
何川 英文版论文 主题乐园

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何川 英文版论文 主题乐园何川 英文版论文 主题乐园 摘要 近几年来,主题公园受到许多开发商及游客的青睐,上海近几年来主题公园的发展速度很快,上海主题公园的建设,作为上海都市人文经营的必要补充,满足了上海市民及旅游者的休闲度假的需要。但是上海的主题公园还存在一些问题,而如何解决问题已成为业内人士不断研究的热点。笔者也对此也进行了研究,本文以欢乐谷为例,通过市场调研,整理,在SWOT分析研究的基础上,论述了主题公园发展的一般规律,并借助于欢乐谷这一范例阐述主题公园发展中存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。 关键词:上海,主题公园,开发,策略 da...
何川  英文版论文 主题乐园
何川 英文版论文 主乐园 摘要 近几年来,主题公园受到许多开发商及游客的青睐,上海近几年来主题公园的发展速度很快,上海主题公园的建设,作为上海都市人文经营的必要补充,满足了上海市民及旅游者的休闲度假的需要。但是上海的主题公园还存在一些问题,而如何解决问题已成为业内人士不断研究的热点。笔者也对此也进行了研究,本文以欢乐谷为例,通过市场调研,整理,在SWOT分析研究的基础上,论述了主题公园发展的一般规律,并借助于欢乐谷这一范例阐述主题公园发展中存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。 关键词:上海,主题公园,开发,策略 daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group face-to-face, and people Forum heart, and four visit Abstract In recent years,Theme parks are important to many developers and tourists. The development speed of Theme park is too fast in ? ? Shanghai. The built of theme park in Shanghai as a necessary ? ? complement to the urban humanistic. It satisfied with the holiday ? ? need of Shanghai citizen and tourists. Theme park has become an ? ? attentively hot problem in tourism, even in all circles of the society. ? ? ? How to rise to the challenge and solve the problem has become the ? ? hotspot studied by professional experts. I were also conducted 装 ? research it,A study on happy valley, by the market research, and ? ? ? think of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats. The discussion ? 订 tells about a general rule and some questions in development. Finally, ? ? find out Suggestions ? ? ? 线 ? Keywords: Shanghai, theme park, Development, Suggestions ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyaltyInd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla 正文 前言 主题公园在上海起步比较晚,但是发展却很迅速,1985年上海第一家主题公园——锦江乐园建成了。主题公园是一种以游乐为目标的模拟景观的呈现,是为了满足旅游者多样化的休闲娱乐需求需要和选择而建造的一种具有创意性的公园。它的最大特点就是赋予游乐形式以某种主题,围绕主题来营造游乐的内容以及形式。园内的建筑、造型、植物,设施等都是为主题服务的。上海的主题公园也正在陆续的规划与发展中。 本文先对主题公园的起源及上海主题公园的现状进行了讲述,之后市场调研,加上SWOT分析法,分析了上海主题公园的优势,劣势,机会,威胁,并从中找到存在的问题,分析并提出政策。 1.主题公园的概述 主题公园(theme park),是根据某个特定的主题,采用现代科学技术和多层次活动设置方式,集诸多娱乐活动、休闲要素和服务接待设施于一 ?体的现代旅游目的地。是一种人造旅游资源,它着重于特别的构思,围绕着一个或几个主题创造一系列有特别的环境和气氛的项目吸引旅游者。主题公园是现代旅游业在旅游资源的开发过程中所孕育产生的新的旅游吸引物。 1.1主题公园的起源与发展 美国的主题公园是耳熟能详的,很多人一定认为主题公园起源于美国,实质上主题公园起源于荷兰,后来兴盛于美国。是荷兰的一对夫妇为了纪念二战中死去的独子而兴建了一个微缩了荷兰120处风景名胜的公园。此 ? 百度百科[EB/OL]. #4 0face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir 公园1952年开业,随即轰动欧洲,成为主题公园的鼻祖。 在我国,第一个真正意思上的大型主题公园是1989年开业的深圳锦绣 中华萎缩景区。主题公园良好的经济效益和社会效益起到了强烈的示范作 用,引致20世纪90年代初主题公园的又一次投资热潮。 ? ? ? 1.2主题公园的特征 ? 1.21主题各异 ? 为什么会有主题公园这个称呼,它与普通公园最主要的区别在于,每? ? 一个主题公园都拥有一个很强烈的主题特色。(见表1)主题公园里的景观? ? 以及设施都要配合这个主题。一个鲜明而具有独特性的主题,可以给游客? ? 带来一种新奇的感觉,给游客一种新鲜的快感。一个独特的主题是一个主? 题公园的标志,它的灵魂,也是吸引游客最大的砝码。 ? 装 表1:中国主题公园独特主题举例 ? ? ? 主题公园 主题 ? ? 西班牙广场、魔幻城堡、冒险山、金矿镇、香格里拉森深圳欢乐谷 订 林、飓风湾、阳光海岸、欢乐时光、玛雅水公园 ? 峡湾森林、亚特兰蒂斯、爱琴港、失落玛雅、香格里拉、? 北京欢乐谷 蚂蚁王国 ? 阳光港、欢乐时光、加勒比旋风、巴蜀迷情、飞行岛、? 成都欢乐谷 ? 魔幻城堡、飞跃地中海 线 清明上河园 大型宋文化,以《清明上河图》为蓝本 ? 香港迪斯尼 美国小镇大街、探险世界、睡公主城堡、明日世界等 ? 欢乐街,嘻哈恐龙城,重返侏罗纪,库克苏克,鲁布拉,? 常州恐龙园 雨林冒险 ? 欧美城镇,加勒比风暴区,夏威夷海湾,狮山奇观,儿? 苏州乐园 ? 童世界,未来世界广场,百狮广场 ? 成都国色天中国龙城、玫瑰小镇、啤酒王国、糖果天地、樱花之都、? 香 斗牛城、文艺复兴之路、美国集市、魔幻岛 ? 资料来源:笔者整理 ? 1.22投资大,公园占地面积大 ? ? 主题公园大多需要投入大量的资金并占用大面积的土地。中国主题公? 园投资额在l亿元人民币以上的有142个,超过20亿元的有12个。成都 ?国色天乡总投资20亿元人民币,占地40多万平方米。深圳欢乐谷投入资 ?国色天香乐园官网[EB/OL]. daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty1nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla ?金10亿元人民币,总占地面积35万平方米。苏州乐园投资6亿元,占地 ??54万平方米。香港迪斯尼投资230亿港元,占地126公顷。 1.23门票贵,消费高 因为投入高,建园花费过多,为了不亏损,还本付息,维持经营赚钱,导致门票价格过高以及高消费。譬如广东大部分主题公园的门票都在80—120元之间,加上门票之外的餐饮消费,游览一天恐怕要花费100—150元。香港的迪斯尼,海洋公园,深圳,北京的欢乐谷,苏州乐园,常州恐龙园等,虽然实行一票制,但是票价却在150—300之间。这相对于国内游客的平均收入水平来讲,显得太高。 1.24游乐产品高科技,细致 一般的公园里面只有一些小型的游乐设施,但主题公园的产品就必须要符合该公园的主题,一切景观和游乐设施都应需要精心涉及。一个成功的主题公园的设计施工无不精巧。随着科技的迅速发展,高科技越来越多的运用于主题公园产品设计创造。社会的发展带动了科技的创新。