

2017-12-27 6页 doc 205KB 55阅读




雪铁龙世嘉-车-使用说明书雪铁龙世嘉-车-使用说明书 ? 外观——充满法系车的独特韵味 在进入其内了解它之前,我们照惯例先来欣赏一下它的外观: 法系车独特的外形设计理念也是其在世界车坛享誉的一大鲜明特点,这次世嘉的亮相也不例 外——在外形上绝对吸引眼球。车身线条流畅,勾画出的轮廓柔和圆满,很难看到有硬朗的 棱角。 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, a...
雪铁龙世嘉-车-使用说明 ? 外观——充满法系车的独特韵味 在进入其内了解它之前,我们照惯例先来欣赏一下它的外观: 法系车独特的外形理念也是其在世界车坛享誉的一大鲜明特点,这次世嘉的亮相也不例 外——在外形上绝对吸引眼球。车身线条流畅,勾画出的轮廓柔和圆满,很难看到有硬朗的 棱角。 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 不同于前期国内进口销售的C4三门版,国产世嘉的外形设计更接近于欧洲量产的五门版。 摈弃了硬朗的尾部设计,采用圆润的线条线条带有典型的欧式风格:饱满的轮廓让人对其内 部空间充满期待,简约流畅的车身线条也在暗示着它的运动性能。 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies 虽然整体来看,世嘉没有年轻人追求的那种锐利与张扬,但看上去平和宽厚更能给人安全感, 更适合家庭用户的需求。 accurate grasp five big development concept of rich connotation, advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared, put five big development concept implementation to "xxxx xxxx" construction of specific practice in the, effective improve led economic development new normal of capacity and level. Second, we must strive to improve capacity to implement policies
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