

2018-04-05 19页 doc 84KB 23阅读




关于店铺铺转让费的一些常识关于店铺铺转让费的一些常识 因为这一阵子寻找店铺,所以碰到很多关于店铺转让费的说法,为了加强认识,特搜集了一些转让费相关的知识。 摘抄网文:关于店铺转让费的思考 1. 转让费的由来 转让费,目前是社会上租铺开店最常见的一种费用,少则两三万,多则几十万甚至数百万都有可能。可以想象得到转让费最初的形式是,商户 A 由于其他原因不再往下做,把店铺转租给下一家 B ,转接过程中,由于店铺装修、设备和货物的转移等原因,向 B 收取费用,这笔费用即店铺转让费,同时 A 与房东的租赁合同结束,由 B 开始向房东支付租金;转让费发展...
关于店铺铺转让费的一些常识 因为这一阵子寻找店铺,所以碰到很多关于店铺转让费的说法,为了加强认识,特搜集了一些转让费相关的知识。 摘抄网文:关于店铺转让费的思考 1. 转让费的由来 转让费,目前是社会上租铺开店最常见的一种费用,少则两三万,多则几十万甚至数百万都有可能。可以想象得到转让费最初的形式是,商户 A 由于其他原因不再往下做,把店铺转租给下一家 B ,转接过程中,由于店铺装修、设备和货物的转移等原因,向 B 收取费用,这笔费用即店铺转让费,同时 A 与房东的租赁结束,由 B 开始向房东支付租金;转让费发展的第二个阶段,就是商户 A 生意萧条,且店铺内一无装修二无货物,但占着店面垂死挣扎, investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 遇到 B 急着开店谋生却找不到合适的店面,这时 A 把店铺转让给 B 并收取一笔转让费,之后由 B 向房东支付租金,这种做法相当于 A 临死之前拖了人家 B 一把,自己活过来了;转让费发展的第三个阶段,随着商户之间转让费现象的普遍,各个店铺的房东觉得有利可图,于是在租给第一家商户的时候,就要求收取不菲的转让费,租金另算。此时的“转让费”,已经远远脱离最初转让费的真正意义了,完全变成了黑心房东谋取暴利的一种手段,而风险完全由商户来承担。目前的店铺租赁过程中,三中转让费形式都存在。 1. 租赁店铺的建议 最开始做生意的朋友,由于经验不足,租铺开店时往往在转让费上吃了亏。现在将个人的一些经验出来,主要从接租这个方面展开,供后来的有志创业的朋友参考: 2.1 从商户 A (非房东)那里接租 主要注意如下几个问题: A 转租给你是否经过房东的同意 , 《租赁法》中规定,商户 A 在合同期内将房子转租给 B , A 必须经过房东 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 的同意,若不同意,则 A 与 B 所签的合同无效。现实中也存在 A 将店铺转租给 B 而没有经过房东的同意,而 B 并不知道转租还需要房东的同意,以为只要跟 A 协商就可以了。这种情况下,若房东发现 A 转租后要收回 B 的店铺, B 可以将 A 告上法庭,索要之前交的转租费用,并要求一定的经济赔偿。 A 的合同是否快到期 , 经过房东了同意,但如果 A 的合同快到期,比如只有 3 个月了,可能也会带来很多麻烦。因为假如房东比较黑心,会选择收回房子而不跟你续租,这是房东所拥有的正当的权利~期满之后,他一脚把你踹走,像前面所讲转让费发展的第三个阶段一样,另外再租出去,收取下一个商户 B 的高额转让费之后,还可以躺在床上眯着眼睛收 B 的房租。那你实在想转租,怎么办呢,可行性还是存在的,第一种: B 在接 A 的转租时,同时与房东签订合同,将合同有效时间延长几年,就是说,从 A 手中接铺以后保证自己还能做几年的生意。那 B 的转让费该如何处理呢,最好与房东的合同中还须说明, B 在接下来几年的合同期内自己有对店铺的转让权,当然这个转让过程也必须经过房东的同意。第二种方案: B 要充分估计一下接下来的风险。在这 3 月内能把投资收回来并有盈利,能盈利多少,不过能接受第二种方案的人一般都不是常人吧~ 还有一点就是,明明只有 3 个月的时间了, A 在转租给 B 的时候,房东也同意了,但 A 却不告诉 B 只有 3 个月的期限了。期满房东回收店铺,此时 B 肯定欲哭无泪。遇到这种情况,可以 B 可以将 A 告上法庭,索要之前交的转租费用,并要求一定的经济赔偿。 