

2018-04-12 22页 doc 59KB 38阅读




成语网提供十二生肖成语大全解释及典故成语网提供十二生肖成语大全解释及典故 成语网提供十二生肖成语大全解释及典故合集 更多连接请点击 十二生肖:马 万马奔腾 成语解释:像无数匹马奔跑跳跃。形容群众性的活动声势浩大或场面热烈。奔腾:跳跃着奔跑。 失马塞翁 成语解释:比喻因祸得福的人。 马去马归 成语解释:比喻世事多变,得失无常。 归马放牛 成语解释:把作战用的牛马牧放。比喻战争结束,不再用兵。 千军万马 成语解释:形容雄壮的队伍或浩大的声势。 老马识途 成语解释:老马认识路。比喻有经验的人对事情比较熟悉。 驷马难追 成语解释:一句话说...
成语网提供十二生肖成语大全解释及典故 成语网提供十二生肖成语大全解释及典故合集 更多连接请点击 十二生肖:马 万马奔腾 成语解释:像无数匹马奔跑跳跃。形容群众性的活动声势浩大或场面热烈。奔腾:跳跃着奔跑。 失马塞翁 成语解释:比喻因祸得福的人。 马去马归 成语解释:比喻世事多变,得失无常。 归马放牛 成语解释:把作战用的牛马牧放。比喻战争结束,不再用兵。 千军万马 成语解释:形容雄壮的队伍或浩大的声势。 老马识途 成语解释:老马认识路。比喻有经验的人对事情比较熟悉。 驷马难追 成语解释:一句话说出了口,就是套上四匹马拉的车也难追上。指话说出口,就不能再收回,一定要算数。 指鹿为马 成语解释:指着鹿,说是马。比喻故意颠倒黑白,混淆是非。 得马失马 成语解释:指世事多变,得失无常。 马到成功 成语解释:形容工作刚开始就取得成功。 十二生肖:牛 九牛一毛 成语解释:九条牛身上的一根毛。比喻极大数量中极微小的数量,微不足道。 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 牛郎织女 成语解释:牛郎织女为神话人物,从牵牛星、织女星的星名衍化而来。比喻分居两地的夫妻。 也泛指一对恋人。 放牛归马 成语解释:把作战用的牛马牧放。比喻战争结束,不再用兵。 目牛无全 成语解释:全牛:整个一头牛。眼中没有完整的牛,只有牛的筋骨结构。比喻技术熟练到了 得心应手的境地。 牛角书生 成语解释:比喻勤奋读书的人。 木牛流马 成语解释:木制的牛马形体、可行走的运输器具。 版筑饭牛 成语解释:版筑,造土墙;饭牛,喂牛。后以之为贤臣出身微贱之典。 对牛弹琴 成语解释:讥笑听话的人不懂对方说得是什么。用以讥笑说话的人不看对象。 牛饩退敌 成语解释:饩:活的牲口。用牛羊击退敌军。 卖刀买牛 成语解释:刀:武器。指卖掉武器,从事农业生产。 十二生肖:龙 龙肝凤胆 成语解释:比喻极难得的珍贵食品。 舞凤飞龙 成语解释:犹龙飞凤舞。气势奔放雄壮的样子。 来龙去脉 成语解释:本指山脉的走势和去向。现比喻一件事的前因后果。 骑龙弄凤 成语解释:?比喻成仙。?比喻腾达。 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 龙生九种 成语解释:比喻同胞兄弟品质、爱好各不相同。同“龙生九子”。 画龙点睛 成语解释:原形容梁代画家张僧繇作画的神妙。后多比喻写文章或讲话时,在关键处用几句 话点明实质,使内容生动有力。 鱼龙混杂 成语解释:比喻坏人和好人混在一起。 龙生九子 成语解释:比喻同胞兄弟品质、爱好各不相同。 龙行虎步 成语解释:原形容帝王的仪态不同一般。后也形容将军的英武姿态。 附凤攀龙 成语解释:附:依附;攀:攀援。指巴结投靠有权势的人以获取富贵。 十二生肖:鸡 偷鸡盗狗 成语解释:指偷窃的行为。也指不正经的勾当。同“偷鸡摸狗”。 牛鼎烹鸡 成语解释:用煮一头牛的大锅煮一只鸡。比喻大材小用。 鸡犬不留 成语解释:形容屠杀残酷,连鸡狗都不能幸免。 鸡犬升天 成语解释:比喻一个人做了官,和他有关的人也跟着得势。 淮南鸡犬 成语解释:淮南王的鸡和狗。比喻投靠别人而得势的人。 山鸡照影 成语解释:山鸡爱其羽毛,常照水而舞。比喻顾影自怜。 山鸡映水 成语解释:山鸡映水起舞。比喻自我欣赏。 呆若木鸡 成语解释:獃:傻,发愣的样子。獃得象木头鸡一样。 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 山鸡舞镜 成语解释:山鸡对镜起舞。比喻自我欣赏。 炙鸡絮酒 成语解释:用一只鸡和棉絮渍酒祭奠。指悼念故人,祭品虽薄而情意很深。 十二生肖:猴 猿猴取月 成语解释:比喻愚昧无知。也比喻白费力气。 杀鸡吓猴 成语解释:杀鸡给猴子看。比喻用惩罚一个人的办法来警告别的人。 杀鸡骇猴 成语解释:比喻惩罚一人以恐吓或警戒其他人。 杀鸡儆猴 成语解释:杀鸡给猴子看。比喻用惩罚一个人的办法来警告别的人。 弄鬼掉猴 成语解释:比喻调皮捣蛋。 尖嘴猴腮 成语解释:形容人相貌丑陋粗俗。 猴年马月 成语解释:猴、马:十二生肖之一。泛指未来的岁月 土龙沐猴 成语解释:比喻徒有虚名,而无其实。 宰鸡教猴 成语解释:用杀鸡来警戒猴子。比喻严惩一个以警告其余。 轩鹤冠猴 成语解释:乘轩之鹤,戴帽之猴。比喻滥厕禄位、虚有其表的人。 十二生肖:狗 狐朋狗友 成语解释:泛指一些吃喝玩乐、不务正业的朋友。 