
手机总是很快没电 送你一些省电妙招1

2018-05-01 14页 doc 39KB 14阅读




手机总是很快没电 送你一些省电妙招1手机总是很快没电 送你一些省电妙招1 1. Use auto-brightness for the screen. 1.使用屏幕自动亮度调节 A smartphone’s screen consumes more energy than any other component, so the easiest wayt o cut down battery drain is to reduce your screen brightness. In an hourlong test, an iPhone6s used 54 ...
手机总是很快没电 送你一些省电妙招1
手机总是很快没电 送你一些省电妙招1 1. Use auto-brightness for the screen. 1.使用屏幕自动亮度调节 A smartphone’s screen consumes more energy than any other component, so the easiest wayt o cut down battery drain is to reduce your screen brightness. In an hourlong test, an iPhone6s used 54 percent less battery power with the screen brightness at minimum as comparedwith maximum brightness. An Android test phone used 30 percent less. 智能手机的屏幕是所有元件里最耗电的,所以降低屏幕亮度是降低电池损耗的最简单的办法。在一个为时一小 时的测试里,一台把屏幕调到最暗的iPhone 6S手机要比把亮度调到最亮的手机节省54%的电量。在安卓手 机测试里,能节省30%电量。 But it’s tough to use a dim screen in bright environments, so most phones offer an auto-brightness mode that automatically adjusts the screen’s brightness based on ambient light.The Wirecutter found that enabling auto-brightness saved a good amount of battery life. 但是在明亮的环境下使用昏暗的屏幕是非常难受的,所以大多数手机都提供自动亮度调节模式,可以根据周围 环境的亮度自动调节屏幕亮度。Wirecutter发现,开启自动亮度调节能够节省大量电量。 2. Block power-sucking ads. 2. 屏蔽耗电的广告 When browsing the web, your smartphone also burns through power when it downloads mobileads on websites. Installing an ad blocker will greatly extend battery life. 浏览网页时,你的智能手机会下载网页上的移动广告,这样会耗费大量电量。安装广告屏蔽应用可以延长大大 延长电池使用时间。 The Wirecutter ran a test that cycled through a list of websites for two hours over a Wi-Ficonnection. Safari on an iPhone 6s used 18 percent of a full battery; Chrome on a Moto X PureAndroid phone used 22 percent. Installing the 1Blocker ad blocker on the iPhone reducedbattery usage for the same test to only 9 percent of a full battery; on an Android phone, usingthe Ghostery Privacy Browser, which blocks ads, used only 8 percent of the battery. Wirecutter在连接Wi-Fi的情况下,用2小时浏览了若干网站。iPhone 6s上的Safari浏览器使用了18% 的电量;安卓手机Moto X Pure上的Chrome浏览器使用了22%的电量。iPhone手机上安装了广告屏蔽应 用 1Blocker 后,以同样时间浏览同样网页,电池使用量降低到9%;在安卓手机上安装了屏蔽广告的 GhosteryPrivacy Browser浏览器之后,同样情况下只用了8%的电池电量。 3. 优化邮件设置 Email can have a major impact on battery life if you have multiple email accounts and receiv elots of email. Your smartphone can update your email automatically using a technology call edpush, which brings new messages to your phone the instant they are transmitted. Push can bea power hog because it requires your phone to constantly listen for new messages, so if youget a lot of email, there’s a good chance your phone is using lots of energy. 如果你拥有好几个邮件账号,并且收发大量邮件,电子邮件对电池使用时间会有很大影响。你的智能手机会使 用推送技术自动更新邮箱情况,一旦收到邮件就立刻在你的手机上显示新信息。推送可以成为耗电大户,因为 它需要你的手机一直接收新消息,所以如果你有很多电子邮件,你的手机就会耗很多电。 The Wirecutter tested an iPhone 6s Plus configured with three email accounts, receiving a totalof 20 to 30 messages an hour. In these tests, having push active over the course of a daycaused Mail to account for 5 to 10 percent of the phone’s overall battery use. Wirecutter测试了一台有三个电子邮件账户,每小时收20到30个邮件的iPhone 6s Plus手机。在这个测 试中,如果打开推送,每天会令邮箱多耗5%到10%的电池电能。 To save energy, most phones can be configured to instead check for (or “fetch”) emails on asc hedule — say, every 30 minutes — or only when you manually tell your email app to refresh. 为了节省电能,大多数手机都可以设置定时检查(或“获取”)邮件,比如每30分钟获取一次,或者手动更新。 