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 近期内店铺周围是否有重大事件发生 , 这里的事件是指政府拆迁啊、商场装修啊、搬迁啊等突发事件。如果 A 知道政府发了在近期内拆迁的通知下还转给不知情的 B ,那么 B 可以状告 A 并追回相应的财物。 2.2 直接从房东手中借租 这种情况下,首先得知道这个房东要不要转让费,如果不要转让费更好,说明房东还是比较有良心的人,没那么势利。但是店铺位置好、房东又不要转让费的概率太小了吧。现在就以房东以索要转让费为前提才肯租房的情况为例,说明一下合同中哪些地方要注意: 店铺转让权的声明 这点很重要~没人保证你的人生会那么顺利,万一你家里出了什么突发事故,或要改行了,或因利润太薄无法经营下去了,需要把店铺转租给别人。所以一定要在合同中申明期内拥有对店铺的转租权。还是要说明一点,转租需要房东的同意。但是如果房东就讨厌你,就看你不顺眼,就不同意让你转租,该怎么办,注意“房东的不同意”也必须在合理范围内的,如果没有正当理由就拒绝转 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 租,房东就属于恶意拒绝转租,可以根据法律中的公平诚信原则,依法强制执行转租。 签约时间的考虑 合同时间应该稍微长一些,比如你想做 2 年左右,最好签个 4~5 年,然后在做了 2 年后,找其他的商家把店铺转让出去,转让费收回来了,风险转移到下一家去了。但如果转让费在每一个交接过程中越滚越大的话,越往后接租的商户,风险就越大。 优先续租权的申明 注意在《租赁法》上,没有规定签约的商户在合同期满后具有优先续租权~所以如果想拥有期满后继续租赁,必须在合同上注明“期满后,在同等条件下,可以优先续租”等类似的项。这样的好处在哪儿,在于如果你的生意比较好,想继续做下去而不想搬走,期满时有其他商户来租这个店铺,你可以以相同的条件优先租赁下来。或者你的你有转让权,但转让费还没有收到,你可以优先续租下来之后,再转租出去。 不过问题来了。《租赁法》真是极品,个人感觉还有很多要改进的地方。请注意“同等条件”的含义,就是说你原来租金是每个月 2000 元,后来所处地段变好,期满后租金肯定不止每个月 2000 元,有的商户愿意出 4000 元每一个月,你想续租吗,好,同等条件嘛,你也每个月 4000 吧。这倒没什么,正 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 常的经济规律。问题在于,租金根本不值 8000 但房东又想抬高租金呢,他可能去大街上叫几个混混过来说要租店铺,给 4000 一个月,你有什么办法呢,你想继续做就得出 4000 一个月,不做,你收拾收拾走人吧。你可能问,这种现象会发生吗,后面你会看到,由于转让费的存在,这种事情会很常见的。 可能上个例子比较极端。如果有可能,在优先续租权上,尽量写明可以优先续租几年。为什么,因为如果你仅仅写了具有优先续租权的话,能续租多久呢,法律上可没保障。如果房东追求新租户的转让费,合同期满后会千方百计赶你走,那续租时间优势房东可以钻的空子之一。你前面的合同的没有写能续租多久是吧,房东又去大街上找几个混混前来租房,价格倒是 2000 每个月,只租 10 天。不过你有优先续租权啊,好吧,和你再续租 10 天,咱们来签新的租赁合同。这个时候,房东的租赁合同上绝对不会让你有优先租赁权了, 10 天后走人吧,房东再租给别人,收取高额转让费。 2. 最后的矛盾 所谓道高一尺、魔高一丈。因为目前市场上,商户对自己的店铺有没有转让权,都是与房东在合同上约定的,比较狡猾的店铺房东可能还会来这一招,看我想出来的: 商户 A 与房东签了 10 年的租房合同,并向房东交纳了“转让费”,合同中申明 A 在期内对店铺具有转让权,可以对下一任 B 收取转让费。两年后,但当 A 真要转让时,房东却对 A 说:你可以转让给别人,但是下一任来接租时,我会告诉他们,我不会跟他们签转让权的。这种情况下,就没人敢来接租了, investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 因为下一任 B 会发现接下来之后生意若做的不好,想转租出去,由于没有转让权根本就转不出去的。