主题公园配合高科技手段使产品获得动态的、多彩、立体化的效果,提高了刺激性、娱乐性,增加游客与公园主题的互动,使游客获得全新的体验。 满足游客的好奇心。 1.3主题乐园的类型 根据旅游体验类型,主题公园可分为五大类,分别是:情境模拟、游乐、观光、动物景观和风情体验。 表2:主题乐园分类 分类 定义 举例 亦称游乐园,提供刺激的有了设欢乐谷,香港迪斯尼,香港海洋游乐型 施和机动游戏,给游客刺激,放公园,常州恐龙园,苏州乐园, 松之感 杭州乐园等 情景模各种影视城 三国影视城,隋唐城,水浒城等 拟 ? 深圳欢乐谷官网[EB/OL].苏州乐园官网[EB/OL] 香港迪斯尼官网[EB/OL] 2face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir 亦称微缩景观,浓缩了一些著名深圳锦绣中华,深圳世界之窗, 观光型 景观或特色景观,让游客短时间长沙世界之窗,天津杨村小世界 欣赏最特别的风景。 深圳野生动物园,广州海洋馆, 主题型 各式各样的水族馆,动物园等 上海海洋水族馆,上海野生动物 园等 ? ? 民俗景观,仿古建筑,讲不同的深圳中国民俗文化村、广州世界? 风情体民族风俗和民族色彩展现在游客大观、成都世界乐园、北京中华? 验 眼前 民族园、昆明云南民族文化村等 ? ? 资料来源:笔者整理 ? ? ? ? 2上海主题公园的发展现状 ? ? ? 装 2.1上海主题公园现状 ? ? 上海近年来主题公园的发展速度很快,从10年前只有大观园、锦江乐? ? 园等举止可数的几个,到今年来各区县遍地开花,已经形成了相当的规模 ? 和影响。上海主题公园的建设,作为上海都市人文景观的必要补充,满足订 ? 上海市民以及来沪旅游者休闲度假的需要。 ? ? 目前上海的主题公园分为三类:游乐型;主题型;风情体验型。游? ? 乐型的代表要属刚开园的欢乐谷,具有惊险的过山车,童趣的蚂蚁王国 线 等。主题型的话则有海洋水族馆和野生动物园等等,风情体验型的代表? ? 则是大观园,相当形象细致地展现了红楼梦文化,1:1建造的匈牙利广? ? 场和奥地利皇宫等等, 总体来说上海的主题公园具有以下几个特点:一, ? 形式多样,有游乐型的欢乐谷,反映传统文化的大观园,充满野趣的放? ? 养式野生动物园,还有水上世界热带风暴。二,制作精细,科技知识含? ? 量高,上海大多数的主题公园从里到外的制作都具有一定的水平,毫不? ? 逊色于国外的。但是目前多数都陷入了萧条境地,交通的不变,同类公 ? 园泛滥,没有新意成为主要原因。 ? 2.2上海欢乐谷简介 2.21上海欢乐谷发展 “上海欢乐谷”位于松江区佘山国家旅游度假区核心区域,占地90公顷, daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty3nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla 投资40余亿元。2005年开始投资建设,于2009年8月16日正式开放,成为上海乃至全国规模最大、景色最美、科技含量最高的主题公园。上海欢乐谷是继深圳,北京,成都之后,欢乐谷品牌全国连锁发展的重要布点。 园区由阳光港、欢乐时光、香格里拉、蚂蚁王国、上海滩、金矿镇、和飓风湾七大主题区组成,院内一条约2公里的主环道和一条约2.5公里的水上游览线,将分布在园内的各景点,像串珍珠般串联在一起。 图1:上海欢乐谷实景缩小图 2.22上海欢乐谷现状 上海开园后的第一个黄金周前六天,接待了游客13万人次。平均每天就要接待2.5万人次以上。2010年黄金周,因为世博的开展,欢乐谷更加的受欢迎,每天每个项目的排队时间都需1到4小时,可以跟世博会媲美了。 并且开园至今,上海欢乐谷推出了很多活动来吸引游客,详细见图表 表3:欢乐谷主题活动 “欢乐365畅游欢乐谷”,开园推出年卡, 开园纪念卡,一年内无限次畅游欢乐谷 “浪漫七夕节,情定欢乐谷”七大景区装 扮爱的天地 “万圣惊魂夜,鬼魅成型时”搭上幽灵的 巡游班车,进入精灵神兽的惊恐世界。 欢乐谷首届啤酒狂欢节,五大啤酒商提供 十六种国内外品牌啤酒驻场。 4face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir 倾情毕业礼,肆意狂奔,青春记忆,专属 于自己的欢乐毕业季 资料来源:笔者整理 除此之外,一年之内欢乐谷还推出了许多丰富的主题活动,在儿童节? 推出了时尚家庭总动员,在端午节推出了欢乐嘉年华,妇女节推出乐活女? ? 人节等等,今年的十一是欢乐谷建园一周年,在一周年之际,推出了终身? ? 卡特惠999,终身无限次畅游活动,以及周年生日礼,让大家与欢乐谷一起? ? 共度生日。 ? ? ? 3 提高服务及安全质量,让游客放心玩乐 ? ? 3.1保障设施安全,免费为游客投保 ? 游乐设施的刺激,新颖是最能吸引游客的因素之一,锦江乐园的过山装 ? 车,欢乐谷的绝顶雄风,古木游龙了,蓝月飞车等等,都具有很强的刺激? ? 性和疯狂性,游玩的时候可以在尖叫声中完全放松身心,轻松的同时不得? ? 不注意一个重要的问题——设施的安全。 订 案例:2011年1月24日,上海欢乐谷上演惊险的“绝顶雄风”空中“卡? ? 壳”事故。发生事故的“绝顶雄风”是目前世界上最高的垂直下坠过山车,? ? 也是中国最高的过山车。落差达到65米,当天中午12点55分,车辆停在提? 升段顶部第一次刹车段,维修人员接到运行人员报警电话后,到达故障地线 ? 点,同时组织游客疏散。约半小时后,所有游客被安全解救到地面。 ? ? 如果发生的不单单是卡壳的问题,而是设施失控,这是很威胁游客的? ? 安全的,而且严重的话会造成很严重的伤亡事件,所以安全是很重要的。? 园内的工作人员以及维修人员在每次开园前必须进行安全的检查,在每次? ? 关园前应对设备进行保养,检修,安全确认。按时对一些设施进行维修,? ? 进行全方面的检查,设备可以为了检修停业几天,但是绝对不能危害游客? ? 的生命安全。其次,园内可以为一些大型游客设施投保,也可以为游客免? 费的投保,只要游客愿意就可以享受意外保险,这样既保证了游客的利益 也保证了公园的利益。 3.2提高硬件、软件服务,确保服务质量 “顾客就是上帝”这一句话耳熟能详,不错,对于服务性行业来说, daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty5nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla 有好的服务才能吸引游客,园区内服务是很重要的,服务包括硬件和软件,两者相结合才能取得最好的成果。 硬件服务当然就是园内的配套设施咯,包括餐饮,厕所,商店等等。由于主题公园相对比较大,又划分为几个主题,所以在每一个主题或者区域内都要设有配套设施,而设施的建筑要符合主题,融入其中。 软件服务当然就是园内服务的工作人员。首先工作人员应该充满热情,对于游客的提问耐心解答,主动帮助。其次,要提高人员的素质,对工作人员进行统一的培训,指导,做到化服务。 3.3服务人性化,深入人心 主题公园深受学生,年轻人士的青睐,更是情侣约会的好地方,每到周末,黄金周,放假,主题公园就是一个人满为患的地方,每个游乐设施都将排队很久,笔者认为,首先在排队的地方应该设有标示,引导人们有序排队。其次,应该给予排队人一个遮阳避雨的环境,让游客舒适的排队。第三,排队的时候应该有一些表演助兴,不然枯燥的排队,会让游客失去耐心,而有趣的节目会让游客转移注意力。将服务做到人性化,以游客的角度去着想,贴心的服务,会得到很好的回报。 3.4 交通条件优越是主题公园成功的重要因素 主题公园所在的城市除了客源市场条件好以外,还必须有良好的城市对外公共交通。主题公园一般在城市边缘郊区选址,其原因在于主题公园占地面积较大,地价便宜。上海的大型主题公园大多数分布在松江,奉贤,浦东郊区,杨浦郊区等等。市场调研结果显示,大部分的人出游去主题公园都选址地铁出行,这样不用烦恼停车的问题,人也相对自由。但是上海很多的主题公园附近是地铁到达不了的,这对于公园的客源产生了影响。交通条件优越是主题公园成功的重要因素,便利的交通会大大提高出游率。所以笔者认为: 第一,可以在各个上海旅游集散中心周末定时发放前往各大主题公园的班车,班车直达公园门口,根据公园关门的时间注定末班车,来回接送旅客。 6face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir 第二,可以采用短驳车,免费接送最近地铁站至主题公园的人群。短 驳车的数量是最关键的问题,应该具备妥善的措施,人多的时候车多,人 少的时候车少,等待的时间不超过十分钟是最理想的。 第三,对于自驾车的游客提供免费的停车业务,停车场至进口处不能? ? 相隔距离太多,对于周边的道路,要有明确的指示标志。 ? ? ? 3.5 围绕主题不断创新,设计代表人物 ? ? 张广瑞国外主题公园的经验,提出了“主题是主题公园的灵魂,? ? 创新是主题公园的生命。”主题公园要保持长盛不衰,就必须不断创新游? ? 乐设施,以满足游客的好奇心和新鲜感。