

2018-02-22 50页 doc 291KB 19阅读




深圳夜校金融学高升专语文试题深圳夜校金融学高升专语文试题 命题人:深圳青年学院汪老师 本试卷分第?卷(阅读题)和第?卷(表达题)两部分,共150分,考试时间150分钟。其中第?卷第三、四题为选考题,其它题为必考题。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。 第?卷 阅读题 甲 必考题 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 二十四节气 二十四节气起源于黄河流域~也反映了典型北方气候特点。远在春秋时期~中国就已经能用土圭(在平面上竖一根杆子)来测量正午太阳影子的长短~以确定冬至、夏至、春分、秋分四个节气...
深圳夜校金融学高升专语文试题 命题人:深圳青年学院汪老师 本分第?卷(阅读题)和第?卷(表达题)两部分,共150分,考试时间150分钟。其中第?卷第三、四题为选考题,其它题为必考题。考生作答时,将答案答在答题卡上,在本试卷上答题无效。 第?卷 阅读题 甲 必考题 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 二十四节气 二十四节气起源于黄河流域~也反映了典型北方气候特点。远在春秋时期~中国就已经能用土圭(在平面上竖一根杆子)来测量正午太阳影子的长短~以确定冬至、夏至、春分、秋分四个节气。一年中~土圭在正午时分影子最短的一天为夏至~最长的一天为冬至~影子长度适中的为春分或秋分。春秋时期的著作《尚书》中就已经对节气有所记述~西汉刘安著的《淮南子》一书里就有完整的二十四节气记载了。 我国古代用农历(月亮历)记时~用阳历(太阳历)划分春夏秋冬二十四节气。我们祖先把5天叫一候~3候为一气~称节气~全年分为72候24节气~以后不断地改进和完善。公元前104年~由邓平等制订的《太初历》正式把二十四节气定于历法~明确了二十四节气的天文位臵。二十四节气是我国劳动人民独创的文化遗产~与中国古代哲学体系有密切关系~它能反映季节的变化~指导农事活动~影响着千家万户的衣食住行。 太阳从黄经零度起~沿黄经每运行15度所经历的时日称为“一个节气”。每年运行360度~共经历24个节气~每月2个。其中~每月第一个节气为“节气”~它们是:立春、惊蛰、清明、立夏、芒种、小暑、立秋、白露、寒露、立冬、大雪和小寒12个节气,每月的第二个节气为“中气”。它们是:雨水、春分、谷雨、小满、夏至、大暑、处暑、秋分、霜降、小雪、冬至、大寒。“节气”和“中气”交替出现~各历时15天~现在人们已经把“节气”和“中气”统称为“节气”。 从二十四节气的命名可以看出~节气的划分充分考虑了季节、气候、物候等自然现象的变化。 其中~立春、立夏、立秋、立冬是用来反映季节的~将一年划分为春、夏、秋、冬四个季节~反映了四季的开始。春分、秋分、夏至、冬至是从天文角度来划分的~反映了太阳高度变化的转折点。小暑、大暑、处暑、小寒、大寒等五个节气反映气温的变化~用来表示一年中不同时期寒热程度,雨水、谷雨、小雪、significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 大雪四个节气反映了降水现象~表明降雨、降雪的时间和强度,白露、寒露、霜降三个节气表面上反映的是水汽凝结、凝华现象~但实质上反映出了气温逐渐下降的过程和程度:气温下降到一定程度~水汽出现凝露现象,气温继续下降~不仅凝露增多~而且越来越凉,当温度降至摄氏零度以下~水汽凝华为霜。小满、芒种则反映有关作物的成熟和收成情况,惊蛰、清明反映的是自然物候现象~尤其是惊蛰~它用天上初雷和地下蛰虫的复苏~来预示春天的回归。 二十四节气为中国大众所普遍接受~日常生活中随处可见二十四节气的影响~一些节气和民间文化相结合~已经成为人们的固定节日。最著名的清明、立春、立夏、冬至都融入了节日的氛围~夏至、暑伏也与日常生活紧密相连~以致民间有“冬至饺子夏至面”“头伏饺子二伏面~三伏烙饼摊鸡蛋”“冬练三九~夏练三伏”的说法。在这些节令中~往往伴有丰富多彩的民俗活动。 “春雨惊春清谷天~夏满芒夏暑相连~秋处露秋寒霜降~冬雪雪冬小大寒”是大家耳熟能详的谚语。二十四节气内涵十分丰富~其中既包括相关的谚语、歌谣、传说等~又有传统生产工具、生活器具、工艺品、书画等艺术作品~还包括与节令关系密切的节日文化、生产仪式和民间风俗。二十四节气是中国古代农业文明的具体表现~具有很高的农业历史文化的研究价值~因而成为中国一项重要的非物质文化遗产。 1(下列对“二十四节气”的阐述,不正确的一项是( )(3分) A(二十四节气起源于黄河流域。春秋时期,人们已经能用土圭来测量正午太阳影子的长短,并确定了冬至、夏至、春分、秋分四个节气。 B(我国古代把5天叫一候,3候为一气,称节气,全年分72候24节气,这种用农历划分的二十四节气,早在《淮南子》中就有完整记载。 C(二十四节气由我国劳动人民独创,不仅反映了季节的变化,还具有指导农事活动的功能,对人民生活有广泛的影响,是重要的文化遗产。 D(从二十四节气的命名可知,节气的划分充分考虑了季节、气候、物候等自然现象的变化。如立春、立夏、立秋、立冬反映了四季的开始。 2(下列关于文章内容的表述,不正确的一项是( ) (3分) A(太阳沿黄经每运行15度所经历的时日称为“一个节气”,一年共经历24个节气,“节气”“中气”交替出现,现在人们把它们统称为“节气”。 B(二十四节气的制订经历了不断改进和完善的过程。公元前104年,邓平等人在《太初历》中正式将二十四节气定于历法,并明确了其天文位置。 C(春分、秋分、夏至、冬至等节气反映了太阳高度变化的转折点,而小暑、大暑、处暑、小寒、大寒、小雪、大雪等节气反映气温在一年中的升降变化。 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn D(“春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒”的谚语讲述的是一年的二十四个节气的顺序,民众对此耳熟能详。 3(根据原文内容,下列理解和正确的一项是( ) (3分) A(二十四节气为中国大众所普遍接受,日常生活中随处可见它的影响,这 些节气和民间文化结合紧密,已经成为人们的固定节日。 B(民间“冬至饺子夏至面”“冬练三九,夏练三伏”等说法说明夏至、暑 伏与日常生活紧密相连,许多民俗活动也在这些节令里开展。 C(“惊蛰”用天上初现惊雷和地下蛰伏的虫子的复苏来预示春天的回归, 而在我国南方虫子根本不蛰伏,所以无法有“惊蛰”一说。 D(二十四节气是中国一项重要的非物质文化遗产,所以是中国古代农业文 明的具体表现,内涵丰富,具有很高的农业历史文化的研究价值。 二、古代诗文阅读(36分) (一)文言文阅读(19分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成4-7题。 房乔~字玄龄~齐州临淄人。幼聪敏~博览经史~工草隶~善属文。年十八~本州举进士~授羽骑尉。父病绵历十旬~玄龄尽心药膳~未尝解衣交睫。太宗徇地渭北~玄龄杖策谒于军门~太宗一见~便如旧识~署渭北道行军记室参军。玄龄既遇知己罄竭心力知无不为贼寇每平众人竞求珍玩玄龄独先收人物致之幕府及有谋臣猛将皆与之潜相申结各尽其死力。玄龄在秦府十余年~常典管记~每军书表奏~驻马立成~文约理赡~初无稿草。高祖尝谓侍臣曰:“此人深识机宜~足堪委任。每为吾儿陈事~必会人心~千里之外~犹对面语耳。”隐太子以玄龄、如晦为太宗所亲礼~甚恶之~谮之于高祖~由是与如晦并被驱斥。隐太子将有变也~太宗令长孙无忌召玄龄及如晦~令衣道士服~潜引入阁计事。及太宗入春宫~擢拜太子右庶子~赐绢五千匹。 贞观元年~代萧瑀为中书令。论功行赏~以玄龄及长孙无忌、杜如晦、尉迟敬德、侯君集五人为第一~进爵邢国公~赐实封千三百户。三年~拜太子少师~固让不受~摄太子詹事~兼礼部尚书。明年~代长孙无忌为尚书左仆射~改封魏国公~监修国史。