首页 > 如何让摩托车省油


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如何让摩托车省油如何让摩托车省油 《《小改省油,,,滑行、变齿》》 《《转》》 如何让摩托车省油?选一辆省油的摩托车 购置摩托车时要综合考虑摩托车的各项指标,如该摩托车在什么样的路面上行驶,它的最高车速、加速性、重量、耗油量等等。油量的指标有特殊的要求时,对其他各项指标也要有一个友情的要求,这样才能做到所购的车既省油又有一定水平的性能指标。那么什么样的摩托车比较省油泥, 1、二冲程发动机的摩托车与四冲程妻动机的摩托车比较起来,四冲程的摩托车更省油。这是因为二冲程发动机在扫气过程终了与排气过程终了时总有一个瞬间扫气孔与排气扎是同时启动的,...
如何让摩托车省油 《《小改省油,,,滑行、变齿》》 《《转》》 如何让摩托车省油?选一辆省油的摩托车 购置摩托车时要综合考虑摩托车的各项指标,如该摩托车在什么样的路面上行驶,它的最高车速、加速性、重量、耗油量等等。油量的指标有特殊的要求时,对其他各项指标也要有一个友情的要求,这样才能做到所购的车既省油又有一定水平的性能指标。那么什么样的摩托车比较省油泥, 1、二冲程发动机的摩托车与四冲程妻动机的摩托车比较起来,四冲程的摩托车更省油。这是因为二冲程发动机在扫气过程终了与排气过程终了时总有一个瞬间扫气孔与排气扎是同时启动的,这时就不可避免地有一股新鲜燃气短路而从排气孔流出,所以一部分燃油未经燃烧就损失掉了,耗油量就升高了。 2、发动机的排量愈小愈省油。 该更换的部件及时更换 摩托车使用过久后活塞与缸体会产生很大的间隙,如不及时地搪缸及换活塞来减小此间隙,就会产生漏气,使油耗急骤上升。 怎样判断你的摩托车是否该进行搪缸呢,当在使用过程中发现油耗上升幅度大,气缸内有敲击声时,就应对缸体进行检查,拆下缸体,用手摸缸体的上半部,如发现有明显的磨迹棱边,或用量缸表量出缸位与活塞裙部之间的间隙超过0.15毫米,此时就必须进行搪缸并换新活塞,一is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 般缸体可以搪三次,如果再磨损就必须更换新的气缸体。 摩托车使用过久后,各部分的间隙都变得很大,运转起来会产生很多多余的能量消耗,使油耗升高,此时必须进行大修。一般两轮摩托车的大修里程为10万千米以上,三轮为5万千米以上。不能再大修的摩托车应及时更新,以保证良好的省油记录。 在保养中省油 必须保证摩托车有很好的点火性能,火花塞一定要有足够强的火花。一般火花应呈白色,或进一步检查高压线圈、白金、电容是否有毛病。 空气滤清器要经常清理使之保持畅通。现在摩托车多使用纸芯式空滤器,每行驶4000公里一定要用压缩空气或气筒吹滤芯才能使充足的空气进入缸体内参加燃烧。进排气门有漏气现象。 如果进排气门或进排气门座有磨损现象,应及时修复或更换。修复或更换后一定要进行漏气检查,检查时将缸盖倒置,倒入汽油,五分钟内没有渗漏现象。活塞环开口间隙不能大于0.5毫米,否则应及时更换。 化油器要有良好的供油状态,化油器的节气门与座之间,若因磨损使间隙变大,进入缸体的空气就不能全部用于使燃雾化,必须及时修复或更换。空气与燃油完全燃烧时,只有多提供一部分空气才能使燃油完全燃烧,达到省油的目的。 调整化油器供油时可采取的措施有三种:一是适当降低浮子室的is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 油面高度,二是疽小主量孔直尺寸,三是降低主油针,以便减少燃油通过时的截面积。在减小供油的同时要兼顾摩托车的加速性与最高车速,应使它们保持相当的水平,这时的耗油量才是最合理的。 什么样的速度更省油 1、发动机的油耗曲线呈鱼钩形状,在中等转速范围是低油耗区。中等转速一般指每分钟3000-4000周之间,如果低于此转速,混合气流速降低使混合不均匀,燃烧变得恶劣,油耗就升高;转速高于此范围时,为了充分发动机的最大功率,发动机化油器供给较浓的燃气,油耗也要增加,根据此原理,只要转速经常控制在中等转速范围内就必然会省油。三轮摩托车与二轮摩托车的发动机与车轮的总传动比不一样,三轮摩托车传动比在8-9之间,二轮摩托车的总传动比在5-6之间,三轮摩托车相应于每分钟3000-4000周的转速,三档行驶车速为20-30公里每小时,四档为40公里每小时以上;两轮摩托车相应于每分钟3000-4000周的转速,三档车速为每小时30-40公里,四档为每小时50公里以上;以上车速均为中等油门位置,所以要想省油就要避免使用大油门,多使用中等位置油门。 2、行驶中充分利用摩托车的惯性就可以省油。一种行驶情况是快要停车时,不用制动口只利用摩托车的惯性,行驶一段后自动停车。is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 还有种情况是在行车中驾驶员观察到的前方较远处有障碍物,就提前减速变空档滑行,车到障碍物前时,速度降低,就有可能应急处理,这样避免了用制动减速法消耗发动机的能量,因此可以省油。 3、在长途行车中,若想省油就必须掌握你所使用的摩托车的最低油耗时的车速。一般两轮摩托车的最低油耗时的车速为每小时70-80公里,三轮摩托车为每小时45-50公里。 4、合理的轮胎气压是省油的重要因素,摩托车轮胎气压一定要符合说明书中的规定。