首页 > 老蜂农教你辨认蜂蜜真假


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老蜂农教你辨认蜂蜜真假老蜂农教你辨认蜂蜜真假 真假蜂蜜都有精美的包装、都是黏稠状的液体、都具有甜味,导致消费者很难判断其真伪。那么如何判断蜂蜜的真假呢, 蜂蜜是昆虫蜜蜂从开花植物的花中采得的花蜜在蜂巢中酿制的蜜。真正优质蜂蜜从以下几点判断: 一看:纯正蜂蜜是浓厚、黏稠的胶状液体,光亮润泽,各种蜂蜜有固定的颜色,如椴树蜜为浅琥珀色,清澈半透明,向日葵蜜为琥珀色,杂花蜜的颜色不固定,一般为黄红色。 二闻:优质蜂蜜在采收后数月便能散发出特有的蜜香,香浓而持久,开瓶便能嗅到;或把少许蜜置于手掌,搓揉嗅之,有引人入胜的蜜香。 三尝:优质蜂蜜芳香甜润...
老蜂农教你辨认蜂蜜真假 真假蜂蜜都有精美的包装、都是黏稠状的液体、都具有甜味,导致消费者很难判断其真伪。那么如何判断蜂蜜的真假呢, 蜂蜜是昆虫蜜蜂从开花植物的花中采得的花蜜在蜂巢中酿制的蜜。真正优质蜂蜜从以下几点判断: 一看:纯正蜂蜜是浓厚、黏稠的胶状液体,光亮润泽,各种蜂蜜有固定的颜色,如椴树蜜为浅琥珀色,清澈半透明,向日葵蜜为琥珀色,杂花蜜的颜色不固定,一般为黄红色。 二闻:优质蜂蜜在采收后数月便能散发出特有的蜜香,香浓而持久,开瓶便能嗅到;或把少许蜜置于手掌,搓揉嗅之,有引人入胜的蜜香。 三尝:优质蜂蜜芳香甜润,入口后回味长。纯正蜂蜜入口结晶会很快溶化,有较浓的花香味,蜂蜜是清爽甘甜的,绝不刺喉。 现在蜂蜜惨假很多,下边介绍几种判断真假的简便方法: 1.滴入90%浓度酒精无白色絮状沉淀物,则没含饴糖; 2.将蜂蜜滴在吸水纸上,如渐渐渗开,说明掺有糖水; 3.掺有其他杂质的蜂蜜,用烧红的铁丝插入蜜中,铁丝上附有粘物。冷藏结晶检验:蜂蜜在4至14摄氏度的环境下保存一段时间后会变成固体,这是蜂蜜的一种物理现象,真蜂蜜其结晶体的透明度差,结晶层次较松软,用手指捻无沙粒感;结晶体用筷子一扎一个眼,很柔软,假蜂蜜扎不动。 4.真蜜用手捏,其结晶体很快溶化。假蜜有硌手的感觉,溶化慢或不溶化, 5.真蜜结晶体用牙咬声音小,而假蜜结晶体则清脆响亮。 6.纯正蜂蜜浓度高,流动慢。以一滴蜂蜜放于纸上,优质蜂蜜成珠形,不易散开;劣质蜂蜜不成珠形,容易散开。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 7.掺入杂质的检验:取少量蜂蜜放入试管中,用蒸馏水稀释溶解,静置后观察,若产生沉淀,则说明混有杂质。 8.掺入淀粉的检验:若蜂蜜中掺入淀粉,混匀后,外观看上去透明度很差。也可以取蜜样少许,加入5倍蒸馏水,煮沸,冷却,加碘液1~2滴,呈蓝色则说明有淀粉。 9.掺有明矾的检验:可用氯化钡溶液检验,在试管中加入一份蜂蜜,用等量的蒸馏水稀释摇匀,再滴入20%BaCl2溶液数滴,如有白色沉淀产生,则说明有明矾掺入。 10.蜂蜜是否被重金属污染的检验:可用茶水一杯,倒入适量蜂蜜,用筷子搅匀,如茶水保持原色不变,证明蜂蜜没有被污染;如果茶水变成灰色,证明被污染,颜色越深,污染越重。 11.掺入饴糖、葡萄糖的检验:这两种糖浓度高,黏度大,即不似流体蜂蜜,也不像结晶蜂蜜,掺有这类糖的蜂蜜,用筷子搅动,阻力较大。 12.掺有铵盐的检验:取蜂蜜2g加入试管中,用等量的蒸馏水稀释,再加入10%的氢氧化钠溶液2ml,摇匀,立即将一片湿润的pH试纸放在试管中,如果试纸变蓝,表明掺有铵盐。 13.掺有糊精或米汤的检验:掺有这种异物的蜂蜜,极易生霉发酵,闻之酸臭,味馊。 ? ? 怎样开展企业和员工生涯规划 生涯是个人通过从事所创造出的一个有目的的、延续一定时间的生活模式。该定义是由美国国家生涯发展协会 (NationalCareerDevelopmentAssociation)提出,是生涯领域中最business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 被广泛使用的一个观念。 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 生涯规划的概念 生涯是个人通过从事所创造出的一个有目的的、延续一定时间的生活模式。该定义是由美国国家生涯发展协会 (NationalCareerDevelopmentAssociation)提出,是生涯领域中最被广泛使用的一个观念。“延续一定时间(Timeextended)”是指生涯不是作为一个事件或选择的结果而发生的事情。更确切地说,生涯在本质上是持续一生的过程。它受到个人内在和外在力量的影响。“创造出(Workingout)”在这里是指生涯是一个人的愿望与可能性之间、理想与现实之间妥协和权衡的产物。生涯发展是一系列选择连续进行的结果。“有目的的(Purposeful)”是指生涯对个人来说是有意义和有价值的。“生活模式(lifepattern)在这里意味着生涯不仅是一个人的职业或,还包括生活中的各种角色担当“(Work)”可能是生涯领域最易被误解的词语之一。我们每个人对它的含义都有一定的认识。但对 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 生涯专家而言,是一种活动,可以为自己或他人创造价值。生涯规划简单来说,就是对影响我们生涯发展的经济、社会、心理、教育、生理等各种因素的选择和创造。它通常建立在个体对自我全面、深刻的认识的基础之上,需要结合职业发展的一般性特点。 生涯规划的意义 在市场经济中,社会竞争日趋激烈,“预则立,不预则废”,生涯规划显得十分重要,其前提是正确认识自我。因此,客观上要求大学生在高考之前就应当制定符合自身实际情况的职业生涯规划,选择满足社会发展需要和自己有兴趣的专业,上大学以后还要重新认识自我,调整自己的职业生涯规划,并积极作好知识、技能、思想、心理诸方面的准备,努力实施生涯规划。 大学生职业生涯规划,对大学生而言,就是在自己兴趣、爱好的前提下及认真分析个人性格特征的基础上,结合自己专业特长和知识结构,对将来从事所做的方向性的。大学生在走向社会前,将现实环境和长远规划相结合,给自己的职业生涯一个清晰的定位,是求职就业乃至将来职业升级的关键一环。 大学生首先需要进行自我评估,结合专业性的职业规划机构,借助于职业兴趣与性格测验,判断自己的职业发展取向,确定自己的职业选择、未来的发展目标,进行正确的职业生涯,然后制定出恰当的行动,认真执行,并且不断作出评估与反馈。在校期间进行不间断的完善和补充,使自己与社会发展,所学知识与专业进步,自身潜力与将来职业发展能够同频共振。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 职业生涯规划对所有年龄的人来说都很重要。对于刚刚步入社会的年轻人,职业生涯规划将对其一生的成就产生重大影响。 “如果不做职业生涯规划,你离挨饿只有三天。”——徐小平(中国职业生涯规划、人生设计专家) 也许大家觉得职业生涯规划和就业率之间没有关系,而更多的是和正确的选择职业有关系,是否是这样呢我们先来看一个案例:刘勇是计算机专业学生—始他想做一个软件工程师,因为这和他的专业更贴近。但是他从报纸上看到,说软件工程师是一个青春职业,和年龄有很大关系,35岁以后软件工程师就面临着被淘汰的可能性,会不太稳定。于是他想去卖包子,他认为他家楼下卖包子的生意很稳定。从一个想做软件工程师到想卖包子,这给我们的震动也非常大。后来因为家里的反对,放弃了这个想法。于是决定去去应聘了,首先想到的是去做销售,因为他看到很多高层领导都从销售开始做的。但是求职销售没有成功,他又回到IT业,想做IT培训老师,但是还是没有成功。整个过程下来以后,他找了很多,做了很多选择,但都没有成功,变得非常失望、焦虑,他觉得自己的能力不被社会所接受。人碰到焦虑的时候会去排解这种情绪,于是他去上网、玩游戏,这样可以暂时降低焦虑的情绪。毕业的时候为了逃避就业的压力,他决定考研,成为高校中的考研一族。这也是高校中的一个普遍现象,每年考研的人数绝对比找的人数要多,这个数也是几年来积累下来的。 那么,他的问题出自哪里呢我们来分析一下,影响就业率的因素是什么很简单,每个学生能顺利就业,就业率就会高了。