
岩浆岩 变质岩 沉积岩的分类

2017-10-11 12页 doc 60KB 12阅读




岩浆岩 变质岩 沉积岩的分类岩浆岩 变质岩 沉积岩的分类 岩浆岩、沉积岩、变质岩的成因及其分类 二、岩浆岩、沉积岩、变质岩的成因及其分类 岩石按成因可分为三大类:岩浆岩(火成岩)、沉积岩和变质岩。 (一)岩浆岩 岩浆岩又称火成岩,是由地壳下面的岩浆沿地壳薄弱地带上升侵入地壳或喷出地表后冷凝而成的。岩浆是存在于地壳下面高温、高压的熔融状态的硅酸盐物质(它的主要成分是SiO,还有其他元素、化合物和挥发成分)。岩浆内部的压力很大,不断向压力2 低的地方移动,以至冲破地壳深部的岩层,沿着裂缝上升,喷出地表;或者当岩浆内部压力小于上部岩层压力时迫使岩浆停...
岩浆岩 变质岩 沉积岩的分类
岩浆岩 变质岩 沉积岩的分类 岩浆岩、沉积岩、变质岩的成因及其分类 二、岩浆岩、沉积岩、变质岩的成因及其分类 岩石按成因可分为三大类:岩浆岩(火成岩)、沉积岩和变质岩。 (一)岩浆岩 岩浆岩又称火成岩,是由地壳下面的岩浆沿地壳薄弱地带上升侵入地壳或喷出地后冷凝而成的。岩浆是存在于地壳下面高温、高压的熔融状态的硅酸盐物质(它的主要成分是SiO,还有其他元素、化合物和挥发成分)。岩浆内部的压力很大,不断向压力2 低的地方移动,以至冲破地壳深部的岩层,沿着裂缝上升,喷出地表;或者当岩浆内部压力小于上部岩层压力时迫使岩浆停留下,冷凝成岩。 依冷凝成岩时的地质环境的不同,将岩浆岩分为三类: 喷出岩(火山岩):岩浆喷出地表后冷凝形成的岩浆岩称为喷出岩。在地表的条件下,温度下降迅速,矿物来不及结晶或者结晶差,肉眼不易看清楚。如流纹岩、安山岩、玄武岩等。 浅成岩:岩浆沿地壳裂缝上升至距地表较浅处冷凝形成的岩浆岩。由于岩浆压力小,温度下降较快,矿物结晶较细小。如花岗斑岩、正长斑岩、辉绿岩等。 深成岩:岩浆侵入地壳深处(约距地表3公里)冷凝形成的岩浆岩。由于岩浆压力大,温度下降缓慢,矿物结晶良好。如花岗岩、正长岩、辉长岩等。 深成岩和浅成岩又统称侵入岩。 岩浆的化学成分相当复杂,其中影响最大的是SiO。根据SiO的含量,岩浆岩可22 以分为以下四类: 酸性岩类(SiO含量>65,),如花岗岩、花岗斑岩、流纹岩等。 2 中性岩类(SiO含量65,,52,),如正长岩、正长斑岩、粗面岩、闪长岩、安山岩2 等。 基性岩类(SiO含量52,,45,),如辉长岩、辉绿岩、玄武岩等。 2 超基性岩类(SiO含量<45,),如橄榄岩、辉岩等。 2 岩石中SiO的含量越大,其颜色越浅,比重也越小。 2 岩浆岩的分类简表参见表10-1-2。 【例题7】岩浆岩中含量最多的成分是( )。 A. SiO 2 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, B. AlO 23 C. FeO 23 D. CaCO 3 :A 【例题8】下列哪一项是岩浆喷出地表冷凝后形成的喷出岩?( A )。 A. 玄武岩 B. 石灰岩 C. 千枚岩 D. 花岗岩 答案:A 岩浆岩分类简表 表10-1-2 (二)沉积岩 沉积岩是由原岩(即岩浆岩、变质岩和早期形成的沉积岩)经风化剥蚀作用而形成的 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 岩石碎屑、溶液析出物或有机质等,经流水、风、冰川等作用搬运到陆地低洼处或海洋中沉积,在温度不高、压力不大的条件下,经长期压密、胶结、重结晶等复杂的地质过程而形成的。沉积岩在地壳表层分布甚广泛,约占地表面积70,。沉积岩由于沉积的自然地理环境不同,而有海相、陆相和过渡相沉积之分。 根据物质组成的不同,沉积岩一般分为以下三类: 碎屑岩类:主要是由碎屑物质组成的岩石。其中由原岩风化破坏产生的碎屑物质形成的,称为沉积碎屑岩,如砾岩、砂岩和粉砂岩等;由火山喷出的碎屑物质形成的,称为火山碎屑岩,如火山角砾岩、凝灰岩等。 粘土岩类:主要由粘土矿物及其他矿物的粘土粒组成的岩石,如泥岩、页岩等。 化学和生物化学岩类:主要由方解石、白云石等碳酸盐类的矿物及部分有机质组成的岩石,如石灰岩、白云岩等。 【例题9】火山碎屑岩属于( )。 A. 火成岩 B. 沉积岩 C. 变质岩 答案:B 沉积岩的分类简表参见表10-1-3。 沉积岩分类简表 表10-1-3 构造特 分类名称 物质来源 沉积作用 结构特征 征 砾岩、角砾岩、物理风化作用形成的 砂岩 碎屑 层理构碎屑机械沉积 碎屑结构 造多孔火山集块岩、火 岩 作用为主 构造 山角砾岩、凝灰火山喷发的碎屑 岩 粘土化学风化作用形成的机械沉积和胶层理构 泥岩、页岩 泥质结构 岩 粘土矿物 体沉积作用 造 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 化学 母岩经化学分解生成层理构岩 化学沉积、胶化学结构 的溶液和胶体溶液;生造 和生石灰岩、泥灰岩 体沉积和生物和生物结 物化学作用形成的矿致密构物化沉积作用 构 物和生物遗体 造 学岩 注:1.火山集块岩主要由大于100mm的熔岩碎块、火山灰尘等经压密胶结而成; 2.火山角砾岩是由角砾状的火山岩屑(粒径100,2mm)堆积而成; 3.凝灰岩是由火山灰(或粒径2,0.5mm的火山岩屑)沉积而成; 4.砾岩和角砾岩由50,以上大于2mm的粗大碎屑胶结而成。由浑圆状砾石胶结而成的称砾岩;由棱角状砾石胶结而成的称角砾岩。 5.砂岩由50,以上粒径介于2,0.05mm的砂粒胶结而成。按砂粒粒径的大小,可分为粗粒砂岩(2,0.5mm)、中粒砂岩(0.5,0.25mm)和细粒砂岩(0.25,0.05mm)。 6.粉砂岩由粒径介于0.05,0.005mm的粉粒胶结而成。 7.泥岩呈厚层状;页岩则呈薄层状。 (三)变质岩 地壳中的原岩(包括岩浆岩、沉积岩和已经生成的变质岩),由于地壳运动、岩浆活动等所造成的物理和化学条件的变化,即在高温、高压和化学性活泼的物质(水气、各种挥发性气体和热水溶液)渗入的作用下,在固体状态下改变了原来岩石的结构、构造甚至矿物成分,形成一种新的岩石称为变质岩。变质岩不仅具有自身独特的特点,而且还保存着原来岩石的某些特征。 