挂羊头卖狗肉 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 成语解释:比喻以好的名义做幌子,实际上名不副实或做坏事。 白衣苍狗 成语解释:苍:灰白色。浮云象白衣裳,顷刻又变得象苍狗。比喻事物变化不定。 狗恶酒酸 成语解释:比喻环境险恶,使人裹足不前。 狗咬吕洞宾 成语解释:吕洞宾:传说中的八仙之一。狗见了吕洞宾这样做善事的好人也咬,用来骂人不识好歹。 淮王鸡狗 成语解释:比喻攀附别人而得势的人。 飞鹰走狗 成语解释:放出鹰狗去追捕野兽。指打猎游荡的生活。 蝇营狗苟 成语解释:比喻为了追逐名利,不择手段,象苍蝇一样飞来飞去,象狗一样的不识羞耻。 狗尾续貂 成语解释:指封官太滥。亦比喻拿不好的东西补接在好的东西后面,前后两部分非常不相称。 丧家之狗 成语解释:比喻失去依靠、无处投奔或惊慌失措的人。 十二生肖:虎 虎踞龙盘 成语解释:容地势雄伟险要。 三人成虎 成语解释:比喻说的人多了,就能使人们把谣言当事实。 狼餐虎噬 成语解释:?形容吃东西又猛又急。同“狼餐虎咽”。?比喻残酷剥削搜括。 九关虎豹 成语解释:比喻凶残的权臣。 为虎作伥 成语解释:伥:伥鬼,古时传说被老虎吃掉的人,死后变成伥鬼,专门引诱人来给老虎吃。替老虎做伥鬼。比喻充当恶人的帮凶。 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 两虎相斗 成语解释:两只老虎相互争斗。比喻力量强大的双方相搏斗。 与虎谋皮 成语解释:跟老虎商量要它的皮。比喻跟恶人商量要他放弃自己的利益,绝对办不到。 龙行虎步 成语解释:原形容帝王的仪态不同一般。后也形容将军的英武姿态。 放虎归山 成语解释:把老虎放回山去。比喻把坏人放回老巢,留下祸根。 虎口余生 成语解释:老虎嘴里幸存下来的生命。比喻逃脱极危险的境地侥幸活下来。 十二生肖:兔 狡兔死良狗烹 成语解释:比喻给统治者效劳的人事成后被抛弃或杀掉。 东门逐兔 成语解释:用以作为为官遭祸,抽身悔迟之典。同“东门黄犬”。 犬兔俱毙 成语解释:比喻双方同归于尽。 获兔烹狗 成语解释:比喻事成之后排斥以至杀害有功之臣。亦作“狡兔死,良狗烹”。 兔丝燕麦 成语解释:兔丝:菟丝子。菟丝不是丝,燕麦不是麦。比喻有名无实。 兔头麞脑 成语解释:形容人面貌猥琐。多形容坏人。 兔角牛翼 成语解释:兔不生角,牛不长翼,故以“兔角牛翼”喻不合情理之事。 待兔守株 成语解释:比喻墨守成规不知变通或妄想不劳而获,坐享其成。 见兔放鹰 成语解释:看到野兔,立即放出猎鹰追捕。比喻行动及时,适合需要。 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 动如脱兔 成语解释:比喻行动敏捷。 十二生肖:羊 羊肠小道 成语解释:曲折而极窄的路(多指山路)。 素丝羔羊 成语解释:指正直廉洁的官吏。 十羊九牧 成语解释:比喻官多民少,赋税剥削很重。也比喻使令不一,无所适从。 歧路亡羊 成语解释:比喻事物复杂多变,没有正确的方向就会误入歧途。 挂羊头卖狗肉 成语解释:比喻以好的名义做幌子,实际上名不副实或做坏事。 肉袒牵羊 成语解释:牵羊:牵着羊,表示犒劳军队。古代战败投降的仪式。 羊狠狼贪 成语解释:比喻贪官污吏的残酷剥削。 使羊将狼 成语解释:比喻不足以统率指挥。也比喻使仁厚的人去驾驭强横而有野心的人,这要坏事。 与羊谋羞 成语解释:比喻跟恶人商量要他放弃自己的利益,绝对办不到。 亡羊补牢 成语解释:比喻出了问题以后想办法补救,可以防止继续受损失。 十二生肖:猪 一龙一猪 成语解释:比喻同时的两个人,高下判别极大。 老虎借猪,相公借书 成语解释:。比喻东西正合自己的心愿,到手后就据为己有。也比喻各有各的爱好。 寄豭之猪 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 成语解释:比喻私闯别人家淫乱的男子。 冷水烫猪 成语解释:比喻白出力,无效果。 猪朋狗友 成语解释:比喻好吃懒做、不务正业的坏朋友。 猪卑狗险 成语解释:比喻卑鄙阴险的人。 猪突豨勇 成语解释:豨:野猪。指拼命向前冲,不怕死的人(含贬义)。 火到猪头烂,钱到公事办 成语解释:形容钱能通神,不管办什么事,都必须用金钱打点贿赂才能办成 指猪骂狗 成语解释:犹指桑骂槐。 人怕出名猪怕壮 成语解释:人怕出了名招致麻烦,就象猪长肥了就要被宰杀一样。 十二生肖:蛇 杯中蛇影 成语解释:比喻因疑神疑鬼而引起恐惧。 蛇口蜂针 成语解释:比喻恶毒的言词和手段。 春蚓秋蛇 成语解释:比喻字写得不好,弯弯曲曲,象蚯蚓和蛇爬行的痕迹。 牛鬼蛇神 成语解释:原形容虚幻怪诞。后比喻社会上形形色色的坏人。 封豕长蛇 成语解释:比喻贪暴者、侵略者。 虎头蛇尾 成语解释:比喻开始时声势很大,到后来劲头很小,有始无终。 画蛇添足 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 成语解释:比喻做了多馀的事,非但无益,反而不合适。也比喻虚构事实,无中生有。 打草惊蛇 成语解释:原比喻惩罚了甲而使乙有所警觉。后多比喻做法不谨慎,反使对方有所戒备。 笔走龙蛇 成语解释:形容书法生动而有气势。 