学生就业的影响 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 因素在哪里呢一个是他选择的方向正确,选择了适合自己的方向,求职的成功率就会极大提高。 第二,他的行动要积极,能力再强的人,如果行动不积极,那也不会很快找到。从刚才我们分析的案例上也能看出,一方面他的求职方向变动很大,不太清楚自己适合的: 另一方面,他的行动最后变得很消极,不是很积极。 那么,怎样才能有一个正确的决策,清楚适合自己的呢,这就需要进行职业测评和职业生涯规划。 在了解自我方面,职业测评可以起到很好的作用。在西方,每个学校都有心理学系,职业测评很完善。在中国心理学专业比较少一些,学生在大学期间很少有机会接受系统的心理学教育,很难系统科学地了解自我。这时候职业测评就可以起到重要的辅助作用,帮助学生系统地了解自我。国内高校使用职业测评也很多,清华大学也在使用,就是将职业测评挂在高校网中,每个学生都可以去做测评,同时也可以向咨询中心的人员进行咨询。之前我们学校也在尝试,学校的就业网站上,好像也挂有相关内容,只是提醒大家,这些测评只能作为参考,因为有很多是从西方国家学来的,样本没有经过我们自己的测试和调整,是以人家的测试样本为背景的,并不完全准确,仅仅是参考。 职业测评是否有用关键在于:1、测验本身的信效度如何;2、测验的题目是否隐蔽;3、测验的内容是否是岗位胜任力要求的;4、使用测评的人是否了解该测试。测评工具的信效度是测评的关键,一个没有信效度的工具,还会起到误导作用。清华大学就业指导中心曾经对清business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 华和北航两所高校做职业测评的评估表示,大学生用了测评以后有超过半数认为,做职业测评可以帮助他们做职业选择。同时测评工具对就业指导中心的也起到了很好的辅助作用,学生认为有了这种工具,就业指导中心真正在起到就业指导的作用。 作用价值 1、以既有的成就为基础,确立人生的方向,提供奋斗的策略。 2、突破生活的格线,塑造清新充实的自我。 3、准确评价个人特点和强项。 4、评估个人目标和现状的差距。 5、准确定位职业方向。 6、重新认识自身的价值并使其增值。 7、发现新的职业机遇。 8、增强职业竞争力。 9、将个人、事业与家庭联系起来。 10、扬长避短,发挥职业竞争力; 11、了解就业市场,科学合理地选择行业和职业; 12、提升个人实力,获得长期职业发展优势; 13、加快适应,提高满意度,使事业成功最大化。 概说 另外一个很重要的方面,就是职业生涯规划。 职业生涯规划(其实应该从大一开始,学业生涯规划,但现在开始也不晚,做总比不做好)大一有大一的内容,主要是学业生涯规划,刚 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 进校,根本不懂或还没有意识到关于就业的问题,也只有到了大三或大四才有可能考虑这样一些问题。我们增加了一个内容就是职业生涯规划,这一块对我们是新内容,但在国外的高校,已经比较普遍。国外高校就业指导的内容包括帮助学生评估自己的技能,获知毕业后的就业信息和就业机会,做出现实的就业决定以及学习如何成功的推销自己,而且这些活动和服务伴随着学生在学校学习的全过程,往往是从学生入学时就进行测试,让学生了解自己的能力和兴趣,并根据测试的结果对学生进行相应的指导。(可见我们的与国外还是有很大差距的,不过,我们也在积极的努力中)。 什么是职业生涯规划 职业生涯规划是指一个人对其一生中所承担职务相继历程的预期和计划,包括一个人的学习,对一项职业或组织的生产性贡献和最终退休。 个体职业生涯规划并不是一个单纯的概念,它和个体所处的家庭、组织以及社会存在密切的关系。随着个体价值观、家庭环境、环境和社会环境的变化,每个人的职业期望都有或大或小的变化,因此它又是一个动态变化的过程。 对于个体来说,职业生涯规划的好坏必将影响整个生命历程。我们常常提到的成功与失败,不过是所设定目标的实现与否,目标是决定成败的关键。个体的人生目标是多样的:生活质量目标、职业发展目标、对外界影响力目标、人际环境等社会目标„„整个目标体系中的各因子之间相互交织影响,而职业发展目标在整个目标体系中居于中心位置,这个目标的实现与否,直接引起成就与挫折、愉快与不愉快的不business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 同感受,影响着生命的质量。 通过对大四学生进行过求职准备情况的调查研究,以及对刚不久的毕业生进行过回访调查。发现学生在求职准备方面呈现出几个明显倾向: 第一,在职业能力的自我评估上,许多大学生存在高估或低估的倾向,呈现出明显偏差; 第二,在职业信息的了解上,大学生们过于关注职业是否符合自身需要,却忽略了职业要求与自身素质的匹配程度; 第三,在职业准备的投入上,大多数学生比较被动。 为什么要做职业生涯规划 从学校走向社会,大学生将会面对一个全新的世界,在这个社会里,使大学生能够立足的是所选职业,它不仅是生活的基础,更重要的是它所体现出每个人存在的价值。但调查发现,相当大的一部分大学生对于自己将来的职业没有一个非常明确的定位,不知道自己将来一定要做什么。他们从学校走向社会,许多人一开始根本没有考虑到事业发展会怎么样,在找时一个是看哪个单位的牌子大,再就是哪个单位能出国,第三就是挑哪家单位待遇高,而并没有考虑到自身的发展问题。因此,进行职业规划,针对个人特点,确立未来发展方向,对一个人的一生来说,显得格外重要。但职业怎么发展,是有一系列科学讲究的,这个科学实际上就是职业生涯设计的过程或者方法。大学生们要根据职业生涯规划理论与原则以及职业成功的标准,掌握正的职业生涯设计方法,准确进行自我定位,合理规划职业人生,列出具体措施和日程,通过具有前瞻性的职业生涯设计,减少在人生路上的徘 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 徊犹豫,避免浪费时光,为主动迎接未来职业发展的挑战好充分准备。 大学生制定职业生涯规划,有利于自我定位、认识自我、了解自我,明确自己的方向,明确自己的人生目标。他们在进行规划的时候,都会问:“我想干什么我能干什么现在准备什么就业环境如何”这样,就有助于在校生的个性化发展和创新人才的培养。个性张扬,而非“个色”发挥。在校生可以自己找点事情做,如自己对写作感兴趣并有一定的能力,可以试着写一本书。找出自己特长的东西,并发挥这种特长。因此,大学生及早制定属于自己的职业生涯规划是十分必要的,而制定职业生涯规划也需要遵循一定的原则,对自己的认识和定位是重要的。在全球化的竞争之下,每个人都要发挥出自己的特长。从事热爱的,这样的人才是最幸福和最快乐的人,他们最容易在事业上取得最大的成功。“知己”十分重要,“‘知彼’也是同等重要的。” 企业为什么要做职业生涯规划 员工之所以在一家企业里,取决于以下五个因素: 1、前景与个人前景的吻合; 2、企业文化; 3、直接上级管理能力; 4、绩效考核公平性; 5、薪酬水平。 由此可以看出,前景与个人前景的吻合对员工的稳定十分重要。多项调查显示,员工个人发展因素成为继薪酬之后的最重要的离职原因。晋升是员工的需求,是员工的福利。生涯规划是企业爱员工的一种表business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 现,生涯规划是让员工在企业内找到合适位置的办法。 员工个人为什么要做职业生涯规划 员工职业生涯规划通路 有自我生涯规划的人会有清晰的发展目标,每个人的人生不仅与收入有关,还与自己的生涯规划发展有关。有目标的人才能抗拒短期的诱惑,有目标的人才会坚定的朝着自己的方向前进,有目标的人才会感觉充实。每个人只有找准自己的角色定位才能取得最大的成功,做自己喜欢的事情,做到极致,最容易成功。很多时候失败的人不代表没有能力,而是角色定位的失败。个人生涯规划正是对个人角色的有效定位的方式。 中小企业的职业生涯规划有何优势 中小企业因为其本身在人力资源管理上具备的一些先天劣势,如企业规模小、知名度低、薪酬福利资源受限等,导致人员流动性比较大,难以吸引和留住优秀人才,更需要对员工进行职业生涯规划。在员工职业生涯规划方面,中小企业具备以下优势: 1、机制灵活,中小企业则可以实现员工多面发展与内部流动,满足员工多元发展需求,提升职业竞争力; 2、在设计上不像大企业那么讲究标准化、精细化,在大企业员工的相对固定化,中小企业可以使员工得到足够的锻炼,达到一精多能,实现自我成就感的需求。 