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20篇标准范文 背这些就够了——赠

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20篇标准范文 背这些就够了——赠 十年专注 只做精典 1 1 Directions: Write a composition entitled Learning Chinese Fever in the World. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 近年来,中国的世界影响力日益增强,全球形成了一股学习汉语潮; 2. 中国的语言和文化在世界广泛传播的原因; 3. 海外“汉语热”的重要意义。(如正推...
20篇标准范文 背这些就够了——赠
十年专注 只做精典 1 1 Directions: Write a composition entitled Learning Chinese Fever in the World. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 近年来,中国的世界影响力日益增强,全球形成了一股学习汉语潮; 2. 中国的语言和文化在世界广泛传播的原因; 3. 海外“汉语热”的重要意义。(如正推动中华文化走向世界、消除西方 社会对中国的文化误读、促进世界和平等。) 【经典范文】 Learning Chinese Fever in the World Recently, with the fact that China influences the world greater and greater, learning Chinese fever has arisen in the world. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. First of all, the 5000-year- old splendid history of Chinese civilization is another aspect counting for the highly increasing number of students studying Chinese. Numerous foreigners have stepped into this ancient land, appreciating Chinese culture. Besides, China’s rapid economic growth and especially its entry to the WTO attribute greatly to the fever. More and more business people cast their eyes on the Chinese market, and want to get more profit from it, which largely inspires the enthusiasm for learning the Chinese language. Therefore, the world sees the bright prospect of China from the past years’ rapid and steady development and learning Chinese fever arises naturally. Learning Chinese fever is of great importance. On the one hand, it promotes Chinese culture to the world. On the other hand, it helps put an end to the misunderstanding of Chinese culture and facilitate the peace of the world. (171 words) 【译文赏析】 汉语学习在全世界掀起热潮 最近,随着中国在世界的影响力日益增强,全世界兴起了一股学习 汉语热。 这种现象由多种原因引起。首先,导致学习汉语的学生人数剧增一 方面原因在于中华民族五千年文明的辉煌历史。大量的外国人已踏足这 片古老的土地,欣赏中国文化。此外,中国经济的飞速发展,尤其是加 入世贸组织很大程度上引发了这种热潮。越来越多的商人将目光聚焦于 www.zhenglish.com 2 中国市场,希望从中获得更大的利润,这也极大地鼓舞了人们学习汉语 的热情。因此,世界从过去几年中国稳定、快速的发展中看到了其光明 的前景,学习汉语的热潮也自然而然地兴起。 掀起学习汉语的热潮具有十分重大的意义。一方面,这有利于中国 文化在世界范围内的宣传。另一方面,这也有助于终结人们对中国文化 的误解,促进了世界和平。 【词汇表达亮点】 arise v. 产生 phenomenon n. 现象 splendid adj. 辉煌的,灿烂的 civilization n. 文化 aspect n. 方面 count for 有价值,有重要性 numerous adj. 许多的,很多的 step into 步入 appreciate v. 欣赏 attribute to … 把……归因于…… profit n. 利益 inspire v. 激励,激发 enthusiasm n. 热情 bright prospect 光明的前景 promote v. 促进 put an end to 结束 misunderstanding n. 误解 facilitate v. 促进 2 Directions: Write a composition entitled Away from Net-bar Campaign. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 新闻媒体披露,徐州某中学 1000 多名学生签名,庄严“远离网吧”; 2. “远离网吧”运动的原因; 3. 你的观点。 【经典范文】 Away from Net-bar Campaign It has been reported that a middle school in Xuzhou City has recently launched a campaign named “Away from Net-bar”. More than a thousand students have signed their solemn promise that they will not spend a single minute in net-bars. With the summer vacation drawing near, this campaign is especially meaningful for the development of the minors. It cannot be denied that many net-bars are running illegally in some cities or towns, and even some are offering unhealthy programs that involve violence and sex. Besides, staying away from net-bars also does some good to students’ physical health. By sitting too long in front of the computer screen, 十年专注 只做精典 3 both their eyesight and physique suffer. Although, to some extent, the Internet has brought people great convenience in getting information, entertainment and contact with others, especially for those businessmen. Nevertheless, for those youngsters, typically those teenagers who are not rational enough to control themselves, the Internet should not be allowed to intrude into their daily life and they should stay away from net-bars. (170 words) 【译文赏析】 “远离网吧”运动 据报道,最近徐州市的一所中学发起了一项名为“远离网吧”的运动。 