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我们有伟大奇妙的真神我们有伟大奇妙的真神 | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Blood of the Lamb Part 80 , 我們有偉大奇妙的真神,你的人生不應該有恐懼,多少時候,基督徒受洗歸入主之後,完全沒有改變,可是這樣偉大奇妙的 真神就無法將偉大奇妙的釋放在他裡面。切記,神在等候你改變,改變你的人意、情意、心意進入神的旨意,什麼時候你改 變完成,偉大奇妙真神就進入你的工作、生活、生命中創造奇蹟,你若不改變,就不要埋怨怎麼受洗後神沒有幫助你。其實 神每天在你四周圍看顧你,只是神有一個靈律,就是將律例、典章的路...
我们有伟大奇妙的真神 | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Blood of the Lamb Part 80 , 我們有偉大奇妙的真神,你的人生不應該有恐懼,多少時候,基督徒受洗歸入主之後,完全沒有改變,可是這樣偉大奇妙的 真神就無法將偉大奇妙的釋放在他裡面。切記,神在等候你改變,改變你的人意、情意、心意進入神的旨意,什麼時候你改 變完成,偉大奇妙真神就進入你的工作、生活、生命中創造奇蹟,你若不改變,就不要埋怨怎麼受洗後神沒有幫助你。其實 神每天在你四周圍看顧你,只是神有一個靈律,就是將律例、典章的路安排給你走,引導你愈走愈高。切記,你的心思意念 必須在神的面前完全改變自己,There should be no fear in your life for our God is wondrous and almighty. You must change yourself after being baptized for the wonder of God to take part in your life. God is waiting for you to change your thoughts, your feelings, and your will into the will of God. It is when you complete the transition of changing, God’s wonder will be filled in your work and your life. Quit complaining about the absence of God’s help if you are not willing to change yourself. Everyday God takes care of you and protects you. It is a law that God will lead you and guide you to the higher ground. However, you must change your thoughts and your heart before the Lord. , 善惡果是神的經典之作,如果吃了就喪失了跟神的關係。善惡果是,,預言性,,啟示性,,順服性,,挑戰性, ,得勝性。啟示錄第2章神對以弗所教會說要恢復起初的愛心,若不恢復,聖靈就將燈臺挪走,也就沒有光。然 而,神又說,『得勝的,我必將神樂園中生命樹的果子賜給他吃。』,啟2:7,亞當、夏娃在伊甸園沒有得勝,所 以吃不到生命樹的果子。他們失敗的原因就是因為在修理、看守的權柄上沒有注意,而被邪靈用善惡樹來進攻。當 夏娃還沒有吃善惡果前,撒但已攻進她的心防,而她被攻敗了。蛇說,『神豈是真說,』這句話是否認神的話。邪 靈無所不在,如果你不肯定神五分鐘,那五分鐘就被攻破。因此,屬靈人是日日夜夜不住地禱告,什麼時候你否認 神的話,魔鬼就欺負你。The tree of knowledge of good and evil is a classic act of the Lord. If you eat from the tree, you will lose your relationship with God. The fruit of knowledge of good and evil is 1) prophecy 2) revelation 3) submit ion 4) challenge 5) victory. In Revelation chapter 2, God commanded the church of Ephesus to restore the first love; otherwise, God will remove their lampstand from its place. In addition, for the one who overcomes, will receive the fruit of life. (Revelation 2:7) Adam and Eve failed to overcome. Therefore, they were not able to eat from the tree of life. The reason for their failure is that they neglected the importance of the authority God had given them to work and to take care. Before eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, Eve was already being attacked by Satan with the words “Did God really say,” Eve failed to be affirmative on God’s word therefore failed to be victorious. Evil spirit is everywhere, so you must stay affirmative on God’s words. The minute you do not stay affirmative on God’s word, you fail. We must keep a heart of prayer always for anytime you deny God’s word, devil attacks you. , 創世記提到的起初與約翰福音的太初,英文都是寫著,in the beginning。但其中不同點是創世記的起初是有地方 性,也就是那時候創造的開始。然而,約翰福音中的太初是亙古中的亙古。亞當、夏娃被創造之前,明亮之星,早 晨之子已經墮落了。因此,耶穌說祂曾看見撒但從天上墮落,這不是指著耶穌在世時所看見的,乃是創造世界之 前,耶穌就看見了。神知道撒但的墮落會用善惡樹來引誘夏娃,因此,神告訴亞當、夏娃千萬不可吃,因為善惡樹 是,預言性,,啟示性,,順服性,,挑戰性,,得勝性。Both Genesis and the Book of John talked about “in the beginning”. The difference of the two is, in Genesis, the “in the beginning” is localized; it was targeted in the particular time frame during the creation. In the Book of John, “in the beginning” meant the very beginning of times. Before the world was created, before Adam and Eve was made, there was the fallen of the morning star, son of the dawn. When Jesus said he saw the fallen of Satan, he didn’t mean during the years when He was on Earth, rather the time before the world. God foreseen that for Satan was fallen, he would tempt Eve. Therefore, God commanded Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree. For the tree of knowledge of good and evil is 1) prophecy 2) revelation 3) submit ion 4) challenge 5) victory. | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | July 10, 2010 | | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Blood of the Lamb Part 80 , 你今天回到神面前,應當讓聖靈使你恢復預言性。