

2017-12-03 50页 doc 204KB 21阅读




也许对你有帮助也许对你有帮助 李阳 是什么突然 改变了他的人生,是英语,是意志,是自信,是他常挂在口头上的两句英语, I am the greatest(我是最棒的), Never give up(决不放弃)。 在学英语的―疯狂‖过程中,他已适应了各种各样的目光:冷漠、鄙夷、嘲讽、怜悯……李阳老师说:―生命如此伟大,英语又算得了什么,年轻的朋友们,拿下英语吧,让我们在成功之时共同回忆那疯狂的战斗时光,我要成功~ 人生的改变莫过于两条道路,The books you read and the people you meet.你所读的书...
也许对你有帮助 李阳 是什么突然 改变了他的人生,是英语,是意志,是自信,是他常挂在口头上的两句英语, I am the greatest(我是最棒的), Never give up(决不放弃)。 在学英语的―疯狂‖过程中,他已适应了各种各样的目光:冷漠、鄙夷、嘲讽、怜悯……李阳老师说:―生命如此伟大,英语又算得了什么,年轻的朋友们,拿下英语吧,让我们在成功之时共同回忆那疯狂的战斗时光,我要成功~ 人生的改变莫过于两条道路,The books you read and the people you meet.你所读的和所遇到的人。 ―?Follow a system, use proven method, keep it simple, stupid!‘ 按照一个系统,使用证明有效的,简单执着的专注。‖ Everything can be learned! All skills are learnable! The very best way to predict the future is to createit!‖ Hardworkpaysoff!‖( 我疯狂呐喊:―我一定要 成功,我一定要出人头地,I want to be somebody! 任何人在成功之前,都是经过无尽地磨难的 与你的英语谈恋爱 大家疯狂地喊,从不敢开口说英语,到有自信地说:―Ifeelgood! I feel great! I‘mnumber one!‖―Don‘tbeshy, just try!" ―Painpastispleasure!‖ 我将感谢疯狂英语,I will be crazy about English forever! I will try my best! I believe I will be a winner! I believe I will be a leader. I believe I will be an English master! Finally, 参加公众演说魅力达训练营二十条理由: I enjoy losing face. I enjoy making mistakes. 到底什么是疯狂英语呢, 一、疯狂英语是一种百折不挠的人生奋斗精神~有了这种奋斗精神,在人生的任何领域都可以取得成功~这种精神是目前中国青少年最缺乏的。 二、疯狂英语是一种热爱丢脸、追求完美的疯狂操练精神~真是因为要面子、自卑等不良性格和习惯导致了中国人在英语上的困境。I enjoy losing face. I enjoy making mistakes. 这些信念已经在全世界广泛流行。 三、疯狂英语是一种―听说读写译‖合五为一的高效率语言学习法,适合任何年龄学习任何语言。 四、疯狂英语提倡―句子中心论‖、―口语中心论‖和―短文中心论‖~疯狂英语坚决反对虚假的学习,提倡塌塌实实,一步一个脚印~ 五、疯狂英语提倡把考试题脱口而出,把应试教育和素质教育完美结合,讲一口流利的英语,顺便考高分~我们的使命:把中国从应试教育大国变成素质教育大国。 六、疯狂英语特别强调发音的重要性~发音是自信的基础,发音是兴趣的基础,当然,发音也是―听说读写译‖这五大能力的基础~ 七、疯狂英语认为最好的爱国就是:爱护环境,刻苦学习,努力工作,永不停息地改进自己,对竞争对手/国家最好的回答就是反省自己、强大自己。任何通过污蔑别人、贬低别人所获得的自豪感都是肤浅的、低级的。 八、疯狂英语倡导汉语、英语共同学习、共同进步的理念,把中英文自由翻译视为语言学习 的最高境界。 ―疯狂‖的定义 Definition of Craziness ―Crazy‖stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. It stands for the single-minded pursuit of dreams. It stands for the total devotion to your work. It stands for the passion of commitment to reach the goal. Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want, let alone learning English! ―疯狂‖代表着人类超越自我的精神; 代表着对理想的执着追求; 代表着对事业忘我的全情投入; 代表着不达目的绝不罢休的激情。 人一旦有了这种疯狂, 做任何事都可以成功, 何况攻克英语~ 李阳疯狂英语是一种百折不挠的人生奋斗精神~有了这种奋斗精神,在人生的任何领域 都可以取得成功~这种精神是目前中国青少年最缺乏的。 李阳疯狂英语是一种热爱丢脸、追求完美的疯狂操练精神~正是因为要面子、自卑等不 良性格和习惯导致了中国人在英语上的困境。 人一生一定要彻底疯狂一次~ Genius only means working hard all one's life. 天才只意味着终身不懈的努力。 To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield. 要奋斗,要探索,要有所发现,而不要屈服。 Junior middle school is a golden time to study! 初中是学习的黄金时间~ Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. Education doesn't do us much good unless it's mixed with sweat! Let's sweat and yell together this summer! Let's light our passion together this summer! Thousands of us will gather in Conghua this summer to capture the magic of intensive training camp! Training camp is where success stories start! I know you will be one of them! 忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。 To Univertsity Students: I can't only care about myself! I must care about my country! I must care about the future of the world! 致语大学生: 我不能只关心自己~我要关心我的国家~我要关心国家的未来~ The worst bankrupt is the person who has lost his enthusiasm. 最惨的破产就是丧失自己的热情。 It is no use doing what you like; you have to like what you do. 你不能爱哪行才干哪行,要干哪行爱哪行。 It's never too late to achieve something great! 成就人生,随时都可以开始~ Learn New Languges! Make New friends! 学习新语言,结交新朋友~ Keep focused and concentrate on one thing. You will find a way out. 聚焦,集中精力处理一件事情~ A dream will draw water out of a dry well. 梦想能从枯井中抽出水。 Unshared joy is an unlighted candle. 未分享的快乐就像是 未点燃的蜡 Just don't give up on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. 要坚持做自己喜欢做的事情。 有爱和激情的事情,一定能做好~ 我的退休声明 -- 李阳时代结束 人生最重要的词汇是什么, resilient! 这个单词的英文释义是:able to become strong, happy, or successful again after a difficult situation or event; (of a person or animal) able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. 可以翻译成:有弹性的;对困境有承受力的;有复原力的;有抵抗力的 百折不挠的,坚韧不拔的 Ideas are the keys to the future. Ideas are the stepping stones to the achievement of every goal. 创意是通向未来的钥匙。 创意是实现每一个目标的垫脚石。 Concentrate all of your thoughts on the task at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. 集中全部的精力, 完成手边的任务。 太阳光只有在聚焦的时候才会燃烧。 我的国际退休宣言: Ladies and gentlemen, my dear friends and devoted students all over China: Today I am officially proclaiming my retirement! 女士们,先生们,我亲爱的朋友和学生们, 今天,我正式宣布退休~ Effective as of September 9, 2009, I will be located full time at my base. 自2009年9月9日起,我将在总部基地继续工作。 After careful consideration, I finally made a bold decision. 经过详细的思考,我做出了一个勇敢的决定。 Now I will start looking for people with the passion and vision to carry my dream forward and continue my crazy mission. 我正在寻找有激情和梦想的人把我的疯狂事业进行下去。 It is time for me to entrust my dream of teaching 300 million Chinese to speak fluent English to the next generation of Crazy English talent. 现在到了把―让三亿中国人讲一口流利英语‖的使命 传给下一代疯狂英语战士的时候了。 My next step is to focus all my energy on training my successors and elite teaching team. 我下一步的是全力以赴培养我的接班人和精英教学队伍。 At the same time, I will be receiving students, friends and experts from all over the world at my peaceful training headquarters. 同时,我将会在宁静的总部基地接待来自全世界 的学生、朋友和专家。 This is also the ideal time for me to improve myself and refine my teaching. A really excellent teacher needs to spend time learning. 这也是我改进自我、提高教学水平的最佳时间。 一个真正优秀的老师需要花时间学习。 I deeply encourage and warmly welcome all of you who are interested to come and visit me there. 热烈欢迎你们到总部基地来看我。 After 20 years, I still have not fully realized my dream. 20年后,我仍然没有实现我的梦想。 Chinese young people are still perplexed, troubled, and tortured by exams. 中国的年轻人仍然为考试所困扰和折磨。 Too many Chinese people of all ages are still hesitant to use the English that they have spent years studying. 成千上万人仍然苦学数年无法使用英语。 I believe the time has come for me to heed the thousands of Crazy English learners who have commented about my gray hair and urged me to look after my health and my body. 我相信退休的时候到了。 在过去的岁月中, 成千上万的疯狂英语爱好者不断地督促我照顾好自己的健康。 我应该听从他们的建议。 Man's life is limited, but I believe with your help, the legacy of Crazy English can be eternal. 人的生命是有限的,但在你们的帮助下,疯狂英语的传奇是不朽的。 It is time for me to hand the torch to someone else! 现在是把火炬传给别人的时候了。 I'm eagerly awaiting this new chapter of my life. 我激动地等待着我人生的新篇章。 What I definitely have learned during the last twenty years of traveling to every corner of China and to countries all over the world is that Chinese students are absolutely the most hardworking and passionate students anywhere! 我20年的全球演讲生涯让我确信: 中国的学生是世界最刻苦、最有激情的~ It is time for me to rely on your hard work and passion! 我要依赖你们的付出和激情了。 I know you won't let me down! 我知道你们不会让我失望的。 Keep on practicing, keep on hoping, keep on yelling, keep on being crazy. You've been the center of my life for 20 years. I love you all! 坚持操练,坚持希望,坚持大喊,坚持疯狂。 过去20年,我一直把你们当作我生活的中心~ 我爱你们~ 李阳的励志名言(中英文对照) Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。 All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。 Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命必有希望。 I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。 Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。 The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。 Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。(凡事比别人多一点点~多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹~) DEFINITION OF CRAZINESS "Crazy" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. It stands for the single-minded pursuit of dreams. It stands for the total devotion to your work. It stands for the passion of commitment to reach the goal. Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want. Let alone learning English! 疯狂的定义 "疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神,代表着对理想的执着追求,代表着对事业忘我的全情投入,代表着不达目的绝不罢休的激情。人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以成功,何况攻克英语~ ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM Forget about the days when it's been cloudy, But don't forget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you've been defeated, But don't forget the victories you've won. Forget about the misfortunes you've encountered, But don't forget the times your luck has turned. Forget about the days when you've been lonely, But don't forget the friendly smiles you've seen. Forget about the plans that didn't seem to work out right, But don't forget to always have a dream. 永不放弃梦想 忘掉你的失意日子, 但不要忘记黄金的时光。 忘掉你的一次次失败,但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。 忘掉你遭遇的不幸, 但不要忘记你的时来运转。 忘掉你的孤独日子, 但不要忘记你得到的友善的微笑。 忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划, 但不要放弃你的梦想。 打击我吧~ 伤害我吧~ 折磨我吧~ 侮辱我吧~ 冤枉我吧~ 迫害我吧~ Attack me! Hurt me! Torture me! Humiliate me! Mistreat me! Persecute me! 让暴风雨都来吧~让我付出代价~ 让我心态归零~ 你使我兴奋~ 你使我斗志昂扬~ 你使我咬牙切齿~ Let storms rage against me! Let me pay the price! Let me hit rock bottom! You excite me! You fill me with the spirit to fight! You make me grind my teeth! 你使我百折不挠~ 你使我脱胎换骨~你使我变得更坚强~ 你使我成为真正的人~ 你是我最幸福的回忆~ 你是我终生感激的恩人~ 我不是人,我要重塑人的尊严~ You make me determined! You make my completely reshape myself! You make me stronger! You make me a real man! You are my most joyful memory! I owe you all my life! I'm not human. I want to rebuild my dignity and honor. I want to reshape my life. 特别赠言: 让我们牺牲一些娱乐的时间、牺牲一些无聊的时间、牺牲一些闲聊的时间、牺牲一些为自己的穿着打扮苦恼的时间、牺牲一些思考如何吃的时间、牺牲一些打麻将的时间~让我们多一些反思自我、改造自我的时间~ 人一生总要成就一些事情~说一口流利的英语就是一件非常值得做的事,而且是一定可以做好的事~从中找到自己的快乐吧~找到自己的信心吧~找到自己的价值吧~找到奋斗的快感吧~找到克服重重困难的幸福吧~ 我只要有三顿饭吃,我就感到无比幸福和满足,我将不会再去考虑其它的东西~我只有一个心思:一定要讲一口流利的英语~我就不信我做不到~ 在这种状态下,你肯定成功~你肯定会拥有一切你需要的东西,你想拒绝都没有办法~你想庸俗都没有选择~成功、名誉、财富~一切都随之而来~而那些天天在想他们自己未来需求的人,最终也只能白日做梦,越做越远~让我们将我们的欲望集中在一个地方,那就是早日攻克英语~一旦成功,你的人生历史一定会重写~ 李阳老师特别赠送中英文励志名言 1.The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going. 