凡是成功的主题公园,在新产品? 的研究开发上都投入了大量的心思。例如,迪斯尼被誉为是一座“永远建? 装 不完得迪斯尼”,“好莱坞环球影城“代表了好莱坞影视娱乐文化,是独? ? 一无二的。要想成功,主题公园内的每一样东西,无论是景区的景点,配? 套设施,还是步道、花草、树木等环境建设,都需要精心设计,施工,将? ? 所有的一切融入一体。所以主题公园的主题需要不断的创新,不断的更新,订 ? 不断的淘汰。同时,也需要拥有属于自己的品牌形象,属于自己的代表人? 物。例如迪斯尼有米老鼠,唐老鸭,跳跳虎等等。而上海的所有主题乐园? ? 几乎都没有代表性人物。这样也就没有代表主题公园的纪念品什么的,缺? 线 少了一种宣传方式,缺少了一种收入来源。每个主题公园可以自己根据自? ? 己的特色,主题,设计一个或多个卡通玩偶,制作成毛绒玩具,帽子,杯? 子等等纪念品,让大家留念,也起到一个宣传的作用。 ? ? ? ? 4 借鉴成功经验,更好的持续发展 ? ? 上海欢乐谷的建成,可以说是成功的,欢乐谷的成功经验对于上海其? 他的主题公园的发展也带来了不少启示。 ? ? 第一,欢乐谷在选择主题前,做好了市场调研。市场调研做得越精确,? 设计的功夫下得越大,投入的心思越多,主题公园的设计建设水平就会越 高,成功的把握就会越大。 第二,在欢乐谷里设有快餐店,如东方即白,肯德基,必胜客等等, daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty7nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla 除了快餐外也有中餐提供,如面条,自选饭菜等。还有很多小商品商店,里面有各种各样的卡通玩具。配套设施较完善,这些设施也给园内增加了经济的收入,也给游客提供了方便,留下美好的记忆。 5(结语 上海的主题公园已经初具规模,并形成一定特色。作为上海都市旅游的一部分,上海的主题公园应该能够搞活、搞好。对此,笔者也对此做了研究,提出了自己的认识,通过上海主题公园整体发展概述,以欢乐谷为例,运用市场调研,SWOT分析,找出众多主题公园都存在的问题,并对此提出自己的解决对策。第一,实行联票制,吸引游客;第二,免费投保,关注安全问题;第三;扩大游玩人群范围,增加收入;第四,交通便利,树立品牌,重中之重。笔者对于上海主题公园的研究还不够完善,还有很多不足之处,需要改进。要把上海的主题公园搞活起来,是一个系统工程,它不仅靠主题公园的经营者自身的文化素质、超前意识、经营能力、管理水平来创建名优品牌,靠旅行社、旅游交通、旅游规划等旅游行业内部的协调配合,也靠社会各界包括报纸、电视、广播等宣传媒介共同关心支持,群策群力帮助其总结提高。把上海的主题公园搞活搞好了,上海这个特色文化的旅游城市形象也必将更加绚丽多彩。 参考文献 [1]王晓兰. 主题公园主题演绎与载体设计及其相关性研究[D]华东师范大学, 2008 [2]王志稳. 主题公园的开发研究[D]华中师范大学, 2001 [3]龚海鹏.我国主题公园的发展策略研究[D]. 中国优秀博硕士学位论文全文数据库 (硕士),2006,(12) [4]杨程波. 主题公园:城市旅游形象的新名片[N]. 中国旅游报, 2004 . 8face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir [5]蔡良焕. 第五个欢乐谷主题公园落户武汉[N]. 深圳特区报, 2009, (2009-08-19) [6]胡钰. 上海滩的“欢乐”之战[N]. 华夏时报, 2009, (2009-02-14) [7]陈瑾.旅游经济中,我们如何对待古村落[J].旅游时代,2005,(11). [9]主题公园悲喜录.旅游人网(,,,.,,s,,.;,,),2004,12-2 ? ? 张雷. 主题公园旅游文化学探讨[J].城市地理,2006,4(25). [10]黄佛君,? ? [11]石恒富,石争.文化经济论稿[M]. 北京:人民出版社,1995:13-58. ? [12]李春生.我国城市主题公园的发展与创新[J]. 城市问题,2005,(6):28. ? ? [13]保继刚.主题公园发展的影响因素系统分析[J].地理学报,1997,(3):237-245. ? ? [14]朴明丽. 上海锦江乐园研究[D]华东师范大学, 2008 . ? ? ? ? 装 ? ? ? ? ? 订 ? ? ? ? ? 线 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 致谢 ? ? ? ? 光阴似箭,日月如棱。四年的时间,在我们漫长的人生旅途中是那么? ? 的短暂,但是,这短短的五年是最真诚的青春,是最纯真的岁月,是最美 丽的大学生活……我们的自学能力在这里得提升,我感谢所有的恩师:是 您赋予我们最有意义的收获;是您带领我们走进知识殿堂,使我们不但丰 富了知识;是您给我们一个全新的角度去发现美、创造美、欣赏美,给我 daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty9nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla 们美的眼睛去发现世界的美,感悟生活的美;是你教会我们珍惜友谊和时 间;是您给了我们看世界的眼睛,是你们用博大的胸怀,给予我们最无私 的关怀和奉献。 本论文的完成是在我的导师王缇萦老师的细心指导下进行的。在每次 写作遇到问题时老师不辞辛苦的讲解才使得我的论文顺利的进行。从论文 的选题到资料的搜集直至最后论文的修改的整个过程中,花费了王老师很 多的宝贵时间和精力,在此向导师表示衷心地感谢~导师严谨的治学态度, 开拓进取的精神和高度的责任心都将使学生受益终生~ 感谢我的爸爸妈妈,焉得谖草,言树之背,养育之恩,无以回报,你 们永远健康快乐是我最大的心愿。在论文即将完成之际,我的心情无法平 静,有多少可敬的师长、同学、朋友给了我无言的帮助,在这里请接受我 诚挚谢意~ The text Preface Theme park in Shanghai started relatively late, but development is very rapid,Shanghai in 1985, the first theme park -- Jinjiang Park built. A theme park is a kind of simulation landscape of entertainment shows, in order to meet the diverseneeds of leisure and entertainment tourist needs and preferences and creativepark a building. It is the biggest characteristic is endowed with a theme amusement form, around the theme to create the content and form ofamusement. The architecture, modeling, plant, facilities are the theme of the service. The Shanghai theme park is also planning and development continuedin. 10face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir The present status of tells the origin of theme park and theme parks in Shanghai,after market research, analysis of SWOT plus, analysis of the Shanghai theme park advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, threats, and find the existing problems from the analysis, and put forward the policy. The 1 theme park ? Theme Park (Theme Park), is based on a particular theme, the use of modern ? ? science and technology and multi-level activities set mode, set a number ? ofentertainment, leisure elements of the reception facilities and services in one of ? the modern tourist