史,在蒸汽机发明以前,风帆和风车是人类生产和生活的重要动力装置埃及被认为可能是最先利用风能的国家,约在几千年以前,他们就开始用风帆来帮助行船。波斯和中国也很早开始利用风能,主要使用垂直轴风车。 我国是最早使用风帆船和风车的国家之一,至少在3000年前的商代就出现了帆船,到唐代风帆船已广泛用于江河航运。明代以后风车得到了广泛的应用,我国沿海沿江的风帆船和用风力提水灌溉或制盐的做法,一直延续到20世纪50年代,仅在江苏沿海利用风力提水的设备增达20万台。 有效利用风能资源,减少对不可再生资源的消耗,降低对环境的污染。在设计的过程中主要解决的问题是风力发电机的总体设计,叶片、桨叶复位机构的设计,回转体机构的设计等。 大自然的风完全不用进口,是地道的自产能源,多加利用可减低对进口石油、煤炭等化石能源的依赖,促进能源来源多元化,在国家安全上也有其战略意义。另外,风力发电机作为防风墙不但可以发出电能还可以为我国沙尘天气的防治起到一定的作用,并且在偏 ,,1,2,3远山区电网无法安装的地区风力发电机还可以为其解决用电难的问题。 所以我选择这个题目作为我的毕业设计,希望可以在发挥出其基本功能的前提下,做出价格便宜,结构简单,通用性强的机械设备来填写我在大学最后的一次答卷~ significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 十千瓦风力发电机设计 1 概述 1.1 选题的目的与意义 人类追求经济成长及现代化的结果使得能源大量消耗,然而地球的化石燃料蕴藏量有限,统计显示依照目前的消耗速率,石油蕴藏量能供人类使用不到50年,天然气不到70年,煤炭较久超过200年,终有一日人类将没有石油可用。然而风力发电不一样,由于摄取大自然的风能,只要太阳及地球仍在运行即无匮乏之虞,而且一部装置在一般地区的风力发电机,在它20年使用寿命中所生产的电力发电机,在卸除它能耗费能源的80倍,是能让人们永续使用的再生能源之一。 大自然的风完全不用进口,是地道的自产能源,多加利用可减低对进口石油、煤炭等化石能源的依赖,促进能源来源多元化,在国家安全上也有其战略意义。在经济社会层面,风力发电可制造工作机会,从零组件的生产、运输、组装、维护等,皆为设置风力发电机当地带来相当的就业机会与新的产业。有效利用风能资源,减少对不可再生资源的消耗, ,,1降低对环境的污染。 风能利用已有数千年的历史,在蒸汽机发明以前,风帆和风车是人类生产和生活的重要动力装置埃及被认为可能是最先利用风能的国家,约在几千年以前,他们就开始用风帆来帮助行船。波斯和中国也很早开始利用风能,主要使用垂直轴风车。 我国是最早使用风帆船和风车的国家之一,至少在3000年前的商代就出现了帆船,到唐代风帆船已广泛用于江河航运。最辉煌的风帆时代是明代,14世纪初叶中国航海家郑和七下西洋,庞大的风帆船队功不可没。明代以后风车得到了广泛的应用,我国沿海沿江的风帆船和用风力提水灌溉或制盐的做法,一直延续到20世纪50年代,仅在江苏沿海利用风力提水的设备增达20万台。 欧洲到中世纪才广泛利用风能,荷兰人发展了水平轴风车。18世纪荷兰曾用近万座风车排水,在低洼的海滩上造出良田,成为著名的风车之国。 随着蒸汽机的出现,以及煤、石油、天然气的大规模开采和廉价电力的获得,各种曾经被广泛使用的风力机械,由于成本高、效率低、使用不方便等,无法与蒸汽机、内燃机和电动机等相竞争,渐渐被淘汰。 到了19世纪末,开始利用风力发电,这在解决农村电气化方面显示了重要的作用,特别是20世纪70年代以后,利用风力发电更进入了一个蓬勃发展的阶段。 2orm, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects,lexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work ofion, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 fentatthe coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implemoff society, promote structural ref-ific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a wellneral Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specthe Geeams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement ishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service tstabltheory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the e nist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on thecommu g of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstandingtly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the foundinsignifican 太阳辐射造成地表面受热不均引起大气温度、密度和压力差别。风能是地球表面空气从压力高的地方向压力低的地方移动时产生的动能,风能资源是经过测在量和质上可供人类开发利用的风能。风能的大小用风功率密度来度量,它与风速的立方和空气密度成正比。 太阳辐射的能量在地球表面约有2%转化为风能。根据荷兰和美国对风能资源的研究,考虑城镇、森林、复杂地形、交通困难的山区及社会环境的制约,如景观和噪音影响等,取具有风能资源土地面积的4%推算,可利用的风能资源储量估计约96亿kW或18.7万亿kW?h/a。另外,海岸线附近的浅海区域也有非常丰富的风能资源,且平均风速大、湍流小,仅欧盟国家沿岸的海上风能资源估计约3万亿kW?h/a,比欧盟12国目前的年用电量2万亿kW?h还大,如按年满功率发电2 500h,则装机容量可达12亿kW。 风能是一种干净的、储量极为丰富的可再生能源,他和存在于自然界的矿物燃料能源,如煤、石油、天然气等不同,它不会随着其本身的转化和利用而减少,因此也可以说是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的能源;而煤、石油、天然气等矿物燃料能源,其储量将随着利用时间的增长而日趋减少。矿物燃料在利用过程中会带来严重的环境污染问题,如空气中的 等气体的排放量的增长导致了温室效应、酸雨等现象的产生。因此CO、SO、NO、CO22x 自20世纪70年代末以来,随着世界各国对环境保护、能源短缺及节能等问题的日益关注,认为大规模利用风力发电是减少空气污染、减少有害气体(等)排放气体的有效CO2 之一。 传统火力发电燃烧化石燃料而排放大量的二氧化碳及其它污染物质,破坏环境并造成全球暖化,严重影响生态系统病危及人类健康;核能发电虽不像火力发电般排放许多污染物质,但温排水可能影响海洋生态,而且目前尚无法完善处理半衰期长达数千、数万年的高放射性核废料,使其部分环境造成影响。相比之下风力发电完全没有上述问题。风力发电机在转换电力过程中不排放二氧化碳及任何污染物质,更没有放射性物质的困扰,是非常干净的能源,因此广受注重环境保护的欧美国家的欢迎,成为应用最多的再生能源技术之一。 