既任总百司~虔恭夙夜~尽心竭节~不欲一物失所。闻人有善~significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 若己有之。明达吏事~饰以文学~审定法令~意在宽平。不以求备取人~不以己长格物~随能收叙~无隔卑贱。论者称为良相焉。高宗居春宫~加玄龄太子太傅~仍知门下省事~监修国史如故。寻以撰《高祖、太宗实录》成~降玺书褒美~赐物一千五百段。其年~玄龄丁继母忧去职~特敕赐以昭陵葬地。未几~起复本官。太宗亲征辽东~命玄龄京城留守~手诏曰:“公当萧何之任~朕无西顾之忧矣。”军戎器械~战士粮廪~并委令处分发遣。玄龄屡上言敌不可轻~尤宜诫慎。寻与中书侍郎褚遂良受诏重撰《晋书》。 二十三年~驾幸玉华宫~时玄龄旧疾发~诏令卧总留台。及渐笃~追赴宫所~乘担舆入殿~将至御座乃下。太宗对之流涕~玄龄亦感咽不能自胜。敕遣名医救疗~尚食每日供御膳。若微得减损~太宗即喜见颜色,如闻增剧~便为改容凄怆。后疾增剧~遂凿苑墙开门~累遣中使候问。上又亲临~握手叙别~悲不自胜。皇太子亦就之与之诀。寻薨~年七十。废朝三日。 ,《旧唐书•房玄龄传》, 4(对下列各句中加点的词语的解释,错误的一项是( )(3分) A、工草隶,善属文 属:写作 ( B、文约理赡 赡:充足 ( C、潜引入阁计事 潜:偷偷地 ( D、仍知门下省事 知:了解 ( 5(对文中划线部分的断句,正确的一项是 ( )(3分) A(玄龄既遇/知己罄竭心力/知无不为/贼寇每平众人/竞求珍玩/玄龄独先收 人/物致之幕府/及有谋臣/猛将皆与之潜相申结/各尽其死力 B(玄龄既遇/知己罄竭心力知/无不为/贼寇每平/众人竞求珍玩/玄龄独先收 人/物致之幕府及有谋臣/猛将皆与之潜相申结/各尽其死力。 C(玄龄既遇知己/罄竭心力/知无不为/贼寇每平众人/竞求珍玩/玄龄独先收 人/物致之幕府/及有谋臣猛将/皆与之/潜相申结/各尽其死力 D(玄龄既遇知己/罄竭心力/知无不为/贼寇每平/众人竞求珍玩/玄龄独先收 人物/致之幕府/及有谋臣猛将/皆与之潜相申结/各尽其死力 6(下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是( )(3分) A.房玄龄从小就很聪明,书法、文章俱佳。父亲生病时间很长,他尽心服侍。 B. 房玄龄一度因为人中伤,被李世民驱斥,后又被召回。 C. 房玄龄与唐太宗李世民一见如故。房玄龄尽心尽力为李世民出谋划策,延揽人才。 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn D. 李世民将房玄龄比之于汉高祖的萧何。房玄龄病重之际,得到了皇帝厚待。 7(把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分) (1)不以求备取人,不以己长格物,随能收叙,无隔卑贱。(5分) 译文: (2)若微得减损,太宗即喜见颜色;如闻增剧,便为改容凄怆。(5分) 译文: (二)古代诗歌阅读(11分) 阅读下面两首诗,完成8-9题。 见梅 【宋】何应龙 云绕前冈水绕村~忽惊空谷有佳人。 天寒日暮吹香去~尽是冰霜不是春。 梅花 【明】宸濠翠妃 锈针刺破纸糊窗~引透寒梅一线香。 蝼蚁也知春色好~倒拖花片上东墙。 8、两首诗都吟咏梅花,但描摹的手法、抒发的感情各有不同,请结合两首诗歌作 简要分析。 9、两首诗都写了梅花的芳香,你认为目的是否一样,请分析。 (三)名篇名句默写(6分) 10、写出下列句子中的空缺部分: (1)苏轼《赤壁赋》中从侧面写出箫声的魅力的句子是 “ , ” (2)岑参在《白雪歌送武判官归京》中,以风见雪,造成别开生面的开阔雄 奇氛围的诗句是“ , ” (3)《师说》中辩证看待老师、弟子才能的句子是“ , ” 乙 选做题 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 请在第三、四两大题中选定其中一个大题作答。注意:只能做所选定大题内的小题,不得选做另一大题内的小题。如果多做,则按所做的第一大题计分。 三、文学类文本阅读(25分) 11(阅读下面的作品,完成(1)—(4)题。(25分) 回家 [美]皮特?哈米尔 几年前~我在纽约格林威治村遇到一个姑娘~就是从她那里我第一次听到这个故事。这个故事也许是一个神秘的民间传说~每隔几年重复出现~以这样或那样的形式重新流传。然而我仍然愿意相信它确实在某时某地发生过。 他们要到劳德戴尔要塞去——共三个小伙子和三个姑娘——上公共汽车时~他们拎着纸袋~里面装有三明治和葡萄酒~梦想见到金色的沙滩和大海的潮汐。这时~纽约灰暗而寒冷的春天已经在他们身后消失。 公共汽车驶过新泽西州时~他们开始注意到文戈。文戈坐在他们前面~衣着简朴~但不很合身。他坐在那里~从来没有动一下~满是灰尘的脸上看不出他的实际年龄。他一直咬着嘴唇~表情冷漠~一语不发。 夜~汽车抵达华盛顿郊外~在霍华德〃约翰逊饭店停下。大家都下了车~深 只有文戈坐在座位上像生了根似的一动也不动。几个小伙子感到奇怪~试图猜想他的身世:也许他是一个船长~也许是抛下妻子~离家出走的人~也许是一个回家的老兵。他们回到车上时~一个姑娘坐在他身边~作了自我介绍。 “我们要到佛罗里达去~” 她欣喜地说~“听说那儿真美。” “是的。”他平静地说~仿佛他想起了曾极力忘掉的事情。 “想喝点葡萄酒吗?”她问。他微微一笑~对着酒瓶喝了一大口。他向她道了谢~又陷入了沉默。过了一会儿~她回到伙伴中间~文戈则打着盹睡着了。 次日早晨~他们一觉醒来发现汽车已停在另一家霍华德〃约翰逊饭店门外。这次文戈进了饭店~那个姑娘坚持要文戈与他们坐在一起。他看来很害羞~要了一杯不加牛奶的清咖啡。他听着年轻人闲聊海滩露宿的情景~紧张不安地抽着烟。回到车上后~那个姑娘又与文戈坐在了一起。过了一会儿~他讲述了自己辛酸的经历。他在纽约监狱里关了四年~现在回家去。 “你结婚了吗?” “我不知道。” “你不知道?”她问。 “是这样~在我坐牢时我曾给妻子写过信~” 他说~“我告诉她~我要离开很长时间~如果她受不了~如果孩子们总是问这问那~如果她太伤心~那么她可significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn 以把我忘掉。我能理解。再找一个丈夫。我说——她是一个极好的女人~确实了不起——把我忘掉吧。我告诉她不必给我写信。果真如此~三年半里她没有给我写过一封信。” “你现在回家~对家里的情况什么都不知道?” “是的~”他羞怯地说~“不过~上一周~当我确信假释就要批准时~我又给她写了信。我们过去住在布伦斯威克镇~就在杰克逊维海港前边。镇口有一棵高大的橡树~你一进镇就能望见。我告诉她~如果她没有改嫁~愿意等我回家~那就在橡树上系一条黄手帕。我看见黄手帕就会下车回家。如果她不想要我~就忘掉这件事——不系手帕~这样我就继续坐在车上走过去。” “哇~”那个姑娘叫起来~“哇:” 她告诉了其余的人~很快大家都知道了。他们都关注着布伦斯威克镇的到来~并相互传看着文戈拿出来的几张照片~照片上是他妻子和三个孩子——妻子透露出一种纯朴之美~孩子们尚未发育成熟。可以看得出来~照片不知被文戈抚摩多少次了。 现在他们离布伦斯威克镇还有二十英里~几个年轻人都坐在右边靠窗的座位上~等待着那棵大橡树的出现。文戈停止张望~脸上的肌肉绷得紧紧的~好像他在给自己鼓劲~决心战胜另一次失望。 这时离布伦斯威克镇只有十英里~五英里……突然~所有年轻人都从座位上站了起来~他们叫呀~喊呀~高兴得手舞足蹈。但只有文戈除外。 文戈坐在那儿望着橡树惊呆了。树上挂满了黄手帕——二十条~三十条~也许有几百条,这棵树~真像一面欢迎的旗臶~在迎风招展。正当年轻人高声欢呼的时候~这位老囚犯慢慢地从座位上站起来~朝着汽车前面的方向~回家去了。 (1) 下列对这篇小说有关内容的分析和概括,最恰当的两项是(5分) A.小说开篇从“我”遇到一个姑娘听到她讲的故事写起,并说这故事“每隔 几年重复出现,以这样或那样的形式重新流传”,为本文蒙上一层神秘的 面纱,引起读者的阅读兴趣。 B.