世界会给知道自己要去那里的人让路。 ,.Set goals Reach them.Set new goals. This is the quickest road to success. 设立目标,实现目标,再设立新的目标。这就是成功最快速的方法。 3.If you want to be happy,set a goal that commands your thoughts ,liberates your energy and inspires your hopes. 如果你想要快乐,设定一个目标,这个目标就能指挥你的思想,释放你的能量,激发你的希望。 4.Think little goals and expect little avhievements. Think big goals and win big success. 目标渺小则成就渺小;目标远大则成就伟大。 5.You must have long-term goals to keep you from being frustratrd by short-term failures. 有了长远的目标,才不会因为暂时的挫折而沮丧。 6.The most important key to achieving great success is to decide upon your goal and get started,take action,move. 要达成伟大的成就,最重要的秘诀在于确定你的目标,然后开始干,采取行动,朝着目标前进。 7.All successful people have a goal. No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do. 所有成功人士都有目标。如果一个人不知道他想去哪里,不想知道他想成为什么样的人,想做什么样的事,他就不会成功。 8.High aims form high characters, and great objects bring out great minds. 崇高的目标造就崇高的品格,伟大的志向造就伟大的心灵。 .Set your goals high,and don't stop till you get there. 9 目标要远大,不达目的决不罢休。 10.Our future will be betermined by our goals and by the struggle to make them real. 我们的未来取决于我们的目标以及为实现目标而付出的努力。 励志名言:李阳经典励志的话(中英文励志篇) 1. Where there is life, there is hope. 有生命必有希望。 2. I feel strongly that I can make it. 我坚信我一定能成功。 3. Pain past is pleasure. 过去的痛苦即快乐。 4. All things are difficult before they are easy. 凡事必先难后易。 5. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. 心之所愿,无事不成。 [next] 6. The shortest answer is doing. 最简短的回答就是行动。 7. Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛。 8. Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individu- als above the crowd: a little bit more. 成功的秘诀就是四个简单的字:多一点点。(凡事比别人多一点点~多一点努力,多一点自律,多一点实践,多一点疯狂。多一点点就能创造奇迹~) 9. DEFINITION OF CRAZINESS "Crazy" stands for the human spirit of transcending oneself. It stands for the single-minded pursuit of dreams. It stands for the total devotion to your work. It stands for the passion of commitment to reach the goal. Once you have this craziness, you can achieve anything you want. Let alone learning English! 疯狂的定义 "疯狂"代表着人类超越自我的精神,代表着对理想的执着追求,代表着对事业忘我的 全情投入,代表着不达目的绝不罢休的激情。人一旦有了这种疯狂,做任何事都可以 成功,何况攻克英语~ 10. ALWAYS HAVE A DREAM Forget about thedayswhenit‘sbeencloudy, Butdon‘tforget your hours in the sun. Forget about the times you‘vebeendefeated, Butdon‘tforget the victoriesyou‘vewon. Forget about the misfortunesyou‘veencountered, Butdon‘tforget the times your luck has turned. Forget about thedayswhenyou‘vebeenlonely,Butdon‘forget the friendly smilesyou‘veseen.Forget about the plans thatdidn‘tseemtoworkoutright,Butdon‘tforget to always have a dream. 永不放弃梦想 忘掉你的失意日子, 但不要忘记黄金的时光。 忘掉你的一次次失败, 但不要忘记你夺取的胜利。 忘掉你遭遇的不幸, 但不要忘记你的时来运转。 忘掉你的孤独日子, 但不要忘记你得到的友善的微笑。 忘掉你没有得以顺利实施的计划, 但不要放弃你的梦想 In our routine life and work, we will meet with insurmountable difficulties. Occasionally we do feel helpless and fall in desperate situation. In this case, to be or not to be depends on whether we have enough courage to struggle.在日常生活中,我们将遇到无法克服的困难。有时我们感到无助并陷入绝望的境地。在这种情况下,何去何从取决于我们是否拥有足够的勇于拼搏的精神。 Never give up Never give up, Never lose hope. 李阳经典英语名言(中英文对照) 一、关于信念 There is a giant asleep within every man.When the giant awakens,miracles happen. 每个人的心中都有一个沉睡的巨人。当巨人醒来时,奇迹就会发生。 More miracles happen to people who have faith. 有信念的人可以更多的奇迹。 One with belief can brave any storm. 有信念的人经得起任何风暴。 Even if you are strong,faith will make you stronger. 即使你很强大,信念能让你更强大。 Successful people believe that they are destined for great things. 成功的人想念自己洽谈室要成就伟大的事业。 If you thinh you can win,you can win.Faith is necessary for victory. 如果你认为你能赢,你就能赢。信念是胜利的基础。 I am not interested in the past.I am interseted in the future,for that is where I expect to spend the rest of my life. 我对过去不感兴趣。我对未来有兴趣,因为未来才是我度过余生的地方。 二、关于勤奋 You can have unbelievable intelligence;you can have connections;you can have opportunities fall out of the sky.But in fhe end,hard work is the true,enduring characteristic of successful people. 你可以有非凡的才能;你可以有关系;你可以有天上掉下来的大把机会,但是最终,苦干是成功人士真正的、不配的特点。 Don`t be afraid to worh hard.Enjoy worhing hard.Worhing hard is a great mental and physical exercise. 不要害怕努力工作。享受努力工作。努力工作是非常好的精神和训练。 I don`t know anyone who has got to the top without hard work.That is the recipe.It will not always get you to the top,but it should get you pretty near. 我没听说有人不经辛苦工作就能成功。这就是秘方。苦干并不能保证成功,却能主你离‎‎成功越来越近。 There is no elevator to success--only stairs. 成功没有电梯,只有一步一个脚印的楼梯。 The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work. 惟一能够征服厄动的就是苦干。 三、关于坚持 Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.There is but one secret to success--never give up! 我们最大的弱点就在于放弃。而成功只有一个秘诀--永不放弃~ When i thought i couldn`t go on,I forced myself to keep going.My success is based on persistence,not luck! 当我觉得我干不下去的时候,我强迫自己坚持。我的成功建立在我的坚持上,而不是运气上~ Persistence can produce a miracle!Unfortunately,very few people can persist long enough to see a miracle happen. 坚持可以创造奇迹~不幸的是,很少人能长时间地坚持下去,直到奇迹发生。 We can do anything we want to do if we stick to it long enough. 只要坚持得足够长久,我们都可以心想事成。 四、关于激情 I believe the gratest job is when you can`t tell the difference between work and recreation,and the best leaders rae those who absolutely love what they`re doing.Why shouldn`t life be about doing what you love?If you don`t enjoy what you`re doing,how can you be really good at it? 我认为,当你无法分辨工作和娱乐的区别时,你就拥有了最伟大的工作。杰出的领导者就是那些完全热爱他们工作的人。为什么不去做自己热爱的事情呢,如果你不乐在其中,又怎能真正做好呢, If you love what you do ,you will never work a day in your life. 如果你热爱你所做的事情,你将一天都不会觉得自己在工作。 Anything is easy if you enjoy doing it. 如果你乐在其中,什么都是容易的。 You`re never a loser until you quit trying. 在停止尝试之前,你永远不是失败者。 Enthusiasm moves the world. 热情撼动世界。 Passion triggers success. 激情引发成功。 Of all human resources,the most precious is the desire to improve. 在人所有的品格当中,最珍贵的是改善自我的渴望。 五、关于挫折 What pains us train us! 让我们痛苦的东西,在真正地锻造着我们~ Adversity tests character! 逆境考验个性~ A problem is a chance for you to do your best. 总是是让你竭尽全力的机会。 Don`t be afraid of failing.It doesn`t matter how many times you fall down.All that matters is how many times you keep getting up. 不要害怕失败。摔倒多少次不要紧,要紧的是你能多少次爬起来。 Necer confuse a single defeat with a final defeat. 永远不要把一次失败和最终失败混为一谈。 Suffering a failure dosen`t mean you are a failure. 遭遇挫折并不意味着你就是一个失败者。 Success is getting up one more time than you fall down. 成功就是爬起来的次数比跌倒的次数多一次。 Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. 成功就是经过一个又一个失败,但仍然热情万丈。 You must focus on turning negatives into positives.If you want it and you dream about it ,there`s nothing that`s going to stop you. 你必须集中精力将消极的东西变成积极的东西。如果你想要而且全神贯注地梦想它,世界上就没有什么东西可以阻挡你。 No man ever fails until he fails on the inside. 没有人失败,直到他内心失败。 六、关于运气 The man with bad luck is the luchiest of all.The man with the most luck is the unluckiest of all. 幸运的人最不幸,不幸的人最幸运。 All of us have bad luck and good luck.the man who persists through the bad luck--who keeps right on going--is the man who is there when the good luck comes,and is ready to receive it. 所有人都有好运气和坏运气。谁能在逆境中坚持到底,谁就能在好运气来临之际把客观存在抓住。 Each misfortune you encounter will carry in it the seed of tomorrow`sgood luck. 你所遭遇的一功不幸将种下明天的好运气。 (I am a great believer in luck,and I find the harder I work the more I have of it. --Thmoas Jefferson 我是运气的忠实信徒,我发现我越努力工作,我就有越多的运气。 --托马斯.杰斐逊) 七、关于行动 Thinking is easy,acting is diffcult,and to put one`s thoughts into action is the most diffcult thing in the world. 想很容易,行动却很难,而把想法付诸行动是世界上最难的事情。 Men are all alike in their promises.It is only in their deeds that they differ. 人们的承诺不相上下,只有行动才能显出差异。 The best way you can predict your future is to creat it. 你能预测自己未来的最佳方法就是去创造它。 Instead of thinking about doing something,do something. 如其空想,不如马上行动。 Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly. 不完美地做成一件事情也要比完美无缺的一事无成要好。 All are of no value unless they are followed by action. 一切都毫无意义,除非我们付诸行动。 (Keep your eyes on the stars,and your feet on the ground. --Theodore Roosevelt 胸怀远志,脚踏实地。 --西奥多.罗斯福) 八、关于榜样 Examples give unlimited power! 榜样的力量是无穷的。 Lrarn and benefit from the knowledge and talent of others. 从他人的知识和才干中学习并受益。 People never improve unless they look to some standard or example higher or better than themselves. 只有在比自己更高、更强大的和榜样的影响下,人们才能够前进。 九、关于目标 All successful people have a goal.No one can get anywhere unless he knows where he wants to go and what he wants to be or do. 所有成功的人都有目标。如果一个人不知道要往哪里去,要成为怎样的人,要做什么,那他将一事无成。 Think great thoughts and you will be great! 心怀伟大的理想,你将会变得伟大~ Think little goals and expect little achievements.Think big goals and win big success! 目标定得小,成绩就小。有大志者才有大成就。 You are never not old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. 无论年纪有多大,你都可以有新目标或新梦想。 十一、关于习惯 Good habits lead to success. 好习惯是成功的关健。 The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits.Good habits are the key to all success.Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure. 成功与失败的最大分野,取决于不同的习惯。好习惯是开启成功的钥匙,坏习惯是一扇向失败敞开的门。 Improve yourself every day in every way that you can. 每天都要不断地从各个方面提高自己。 Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate. 持续的善良可以成就伟业。 就像太阳可以使冰雪融化, 善良可以是误解、猜忌和敌意融化~ Just don't give up on trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong. 要坚持做自己喜欢做的事情。 有爱和激情的事情,一定能做好~ 这是一篇关于我的采访录,今天特别登出来与大家分享。 特别提醒: No matter how wonderful and beautiful Chinese is, someone still has to translate all the marvelous things into English to benefit the world! 无论汉语多么精彩、美丽,总要有人把这美妙的汉语翻译成英语, 只有这样才能让世界受益~ 让汉语光芒万丈 Let the Chinese Language Shine , 疯狂英语创始人李阳采访录 征服英语的20条钻石法则【转李阳在《环球时报》上的登载】 法则一、发音永远是第一位的~ 大多数人学了十年英语还不能说标准的英语,发音仍然带有浓重的中国口音,导致和外国人交流的时候,听说都成了严重的问题。 还有一大批人,因为发音没有过关,导致经常被人笑话,从而失去了信心和兴趣。因为发音没有过关,导致单词死活背不下来~因为发音不过关,无法朗读和背诵课文,导致无法真正掌握语法,无法真正形成语感~ 总而言之,发音是英语大厦的基石,要不惜一切代价,彻底掌握纯正英语发音~凡是参加过十天―疯狂英语魔鬼训练营‖的学生,基本都能讲一口流利的英语~ 法则二、英语很简单~ 英语长得和拼音完全一样,发音也类似拼音,语法结构和汉语类似。