做职业生涯规划前的准备 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 做好职业生涯规划应该分析三个方面的情况: (一)、自己适合从事哪些职业/; (二)、自己所在能否提供这样的岗位以及职业通路; (三)、在自己适合从事的职业中,哪些是社会发展迫切需要的。 (一)、自己适合从事哪些职业/;研究自己适合从事哪些职业/,是职业生涯规划的关键和基础;回答这个问题,要考虑以下各方面的因素: 1、自己所处的职业发展阶段, 2、自己的职业性向,(就是职业类型) 3、自己的技能,(也就是我们的自身本领,比如专业、爱好、特长等) 4、自己的职业锚,(就是职业动机) 5、自己的职业兴趣。 1、本人所处的职业发展阶段。人生有四个职业发展阶段: (1)、探索阶段:15岁,24岁之间; (2)、确立阶段:24岁,44岁之间,这一阶段是大多数人周期中的核心部分。这一阶段包括了三个子阶段:尝试子阶段(25岁,30岁之间)、稳定子阶段(30岁,40岁)、以及职业中期危机阶段(在30多岁和40多岁之间的某个时段上); (3)、维持阶段:45岁,65; (4)、下降阶段:66岁以上,当退休临近的时候。处在不同职业发展阶段的人,应考虑不同的事情。例如,在探索阶段,可以多做些尝试、探索,在中摸索出本人的职业性向、职业锚、职业兴趣等,逐步找到最适合自己的职业。而40岁以上的人,就不应该做过多的尝试,而是business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 应该认真分析清楚本人的职业锚、职业性向,选择本人有优势的职业做长远的打算。这里的年龄阶段划分还应该针对不同的职业加以区分,例如:在中国,作为职业足球运动员,30岁已经该退休了;而作为教授,30岁差不多是最年轻的?以看到,目前,在校大学生处在第一阶段——探索阶段。 2、本人的职业性向。约翰?霍兰德的研究发现,不同的人有不同的人格特征,不同的人格特征适合从事不同的职业,约翰?霍兰德将其分为六种职业性向(类型): (1)、实践性向,(2)、研究性向,(3)、社会性向,(4)、常规性向,(5)、企业性向,(6)、艺术性向。每一种职业性向适合于特定的若干职业。通过一系列测试,可以确定一个人的职业性向。职业者如果确定了自己的职业性向,就可以从对应的若干职业中选择。 3、本人的技能,(也就是我们的自身本领,比如专业、爱好、特长等) 4、本人的职业锚。职业锚/动机(Career?Anchor)是职业生涯规划时另一个必须考虑的要素。当一个人不得不做出职业选择的时候,他无论如何都不会放弃的那种职业中至关重要的东西或价值观就是职业锚。职业锚是人们选择和发展职业时所围绕的中心。每一个人都有自己的职业锚,影响一个人职业锚的因素有:(1)、天资和能力;(2)、动机和需要;(3)、人生态度和价值观。天资是遗传基因在起作用,而其他各项因素虽然受先天因素的影响,但更加受后天努力和环境的影响,所以,职业锚是会变化的。这一点,有别于职业性向。 例如,某个人攻读了医学博士,并且从事外科医生已经20年了,尽管 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 他的职业性向可能并不适合做外科医生,但是他在确定自己的职业时,基本上不会考虑改为其它职业,这是因为他的职业锚在起作用。埃德加?施恩在研究职业锚时将职业锚划分为如下类型: 1、技术或功能型职业锚;2、管理型职业锚;3、创造型职业锚;4、自主与独立型职业锚;5、安全型职业锚。 技术型:这类人往往出于自身个性与爱好考虑,并不愿意从事管理,而是愿意在自己所处的专业技术领域发展。在我国过去不培养专业经理的时候,经常将技术拔尖的科技人员提拔到领导岗位,但他们本人往往并不喜欢这个,更希望能继续研究自己的专业。 管理型:这类人有强烈的愿望去做管理人员,同时经验也告诉他们自己有能力达到高层领导职位,因此,他们将职业目标定为有相当大职责的管理岗位。成为高层管理人员需要的能力包括三方面: 分析能力:在信息不充分或情况不确定时,判断、分析、解决问题的能力;?人际能力:影响、监督、领导、应对与控制各级人员的能力;?情绪控制力:有能力在面对危急事件时,不沮丧、不气馁,并且有能力承担重大的责任,而不被其压垮。 创造型:这类人需要建立完全属于自己的东西,或是以自己名字命名的产品或工艺,或是自己的,或是能反映个人成就的私人财产。他们认为只有这些实实在在的事物才能体现自己的才干。 自由独立型:有些人更喜欢独来独往,不愿像在大里那样彼此依赖,很多有这种职业定位的人同时也有相当高的技术型职业定位。但是他们不同于那些简单技术型定位的人,他们并不愿意在组织群体中发展,business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 而是宁愿做一名咨询人员,或是自主创业,或是与他人合伙开业。其他自由独立型的人往往会成为自由撰稿人。 安全型:有些人最关心的是职业的长期稳定性与安全性,他们为了安定的,可观的收入,优越的福利与养老制度等付出努力。目前我国绝大多数的人都选择这种职业定位,很多情况下,这是由于社会发展水平决定的,而并不完全是本人的意愿。相信随着社会的进步,人们将不再被迫选择这类型。 正如许多分类一样,以上的分类也无好坏之分,之所以将其提出是为了帮助大家更好地认识自己,并据此重新思考自己的职业生涯,设定切实可行的目标。 值得注意的是伴随现代科技与社会进步,大学生要随时注意修订职业目标,尽量使自己职业的选择与社会的需求相适应,一定要跟上时代发展的脚步,适应社会需求,才不至于被淘汰出局。 5、本人的职业兴趣。在做职业生涯规划时,还要考虑本人的职业兴趣,例如:喜欢旅行(适合于经常出差的职业);喜欢温暖湿润的气候(适合在华南);喜欢自己做出决定(应该自己做老板);喜欢住在中等城市;不想为大;喜欢穿休闲服装上班;不喜欢整天在桌子后面等等。另外,本人具有的职业技能也不能忽略,如果某人具有某项突出的技能,而这项技能可以为其带来收入,做职业生涯规划时就应当将其作为一个重要因素加以考虑。 (二)、自己所在能否提供这样的岗位以及职业通路;除了研究本人适 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 合从事哪些职业/之外,还要考虑本人所在的可能给您提供哪些岗位,从中选择那些适合您本人从事的岗位。如果在本没有适合您本人从事的岗位,或者说,您所在的,不可能提供适合您本人的岗位,就应该考虑换了。作为的管理者,有责任指导员工做职业生涯规划,并且给出员工适合的职业通路。这样,企业才能人尽其才;员工才能尽其所能为效力。职业生涯规划的时限,面对发展迅速的信息社会,仅仅制订一个长远的规划显得不太实际,因而,有必要根据自身实际及社会发展趋势,把理想目标分解成若干可操作的小目标,灵活规划自我。一般说来,以5—10年左右的时间为一规划段落为宜。这样就会很容易跟随时代需要,灵活易变地调整自我,太长或太短的规划都不利于自身成长。具体可有2种方式:一是根据自己的年龄划分目标,如25—30岁职业规划、2000,2010年职业规划;二是根据职业通路中的职位、职务阶段性变化为划分标准,制订不同时期的努力方向,如5年之内向部门经理职位冲刺,10年内成为主管经理。 (三)、在自己适合从事的职业中,哪些是社会发展迫切需要的。做职业生涯规划时,还要把目光投向未来。研究清楚本人现在做的,十年后会怎么样自己的职业在未来社会需要中,是增加还是减少。自己在未来的社会中的竞争优势,随着年龄的增加是不断加强害时逐渐削弱在自己适合从事的职业中,哪些是社会发展迫切需要的等等。 进行社会分析:社会在进步,在变革,作为即将步入社会的大学生们,business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 应该善于把握社会发展脉搏。这就需要做社会大环境的分析:当前社会、政治、经济发展趋势;社会热点职业门类分布及需求状况;所学专业在社会上的需求形势;自己所选择职业在目前与未来社会中的地位情况;社会发展对自身发展的影响;自己所选择的单位在未来行业发展中的变化情况,在本行业中的地位、市场占有及发展趋势等;对这些社会发展大趋势问题的认识,有助于自我把握职业社会需求、使自己的职业选择紧跟时代脚步。