一千多名学生签下了承诺书,保证不踏进网吧。随着暑假的临近,此项 运动对未成年人而言尤其具有重大意义。 不可否认的是,一些城镇的许多网吧属于非法经营,其中有些甚至 还提供涉及暴力和色情的不健康内容。此外,远离网吧也有利于学生们 的身体健康。过久地坐在电脑屏幕前会影响他们的视力以及身体健康。 虽然,从某种程度而言,网络在获取信息、提供娱乐及人与人交流 方面为人们大开方便之门,尤其对于那些商人;但对于年轻人而言,特 别是那些不够理智、尚无能力控制自己的青少年而言,应禁止网络侵扰 他们的日常生活,他们应该远离网吧。 【词汇表达亮点】 it has been reported that … 据报道…… launch a campaign 发起一场运动 solemn adj. 庄严的 promise n. 承诺 draw near 临近 minor n. 未成年人 illegally adv. 非法地 violence n. 暴力 physique n. 体格 to some extent 在某种程度上 convenience n. 便利 entertainment n. 娱乐 nevertheless adv. 然而,不过,虽然 如此 youngster n. 年轻人,小孩 teenager n. 未成年人 rational adj. 理性的 intrude into 干涉,干扰 3 Directions: Write a composition entitled Reading Books. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 现在读书的人越来越少; 2. 但是读书有很多好处; 3. 人们应该多读书。 www.zhenglish.com 4 【经典范文】 Reading Books Nowadays fewer and fewer people like reading books. This tendency is rather disturbing, for one should know that books are no less necessary to one’s mental life than fresh air is to one’s physical life. In fact, we can get many benefits from reading good books. First of all, a good book is our faithful friend. It can increase our contentment when we are cheerful and happy, and lessen our pain when we are sad or lonely. Besides, books can also offer us a wide range of experiences. For instance, few of us can travel far from home or live long over one hundred, but all of us can live many lives through the pages of books. Last but not least, reading books can increase our intellectual ability, broaden our minds and make us wise. In conclusion, though with the advent of TV, books are no longer read as widely as they once were, nothing can replace the role that books play in our lives. Therefore, we should read more books than what we have done in the past. (179 words) 【译文赏析】 阅读 如今,喜欢阅读的人日益减少。这种趋势非常令人担忧,我们应该清 楚,书籍对于人们精神生活的重要性堪比清新空气对于身体健康的重要性。 事实上,我们能从阅读好书中获得许多好处。首先,一本好书好比 我们的一个忠实伙伴。当我们心情愉悦时,它能给我们带来更多的快乐; 当我们孤独悲伤时,它能减少我们的痛苦。此外,书籍还能够为我们提 供丰富的阅历。例如,我们中很少有人能够远离家乡到远方去旅行,或 者活过百岁,但我们所有人都能通过书籍来过多种不一样的生活。最后, 很重要的一点是,阅读能够提升我们的心智,拓宽我们的思维,使我们 变得明智。 总之,虽然在电视出现后人们并不像从前那样大量地阅读,但书籍 在我们生活中的作用不可替代。因此,与过去相比,我们应该多读书。 【词汇表达亮点】 tendency n. 趋势 disturbing adj. 令人不安的 faithful adj. 忠实的 contentment n. 满意,满足 lessen v. 减轻 intellectual ability 智能 with the advent of … 随着……的到来 replace v. 替代 十年专注 只做精典 5 4 Directions: Write a composition entitled Certificate Mania (考证热). You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 简述社会上大学生忙于报考各种证书的现象; 2. 分析这种现象产生的原因; 3. 阐述考证热的影响,并简述你的观点。 【经典范文】 Certificate Mania In the face of the mounting pressure nowadays, many university students take various training courses and sit certificate exams, in order to gain a competitive edge on the job market. They usually spend weekends or vacations in training camps, polishing up on their current skills or acquiring a new one. A chain of reasons lead to this certificate mania. At the heart of the phenomenon, there is an increasing number of university graduates while that of job vacancies does not grow in proportion to it. As a result, employers have bountiful options and would like to recruit the ones with more related experience and skills. Since exams and certificates in some way reflect one’s mastery of certain skills, many students would like to give them a try. To be sure, it is a good thing to be spurred on to learn new things. However, “certificate mania” goes to extremes. It is not only misleading but also places a great burden on students. In my opinion, a certificate does not necessarily reflect one’s ability that really counts, and so we had better keep a skeptical eye on this mania and prevent vain and burdensome efforts. (194 words) 【译文赏析】 考证热 如今,面对日益增加的压力,许多大学学子们为了在人才市场上占 得竞争优势纷纷参加了各种课程和证件考试。他们通常会花几个周末 或假期的时间加入培训大军,磨练自己当前的技能,或者学习一项新技能。 这种考证热潮是由一系列原因所导致的。该现象的关键在于,大学 毕业生人数不断增加,而工作职位并没有相应地增加。因此,老板们拥 有大量的选择,而他们更愿意接收那些相关更丰富、技术更好的员 工。