世界上再也没有如此相似的语言了~ 英语是汉语下的蛋~中国人一定能快速征服英语~ 法则三、带着使命感学英语~ 绝大多数人学英语是为了应付考试,根本没有目标和动力,结果十多年的宝贵时光被白白浪费了。 一定要带着使命感学英语~这个使命就是:学好英语,振兴中华~学好英语,和世界自由沟通~学好英语,走遍世界~ 法则四、英语是永远学不出来的~ 全国成千上万的人在每天刻苦学习英语,但他们的方法错了~每天研究英语,每天做大量的选择题,结果导致了聋哑英语、应试英语~正确的没有记住,错误的反而记住了,因为四个选项中,有三个是错误答案~ 赶紧用嘴巴去学习英语吧~英语是用嘴巴练出来的~ 法则五、说得越难听,越要坚持说~ 学习做任何一件事情都要经历―从不会到会‖,―从笨手笨脚到炉火纯青‖~所以,如果你的英语讲得不好,一定要坚持讲~ 法则六、学习英语是伟大的体力劳动~ 任何技能的训练都是体力劳动~弹钢琴、学书法、打篮球、学游泳,这些都是伟大的体力劳动,他们和农民、工人在做着同样的工作~ 每天把嘴巴、喉咙―练痛‖才是真正有效的英语学习~ 法则七、最伟大、最先进的语言教学法在中国~ 不要到国外去寻找语言教学的方法,中华民族的祖先总结出了最优秀、最有效的语言学习法~书读百遍,其义自见;读书破万卷,下笔如有神;拳不离手,曲不离口。 中国人用最精练的语言总结出了人类学习的规律~ 法则八、考试题是最好的口语练习材料~ 考试题是最好的、最地道的、最优秀的英语学习材料~中国人太浪费考试题了~这些考试题都是众多专家精心挑选出来的,而大家选了一遍答案就扔掉,太可惜了~ 把考试题脱口而出,你将一举两得:既讲了一口流利的英语,又以高分通过考试~ 法则九、句子中心论 句子中包含单词、句子中包含语法、句子传达能量、句子实现交流~疯狂收集句子、疯狂操练句子,成为句子大王~ 法则十、自由交流的秘诀是背诵小短文 学习语言的目标是:大段、大段流利地讲英语~要实现这个目标只有一个方法:背诵小短文。正如中国古人所说:只有成章入口,才能出口成章~ 每天熟读、背诵一篇小短文,你就能快速成为英语大师~ 法则十一、零碎时间最适合学英语~ 学习任何技能都需要反复、定期地操练,靠一个星期一次,或一次几个小时是学不好的~刺激的频率越高越好~一两分钟的零碎时间都能培养语感~ 随身携带英语书吧~一年的零碎时间就可以征服英语~ 法则十二、录音是最好的老师~ 最好的老师不是人,而是录音~反复听录音,并跟着录音疯狂模仿、刻苦操练,这就是世界上最有效的学习方法~ 录音是全世界最简单、最有效、最便宜、最敬业的伟大老师~ 法则十三、先学透一套教材~ 世界上的英语教材成千上万,但必须选定一套教材,彻底学透它~彻底理解每一个单词、句子,彻底背诵每一个对话和文章~把一本书翻烂、读透,最好能做到倒背如流~ 学透了一套教材之后,再去大量地阅读,你的英语就学成了~ 法则十四、一分耕耘、一分收获~ 英语学习是非常公平的~多练习一分钟,功力就比别‎‎人强一点~如果你每天都坚持操练,你的英语一定能成功~ 记住:无论设备多么先进,世界冠军也是在血汗中诞生的~ 法则十五、脱口而出是硬道理~ 听懂是骗人的,看懂是不够的,说出来才是自己的~学好英语的唯一标准是―脱口而出‖~ 法则十六、中英文互译是英语学习的最高境界~ 学习英语的最高境界就是:中英文自由互译~这是全世界最难、报酬最高的领域之一,这也是中国对外交往当中最需要的能力~ 从现在开始,认真翻译每一个句子,并中英文―同时大声朗读‖~很快,你会发现你也具有这个非凡的能力~ 法则十七、记忆力是锻炼出来的~ 朗读、背诵的次数越多,记忆力就越好~永远不要怀疑和低估自己的记忆力~ 记忆力好不是天生的,是后天练出来的~ 法则十八、热爱比毅力更重要~ 疯狂地热爱英语吧,它一定不会让你失望~一口流利的英语会让你赢得这个世界,会让你受人尊重,会让你充满成就感~ 热爱是最强大的动力~热爱比毅力更重要~ 法则十九、天才就是重复次数最多的人~ 任何一个领域的最成功的人都具有一个共同的特点:比别人更努力一点、更付出一点~世界冠军都是每天比别人操练的时间和次数更多的人~ 他们把自律、刻苦、勤奋变成了自己的习惯~ 亲爱的朋友,你就是天才~你就是那个百年一遇的伟大天才~从今天开始,让自己每天―重复的次数‖超过别人吧~ 法则二十、英语必须集中训练一次~ ―三天打鱼,两天晒网‖、―老牛拉破车‖是永远学不好英语的~你一生一定要彻底疯狂一次,彻底投入一次~欢迎大家来―疯狂英语魔鬼训练营‖,体验一下什么是真正的疯狂吧~ 一天十二个小时,背完才能吃饭、背完才能睡觉、睡梦中都说英语,这才是真正的疯狂~一次疯狂带来巨大的成就感,带来终生的好习惯~ The doors of wisdom are never shut. --Benjamin Franklin 智慧之门永远不会关闭~ 从美国飞回中国的旅途是漫长的,但我找到了一个度过漫长岁月的办法:把一部电影看了五遍,并从中间挑选了30句地道口语,今天特别奉献给大家~ 掌握这30句话,下次看美国电影就不会那么犯傻了~ 1. She is a piece of work! = She is too much! She's unbelievable! 她是一个很麻烦的人。 2. That's impressive! 3. You're very ungrateful. 4. Let's get this done. 5. She's driving me crazy! 6. How is your day? 7. You make me sick. 8. Don't be too hard on him!(不要对他那么苛刻。) 9. You're not qualified for this position. 10. Are you having an affair with him? 11. You have no authority to make me leave! 12. You can say that again.(你说得太对了。) 13. Don't interrupt me when I speak. 14. Don't do anything to embarrass me. 15. The memory is full on this camera. 16. I was thinking about starting my own company. 17. Get your head out of the clouds.(清醒一点~别做梦了~) 18. You're so weak. 19. I know the company like the back of my hand. 20. What are you up to? 21. You stay away from my family. 22. I had a long day. 23. We met through a friend. 24. Something is not right. 25. I don't need you to protect me. 26. They all say the same thing. 27. You hold all the cards.(你占据主动地位。) 28. You're so disrespectful. 29. I see no reason to change now. 30. Get your hands off me.(把手拿开。) 其实,如果你能把一部电影看透,你的口语就过关了~ 好好找一部你喜欢的电影,反复看上100遍吧~ The future of China depends on us! 中国的未来由我们决定。 We cannot afford to waste our lives! 我们的生命浪费不起~ We must do as much as we can, as soon as we can! 我们必须全力以赴~ 今年暑假,我会在北京开设首届―国际青年领袖特训营‖。这是我首次在大学生中挑选一 千名接班人进行培养。经过未来三个阶段的学习和实践,他们将成为推广和普及英语的生力 军。 今天,我来到了我高校巡回演讲的第三站:中国地质大学。这里的学生绝大多数都是农村的 孩子,所以学风特别好~学生还自发组成了早读协会,每天都有几百人坚持朗读英语。 人为圣贤的自躬反省经典祷告词 五言绝句【英汉对照】 Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing. --Mother Teresa 大家都知道思维决定行动,但谁决定思维呢, 这个答案是:语言~所以学习英语绝对不是学习单词和语法,而且学习内容~内容 决定了一个人的语言,语言又决定了思维~ 今天,我要把我经常使用的人生咒语分享给大家~ 清晨醒来 今天是我生命中最美好的一天~ Today is the best day of my life! 奇迹般的事情将在我生命中发生~ Magic things will happen to me today! 真爱、善良、热情、效率、成就~ True love, kindness, passion, effiency, achievement! 今天是我生命中最重要的一天~ Today is the most important day of my life! 早餐 感谢我身体的每一个器官~ I want to thank every organ in my body! 感谢你们让我能充分体验美食~ Thank you for letting me enjoy great food! 感谢你们不折不扣的工作~ Thank you for working day and night nonstop! 我的眼睛,我的鼻子,我的嘴巴, 我的胃,我的心脏,我的大脑~ My eyes, my nose, my mouth, my stomach, my heart, my brain. 工作中 每一件工作都是我学习的好机会,无论多么渺小~ Every job is my chance to learn, no matter how small. 每一个挑战都是我成长的机会,无论多么令人恐惧~ Every challenge is my opportunity to grow, no matter how daunting! 每一个难对付的人都是我的潜在朋友,无论多么令人讨厌~ Every difficult person is my potential friend, no matter how annoying. 我要感谢任何事情,感激任何人~ I'm grateful to anyone for anything! 中午 我是这个世界上最幸运的人~ I'm the luckiest person in the world! 我拥有阳光、空气和水~ I possess sun, air, and water! 我拥有健康、友谊和爱~ I possess health, friendship, and love! 我拥有让我产生伟大成就感的事业~ I also own a great career which gives me a powerful sense of achievement. 我一定要全力以赴~ I must go all out! 晚上 我要为我一天的成就庆祝~ I will celebrate today's achievement! 我要关注我的家人~ I will focus on my family! 我要反省一天的得失~ I will reflect today! 我要让明天更美好~ I will make tomorrow even better! 李阳-人生小故事(英汉对照) 刚看完,有些句型很不错,供有兴趣的朋友参阅。 My Life Story By Li Yang I was born in a poor family in Jiangsu. I grew up with my grandparents. Because my parents chose to work in Xinjiang to serve the country right after they graduated from university. My mother just came back to Jiangsu to give birth to me, and then returned to Xinjiang. My parents were busy working everyday. They were very devoted to their country. They had no time for me. 我出生在江苏一个贫困的家庭。我跟着外公外婆一起长大。因为我父母大学毕业后志愿去了新疆工作,为国家效力。我母亲只是回到江苏生下了我,就又回新疆去了。我父母每天都忙于工作。他们将全身心献给了国家。他们没有时间照顾我。 I was an extremely shy and introverted child. I had no confidence in myself at all. I was ashamed of my appearance. I was a terrible student. I had few friends. My mother beat me severely. So I hated her very much. I wanted to hit her back. But I didn‘tdare. Because I had nowhere else to go. 我那时是个极端害羞和内向的小孩子。我对自己一点信心都没有。我为自己的外表感到羞愧。我是个很糟糕的学生。我几乎没有任何朋友。我母亲打我打得很重。所以我非常恨她。我想回手打她。但我不敢。因为我没有别的地方可去。 I wanted to be good. ButIjustdidn‘thow. I wanted to be excellent. I wanted to be successful. I wanted to do something great. I had big dreams. But I had no one to help me! No one could teach me. I was really lonely. Ididn‘tknowwhomtoturnto. My parents simplydidn‘tlikemeanddidn‘tunderstand me. My childhood was a nightmare. I felt so bad about myself. Even now I don‘tliketothink about it. 我想表现好点。但我不知道怎么办。我想成为优秀的人。我想成 功。我想做一些伟大的事。我也有远大的梦想。但我找不到人帮我。没人能教我。我那时非 常孤独。我不知道该去找谁。我父母就是不喜欢我,也不了解我。我的童年是个恶梦。我对自己感觉很糟。就算是现在我也不愿回想起我的童年。 My life was like this for ten years. Things only started to change when I decided to learn English in 1988. I created my own way of learning English. I called it Crazy English. Crazy English totally changed my life. 我的人生就这样过了十年。只是到了1988年我下决心学英语时,我的生活才开始改变。我创造了我自己的一套学英语的方法。我把它称之为疯狂英语。疯狂英语完全改变了我的人生。 In the past ten years, I‘vebeentravelling all over China to promote this method of learning English. It has helped millions of people. It has changed countless people‘slives. I‘msureitwillchange your life too. 在过去的十年中,我走遍全中国推广这种学习英语的方法。它帮助了成百上千万的人。它改变了无数人的人生。我相信它也一定会改变你的人生。 How I wish I had been born into a different family. How I wish my parents had known how to raise kids. How I wish I had met a great teacher when I was young. How I wish I had had someone to turn to for advice when I was puzzled. That‘swhyI‘mdetermined to devote all my life to real education! I‘mgoing to spend the rest of my life making sure other peopledon‘thavetostruggle the way I did. 我多希望我是出生 在一个不同的家庭。我多希望我父母懂得怎样培养孩子。我多希望我年轻时候能遇上一个伟大的老师。我多希望那时当我迷惘时能有人给我以指点。这就是我决心献身真正的教育事业的原因~我将用我的余生帮助别人摆脱我所经历过的痛苦。 Idon‘tcareabout being famous. I don‘tcareabout making money. I only care about helping others. I only care about improving myself. I will make a difference in this world! But I know I still have a long way to go. Please join me to give our kids the best education possible. 我不在乎我是否出名。我不在乎我是否赚钱。我只在乎能帮到别人。我只在乎能提高我自己。我要让这世界有所不同但我知道我还有很长的路要走。请加入我的行列,给我们的孩子们最好的教育。 Improving yourself, transcending yourself! Helping other people, influencing other people! This is our goal. This is our destiny. This is our mission. This is our life. 提高自我,超越自我~帮助他人,影响他人~这是我们的目标。这是我们的命运。这是我们的使命。这是我们的人生。 武林外传搞笑语录中英文版 各回各家,各找各妈 Go back home, and find your mom. 老虎不发威,你当我是HELLO KITTY Tiger doesn't get angry, you think it's HELLO KITTY 额服了you,额尊敬you,额的内心崇拜you I admire you, I respect you, I really adore you. 我看好你哟~ I really think you're nice~~~~ 饿错了,呃真滴错咧,饿从一开始就错列~当初饿就不该嫁过来,如果不嫁过来饿的夫君就不会死,饿的夫君不会死,饿 就不会沦落到这么一个伤心的地方 I'm wrong, I'm really wrong, I'm wrong from the beginning. I shouldn't married here, if I didn't marry here my husband will never die. If my husband didn't die, I'll never in this heartrending place now. 姓嘛,叫嘛,打哪来,往哪去,家里几口人,人均几亩地,地里几头牛,说说说。。。 What's you name? What's you first name? Where are you from? Where are you going? How many people are there in you house? How many units of cropland per person has? How many cattles in the cropland? Answer! Answer it! 额滴神啊~ Oh my god!(OMG) 亲娘哎~ Oh my mom! 排山倒海 Remove Mountains 葵花点穴手 Sunflower point points hand (注明:第一个point是 点到、指到 的意思、第二个 points 是穴位的意思) 子曾经曰过 A sage said that... 或者是 Confucius said that... 放着我来 Wait! I'll do it! 嫂子~~~~~~~~~ Elder brother's wife~~~~~~~~~~ 帮我照顾好我七舅姥爷和他的三外甥女 Help me to take care of my seventh uncle and his third niece 我祝你们白头偕老,断子绝孙 I bless you that live to old age in conjugal bliss and die without sons 世界如此美妙 我却如此暴躁 这样不好,不好 The wrold is that sweetness, but I'm this testiness, it's not good, not good 放心~这事全包我身上了 Take it easy, I'll do all the things 确定一定以及肯定 I confirm, ensure and make certain that 否决否认以及否定 I deny, disaffirm and disavow that 嘘~嘘~嘘~低调~低调~都低调~ Sh! Sh! Shhh! Be low-pitched, be low-pitched. All be low-pitched 我最后一次警告你啊 请使用人类的语言和我交谈 This is the last warning! Please speak humans language to me! 