同时,个人处于社会庞杂环境中,不可避免地要与各种人打交道,因而分析人际关系状况显得尤为必要。人际关系分析应着眼于以下几个方面:个人职业发展过程中将与哪些人交往;其中哪些人将对自身发展起重要作用;中将会遇到什么样的上下级、同事及竞争者,对自己会有什么影响,如何提高提高人际交往能力与之相处等等。四、如何给自己做一个科学的职业生涯规划在综合考虑上述三个方面的因素后,就能够给自己做职业生涯规划了。1、职业生涯设计的具体方法许多职业咨询机构和心理学专家进行职业咨询和职业规划时常常采用的一种方法就是有关5个“W”的思考的模式。从问自己是谁开始,然后顺着问下去,共有5个问题:(1)Whoareyou你是谁(2)Whatyouwant你想干什么(3)Whatcanyoudo你能干什么(4)Whatcansupportyou环境支持或允许你干什么 (5)Whatyoucanbeintheend最终的职业目标是什么回答了这五个问题,找到它们的最高共同点,你就有了自己的职业生涯规划。对于第一个问题“我是谁”应该对自己进行一次深刻地反思,有一个比较清醒地认识,优点和缺点,都应该一一列出来。第二个问题“我想干什 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 么”是对自己职业发展的一个心理趋向的检查。每个人在不同阶段的兴趣和目标并不完全一致,有时甚至是完全对立的。但随着年龄和经历的增长而逐渐固定,并最终锁定自己的终身理想。第三个问题“我能干什么”则是对自己能力与潜力的全面总结,一个人职业的定位最根本的还要归结于他的能力,而他职业发展空间的大小则取决于自己的潜力。对于一个人潜力的了解应该从几个方面着手去认识,如对事的兴趣、做事的韧力、临事的判断力以及知识结构是否全面、是否及时更新等。第四个问题“环境支持或允许我干什么”这种环境支持在客观方面包括本地的各种状态比如经济发展、人事政策、企业制度、职业空间等;人为主观方面包括同事关系、领导态度、亲戚关系等,两方面的因素应该综合起来看。有时我们在职业选择时常常忽视主观方面的东西,没有将一切有利于自己发展的因素调动起来,从而影响了自己的职业切入点。而在国外通过同事、熟人的引进找到是最正常也是最容易的。当然我们应该知道这和一些不正常的“走后门”等歪门邪道有着本质的区别。这种区别就是这里的环境支持是建立在自己的能力之上的。明晰了前面四个问题,就会从各个问题中找到对实现有关职业目标有利和不利的条件,列出不利条件最少的、自己想做而且又能够做的职业目标,那么第五个问题有关“自己最终的职业目标是什么”自然就有了一个清楚明了的框架。最后,将自我职业生涯计划列出来,建立形成个人发展计划书档案,通过系统的学习、培训,实现就业理想目标:选择一个什么样的单位,预测自我在单位内的职务提升步骤,个人如何从低到高逐级而上。例如从技术员做起,在此business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 基础上努力熟悉业务领域、提高能力,最终达到技术工程师的理想生涯目标;预测范围的变化情况,不同对自己的要求及应对措施;预测可能出现的竞争,如何相处与应对,分析自我提高的可靠途径;如果发展过程中出现偏差,如果不适应或被解聘,如何改变职业方向。 2、根据个人需要和现实变化,不断调整职业发展目标与计划。职场上常说,计划赶不上变化。对于自己碰到的问题和环境,需要及时调整发展规划,一成不变的发展计划有时形同虚设。根据职业方向选择一个对自己有利的职业和得以实现自我价值的单位,是每个大学生的良好愿望,也是实现自我的基础,但这一步的迈出要相当慎重。就人生第一个职业而言,它往往不仅是一份单纯的,更重要的是它会初步使你了解职业、认识社会,一定意义上它是你的职业启蒙老师。最后,提醒毕业生们,人生成功的秘密在于机会来临时,你已经准备好了!机遇对于任何人来说都是平等的,千万别在机遇面前说抱歉! 3、如何落实规划制订好一系列的职业发展规划后,如何将其最终落实是每个规划制订者所必须考虑并面对的一个问题。做一个好的计划若没有实施上的,就无法保证计划顺利进行。应对职场纷繁信息和变动选择的成功法则就是必须建立有效的信息整理、分析和筛选系统,再结合自身竞争力合理规划职业生涯。这样才能在职业发展过程中凭借良好的职场敏感度达到职业成功的彼岸。 领队及新驴友出行注意事项(驴友必看) kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 领队出行 注意事项 :中国户外领队完全手册 领队职责: 1.要保证活动安全,不要冒险,领队的安全是全队的保证。 2.语言要文明,平等对待人。 3.要有责任心,要注意观察,谁有伤痛了,谁不注意环保了,谁冷了,谁情况不好了,冷场了,谁掉队了等等情况都必须及时处理,若你处理不了,赶快联系其他领队。 4.要有全局观念,注意队伍行进的速度,太快了过早的到达营地,大家无所事事,太慢了到达营地天黑了,不利于砍柴生火。 5.注意领队之间的配合,行进中前后呼应,休息时多跟队员沟通,到达营地时各司其职,尽快把众人安顿好,篝火晚会时注意调节气氛。 6.注意发挥参加活动人员的积极性,教会他们主动参与,教授他们野外知识,象取水,生火砍柴,烧烤,搭帐篷,拣垃圾等事物可以教会他们做,但领队应监督有不对的地方马上指出,说话必须委婉,让人容易接受,比如帐篷里不许抽烟不许穿鞋进入,帐篷套必须放在帐篷里等。 7.领队必须记路,包括城市里和山里的路,必须作记录,回来后必须写一份总结报告,总结经验教训。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 8.领队必须诚恳接受活动驴友投拆。 9.领队之间如有矛盾或不协调的事情,请在私下里解决,不要当着参加活动的队员面前吵架,你的一举一动代表整个组织的形象。 10.队伍中不许有消极言论,如果发生一定要压制,否则会影响全体队员的士气,不允许私人报警。 11.领队不允许与参加队员发生感情纠葛,但鼓励正常交往 12.领队不允许在活动中酗酒。 13.领队要教育大家爱护环境,保护自然,妥善处理垃圾。 14.整体行进中,注意队伍不要拉的太长,领队要分散开,不要出现队员有事找不到领队的情况。 15.多吸收知识,如支帐篷,用睡袋,穿安全带,使用下降器,做保护识别野菜等。16.随时注意清点人数,包括你组人和全队人。 17.禁止领队有个人英雄主义的行为,使队员出于好奇模仿发生危险。 18.入乡随俗,公平买卖,不和当地人发生争执。 19.不拿群众一针一线。 20.随时随刻衣冠整洁,言语文明,保持领队良好形象。 21.随时真诚的鼓励和表扬队员,增进与队员之间的感情。 22.认真写好领队本次活动游记可由指派代新人代笔,活动,发布论坛。 23.严禁做任何违反操作规程,经验能力不及的事情。 24.随时挖掘领队的苗子。 领队的权力与义务 领队的权利: kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 1、你有权利安排线路、出发时间和行程。 2、你有权利根据安排限制参加活动的最多人数。 3、你有权利出于安全原因控制参加活动的男女性别比例。 4、你有权利出于安全原因劝阻不适合的人员参加该次活动。 5、你有权利要求参加活动的人员自己准备装备。 6、你有权利在活动中根据天气、队员状态修改活动计划。 7、你有权利要求队员在活动过程中听从安排。 8、你有权利在活动前要求大家预付活动中将支付的费用。 9、你有权利安排为参加活动的人员统一适当的保险。 领队的义务: 1、你有义务尽你所能保障每一个参加活动人员的安全。 2、你有义务根据活动难度级别在出行前对线路和时间有充分的准备以保障活动安全。 3、你有义务根据报名先后接纳参加活动的人员(不适合活动的除外)。 4、你有义务在召集活动时说明活动的难度级别,便于参加人员选择。 5、你有义务在活动召集时说明活动的时间、线路安排、装备要求等信息。 6、你有义务在活动过程中提醒大家注意环保 7、你有义务保密因活动所需要而搜集的个人信息(真实姓名、性别、通讯方式、身份证号码等),所有信息仅用于该次活动。 8、你有义务依据费用AA制的原则召集活动。 