4. Play downloaded music instead of streaming. 4. 播放下载音乐,而不是使用流媒体收听 The next tip may come as unwelcome news. nowadays, online streaming is the most popula rway to listen to music, with services like Spotify, Pandora and Apple Music — but this method guzzles lots of battery power. In the Wirecutter’s tests, streaming music over a Wi-Ficonnection for two hours used 10 percent of an iPhone’s battery reserves; streaming the samemusic stored directly on a device over two hours consumed only 5 percent. 这条提示可能不怎么受欢迎。如今,使用Spotify、Pandora和Apple Music等在线流媒体是最受欢迎的听 音乐方式,不过,这种方式也损耗不少电能。根据Wirecutter的测试,Wi-Fi模式下,用流媒体方式收听2 小时音乐,会用掉iPhone电池的10%;而在同等情况下使用下载方式收听,只使用5%。 Fortunately, streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music still let you listen to songs the old -school way: by storing the music right on your device. 幸运的是,Spotify和Apple Music 都允许你以传统方式收听音乐——把歌曲下载到设备里。 West-to-East Gasl Diversion Project西气东输 The West-to-East Gas Diversion Project, as well asthe "West-to-East Electricity Transmission," and the"South-to-North Water Diversion" is thegovernments key national strategic project, ai medat realigning overall economic development andachieving rational distribution of natio nal resourcesacross China. There is a natural gas storage of26,000 billion m3, occupying 87% of the nationalstorage, in Tarim Basin, Qaidam Basin, andSzechwan Basin, etc. gas fields in Western China, among which Tarim Basin in Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region has the capac ity of 8,000 billion m3,22% of the national storage. Thediscovery of the natural gas reserves in Tarim Basin made China the fourth largest gas countryafter Russia, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. “西气东输”与“西电东送”、“南水北调”并称为中国三大国家重点建设工程。实施西气东输工程,有利于促进我 国能源结构和产业结构调整,为西部大开发、将西部地区的资源优势变为经济优势创造了条件,对推动和加快 西部经济发展具有重大的战略意义。我国西部地区的塔里木、柴达木、陕甘宁和四川盆地蕴藏着26万亿立方 米的天然气资源,约占全国陆上天然气资源的87%。特别是新疆塔里木盆地,天然气资源量有8万多亿立方 米,占全国天然气资源总量的22%。塔里木盆地天然气的发现,使我国成为继俄罗斯、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯 等国之后的天然气大国。 The launch of the West-to-East Gas Diversion Project was passed in February, 2000. It is thelandmark project of the Great Western Development Strategy in China. The first phase of theWest-to-East Gas Diversion Project includes a 4,200km trunk pipeline running from Lunnan inTarim Basin to Shanghai, conveying natural gas to central China, Eastern China and the YangtzeRiver delta zone. Finished in 2004, it is expected to have a capacity of 12 bil lion m3 annually.The second phase of the Project, operated by Petro China, will have a designed gas capacity of30 billion m3 annually and the construction will begin in 2008. This secon d pipeline will bemainly supplied by Turkmenistan and Kazakstan, the Central Asia-China gas pipe- line. The thirdpipeline is designed to convey a joint gas supply from Russia and Xinjia ng to the YangtzeRiver Delta and the Pearl River Delta. 2000年2月国务院第一次会议批准启动“西气东输”工程,是拉开西部大开发序幕的标志性建设工程。从新疆 至上海的西气东输一线管道2004年建成投产,线路全长约4200千米,年设计输量120亿立方米;全线采用 自动化控制,供气范围覆盖中原、华东、长江三角洲地区。它西起塔里木盆地的轮南,起点是塔北油田,东至 上海。西气东输二线管道主供气源为引进土库曼斯坦、哈萨克斯坦等中亚国家的天然气,国内气源作为备用和 补充气源。据初步,西气东输二线干线管道设计输气规模300亿立方米,年,2008年全线开工,姒 由中国石油独资建设,2010年建成通气。规划中的第三条天然气管道,路线基本确定为从新疆通过江西抵达 福建,把俄罗斯和中国西北部的天然气输往能源需求量庞大的长江三角洲和珠zr三角洲地区。 secret that you can never share with anyone? 