你杂这样子嘛!什么时候睡觉不好,非得晚上睡啊 Why did you do this? How come you must sleep in the night? 我上头有人 There have people above me 你无情无耻无理取闹 You are unkind, cheeky and out of all reason 我的神啊上帝啊以及老天爷啊 Oh my god, lord and providence! 我就象一只爬在玻璃上苍蝇,前途一片光明,就是找不到出路 I'm like the fly which is climbing on the glass, the sunshine is in front of me, but i just cannot find out the outlet 一山不能容二虎,除非一公和一母 There won't have two tigers inone place, unless they're male and female [成功宣言] ?萧宽作 由冯文淑-桑林汉译英 Success is everyone's dream! 成功是每个人的梦想~ The success has the lofty aspirations and high ideals person's home to return to! 成功是有志者的归宿, Important than the survival of success, 成功比生存重要, This is not a lie absolutely , 这绝对不是谎话, Once a person is born, like water, if earth, if were mad, 一个人一旦出生,就如水如土如气, If cigarette melts enter all life, 如烟融入所有的生命, Success but if thunder such as lightning, like fire shocks the ear equally, the eye, 成功却如雷,如闪电如火震惊耳目, Encourage the ambition, Burn an eyebrow. 励志,燃眉。 Success is more important than love, 成功比爱情重要, This is to exaggerate matters absolutely not. 这决非夸大其词。 Love needs to eat needs to drink, needs to put on clothes, needs to live in the house, needs 爱情需要吃需要喝,需要穿衣服,需要住房子,需要 the transportation vehicle, 交通工具, Needs the social position, the benefit, 需要社会地位,利益, Needs to be comfortable, 需要舒适, Needs life which ten thousand people envy, needs honor which is higher than the people, 需要名誉,需要万人羡慕的生活,需要比众人高的光荣, Needs the economy to liberate, wealthy life 需要经济解放,富裕的生活…………... ... Unsuccessful, such as in the air of a fine-wire walking, such as falling into the 不成功如在空中的一根细钢丝上行走,如掉进 swamp, 沼泽, If the barren desert journeying,such as those who could not swim fell into the sea, 如旅行荒漠,如不会游泳者掉进大海, Not successful can let love walk in the thorn 不成功会让爱情在荆棘丛中行走 in the dark of night to walk the edge of the abyss of adventure, 在黑夜中的深渊边上行走历险, Let love towards the tomb of terror ... ... 让爱情走向恐怖的坟墓……Goddoesnotdepend on the success of gods, do not rely on Noah's Ark, nor rely on the 成功不靠上帝神仙,不靠诺亚方舟,也不靠 Saviour. 救世主。 The success dependence great ambition big dream, depends upon diligently,. Depend on stamina, 成功依靠雄心大梦想,依靠勤奋,依靠毅力, The dependence with the biggest strength with ten thousand kind of difficulty courage 依靠用最大力量跟万种困难勇敢顽强 struggles, Depend on thought to renew concept, 斗争, 依靠思想更新观念, The dependence improves the psychological quality, 依靠提高心理素质, Creates the very good interpersonal relationship, 依靠提高心理素质,创造出很好的人际关系, Depends upon the science and technology invention, many kinds of knowledge combinations, 依靠科学技术发明,多种知识的组合, Rely on the spark of inspiration, passion, burning the blood of, 依靠灵感的火花,激情,燃烧的鲜血, Dependence own infinite creation potential value, development 依靠对自己的无限创造潜能的重视,开发, The creation of self, beyond the self ... ... 创造自我,超越自我……Yesterday though perplexed, but today have a great dream to be successful; 虽然昨日迷惘,但今日产生出伟大梦想是成功; Past illusion will realize in tomorrow is the success, 过去的梦幻在明天实现是成功; Although but obtains two work fruits is the success; 虽然付出一份力量,但得到pays the output quantity, 两份劳动果实是成功; Pays the present, will win in the future is succeeds. 付出现在,赢得未来是成功。 Ancient times's hero----Pursues own name to leave a good name to posterity for 100 centuries 古代的英雄----追求自己的名字流芳一百个世纪, Modern person with outstanding ability - - not successful like ghost! 现代英才——不成功如亡魂~ Let us vainly hope for successfully, forms in one's mind successfully, plans 让我们梦想成功,构思成功,策划 successfully, designs successfully, wishes successfully, hugs successfully ...... 成功,设计成功,祝愿成功,拥抱成功……Doesaccording to the above words, can The celebration is year after year successful, 按照上面的话去做,就会年年庆典成功, A generation of person to the 一代人到 next generation person, the innumerable generation of person revelry will be 下一代人,未来无数代人 successful in the future! 狂欢成功~ January 5, 2000 night Painting and Calligraphy Institute in Beijing, Xinhua News Agency, cows lie down housing 成功宣言 ?萧宽 成功是每个人的梦想~ 成功是有志者的归宿~ 成功比生存重要决非故弄玄虚。 人一旦出生就如水如土如气如烟融入芸芸众生, 成功却如雷如闪如电如火惊耳目励志燃眉。 成功比爱情重要决非夸大其词。 爱情要吃要喝要穿要戴要住要行要权要利要名要誉要舒适要安逸要风流要倜傥要尊荣要潇洒……不成功如走钢丝如坠泥淖如旅荒漠如溺浩海让爱受难历险让情失魂落魄……成功不靠上帝神仙不靠诺亚方舟也不靠救世主。 成功靠壮志靠勤奋靠毅力靠拼搏靠思想更新观念洗牌靠提高素养练达性情靠科技发明知识组合靠灵感火花激情热血靠重审自我创造自我超越自我……昨日迷惘今日定位是成功; 往昔梦幻明天实现是成功; 一分投入两分收获是成功; 付出现在赢得未来是成功。 自古英雄——不成功使成仁~ 现代英才——不成功如亡魂~ 让我们梦想成功冥构成功策划成功设计成功祝愿成功拥抱成功……从而—— 年年庆典成功 代代狂欢成功~ Passages for Junior High Students 初中生篇 My Oath 我的誓言 李阳老师的话 每个疯狂英语集训营学员必须脱口而出的励志短文,改变了成千上万英语学习者命运的一篇文章。跟着老师疯狂操练直至脱口而出吧~ Ican‘tstand my poor English! Ican‘tstand my shyness and laziness. I‘mdying to improve my situation. I want to change my life. I want to have confidence in myself. I want to build a solid foundation for my future. Idon‘twanttoletmyparents down. Idon‘teverwanttoletmycountry down. Most importantly, I don‘twanttoletmyself down. I want to speak perfect English. I want to understand all kinds of accents. I want to write beautiful articles. I want to read thousands of books. I want to translate freely between Chinese and English. I want to be the master of the world‘stwomostimportant languages – Chinese and English. 我无法容忍我的破烂英语~我无法忍受我的羞怯和懒惰。我渴望改变我的处境。我想改变我的人生。我想对自己充满自信。我想为自己的未来建造坚实的基础。 我不想让我的父母失望。我不想让我的祖国失望。最重要的是,我不想让自己失望。 我想说一口漂亮的英语。我想听懂各种不同的口音。我想写一手漂亮的文章。我想阅读成千上万的书籍。我想在中英文之间自由转换。我想掌握世界上两种最重要的语言 – 汉语和英语。 世界正变得越来越小 李阳老师的话:世界变得越来越小,作为一个国际化的中学生,把这篇短文脱口而出,让外国朋友心惊诧于中国中学生对世界大局观的把握~ 疯狂外号:―中嘴卷舌长元音‖,简称―中嘴卷舌音‖ Ladies and Gentlemen, more and more foreigners are coming to China. More and more people around the world are starting to learn Chinese. More and more people around the world are starting to do business and travel around the world. The world is becoming smaller and smaller. That‘swhyEnglish is becoming more and more important in China. If we want to ensure a great future for China, we must practice English harder than ever before. 女士们,先生们,越来越多的外国人来到中国,世界上越来越多的人开始学习中文,越来越多的中国人开始在全世界做生意和旅游,这个世界变得越来越小,因此英语在中国变得越来越重要。如果我们想确保中国有美好的未来,我们必须比以前更加刻苦地操练英语。 如何说一口流利的英语 李阳老师的话:讲一口漂亮的英语,煅造一口国际化的口腔肌肉,跟随着老师疯狂咧嘴,做夸张的口腔肌肉运动吧~ 疯狂外号:嘴角咧到耳朵上音 Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe you all want to speak good English. Now let me give you some advice. Don‘tbeafraid of losing face. Don‘tbeafraid of making mistakes. Don‘tbeafraid of practicing your English. Don‘tbeashamed of speaking poor English. Don‘tbeashamed of being laughed at. Don‘tbeashamed of being stared at. The only real shame is that you never open your mouth. The only way to learn English is to never be afraid and never be ashamed. It‘snever too late to make a change in your life. Don‘tbeafraid. No pain, no gain. You can make it. You‘regreat! 女士们,先生们,我相信你们都想说好英语。现在我给你们提一些建议。 不要害怕丢脸,不要害怕犯错误,不要害怕操练英语。 不要羞于说破烂英语,不要羞于被人嘲笑,不要羞于被人注视,惟一应该羞耻的是你从不开口说。 学英语惟一的出路是绝不要害怕,不要羞耻。改变你的生活,永远不嫌晚。不要害怕,没有付出,就没有收获。你可以做到。你很棒~ 微笑的重要性 李阳老师的话:这是一篇将改变你的人生的文章,请务必背下来~ 疯狂外号:―超级大嘴饱满阿姨合口双元音‖,简称―大嘴阿姨音‖。 Ladies and Gentlemen, today I‘dliketotalkabout the importance of smiling and kindness. Life is like a mirror. When you smile, people will smile back. When you treat other people kindly, they will treat you kindly in return. Try to spend one day smiling and being kind to everyone you meet. You will see a big difference in your life. If you keep on smiling and being kind, smiling and kindness will become your habits. If everyone tried to do this, the world would be a kinder, brighter, and happier place. Start smiling right away. 女士们,先生们,今天我想谈谈微笑和善良的重要性。生活像一面镜子:你微笑,人们也会报以微笑。你对别人和善,他们也会和善地对你。试着这样度过一天:微笑着,和善地对待你遇见的每一个人,你会发现生活会发生很大的变化。如果你保持微笑,和善,微笑与和善将会成为你的习惯。如果每个人都这样做,那这个世界将会成为一个更加友善,更加光明,更加快乐的福地。现在开始微笑吧~ 选择的重要性 李阳老师的话:关于选择,可以谈到的问题太多,生活就是选择。这篇文章将给你一些启示。 疯狂外号:―中嘴短衣合口双元音‖,简称―中嘴短衣音‖。 Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to tell you something very important today. I want to tell you that life is about choices. You can choose to be miserable or you can choose to enjoy life. You can choose to improve your health or you can choose to destroy it. I hope you will make correct choices. I hope you will choose to enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, enjoy your work, and enjoy your everyday life. Life is a gift and we really should enjoy every minute of it. Join the group of people who make good choices. Enjoy your life! 女士们,先生们,今天,我想告诉你们一件非常重要的事。我想告诉你们生活就是选择。你可以选择过得悲惨也可以选择享受生活,你可以选择改善健康也可以选择毁掉它。我希望你能做正确的选择,我希望你能选择热爱你的家庭,喜欢你的朋友,喜欢你的工作,享受每天的生活。生命是一份馈赠,我们真的应该快乐地过每一分钟。加入到做正确选择的人们的行列吧。享受生活~ [疯狂注释] miserable adj. 痛苦的;悲惨的;可怜的 人生的三条最重要的建议 李阳老师的话:集训营的最后一天了,把疯狂―唯一咬舌音‖练好,做一个合格的疯狂英语人吧~ 疯狂外号:―唯一咬舌音‖。 Ladies and Gentlemen, there are three things I want to talk about today. The first thing is, think before you speak. Say positive things, don‘thurtother people with words. The second thing is, treasure every breath. Life is precious. We shouldn‘ttakeanything for granted. We must be thankful for every breath. The third thing is, nothing is impossible. If you think you can, you can. Never doubt yourself. You can do anything. These three things have helped me throughout my life. Thank you.女士们,先生们,今天我要谈三件事。 第一,说话之前要考虑,说积极正面的话,不要用语言伤害别人。第二,珍惜每一个瞬间,生命是宝贵的。不要把任何事都不当回事,要感谢每一个瞬间。第三,没有不可能。如果你觉得自己行,你就行。绝不要怀疑自己。你可以做任何事这三件事帮助了我一生。谢谢~ Passages for Senior High Students 高中生篇My Oath我的誓言 李阳老师的话 每个疯狂英语集训营学员必须脱口而出的励志短文,改变了成千上万英语学习者命运的一篇文章。跟着老师疯狂操练直至脱口而出吧~ Ican‘tstand my poor English! Ican‘tstand my shyness and laziness. I‘mdying to improve my situation. I want to change my life. I want to have confidence in myself. I want to build a solid foundation for my future. Idon‘twantto let my parents down. Idon‘teverwanttoletmycountry down. Most importantly, I don‘twanttoletmyself down. I want to speak perfect English. I want to understand all kinds of accents. I want to write beautiful articles. I want to read thousands of books. I want to translate freely between Chinese and English. I want to be the master of the world‘stwomostimportant languages – Chinese and English. 