

2018-12-12 15页 doc 45KB 58阅读




《学困生转化研究》结题报告《学困生转化研究》结题报告 阜宁县郭墅中心小学课题组 一、课题提出的主导思想, 积极推进和全面实施素质教育是实现科教兴国、培养现代化建设人才的战略举措,是基础教育领域的一场深刻变革。素质教育实际上是以提高中华民族素质为中心的国民教育,我们教育的对象是人,是一个个思想感情、兴趣爱好、学习习惯、学习基础各不相同的人。一个学校,一个班集体,如果只把注意力放在中生和优生的层面上出不了成绩,也不叫素质教育。所以我们更应该充分调动学困生积极参与教育教学活动,培养他们良好的生活习惯、行为习惯和学习习惯,揭示学习规律,教给学习方法,发展...
《学困生转化研究》结题报告 阜宁县郭墅中心小学课题组 一、课题提出的主导思想, 积极推进和全面实施素质教育是实现科教兴国、培养现代化建设人才的战略举措,是基础教育领域的一场深刻变革。素质教育实际上是以提高中华民族素质为中心的国民教育,我们教育的对象是人,是一个个思想感情、兴趣爱好、学习习惯、学习基础各不相同的人。一个学校,一个班集体,如果只把注意力放在中生和优生的层面上出不了成绩,也不叫素质教育。所以我们更应该充分调动学困生积极参与教育教学活动,培养他们良好的生活习惯、行为习惯和学习习惯,揭示学习规律,教给学习方法,发展他们的能力。 全面提高教育教学质量是农村小学目前面临的重要课题。如果教师忽视了学困生这一特殊群体,就谈不上教育教学质量的全面提高。学困生由于成绩较差,他们过多得到的是失败的苦涩,很少尝试到成功的喜悦。面对教师的漠然置之,家长的批评责骂,同学的冷嘲热讽,常处于被遗忘的角落。久而久之,他们对学习产生了厌恶,对实现自我价值失去信心。由此可见,转化学困生,培养他们的自信心,调动他们积极参与教育教学活动体会成功,与培养中、优学生同样重要,尤其是在当前学校全面推进素质教育的今天,重视对学困生的关爱和帮助,不让一个学困生掉队,唤醒学困生进取的意识,是当前教学中的一个重要课题。因此本课题具有重要的实践意义和理论意义。 二、课题研究研究的主要内容, (一)学困生的心理状况进行 (二)弄清学困生产生的原因, ,1,对学习没有兴趣,不喜欢学习。 ,2,学生基础差,跟不上班。 ,3,学校和父母的教育方式不适当、不合理。 ,4,不完整、不和睦的家庭环境以及不良的学校周边环境和社会and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 环境。 ,三,“学困生”的转化策略, 1.培养学困生学习的兴趣,激发“学困生”的学习欲望 2.创设条件,促其参与,为“学困生”提供展示的平台 3.加强“学困生”意志的培养,保持学习的愿望持久性 4.开展互帮互学的活动,座位的排列尽量让中、差生创设一个好的学习环境,充分发挥课后“小老师”的作用。 5.利用家长,让家长协助教师教育和督促自己的孩子努力学习。 6.发掘闪光点,多表扬少批评. 三、课题研究的对象和方法, 对象、我校三、四、五、六年级的学生 方法 :运用观察法、谈话法、教学实验法、经验法、个案分析法、对比法、跟踪调查法、榜样示范法等方法进行实验和研究。 四、研究成果 : 通过调查、观察、谈话等几个步骤的准备,我们确定了李佳彪、王新民等60名学生为研究对象,并进一步展开调查、统计、观察、访谈,找出造成学生学习困难的内部和外部原因。 ,一,内部原因 1.学习目的不明确,缺乏上进心。大多数学困生自控能力差,上课不愿听讲,甚至违反纪律,不能坚持学习,作业照抄,平时贪玩,经不起诱惑,不能形成良好的学习习惯。 2.自卑心理严重,缺乏自信心。考试屡考屡败,长期处于班级的“底层”,内心深处一般都很自卑,缺乏学习信心,心理上敏感、脆弱、易形成挫折感,导致对学好语文缺乏自信心。 3.学习方法策略运用不当。学困生往往是课上听课,课后完成作业了事,没有形成课前预习、课后复习的习惯。遇到探索性问题时,经常不知所措,分析综合的能力较差。 4.依赖心理强。上课依赖老师,作业依赖同学,把语文学习的希and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 望寄托在老师和同学的身上。 ,二,外部原因 1.学习基础差,跟不上班。 2.教材的原因。语文教材内容增多,知识难度增大,学生学习负担加重,再加上学科增多,整天应付作业,没有时间消化,从而影响语文课的学习。 3.社会和家庭的原因。社会和家庭对学生的影响有积极的,也有消极的。由于游戏、网络等对学生的不良影响,,造成学生厌学、弃学等。 4.突发事件的影响。如父母离异、生病、去世等突发事件,致使学生学习中断及心灵可能遭受重创,使学生出现心理偏差,造成学生的突然学习困难,若不及时从思想上解决,会导致这部分学生丧失学习信心,学习成绩一落千丈。 通过研究了解数学学困生的类型、特点,可以对症下药,让学困生爱学语文可从以下几个方面着手, 1、激发学困生的学习兴趣、掌握学习方法。 中国青少年研究中心与北师大教育系在全国做过中小学生学习与发展大型调查,因“喜欢学习”而上学的小学生仅有百分之八点四、初中生仅有百分之十点七,而高中生仅有百分之四点三,学生们最喜欢的学习方式依次为实验、用电脑、读课外书,而认为最有效的即适合应考的学习方式则依次是听讲、作业练习,这恰恰是造成他们学习困难的重要因素。 ,1,、激发认知的内驱力,掌握学习的策略,认知的内驱力包括好奇心和求知欲,因此认知内驱力的激发可以从这些方面着手,创设新奇的环境,让学生有一个新奇感,唤起学习的内驱力,创设新颖的学习环境,教学时插入一些西“插曲”让学生有一种新鲜感,引起关注,激发认知的内驱力,创设趣味的学习环境,创设形象、直观的教学情景,驱使学生积极参与认知的活动。激活和维持学生学习活动的注意and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 和情绪状态,帮助学生在分析自己的学习,确定学习目标的基础上制定学习,在学习计划执行期间,帮助监控学习过程,维持或修正学习计划,帮助学生在计划执行一个阶段或结束后评价学习效果,总结学习经验。 ,2,展示个性、体验成功——以体验活动来代替说教式的心理辅导,“鹤颈虽长、断之则悲,凫胫虽短、续之则忧”,启示我们要创造适合学生发展的良好条件,充分发现、发扬、尊重每个学生的个性特长,特别是学困生的个性特长,因势利导,在扬长中克服缺点、弱点,走向成才,走向成功之路。学生如一弯彩虹,赤、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫,色色夺目,学生如一个百花园,星星点点,朵朵争艳,不管成绩是哪个层面的学生,不管表面上是积极的还是消极的,他们都希望校园里处处有自己的"梦想剧场"--个性展示台,从而在个性展示台上体验成功、享受成功的快乐。学生的"个性"是他们的天赋,学生的表现欲是他们天生的灵气,个性展示让学生更自信,个性展示让学生更自立,个性展示让学生更自强,以此推进素质教育,以此让更多的学生体验成功,特别是让学困生体验到成功,校园里随时随处是一个个大大小小的个性展示台,学困生可以通过展示台捕捉自己的"闪光点",发掘自己的潜力,促进自我觉醒、自我辅导、自我发展,体验成功的喜悦,学会赏识自己。我校在书法考级方面就大面积的考虑学困生,去年我校240名学生参加考级,学困生参加比例达36%,在老师的辅导下学困生考级过关达100%。 2、在教育教学上时时想到学困生,具体做法是, ?教师备课要想到学困生,要备学困生的转化情况,要明确学困生学习教材的难点是什么,学困生容易出现的错误是什么,教师备课保证教学质量和转化后进生同时并进。 ?教师上课要想到学困生,一是课堂提问教师要把较难较大较深的问题分解成较小较易较浅的问题,让学困生也有回答的机会,而不是将他们放在角落里无人问津。二是操作时要想到后进生,要鼓励学and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 困生积极参与,贵在参与,不准再将他们搁置起来,置之不理。三控制学困生课堂违纪的问题。 ?布置作业时,要想到学困生,要让学困生“吃小灶”。一是从数量上照顾,只求准确度,不求数量多,他们的作业可减半,对特别学困生甚至可以用课堂笔记来替代作业的,二是从难易程度上来照顾,学困生只需作基础题,对难度大的题目可以不做。 ?批改作业时,要想到学困生,后进生的作业要优先批改,要当面批改,要精批细改,不能简单地打"?"或"×"了事,不但要在错误处打上记号,还要帮助后进生找出原因,加以改正。上评讲课时,要想到学困生,对于学困生哪怕是只有点滴进步,也要给予充分的肯定。在此基础上,充分发挥了群体效应的力量,开展“一帮一、一对红”的活动,帮助学困生尽快赶上来。 3、正确评价学生。 “金无足赤,人无完人。”不能因学生某方面的不足,就歧视学生,甚至认为他已经“无可救药”。“用用多把尺子”评价人,要用发展的眼光看待他们,例如指导学困生分阶段建立“自我档案”,剖析自己,把自己的兴趣爱好、喜怒哀乐、优缺点、性格特征、喜欢的、讨厌的、进步的、没进步的------制成一张张“镜子卡”,不断重新认识自己的发展,不断体验天天进步的快乐,逐渐萌芽“自怜自爱”。同时,让他们彼此交流“镜子卡”,互相促进、互相分享,增强“我爱我自己”的自信心理。教师通过“自我档案”动态评价学困生,发现闪光点,激励学生。 4、家庭的配合是转化学困生的外部条件。父母在学生成长过程中的影响是很明显的,也是极为重要的。所以要针对学生家长教育孩子出现的误区,从理论解决家长在家教中出现的问题,更新家教观念,请教子有方的学生家长介绍家教成功的经验,让他们学有榜样,学会用正确的方法教育自己的孩子,经常召开家长座谈会,及时发现家教中的新问题,探讨新对策,从理论上,思想上,方式方法上提高家庭教育质量。 and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 课题组课题研究成果汇总 在何范围内交流 成果名称 成果形式 参与人员 研讨(发表或获奖) 学困生转化的几2011县教育局论 论 文 徐洪芳 点建议 文比赛获一等奖 语文教学中如何2010在省级刊物 激发学生的学习论 文 《学生之友》上发徐洪芳 兴趣 表 2011县教育局论 母爱的力量 论 文 曹爱梅 文比赛获二等奖 浅谈学困生的转 论 文 校 内 刘春霞 化 学困生转化研究 结题报告 课题组 徐洪芳 给家乡孩子的信 课堂教学 镇公教课 刘春霞 徐洪芳 詹天佑 课堂教学 镇公教课 陈 香 徐洪芳 问卷调查 调查分析 校 内 徐洪芳 嵇建明 心理辅导 讲 座 校 内 徐洪芳 金海田 学困生转化研究 研究报告 课题组 詹训超 徐洪芳 五、课题研究的困惑与反思 在持续将近二年的学困生课题研究中,我们取得了一些可喜的研究成果,这些成果凝聚着课题组所有成员的心血。