9、你有义务在活动结束后公开帐务。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 领队 注意事项 : 1、领队要计划好这次活动的:活动目的、时间、地点、人数、装备、费用、交通、食宿、安全、报名方法、责任声明等。 2、出发前告诉大家这次活动的:起点、途经线路、终点、人文环境等情况,一般情况下不要随便更改计划。 3、出发前要安排好先锋及押后队员,一般由经验丰富身强力壮的队员担任,行进中领队一般走在先锋后面3-5人位置。 4、领队要注意,行进中隔一段时间要报数,带出去多少人,就必须带会来多少人。 5、领队与先锋须经常沟通,不时查看地图以校正线路,发现错误及时改正,甚至原路返回。 6、遇到岔路口、有障碍或前进方向不明确时,先锋必须领队,由领队作出决定,不得擅自作主张。 7、遇到突发事件领队必须镇定,正确判断,作出决定,全体人员必须服从领队,帮助领队,不得起哄,更不得拆台。 8、领队所思考的不光是怎样前进冲锋,而且要考虑怎样返回,行进中不时观察周围地型地貌特征、突出物、路标、怎样返回、有无第二套方案等。 9、领队必须记住:对别人的生命负责,切记"安全第一"。 结队行进须知--(领队 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 注意事项 )结队行进必须顾及礼貌和其他考虑,能使行进效率更高,乐趣更多。 1、切勿跟得太紧,给前面的队友一点空间,最好相距三至五步之遥,不要如影随形。 2、切勿落后太多,以免和队友失去联络,或老是让前面的人等你赶上来。 3、推开挡路的树枝要放手时,务必先回头看看,切勿打到后面的队友,喊一声"小心树枝~"提醒后面的队友注意。最好直接绕开树枝或由下面钻过去,除非必须抓住树枝来做轻的确保。 4、停下来系鞋带、调整背包、照相、或欣赏风景时,需让到路边去,可能的话站在经过的队友上方。 5、绕过队友身旁须先征求许可,而且挑个好地点来"超车"。切勿用手肘硬挤上前。6、和迎面而来的登山队交会时,要有礼貌。依据传统,下山队伍须礼让到一边,让上山队伍先行,不必中断步伐。然而地形若是十分陡峭,或是下山队伍人数较多,不如上山队伍暂让一旁喘口气比较妥当。 7、步伐的快慢须按计划顺利到达定点,但不可累坏动作慢的队友。如果有人赶不上,须调整队伍的步调,以免他落后太多。调整步伐快慢亦需考虑山径难易和天气状况。 8、千万不可让队友脱队,不论是队伍第一个或最后一个都一样。在休息处等最后一位队友赶上来,并给他时间休息。 9、若遇队友速度慢得离谱,考虑请一位队友陪他回头,或在安全得指business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 定地点等候。 10、试住让速度最慢的队友带头走在最前面,设定步伐。让种激励的方式可令慢郎中加快脚步。 11、不需顾虑路线寻找的长途行进或下山,须指定集合地点。要求最资深的队友领队或押后,如此可使小型登山队的成员以自己的最佳脚程前进。 12、要笑脸迎人,要值得人信赖。做一个讨人喜欢的同伴。领队活动行程计划书领队活动行程计划书领队活动行程计划书领队活动行程计划书日期:_____/_____/_____时间:上午/下午________出发,上午/下午________到达目的地目的地简单介绍: _____________________________________活动内容:_________________________________________行走路线:由__________起,途经__________至___________下撒路线:由__________途经______________至___________集合地点:____________时间:上午,下午_______________交通工具:___________________________________________班次/时间:___________________________________________领队姓名:_______________联络电话:__________________副领队姓名:_______________联络电话:_________________参加人数共:____________人年龄:由__________岁,至___________岁必需的装备:登山背包、登山鞋、睡袋防潮垫、帐篷、地图、指南针、笔,记事簿、手表、小刀、哨子、头灯(或电筒)、手机、救伤药包,备用电池,毛 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 巾、手套等;次要的装备:____________________衣服:备换衣物、雨衣、冲锋衣、羽绒服、抓绒衣,___________________食物:水多少升,多少天食物,糖,食盐,_______________参加者需知注意事:__________________________________声明风险自担原则:___________________________________________领队首先要学会授权领队是队伍中的灵魂,他应该始终保持最好的状态来处理那些关键的事物,而不是一些琐碎的小事。比如说财务和领队分开,这就是一个好的榜样,这样可以很好的杜绝腐败。还有,比如说带路、收尾这些事情,这些都应该交给其他人去做,要始终保证自己和大多数人在一起。那些领队负责探路和收尾的模式,我很不赞成,你这样做了,实际上就使你脱离了大多数人,当他们遇到了问题,需要你帮助的时候,你怎么办领队应该本着凡事不要亲为,指挥队员去干就可以了,你要记住,你要保护队伍里大多数人的利益。在授权的时候,领队不要害怕,可能感觉这个人比我牛,指挥不动什么的。在这里,你是有绝对权利的,授权不光是减轻了你的,而且也使队员的集体荣誉感增强,锻炼了他的能力,一般队员是愿意为团队的。领队要有魄力我们在外出旅行,经常会有一些意想不到的事,队员们意见不统一,大家都眼巴巴的看着你。而这时你可能也不知道正确答案,也不会有正确答案,如果团队无法统一的话,你这时就该做决定了。你这时一定要顶住压力,反驳掉一方,可能要充当黑脸,这时你的态度一定要坚决,不能暧昧。暧昧只能使两种意见争夺得更加厉害,而导致队伍之间的矛盾越来越激化。领队要勇于承担责任领队对于队伍内部,主要负责business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 协调沟通,为队伍所面临的事情做决策;对外界,主要是对自己的决策负责,承受外界对队伍的压力。当外界对你对进行指责时,对外,不要把什么责任啊和队员划清楚,你这样是把自己和队员放在平等的位置上,领队就是队伍与外界的一个出口,你应该去保护你的队员。荣誉是队员的,责任是自己的,只有这样你才能把队员团结在你的周围。你看如果一个市出了大事,它的市长就得辞职就是这个道理。在队伍内部,大家可以对活动中出现的问题进行总结,将责任细分。 新驴友要注意的事项装备选择 注意事项 1、做自我分析当外出归来的时候应当把自己一路对装备的感受记下来以便分析得失。只有这样才能不断提高我们对装备的认识。并且在路上与别人的交流中得出对自己的装备较为准确的评价。 2、绝不要想“一步到位” 3、绝不要买最高级别的、极限条件下适用的装备去极限地区不一定是老驴们的专利但一定不是新驴们撒欢的地头。付出比普通装备高几个级别的金钱买极限装备又没有什么机会去极限地区是一种过量的浪费。国外那些大牌子别人怎么推荐我都不考虑哥仑步我就用的很好淘宝买还便宜不少。 4、在有选择的时候绝不要买最便宜的东西有时候贵的东西会贵得毫无道理但是便宜的东西在任何时候都有它便宜的道理的。当你面对琳琅满目的货架各种不同颜色的商品困惑于选择的时候记住不要买同类商 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 品中最便宜的那一种。 5、列个单子在任何东西之前拿出一张纸写下你对这件装备的具体要求。不要少于3项也不要太多。世界上没有价钱便宜还很完美的东西列个单子是为了和东西的品质妥协。你要找到一样东西是符合你最想要的条件的同时就要牺牲一些期望了。让人伤心的是每一次我列出来的排第一的条件都是价钱便宜。 