我无法容忍我的破烂英语~我无法忍受我的羞怯和懒惰。我渴望改变我的处境。我想改变我的人生。我想对自己充满自信。我想为自己的未来建造坚实的基础。 我不想让我的父母失望。我不想让我的祖国失望。最重要的是,我不想让自己失望。 我想说一口漂亮的英语。我想听懂各种不同的口音。我想写一手漂亮的文章。我想阅读成千上万的书籍。我想在中英文之间自由转换。我想掌握世界上两种最重要的语言 – 汉语和英语。 如何有效沟通 李阳老师的话:学习任何一种语言的目的都是为了有效沟通,从这片短文里面找到沟通的秘 诀吧。 Ladies and Gentlemen, today I want to talk about the importance of clear communication. Clear communication means being able to really hear what someone is saying. You need to listen with your heart not only your ears. Remember, you have two ears but only one mouth. That means you should listen more and speak less. Listening as well as speaking is absolutely necessary for clear communication. Good communication is not as easy as it appears. It takes hard work and years of practice. Thank you for being here and listening to my speech. I hope I made my message clear. I hope you will make it a goal this year to improve your communication. Thanks for your attention. 女士们,先生们,今天我想谈谈有效沟通的重要性。有效沟通意味着能够真正听懂别人在讲什么。你需要用心而不仅仅是用耳朵来倾听。记住,你有两只耳朵但只有一张嘴,那就是说你应该多听少说。听和说一样都是有效沟通绝对必须的手段。良好的沟通没有看起来那么容易,它需要艰苦的努力和多年的训练。谢谢你们来这听我演讲,我希望我把我的话讲清楚了。希望今年你们把提高沟通能力作为今年的奋斗目标。谢谢~ [疯狂注释]communication n. 沟通;交流;传达;交通 Speak, speak, speak! 说,说,说~ 李阳老师的话 背诵这段文章之后,你就可以去教别人如何学英语了。 Never care about how poorly or how well you speak, only care about catching the chances to speak. Never care about what other people think, only care about making progress. Enjoy losing face. Enjoy being laughed at. Just forget about your face. Just forget about your fear. The more you speak, the better your English will become. The more mistakes you make, the more progress you will make. You must enjoy making mistakes. You must enjoy speaking poor English. Speaking is the one thing that will lead you towards success. Don‘tgiveup. Just try your best. Every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen, your muscles will strengthen. Your confidence will awaken. You will make it. You will do it. I totally believe in you. 管它说好说坏,只要有机会―说‖就可以。管它别人怎么想,只要能进步就行。热爱丢脸。热爱被别人嘲笑。干脆忘掉你的面子。干脆忘掉你的恐惧。你说的越多,你的英语就会越好。你犯的错误越多,你取得的进步就会越大。你必须热爱犯错误。你必须热爱说破烂英语。开口说英语是指引你走向成功的惟一途径。不要放弃。全力以赴。嘴巴每动一次,你的记忆就加深一次,你的肌肉就发达一点,你的信心就被唤醒一次。你一定会成功。你一定会做到。我完全相信你。 Precious time 宝贵的时间 李阳老师的话 这是一篇超级经典的短文,供全国的疯狂英语学习者脱口而出~ A proverb says: ―Timeismoney.‖Buttome, time is even more precious than money. When money is spent, we can earn it back. However, when time is gone, it will never return. That is why we must value time. Time at our disposal is usually short. Even an hour is very precious. Every minute is a treasure. We should make full use of our time to do useful and productive things. It is a shame that there are so many people who waste time carelessly. They do not know how important time is. They do not know how to value their time. They are wasting their life. We should get into the good habit of using our time wisely. Do not put off until tomorrow what can be done today. Time is money. Time is life, too! If you waste time, you waste your life! 有句谚语说:―时间就是金钱。‖但对我来说,时间比金钱还要宝贵。钱花了,我们还可以挣回来。然而,时间流逝了,就永远不会回来了。所以,我们要珍惜时间。 我们能够支配的时间少之又少。即使是一个小时都非常珍贵。每一分钟都是一笔财富。我们应该充分利用好时间去做有用的,富有成效的事。这么多人漫不经心地任时间流逝,这是很遗憾的事。他们不知道时间到底有多么重要。他们不知道如何珍惜时间。他们在浪费生命。 我们应该养成一个好习惯,明智地利用时间。今天能做完的事,就绝不要拖到明天。时间就是金钱。时间就是生命~如果你浪费时间,你就是在浪费生命~ Exercise 锻炼 李阳老师的话 这篇文章非常重要~作为成年人,我经常对我的朋友说:锻炼比工作更重要。作为学生,我的建议是:锻炼比学习更重要~ Everyone knows that exercise is important. We all need to exercise. Doctors say it is good for us. It makes your heart and body strong. Children who often exercise are more alert. This means they do better in tests and schoolwork than those whodon‘texercise. There are many ways to exercise. You can walk, swim, run, skate or play ball games. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you. Exercising is fun. Exercising is good for your health. Exercising makes you smarter. Do your body and mind a favor and exercise every day! 每个人都知道锻炼身体很重要,我们都需要锻炼。医生说锻炼身体对我们的健康有益,它使你的心灵健康,使你的身体强壮。 经常锻炼身体的孩子反应敏捷。这意味着考试和做作业时,他们比不锻炼身体的孩子做得更好。 锻炼的方式有很多种。你可以散步,游泳,跑步,滑冰或进行球类运动。所有的运动项目都尝试一下,最后找到最适合你自己的一种,两种甚至三种运动项目。 锻炼乐趣无穷。锻炼有益于健康。锻炼使你变得更聪明。帮你的身体,你的头脑一个忙,每天锻炼身体吧~ My resolution 决心 李阳老师的话 这段文章充满了力量和灵感~每当你想放弃的时候,请赶紧大喊一遍,你就会马上又充满了战斗的欲望~ 这个世界上成功的人很少,因为能坚持的人很少,有激情的人很少~因为别人都坚持不了了,所以你一定要坚持~ This is a new term; this is a new beginning; this is a totally new me! This is a new way to learn good English. This is a new way to live my life. From today, I‘mdetermined to yell English every day! From today, I‘mdetermined to build up my confidence and shake the world. I want to fully open my heart! I want to be wholly devoted! I want to be totally crazy! I want to completely forget about my face! I want to open my mouth wildly! I want to thoroughly conquer my laziness and shyness. I want to successfully overcome all my difficulties. I want to totally reshape my life. I am the future of my family, the future of China, and the future of the world! I desire to win! I must win! I will win absolutely, definitely and without any doubt. I have every confidence in myself. Today is the day to make miracles 这是一个新的学期;这是一个新的开始;这是一个全新的我~这是一种学好英语的新方法。这是一种新的生活方式。从今天开始,我下定决心每天喊英语~从今天开始,我下定决心, 树立信心,撼动世界。 我要完全敞开心扉~我要全情投入~我要彻底地疯狂起来~我要完全忘记我的面子~我要张大我的嘴~我要彻底克服我的懒惰与羞怯。我要成功地战胜一切困难。我要彻底重塑我的人生。 我是家庭的未来,我是中国的未来, 我是世界的未来~ 我渴望赢~我一定要赢~我会赢,这是绝对的,明确的,毋庸置疑的。 我对自己信心十足。今天,就是创造奇迹的时候。 My pledge/Oath You can't speak! You can't understand! You feel bad!You feel hopeless! That's crazy! cheer up! It's not the end of the world. Speaking English is apiece of cake. Don't look back. Enjoy losing face.Just forget about your face. The more mistakes you make,the more progress you make. Don't give up. Just try your best. Relax! Don't panic! Take it easy! Be patient and enjoy yourself! Learning English should be fun. Speaking good English is no big deal! It's worth your time and effort. You have no choice. No more excuses! get moving. Let's get started! Let's talk in English. You'd better do it now. I have very confidence in you. I want to be proud of you. It's my pleasure to help you angtime. You can count on me! Don't worry about it. I'm serious. I'll try my best. We will make it together. 我 的 誓 言 什么是你的故事? 你不能说!你不明白!你感到悲伤!你感到绝望(无助)! 这就是疯狂!振作点(开心点)!这不是世界的末日. 说英语只是小菜一碟. 别畏缩. 热爱丢脸,此刻忘掉你的面子. 你犯错误越多,你的进步越大. 竭尽你的全力,不要放弃. 放松点,不要紧张. 要有耐心,相信你自己. 学英语 是一大乐事. 说一口流利的英语没什么了不起! 值得你花时间去努力. 你已经没有选择. 不要再找借口!要奋进. 让我们从现在起用英语交谈. 你最好现在就努力. 我信任你. 我要为你骄傲,以你为荣. 我愿意随时帮助你. 你能依靠我! 别着急! 我是当真的.我将尽最大努力(帮助你). 我们将一起获得成功! My Pledge My Oath II 我的誓言II Ican‘tstand my poor English! Ican‘tstand my ten years of wasted time! Ican‘tstand being looked down upon! Ican‘tstand being laughed at! I want to improve my situation! I want to change my life! I want to be successful! I want to be international! Idon‘twanttoletmyparents down! Idon‘teverwanttoletmycountry down! Most important, Idon‘twanttoletmyself down! I want to speak perfect English! I want to understand all kinds of accents! I want to write beautiful articles! I want to read thousands of books! I want to translate freely between Chinese and English. I want to be the master of the world‘stwomostimportant languages: Chinese and English. I must act at once! I must open my mouth to practice! I must surprise them with my excellent English! I must realize my dream! I must succeed! 我的誓言 我不能忍受我的破烂英语~ 我不能忍受我十年来虚度的光阴~ 我不能忍受被别人看扁~ 我不能忍受被别人嘲笑~ 我要改善我的处境~ 我要改变我的生活~ 我要成为成功人士~ 我要成为国际人才~ 我不想让我的父母失望~ 我也不想让我的祖国失望~ 更重要的是,我不想让我自己失望~ 我要说一口纯正的英语~ 我要听懂各种各样的口音~ 我要写一手漂亮的文章~ 我要阅读成千上万的书籍~ 我要在中英文之间自由转换。 我要成为世界上最重要的两种语言——汉语和英语的大师。 我必须立即行动~ 我必须张嘴练习~ 我必须用我出色的英语令众人惊叹~ 我必须实现我的梦想~ 我必须成功~ My Pledge My Oath III Today I believe —— This unique trip will completely change my life ! Today I believe —— That all my efforts will produce generous returns ! Today I believe —— English will be a powerful weapon in my life ! Therefore, I must devote all my energy to learning English with high spirit, enthusiasm and vigor ! I will enjoy losing face ! I will pour all my effort into learning English. I must be absolutely responsible for myself ! I must not waste one minute, or evrn one second ~ I must challenge my limits and then surpass them ! I will conquer English and charge toward success ! I can speak good English !!! &*Li Yang Crazy English*& Warmly congratulates China on its entry into the WTO ! Let‘srisetothisauspicious occasion ! Let‘swelcome its new challenges ! 我的誓言 III 今天我相信—— 这段特殊的旅程将彻底改变我的一生~ 今天我相信—— 我所有的付出终将得到丰厚的回报~ 今天我相信—— 英语一定会成为我人生奋斗的强有力的武器~ 所以, 我一定要精神饱满、 热情高涨、 热爱丢脸、 疯狂投入~ 我必须对自己百分之百地负责~ 我必须每一分每一秒都全力以赴~ 挑战极限、超越自我~ 征服英文,迈向成功~ 我一定能讲一口最漂亮的英文~~~ My Pledge, My Oath (4) --Persistence Produces Miracles The secret to success is just two words: to persist! I'll persist even when others don't understand. I'll persist even when many people object. I'll persist even when I suffer adversity. I'll persist even when all the others give up. I'll persist even when I'm desperate. I'll persist still longer and longer even when I feel I can't sustain it. I'll persist even when it's extremely cold. I'll persist even when I'm completely lonely. Persist, persist, persist! Some day, I'll find: I will be among the top-notch in my field! I will become a hero! I will become a master of my destiny! I will become an unbelievable miracle! 