文戈“表情冷漠,一语不发”,引起了年轻人对他的神秘身份的猜测,主 要是为了表现了文登冷漠的性格侧面,为后文写他是罪犯做铺垫。 C.小说文字简洁,注重细节描写。文戈“衣着简朴,但不很合身”、“照片不significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 知被文戈抚摩多少次”等,看似简单的几句话,却巧妙地暗示出人物的 身份和性格。 D.小说擅长对人物性格的描写,尤其重视对人物心理的细腻刻画,经常在人 与人、人 与景的对比与衬托中,凸显人物丰富复杂的内心世界。 E.小说以文戈所讲的故事为线索,讲述了文戈与妻子的动人的爱情故事,处 处设置悬念,层层铺垫,直到结尾才揭示结局,引人入胜。 (2)小说中多次出现对比的手法,请简要分析。(6分) (3)小说中文戈称妻子“是一个极好的女人”,这个女人“好在”哪里,请简 要说明小说塑造文戈妻子形象的手法及作用。(6分) (4)小说对于黄手帕的展示是放长线式的。请结合全文,简要分析本文是怎 样层层铺垫,展示结局的。(8分) 四、实用类文本阅读(25分) 12(阅读下面的文字,完成(1)—(4)题。(25分) 陈忠实:乡居得静 五谷养人 胡忠伟 陈忠实话少~不会客套~他说话几乎不用形容词~偶尔一两句玩笑话~会逗乐在场的所有人。别人拿他开玩笑时~他那张沟壑纵横的脸上~会现出憨厚的一笑。他生活简单、沉静~一门心思都扑在了创作上,他语言简朴~却总能一语中的。对人生的感悟~他可以用最简单直观的语言来描述:“馍蒸到一半~最害怕啥,最害怕揭锅盖。因为锅盖一揭~气就放了~所以~馍就生了。” 1942年~陈忠实出生在陕西西安灞桥西蒋村。毕业之前~陈忠实也谨慎地为自己谋划着未来~他的打算是:上上策是上大学深造~其次是当兵~再次是回乡村。遗憾的是当年大学招生名额锐减~他落榜了~军营也对他关了门。于是他便只得归去~时在1962年。陈忠实感到了命运对自己的捉弄。 完完全全当一个农民~陈忠实显然难以接受。好在他对文学怀有强烈的兴趣。缘于此~陈忠实变得沉静起来。水深了才能沉静~而且沉静之中也许还潜藏着波澜大惊。于是~在乡村当教师、当公社干部之余~他把自己埋进了文学创作之中。 1965年初《西安日报》发表了他的散文处女作。1973年陈忠实发表第一部短篇小说~以后就每年一部。陈忠实大水深藏~一旦地裂土开~才见其汪与洌。1992年接到人民文学出版社高贤均的信~得知长篇小说《白鹿原》即将出版~并有高度之议~他流泪了。后来~这部小说果然获得了茅盾文学奖~版本数种~行世百万册之余~为其它众多艺术形式所使用~计有广播、绘画、泥塑、秦腔、话剧、舞剧等~翻译为日本语、韩国语、越南语。这正是他沉静写作的开花结果。 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn 《白鹿原》获奖后~陈忠实及时回到了乡下~他避开了热闹和喧哗~在沉静中积蓄着创作的力量~“我现在又回到原下祖居的老屋了。老屋是一种心理蕴藏--新房子在老房子原来的基础上盖成的~也是一种心理因素吧……获得的是宁静。”在一篇散文中陈忠实这样自陈心迹。这是他的生活~也是他的一种心理状态。宁静~从容~甚至还有一些悠闲。 尽管现在陈忠实已达到“小康”~但他依然保持着先前粗茶淡饭的生活习惯和节俭美德~他常说:“粗茶淡饭、五谷杂粮最养人~衣着朴实最惬意。”陈忠实习惯白天写作~晚上休息。他尊重身体的生物钟~起居有常。写作时~当顺畅地写到一定字数的时候~陈忠实便奖励自己去轻松娱乐一下~要么听秦腔~要么找知己聊天~要么找人“杀”一盘棋。 2000年腊月~陈忠实及一批文艺家应邀去外县采风。晚上休息时~主人问明日何时起来~陈忠实随口说:“睡觉睡到自然醒吧。”第二天~主人求他写字~陈忠实写了这句话~但他没有给主人~也没有依主人的要求写得很大挂在宾馆大堂~而是写了小小一幅~并主张挂在房间里。 有一年“五四”青年节~陈忠实应邀给西安的一些青年谈创作~有读者问他近年为什么没有写小说~他说:“没有写是因为没有感觉~没有关于小说的感觉。艺术上没有新的发现~干脆不要写。”此次谈话不久~他写了《日子》等小说~引起很大反响。《日子》写的是底层农民的“日子”~有底层农民生活的悲辛以及对社会的批判,《作家和他的弟弟》写一个作家的农民兄弟的狡猾与愚蠢~可笑与可哀~触及灵魂~滋味复杂。这些小说都写得简洁、含蓄而精到~作家与他笔下的人物和生活是贴近的~而他的目光又是悠远的~有入乎其内的深刻~更有出乎其外的透视与开阔。我想~这与陈忠实近年一直住在乡下而带来的宁静的心态大有关系吧。宁静~才能产生从容和悠远。 ?下列对传记有关内容的分析和概括,最恰当的两项是( )( )(5分) A(陈忠实主张如没有关于小说的感觉、没有艺术上新的发现,就干脆不要写,不久他写出了引起很大反响的《日子》等小说。 B(陈忠实总是语言幽默诙谐,简单直观,能一语中的地体现人生感悟,如他那“馍蒸到一半,最怕揭锅盖”的描述就是如此。 C(陈忠实高中毕业前曾谨慎地谋划未来,觉得最好是上大学深造,其次是significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 当兵,结果却受到命运的捉弄,只得回到乡村。 D(回乡村后,陈忠实怀有强烈的文学兴趣坚持创作,最终因为人民文学出版社高贤均推荐,《白鹿原》获得矛盾文学奖。 ,(2000年腊月陈忠实应邀去外县采风,第二天陈忠实主动写了张“睡觉睡到自然醒”的条幅送给主人,并主张挂在房间里。 ?第一段介绍了哪些内容,在内容上有何作用,(6分) ?陈忠实的人生经历有哪些,请结合文本简要概括。(6分) ?“乡居得静,五谷养人”,这两方面与陈忠实创作成功有关吗,请任选一个方面结合文本并联系自己熟悉的文学作品简要分析。(8分) 第II卷 表达题 五、语言文字运用(20分) 13、依次填入下列横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是(3分) ( ) 当今社会, ,总有那么一些不知敬畏是何物的人,他们不敬 生命,不敬自然不敬律令不敬传统不敬历史不敬民意不敬信仰,完了 :“人不为己,天诛地灭~”对于这种现象,要想 ,还 除了唤醒人们的敬畏意识,更重要的,是要健全、完善管理。 A、鱼目混珠 振振有词 扬扬止沸 B、鱼龙混杂 侃侃而谈 扬扬止沸 C、鱼龙混杂 振振有词 釜底抽薪 D、鱼目混珠 侃侃而谈 釜底抽薪 14、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分) ( ) A(不仅韩剧《来自星星的你》有爱情的美好,有穿越时空的奇思妙想,也 有诚实守信、谦恭礼让的传统美德,而且充满了时尚文化元素,给中国 观众留下了深刻印象。 B(“余额宝”是由国内第三方支付平台“支付宝”打造的一项全新的余额 增值服务,这类产品兴起的根本原因是与利率没有市场化、存在较大的 存款差价有莫大关系。 C(俄罗斯外交部网站在3月28日公布的消息中指出,联合国大会在前一天 通过的确认克里米亚公投无效的决议无效,并呼吁国际社会共同努力稳 定乌克兰局势。 D(父母对孩子监护管理的缺失是造成青少年流浪乞讨的根本原因。所以, 能否进一步完善未成年人的监护制度,是解决青少年流浪乞讨问题的重 要途径。 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn 15、依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分) ( ) , , , , , ,在这方面,中国哲学可能有所贡献。 ?我相信,宗教及其教条和迷信,必将让位于科学 ?中国的哲学也是既入世而又出世的 ?随着未来的科学进步 ?中国的圣人是既入世而又出世的 ?未来的哲学很可能是既入世而又出世的 ?可是人的对于超越入世的渴望,必将由未来的哲学满足 A(?????? B(?????? C(?????? D(?????? 16、阅读下面一段文字,调整画线部分的语序,并使各句协调一致,匀整对 称。