但我们同时也应该and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for 清醒的看到在课题研究中还存在一些不如意的地方, 1、学困生转化成绩不均衡,部分学生转化成效不明显。 2、学困生转化工作开展时间短,高年级长期落后的学生赶上来需要一个较长的过程。 针对以上问题,今后我们要加强理论学习,从学困生转化工作的意义、方法策略两方面入手,自觉地把学困生转化工作有重点地、持续地开展下去。 and out of the project within the control zone channel and status information for each room in the identification, recording, storing, querying, through the front controller, card reader ... Access control systems and fire alarm systems can be either a network communication or serial interface communication, you can also use hard interface of linkage with the fire protection system. When a fire occurs, access control system to manage the host partition of the area displayed on the screen and alarm location, defining evacuation routes according to the preset program instructions, according to the location of the fire and emergency evacuation doors open or isolate the fire door closed. When more than one signal alarm, can be displayed according to a preset priority level to determine the order or arrangement of the screen. Access control system with map editing features, administrators can monitor the plane centered on the map design, can be divided according to their own requirements zone when when alarm events occur within a zone, the zone on the map system security will trigger linkage, and visually displayed on the map, and allow managers to quickly develop a treatment approach. Centre for consumer card (this system is included in the access control system) Center expends a cartoon system uses b/s and c/s architecture can be used with any management platform system interconnection. Mainly to meet internal and external canteen dining rate card, canteen and issuing data center real-time information sharing through databases. POS machine through TCP/IP communications way security, and efficient Active upload information to management server, system can according to itself consumption management need on equipment, and consumption type, and payment terminal belonging, and administrator, and charges Member, project for
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