我的誓言 (4) 成功的秘密就是两个字:坚持 别人不理解的时候坚持 很多人反对的时候坚持 身处逆境的时候坚持 别人都放弃的时候坚持 绝望的时候坚持 实在坚持不住的时候,再咬牙坚持一会 天寒地冻的时候坚持 孤独无助的时候坚持 坚持,坚持,再坚持 有一天我一定会发现: 我将成为顶尖人物 我将成为英雄 我将成为命运的主人 我将成为自己都不敢相信的奇迹! My Pledge, My Oath (5) --I'm Crazy, and I Succeed! Let's go crazy completely! Let's go crazy nonstop! Let's go crazy happily! I'm cool while others are agitated. I'm full of hope while others are frustrated. I'm struggling while others are having fus. I'm alone while others are getting together. I feel enriched while others feel empty. I'm brave while others are frightened. I'm confident while others feel inferior. I'm happy while others are angry. I'm grateful for failure, while others curse at their failure. I regard negative feeling as "trash", while others are tortured by feelings. I am the master of my emotions, not a slave to my emotions. So I succeed when others fail. If I am this crazy, how can I not succeed?! No one can stop my success! Not even I! I just can't get rid of my success! This is what I call being crazy! 我的誓言 (5) 让我们彻底疯狂吧~ 让我们持续疯狂吧~ 让我们快乐疯狂吧~ 别人不安的时候,我冷静~ 别人灰心的时候,我充满希望~ 别人享受的时候,我奋斗~ 别人热闹的时候,我孤独~ 别人无聊的时候,我充实~ 别人恐惧的时候,我勇敢~ 别人自卑的时候,我自信~ 别人生气的时候,我快乐~ 别人为失败而祖咒,而我为失败而感激~ 别人为情感而挣扎,而我视情感为―垃圾‖~ 别人是情感的奴隶,而我是情感的主人~ 所以别人失败的时候我成功~ 像我这么疯狂怎么可能不成功~ 成功挡都挡不住~ 成功甩都甩不掉~ 这就是疯狂~ My Pledge, My Oath (6) Today, I want to make a solemn promise. Today, I want to make a serious vow. Today, I want to make a life-changing commitment to myself. I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 30 minutes every morning. I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 5 minutes before and after every meal. I promise I will read English loudly and crazily for at least 30 minutes before going to bed every night. I promise I will read English loudly and crazily whenever I have a spare minute. I will keep my promise because I know every single time I read English loudly and crazily, my English will improve. I will keep my promise because I know the more I repeat, the deeper and more long-lasting my English ability will become. Day by day, month by month, year by year, I will become better and better, stronger and stronger, smarter and smarter. I Will do it no matter if it rains, snows, or blows. I will do it no matter if I feel tired, happy, or sad. I will do it no matter how crazy my schedule is. I will strick to my promise. I will stick to my plan. I will stick to my goal. Nothing and nobody can stand in my way! Nothing and nobody can discourage me! Nothing and nobody can take the place of my crazy self-improvement pursuit! Whenever I think about my splendid plan, I'm full of power. Whenever I think about my shining, successful future, I'm full of power. Whenever I think about myself speaking eloquent English, I'm full of power. Whenever I think about my capable and expert performance, I'm full of power. I promise I will speak standard, beautiful, and perfect English. I promise English will become the solid foundation of my future career. I promise I won't let myself, my parents, and my country down. I totally believe that all my effort, devotion, enthusiasm and hard work will pay off. I totally believe that all the time, money, energy, and determination I've invested will produce generous returns. I totally believe that all the diffculties, frustrations, failures and tears that I've endured will make me a stronger person. Actions speak louder than words. Storms make trees grow deeper roots. Pain past is pleasure. If I can dream it, I can do it. Challenges make life more interesting. It is impossible to defeat a person who never gives up. Successful people never give up. People who give up can never succeed. I'm born to succeed! I'm born to win! I'm born to make miracles! I will never give up! I will never give up! I will never, never, never give up! Success is waking up in the morning, whoever you are, wherever you are, however old or young, and bounding out of bed, because there's something out there you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again today! 我的誓言(6) 今天,我要做一个庄严的承诺。 今天,我要做一次严肃的宣誓。 今天,我要做对自己做出改变一生的承诺。 我承诺,每天早晨上午我都会大声地、 疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。 我承诺,我会在三餐前后大声地、 疯狂地朗读至少5分钟的英语。 我承诺, 我会在每晚临睡前大声地、 疯狂地朗读至少30分钟的英语。 我承诺,一有零碎时间, 我就会大声地、疯狂地朗读英语。 我会遵守我的承诺, 因为每一次我大声地、疯狂地读英语时, 我的英语都会进步。 我会遵守我的承诺, 因为我知道我重复的次数越多, 我的英语能力就会变得越精深,越长久。 日复一日,月复一月,年复一年, 我会变得越来越棒,越来越强,越来越聪明~ 不管下雨,下雪还是刮风,我都会这样做。 不管我疲倦、快乐还是悲伤,我都会这样做。 不管我的时间表排得多么紧,我都会这样做。 我会坚守我的承诺。 我会遵循我的计划。 我会坚持我的目标。 任何人、任何事都不能阻挡我前进~ 任何人、任何事都不能打击我的信心~ 任何人、任何事都不能替代我对自我提升的疯狂追求~ 一想到我那宏伟的计划,我就充满了力量。 一想到我那灿烂成功的未来,我就充满了力量。 一想到自己说一口流利的英语,我就充满了力量。 一想到一个能干、专业 的自己,我就充满了力量。 我承诺,我将会说一口标准、漂亮、流利的英语。 我承诺,英语将会成为我未来事业最牢固的基石。 我承诺,我不会让我自己、我的父母以及我的祖国失望。 我完全相信, 我所有的努力、投入、热情、与勤奋都会有所回报。 我完全相信, 我所投入的所有时间、金钱、精力与决心都会带来丰厚的回报。 我完 全相信, 我所承受的所有困难、挫折、失败和泪水都会使我成为一个更坚强的人。 行动比语言更响亮。 暴风雨使树木深深扎根。 过去的痛苦就是快乐。 只要我想得到,我就做得到。 挑战让生活更精彩。 要打败一个永不放弃的人是 不可能的。 成功者永不放弃,放弃者永不成功。 我就是要成功~ 我生来就是要赢~ 我生来就是要创造奇迹~ 我将永不、永不、永不放弃~ 成功就是: 无论你是谁,你在哪里,你年纪有多大, 当你早晨醒来的时候你都会从床上一跃而起, 因为你等不及要在今天去做你所热爱的、你所相信的、你所擅长的、超越现在的你的事。 This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure. 现在不是安逸和享乐的时刻。现在是奋斗和忍耐的时刻。 When you affirm big, believe big, and pray big, big things happen. 当你确认伟大,相信伟大,祈祷伟大,伟大的事情就会发生。 Open yourself up to life's infinite possibilities. 成为你在世界上想拥抱生活无限的可能吧~ Man must be disciplined, for he is by nature raw and wild. 人类必须被严格要求,因为人类从本性来讲是原始和野蛮的。 At least once in your life ,you should experience total craziness. 人的一生一定要疯狂一次。 Ability is a poor man's wealth. 能力是一个穷人的财富。 李阳疯狂英语 * Let‘sseize its new opportunities with pride and confidence ! We will not fail ! We will succeed ! 学好英语的十大品质* 学习英语方法很重要,但品质一样很重要,甚至比学习方法更重要~太多的人,明明知道该 怎么学,但就是做不到 第一品质:冲天的自信~ 你要对自己说:英语算什么,我一定能脱口而出~单词算什么,我一定能掌握千军万马~语 法算什么,我一定能成为语法专家~ You must be confident! (你一定要自信~) 第二品质:热爱丢脸~ 自信的人是不怕丢脸的~而且没有机会丢脸还要创造机会丢脸~面子根本不值钱~ You must enjoy losing face! (你一定要热爱丢脸~) 第三品质:勤奋苦练~ 英语的练出来的,不是学出来的。所有的技能都一样,所谓―拳不离手,曲不离口‖,只有每天苦练,才能练就英语真功夫~ You must practice hard! Very hard! (你一定要刻苦操练~) 第四品质:要有耐心~ 学习任何东西都需花费时间和精力,只要你坚持,就一定会有成绩~ You must be patient! (你一定要有耐心~) 第五品质:要如痴如醉~ 任何事情,如果你不是全身心投入,如果你不是发自内心地热爱,都是做不好的~ You must be 100 percent devoted. (你一定要全情投入~) 第六品质:知难而上~ 要培养一种性格;越难越有信心,越难越要征服~这样的人生才有意义~ You must meet the challenges and conquer the difficulties. (你一定要面对挑战、征服困难~) 第七品质:不达目的誓不罢休~ 一定要讲一口流利的英语~这是毫不含糊和毫无疑问的~ You must reach the goal. (你一定要达到目标~) 第八品质:助人为乐~ 帮助任何想学习英语的人~其实,帮助别人的同时,你真正锻炼和提高了自己~ You must be helpful! (你一定要助人为乐~) 第九品质:永远乐观~ 征服英语途中的困难没有什么大不了的~去读一读所有成功者的故事,你的困难和他们比起 来,简直不值得一提~ You must be optimistic and think positively! (你一定要乐观~要积极思考问题~) 第十品质:坚持不懈~ 坚持是一种可怕的东西~ 只要你坚持不懈,任何困难和障碍都可以征服~ You must stick to it! (你必须坚持到底~) 这些品质不但决定你英语的成功,也决定你人生的辉煌~~ The secret of success is constancy of purpose! Come on!! 人生奋斗名言 Man is the artificer of his own happiness. (人是自己幸福的创立者。) Don‘twaste your precious life in doubts and fears. (不要在怀疑和恐惧中浪费你宝贵的生命。) There is nothing which has not been bitter before being ripe. (在成熟之前,没有东西不是苦涩的。) To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. (去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不要放弃。) Hopeisthepoorman‘sbread.(希望是穷人的精神面包。) There is a historyinallmen‘slives. (每个人都是一部历史。) Only when you seize today can you not lose tomorrow. 只有抓住今天,才能不丢失明天。 The path to your glorious future begins with the steps you take today. (通向灿烂未来的路从你今天的迈出的步伐开始。千里之行始于足下。) To succeed in overcoming difficulties is the greatest honor. (成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。) Every day do something valuable. (每天做一些有价值的事情。) Never look down on yourself. (永远不要小看自己。)【我完全同意~】 You should never look down on poor people. (你永远不应该瞧不起穷人。)【这是我给你的提醒~】 Life never stands still: ifyoudon‘tadvance you recede. (生命不息,不进则退。)【两个高考重要单词~】 Man is the artificer of his own happiness.(人是自己幸福的创立者。) Don‘twaste your precious life in doubts and fears. (不要在怀疑和恐惧中浪费你宝贵的生命。) There is nothing which has not been bitter before being ripe. (在成熟之前,没有东西不是苦涩的。) To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. (去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不要放弃。) Hopeisthepoorman‘sbread.(希望是穷人的精神面包。) Only when you seize today can you not lose tomorrow. 只有抓住今天,才能不丢失明天。 To succeed in overcoming difficulties is the greatest honor. (成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。) Every day do something valuable.(每天做一些有价值的事情。) Never look down on yourself.(永远不要小看自己。) 李阳老师特别分享: 请同学们抄写在自己的笔记本~并反复朗读~ 课前、课后、饭前、饭后都可以~ 每日宣言 I believe/I am/a legend. 我相信我就是传奇。 I believe/I`m deeply loved. 我相信我被深爱。 I believe/I can fly high/ in the sky 我相信我能展翅高飞 I believe/I can make/a great difference/ in this world 我相信世界因我而不同 I believe/I have / unlimited / potential. 我相信我有无限潜能。 I believe/I can influence /and help / countless people. 我相信我会影响和帮助成千上万的人 I believe / I can speak / perfect English. 我相信我能说完美英语 I believe / I can communicate freely / with the world. 我相信我能和世界自由沟通 I will believe / what I believe. 我会成为我所相信。 I am / what I believe. 我就是我所相信。 李阳老师的《我的每日誓言》 For our future,for our families'happiness, for our parents'expectations, for our motherland's prosperity, and for world peace, Let's make up our minds to destroy all obstacles and embrace all challenges, let's make up our minds to smash our sense of inferioity, and to overcome our laziness; let's make up our minds to conquer the College Entrance Examinations and create glorious,successful lives! 为了自己的未来,为了家庭的幸福,为了父母的期望,为了祖国的强盛, 为了世界的和平,让我们下定决心,排除万难,拥抱挑战,战胜自卑和惰性,征服高考,创造灿烂成功的人生~ Conquer English to Make China Stronger! 征服英语,让祖国更强大~ Never give up!Never give in!Never say die!Never regret!Never doubt yourself!Never lose hope! Never say impossible!Never fear chanllenges!Always look on the bright side of life!Always be positive! Always be tough on yourself! Always aim high! You are the greatest person in the world! 本人学习英语也有些年,也听过各种英语讲座,其实,学好英语非常简单,只要你勤奋和坚持学下去,六个字可以解决一切问题:―多听、重复、背诵‖。 圣严法师语录中英文 1. 需要的不多,想要的太多。 Our needs are few; our wants are many. 2.知恩报恩为先,利人便是利己。 To be grateful and repay kindness—this is first; to benefit others is to benefit ourselves. 