destination [Baidu Encyclopedia [EB/OL]. ? #4]. Is a man-made tourism resources, it ? ? focuses on the special conception, around one or several themes to create a series ? of special environment and atmosphere of the project to attract tourists.Theme park ? is a modern tourism resources in the tourism development processfostered by the ? new tourist attraction. ? ? The origin and development of the 1.1 theme park 装 American theme park is for having heard it many times, many people will think that ? the theme park originated in American, essentially theme park originated in Holland, ? ? and later flourished in the American. Is a miniature of Holland 120 scenic spots a ? couple of Holland built to commemorate the only son died in World War IIpark. The ? park opened in 1952, was a sensation in Europe, as the originator of the theme 订 park. ? ? In our country, the first real meaning of the theme park was opened in ? 1989Shenzhen Splendid China atrophy scenic spot. Theme park good economic ? and social benefits have played an exemplary role in strong, again ? upsurgeinvestment caused by twentieth Century at the beginning of the 90's theme 线 ? park. ? Characteristics of the 1.2 theme park ? ? 1.21 different themes ? Why is there this title theme park, with the ordinary Park, the main difference is that, ? each theme park has a very strong theme. (see Table 1) theme parklandscape and ? facilities to match the theme. A distinct and unique theme, can give visitors a novel ? ? feeling, to give visitors a fresh feeling. A unique theme is a sign of a theme park, its ? soul, also attract tourists maximum weight. ? ? ? 1.22 large investment, the park covers an area of large The theme park is mostly need to invest a lot of money and occupy a large area of land. China theme park investment in more than l billion yuan in 142, more than 2000000000 yuan by 12. Chengdu the floraland a total investment of 2000000000 yuan, covers an area of about 400000 square meters [national beauty and heavenly daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty11nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla fragrance -- peony Park [EB/OL]. ]. The Happy Valley in Shenzhen invested 1000000000 yuan, covers an area of 350000 square meters. [Shenzhen Happy Valley website[EB/OL].] Park Suzhou investment 600000000 yuan,covers an area of 540000 square meters. [Suzhou Disneyland website [EB/OL]] Hongkong Disney to invest 23000000000 Hong Kong dollars,covers an area of 126 hectares. [Hongkong Disneyland website 1.23 tickets are expensive, high consumption Because of high investment, construction cost too much, in order not to loss,servicing, maintenance of profit, resulting in high prices for tickets and high consumption. For example, Guangdong most theme park tickets are 80 - 120 yuan between, plus tickets outside of the food consumption, visit the day I'm afraid to spend 100 - 150 yuan. Hongkong Disneyland, Ocean Park, Shenzhen, Beijing,Happy Valley, Suzhou Park, Changzhou Dinosaur Park, although one vote system,but the fare is 150 - 300. Compared to the average income level of domestic tourists, too high. 1.24 recreation of high-tech products, detailed General park only small recreational facilities, but the product design of the theme park must comply with the theme of the park, all the landscape and recreational facilities will need to carefully. Design and construction are a successful theme park ingenious. With the rapid development of technology, the use of high-tech products more and more to the theme park design. The socialdevelopment of science and technology innovation. The theme park with high-tech means to make the product to obtain the dynamic, colorful, three-dimensional effect, improves the irritation, entertainment, to increase the interaction between tourists and the theme park, visitors get a new experience.Satisfy the curiosity of visitors. 