

2017-09-18 18页 doc 54KB 25阅读




真三国无双之无双大蛇Z武器和特技及特殊物品全攻略真三国无双之无双大蛇Z武器和特技及特殊物品全攻略 每个武将都可以习得一些强化特技,习得方法可以在队伍信息里面看。要想了解有谁的特技漏学 了,可以在壁纸那里看,每个角色右上角的壁纸,都是需要习得该角色的全部特技才会出现。 下面介绍一下强化特技的使用效果。 体力增加:体力每级+16,20级相当于增加了3/4 20级相当于增加了3/4 无双增加:无双每级+8, 攻击强化:攻击力每级+11,20级相当于增加了3/4 防御强化:防御力每级+16,20级相当于增加了3/4 速度上升:素早每级+8,20级的速度相当于吃到鞋子的速...
真三国无双之无双大蛇Z武器和特技及特殊物品全攻略 每个武将都可以习得一些强化特技,习得可以在队伍信息里面看。要想了解有谁的特技漏学 了,可以在壁纸那里看,每个角色右上角的壁纸,都是需要习得该角色的全部特技才会出现。 下面介绍一下强化特技的使用效果。 体力增加:体力每级+16,20级相当于增加了3/4 20级相当于增加了3/4 无双增加:无双每级+8, 攻击强化:攻击力每级+11,20级相当于增加了3/4 防御强化:防御力每级+16,20级相当于增加了3/4 速度上升:素早每级+8,20级的速度相当于吃到鞋子的速度,之后再吃鞋子就没效果了 马术强化:马术每级+10,满级了以后,就可以叫出赤兔(三国武将)或者松风(战国武将) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 运上升: 运每级+10,可以提高得到的武器的质量。 力型强化:每级技能伤害加成2% 速型强化:每级技能伤害加成2% 技型强化:每级技能伤害加成2% 特殊强化:每级技能伤害加成2%。特殊强化是强化R1的相关技能 必杀强化:每级技能伤害加成2%,对消耗无双的R技第一式有效,对援护攻击、合体技无效。 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 值增:每级技能多获得10%经验 的无双 待机回复:每级技能多回复3% 消费轻减:每级技能减少2%的消耗 连击回复:回复量=(等级*240)/100,20级连击超过10可以恢复2.5-3%的血 回复体力:回复量=(等级*45+100)/100,10秒回复一次,有4-6%的血 回复无双:回复量=(等级*50+100)/100,10秒回复一次 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 然后就可以刷武器了,Lv4武器入手法。 进行难度「难」:故事模式 关卡星数三以上///戏剧模式 关卡星数二以上 进行难度「激难」:任一关卡皆可 推荐关卡,吴6章「合肥之战」,21名武将,4把武器。位置是前田庆次、曹洪、徐盛(注意别 把孙权给引出来,误杀可就过关了)、周泰。用99级的天舞猴子打激难,只拿武器用时2分钟 不到,21名武将全干掉也就4分钟左右。所以也可以在这关刷熟练度,21名武将可以加4点多 的熟练。 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 武器刷多了,需要的属性就可以拿去融合。除了吸生、吸活(几乎没效果)和背水(我没那么英 勇神武,血少了还不换人),其他的都有用。旋风和神速最好配天舞一起使用。 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 举一个例子 无天舞,炎(或冰)、雷、阳、斩、破天、勇猛、分身、极意。 有天舞,雷、阳、斩、勇猛、旋风、分身、神速(或者炎、冰、破天选一)、极意。 (注意:所有属性在没装天舞的情况下,只有C技才会发动) ---------------------------------------------------------- 炎 使敌人着火,倒地前造成连续伤害 ---------------------------------------------------------- 雷 放出电造成大范围伤害,并使敌人变迟钝 ---------------------------------------------------------- 冰 冰冻住敌人 ---------------------------------------------------------- 阳 无视防御直接攻击 ---------------------------------------------------------- 斩 一定机率秒杀杂兵,对武将造成固定的较大伤害 ---------------------------------------------------------- 吸生 吸收敌人的HP ---------------------------------------------------------- 吸活 吸收敌人的无双 ---------------------------------------------------------- 破天 对浮空敌人,攻击力增加 ---------------------------------------------------------- 勇猛 对武将的攻击力增加 ---------------------------------------------------------- 旋风 武器的攻击范围扩大 ---------------------------------------------------------- 分身 攻击时出现分身 ---------------------------------------------------------- 神速 攻击速度增加 ---------------------------------------------------------- 极意 增加攻击力 ---------------------------------------------------------- 背水 HP越少攻击力越高 ---------------------------------------------------------- (以下指Lv10情况下) ---------------------------------------------------------- 炎 每秒烧血15点 ---------------------------------------------------------- 冰 伤害加成20% ---------------------------------------------------------- 阳 伤害加成10% personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional ---------------------------------------------------------- 斩 造成敌人当前血量10%的伤害 ---------------------------------------------------------- 雷 伤害加成10%,且每被身边的人产生的雷劈打中还会有雷传染 ---------------------------------------------------------- 破天 伤害加成20% ---------------------------------------------------------- 极意 伤害加成20% ---------------------------------------------------------- 勇猛 伤害加成20% ---------------------------------------------------------- 分身 10级分身的基础伤害与本体打击一样 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 还可以用多余的武器去合成不同的能力,推荐:顽强、金甲和天舞的组合。 