既然考试和证书在一定程度上能反映出一个人对某项技术的掌握, 那么许多学生都会愿意尝试一下。 www.zhenglish.com 6 这无疑是一件激励自己学习新事物的好事。然而,“考证热”正走 向极端。这不仅仅误导了学生,而且也让他们背上了沉重的包袱。我认为, 一纸证书并不一定反映出一个人真正的水平,因此,我们应用怀疑的眼 光来审视这种热潮,避免徒劳无功。 【词汇表达亮点】 in the face of … 面对…… mounting adj. 增加的 competitive edge 竞争优势 spend … in doing sth. 花费……做某 事 polish up 改善 lead to 导致 job vacancy 职业空缺,岗位空缺 in proportion to… 按照……的比例 bountiful adj. 大量的 recruit v. 雇佣 in some way 在某种程度上 to be sure 的确 spur v. 鞭策 go to extremes 走极端 count v. 有重要性 keep a skeptical eye on … 用怀疑的 目光审视…… vain adj. 徒劳的 burdensome adj. 繁重的 5 Directions: Write a composition entitled A Boom in Continuing Education. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1992—2007 年参加继续教育的人数情况 1. 上图为某城市 1992—2007 年参加继续教育的人数情况,请描述其中的变化; 2. 变化的原因; 3. 谈谈你对继续教育的看法。 【经典范文】 A Boom in Continuing Education From the graph, we can learn the number of continuing education 十年专注 只做精典 7 participants has kept increasing from 1992 to 2007 in X city. In 1992 there were only 20 thousand people taking part in the continuing education, but in 1995 the number grew to 60 thousand, and in 2000 140, and by 2007, the number has reached 210 thousand. It can be seen easily that continuing education is gaining more and more popularity. The following reasons are responsible for this boom in continuing education. Firstly, during the work many people begin to realize what they have learned in schools is far from enough. So they turn to continuing education to gain more knowledge and skills. Secondly, as the science and technology in China are developing very fast, adults after graduation have to refresh themselves. Last but not least, in modern society, those without bachelor’s degrees or above are less competitive. As far as I am concerned, the boom in continuing education is a necessity. It provides those on-the-job people with chances to get advanced degrees and gain more knowledge. In brief, as our society develops, more and more people will receive continuing education in the future. (195 words) 【译文赏析】 继续教育的蓬勃发展 由表中可知,X 市接受继续教育的人数从 1992 年到 2007 年一直 在不断增加。1992 年,仅有 2 万人接受了继续教育,但 1995 年,这个 数字增加到 6 万,2000 年,接受继续教育的人数增加到了 14 万,到了 2007 年,这个数字已达 21 万。继续教育现在日益盛行,这一点显而易见。 继续教育的蓬勃发展是由下列原因导致的。首先,在工作中许多人 开始意识到自己在学校里学到的远远不够。因此,他们开始寻求继续教 育,籍此获得更多知识和技能。其次,随着科学技术在神州大地迅猛发展, 人们在走出校园后也必须重新充电。最后但却很重要的一点是,在当今 社会,那些不具有学士及学士以上学位的人的竞争力也更弱。 我认为,继续教育的蓬勃发展是十分必要的。它为那些在岗职工提 供了攻读更高学位、获取更多知识的机会。简而言之,随着我们社会的 发展,将来越来越多的人将接受继续教育。 【词汇表达亮点】 participant n. 参与者 popularity n. 受人欢迎,流行 be far from enough 远不够 as far as I am concerned 就我而言 necessity n. 必需品,必需 provide … with … 给某人提供某 物 on-the-job adj. 在职的 advanced degree 高级学历 in brief 简言之 www.zhenglish.com 8 6 Directions: Write a composition entitled Student Use of Mobile Phones. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 手机已成为一种最普遍的通讯工具; 2. 随着科学技术的发展,手机的服务功能更加多样化了; 3. 手机的发展前途光明。 【经典范文】 Student Use of Mobile Phones Mobile phones are now becoming an ordinary means of communication. Now you may find almost everyone is communicating with others with a mobile phone. Even pupils of primary schools are armed with mobile phones so that it is very convenient for them to contact their parents or their classmates. As science and technology develop, various functions of the mobile phone have been developed. Now people can conveniently exchange information with the help of a mobile phone. With it, businessmen can surf on the Internet and search for the necessary information they need. Directors may keep themselves well-informed so that they can manage their enterprises with the mobile phones. Students may play games, hand in their homework to and receive comments from their teachers. Doctors may diagnose diseases and prescribe medicine for their patients even though they are far away from them. In short, the functions of the mobile phone have been widely diversified. With the further development of technology, more and more functions of the mobile phone are certain to be found. So it is quite safe to say that the mobile phone will have an even brighter future tomorrow. (190 words) 【译文赏析】 学生使用手机 目前手机已日益成为一种普遍的通讯工具。