1.3 Type theme park According to the type of tourism experience, theme park can be divided into five categories, respectively is: the situational simulation, recreation, tourism,landscape and animal experience. 2 the development of the theme park in Shanghai 2.1 The status of theme parks in Shanghai In recent years, the development speed of Shanghai theme park soon, fromsome 10 years ago only Grand View Garden, Jinjiang Park was countable, to this year the district blossom everywhere, and has formed the scale and impact ofconsiderable. Construction of the theme park in Shanghai, as a necessary complement to Shanghai urban landscape, to meet the needs of the citizens of Shanghai and Shanghai tourist resort. The Shanghai theme park is divided into three categories: entertainment; 12face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir theme;customs experience. On behalf of entertainment is just opening of the Happy Valley, with a thrilling roller coaster, contents of the ant kingdom. Theme wordsare marine aquarium and zoo and so on, representing the experience type is the Grand View Garden, a detailed display of the image of a dream of Red Mansionsculture, built by 1:1 Hungary square and Austria palace and so on, the whole Shanghai ? theme park has the following characteristics: first, a variety of forms, arecreation of ? the Happy Valley, to reflect the traditional culture of the Grand View Garden, full of ? wild wild zoo stocking, and Water World tropical storm. Two, the production of fine, ? ? high content of science and technology, making the most of the theme parks in ? Shanghai from inside to outside has a certain level, not inferior to foreign. But most ? are in recession, traffic invariant, similar Park flood,no new ideas become the main ? reason. ? ? 2.2 The introduction of the Happy Valley in Shanghai ? 2.21 The Shanghai Happy Valley development ? ? "Shanghai Happy Valley" is located in the core area of Songjiang DistrictSheshan 装 National Tourism Resort, covers an area of 90 hectares, the investmentmore than ? 40 yuan. In 2005 started to invest in the construction, officially opened in August 16, ? 2009, become Shanghai and even the largest, most beautiful scenery, the highest ? ? scientific and technological content of the theme park.Happy Valley in Shanghai is ? the Shenzhen, Beijing, Chengdu, the importantpoints of the development of the 订 national chain of Happy Valley brand. ? The park consists of port sunlight, happy time, Shangri-La, the ant ? ? kingdom,Shanghai Bund, gold mine town, and hurricane Bay seven themed area, a ? treatyof the main ring road of 2 km and a treaty 2.5 km water tour line, will be ? distributed in the scenic spots in the garden, like a string of pearls, stringtogether. 线 ? 2.22 Happy Valley in Shanghai in ? Opened in Shanghai after the first six days before the golden week, received130000 ? tourists trips. On an average day to receive more than 25000 passengers.2010 ? golden week, because the development, Happy Valley is more popular, the queuing ? ? time every day and in every project need 1 to 4 hours, can becomparable with the ? world expo.In addition, within one year of the Happy Valley also launched many rich ? theme activities, in the children's Day launched a fashion family general mobilization, ? the Dragon Boat Festival launched a happy carnival, women's Day launch ? ? LOHASwoman Festival and so on, this year's eleven anniversary of Happy Valley ? garden,after a week on the occasion of the year, launched a lifelong card ex gratia ? 999,lifelong unlimited tour activities, as well as the birthday gift, let us together with Happy Valley to spend birthday. 