没有人敢接租,那 A 的店铺转让权岂不成了空气, 那么 A 在与房东签订合同的时候,在店铺转让权这点上,是不是要注明 A 的下一任 B 也必须具有在合同期内的转让权呢,我们假设房东同意了这条说明,这样做 A 的转让权貌似得到保障了, A 能在合同期内能顺利转出去了。真的吗,仔细想想,如果此时商户 B 来准备接 A 的租,房东又告诉 B 说“你可以把店铺转让给别人,但你的下一任 C ,我不会让他有转让权的”。听了这样的话,如果 B 也想以后收回自己的转让费的话,也是不敢接租的。因为尽管 B 可以转让,但如上一段所描述的一样,没人敢接 B 的租的,一旦接受,转让费就无法拿回来。 B 不敢接租, A 的转让权还是形同虚设~ 所以,这真是一个矛盾~ 上面所说的房东还不是最狡猾的,最狡猾的会这样做:租给第一个商户时,申明要交店铺转让费,同时房租另算,合同签约时间永远不会给你签得很长,比如就 1~2 年的样子。至于转让权和优先续租权,其实房东给不给你都一样。先说给转让权吧, 1~2 年的时间,投资都还没收回来呢,合同期就快到了,赶快和房东续租吧,房东肯定不答应。为什么,把你赶走了,好收下一家的转让费啊~不是有优先续租权吗,好吧,再跟你续租 1 天或一个月吧。其实是一样的。所以最狡猾的房东会隔一个合同期换一个商户,隔一个合同期换一个商户,这样每换一次,就能收取一次转让费,房租另外再算~这也解释了上面“优 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 先续租权”那一小节中的例子。没办法,人家铺面好啊,地处繁华地段,人流量大~ 需要说明一下,不管是从商户那里转接过来的转让费,还是从房东那承接下来的转让费,随着转租的过程越滚越大,最后跑到哪里去了呢,肯定是最后接手的商户因为没有转让权,或合同时间太短没人敢前来接租,转租不出去而眼眼睁睁地看着自己的转让费成了泡沫。 由此看来,在转让费发展的三个阶段中,商家与商家之间店铺的转让过程收取转让费还说得过去,虽然听起来也有违背“和谐”二字,但房东租给第一家就收取转让费的做法最不道德,最让人所不齿~虽然没有违法,但是极其的不合理,对市场经济的发展和活跃百害而无一利~我想很多自主创业谋生的人,都因为这个转让费而增添了不少烦恼吧~ 3. 小结 说了这么多,相信看过之后一定也有所收获。总之在这个过程多留个心眼,不要留漏洞,任何与别人(不管房东还是上任商户)产生的费用,记得留有票据,万一打起官司,就是及其重要的证据。 目前店铺的转让费在法律上没有明确受到保护,但在现实生活中又无处不在,也给很多人带来了麻烦,有时高额的转让费也许多想创业的青年望而却步。当然,关于转让费在商户和房东之间,房东永远是胜者,除非房东还不那么势 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 利,出租店铺给商户时,只收取应得的租金。不过在国内一线二线城市,这样的店铺房东还多不多,就无从知晓了。 要想从法律上解决转让费问题,好像还比较困难,因为这纯粹是“一个愿打一个愿挨”的问题。也许人们道德再高一些,房东只拿自己应得的房租而不另外牟取不合理的转让费,商户之间盈亏自负,不把转让费越滚越大加在下一家商户身上,那么这个社会要和谐得多~抑或法律上直接规定,房东在出租时不准附加转让费,即使让转让费仅仅在商户之间衔接,让转让费回归到原始轨道上去,也要好得多啊~但是 , 这个能实现吗,希望国家能完善这方面的法律法规,让市场经济更加充满活力。 百科:店铺转让费 简介 店铺转让费:租户在店铺租期内(未到期)征得房东同意后将房屋转租,把和房东之间的租赁剩余期限,连同租户的装修、原来购买的设备、经营的项目(货物、加盟许可费、其他无形资产)等,一并转给下一个租户,其向下一个租户收取的超过应收取房租的费用为转让费。 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 如果房屋无装修(或不是租户出钱装修)、无设备(租户原来自购设备)、或无经营项目(指租户不把经营项目留下),一般不产生转让费。但新的租户如果急于寻找店铺,也可能愿意付出高于房租的代价,这部分也是店铺转让费。 