如今你也许会发现,几 乎人人都使用手机与他人联系。甚至就连生都有了手机,这样,他 们和父母或同学联系便会十分方便。 随着科学技术的发展,手机的各种功能都得到了开发。现在,人们 能方便地使用手机交流信息。有了它,商人能上网搜索他们所需的信息; 十年专注 只做精典 9 董事们可以让自己保持消息灵通,这样他们就可以很好地管理自己的企 业;学生们也可以玩游戏、提交作业给老师以及接收老师的意见;医生 即使在很远的地方也可以为病人诊断病情、开出药方。总之,手机的功 能日趋多样化。 随着科技的进一步发展,手机越来越多的功能将被开发。因此,说 手机的发展前景一片光明,一点也不为过。 【词汇表达亮点】 ordinary adj. 普通的,普遍的 communicate with … 与……交流 be armed with … 装备有…… so that … 以便…… conveniently adv. 便利地,方便地 surf on the Internet 进行网上冲浪 search for 搜索,查找 well-informed adj. 见多识广的,消 息灵通的 enterprise n. 企业 diagnose v. 诊断 prescribe medicine 开药方 far away from … 远离…… diversify v. 使多样化 be certain to 必然,一定会,的确 it is quite safe to say that … 可 以很可靠地说…… 7 Directions: Write a composition entitled The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 在大学里,大部分人都住集体宿舍; 2. 有人认为集体生活好处多,也有人不同意这种观点。 【经典范文】 The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life Dormitory life is a new experience for some university students who have never lived far away from their parents before. There are striking difference between home life and dormitory life. Students must begin to be responsible for their own behavior. For example, they must depend on themselves to get up in the morning on time for class and to set aside an appropriate amount of time for study and relaxation. Some people believe there are more advantages about dormitory life. In a dormitory, on the one hand, students have more chances to communicate with and learn from each other. On the other hand, students have a great deal more freedom than they might have at home. They can act according to their www.zhenglish.com 10 own will rather than to that of parents’. But some others disagree. They think dormitory rooms are often small and crowded. This lack of space can limit one’s privacy and make it difficult for students to be engaged in their studies. In general, there are both sunshine and shadow about life in student dormitory. Whether they like it or not, most students have to face the reality of living with others. (193 words) 【译文赏析】 宿舍生活的利弊 宿舍生活对于那些从未远离父母的大学生而言,是一种全新的体验。 家庭生活和宿舍生活具有明显的差异。学生们必须开始对自己的行为负 责。例如,他们必须自觉地按时早起去上课,还需合理安排学习与放松 的时间。 有些人认为宿舍生活利大于弊。一方面,在宿舍里学生们有更多的 机会去相互沟通、相互学习,另一方面,相对于在家中,他们则拥有更 多的自由。他们可以按照自己的意愿,而不是一味地遵从父母的意愿。 而一些人则持相反观点。他们认为寝室通常窄小而拥挤。这种空间上的 不足会限制学生的隐私,使学生们难以全身心地投入学习中。 一般来说,宿舍生活既有积极的一面也有消极的一面。不管他们喜 欢与否,大部分的学生必须面对与他人共同生活的现实。 【词汇表达亮点】 far away from … 远离…… striking adj. 显著的,突出的 be responsible for … 对……负责 depend on 依靠 set aside 留出 appropriate adj. 适当的 crowded adj. 拥挤的 lack n. 缺乏,缺少 privacy n. 隐私 be engaged in … 忙于……, 从事…… in general 一般地说,总之 reality n. 现实 8 Directions: Write a composition entitled Studying in Colleges or Through Internet? You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 有人认为在校学习好处多; 2. 有人认为通过网络学习好处多; 3. 你的观点。 十年专注 只做精典 11 【经典范文】 Studying in Colleges or Through Internet? When it comes to the choice between studying in traditional colleges and self-studying through Internet, different people hold different views. Some argue that they can learn better in colleges, while others believe that there are more advantages to studying through Internet. In the eyes of the first group of people, studying in colleges is beneficial to their study for the following reasons. In the first place, they feel more at home in colleges, because to them, it’s a more “natural” way of study. In the second place, they can communicate with the teachers and schoolmates easily, which will help them to develop their interpersonal skills. In comparison, those who argue for self-study have their arguments as follows. On one hand, they can save a lot of time of going to and from school. On the other hand, they can listen to the lectures of all the best teachers available on the Internet. Therefore, they have a wide range of choices of teachers and lessons. As discussed above, it is obvious that each side has its distinctive features. I think the best choice is to use the Internet as often as possible while staying on campus. (195 words) 【译文赏析】 在校学习,还是网上学习? 