1.2 目前国内外风电技术发展状况 风力发电机组 (简称风电机)是将风能转化为电能的机械。风轮是风电机最主要的部件,由浆叶和轮毂组成。桨叶具有良好的空气动力外形,在气流作用下能产生空气动力使风轮旋转,将风能转换成机械能,再通过齿轮箱增速,驱动发电机转变成电能。在理论上,最好的风轮只能将约60%的风能转换为机械能。现代风电机风轮的效率可达到40%。风电 3achievements in the work of andingwo studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstnd rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "t, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban aoff society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city-ntend for actor, actively participate in building a wellTo coof important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, a embers to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping seriesrty m, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Pathe work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post e done", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, havParty committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "createhe founding of, through the selection of branch, significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of t 十千瓦风力发电机设计 机输出达到额定功率前,功率与风速的立方成正比,即风速增加1倍,输出功率增加8倍,所以同力发电的效益与当地的风速关系极大。由于风速随时在变化,风电机常年在野外运行,承受十分复杂恶劣的交变载荷。当前生产的主力机型为600~750kW,机体庞大,风轮直径和塔架高度都达到40~50m,设计和制造较困难。目前风电机的设计寿命是20a,要求经受住60 m/s的11级暴风袭击,代表机组可靠性的可利用率要达到95%以上。德国、丹麦、西班牙、英国、荷兰、瑞典、印度、加拿大等国在风力发电技术的研究与应用上投入了相当大的人力及资金,充分综合利用空气动力学、新材料、新型电机、电力电子技术、计算机、自动控制及通信技术等方面的最新成果,开发建立了评估风力资源的测量及计算机模拟系统,发展了变浆距控制及失速控制的风力机设计理论,采用了新型风力机设计理论,采用了新型风力机叶片材料及叶片翼型,研制出了变极、变滑差、变速、恒频及低速永磁等新型发电机,开发了由微机控制的单台及多台风力发电机组成的机群的自动控制技术,从而大大提高了风力发电的效率及可靠性。当前,世界风电技术发展的特点是: 1)风力机单机大型化 风力机单机容量不断增加是风电技术的显著特点之一。商业风力机平均单机容量从1982年为55kw到2002年约为1100kw,20年增加了近20倍。随着技术的逐渐成熟早年多样化的设计理念也趋向统一。单机容量大,有利于降低每千瓦的制造成本;而且大型机组采用更高的塔架,有利于捕获风能,50m高度捕获的风能要比30m高度处多20%。目前,商业化机组的单机容量已达3.6MW。 2)变速恒频机组将成为主流机型 目前,世界各地风电场的风力发电机组,绝大多数为恒速运行机组。随着控制技术的发展和变速恒频机组的应用,风力机开始改恒速运行为变速运行,风轮转速随风速变化,在低于额定风俗的相当大范围内保持最佳叶尖速比已获得最大风能。 3)重量更轻、结构更具柔性 随着风力机叶片的增长,其单位功率的重量更轻、结构更柔性。叶片材料由玻璃纤维增强树脂发展为强度高、质量轻的碳纤维。同时,针对风力机的空气动力环境,风力机专用新翼型也得到广泛应用,大大改善叶片的气动性能。 4)海上风力发电迅速发展 由于海上风力资源比陆地上好,风速比沿岸路上约高25%,且海面粗糙度小,海上风场湍流强度小,具有稳定的主导风向,减少机组疲劳载荷,延长使用寿命。 ion, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 f4entatlexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work ofthe coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implem orm, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects,off society, promote structural ref-ific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a wellneral Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specthe Geeams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement ishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service tstabltheory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the e nist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on thecommu g of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstandingtly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the foundinsignifican 5)中国风力发电的发展 中国现代风力发电机技术的开发利用起源于20世纪70年代初。经过初期发展、单机分散研制、系列化和标准化几个阶段的发展,无论在科学研究、设计制造,还是试验、示范、应用推广等方面均有了长足的进步和很大的提高,并取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益。 我国开发、研制、生产小型风力发电机组的单位共47家,年生产能力超过了4万台。产品的额定功率100W-10KW。到2002年底,全国累计生产离网型小型风力发电机组24万多台。 