蛇雀之报 成语解释:指大蛇衔明珠、黄雀衔白环报恩的故事。后以之为报恩的典故。 十二生肖:鼠 十鼠同穴 成语解释:比喻使集中在一起,一网打尽。 狗鼠不食汝余 成语解释:食:吃。狗猪都不吃他剩下的东西。形容人的品行极其卑鄙龌龊。 罗雀掘鼠 成语解释:比喻想尽办法筹措财物。 两鼠斗穴 成语解释:比喻敌对双方在地势险狭的地方相遇,只有勇往直前的才能获胜。 首鼠两端 成语解释:首鼠:鼠性多疑,出洞时一进一退,不能自决;两端:拿不定主意。在两者之间犹豫不决又动摇不定。 孤雏腐鼠 成语解释:比喻微贱而不值得一说的人或事物。 狐奔鼠窜 成语解释:像狐狸和老鼠那样东逃西窜。形容狼狈逃窜的样子。 人鼠之叹 成语解释:感叹人与人之间的地位悬殊。 抱头鼠窜 成语解释:抱着头,象老鼠那样惊慌逃跑。形容受到打击后狼狈逃跑。 鼠窃狗盗 成语解释:象老鼠少量窃取,象狗钻油偷盗。指小偷小摸。 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within 卖剑买牛 成语解释:原指放下武器,从事耕种。后比喻改业务农或坏人改恶从善。 Designed for screw for the ground; ground alignments, reasonable, do not place at easy to bruise and break; prohibit the use of a wire around the series grounded; does not allow a portion of the metal housing with protective earthing of electrical equipment, and the other part of the metal protection of electrical equipment zero. 3 lighting system has power lighting circuit controls should be consistent with the lighting distribution box and circuit identification switch and lamp control corresponds to the order. 4 check the insulation of all electrical equipment and wiring. 5 check the standby power supplies, standby equipment, should be kept in good condition. 6 transmission prior to commissioning and operating procedures should be developed first; when the transmission, head of commissioning should be present. lighting pilot 1, electrical lighting equipment should be power system operation, all lighting shall be opened in the system. 2, public building lighting system power up continuous operation time should be 24h. 3, all lights should be opened once every 2H record running, trouble-free continuous operation of time above the measured values to fill in the trial record. Fourth section to drainage system debugging water system debugging debugging content: System hydraulic test, and water system pressure test serial number debugging project debugging content 1 system hydraulic test according to try pressure partition or segment of divided range, according to test pressure of standard and quality standard, will whole system injection and started pump group reached design flow Hou, in test pressure Xia pipeline system 10min within
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