3.尽心尽力第一,不争你我多少。 Devote wholehearted effort without calculating who does or gains more. 4.慈悲没有敌人,智能不起烦恼。 Kindness and compassion have no enemies; wisdom engenders no vexations. 5.忙人时间最多,勤劳健康最好。 The busy make the most of time; the diligent enjoy the best of health. 6.布施的人有福,行善的人快乐。 Those who give selflessly are blessed; those who do good deeds are happy. 7.心量要大,自我要小。 Cultivate a big heart—but a small ego. 8.要能放下,才能提起。提放自如,是自在人。 To take on anything, one must first be able to let go. One is truly free who can take on and let go of anything in peace. 9.识人识已识进退,时时身心平安;知福惜福多培福,处处广结善缘。 Know yourself and others, and the ways of the world, so as to have a peaceful body and mind. Recognize, cherish, and nurture your blessings, and seize every chance to be of service. 10.提得起放得下,年年吉祥如意;用智能种福田,日日都是好日。 For those who can take things on and let them go in peace, every year is an auspicious year. For those who can sow with wisdom the seeds of blessings, every day is a good day. 11.身心常放松,逢人面带笑;放松能使我们身心健康,带笑容易增进彼此友谊。 Maintain a relaxed body and mind, and meet and greet with a smile. Relaxation enhances physical and mental health, and a smiling face promotes friendship. 12.话到口边想一想,讲话之前慢半拍。不是不说,而是要惜言慎语。 Before you open your mouth to speak, think twice and chew your words carefully. The point is not to hold your peace, but to speak with discretion and prudence. 13.在生活中,不妨养成:「能有,很好;没有,也没关系」的想法,便能转苦为乐,便会比较自在了。 Try to cultivate this attitude in life: if I can have what I want, that‘sgood; ifIcan‘t, that‘sfinetoo. This will help us turn our suffering into joy, and live a happier life. 14.四安:安心、安身、安家、安业。 To uplift our character, begin with cultivating peace in mind, body, family, and activity. 15.四要:需要、想要、能要、该要。 In dealing with your heart‘sdesire, ask yourself these questions: Do I need it, or do I want it? Can I acquire it? Should I acquire it? 16.四感:感恩、感谢、感化、感动。 To get along with others, we must feel grateful for events that help us grow, feel thankful for chances to hone ourselves, reform ourselves through the Dharma, and inspire others through exemplary behavior. 17.四它:面对它、接受它、处理它、放下它。 When faced with any difficulty of life, resolve it by following these four steps: face it, accept it, deal with it, and then let it go. 18.四福:知福、惜福、培福、种福。 To increase our blessings we need to recognize blessings, cherish blessings, nurture blessings, and sow the seeds of blessings. 19.能要、该要的才要;不能要,不该要的绝对不要。 Pursue only what you can and should acquire. Never pursuewhatyoucan‘tandshouldn‘tacquire. 20.感恩能使我们成长,报恩能助我们成就。 Gratitude can make us grow, and the resolve to return favors can help us succeed. 21.感谢给我们机会,顺境、逆境,皆是恩人。 Feel thankful for the chances to hone ourselves: both good and ill fortune are our benefactors. 22.遇到好事,要随喜、赞叹、鼓励,并且虚心学习。 When good things happen, we should rejoice in, praise, encourage, and then learn from them in modesty. 23.少批评、多赞美,是避免造口业的好方法。 To criticize less and praise more is a good way to avoid creating negative karma of speech. 24.平常心就是最自在、最愉快的心。 An ordinary mind is a mind of utmost freedom and unsurpassed joy. 25.踏实地走一步路,胜过说一百句空洞的漂亮语。 A solid step forward speaks louder than a hundred empty, fair words. 26.知道自己的缺点愈多,成长的速度愈快,对自己的信心也就愈坚定。 The more weaknesses you discover in yourself, the faster you will develop, and the more self-confident you will be. 27.多听多看少说话,快手快脚慢用钱。 Keep your ears and eyes wide open, but mouth tight shut; be quick with your hands and legs, but slow to spend. 28.唯有体验了艰苦的境遇,才会有精进奋发的心。 Only after encounters with hardships will one be roused to vigorous diligence. 29.踏踏实实做人,心胸要广大;稳稳当当做事,着眼宜深远。 Be a down-to-earth person with a broad mind; be a sure hand with piercing foresight. ◎享受工作 Enjoying Work 30.忙而不乱,累而不疲。 Be busy without being disorganized, and weary without being dispirited. 31.忙得快乐,累得欢喜。 Be busy but happy, and tired but joyful. 32.「忙」没关系,不「烦」就好。 It‘sfinetobebusy: justdon‘tletitgetonyournerves. 33.工作要赶不要急,身心要松不要紧。 Work swiftly, butdon‘ttense up; relax your body and mind and never tighten up. 34.应该忙中有序的赶工作,不要紧张兮兮的抢时间。 Work swiftly in an orderly fashion; never compete with time in a nervous flurry. 35.不要以富贵贫贱论成败得失,只要能尽心尽力来自利利人。 Don‘tmeasure success and gain by wealth and rank: to benefit ourselves and others as best we can is all that matters. 36.任劳者必堪任怨,任事者必遭批评。怨言之下有慈忍,批评之中藏金玉。 To take on tough tasks, one must prepare to tough out complaints, and to be in charge is to be in for criticism. Yet complaints help foster compassion and patience, and criticism often holds golden advice. 37.随遇而安,随缘奉献。 Stay at ease under all circumstances, and give whenever conditions allow. 38.成功的三部曲是:随顺因缘、把握因缘、创造因缘。 The tripartite formula for success is: go with the causes and conditions, seize them as they come, and createthemwhentheydon‘t. 39.见有机缘宜把握,没有机缘要营造,机缘未熟不强求。 Grasp opportune conditions when they come, create them when there are none, and ere conditions ripen, never force a thing to be done. 40.人生的起起落落,都是成长的经验。 All the ups and downs of life are nourishing experiences for our growth. 41.用智能处理事,以慈悲关怀人。 Deal with matters with wisdom, and care for people with compassion. 42.以智能时时修正偏差,以慈悲处处给人方便。 Rectify deviations with wisdom; accommodate others with compassion. 43.慈悲心愈重,智能愈高,烦恼也就愈少。 The deeper our compassion, the greater our wisdom and the fewer our vexations. 44.面对许多的情况,只管用智能处理事,以慈悲对待人,而不担心自己的利害得失,就不会有烦恼了。 Simply deal with matters with wisdom and treat people with compassion, without worrying about personal gain or loss. Thenwe‘llnever be plagued by vexations. 45.心随境转是凡夫;境随心转是圣贤。 To let the circumstances dictateone‘sstate of mind is human; to let the mind dictate the circumstances is sage. 46.大鸭游出大路,小鸭游出小路,不游就没有路。 A big duck cuts a big wake; a small duck cuts a small wake. Big or small, each duck will paddle its own way to the other shore—but only if it paddles. 47.山不转路转,路不转人转,人不转心转。 If the mountainwon‘tmove, build a road around it. Iftheroadwon‘tturn, change your path. If you are unable to even change your path, just transform your mind. 48.「精进」不等于拼命,而是努力不懈。 Diligence doesn‘tmeanstretching beyond our limits. It means displaying unremitting persistence. 49.船过水无痕,鸟飞不留影,成败得失都不会引起心情的波动,那就是自在解脱的大智能。 A passing boat leaves no trace upon the waters; abird‘sflight leaves no trace in the sky. When fleeting success, failure, gain, or loss leaves no trace upon the heart, the great wisdom of liberation has been achieved. 50.给人方便等于给自己方便。 To be accommodating to others is to be accommodating to ourselves. 51.甘愿吃明亏,是仁者;受辱吃暗亏,是愚蠢。 Who is willing to be openly exploited is noble-minded; who is insulted and insidiously exploited is dim-witted. 52.压力通常来自对身外事物过于在意,同时也过于在意他人的评断。 Pressure usually stems from caring too much about externals and other people‘sopinion. 53.用感恩的心、用报恩的心,来做服务的工作,便不会感到倦怠与疲累。 Offer your service with a heart of gratitude, as if repaying a kindness, thenyouwon‘tfeelweary or tired. 54.随时随地心存感激,以财力、体力、智能、心力、来做一切的奉献。 Always feel gratitude in your heart, and give unstintingly of your wealth, physical strength, mental effort, and wisdom. 55.生命的意义是为了服务,生活的价值是为了奉献。 The meaning of life lies in serving; the value of life in giving. 56.人生的目标,是来受报、还愿、发愿的。 The purpose of life is to receive karmic results, fulfill old vows, and make new ones. 57.人的价值,不在寿命的长短,而在贡献的大小。 Our value depends not on how long we live, but on how much we contribute. 58.过去已成虚幻,未来尚是梦想,把握现在最重要。 As the past has faded into misty memories, and the future remains a dream unrealized, seizing the present is most important. 59.不用牵挂过去,不必担心未来,踏实于现在,就与过去和未来同在。 There‘snoneed to be concerned about the past or the future. Live fully in the present, and you are connected with both the past and the future. 60.智能,不是知识、不是经验、不是思辨,而是超越自我中心的态度。 Wisdom is not knowledge, nor experience, nor dialectical excellence, but a selfless attitude. 61.积极人生,谦虚满分;自我愈大,不安愈多。 A positive life pivots on modesty; the bigger the ego, the greater the insecurity. 62.上等人安心于道,中等人安心于事,下等人安心于名利物欲。 The noble pursue the path, the average pursue their duties, and the misguided pursue fame and fortune. 63.你是有那些身分的人,就应该做那些身分的事。 Live up to your role and status, and fulfill your required duties. 64.在安定和谐中、把握精彩的今天,走出新鲜的明天。 In peace and harmony, seize the promise of today, and live out a fresh tomorrow. 65.担心,是多余的折磨;用心,是安全的动力。 While worry fuels unnecessary torment, carefulness breeds security. 66..财富如流水,布施如挖井。井愈深,水愈多;布施的愈多,财富则愈大。 Wealth is like running water, and giving like digging a well. Just as the deeper the well, the more water it holds, the more you give, the more wealth you have. 67.面对生活,要有「最好的准备,最坏的打算」。 In life, we must make the best preparations, and be ready for the worst. 68.只要还有一口呼吸在,就有无限的希望,就是最大的财富。 As long as we still have breath, we have boundless hope, and the breath we have is the greatest wealth. 69.救苦救难的是菩萨,受苦受难的是大菩萨。 Those who aid and deliver the suffering are bodhisattvas, and those in the throes of suffering are great bodhisattvas. 70.超越生老病苦三原则:活得快乐、病得健康、老得有希望。 To transcend the sufferings of birth, old age, and sickness, keep to the three principles: live happily, face illness with a healthy mind, and embrace old age with hope. 71.超越死亡三原则:不要寻死、不要怕死、不要等死。 To transcend the suffering of death, keep to the three principles: never seek death, never fear and never wait for death to come. death, 72.死亡不是喜事,也不是丧事,而是一件庄严的佛事。 Death is an occasion for neither mourning nor celebrating, but one for solemn Buddhist practice. 73.每一个孩子,都是帮助父母成长的小菩萨。 Every child is a little bodhisattva that helps the parents grow. 74.对青少年:要关心不要担心,要诱导不要控制,用商量不用权威。 With adolescents, we should care, but not worry about them; guide, but not control them; and communicate with, but not command them. 75.