表1-1 中国风电场装机容量发展情况(单位:万KW) Tab 1-1 China's installed capacity of wind power development (unit : 10,000 KW) 装机容量 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 当年新增 4.47 7.65 5.72 6.69 9.98 19.8 累计容量 26.83 34.48 40.20 46.62 56.6 76.4 累计容量 26.83 34.48 40.20 46.62 56.6 76.4 1.3 风力发电的原理和需要解决的问题 风力发电依靠空气的流动-也就是风-来推动风力发电机的叶片而发电,风的形成则是源于地球本身的自转以及区域性的太阳辐射热吸收不均匀而引起空气的循环流动,小规模者如海路风、山谷风,大规模者如东北季风或台风。 一部典型的现代水平轴式风力发电机包括叶片、轮毂(与叶片合称叶轮)、机舱罩、齿轮箱、发电机、塔架、基座、控制系统、电缆线等。当风流过叶片时,由于空气动力的效应带动叶轮转动,叶轮透过主轴连结齿轮箱,经过齿轮箱加速后带动发电机发电。目前亦有厂商推出无齿轮箱式机组,可降低震动、噪音,提高发电效率,但成本相对较高。 风力发电机并不能将所有流经的风力能源转换成电力,理论上最高转换效率约为59%,实际上大多数的叶片转换风能效率约介于30~50%之间,经过机电设备转换成电力能后的总输出效率则约介于20~45%。由于发电效率较高只风力发电机其经济效益较佳,鉴于水平轴式拥有较高发电效率,现代风力发电机多为水平轴式。 风力发电机的电力输出与风的速度非常有关,叶片能自风获得之能量与风速的三次方成正比,一般市场上风力发电机的启动风速约介于2.5~4m/s,于风速12~15m/s时达到额定的输出容量,风速更高时风力发电机的控制机构将电力输出稳定在额定容量左右,为避免 5achievements in the work of andingwo studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstnd rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "t, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban aoff society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city-ntend for actor, actively participate in building a wellTo coof important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, a embers to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping seriesrty m, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Pathe work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post e done", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, havParty committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "createhe founding of, through the selection of branch, significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of t 十千瓦风力发电机设计 过高的风速损坏发电机,大多于风速达20~25m/s范围内停机。一般采用旋角节制或失速节制方式来调节叶片之气动性能及叶轮之输出。 除了风速外,叶轮直径决定了可摄取风能的多少,约与叶轮直径平方成正比,以目前商业化的中、大型风力发电机为例,容量600kW的机组其叶轮直径约45m左右,1000kW的机组叶轮直径约55m左右,2000kW的机组叶轮直径则约75m左右,依生产工艺而异。 叶片的数量亦影响风力发电机的输出,一般而言多叶片的风车效率较低但机械力矩较高,适用于汲水等工作;少叶片型(1~3叶片)效率较高而力矩较低,其中又以2叶及3叶效 率较高。此外,现代风力发电机的叶片多采用机翼翼型,以更有效的摄取风能。 图1-1叶轮直径与风能摄取量的关系 Fig 1-1 Impeller diameter intake and the number of wind energy 风能利用发展中的关键技术问题风能技术是一项涉及多个学科的综合技术。而且,风力机具有不同于通常机械系统的特性:动力源是具有很强随机性和不连续性的自然风,叶片经常运行在失速工况,传动系统的动力输入异常不规则,疲劳负载高于通常旋转机械几十倍。对于这样的强随机性的综合系统,其技术发展中有下列几个关键技术问题。 1)空气动力学问题 空气动力设计是风力机设计技术的基础,它主要涉及下列问题:一是风场湍流模型,早期风力机设计采用简化风场模型,对风力机疲劳载荷和极端载荷的确定具有重要意义;另一是动态气动模型。再一是新系列翼型。 2)结构动力学问题 准确的结构动力学分析是风力机向更大、更柔和结构更优方向发展的关键。 3)控制技术问题 风力机组的控制系统是一个综合性的控制系统。随着风力机组由恒速定浆距运行发展到变速变浆距运行,控制系统除了对机组进行并网、脱网和调向控制外,还要对机组进行转速和功率的控制,以保证机组安全和跟踪最佳运行功率。 orm, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects,6off society, promote structural reflexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work ofion, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 fentatthe coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implem -ific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a wellneral Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specthe Geeams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement ishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service tstabltheory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the e nist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on thecommu g of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstandingtly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the foundinsignifican 1.4 我国风能资源分布 风能是空气运动产生的动能,它是太阳能的一种转化形式,是一种清洁的可再生能源。 