3 to improve the service quality and safety, so that visitors at ease. 3.1 security facilities, free of charge for tourists insurance Recreational facilities of the stimulus, the novel is one of the most able to attract daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty13nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla tourists, Jinjiang amusement park roller coaster, Happy Valley extremely treasures, ancient 木游 dragon, blue speed and so on, has the stimulation andcrazy sex is very strong, play while can completely relax in a scream, relaxed at the same time have to pay attention to a an important question -- safety. Case: in January 24, 2011, the Happy Valley in Shanghai staged a breathtaking"cliffhanger" air "stuck" accident. The accident "cliffhanger" is currently the world's highest vertical drop roller coaster, is China highest roller coaster. Height65 meters, on the same day at twelve fifty-five, vehicles parked in the segment ofthe first brake section at the top, repair staff received operation personnel alarm call, arrived at the fault location, at the same time, tourists evacuation. After about half an hour, all the tourists rescued safely to the ground. If there is not sticky, but the facility out of control, which is a threat to the safety of visitors, but also seriously it will cause serious casualties, so safety is very important. The staff of the park and repair personnel must conduct safety in eachopening before the inspection, repair at each turn to equipment maintenance,garden, safety confirmation. On time repair for some facilities, for all aspects ofinspection, in order to repair equipment can be closed for several days, but do not harm the life safety of the tourists. Secondly, there can be some largefacilities for tourists, visitors can also for free insurance, as long as the touristscan enjoy the accident insurance, so as to ensure the interests of tourists also ensures that the interests of the park. 3.2 improve the hardware, software and services, ensure the quality of service "The customer is God" this sentence for having heard it many times, good, the service industry, have good service in order to attract visitors, the park service is very important, services including hardware and software, a combination of both in order to get the best results. Hardware service is of course the park facilities, including catering, toilets, shops etc.. The theme park is relatively large, and is divided into several topics, and so in every theme or area shall be equipped with facilities, and construction of facilities to meet the theme, into the. Software service is of course the park service staff. First, the staff should be full of enthusiasm, for tourists questions patiently answer, take the initiative to help.Secondly, to improve the quality of personnel, unified training, guidance to thestaff, achieve the standardization of service. 3.3 humanized service, win support among the people The theme park was well received by students, the young people of all ages, it is a good place for dating couples, every weekend, golden week, holidays, theme park is a touristy, each recreational facilities will be in line for a long time, I think,first in the queue where there should be marked, guide people to queue up.Secondly, should give the Party A from the sun and rain, let visitors comfortablequeue. Third, when there should be some entertain, or dry up, will let visitors lose patience, but 14face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir interesting program will let visitors attention. Make the service of humanity, to consider the perspective of tourists, attentive service, will be a verygood return. 