6、不要空谈新手一定要跟着去户外活动体验一下就知道自己需要什么装备和自己装备的局限性了。哪怕就穿着解放鞋去至少回来也有经验了。 7、反季节秋天来临的时候买快干衣夏天到来的时候买冲锋衣绝对更实惠。我买的哥仑步很多就是淘宝反季节买的超便宜。 8、做好体能储备体能是你能给自己最好的装备甚至是你迈出户外的第一步之前唯一的装备。周末赖在床上或者长时间的晚上熬夜只能扰乱你身体内部的生物钟。是光线控制你的生物钟而不是更多的睡眠。如果你经常躺着那么就试着一起床就到户外活动一下来帮助锻炼你的身体吧。 9、不要追求完美的100现实生活中是不可能有完美的没有100透气和防水的衣服鞋子。因此尝试达到不可能的高标准就是在浪费时间。取而代之定制比较实际的目标和顺其自然―这都会使你生活的更加快乐。 10、不计较装备的好坏接受你的装备不如别人的现实。强行要证明军胶是胜过登山鞋的做法是不切实际的。尽量让你的装备适合你要去的business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 活动才是重要的如果没有适合的装备降低活动的难度和减小活动的范围是必要的。 11、说不这是指当你遇到昂贵的装备时候就不要再继续逞强了。如果这是某项活动必备的装备先去玩其它的活动吧。如果你抛弃必备品而强行继续的话你就会由于失去可依赖的装备而不堪重负、身心俱疲和成为牺牲品了。 12、从活动吸取教训 13、先租后买也可以很多装备可以在户外店租得到。如果你参加户外活动的频率不是很高的话或者还没有拟定主意买什么租借会是很好的体验户外装备的方式。 14、多问问题活动的过程中多与伙伴们交流在同样的天气条件下最容易比较出装备的性能。如果你的数十元的装备能够获得与数百上千元的装备同样的感受恭喜你这次的活动你的装备可以说成功了不过这种可能性不大。 装备潜规则户外“潜规则”驴圈里的“三不借、三不问、三不准” 一、驴圈里的三不借 1、驴圈里的“水不借”户外活动中水是非常重要的重要到何种地步电影、小说里常常有所阐述那口渴的表情那干裂的嘴唇那传递着谁也舍不得喝的一壶水那危急时刻像甘露般珍贵的一口水因为重要因此一般情况下每一位老驴都会根据路程来控制自己水壶的水量永远不让自己的水壶断水。而菜驴新驴就缺少经验了有的竟然敢不带水壶就上路有的上路没喘气多久就猛灌水有的干脆自己的喝完了就向别人讨水喝。 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 借水不是不卫生一方面的事情除你的口水我不想品尝外自救更是重要的一方面。深山老林里是买不到矿泉水的矿泉水的水瓶经不起开水烫到营地时是需要补给开水的一烫就瘪很不好用。所以每一位驴友出行时都会带上自己的专业水壶硬塑、铝制或不锈钢水壶并非常注意自控自己水壶内的水量很少会缺水断水 2、驴圈里的“光不借”户外活动中的光源包括手电、头灯、蜡烛、火柴、化学热力带和罐装点热器等这些都是消耗品。除公用装备外一般情况下是不外借的。菜驴就缺少经验了白天觉得手电多余夜晚一来事就向别人借。所以每一位驴友出行时务必要带上自己的专业光源手电、头灯、电池而且开关要牢靠以防放在包中被无意打开。 3、驴圈里的“睡袋不借”睡袋不借。不是有老驴笑说嘛过去我是书不外借、老婆不外借现在我郑重加一条睡袋不外借。问他为什么他说非常不卫生。是啊暴走一天了常常没有水擦一擦身子、洗一洗脚就得钻进睡袋里挺尸了自己的汗臭体臭脚臭就算了别人的那还了得而菜驴就缺少经验了觉得买个睡袋划不来就向别人借。所以每一位驴友出行时务必要带上自己的睡袋哪怕带上最薄的最便宜的那种双面绒睡袋也行这样把别人的被褥、大衣压在上面别人也就不生闷气了。 二、户外“三不问” 1、不问年龄和。年龄在现实里普遍会当“隐私”看待并且讳言年老。西方的白领丽人们更讲究这一点。为生而作是生活中的一个重要方面职业的好与坏是一个人在社会中所处于的位置在不熟悉下问的过多你或他人有时会感到很尴尬。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 2、不问收入和住址。收入实际上与个人的能力相关事关个人脸面。交谈时一旦涉及这些问题便会让交谈人没有平等与尊严可言。家庭住址被现代人看作是个人稳私是个人领地故对不熟悉的人是不会公开的即便是私宅的电话号码也通常情况下不会对外界公开。 3、不问婚姻和健康。谈论婚恋问题在现代人看来不仅会误认为无聊而且还有可能被视为成心令人难堪或是对交谈对象进行“性骚扰”。健康问题每个人的健康状况均为其立足于社会的重要“资本”所以轻易不会将其实情告之于人。别人都不愿告诉你了你还要问什么 三、户外“三不准” 1、不准在没有经过驴友同意的情况下突然到驴友家中打扰他的正常生活。 2、不准找驴友借钱借物。 3、不准随便公开驴友的电话和家庭住址以及个人隐私。当然在驴友的允许下也就另当别论了。” 户外运动追求的是一种单纯的轻松和快乐远离市区的喧嚣和尘世俗事的缠绕尽情享受大自然的美妙所以这“三不问”“三不准”原则很有必要。时间可以消磨一切。时间久了长期在一起的驴友彼此知根知底可以成为一生一世的好朋友那就是我们追求的最高境界。但是对新人对不愿公开自己隐私的人来说还是尽量回避一些话题吧。 网站建设过程和做法 随着时代步伐的前进,时代的概念也在逐渐变化,第四媒体互联网的迅速发展,使信息传播业面临一场变革,网站建设成为一个重要课题。 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 本文通过对网站建设过程的分析,旨在找出比较适合时代发展的网站建设理念。 栏目策划信息收集 建站前期 首先在做网站之前给要做的网站一定准确的定位,没有方向的船哪边的风都不会是顺风。所以给网站定位,明确建站目地是第一步要做的。给网站做定位时,与同学进行讨论,以便于能对网站的建设方向有一定的把握,同时最好在网上收集一些资料,及时的了增加一些建站知识,结合到策划中去。这样才能很好建设一个好的网站。当然一般情况下是提出要求,我们来完成,所以对于网站的目的与定位一般是由给出的。 1、前期信息收集 在明确建站目的和网站定位以后,开始收集相关的意见,跟的有关部门结合,跟的实际情况相结合,这样可以发挥网站的最大作用。 调查一下究竟哪些人在访问您的站点,以及他们为什么要访问。新手或不定期上网的Web用户与软件开发商相比有非常不同的兴趣和站点需要。使您的站点对访问者来说有所帮助。 这一步是前期策划中最为关键的一步,因为做网站一定是为和用户服务的,所以收集他们的意见和想法是最为必要的。这一步需要整理成business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 文档,形成对用户兴趣的调查报告,同时让有关部门配合提交一份本部门需要在网上开辟的栏目计划书,需要有关部门一定要考虑充分,因为如果要把网站作为一个正式的站点来运营的话,所做的每一项栏目的设置都应该是有规划的,如果考虑不充分,会导致以后突如其来的新加内容破坏网站的整体规划和风格。当然这也并不意味着网站成形后是不许添加栏目的,只是在添加的过程中需要跟网站的情况结合着来,也最好是当初策划时考虑全面~ 2、具体分栏目策划 收集完各部门的相关信息以后,对其进行整理,整理以后找出重点,根据重点以及业务的侧重点,结合网站定位来敲定网站的分栏目需要有哪几项,可能开始时会因为栏目较多进而难以确定最终需要哪几项,这又是一个讨论的过程,需要团队在一起把自己的意见说出来,一起反复比较,给定下来的内容进行归类,形成网站栏目的树状列表用以清晰表达站点结构。 然后以同样的方法,来讨论二层栏目下的各个子栏目,对它进行归类,并逐一确定每个二级分栏目的主页面需要放哪些具体的东西,二级栏目下面的每个小栏目需要放哪些内容,让栏目负责人能够很清楚的了解本栏目的每个细节和每个栏目,大家讨论完以后,就应由栏目负责人来按照讨论过的结果写栏目规划书,栏目规划书要求写得详细,具体。并有统一的格式,以备网站留档,这次的策划书只是第一版本,以后在制作的过程当中如果出现问题及时修改该策划书,并且也需要留档。 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 3、初步完成策划书 策划书设计到的具体内容:每个栏目的策划书应该是格式统一的。 