有哪个秘密是你永远不会跟别人讲的, The secret is that my mother had been harassed mentally and physically continuously by my father for the past 20 years. 这个秘密就是我妈妈已经被我爸爸在精神和肉体上虐待长达二十年。 I belong to a sexist family in which females are taken for granted. 我家里充满了性别歧视,女性被理所当然地歧视着。 Whenever my father hurt my mother I use to beg for mercy and also I use to get really scared and cry a lot but all in vain.每当我爸爸对妈妈施暴的时候,我会去求饶,而且我也会感到很害怕,不停地哭, 但是这都没有用。 There were times I pray about someone at-least one person coming for our rescue. 有几次我都在祈祷至少有个人能来救救我们。 A god or an angel or a relative or a family friend. 神也好天使也好亲戚也好我们家的朋友也好。 But there was none perhaps angels exists in fiction only. 大概是因为天使只存在于故事里,并没有任何人出现。 On 2012 at the age of 20 years I decided that this is it and I should take charge and act on it. 2012年,也就是我20岁的那一年,我下定决心,认为我应该掌握主动权并且付出行动。 I confronted my father, told him to stop when he didn't I did became violent in-order to convince him I am very serious about my mother's protection ...he backed away. 我站在我爸爸面前,告诉他不要再施暴了,如果他不停止的话,我就会反过来成为施暴者来让他 相信我是认真想要保护我妈妈??????然后他退缩了。 Now it's about 4th year in running and he have never dared to think of hurting my mother in any way. 现在4年过去了,他再也不敢想着去伤害我妈妈了。 I learned two things. 从这里我学到了两件事。 1. Acting on something is way better than thinking about it (always). 1、付出行动比深思熟虑要好得多(一直以来都是)。 2. The greatest gift a father can give to his child is to love his mother. 2、一位父亲能给孩子最好的礼物就是爱孩子的母亲。 I also took a pledge for my inner peace to never hurt any female under any given circumstances. 我也发誓,为了我的内心安稳,不论在任何情况下,我都不会去伤害任何女性。 I never thought that I would ever say this, especially on such a platform. 我从来没想过我会把这件事说出来,尤其是在这样一个平台。 I suffer from an Inferiority Complex. 我深受自卑情绪的困扰。 When I see people better than me in any field, I feel a bit humiliated, subdued and intimidated, I die a bit inside. 当我看到有人在任何领域比我优秀时,我就会觉得屈辱、抑郁以及恐惧,我心里会有点绝望。 No matter how much I pretend to be confident, there is always this little voice nagging and pulling me down, telling me inferior to others. This little insecurity pulls me down in every field I do, be it talking to people, or studying. 不论我怎么假装我很自信,一直有个声音小声地絮叨着,告诉我,我比别人差劲,摧毁我的自信。 这种微弱的不安全感在我尝试的所有领域都会摧毁我,不管是在与他人交谈还是学习的时候。 May be, I overreact, but I can't talk about it. 也许是我反应过度,但是我没法把这件事讲出来。 Everyone Can Be Great, You Just Need To Know How. Whether you want to be a great student, a brilliant researcher, a stellar parent or a highly successful entrepreneur, you will have the same mindset. You have a goal, your values and ethics are rock solid, you persevere, and you keep victory in sight. Sounds simple, right? Well, not really. Here are some things you need to focus on to make sure you know how to be great. 你是否想成为一名优秀的学生,一位杰出的研究员,一个优秀的父母或一位非常成功的企业家,你一定这样的想 法。你有一个目标并且你的价值观和道德观是坚如磐石,坚持下去就会胜利。听起来很简单,对吗?好吧,其实不是。 这里有一些你需要注意的事情,以确保你知道如何变得成功。 1. Set big goals to empower you If you have minor goals or objectives, you will never be great. Keep your main goal always in your mind and you will feel empowered. No harm in writing it down. You also know what your strengths are and that is key. There is also a healthy dose of self-criticism. What are your weaknesses? Can you gain new skills to deal with these? 1、设定一个远大的目标来激励自己 如果你只有一些小的目标那么你将永远不会成功。在你的心里坚持你的目标,你会觉得深受鼓舞。把目标写下来 没有什么不好。知道自己的优势是什么,是最关键的。还有就是适当的自我批评。你的弱点是什么?你能获得新 技能来克服这些吗? 