爱你的孩子,与其担心,不如祝福吧~ To love your children, rather than worry about them, just give them your blessings! 76.夫妻是伦理的关系,不是「论理」的关系。 The relationship between a husband and wife is governed by marital ethics, not logic. 77.现在所得的,是过去所造的,未来所得的,是现在所做的。 What you have results from karmic causes that you created, andwhatyou‘llgainhinges on karmic causesthatyou‘recreating. 78.眼光,是你的智能;运气,是你的福德。 Vision is derived from wisdom; luck, from blessings. 79.喜爱的就想占有,讨厌的就会排斥,患得患失,烦恼就来了。 To crave your likes but reject your dislikes will plunge you into constant anxiety. Once there, you are prey to vexations. 80.经常少欲知足的人,才是无虞匮乏的富人。 Those content with few desires will never want. 81.心不平安是真正的苦,身体的病痛不一定是苦。 Bodily ailments do not necessarily constitute suffering. An unsettled mind does. 82.明知心不平安是苦事,就赶快以持念「南无观世音菩萨」来安心吧~ To eliminate the suffering induced by an unsettled mind, just start reciting Guanyin‘snametorestore your inner peace. 83.现在拥有的,就是最好的。拥有再多也无法满足,就等于是穷人。 What we have now is the best. He who can never be satisfied is a poor man, no matter how much he owns. 84.不要用压仰来控制情绪,最好用观想、用佛号、用祈祷,来化解情绪。 Don‘ttrytocontrol your negative emotions by suppressing them. Rather, dissolve them through contemplation, reciting the Buddha‘sname, or praying. ◎幸福人间 Building a Pure Land 85.好话大家说,好事大家做,好运大家转。 May good words be spoken by all; may good deeds be done by all; then may the fortunes of all be transformed. 86.大家说好话,大家做好事,大家转好运。 May all speak good words; may all do good deeds; then all may transform their fortunes. 87.每人每天多说一句好话,多做一件好事,所有小小的好,就会成为一个大大的好。 If everyone can just say one more good word or do one more good deed every day, all the small good will add up to a great good for society. 88.急须要做,正要人做的事,我来吧~ If an urgent task is waiting to be done, come forwardandsay,―I‘lldoit!‖ 89.我和人和,心和口和,欢欢喜喜有幸福。 In harmony with self and so with others, both in mind and in speech, one is full of joy and happiness. 90.内和外和,因和缘和,平平安安真自在。 In harmony with the inner and so with the outer, with causes in harmony with conditions, in peace and well-being one is truly free. 91.自求心安就有平安,关怀他人就有幸福。 To seek inner peace is to enjoy peace in life; to care for others is to attain happiness. 92.人品等于财富,奉献等于积蓄。 Virtues are equal to fortunes, and giving is equal to saving. 93.奉献即是修行,安心即是成就。 To give of oneself is to cultivate the path; to achieve inner peace is to succeed on the path. 94.拥有的多,不一定让人满足;拥有的少,不一定让人贫乏。 Possessing muchwon‘tnecessarily make one satisfied; possessing littlewon‘tnecessarily make one want. 95.能不乱丢垃圾,随时清捡垃圾,都是做的功德。 By just picking up litter and refraining from littering, we are doing meritorious deeds. 96.好人不寂寞,善人最快乐,时时处处助人利己,时时处处你最幸福。 The good are never alone, and the kindhearted are the merriest. Those who help others and so benefit themselves are the happiest. 97.若希望人际关系相处得好,就要把心量放大,多接纳人,多包容人。 To develop good interpersonal relationships, one needs to broaden the mind, and be more affable and tolerant. 98.只要自己的心态改变,环境也会跟着改变,世界上没有绝对的好与坏。 Change your mind-set, and you will see the world differently: there is no absolute good or bad in this world. 99.人与人之间的相处之道,需要沟通,沟通不成则妥协,妥协不成时,你就原谅和容忍他吧。 Building good interpersonal relationships requires communication. When communication fails, try compromise. And if attempts at compromise also fail, then forgive and tolerate. 100.大的要包容小的,小的要谅解大的。 The larger should tolerate the lesser; the lesser should understand the larger. 101.以全心全力关怀家庭,用整体生命投入事业。 Put your heart and soul into the family, and your whole life into your career. 102.戒贪最好的方法,就是多布施、多奉献、多与人分享。 The best way to abstain from greed is to give more, contribute more, and share more with others. 103.包容别人时,双方的问题就解决了。 Tolerance is the best solution to differences. 104.学佛的人,有两大任务:庄严国土,成熟众生。 Buddhists have two great missions: one is to glorify the buddha land, and the other is to bring sentient beings to spiritual maturity. 105.要做无底的垃圾桶,要学无尘的反射镜。 Be a bottomless trash can that can never be choked by otherl junk; be a dustls‘menta‎‎ess mirror that reflects the world as it is with no distortion. 106.烦恼消归自心就有智能,利益分享他人便是慈悲。 To dissolve vexations within the heart is wisdom; to share interests with others is compassion. 107.用惭愧心看自己,用感恩心看世界。 Scrutinize ourselves with a sense of shame, but view the world with a sense of gratitude. 108.净化人心,少欲知足,净化社会,关怀他人。 To purify the mind, start by reducing desires and knowing contentment; to purify society, start by extending loving care to others. 常用英语经典语句: 暴笑】加菲猫 十大经典语录(中英双语版~) 1.Your future is built on your dream,so just keep sleeping for a while ―现在的梦想决定着你的将来‖,所以还是再睡一会吧。 2.Today,i'm gonna do a push-up,push today,and up tomorrow. 今天我要做俯卧撑~……今天先俯卧,明天再撑。 3.I really don't wanna get up,especially when i sick,but i still gotta persist in eating 真不愿意起来,尤其我还病了,可我还得带病坚持吃饭。 4.I'll never do anything bad to Ody anymore......maybe,,maybe not never you know.今后我永远不做对不起欧迪的事,……也许,也许不是永远。 5."Oudy is freezing out of the window.Poor doggy.I really can't take this.No!Can i just sit here and doing nothing?I've gotta do something about this." Garfied drew the drapes. ―欧迪在窗外冻得瑟瑟发抖,真可怜。我真有点不忍心看他这样。不,难道我能坐视不管吗,我必须做点什么。‖加菲拉上了窗帘。 6.Hush,never tell 'em i did something good,that will destroy my image. 嘘——千万不要告诉他们我做了好事,这会影响我的形象的~ 7.Having a big belly is not awful,what awful is not having good stuff in it.Or,no good food! 肚子大不可怕,可怕的是肚子里没有好东西。 或者说,没有好吃的东西很可怕。 8.It's New Year's Day today,i decide to sleep onmore than 8 hours a day inthe new year,so,8 multiplied by 365 and divided by 24……121.6 days…… call me up by May the third! 今天是元旦,我决定在新的一年里每天睡眠时间不超过8小时,这样的话,8乘以365除以24……121.6天……5月3日叫我起床~ 9.I would like a star Xu. I do not really believe it, but in any case is free of charge, just like nciku, but there is no evidence that it is not working 我向星星许了个愿。我并不是真的相信它,但是反正也是免费的,就像N词酷(nciku.com)一样,而且也没有证据证明它不灵 10.Every time I do not watch TV on the meal, and sometimes my dinner while watching the television side of life, some changes will increase the fun 我并不是每次吃完饭就看电视,有时我边吃饭边看电视,生活中有些改变会增加乐趣。最近发现一个学习英语的好办法,这就是学习英文版的佛经。还是从最短的《般若波罗蜜多心经》开始吧。。 The Heart Sutra in English Translated by Gerhard Herzog When the holy Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara had truly grasped the transcendent wisdom, he realized that visible form is only illusion. The same applies to its perception, to its names and categories, to discriminative intellect and finally even to our consciousness. They are all illusion. With this realizaton he was beyond all sorrow and bitterness. Disciple Sariputra! The material is not different from the immaterial. The immaterial and the material are in fact one and the same thing. The same applies to perception, concepts, discriminative thinking and consciousness. They are neither existing nor not existing. Sariputra! All things therefore they are in themselves not good and not bad, they are not increasing and not decreasing. Therefore one may say there are no such things as form, perception, concepts, thinking process, and consciousness. Our senses such as eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind are misleading us to illusion; thus one may also say there is no reality in visible form, sound, smell, taste, touch and mindknowledge. There are also no such things as the realms of sense from sight up to mind, and no such things as the links of existence from ignorance and its end to old age and death and their end. Also the Four Noble Truths* are nonexistent, just as there is no such thing as wisdom and also no gain. Because the holy Bodhisattva who relies on transcendent wisdom knows that there is no gain, he has no worries and also no fear. Beyond all illusion he has reached the space of highest Nirvana. All Buddhas of the past, present and future, found highest perfect knowedge because they relied on transcendental wisdom. Therefore we ought to know that the great verse of the transcendent wisdom is unsurpassed in its splendor, and that it appeases truly all pain**. It reads: GATE, GATE, PARAGATE, PARASAMGATE BODHISVAHA! 英文版 When Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara was practicing the profound Prajna Paramita, he illuminated the Five Skandhas and saw that they are all empty, and he crossed beyond all suffering and difficulty. Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form. Form itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is form. So too are feeling, cognition, formation, and consciousness. Shariputra, all Dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not produced, not destroyed, not defiled, not pure; and they neither increase nor diminish. Therefore, in emptiness there is no form, feeling, cognition, formation, or consciousness; no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch, or Dharmas; no field of the eyes up to and including no field of mind consciousness; and no ignorance or ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death or ending of old age and death. There is no suffering, no accumulating, no extinction, and no Way, and no understanding and no attaining. Because nothing is attained, the Bodhisattva through reliance on Prajna Paramita is unimpeded in his mind. Because there is no impediment, he is not afraid, and he leaves distorted dream-thinking far behind. Ultimately Nirvana! All Buddhas of the three periods of time attain -sambodhi through reliance on Prajna Paramita. Therefore know that Prajna Anuttara-samyak Paramita is a Great Spiritual Mantra, a Great Bright Mantra, a Supreme Mantra, an Unequalled Mantra. It can remove all suffering; it is genuine and not false. That is why the Mantra of Prajna Paramita was spoken. Recite it like this: Gat, Gat, Paragat, Parasamgat, Bodhi Svaha!
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