(字数不得增减) (5分) 身上飘落过乌鞘岭纷飞的夏日雪花~藏胞敬来的青稞美酒仰头满饮过~ 俯首接过喇嘛垂献的洁白哈达~铺满轻尘的南疆小路深陷过双脚。离开高原~ 顺着大河~来到了“天下黄河独富”的河套。 答:____________________________________________________________ 17、公益广告是指不以盈利为目的而为社会公众切身利益和社会风尚服务的广 告。某电视台准备推出一则主题为“文明就在我们身边,离我们很近很近, 近得触手可及”的公益广告,意在用人们真实感人的行动来唤起人们的公德 意识。请仿照下面的镜头和画外音,从另一角度为这一主题再设计一个细节 性镜头和画外音。(6分) [主题]文明就在我们身边,离我们很近很近,近得触手可及。 [镜头]一个正在跑步的小伙子,将别人扔在垃圾桶外面的废弃物放入了垃圾 桶。 [画外音]有时候,文明离我们只不过是10公分的距离。 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 答:[镜头] [画外音]__________________________________________ 六、作文(60分) 18. 阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文(60分)。 “正能量”本是一个物理学名词~现在~社会上对这一词的使用频率很高。一切予人向上和希望、促使人不断追求、让生活变得圆满幸福的动力和感情~都可称为“正能量”。 一个国家、一个社会组织~乃至一个人的内心都是一座“能量场”~既隐藏着自信、豁达、愉悦、进取等正能量~又暗含着自私、猜疑、沮丧、消沉等负能量这两种能量~可以说是此消彼长的关系。因此~当正能量不断被激发时~负面情绪会逐渐被取代~这个国家、组织和个人的梦想也会慢慢实现 。 你对以上文字有何联想和感悟?请据此写一篇不少于800字的文章,题目自拟。 高三语文答案 一、现代文阅读(9分,每小题3分) 阅读下面的文字,完成1-3题。 二十四节气 二十四节气起源于黄河流域~也反映了典型北方气候特点。远在春秋时期~中国就已经能用土圭(在平面上竖一根杆子)来测量正午太阳影子的长短~以确定冬至、夏至、春分、秋分四个节气。一年中~土圭在正午时分影子最短的一天为夏至~最长的一天为冬至~影子长度适中的为春分或秋分。春秋时期的著作《尚书》中就已经对节气有所记述~西汉刘安著的《淮南子》一书里就有完整的二十四节气记载了。 我国古代用农历(月亮历)记时~用阳历(太阳历)划分春夏秋冬二十四节气。我们祖先把5天叫一候~3候为一气~称节气~全年分为72候24节气~以后不断地改进和完善。公元前104年~由邓平等制订的《太初历》正式把二十四节气定于历法~明确了二十四节气的天文位臵。二十四节气是我国劳动人民独创的文化遗产~与中国古代哲学体系有密切关系~它能反映季节的变化~指导农事活动~影响着千家万户的衣食住行。 太阳从黄经零度起~沿黄经每运行15度所经历的时日称为“一个节气”。每年运行360度~共经历24个节气~每月2个。其中~每月第一个节气为“节气”~它们是:立春、惊蛰、清明、立夏、芒种、小暑、立秋、白露、寒露、立冬、大雪和小寒12个节气,每月的第二个节气为“中气”。它们是:雨水、春分、谷雨、小满、夏至、大暑、处暑、秋分、霜降、小雪、冬至、大寒。“节气”和“中气”交替出现~各历时15天~现在人们已经把“节气”和“中气”统称为“节气”。 从二十四节气的命名可以看出~节气的划分充分考虑了季节、气候、物候等自然现象的变化。 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn 其中~立春、立夏、立秋、立冬是用来反映季节的~将一年划分为春、夏、秋、冬四个季节~反映了四季的开始。春分、秋分、夏至、冬至是从天文角度来划分的~反映了太阳高度变化的转折点。小暑、大暑、处暑、小寒、大寒等五个节气反映气温的变化~用来表示一年中不同时期寒热程度,雨水、谷雨、小雪、大雪四个节气反映了降水现象~表明降雨、降雪的时间和强度,白露、寒露、霜降三个节气表面上反映的是水汽凝结、凝华现象~但实质上反映出了气温逐渐下降的过程和程度:气温下降到一定程度~水汽出现凝露现象,气温继续下降~不仅凝露增多~而且越来越凉,当温度降至摄氏零度以下~水汽凝华为霜。小满、芒种则反映有关作物的成熟和收成情况,惊蛰、清明反映的是自然物候现象~尤其是惊蛰~它用天上初雷和地下蛰虫的复苏~来预示春天的回归。 二十四节气为中国大众所普遍接受~日常生活中随处可见二十四节气的影响~一些节气和民间文化相结合~已经成为人们的固定节日。最著名的清明、立春、立夏、冬至都融入了节日的氛围~夏至、暑伏也与日常生活紧密相连~以致民间有“冬至饺子夏至面”“头伏饺子二伏面~三伏烙饼摊鸡蛋”“冬练三九~夏练三伏”的说法。在这些节令中~往往伴有丰富多彩的民俗活动。 “春雨惊春清谷天~夏满芒夏暑相连~秋处露秋寒霜降~冬雪雪冬小大寒”是大家耳熟能详的谚语。二十四节气内涵十分丰富~其中既包括相关的谚语、歌谣、传说等~又有传统生产工具、生活器具、工艺品、书画等艺术作品~还包括与节令关系密切的节日文化、生产仪式和民间风俗。二十四节气是中国古代农业文明的具体表现~具有很高的农业历史文化的研究价值~因而成为中国一项重要的非物质文化遗产。 1(下列对“二十四节气”的阐述,不正确的一项是(3分) ( ) A(二十四节气起源于黄河流域。春秋时期,人们已经能用土圭来测量正午太 阳影子的长短,并确定了冬至、夏至、春分、秋分四个节气。 B(我国古代把5天叫一候,3候为一气,称节气,全年分72候24节气,这 种用农历划分的二十四节气,早在《淮南子》中就有完整记载。 C(二十四节气由我国劳动人民独创,不仅反映了季节的变化,还具有指导农 事活动的功能,对人民生活有广泛的影响,是重要的文化遗产。 D(从二十四节气的命名可知,节气的划分充分考虑了季节、气候、物候等自 然现象的变化。如立春、立夏、立秋、立冬反映了四季的开始。 【答案解析】 B 张冠李戴。“用农历划分的二十四节气”错,应是用阳历划分。 2(下列关于文章内容的表述,不正确的一项是(3分) ( ) A(太阳沿黄经每运行15度所经历的时日称为“一个节气”,一年共经历24 个节气,“节气”“中气”交替出现,现在人们把它们统称为“节气”。 B(二十四节气的制订经历了不断改进和完善的过程。公元前104年,邓平等 人在《太初历》中正式将二十四节气定于历法,并明确了其天文位置。 C(春分、秋分、夏至、冬至等节气反映了太阳高度变化的转折点,而小暑、 大暑、处暑、小寒、大寒、小雪、大雪等节气反映气温在一年中的升降变 化。 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of D(“春雨惊春清谷天,夏满芒夏暑相连,秋处露秋寒霜降,冬雪雪冬小大寒” 的谚语讲述的是一年的二十四个节气的顺序,民众对此耳熟能详。 【答案解析】 C无中生有。小雪、大雪反映的是降水现象,不是气温的变化。 3(根据原文内容,下列理解和分析正确的一项是(3分) ( ) A(二十四节气为中国大众所普遍接受,日常生活中随处可见它的影响,这 些节气和民间文化结合紧密,已经成为人们的固定节日。 B(民间“冬至饺子夏至面”“冬练三九,夏练三伏”等说法说明夏至、暑 伏与日常生活紧密相连,许多民俗活动也在这些节令里开展。 C(“惊蛰”用天上初现惊雷和地下蛰伏的虫子的复苏来预示春天的回归, 而在我国南方虫子根本不蛰伏,所以无法有“惊蛰”一说。 D(二十四节气是中国一项重要的非物质文化遗产,所以是中国古代农业文 明的具体表现,内涵丰富,具有很高的农业历史文化的研究价值。 【答案解析】 B A项,绝对化。原文为“一些节气和民间文化相结合”, 而不是全部。C项,主观臆断。虽然节气反映的是典型北方气候特点,但 说南方没有“惊蛰”是错误的(原文无据)。D项,因果倒置。因为二十四节 气内涵丰富,是中国古代农业文明的具体表现,有很高的农业历史文化研 究价值,所以才成为中国一项重要的非物质文化遗产。 