第一,是栏目概述,其中包括栏目定位,栏目目的,服务对像,子栏目设置,首页内空,分页内容~这一部分起到一个索引的作用,让领导看起来能对栏目有一个大概的整体把握和了解。 栏目详情。栏目详情就是把每一个子栏目的具体情况描述一下,其中包括到各个子栏目的名称, 栏目目的,(把子栏目的目的写清楚) 服务对象,(用以明确栏目的发展方向,更好的为达到目的而做哪些具体内容) 内容介绍,(详细说明本子栏目的具体内容) 资料来源,(说明该栏目的内容来源是什么,以保证栏目开展下去不会出现没有内容的情况) 实现方法,(讲述实现这个栏目的具体方法) 有关问题,(栏目负责人在栏目的策划过程当中想到的,目前尚未解决的问题) 重点提示(重点提示美工人员或编程人员需要注意的地方,或需要结合的地方,也可是栏目策划人员对该子栏目在这些方面的良好建议) 第三,相关栏目,这一项是用以说明本栏目和其它栏目之间的结合,沟通,之所以要有这一项是想通过各个栏目之间的联系,来加强网站的整体性。第四,参考网站,标明本栏目参考了哪些网站,或可以参business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 考哪些网站。并一定要说明参考其它网站的哪些优点,哪些地方是我们在建设过程当中应该注意的。决不是只写上一个网址就可以了~ 第四,最后一项为附录,用以记录这个文档的历史修改过程,和改了哪些内容。 虽然策划书可能会比较烦琐,不过,要知道策划书是写给我们自己的,不是为了让别人看,这是我们网站在以后的建设过程中的一个依据。有了这个策划书以后的我们可以很轻松的解决~具体设计制作(包括页面设计,制作,编程) 4、进一步讨论与改进 初步完成策划书之后,需要让栏目负责人把需要特殊处理的地方和设计人员讲明~在设计页面初设计人员一定要根据策划书把每个栏目的具体位置和网站的整体风格确定下来,为了让网站有整体感,应该在网页中放置一些贯穿性的元素,最终要拿出至少三种不同风格的方案,每种方案应该考虑到的整体形象,与的精神相结合。设计方案拿出以后,由大家讨论最终定稿,并完成策划书。 二、建站中期 前期的完成之后,下一步的就是如何将所设计的内容实现,这是最重要的一个步骤。由制作人员负责实现网页,并制作成模版。在这个过程实现的同事,栏目负责人应该开始收集每个栏目的具体内容并整理。模版制作完成后,由栏目负责人往每个栏目里面添加具体内容。 ?方案提供与选择 就网页设计的整体来看,新设计的创造性达到什么程度,取决于设计师 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 的思维能力展开到什么程度。 一般来说,可以提供给三类设计方案: 第一类是完全按照设计条件的要求,提供的"中规中矩"方案,完全可以适合网络应用需要,虽在创意方面可能平淡一些,但却适应一些持"谨慎"态度的要求。 第二类是从"降低成本"的基点出发,提出的与现有设计相比能够较大幅度降低新设计制造成本的方案,其"创意"的特性表现在"低成本"方面,不一定在外观上有多少突破,却会使那些特别注重成本控制的满意。 第三类是根据自己的知识与经验,大胆地脱离设计条件中现有技术的限制,从采用目前虽不具备、却能够实现的新技术与新设计角度出发,提供出无论是界面设计还是技术工艺上都有较大创新特点的设计方案。对那些富冒险精神、敢于创新的来说,这类方案有极大的吸引力,而且能够成为市场效果良好的设计,因此会引导超越现有的认识能力,向高水平的设计努力。 相对来说,提供前两类的方案保险系数较高,也较易于达到一般的要求,而第三类方案无论对企业还是设计师来说风险都会大许多,所以我们需要看需要的是那一种。 ?风格定位与网络形象设计 一个网站的内容固然重要,但是如果没有一个好看而吸引的外表,哪怕有着再好的内容,有着再好的结构,相信整个网站的浏览效果也会大打折扣,浏览者的阅读兴致也会大减。就等于一个内涵丰富但却外business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 表平庸的人在一个公共场所出现,是难以引起别人的注意的一样。人们称互联网经济为注意力经济,如何吸引大众的注意力,除了内容是一个重要的因素外,外观也同样起着举足轻重的作用。 一个好的视觉设计,首先要有一个好的视觉效果。一个网站怎样才算是有一个好的视觉效果一个最简单的判别方法是,看她三眼:第一眼,看是否抢眼;第二眼,看是否顺眼;第三眼,看是养眼。其实,这三眼就是网站给你的第一感觉。第一感觉很重要,浏览者能否接受这个网站,很大程度上,就看有否这种一见钟情的感觉。如果答案都是Yes,那么,这个网站就是有一个很好的视觉效果了,相信浏览者也会耐着性子去看完你整个网站的。 那么怎样才能有一个让人一见倾心的视觉效果首先要看整个页面的颜色是否协调,千万不可给人刺眼的感觉;其次要看网页上的的文字是否易于阅读,文字太细、颜色太浅、页面太长或超出屏幕宽度,都是有违网站设计的“美学原则”;再次要看,太大、太多、太模糊都会惹来浏览者的反感;最后要看“动”与“静”是否配合得当,无节制地滥用Flash、动态GIF、滚动字幕等效果就会让人眼花缭乱,但死气沉沉,毫无生气的页面也会让人感到乏味。 上面谈到的VI设计仅仅是就一个页面而言,VI设计的另一方面是看整个网站的所有页面是否协调与一致。每个页面都使用相同种排版方式、相同的背景色及近似的按钮都能增加网页一致性,树立统一的风格。这是最基本而有最重要的网站VI设计。 风格的形成主要依赖于版式设计,依赖于页面的色调处理,还有与文 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 字的组合形式等。这些问题看似简单,但往往需要主页的设计和制作者具有一定的美术素质和修养。 还有,动画效果也不宜在主页设计中滥用,特别是一些内容比较严肃的主页。在网页设计中,毕竟主要依靠文字和来传播信息,它不是动画片,更不是电视或电影。至于在主页中适当链接一些影视作品,那是另外一回事。 ?页面设计规划 我们在设计界面时,应该注意这样一个基本前提:在单独的一页界面上,清楚地显示这一页的明确目的~只有容易理解的页面,才能让用户知道该做什么并且从哪里入手。 这个基本前提,又被扩展为一系列的4个步骤: 每一页界面的重点在于完成一个单一的任务; ?解说并且陈述这项任务; ?让屏幕的内容适合这项任务; ?提供下一个任务的链接; 除了上面被列出了的4个步骤,我们还需要注意下列5个视觉设计原则来加强我们的界面: 信息的层次:我们应该清楚首先让用户看见什么信息和用户第一步需要做什么。 ?焦点和强调:焦点和强调的原则在于优先放置重点项目。一旦明确business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 了中心的想法,就应该强调需要突出的单元,并使它独立于其它单元。因为这些信息对用户来说才是最重要的。 ?结构和平衡:结构和平衡是2个最重要的视觉设计原则。没有视觉单元的内在结构平衡,那么视觉设计将缺乏顺序和意义,更重要地是结构和平衡的缺乏使用户很难楚清楚地理解界面。 ?单元的关系:一个视觉的单元的放置能传达特定的关系。例如,如果在一个列表框和旁边按钮的位置将影响这个列表框,应该说按钮和列表框之间的空间的关系在那里。同样,空间的布局将传达出视觉单元之间的交互关系。 ?易于理解的流动性:这个原则强调一个简单的意图如何变得易于用户理解和传送?读性和流动性决定一个对话框或另外的接口部件的可用性设计。比如恰当的帮助提示和下一步的导航连接等等。 ?集成的统一:所有视觉上的不同的部分,怎么一起在屏幕上他们是否有一致的特征、风格、面貌是否能持续的加深用户的使用经验 ?网站文化 网站的良好运营靠的是什么靠技术,肯定不是,因为技术的发展是一个相对的概念,不具有耐久性,缺乏凝聚力,如果仅仅靠这个,是不能维系整个网站发展的。网站其实就是企业,只不过它是提供给自己的以不同的产品,即以网页的形式展现给他们浏览、以交互的方式让他们参与等等,既然网站是一个企业就不能回避一个问题,就是盈利的问题,如果只顾向网站投钱,作亏本生意,是那个网站都不愿意做的事情。所以网络如果要给自己带来回报,就必须以高标准来要求, kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 这样就不得不提升到网站文化的高度。 