对于选择在传统高校中学习,还是通过网络自学,不同的人有着不 同的看法。一些人认为在高校中他们能学得更好,而另一些人则认为网 络学习具有更多优势。 在第一种人的眼中,在高校中学习有利于他们的学业,原因如下:首 先,在学校中他们感到轻松自在,这是一种更加“自然”的学习方式。其次, 他们能够轻松地与老师、同学沟通,这有助于他们培养人际关系技巧。 相比之下,那些赞成自学的人们观点如下:一方面,他们能够省下 很多花在上、放学途中的时间。另一方面,他们可以在网上听到所有的 名师授课。因此,他们有很多的老师和课程可供选择。 综上所述,显然二者都具有其鲜明的特点。我认为,最佳选择是在 校期间尽量使用网络资源。 【词汇表达亮点】 when it comes to … 当提及…… traditional adj. 传统的 communicate with 交流,沟通 interpersonal skills 人际交往的技巧 www.zhenglish.com 12 in the eyes of … 在……看来, 在……的眼中 be beneficial to … 对……有益 in comparison 相比较 available adj. 可利用的;可得的 distinctive features 区别性特征 9 Directions: Write a composition entitled Book Knowledge and Experience. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 学习书本知识的意义; 2. 实践给我们带来的好处; 3. 你认为应该怎样获得知识。 【经典范文】 Book Knowledge and Experience Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include reading books, classroom activities and practice, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in our daily life. First of all, we can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. Second, we can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Last but not least, we can shuttle between the past and the future by reading books. In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes of others. Practice, on the other hand, offers us more useful knowledge. In fact, as we all know failure is the mother of success. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations and inspiration do not only come about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful. (197 words) 【译文赏析】 书本知识与实践经验 人们可以通过许多种途径来获取知识。这些途径包括读书、课堂活 动和实践,每一种途径都有其优势所在。 十年专注 只做精典 13 我们从书本和正规教育中获得的知识能帮助我们了解那些在日常生 活中没有机会去体验的事物。首先,我们可以通过阅读书中的事物,了 解世界上所有的地方,向我们素未蒙面的人学习。其次,我们也能培养 自己的分析能力,学习如何以不同的方式来看待和理解周围的世界。最 后,很重要的一点是,我们能借助书籍穿梭于古今。这样,我们就不会 重复别人所犯的错误。 另一方面,实践也为我们提供了更有用的知识。事实上,众所周知, 失败乃成功之母。此外,如果一个人想要取得新的进步,就必须采取行动。 创新与灵感不仅仅来自阅读,还可以通过试验获得。最后,人们能够将 书本中学到的技能与洞察力运用到实践经验中,将原本有意义的经历变 得更有意义。 【词汇表达亮点】 advantage n. 优势,优点 first of all 首先 develop our analytical skills 培养 我们的分析技能 last but not least 最后但并非最不 重要的 shuttle between the past and the future 穿梭古今 in fact 实际上,事实上 failure is the mother of success 失 败是成功之母 moreover 此外 , 更进一步 inspiration n. 灵感,鼓舞人心的 (人或事) finally adv. 最后,最终 apply···to··· 将……应用于…… 10 Directions: Write a composition entitled My View on the Post-graduate Craze. You should write at least 150 words according to the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 目前考研究生形成热潮; 2. 我认为这股热潮的原因是…… 【经典范文】 My View on the Post-graduate Craze Every year, millions of college students attend the post-graduate entrance examination. An increasing number of students have regarded the pursuing of a master degree as an indispensable part of their education. What is to account for their enthusiasm for a post-graduate diploma? First, it is the demand of the society. In an age of knowledge updating and information explosion, what you have learned in college can hardly meet the demand of society. Talents of high quality who are equipped www.zhenglish.com 14 with the latest knowledge and skill will be needed more. That is why many students will further their studies. Second, we all recognize that the more education you have, the more likely you are to succeed. Compared with those without a master degree, masters will enjoy more preferential treatment, for example, better salaries, more opportunities for promotion and training. A post-graduate degree can guarantee a more promising career. Last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of
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