聖經創世記的第一章到啟示錄最後一章都講到神蹟、預言性,可 是,輪到很多人卻是以人意、感情、利益來讀聖經,夏娃尚未摘善惡果之前,已經否認神了。當你否定開始,失去 真實感,就會活在虛假的假設性,因此,就會產生憂慮、重擔,你要成功之前,務必肯定神的話,如果你不肯定神 的話,神無法在你心中創造偉大奇妙的作為,夏娃的真實性已經被蛇攻破,離開真光、不信靠神了,心裡面也開始 模糊焦點,所以開始改變神的話,便跟蛇說善惡樹不可摸。切記,當神對你說的話,你不要改變,譬如撒母耳對掃 羅說,『你到吉甲等我獻祭,,,』,撒上 10:8,掃羅等到百姓開始混亂了,他的心開始被影響、被攻破,所以他 就獻祭了。剛獻完祭,撒母耳就到了,說,『你做這糊塗事,』,撒上13:13,君王不能獻祭,並且掃羅沒有順服 性聽先知撒母耳的話。今天你會做糊塗事,也是因為被邪靈攻破。邪靈是無孔不入,正找機會要攻破你。因此,你 天天要舉手禱告,讓你的心不能被撒但攻破,譬如你要結婚要禱告讓聖靈指示誰才是你的Mr. Right,否則,你人 意、感情所找的就是Mr.重擔、 Mr.包袱,還好神說,『凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。』 ,太11:28,但是,你仍要背起十字架,You must return before the Lord. To let the Holy Spirit restore your prophecy. From the first chapter of Genesis to the last chapter of Revelation, Bible talked about the miracles and prophecy. However, many people read the Bible with their own will, emotion, and lust. Before Eve took the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, she denied God. When you start to deny, your life will became vague. Eventually leads to depressions and burdens. Before you can be successful, you must be affirmative to God’s word. You will not able to experience God’s wonder in your life if you cannot stay affirmative on God’s word. When Eve’s focus was shifted by the snake and turned away from the true light, she stopped depending on God and changed God’s word. You must never change the word God tells you. When there was disturbance in people, King Saul was affected and changed the words therefore failed to obey the words God commanded him through Prophet Samuel. (1 Samuel 10:8/13:13) Evil is always looking for chances to attack you. You must lift your hands and pray daily. Never let your heart be doubted by Satan. You must let the Holy Spirit show you your Mr. Right. Otherwise, if you depended on your own emotions and feelings, you will find yourself a Mr. Burden. Fortunately, Jesus told us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Therefore, you must carry your cross and follow Jesus. 太7:21-23 / 太7:24-27 , 喊主啊,主啊,的人是信耶穌、有一點恩賜,所以奉耶穌的名趕鬼,做起傳道人。可是,後來心防被攻破、沒有神 的國度,於是,藉著耶穌的名趕鬼來顯明自我肉體的表率,沒有進入生命層次。一個人若真正進入生命層次,他的 恩賜會愈來愈強,而且他所做的都是國度化,不是表率自己個人化。在路加福音中,門徒很高興將鬼趕出的時候, 耶穌說,『不要因鬼服了你們就歡喜,要因你們的名記錄在天上歡喜。』,路10:20,趕鬼、醫病只是恩賜,最重 要的是生命付出代價、為神的國、為耶穌再來、背起十字架、為耶穌受苦的這種生命記在天上的生命冊。今天你求 神的國與神的義,神會將一切所需的加給你,因為國度的權柄關乎你成功的關鍵,It is important to call out to the Lord and to cast out demons in the name of Jesus. But we should never let go of our guards and focus on our own representation through these actions and therefore lost the view of the kingdom. If one truly established a relationship with God, he/she will be greatly gifted and all he/she does is to represent the kingdom but not him/herself. Book of Luke taught us, when the disciples were happy about the fact they casted out demons. Jesus told them, what they really should be happy about is to have their name recorded in the book of life. (Luke 10:20) The abilities to cast out demons and to heal the sick are gifts from God. Most importantly, you must sacrifice for souls, for the kingdom, and for the coming of Jesus. When you seek first the kingdom and the righteousness, God will bless you with everything else, for your success depends on the authority of the kingdom. | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | July 10, 2010 | | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Blood of the Lamb Part 80 , 最近全世界金融風暴非常厲害,有人問許多猶太人怎麼成功,他們的回應,『我要做的一切要建立在神的磐石上, 不是在沙土上。』