二、古代诗文阅读(36分) ) (一)文言文阅读(19分 阅读下面的文言文,完成4-7题。 房乔~字玄龄~齐州临淄人。幼聪敏~博览经史~工草隶~善属文。年十八~本州举进士~授羽骑尉。父病绵历十旬~玄龄尽心药膳~未尝解衣交睫。太宗徇地渭北~玄龄杖策谒于军门~太宗一见~便如旧识~署渭北道行军记室参军。玄龄既遇知己罄竭心力知无不为贼寇每平众人竞求珍玩玄龄独先收人物致之幕府及有谋臣猛将皆与之潜相申结各尽其死力。玄龄在秦府十余年~常典管记~每军书表奏~驻马立成~文约理赡~初无稿草。高祖尝谓侍臣曰:“此人深识机宜~足堪委任。每为吾儿陈事~必会人心~千里之外~犹对面语耳。”隐太子以玄龄、如晦为太宗所亲礼~甚恶之~谮之于高祖~由是与如晦并被驱斥。隐太子将有变也~太宗令长孙无忌召玄龄及如晦~令衣道士服~潜引入阁计事。及太宗入春宫~擢拜太子右庶子~赐绢五千匹。 贞观元年~代萧瑀为中书令。论功行赏~以玄龄及长孙无忌、杜如晦、尉迟敬德、侯君集五人为第一~进爵邢国公~赐实封千三百户。三年~拜太子少师~固让不受~摄太子詹事~兼礼部尚书。明年~代长孙无忌为尚书左仆射~改封魏国公~监修国史。既任总百司~虔恭夙夜~尽心竭节~不欲一物失所。闻人有善~若己有之。明达吏事~饰以文学~审定法令~意在宽平。不以求备取人~不以己长格物~随能收叙~无隔卑贱。论者称为良相焉。高宗居春宫~加玄龄太子太傅~仍知门下省事~监修国史如故。寻以撰《高祖、太宗实录》成~降玺书褒美~赐物一千五百段。其年~玄龄丁继母忧去职~特敕赐以昭陵葬地。未几~起复本官。太宗亲征辽东~命玄龄京城留守~手诏曰:“公当萧何之任~朕无西顾之忧矣。”军戎器械~战士粮廪~并委令处分发遣。玄龄屡上言敌不可轻~尤宜诫慎。寻与中书侍郎褚遂良受诏重撰《晋书》。 二十三年~驾幸玉华宫~时玄龄旧疾发~诏令卧总留台。及渐笃~追赴宫所~乘担舆入殿~将至御座乃下。太宗对之流涕~玄龄亦感咽不能自胜。敕遣名医救significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn 疗~尚食每日供御膳。若微得减损~太宗即喜见颜色,如闻增剧~便为改容凄怆。后疾增剧~遂凿苑墙开门~累遣中使候问。上又亲临~握手叙别~悲不自胜。皇太子亦就之与之诀。寻薨~年七十。废朝三日。 ,《旧唐书•房玄龄传》, 4(对下列各句中加点的词语的解释,错误的一项是(3分) ( ) A、工草隶,善属文 属:写作 ( B、文约理赡 赡:充足 ( C、潜引入阁计事 潜:偷偷地 ( D、仍知门下省事 知:了解 ( 5(对文中划线部分的断句,正确的一项是(3分) ( ) A(玄龄既遇/知己罄竭心力/知无不为/贼寇每平众人/竞求珍玩/玄龄独先收 人/物致之幕府/及有谋臣/猛将皆与之潜相申结/各尽其死力 B(玄龄既遇/知己罄竭心力知/无不为/贼寇每平/众人竞求珍玩/玄龄独先收 人/物致之幕府及有谋臣/猛将皆与之潜相申结/各尽其死力。 C(玄龄既遇知己/罄竭心力/知无不为/贼寇每平众人/竞求珍玩/玄龄独先收 人/物致之幕府/及有谋臣猛将/皆与之/潜相申结/各尽其死力 D(玄龄既遇知己/罄竭心力/知无不为/贼寇每平/众人竞求珍玩/玄龄独先收 人物/致之幕府/及有谋臣猛将/皆与之潜相申结/各尽其死力 6(下列对原文有关内容的分析和概括,不正确的一项是(3分) ( ) A.房玄龄从小就很聪明,书法、文章俱佳。父亲生病时间很长,他尽心服侍。 B. 房玄龄一度因为人中伤,被李世民驱斥,后又被召回。 C. 房玄龄与唐太宗李世民一见如故。房玄龄尽心尽力为李世民出谋划策,延揽人才。 D. 李世民将房玄龄比之于汉高祖的萧何。房玄龄病重之际,得到了皇帝厚待。 7(把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。(10分) (1)不以求备取人,不以己长格物,随能收叙,无隔卑贱。(5分) (2)若微得减损,太宗即喜见颜色;如闻增剧,便为改容凄怆。(5分) 【答案】4(D(知:掌管) 5(D 6(B(被高祖李渊所驱斥) 7.(1)他不以求全来选人,不用自己的长处来要求他人,看他的才能任用, 不因他人的地位卑贱而排斥。 (2)如果他的病略能减退,太宗就高兴得露出喜色;如果听说病情加重, 就变得满面凄怆。 文言文翻译: 房乔~字玄龄~是齐州临淄人~小时候就是聪明~广泛地阅读了经书、史书。善于写文章。十八岁时~被本州推举进士~朝廷授予羽骑尉的官职~父亲生病绵延十个月~玄龄的心思全部用在父亲的药物和膳食上~不曾脱衣服睡过一次觉。太宗攻占渭水北边的土地~玄龄驱马到军门求见。太宗一见他~就像significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 老朋友一样~让他代理渭北道行军记室参军。玄龄已经遇到了知己的人~偏用尽自己的全部心力~知道的没有不马上去做的。每次平定贼寇~众人争着去寻找珍宝古玩~只有玄龄先接受杰出人物~安臵到幕府中。当有谋臣猛将~都跟他们暗中互相申重结合~各人都表示愿为太宗竭尽死力。玄龄在李市民秦王府中十多年~常负责管理文牍~每逢写军书奏章~停马立即可成。文字简约义理丰厚。一开始就不用草稿。高祖曾经对侍臣说:“这个人深重地了解机宜~足能委以重任。每当替我儿陈说事务~一定能了解人的心理~千里之外~好像对面说话一样。”隐太子李建成因为玄龄、如晦为太宗亲近礼遇~很憎恶他们~在高祖面前说他们的坏话~因此玄龄跟如晦一起被驱斥。隐太子,太子李建成的谥号,将要发动兵变时~太宗令长孙无忌召玄龄和如晦~叫他们穿道士的服装~暗中带进内阁商量大事。等到太宗成为太子之后~提升玄龄担任太子右庶子~赐绢五千匹。 贞观元年~玄龄代萧瑀为中书令。太宗论功行赏~把玄龄跟长孙无忌、杜如晦、尉迟敬德、侯君集五人作为第一等~进爵为邢国公~赐实封千三百户。贞观三年~任命他为太子少师~他坚决推辞不接受~代理太子詹事~兼礼部尚书。第二年~代长孙无忌为尚书左卜射~改封魏国公~监编国史。已担任总领百司的官职以后~日夜虔诚恭敬~用尽全部的心力~不想让每一个人才失去应当处的位臵。听到他人的长处~好像自己拥有一样高兴。他对行政事务明晰练达~并且用文献经典来加以整治。他审查修订法令~意在宽容和平稳。他不以求全来选人~不用自己的长处来要求他人~看他的才能任用~不因他人的地位卑贱而排斥。议论的人都称赞他是良相。高宗成为太子之后~加玄龄为太子太傅~仍或主持门下省事务~监管编撰国史像原来那样。不久因撰写《高祖太宗实录》成~赐下玺书表彰~赐物一千五百段。这一年~玄龄因继母去世丁忧服丧离开职位~朝廷特地下诏在昭陵赐给他墓地。不久~他又从回本官职位。太宗亲征辽东时~命玄龄在京城留守~亲手写诏书说:“你担负萧何一样的重任~我没有后顾之忧了。”军队的兵器、战士的粮食~都交给他下令处臵调发。玄龄多次上书说不可轻敌~尤应当警惕小心。不久跟中书侍郎褚遂良受诏重编《晋书》。 贞观二十三年~皇上驾临玉华宫~当时玄龄老病复发~皇上下诏令他睡在总留台。到他渐渐病重~玄龄追赴玉华宫~坐偏轿入殿~将近到皇帝御座才下轿。太宗对他流泪~玄龄也感伤悲咽得不能自我控制。下诏派名医救治。掌管皇帝膳食的官员每天对他供应御膳。如果他的病略能减退~太宗就高兴得露出喜色,如果听说病情加重~就变得满面凄怆。后病情加重~就凿开宫墙开门~多次派宦官问候。皇上又亲自光临~握手叙别~悲不能忍,皇太子也去跟他诀别。不久去世~享年七十。朝廷三日不上朝。柳芳说:玄龄辅佐太宗平定天下~在宰相位去世~总共有三十二年~天下人称为贤相。可是无法形容他的伟大~德行可说是相当高深了。所以太宗平定外祸内乱~而房玄龄、杜如晦不谈自己的功劳~王圭、魏征劝谏国君~而房玄龄、杜如晦让位给他们~李世勣、李靖善于统御部众而房玄龄、杜如晦采用他们的意见~使得政治得到太平~却把善处归给国君。说他们是唐宗室大臣~是很恰当的。 (二)古代诗歌阅读(Il分) 阅读下面两首诗,完成8-9题。 见梅 【宋】何应龙 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn 云绕前冈水绕村~忽惊空谷有佳人。 