3.4 the traffic conditions is an important factor in the theme park's success Theme Park City in addition to market conditions, but also have good city publictraffic. The theme park is usually located in city suburban fringe, the reason ? lies in the theme park covers an area of large, cheaper land prices. Shanghai's ? ? largetheme park most distributed in Songjiang, Fengxian, Pudong suburbs, the ? outskirts of Yangpu. Market research shows that, most of the people go on a tripto a ? theme park location subway travel, so do not have to worry about parkingproblems, ? people also relatively free. But many of the theme park near Shanghaisubway reach, ? ? this has had an impact on the tourist park. Traffic conditions is an important factor in ? the success of the theme park, convenient traffic will greatly improve the rate of ? travel. So the author thinks that: ? First, the Shanghai tourism hub weekend timing issued to each big theme park the ? ? bus, bus directly to the gate of the park, according to park the closing time isthe last 装 bus, shuttle passengers. ? Second, the coach, free shuttle recently MTR station and theme park crowd. The ? ? number of coach is the most critical issue, should have the appropriatemeasures, ? when many people and cars, when the person is little car less, the waiting time is ? not more than ten minutes is ideal. 订 Third, to provide free parking service for self drive tourists, the parking lot to theinlet ? ? of the distance not too much, the surrounding roads, there must be a clearindicator. ? 3.5 around the theme of innovation, design representative ? ? Zhang Guangrui summed up the foreign theme park experience, put forward 线 "thetheme is the soul of the theme park, innovation is the theme park's life." The ? theme park to stay focused, we must unceasingly innovate recreational facilities,to ? meet the needs of tourists curiosity and novelty. All successful theme park, in the ? ? research and development of new products have put a lot of effort. For example, ? Disney is known as a "never rise up Disney", "Universal Studio Hollywood" on ? behalf of the Hollywood Studio Entertainment culture, is the one and only. If you ? want to succeed, everything within the theme park, both scenicattractions, facilities, ? or trails, flowers, trees and other environmental construction, need to carefully ? ? design, construction, all integrated into one. So the theme park theme needs ? continuous innovation, constantly updated, keep out. At the same time, also need to ? have their own brand image, representativeof their own. Such as Disney Mickey ? Mouse, Donald Duck, Tigger etc.. All of the theme park in Shanghai almost no representative. It did not represent the theme park souvenir of what, a lack of publicity, the lack of a source of income. Eachtheme parks can be based on their own characteristics, the design theme, one or more cartoon dolls, made into plush toys, hats, glasses and so on souvenirs, let everybody pictures, also plays a role of daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty15nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla propaganda. 3.6 learn from the successful experience of sustainable development, better Shanghai Happy Valley is built, can be said to be successful, the successful experience of Happy Valley for the development of other theme park in Shanghaihas also brought a lot of inspiration. First, the Happy Valley in the choice of theme, do the market research. Market research done more accurately, design efforts for greater, more effort input,theme park design construction level will be higher, success will be greater. Second, a fast food restaurant in Happy Valley, such as the East is white, KFC,Pizza Hut and so on, but also provide fast food, such as noodles, optional meal.There are many small shops, there are a variety of cartoon toy. Better facilities,these facilities but also to the park increased economic income, but also for the convenience of visitors, leave a good memory. 