將來世界的風暴非常大,好比啟示錄13章講到有一頭大獸從海中出現,有七頭十角,這是講到 歐洲共同體。但現在歐洲共同體有十幾個國家,聖經顯明只有十個國家,也就是說歐洲一定會大起金融風暴,最後 只會剩十個國家。而且聖經說七頭上有褻瀆神的名號,意思歐洲最後有七個國家非常褻瀆神。如果你好好研讀神的 話,一定會非常成功,也清楚明白將來的光景。字句有榮光,但是,字句要進入Agape,愛,,就是將字句的話行 出來。譬如今天有人辱罵你,你就微笑祝福他,你只講極美、造就的話,不講否定的話,那就是行出字句。當你得 到愛的信心行為,神就給你Rhema,神正向你說話,。When the world economy tumbles, many people seek the secret of the success of the Jews. Their reaction was that they had built all they have on the foundation of God. There will be greater disturbance in the world economy in the future. You must read the Bible carefully to understand the circumstances of the future then you will be successful. Put your action into the word of God, Agape, the love of God. If people prosecuted you, you must bless them with joy. You should only speak the words of glory, praise, and affirmation. When your faith and action shows the love of God, God will talk to you (Rhema). , 智慧在十字路口、在街道上呼喊,記得一個問題,善惡果是可以摸。譬如我常去精錶店看勞力士,看一看、摸一 摸,神說不能買,我就放下。善惡果是可摸的,但決定買不買是在乎聖靈,Wisdom is waiting where the paths meet. Remember that the fruit of knowledge of good and evil is touchable. For example, Pastor Ku often goes jewelry shop to look at watches, but when God tells him not to buy, he will put it down and walk away, because he understands the decision is up to the Holy Spirit. , 夏娃被邪靈攻破心防,就改變神的話,魔鬼很厲害的一招就是先攻破你的心靈,然後再讓你改變神的話,非常可 怕,也因此,夏娃開始覺得善惡果,,悅人眼目,,覺得可愛,,能使人有智慧。你要得勝,切記,你看一看、摸 一摸可以,但決定的時刻是在乎神,Eve was defeated by the devil, so she changed the word of God. Therefore, watch out for things 1. Pleased to the eye, 2. Good to be food, and 3. Make you wise. You need to learn to overcome it. Remember, you can watch and touch, but the decision is up to God. 箴 Proverbs 8:1-4 , 手機必須要有電,並且有電話號碼,而且你不要忘記付帳單,也懂得使用,這樣你就能使用手機。同樣地,今天聖 靈的手機需要你天天在早禱會充電。如果你三天不充電,屬靈的手機就沒電了,那你就會胡思亂想,做什麼都沒用 了,即使你充電了,若不付帳,也會被卡斷,因此,你要付出你的時間、背起十字架、傳福音。現在有一種山寨版 手機,裡面有一種裝置可以聽見你講的話。人的頭腦都到這種層次,何況我們的神,你的一舉一動祂都知道,連你 的頭髮祂都屬過,In order to use your cell phone, it has to be charged and activated. In the same way, you need to charge your spiritual cell phone by coming to the Morning Prayer meeting every morning. If you stop coming for three day, the spiritual cell phone will run out of battery and evil thoughts will be filled up your mind. Even if you charge your phone, you will still not be able to use it, if the phone is not activated. Therefore, you need to pay your price by reading Bible and sharing the gospel. God is watching your every move; He even counted the number of your hair. , 聖靈一直在發聲音,你怎麼接收神的話,得著聖靈的能力,然後有生命的奧秘,並且付代價、愛教會、傳福音,這 樣你日夜神都會給你簡訊、充滿預言,末後的世代,你一定要活在預言性。只要你不吃善惡果,預言性、啟示性、 順服性就來了。只要不吃善惡果,挑戰性就成功了,那麼得勝性就來了! The Holy Spirit is calling out. To receive the word of God, you need first receive the Holy Spirit and then the mystery of life and pay your price; love your church and share the gospel. As a result, you life will be full of prophecies. In the end time, you must live in the prophecy of God. As | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | July 10, 2010 | | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Blood of the Lamb Part 80 long as you do not eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, the characteristic of prophecy, revelation, and obedience will come to you and you will be able to overcome the challenge and be victorious. | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | July 10, 2010 | | by Pastor Mark Ku 尊榮基督的寶血 Blood of the Lamb Part 80 | 早禱會 Morning Prayer Meeting | July 10, 2010 |
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