天寒日暮吹香去~尽是冰霜不是春。 梅花 【明】宸濠翠妃 锈针刺破纸糊窗~引透寒梅一线香。 蝼蚁也知春色好~倒拖花片上东墙。 8、两首诗都吟咏梅花,但描摹的手法、抒发的感情各有不同,请结合两首诗 歌作简要分析。(5分) 【答案解析】第一首:正面描写了梅花的生长环境、风姿、芳香,最后借梅言 志,倾述自己生不逢时、抱负难展的情怀,流露出欲争春而不得的悲凉 之情。 第二首:侧面描写,通过刺破窗纸、引透梅香、隔窗春梅、蝼蚁拖 花,写出梅花盛开得景象,表达了作者对梅花的喜爱之情。 9、两首诗都写了梅花的芳香,你认为目的是否一样,请分析。(6分) 【答案解析】第一首:写梅花的芳香,目的是表现梅花不畏严寒,不屈不挠 的精神,以此象征自己高尚的品德和才华。 第二首:写梅花芳香,目的是表现梅花盛开、生机勃勃的早春景象。 (三)名篇名句默写(6分) 10、写出下列句子中的空缺部分 ?、苏轼《赤壁赋》中从侧面写出箫声的魅力的句子是“舞幽壑之潜蛟,泣孤舟 之嫠妇” ?、岑参在《白雪歌送武判官归京》中,以风见雪,造成别开生面的开阔雄奇氛 围的诗句是“北风卷地白草折,胡天八月即飞雪。 ?、《师说》中辩证看待老师、弟子才能的句子是“(是故)弟子不必不如师,师 不必贤于弟子。” 乙 选做题 请在第三、四两大题中选定其中一个大题作答。注意:只能做所选定大题内的小题,不得选做另一大题内的小题。如果多做,则按所做的第一大题计分。 三、文学类文本阅读(25分) 11(阅读下面的作品,完成(1)—(4)题。(25分) 回家 [美]皮特〃哈米尔 几年前~我在纽约格林威治村遇到一个姑娘~就是从她那里我第一次听到这个故事。这个故事也许是一个神秘的民间传说~每隔几年重复出现~以这样或那样的形式重新流传。然而我仍然愿意相信它确实在某时某地发生过。 他们要到劳德戴尔要塞去——共三个小伙子和三个姑娘——上公共汽车时~他们拎着纸袋~里面装有三明治和葡萄酒~梦想见到金色的沙滩和大海的潮汐。这时~纽约灰暗而寒冷的春天已经在他们身后消失。 公共汽车驶过新泽西州时~他们开始注意到文戈。文戈坐在他们前面~衣着significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 简朴~但不很合身。他坐在那里~从来没有动一下~满是灰尘的脸上看不出他的实际年龄。他一直咬着嘴唇~表情冷漠~一语不发。 深夜~汽车抵达华盛顿郊外~在霍华德〃约翰逊饭店停下。大家都下了车~只有文戈坐在座位上像生了根似的一动也不动。几个小伙子感到奇怪~试图猜想他的身世:也许他是一个船长~也许是抛下妻子~离家出走的人~也许是一个回家的老兵。他们回到车上时~一个姑娘坐在他身边~作了自我介绍。 “我们要到佛罗里达去~” 她欣喜地说~“听说那儿真美。” “是的。”他平静地说~仿佛他想起了曾极力忘掉的事情。 “想喝点葡萄酒吗?”她问。他微微一笑~对着酒瓶喝了一大口。他向她道了谢~又陷入了沉默。过了一会儿~她回到伙伴中间~文戈则打着盹睡着了。 次日早晨~他们一觉醒来发现汽车已停在另一家霍华德〃约翰逊饭店门外。这次文戈进了饭店~那个姑娘坚持要文戈与他们坐在一起。他看来很害羞~要了一杯不加牛奶的清咖啡。他听着年轻人闲聊海滩露宿的情景~紧张不安地抽着烟。回到车上后~那个姑娘又与文戈坐在了一起。过了一会儿~他讲述了自己辛酸的经历。他在纽约监狱里关了四年~现在回家去。 “你结婚了吗?” “我不知道。” “你不知道?”她问。 “是这样~在我坐牢时我曾给妻子写过信~” 他说~“我告诉她~我要离开很长时间~如果她受不了~如果孩子们总是问这问那~如果她太伤心~那么她可以把我忘掉。我能理解。再找一个丈夫。我说——她是一个极好的女人~确实了不起——把我忘掉吧。我告诉她不必给我写信。果真如此~三年半里她没有给我写过一封信。” “你现在回家~对家里的情况什么都不知道?” “是的~”他羞怯地说~“不过~上一周~当我确信假释就要批准时~我又给她写了信。我们过去住在布伦斯威克镇~就在杰克逊维海港前边。镇口有一棵高大的橡树~你一进镇就能望见。我告诉她~如果她没有改嫁~愿意等我回家~那就在橡树上系一条黄手帕。我看见黄手帕就会下车回家。如果她不想要我~就忘掉这件事——不系手帕~这样我就继续坐在车上走过去。” “哇~”那个姑娘叫起来~“哇:” 她告诉了其余的人~很快大家都知道了。他们都关注着布伦斯威克镇的到来~并相互传看着文戈拿出来的几张照片~照片上是他妻子和三个孩子——妻子透露出一种纯朴之美~孩子们尚未发育成熟。可以看得出来~照片不知被文戈抚摩多少次了。 现在他们离布伦斯威克镇还有二十英里~几个年轻人都坐在右边靠窗的座位上~等待着那棵大橡树的出现。文戈停止张望~脸上的肌肉绷得紧紧的~好像他在给自己鼓劲~决心战胜另一次失望。 这时离布伦斯威克镇只有十英里~五英里……突然~所有年轻人都从座位上站了起来~他们叫呀~喊呀~高兴得手舞足蹈。但只有文戈除外。 文戈坐在那儿望着橡树惊呆了。树上挂满了黄手帕——二十条~三十条~也许有几百条,这棵树~真像一面欢迎的旗臶~在迎风招展。正当年轻人高声欢呼的时候~这位老囚犯慢慢地从座位上站起来~朝着汽车前面的方向~回家去了。 (1) 下列对这篇小说有关内容的分析和概括,最恰当的两项是(5分) ( )( ) significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn A.小说开篇从“我”遇到一个姑娘听到她讲的故事写起,并说这故事“每隔几年重复出现,以这样或那样的形式重新流传”,为本文蒙上一层神秘的面纱,引起读者的阅读兴趣。 B.文戈“表情冷漠,一语不发”,引起了年轻人对他的神秘身份的猜测,主要是为了表现了文登冷漠的性格侧面,为后文写他是罪犯做铺垫。 C.小说文字简洁,注重细节描写。文戈“衣着简朴,但不很合身”、“照片不 知被文戈抚摩多少次”等,看似简单的几句话,却巧妙地暗示出人物的 身份和性格。 D.小说擅长对人物性格的描写,尤其重视对人物心理的细腻刻画,经常在人与人、人 与景的对比与衬托中,凸显人物丰富复杂的内心世界。 E.小说以文戈所讲的故事为线索,讲述了文戈与妻子的动人的爱情故事,处处设置悬念,层层铺垫,直到结尾才揭示结局,引人入胜。 【答案解析】11((1)C(3分),A (2分),B(1分)(B项主要目的是使文戈冷漠的外表与内心的波澜形成对比,表现文戈复杂而又矛盾的内心世界。D项没有人与景的对比。E项不是以文戈所讲的故事为线索。) (2)小说中多次出现对比的手法,请简要分析。(6分) 【答案解析】?文戈外在的冷漠平静、一言不发与内心深处的波涛汹涌、起伏跌宕形成对比。?文戈心里对妻子的爱恋、归家的渴望与不知妻子是否接纳他的恐惧形成对比。?几个年轻人的热情好奇与文戈的冷漠安静形成对比。?见到黄手帕时年轻人的激动与文戈的冷静的外在表现形成对比。(每点2分,答出三点即可。) (3)小说中文戈称妻子“是一个极好的女人”,这个女人“好在”哪里,请简 要说明小说塑造文戈妻子形象的手法及作用。(6分) 【答案解析】?她善良纯朴(1分)、对爱情忠贞不渝(1分)、又内心浪漫,富有诗意 (1分)。?作者采用化实为虚(虚写)的手法塑造这一形象的。(1分) ?可以不着一字,却使人物形象鲜活可感,生动丰满(1分);同时,设置 了悬念,吸引读者,给读者留下了极为广阔的想象空间(1分)。 (4)小说对于黄手帕的展示是放长线式的。请结合全文,简要分析本文是怎 样层层铺垫,展示结局的。(8分) 【答案解析】?先从我遇到一个姑娘听到这个故事说起,设置悬念,为故事 增添了神秘的色彩。似乎远远道来,不着边际,与黄手帕无关。?后说 三个小伙子与三个姑娘乘公共汽车去海边,更是山重水复,七弯八绕。 仍然没有提到黄手帕。?接下来才开始出现相关人物文戈,却又显得神 秘莫测,设置悬念,引起人们的诸多猜想。还是没有提到黄手帕。?直 到文戈讲述自己的故事才点出黄手帕,却又再次设置悬念,让人们关注 文戈的命运,一起在紧张焦虑中期盼黄手帕的结局。?直到最后一段, 才揭示结局:“树上挂满了黄手帕——二十条,三十条,也许有几百 条”。让读者紧绷的心弦松弛下来。