2. Never forget your values and ethics Above all, be aware that certain values and ethics are always the foundations of being great. You will not cheat in exams, you will not invest in shady stocks. The financial world is learning a very hard lesson in regards to toxic funds. Honesty and fair, ethical business practices will stand the test of time and are a vital component in achieving greatness. This was the conclusion of a three year study at the University of Birmingham called the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues. 2、永远不要忘记你的价值观和道德观 首先,某些价值观和道德观是成功的基础。你不会在考试中作弊,你不会投资股票。金融世界正在学习一门关于不 良资金的课程。将经得起时间考验的诚实、公平,道德商业惯例是取得成功的至关重要的组件。这是在伯明翰大 学的一项三年的叫捷利中心的研究结论。 3. You can handle setbacks Read any book you want on all the great success stories of our times from Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, to Bill Gates. They all had one thing in common. They had to face setbacks and failure but they did not quit. The Harvard Business Review quotes a study where almost half (43%) of failed CEOs just did not bother to learn, refocus and carry on. They simply left. But you know that failure is simply not an option. 3、你可以克服挫折 阅读任何你想看的关于我们时代的成功故事的书从阿尔伯特?爱因斯坦,纳尔逊?曼德拉,史蒂夫?乔布斯,比尔盖茨。 他们都有一个共同点,他们不得不面对挫折和失败,但他们没有放弃。《哈佛商业评论》引用的一项研究,近一半 (43%)的首席执行官失败只是绝不影响学习,重新调整后并继续比赛。他们离开,但是你知道失败不只是一种选 择。 4. You are disciplined You know what steps to take to get things done. Set your daily goals which are steps on the ladder which leads to the top with that glittering prize. That requires dedication, hard work, patience and no short cuts. If you need any encouragement, read Chris Hadfield’s book An Astronaut’s Guide To Life on Earth where he will show you how to achieve greatness. He did so – imagine being on a postage stamp or coin while you are still alive! Hadfield’s inspiring message is basically that you need determination and discipline to reach your goal. 4、你是有纪律的 你知道采取什么步骤来完成任务,设定每日目标这是梯子上的每一步,这会让你到达顶部时更加的闪亮。这需要 奉献,努力,耐心并且没有捷径。如果你需要任何鼓励,克里斯?哈德菲尔德的书《宇航员的生活指南》,他将向您展 示如何取得成功。他这样做——想象一下一张邮票或硬币,还好你还活着!哈德菲尔德鼓舞人心的信念是,你需要 有达到你目标的决心和纪律性。 5. You make friends, not enemies In the tough world of business and the rat race, you will be tempted to seek revenge to get even. The negative fall out from that will rebound and cause you harm. The ancient Greeks were well aware of the value of kindness and helping each other. Kindness helps you and the beneficiary. It is a sound investment and is better than status or power. Enemies will never phone you but your friends will. 5、交朋友而不是敌人 在艰难的商业和竞争激烈的领域,你将会寻求复仇。然而反弹的负面作用会使你受伤。古希腊人也意识到了善良 和互相帮助的价值。善良,帮助你和受益人。这是一个比地位或权力更可靠的投资。敌人永远不会给你打电话, 但你的朋友会。 6. You know how to invest your time Time management is not just a fad, it works. How many books do you need to read to keep up in your field? How can you find time to read them all? You may be tempted to take a speed reading course, like Woody Allen. 6、你知道怎么管理你的时间 时间管理不仅是一种时尚,它也会起作用。在你的领域需要读多少书来维持?你在哪里找到时间去阅读它们呢?你 可能需要像伍迪?艾伦那样去上快速阅读课程。 7. You know how to manage your work-life balance In the pursuit of greatness, many people neglect to look after the emotional, spiritual, and wellness aspects of their lives on this planet. Work takes over 95% of their lives. But with small changes, you can transform the quality of your relationships and regain work-life balance. 7、你知道怎么平衡你的工作和生活 在追求成功的道路上,许多人忽视照顾你生活中的情感,精神,和健康,工作占据了你生活的95%。但随着这些小变 化,你可以改变你的人际关系的质量和恢复工作与生活的平衡。
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