门(面)店转让费或叫店铺转让费是一种转让门店使用权而在转让时一次性收取的费用(技术上也分期交付),看起来其起意是下家弥补给上家因转让所蒙受的损失的补偿,一般是原承租者向继承租者收取,有“上家非法做二房东”之嫌。也有房东收取的。费用的高低主要取决于原、继承租者对门店本身获利能力的认知和市场供求关系。一些地段繁华的门店,人流量大,转让费就高,而一些地段偏僻的门店,人流量小,转让费就低,甚至不需要。 目前法律法规方面尚没有可以依附的的明确规定能够干预此事,一般理解这是商业活动中“一个愿打一个愿挨”的事情。只有通过转方和承继方自己讨价还价来定:需不需要转让费、付多少转让费。 正确的做法是,把店面业主请来三方一起协商、谈判。这里面就讲究一些谈判上的技巧。在事情议定后你一定别忘记与对方签定面转让协议,并另外与业主(还要注意查询、督办一下业主方面该出面办理的店面租赁许可及转让手续)签订新的店面租赁合同。 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 建议: 在网络和报纸上大做广告,推荐的网站有:我要出兑网(www.51chudui.com)、58同城(www.58.com)、赶集网(www.ganji.com)、百姓网(www.baixing.com)。报纸就是本地有知名度的报刊,这个大家都知道。注意,不要中断和买主的联系。否则会给其造成谈判终止的错觉,但联系要适当减少。告诉他买主并不是他一个。 过了这个村没这个店。和其玩一下心理战术。 店铺转让协议书 转让方(甲方):身份证号码: 顶让方(乙方): 身份证号码: 房东(丙方):身份证号码: 甲、乙、丙三方经友好协商,就店铺转让事宜达成以下协议: 一、丙方同意甲方将自己位于 街(路) 号的店铺(原为: )转让给乙方使用,建筑面积为平方米;并保证乙方同等享有甲方在原有房屋租赁合同中所享有的权利与义务。 二、丙方与甲方已签订了租赁合同,租期到 年 月 日止,年租金为 元人民币(大写:),租金为每年交付一次,并于约定日期提前一个月交至丙方。店铺转让给乙方后,乙方同意代替甲方向丙方履行原 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 有店铺租赁合同中所规定的条款,并且每年定期交纳租金及该合同所约定的应由甲方交纳的水电费及其他各项费用。 三、转让后店铺现有的装修、装饰及其他所有设备全部归乙方所有,租赁期满后房屋装修等不动产归丙方所有,营业设备等动产归乙方(动产与不动产的划分按原有租赁合同执行)。 四、乙方在 年月 日前一次性向甲方支付转让费共计人民币 元,(大写:),上述费用已包括第三条所述的装修、装饰、设备及其他相关费用,此外甲方不得再向乙方索取任何其他费用。 五、甲方应该协助乙方办理该店铺的工商营业执照、卫生许可证等相关证件的过户手续,但相关费用由乙方负责;乙方接手前该店铺所有的一切债权、债务均由甲方负责;接手后的一切经营行为及产生的债权、债务由乙方负责。 六、如乙方逾期交付转让金,除甲方交铺日期相应顺延外,乙方应每日向甲方支付转让费的千分之一作为违约金,逾期30日的,甲方有权解除合同,并且乙方必须按照转让费的10%向甲方支付违约金。如果由于甲方原因导致转让中止,甲方同样承担违约责任,并向乙方支付转让费的10%作为违约金。 七、如因自然灾害等不可抗因素导致乙方经营受损的与甲方无关,但遇政府规划,国家征用拆迁店铺,其有关补偿归乙方。 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 八、本合同一式三份,三方各执一份,自三方签字之日起生效。 甲方签字: 日期: 乙方签字: 日期: 丙方签字: 日期: investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated ... Understand borrowers ' credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against
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