15全球风能资源极为丰富,据世界气象组织估计,地球上近地层的风能总量约为可1.3,10W 12利用的风能至少为,约为地球上可利用水能总量的10倍。 10W 表1-2 风能资源比较丰富的省区 Tab 1-2 Wind resource rich provinces 省区 风力资源/万KW 省区 风力资源/万KW 内蒙古 6178 山东 394 新疆 3433 江西 293 黑龙江 1723 江苏 238 甘肃 1143 广东 195 吉林 638 浙江 164 河北 612 福建 137 辽宁 606 海南 64 全国总量/万KW 25300 1.5 风力机的类型和分类 风力机将风的动能转换为机械能或其他形式的能量。按功率输出的大小,风力机一般 分为小型(10KW以下),中型(10KW-100KW)和大型(100KW以上)。 风力机的种类相当多,依结构式样可分类为: 按主轴与地面的相对位置,可分为水平轴与垂直轴式。 按转子相对于风向的位置,可分为上风式与下风式。 按转子叶片工作原理可分为升力型与阻力型。 按转子叶片数量,可分为单叶型,双叶型,三叶型,荷兰型,美国农村多叶型。 7achievements in the work of andingwo studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstnd rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "t, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban aoff society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city-ntend for actor, actively participate in building a wellTo coof important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, a embers to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping seriesrty m, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Pathe work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post e done", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, havParty committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "createhe founding of, through the selection of branch, significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of t 十千瓦风力发电机设计 2 风力机基础理论 2.1 风速、风能与空气密度 风场的风速资料是设计风轮机最基本的资料。风场的实际风速是随时间不断变化的量,因此风速一般用瞬时风速和平均风速来描述。瞬时风速是短时间发生的实际风速,也称有效风速,平均风速是一段较长时间内瞬时风速的平均值。 某地一年内发生同一风速的小时数与全年小时数(8760h)的比称为该风速的风速频率,它是风能资源和风能电站可研报告的基本数据。风速与地形、地势、高度、建筑物等密切相关,风能桨叶高度处的风速才是风轮设计风速,因此,设计风轮机电站还要有风速沿高度的变化资料。 风的变化是随机的,任一地点的风向、风速和持续的时间是变化的,为定量地衡量风力资源,通常用风能玫瑰图来表示。图2-1上射线长度是某一方向上风速频率和平均风速三次方的积,用以评估各方向的风能优势。 北 西东 南 图2-1风能玫瑰图 Fig 2 -1 Rose wind map 不同海拔高度风场的空气密度也不同,它是风力发电的一个重要计算参数,不同海拔高度空气密度见表2-1。 8lexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work ofion, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 fentateams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implem orm, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects,off society, promote structural ref-ific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a wellneral Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specthe Geishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service tstabltheory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the e nist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on thecommu g of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstandingtly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the foundinsignifican 表2-1 不同海拔高度风场的空气密度 Tab2 -1 Different altitude wind farms air density ,/,/V/ V/ 大气压/ 大气压/ 海拔/ 海拔/ 335353 m/kgm/kg m kg/mkg/m,10pa,10pam 0 1.013 0.817 1.224 500 0.955 0.866 1.155 100 1.001 0.826 1.211 1000 0.899 0.920 1.087 200 0.989 0.836 1.196 1500 0.847 0.977 1.024 300 0.978 0.846 1.182 2000 0.797 1.038 0.963 400 0.966 0.857 1.167 2.2 风力等级 风力等级是根据风对地面或海面物体影响而引起的各种现象,按风力的强度等级来估 计风力的大小,国际上采用的是英国人蒲福(Francis Beaufort,1774~1859)于1805年所拟 定的等级,故又称蒲福风级,他把静风到飓风分为13级。见表2-2。 