武器能力效果 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 能力 效果 武器属性 所需素材 兵法:能力上升道具维持时间延长 炎1 黑曜石 不屈:红血状态下起身后攻击力2倍 勇猛1 翡翠 旋回:被打飞时比较容易快速起身 破天1 旋风1 琥珀 补给:敌兵一定几率掉落包子 吸生1 吸活1 萤石 狙击:弓箭和射击能力上升 勇猛1 神速1 极意1 金 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 天活:可无视体力发动真无双乱舞 炎1 分身1 雷 1 玛瑙 天阵:可无视体力发动合体技 炎1 旋风1 分身1 极意1 金刚石 弯曲:所受伤害减轻 阳1 吸生1 旋风1 背水1 孔雀石 顽强:蓄力攻击不易被中断 冰1 吸活1 勇猛1 分身1 极意1 青玉 白玉环 飞龙:蓄力攻击可用跳跃取消 斩1 破天1 分身1 神速1 极意1 水晶 神行符 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 金甲:被射击攻击击中不会产生硬直 雷1 斩1 吸活1 分身1 神速1 背水1 红玉 定风珠 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 连携:待命角色无双过半就可以援护攻击 冰1 破天1 勇猛1 旋风1 分身1 神速1 定海珠 阴阳珠 吸魂砂 混天绫 赋活:无双槽慢慢回复 炎2 阳2 吸生2 吸活2 旋风2 神速2 极意2 风火轮 勾玉 神气还 龙之首之玉 再生:战死后有一次复活机会 冰2 阳2 吸生2 吸活2 旋风2 分身2 神速2 背水2 朱雀翼 青龙胆 白虎牙 玄武甲 天舞:无双槽全满时全攻击带属性 炎2 冰2 雷2 阳2 斩2 吸活2 勇猛2 极意2 蓬莱之玉之枝 佛之御石之钵 火鼠之皮衣 燕之子安之贝 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 缺少什么素材就要快一点补全 1、黑曜石:战国2章“本能寺之战”着火灭火 备注:发生火灾事件后,保护泷川一益到指定的地点,就会出现灭火事件 2、翡翠:蜀2章“长谷堂之战”开始后8分钟内救出月英 3、琥珀:魏2章“天水之战”己方三个据点没有被攻破的情况下击破地图上的所有敌将 4、莹石:吴2章“长坂之战”破坏敌军的所有计策 备注:击破凌统为首的伏兵;工作部队出现(出现两次)后未到达己方本阵时击破,之后击破岛左近,甘宁移动后将其击破。 5、金:战国3章“九州之战”开始后12分钟内击破张角、小乔和阿国 6、玛瑙:蜀5章“吴郡之战”开始后10分钟内看破三处伏兵 备注:1下方的空城拆塔灭兵;2西边的空城跟踪西北角的奇怪的己方士兵;3北边的空城击破一个西北角落单的敌兵。 7、金刚石:战国6章“樊城之战”开始后7分钟内樊城水位下降(击破张郃) 8、孔雀石:魏4章“夷陵之战”开始后7分钟内玩家亲自击破庞统 9、水晶:吴4章“大阪城之战”开始后12分钟内救出孙坚、可儿才藏(在楼到另一边,要在1楼别的门上去)和蒋钦 10、青玉:魏7章“山崎之战”开始后5分钟内制压天王山(击破诸葛亮) personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 11、红玉:蜀7章“江户城之战”开始后10分钟内玩家亲自击破关羽和张飞 12、神形符:吴7章“小牧长久手之战”己方无人败走的情况下救出孙坚和孙权 13、定海珠:战国10章“冀州之战”开始后10分钟内击破浑沌、猪豚蛇、铁鼠、佐佐木小次郎、攫猿、蜈蚣佬和风鬼。 备注:浑沌、猪豚蛇、铁鼠必须在其出现后3分钟内击破。 14、定风珠:蜀10章“杂贺之战”开始后一定时间内魏延到达中央砦放火 备注:中央砦的敌将不可全部击破 15、白玉环:魏10章“汜水关之战”放火成功后(护送夏侯渊到山洞下面)玩家亲自击破陈宫。 备注:中央地区带斗气状态的敌将不可全部击破 16、阴阳珠:吴10章“金崎之战”开始后一定时间内玩家亲自击破石川五右卫门,之后保护小乔引出董卓后出现贵重物品。 17、吸魂砂:远吕智2章“成都之战”先压制南砦,之后击破工作兵长,再干掉诸葛亮即可 18、混天绫:蜀13章“葭萌关之战”张辽未败走的情况下玩家亲自击破孙悟空本体,毒雾发生之后出现。 19、神气环:蜀11章“长筱之战”开始后一定时间玩家亲自击破貂蝉,吕布开门后发现物品。 20、风火轮:魏11章“贱岳之战”袁谭和袁熙投诚,玩家亲自破坏全部虎战车 备注:先打虎战车,再到本阵右边清兵,之后出说客护送,再出现姜维,击破之后假冒姜维说得,敌阵开门之后出现 21、勾玉:吴11章“南中之战”护送孟获使2次火计成功,并且玩家亲自击破庞统 22、朱雀翼:远吕智4章“合肥之战”开始后一定时间内破坏桥,玩家亲自击破甘宁和张辽 备注:保护工作兵长通过桥后,在无败走的情况下经过1分30秒就会破桥,这期间伏兵部队的武将不能被全部击破,但是要击破甘宁和张辽,7分钟内破桥,破桥动画前发现。 23、青龙胆:魏14章“邪马台之战”迅速制压炮台,之后玩家亲自击破前田庆次 24、白虎牙:吴14章“阳平关之战”伏兵出现后5分钟内全部击破,貂蝉出现后2分钟内玩家亲自将其击破 25、玄武甲:战国15章“白帝城之战”开始后15分钟内织田信长(NPC)、丰臣秀吉(NPC)和上杉谦信(NPC)分别从白帝城南门、北门、东门进入 26、蓬菜の玉の枝:远吕智7章“三方原之战”开始后10分钟内发生缩地术,之后玩家击破森兰丸和森可成、蜂须贺小六,以及佐久间盛政和池田恒与其中一人 personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 备注:发动缩地术的条件是妖术兵长到达兵粮库,且兵粮库的敌将全被击破 27、仏の御石の钵:蜀终章“五丈原之战”开始后6分钟内开门,之后2分钟内玩家亲自击破妲 己和卑弥呼 备注:开门的条件是太公望(NPC)到达中央门且门外的敌将全被击破 28、火鼠の皮衣:魏终章“官渡之战”开始后一定时间内发生三段击,卑弥呼出现后玩家迅速将 其击破 备注:三段击,在要求去占领3个据点之后,帮助这3路军成功进入据点,就会发动 29、燕の子安の贝:吴终章“赤壁之战”开始后5分钟内制压祭坛、中央船连接后3分钟内玩家 亲自击破前田庆次和妲己 30、龙の首の玉:战国终章“关原之战”开始后4分钟内停止全部3处大筒(以出现“全部大筒 停止”的信息为准),之后玩家亲自击破前田庆次和妲己 备注:前田出现后会隐身,地图上是找不到他的,他会偷袭本阵。 ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ 最后附上特殊的三人合体技 1 2 3 --------------------------------------------------------------- 忍の者 风魔小太郎 服部半蔵 女忍くのいち --------------------------------------------------------------- 孙家の三兄弟 孙尚香 孙权 孙策 --------------------------------------------------------------- 天下无双 吕布 本多忠胜 远吕智 --------------------------------------------------------------- 弓の名手 稻姫 夏候渊 黄忠 --------------------------------------------------------------- 君主の守人 森兰丸 周泰 典伟 --------------------------------------------------------------- 桃园の义兄弟 张飞 关羽 刘备 --------------------------------------------------------------- 铳火器の使い手 杂贺孙市 伊达政宗 德川家康 --------------------------------------------------------------- 三国の君主 曹操 孙坚 刘备 --------------------------------------------------------------- 造反者 吕布 魏延 明智光秀 --------------------------------------------------------------- 天才の鬼才 周瑜 司马懿 诸葛亮 --------------------------------------------------------------- personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional 戦国三大覇者 徳川家康 丰臣秀吉 织田信长 --------------------------------------------------------------- 仙界の住人 伏羲 女娲 太公望 --------------------------------------------------------------- 妖艶なる美姫 浓姫 甄姫 妲己 --------------------------------------------------------------- personal credit business process management, and development of business processes, clear the loan object and scope, establish loan operation of assessment and accountability mechanisms. Diversity management principles the Bank's strict separation between business and consumer use of personal credit, then according to the different varieties of business to establish the appropriate access standard, post-lending management requirements. Business use personal credit should be strictly in accordance with the qilu Bank's small business credit risk management guidelines and associated working capital loans management requirements, such as assessing the management of production and operation, repayment ability, the level of risk, and so on. Income debt ratio control principle of Bank income debt ratio control mechanism, combined with the borrower's income, debt, expenditures, loans, guarantees and other factors, determines the loan amount and term, control each repayment does not exceed the amount of the borrower repayment ability. Principles of trans-regional limits Branches shall not in principle to operating income mainly comes from offsite (prefecture-level cities and administrative divisions at or above) or inward (MS) charge provided credit support for individual customers is located in different places, but except those with unique advantages such as critical. Have set up branches in different places, other bodies are not entitled to carry out the branch of credit business in the region. Branch County area has been established, other bodies are not entitled to apply for the credit within the County. Double before going through the personal credit business credit investigation, Contracting, security verification, credit check, key account manager should be double handle. Bank supports risk managers, loan review, professional
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