(每点2分,答出4点即可得满分) significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 四、实用类文本阅读(25分) 12(阅读下面的文字,完成(1)—(4)题。(25分) 陈忠实:乡居得静 五谷养人 胡忠伟 陈忠实话少~不会客套~他说话几乎不用形容词~偶尔一两句玩笑话~会逗乐在场的所有人。别人拿他开玩笑时~他那张沟壑纵横的脸上~会现出憨厚的一笑。他生活简单、沉静~一门心思都扑在了创作上,他语言简朴~却总能一语中的。对人生的感悟~他可以用最简单直观的语言来描述:“馍蒸到一半~最害怕啥,最害怕揭锅盖。因为锅盖一揭~气就放了~所以~馍就生了。” 1942年~陈忠实出生在陕西西安灞桥西蒋村。高中毕业之前~陈忠实也谨慎地为自己谋划着未来~他的打算是:上上策是上大学深造~其次是当兵~再次是回乡村。遗憾的是当年大学招生名额锐减~他落榜了~军营也对他关了门。于是他便只得归去~时在1962年。陈忠实感到了命运对自己的捉弄。 完完全全当一个农民~陈忠实显然难以接受。好在他对文学怀有强烈的兴趣。缘于此~陈忠实变得沉静起来。水深了才能沉静~而且沉静之中也许还潜藏着波澜大惊。于是~在乡村当教师、当公社干部之余~他把自己埋进了文学创作之中。 1965年初《西安日报》发表了他的散文处女作。1973年陈忠实发表第一部短篇小说~以后就每年一部。陈忠实大水深藏~一旦地裂土开~才见其汪与洌。1992年接到人民文学出版社高贤均的信~得知长篇小说《白鹿原》即将出版~并有高度之议~他流泪了。后来~这部小说果然获得了茅盾文学奖~版本数种~行世百万册之余~为其它众多艺术形式所使用~计有广播、绘画、泥塑、秦腔、话剧、舞剧等~翻译为日本语、韩国语、越南语。这正是他沉静写作的开花结果。 《白鹿原》获奖后~陈忠实及时回到了乡下~他避开了热闹和喧哗~在沉静中积蓄着创作的力量~“我现在又回到原下祖居的老屋了。老屋是一种心理蕴藏--新房子在老房子原来的基础上盖成的~也是一种心理因素吧……获得的是宁静。”在一篇散文中陈忠实这样自陈心迹。这是他的生活~也是他的一种心理状态。宁静~从容~甚至还有一些悠闲。 尽管现在陈忠实已达到“小康”~但他依然保持着先前粗茶淡饭的生活习惯和节俭美德~他常说:“粗茶淡饭、五谷杂粮最养人~衣着朴实最惬意。”陈忠实习惯白天写作~晚上休息。他尊重身体的生物钟~起居有常。写作时~当顺畅地写到一定字数的时候~陈忠实便奖励自己去轻松娱乐一下~要么听秦腔~要么找知己聊天~要么找人“杀”一盘棋。 2000年腊月~陈忠实及一批文艺家应邀去外县采风。晚上休息时~主人问明日何时起来~陈忠实随口说:“睡觉睡到自然醒吧。”第二天~主人求他写字~陈忠实写了这句话~但他没有给主人~也没有依主人的要求写得很大挂在宾馆大堂~而是写了小小一幅~并主张挂在房间里。 有一年“五四”青年节~陈忠实应邀给西安的一些青年谈创作~有读者问他近年为什么没有写小说~他说:“没有写是因为没有感觉~没有关于小说的感觉。艺术上没有新的发现~干脆不要写。”此次谈话不久~他写了《日子》等小说~引起很大反响。《日子》写的是底层农民的“日子”~有底层农民生活的悲辛以及对社会的批判,《作家和他的弟弟》写一个作家的农民兄弟的狡猾与愚蠢~可笑与可哀~触及灵魂~滋味复杂。这些小说都写得简洁、含蓄而精到~作家与他笔下的人物和生活是贴近的~而他的目光又是悠远的~有入乎其内的深刻~更有出乎其外的透视与开阔。我想~这与陈忠实近年一直住在乡下而带来的宁静的心态significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn 大有关系吧。宁静~才能产生从容和悠远。 ?下列对传记有关内容的分析和概括,最恰当的两项是(5分) ( )( ) A(陈忠实主张如没有关于小说的感觉、没有艺术上新的发现,就干脆不要 写,不久他写出了引起很大反响的《日子》等小说。 B(陈忠实总是语言幽默诙谐,简单直观,能一语中的地体现人生感悟,如 他那“馍蒸到一半,最怕揭锅盖”的描述就是如此。 C(陈忠实高中毕业前曾谨慎地谋划未来,觉得最好是上大学深造,其次是 当兵,结果却受到命运的捉弄,只得回到乡村。 D(回乡村后,陈忠实怀有强烈的文学兴趣坚持创作,最终因为人民文学出 版社高贤均推荐,《白鹿原》获得矛盾文学奖。 E(2000年腊月陈忠实应邀去外县采风,第二天陈忠实主动写了张“睡觉睡 到自然醒”的条幅送给主人,并主张挂在房间里。 【答案解析】(1)A得3分。C得2分。B得1分。DE不得分。(B项文中说, “陈忠实语言简朴,却总能一语中的”。对此文中举了他对人生感悟的一例。 D项原文是“接到人民出版社高贤均的信,得知长篇小说《白鹿原》即将出 版”,获得茅盾文学奖是后来的事。E项并非是陈忠实写了条幅送给主人, 而是主人求他写字,他写好后也没有给主人。) ?第一段介绍了哪些内容,在内容上有何作用,(6分) 【答案解析】内容:对陈忠实沉静的个性、饱经风霜的相貌,(1分)简单沉 静的生活、一心扑在创作上的文学态度,(1分)生动直观的语言进行了总 结性介绍(1分)。内容上的作用:?突出陈忠实能成为杰出作家的内在原 因(2分),?凸显其对文学的沉静态度与忠诚之心(1分)。 ?陈忠实的人生经历有哪些,请结合文本简要概括。(6分) 【答案解析】? 出身寒门,“命运捉弄”。考大学落榜,当兵无望;?沉潜乡 间专心写作;?散文、小说初次发表;?《白鹿原》获得巨大成功;?回乡 下积蓄创作力量;?发表《日子》等小说,反响很大。(1点1分,意思对 即可) ?“乡居得静,五谷养人”,这两方面与陈忠实创作成功有关吗,请任选一个方 面结合文本并联系自己熟悉的文学作品简要分析。(8分) 【答案解析】角度一:有关。(2分)文学创作须要“静气”。文学是沉静者 的事业,没有沉静之心,是无法在文学殿堂收获成功的。(2分)所谓“静 水深沉”,所谓“馍蒸到一半最害怕揭锅盖”,陈忠实就是在“乡居得静” 中创作的《白鹿原》。(结合文本2分)托尔斯泰静居波良纳乡间数十年, 才创作出文学巨著《战争与和平》、《安娜?卡列尼娜》、《复活》;曹雪芹晚 年静居西山黄叶村,“举家食粥酒常赊”,才写出了“披阅十载,增删五次” 的《红楼梦》,再一次印证了这个道理。(联系文学作品2分,举出1例即 可,意思对即可。) 角度二:有关。(2分)文学创作须贴近生活的土壤。文学是生活的给予~ 没有生活的深厚土壤,文学也就成了无本之木、无源之水。(2分)陈忠实significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 《白鹿原》终得“开花结果”,同样是因为他深知生活的“五谷养人”,接受了那陕西原野的深厚馈赠。(结合文本2分)施耐庵《水浒传》的成功,因为他曾参加了元末张士诚的义军;巴尔扎克“人间喜剧”对金钱力量的描写沦肌浃髓,是因为他亲受了商业投机的惨败和债台高筑的重压;鲁迅小说的深刻,一个极重要的原因是他从家道中落中“看清了世人的真面目”。(联系文学作品2分,举出1例即可,意思对即可。) 第II卷 表达题 五、语言文字运用(20分) 13、依次填入下列横线处的成语,最恰当的一组是(3分) ( ) 当今社会, ,总有那么一些不知敬畏是何物的人,他们不敬生命,不敬自然不敬律令不敬传统不敬历史不敬民意不敬信仰,完了还 :“人不为己,天诛地灭~”对于这种现象,要想 ,除了唤醒人们的敬畏意识,更重要的,是要健全制度、完善管理。 A、鱼目混珠 振振有词 扬扬止沸 B、鱼龙混杂 侃侃而谈 扬扬止沸 C、鱼龙混杂 振振有词 釜底抽薪 D、鱼目混珠 侃侃而谈 釜底抽薪 【答案解析】C 鱼目混珠:比喻以假乱真,以次充好。/鱼龙混杂:比喻坏人和好人混在一起。/振振有词:形容理由似乎很充分,说个不休,含贬义。侃侃而谈:形容说话理直气壮,从容不迫,含褒义。/扬扬止沸:比喻办法/ 不彻底,不能从根本上解决问题,/釜底抽薪:比喻从根本上解决问题。 