表2-2 蒲福风力等级表 Tab2 -2 Bofu wind scale 相当于平地10m 风 名称 高处的风速(m/s) 力 陆上地物征象 等 中文 英文 范围 中数 级 0 静风 Calm 0.0~0.2 0 静、烟直上 烟能表示风向,树叶 软风 1 Light air 0.3~1.5 1 略有摇动 人面感觉有风,树叶 轻风 有微响,旗子开始飘2 Light breeze 1.6~3.3 2 动,高的草开始摇动 树叶及小枝摇动不3 微风 Gentle breeze 3.4~5.4 4 息,旗子展开,高的 草摇动不息 能吹起地面灰尘和4 和风 Moderate breeze 5.5~7.9 7 纸张,树枝动摇,高 的草呈波浪起伏 9achievements in the work of andingwo studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstnd rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "t, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban aoff society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a cityof important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, a-ntend for actor, actively participate in building a wellTo co embers to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping seriesrty m, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Pathe work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post e done", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, havParty committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "createhe founding of, through the selection of branch, significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of t 十千瓦风力发电机设计 有叶的小树摇摆,内 清劲风 陆的水面有小波,高5 Fresh breeze 8.0~10.7 9 的草波浪起伏明显 大树枝摇动,电线呼 呼有声,撑伞困难, 6 强风 Strong breeze 10.8~13.8 12 高的草不时倾伏于 地 大树摇动,大树枝弯 疾风 下来,迎风步行感觉7 Near gale 13.9~17.1 16 不变 可折毁小树枝,人迎 8 大风 Gale 17.2~20.7 20 风前行感觉阻力甚 大 草房遭受破坏,屋瓦 烈风 被掀起,大树枝可折9 Strong gale 20.8~24.4 23 断 树木可被吹倒,一般 10 狂风 Storm 24.5~28.4 26 建筑物遭破坏 大树可被吹倒,一般 暴风 11 Violent storm 28.5~32.6 31 建筑物遭严重破坏 陆上少见,其摧毁力 12 飓风 Hurricane >32.6 >33 极大 2.3 理想风能的利用 经风轮做功后的风也有一定流速和动能,因此风的能量只能被部分转化为机械能。风轮前后流场如图2-2。 设 ,,,P,PV,V,V, , (2-1) acwawbwt 由伯努利方程 122,(V,V),P,P (2-2) wwcab2 作用在风轮上的轴向力 10orm, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects,lexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work ofion, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 fentatthe coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implemoff society, promote structural ref-ific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a wellneral Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specthe Geeams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement ishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service tstabltheory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the e nist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on thecommu g of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstandingtly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the foundinsignifican 122F=A()= (2-3) ,A(V,V)P,Pwwcab2 2A= (2-4) ,r 式中 A ??桨叶扫过的面积,?; 3 ??空气密度,; ,kg/m P ??风轮机功率,KW; ??平均风速, m/s; Vwt ??轮前风速, m/s; Vw ??轮后风速, m/s; Vwc ??轮前压力, pa; Pa ??轮后压力, pa; Pb F ??轴向力, N; r ??风轮半径, m; BA 风速Vw v轮前风速W vWAVwt轮后风速VwcvWB PAP轮前压力a 轮后压力PAPB 图2-2风轮前后流场 Fig2 -2 Wind flow around 质量流量 q,,AV (2-5) mwt 桨叶中的平均风速等于轮前、轮后风速的平均值 1V,(V,V) (2-6) wtwwc2 ,E从风能中可能提取的能量是进出口风的动能差 122,EqVqV,,() (2-7) mwmwc2 11wo studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstachievements in the work of andingnd rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "t, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban aoff society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city-ntend for actor, actively participate in building a wellTo coof important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, a embers to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping seriesrty m, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Pathe work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post e done", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, havParty committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "createhe founding of, through the selection of branch, significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of t 十千瓦风力发电机设计 122,,,AVVV()wtwwc2 122,,,AVVVV()(),wwcwwc4 已知输入风轮的能量为 1,3, (2-8) EEAAV,,,inw2 风能利用系数 ,可能提取的风能E C,, (2-9) p,输入的风能Ein可能提取的能量 13,ECAV ,,, (2-10) wp2 代入各值得 22,0.25A(VV)(VV),,wwcwwc (2-11) C,p30.5,AVw Vwc令 ,a (2-12) Vw 将式2-12代入下式得风能利用系数 2(1,a)(1,a)C,,f(V,V) (2-13) pwwc2 C可由式(2-13)求得风轮机风能利用系数的极值。 p dCpCVV进口风速是已知的,对求导,并令为零,,0,求得风能利用系数为极pwwcdVwc大值时的轮后风速 V1wV,,a, (2-14) wc33 C通过式2-13求得风能利用系数的极大值为 p C =0.593 (2-15) Pmax 由式2-10得出最大理想可能利用的风能为 1,,20.5930.593E,E,,,AV (2-16) inwmax2 12lexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work ofion, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 fentatthe coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implem ishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service torm, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects,off society, promote structural ref-ific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a wellneral Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specthe Geeams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement stabltheory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the e nist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on thecommu g of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstandingtly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the foundinsignifican 理想风轮机的能量密度 13, 0.593 (2-17) E,,,Vwmax2 2.4 风轮机基本参数 风能指空气运动的动能,一般用单位时间内通过单位面积的能量即风能密度来衡量风能的大小。 13即 E= (2-18) ,A,2 2式中 A??风轮扫掠面积, ; m ??风速, m/s; , 3??为空气密度, kg/; m, 3在本设计中取=1.25kg/m。由式2-18可知风能的大小与空气密度和通过的面积成正比,, 与风速的立方成正比。 叶尖速比是风轮叶尖线速度与风速的比值, ,,R,/, 即 (2-19) 式中 R??为风轮半径, m; ??为风轮角速度, rad; , ,??叶尖速比 ; 根据动量守恒原理,可知空气作用在风轮上的推力为 F,,Au(,,u) (2-20) 01 2m式中 A??为风轮扫掠面积, ; ??为通过风轮的风速,因此代表了单位时间内流过风轮的空气质量, kg; u,Au ,??为风轮前方未受风轮影响的来流风速,m/s; 0 u??为尾流中达到压力平衡后的风速, m/s; 1 在风力机设计时需要确定一些参数,可采用确定风力机额定出力或选用最大能量输出来计算设计点。设计中占主导的风速,如果在实际中这一风速不能得到充分利用,产生损失也就说明设计存在问题,也就是风力机叶型设计有问题,这也是风力机的动力研究的本质。在空气动力方面最重要的发展是,研制新的风力机叶片叶型,以转化更多的风能,如美国国家可再生能源实验室(NREL)开发了一种新型叶片叶型,试验表明,新型叶片比早期 13, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban aachievements in the work of andingwo studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstnd rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "toff society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city-ntend for actor, actively participate in building a wellTo coof important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, a embers to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping seriesrty m, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Pathe work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post e done", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, havParty committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "createhe founding of, through the selection of branch, significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of t 十千瓦风力发电机设计 的风力机叶片转化的风能要大20%以上。