常见的变质岩可分成以下二类: 片理状岩类:有较明显的片理构造,如片麻岩、片岩、千枚岩、板岩等。 块状岩类:较致密,如大理岩、石英岩等。 变质岩的分类简表参见表10-1-4。 变质岩分类简表 表10-1-4 岩石名 岩类 构造 主要亚类及其矿物成分 原 岩 称 块状 块状构大理岩 方解石为主,其次有白云石等 石灰岩、白云岩 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave, 岩类 造 石英为主,有时含有绢云母、白 石英岩 砂岩、硅质岩 云母等 蛇纹石、滑石为主,其次有绿泥 蛇纹岩 超基性岩 石、方解石等 花岗片麻岩 长石、石英、云母 为主,其次为角闪石,有时含石中酸性岩浆岩,粘土岩、 片麻状 片麻岩 榴子石角闪石片麻岩 长石、石粉砂 构造 英、角闪石为主,其次为云母,岩、砂岩 有时含石榴于石 片 云母片岩 云母、石英为主,其粘土岩、砂岩,中酸性理 次有角闪 火山岩 片状构石等滑石片岩 滑石、绢云母为超基性岩,白云质泥灰状 片岩 造 主,其次有绿泥石、方解石等绿岩 岩 类 泥石片岩 绿泥石、石英为主,中基性火山岩,白云质 其次有滑石、方解石等 泥灰岩 千枚状 以绢云母为主,其次有石英、绿粘土岩、粘土质粉砂岩, 千枚岩 构造 泥石等 凝灰岩 板状构粘土矿物、绢云母、石英、绿泥粘土岩、粘土质粉砂岩, 板岩 造 石、黑云母、白云母等 凝灰岩 coupling Centre shall be checked, the second poured concrete strength of more than 70%. In the process of reaming or boring, apart from the special provisions in factory, does not allow any work that may affect the coupling Centre, such as irrigation, to cylinder connections to flood the condenser pipes and so on. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Mounting bolts should be added lubricants, typing gently with a small hammer, not too loose or too tight, packed the bolts with the corresponding seal screw hole should be marked. coupling reamed and pairings is close to the diameter of bolt bearing good hinge holes, dressed with a good two coupling bolts before you can move the rotor, boring-reaming hole in turn. Coupling bolts must be tight coupling is symmetrical diameter, in boring, reaming, two bolts out. Well boring, hinge bolt hole flange with coupling of vertical, not oblique. Due to the coupling bolts in accordance with hinge holes corresponding to the diameter of the screw holes one by one after processing, processing back bolt installation location cannot be changed, so according to bolt after the actual weight difference of nut and lock washer to match. General requirements for coupling two symmetrical diameter bolt, nut and lock washer's total weight difference should not be greater than 10 g and knocks stamped mark. (See Figure 18) The coupling bolts apply lubricant, and then gently with copper home, not too loose or too tight. Bolt Assembly is finished, symmetrical tightening all bolts to 30%, 50%, 70%, 100% force, and check the coupling flutter and before connecting the circle gradually changes its value should be less than 0.02mm. Tightening torque of the coupling bolts shall comply with the technical requirements manufacturers drawings, with a dynamometric wrench or log tension tools. Three wheel rotor swing test coupling connections should be checked: taking leave,
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