14、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分) ( ) A(不仅韩剧《来自星星的你》有爱情的美好,有穿越时空的奇思妙想,也 有诚实守信、谦恭礼让的传统美德,而且充满了时尚文化元素,给中国 观众留下了深刻印象。 B(“余额宝”是由国内第三方支付平台“支付宝”打造的一项全新的余额 增值服务,这类产品兴起的根本原因是与利率没有市场化、存在较大的 存款差价有莫大关系。 C(俄罗斯外交部网站在3月28日公布的消息中指出,联合国大会在前一天 通过的确认克里米亚公投无效的决议无效,并呼吁国际社会共同努力稳 定乌克兰局势。 D(父母对孩子监护管理的缺失是造成青少年流浪乞讨的根本原因。所以, 能否进一步完善未成年人的监护制度,是解决青少年流浪乞讨问题的重 要途径。 【答案解析】C(A项语序不当,关联词“不仅”应放在“《来自星星的你》” 之后。B项句式杂糅,应改为“根本原因是„„”或“与„„有莫大关 系”;另外,“一项”应放在“由”前面。D项不合逻辑,两面与一面不 照应,应去掉“能否”。) 15、依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一项是(3分)( ) , , , , , ,在这方面,中国哲学可能有所贡献。 ?我相信,宗教及其教条和迷信,必将让位于科学 ?中国的哲学也是既入世而又出世的 ?随着未来的科学进步 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 官方网址:www.rsre.cn ?中国的圣人是既入世而又出世的 ?未来的哲学很可能是既入世而又出世的 ?可是人的对于超越入世的渴望,必将由未来的哲学满足 A(?????? B(?????? C(?????? D(?????? 【答案解析】C. (?先总结说中国圣人入世又出世 ?引出中国哲学既入 世又出世 ????又推导出未来哲学也可能既入世又出世。) 16、阅读下面一段文字,调整画线部分的语序,并使各句格式协调一致,匀整对 称。(字数不得增减)(5分) 身上飘落过乌鞘岭纷飞的夏日雪花,藏胞敬来的青稞美酒仰头满饮过,俯首 接过喇嘛垂献的洁白哈达,铺满轻尘的南疆小路深陷过双脚。离开高原,顺 着大河,来到了“天下黄河独富”的河套。 【答案示例】 身上飘落过乌鞘岭纷飞的夏日雪花,双脚深陷过铺满轻尘的 南疆小路,仰头满饮过藏胞敬来的青稞美酒,俯首接过喇嘛垂献的洁白哈达。 17、公益广告是指不以盈利为目的而为社会公众切身利益和社会风尚服务的广告。某电视台 准备推出一则主题为“文明就在我们身边,离我们很近很近,近得触手可及” 的公益广告,意在用人们真实感人的行动来唤起人们的公德意识。请仿照下 面的镜头和画外音,从另一角度为这一主题再设计一个细节性镜头和画外音。 (6分) [主题]文明就在我们身边,离我们很近很近,近得触手可及。 [镜头]一个正在跑步的小伙子,将别人扔在垃圾桶外面的废弃物放入了垃圾 桶。 [画外音]有时候,文明离我们只不过是10公分的距离。 [镜头] 【答案解析】 (示例)[镜头?]在路边,一个装卸工人,默默地将 挡在盲道上的箱子移开,以方便盲人的通行。[画外音?]有时候,文明也许 只是几十厘米的宽度。 [画外音] [镜头?]在公园,一个小男孩,为了防止把椅子踩脏,用一张白纸 垫在脚下去够挂在树上的风筝。[画外音?]有时候,文明可能只是一张纸的 厚度。 六、作文(60分) 18. 阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文(60分)。 “正能量”本是一个物理学名词,现在,社会上对这一词的使用频率很高。一切予人向上和希望、促使人不断追求、让生活变得圆满幸福的动力和感情,都可称为“正能量”。 一个国家、一个社会组织,乃至一个人的内心都是一座“能量场”,既隐藏significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to fo cus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of 着自信、豁达、愉悦、进取等正能量,又暗含着自私、猜疑、沮丧、消沉等负能 量这两种能量,可以说是此消彼长的关系。因此,当正能量不断被激发时,负面 情绪会逐渐被取代,这个国家、组织和个人的梦想也会慢慢实现 。 你对以上文字有何联想和感悟?请据此写一篇不少于800字的文章,题目自 拟。 significantly before the end of the style of the Communist Party. 6, combined with the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the founding of, through the selection of branch, Party committee recommended way, selected 100 outstanding "two studies do" outstanding communist party member. (3) to "create", selected 10 "two to learn a" model unit. Fall real good "two studies do , to focus on the theory for guiding practice, have done the work better. Towns street, the various departments (units) should be through the establishment of the vanguard party post, Party demonstration zone and formation of Party members and community volunteer service teams way, guide the majority of Party members to study and practice the Party Constitution of party compasses, and implement the General Secretary Xi Jinping series of important speech of enthusiasm reflected in performance of their duties, to promote specific work to, based on the post, aTo contend for actor, actively participate in building a well-off society, promote structural reform, promote the transformation of economic development etc. work, a solid grasp of a city, the construction of key projects, the coordinated development of urban and rural areas lead the masses to get rich etc. of the work of the centre of the implementation, and actively striving for "two studies and a" model unit. Before the end of the year, in the city's rating selected 10 flexibly "two studies do a", outstanding achievements in the work of
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