虽然现在的网站赖以竞争的本钱并不是靠的自己的文化,而是一些比如机遇、技术、条件等,但是现在并不能代表以后,随着社会经济和网络技术的发展,外部条件都不是问题,如果仅靠这些,网站之间的差别将变得很小,这样网站生存的价值就会变小。所以要能够在竞争中立于不败之地,就应该坚持以人为本,挖掘网站人的潜力,让他们发挥自己的才能,使他们能够不断的超越自我,更好的凸现自己的价值。从而形成一种合力,使网站的发展形成一种良好的机制。 ?在网站设计过程中应注意以下几个问题: 用户界面元素不一致。例如,同一个控件在不同的页面上功能不同,或者同一个功能对应几个用户界面控件。 ?导航栏位置不一致。决定站点的哪些页和功能需要在站点的任何页上都可被访问到。这就是应该保持一致性的“全局导航栏”。 ?不太注意或根本不注意基本的图形设计原则。例如排版式样、色彩和版面的设计。 ?相关元素和功能的随意分组。注意将元素放置在网页上的位置和目的。这可帮助访问者从其它相邻的选择和位置来推断某个链接的功能。 若要避免类似问题,我们在设计Web页时要有一个明确的流程。每个项目都是在一定的基础上开始的。这时就会充分体现前期策划的重要性,如果我们能够认真扎实的完成前期的策划,就可以避免上述问题的发生,所以前期的策划十分重要。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 网站的建设计应该是同时进行的,这如何统筹是一个比较重要的问题。在上面所讲述的过程进行的同时,网站的程序人员应该正是处于开发程序的阶段,如果实现的这个过程中出现什么问题编程人员应和制作人员及时结合,以免程序开发完成后发现问题要进行大规模的返工。 建站后期 一个网站建设好之后应该可以达到以下要求: 为您的观众提供所需的信息:使导航元素保持一致,并且确保对访问率最高的区域进行明显的标记,是它们易于被找到。 使用清楚的消息:确保用户了解此页面的上下文,并且知道需要他们做些什么。如果在注册过程中您要用户输入姓名,那么就直截了当地说。不要让访问者自己计算什么,他们会感到沮丧,于是转到其它更简单的站点(例如您的竞争对手的站点~)。 保持一致性:虽然更改不同Web页的外观并不难,但这并不意味着您应该这么做。将主要功能--例如返回“主页”的链接或者执行一个搜索--放在每页的相同位置。黑色全局导航工具栏的位置在四十多万页上都是一样的。 使站点可用:牢记设计和测试站点的可用性。确保用户可容易地执行任务以获得所需信息。估算任务时间和任务完成率,然后努力进行改善。如果新的设计没有在这些方面获得改善,那么就不要实施它。重新从草图(或最初的计划)开始并尝试其它方法。 保持简洁:说起来容易做起来难。尝试征求反馈意见。有时新人可以很容易找到解决方案。 kikbusiness to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketi文章转载自天天蜂蜜网 www.fengmi114.com ng advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,) 尝试新的东西:不要害怕打破常规,尝试一些完全不同的东西。如果您不试试,永远不会找到真正的答案。应该在网页中体现自己的创新能力,有自己创新的东西与思维。 注意事项 网站建设计应该是同时进行的,这如何统筹是一个比较重要的问题。在上面所讲述的过程进行的同时,网站的程序人员应该正是处于开发程序的阶段,如果实现的这个过程中出现什么问题编程人员应和制作人员及时结合,以免程序开发完成后发现问题要进行大规模的返工。 business to organize, guide, assist, participatory pre-loan investigation, provide marketing advice and responsible for marketing advice. Chapter III content and process after accepting the borrower's application for the 14th person, dominated by field investigation and off-site surveys as a supplement, carry out pre-loan investigation work. Main contents are as follows: (a) the borrower surveys 1. Borrower for corporate customers, investigators should interview business, management, finance and other related personnel, field trip place of business and production operations, and according to the information provided by the customer to verify the business management, authenticity of the financial situation, trade, etc. 2. borrowing people for small enterprise of, survey content except reference company class customer outside, also should focus concern actual control people and the main shareholders personal funding letter, and practitioners experience, and marriage status, and health status, soft information and family assets, and liabilities status; focus survey verified enterprise account table, and bank account water, and tax information and hydropower wage, spending information, then verified company actual business status and the financial status. 3. the borrower is a natural person, the investigation should focus on borrowers and their families, property, income, debt, credit ... Investigators should field surveys, confirm the mortgage situation, by way of assessment, inquiry finds the value of the mortgage. Disagrees with the determination of value, should be submitted through other evaluation Agency, the supplementary investigations, field surveys, including re-evaluation of value. 1. to property mortgage of, survey people should field study mortgage real, and verified following information: housing ownership card by contains Ming information (ownership people, and is located, and floor,, and room,, and area, and type,)
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