目前设计的叶片,最大风能利用系数约为0.47左右,而风能利用系数的极限值是0.593,可见在叶片叶型的改进上还有较大的发展空间。采用柔性叶片也是一个发展动向,利用新型材料(如新型工程塑料等)。进行设计制造,使其在风况变化时能够相应改变它们的型面,从而改善空气动力响应和叶片受力状况,增加可靠性和对风能的转化量。 另外,还在开发新的空气动力控制装置(如叶片上的副翼,它能够简单、有效地限制转子的旋转速度,比机械刹车更可靠,并且费用低。 2.5 功率调节 功率调节是风力发电机组的关键技术之一。风力发电机组在超过额定风速(一般为12,16m/s;)以后,由于机械强度和发电机、电力电子容量等物理性能的限制,必须降低风轮的能量捕获,使功率输出仍保持在额定值的附近。这样也同时限制了桨叶承受的负荷和整个风力机受到的冲击,从而保证风力机安全不受损害。功率调节方式主要有定桨距失速调节、变桨距角调节和混合调节三种方式。 1)定桨距失速调节 定桨距是指风轮的桨叶与轮毂是刚性连接,叶片的桨距角不变。当空气流流经上下翼面形状不同的叶片时,叶片弯曲面的气流加速,压力降低,凹面的气流减速,压力升高,压差在叶片上产生由凹面指向弯曲面的升力。如果桨距角不变,随,着风速增加,攻角相应增大,开始升力会增大,到一定攻角后,尾缘气流分离区增大,v,W 形成大的涡流,上下翼面压力差减小,升力迅速减少,造成叶片失速(与飞机的机翼失速机理一样),自动限制了功率的增加。 风桨距角β入转速风速Vw口攻角α9.35?相转向29.52?对F速Fd度F1叶型弦线 风向 风 轮 回 转 平 面 图2-3桨叶失速前的状态图 Fig 2 -3 Blade stall before the state chart ion, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 f14entatlexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work ofthe coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implem orm, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects,off society, promote structural ref-ific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a wellneral Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specthe Geeams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement ishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service tstabltheory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the e nist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on thecommu g of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstandingtly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the foundinsignifican 因此,定桨距失速控制没有功率反馈系统和变桨距角伺服执行机构,整机结构简单、部件少、造价低,并具有较高的安全系数。缺点是这种失速控制方式依赖育叶片独特的翼型结构,叶片本身结构较复杂,成型工艺难度也较大。随着功率增大,叶片加长,所承受的气动推力大,使得叶片的刚度减弱,失速动态特性不易控制,所以很少应用在兆瓦级以上的大型风力发电机组的功率控制上。 2)变桨距角调节 变桨距角型风力发电机能使风轮叶片的安装角随风速而变化,风速增大时,桨距角向迎风面积减小的方向转动一个角度,相当于增大桨距角,从而减小,攻角,风力机功率相应增大。 , 变桨距角机组启动时可对转速进行控制,并网后可对功率进行控制,使风力机的启动性能和功率输出特性都有显著改善。变桨距角调节的风力发电机在阵风时,塔架、叶片、基础受到的冲击,较之失速调节型风力发电机组要小得多,可减少材料,降低整机质量。它的缺点是需要有一套比较复杂的变桨距角调节机构,要求风力机的变桨距角系统对阵风的响应速度足够快,才能减轻由于风的波动引起的功率脉动。 3)混合调节 这种调节方式是前两种功率调节方式的组合。在低风速时,采用变桨距角调节,可达到更高的气动效率;当风机达到额定功率后,使桨距角向减小的方向转,过一个角度,相应的攻角增大,使叶片的失速效应加深,从而限制风能的捕获。这种方, 式变桨距调节不需要很灵敏的调节速度,执行机构的功率相对可以较小。 2.6 风轮迎风技术 风速的大小、方向随时间总是在不断变化,为保证风轮机稳定工作,必须有一个装置跟踪风向变化,使风轮随风向变化自动相应转动,保持风轮与风向始终垂直。这种装置就是风轮机迎风装置。 132P,,,,,r,v,C (2-21) WP2 ,30,v,Wn, (2-22) ,,r 式中 P??风轮机输出功率, KW; 3m,??空气密度, kg/; 15achievements in the work of andingwo studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstnd rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "t, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban aoff society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city-ntend for actor, actively participate in building a wellTo coof important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, a embers to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping seriesrty m, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Pathe work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post e done", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, havParty committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "createhe founding of, through the selection of branch, significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of t
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