4 Conclusion Shanghai theme park has begun to take shape, and formed a certaincharacteristics. As a part of the urban tourism of Shanghai, Shanghai theme parkshould be able to enliven, do a good job. To this, the author has done research,proposed own understanding, through an overview of the overall development ofthe theme parks in Shanghai, taking Happy Valley as an example, the use of market research, SWOT analysis, find out the numerous theme park are the existing problems, and puts forward the countermeasures to solve their own.First, a ticket system, attract tourists; second, free insurance, security; third;expand the range of people play, increase income; fourth, convenient transportation, establish a brand, priority among priorities. The study of the theme park in Shanghai is still not perfect, there are many deficiencies, needs to be improved. To liven up Shanghai theme park, is a systems engineering, it not only rely on the operator of the theme park's own cultural quality, advanced consciousness, management ability, management level to create famous brand,with the coordination of internal travel, by tourist traffic, tourism planning, tourismindustry, but also on the social from all walks of life including newspaperstelevision, radio and other media, the common concern and support, work and pull together to help improve its summary. The Shanghai theme park, invigorate,Shanghai the characteristics of cultural tourism city image will be more blew. Reference [1] Wang Xiaolan theme park theme deduction and carrier design and correlation of [D] East China Normal University, 2008 [2] Wang Zhiwen theme park development [D] Journal of Huazhong Normal University, 2001 [3] Gong Haipeng. 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Our self-learning ? ? ability was enhanced in here, I wish to thank all the teachers: give us your most 线 valuable harvest; you lead us into the palace of knowledge, so that wewill not only ? enrich the knowledge; you give us a new perspective to discover beauty, create ? beauty, appreciate beauty, give us the beautiful eyes to discoverthe beauty of the ? world, life is beautiful; you teach us to treasure the friendshipand time; you give we ? ? see the eyes of the world, is you with broad mind, to give the most selfless care and ? dedication of our. ? Was my mentor Wang Tiying under the teacher's guidance in this thesis.Problems ? ? on teachers, makes my thesis smoothly in every writing. From the paper selected ? topic to the data collection process modification until the end of this thesis, take the ? teacher Wang a lot of time and energy, in this to express my sincere thanks to the ? teacher! Teachers rigorous academic attitude, pioneering spirit and high sense of ? responsibility will make the students benefit from life! Thanks to my mom and Dad, you have a day lily, trees made of the back,upbringing, return, you always healthy and happy is my biggest wish. In the paper is nearing completion, I can not calm the mind, there are many respectable teachers, classmates, friends to help me speechless, please accept my sincere gratitude daily education, style construction your in long caught tireless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty17nd four visitface, and people Forum heart, a-to-mass line education practice results, full implementation to "hanging village package group facey" topic education, seriously understand its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of , and clean, and pla here! 18face, and people Forum heart, and four visit-to-plementation to "hanging village package group faceull imd its deep connotation and specific requirements, continues to consolidation party of mass line education practice results, feless, to caught real grasp "three strict three real" and "loyalty, and clean, and play" topic education, seriously understandaily education, style construction your in long caught tir
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