如果气压不足,轮胎就会变形产生不必要的能理消耗,使油耗上升,所以每次行车前,尤其是长途行驶前,最好要用气压表检测一下轮胎的气压。 应该指出,有人认为多利用滑行方法驾驶可以省油,这种概念是错误的。滑行驾驶好像是省油,但在滑行前摩托车必须加速至较高的车速,这个阶段耗油量要升高,平均下来并不一定省油,况且在城区人多的地方滑行驾驶是不安全的,因为滑行时发动机不能参加制作,只能依靠制动器制动,所以制动效果较差,在紧急情况下极不安全。 在开车过程中省油 摩托车省油有多种方法,如选购省油的车型、采取省油的保养措施和省油的驾驶方法,以及适时更新旧车等。其中在驾驶中如何省油是关键。 启动 摩托车冷启动后,待发动机运转一分钟左右,把is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 阻风门手柄扳回全开位置。有的人喜欢把阻风门关闭一个角度,这样进入气缸的可燃混合气过浓,造成耗油量增加和发动机功率下降。有的人启动后即起步行驶,这样不但不省油,还加快了发动机机件的磨损。 起步 应用低速档起步。离合器结合前不踩油门,待离合器处于半联动状态时慢慢放松离合器,同时徐徐开大油门,以适应发动机转速和起步的要求,使摩托车平稳地起步,否则发动机工作不连续,一松离合器即熄火,这样反复几次,耗油不少。 换档 掌握换档时机,及时换档。摩托车起步后,若路况平坦畅顺,必须迅速由低速档依次换入高速档。不要用低速档猛冲或长时间行驶。当感到发动机动力不足,车速逐渐降低(例如上坡),原来的档位不适合继续行驶时,应迅速换到低一级档位。不要用高档硬撑,使发动机过于吃力,也不要利用离合器半联动和加大油门的方法来提高车速。 行驶 保持中速行驶(即经济车速附近)。车速越高,空气阻力越大,耗油量增加。车速越低,相应的档位也就越低,发动机的功率利用率就越小,因而驶过同样的路程所需的耗油量增多。另外,行驶中充分利用惯性也可省油:一种是快要停车时,不用制动器只利用摩托车的惯性,减油行驶一段后自动停车。还有一种是发现前方较远处有障碍物,就提前减速变is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 空档滑行,车到障碍物前时速度降低,就有可能应急处理,这样避免了用制动减速法消耗发动机的能量。 加速 加速时不要把油门加到底。只要达到你所需要的速度即为合适。有的人开车养成了习惯:上车轰两下空油,下车又轰两下空油,甚至用轰空油代替喇叭。这不仅大大消耗汽油,而且会加快机件的磨损,增加发动机的噪声。 胎压 合理的轮胎气压是省油驾驶的重要因素,摩托车轮胎气压应符合说明书中的规定。如果气压不足,轮胎就会因变形产生不必要的能量消耗,使油耗上升。所以每次行车前,特别是长途行驶前,最好检测一下胎压是否正常。 在行驶中如何驾驶才能省油呢,让我们先看看以下的说明: 发动机的油耗曲线呈鱼钩形状,在中等转速范围是低油耗区。中等转速一般指3000,4000转每分之间,如果低于此转速,混合气流速降低使混合不均匀,燃烧变得恶劣,油耗就会升高;转速高于此范围时,为了充分发挥发动机的最大功率,发动机化油器供给较浓的燃气,油耗也要增加,根据此原理,只要转速经常控制在中等转速范围内就必然会省油。 三轮摩托车与二轮摩托车的发动机与车轮的总传动比不一样,三轮摩托车总传动比在8,9之间,二轮摩托车的总传动比在5,6之间,三轮摩托车相应于3000,4000转每分的转速,is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 三挡行驶车速为20,30千米每小时,四挡为40千米每小时以上;两轮摩托车相应于3000,4000转每分的转速,三挡车速为30,40千米每小时,四挡为50千米每小时以上。以上车速均为中等油门位置,所以要想省油就要避免使用大油门,多使用中等位置油门。 行驶中充分利用摩托车的惯性就可以省油。快要停车时,不用制动器只利用摩托车的惯性,行驶一段后自动停车。 《《15.16.17齿改装小链轮(CB CG EN GS GN250)》》 小车是HJ125-8,普通的国产车~从2004年6月买到,到现在已经22000KM了~在13000KM的时候小链轮由15齿换为17齿,关于17齿小链轮的使用感觉已经在这里说过了~在21000KM的时候,链条 链轮都到更换时间,想试试16齿小链轮的感觉~换上到现在已经1000KM了,主要和15、17齿的作个比较: 起步:我感觉差不多,起步后加速的时候,15>16>17 正常行使:15齿的5档相当于16齿的“4档半”相当于17齿的4档 ,在同一档位(比如5档)加速性能15明显>16>17, 15齿的5档和17齿的4档一样 同样16齿在两者中间~ 震动:15齿:在60KM/H的时候有共震,80KM/H时候基本无法忍受~敢骑到90KM/H脚心已经麻木~ 16齿:60KM/H 共振消失 80KM/H时候 脚心有麻的感觉,但不是很厉害,90KM/H 比80KM/H的时候震动大点 但是还没有15齿80KM/H的时候大 ~ 17齿:从开始到80KM/H可以说基本没有震动,超过80KM/H震动开始 但是到90KM/H或者100KM/H震动也没有15齿80KM/H时候大和16齿80KM/H的时候差不多~ 如果在平原地区,路况比较好,经常一个人骑,还经常跑长途,比原车加2个齿比较合适~因为一直保持80KM/H的速度而且震动很小,那是很爽的一件事哦~想要超车 或者急加速 可以先减低一档~ 如果是山区,那就不要改了,经常换档我觉得也很麻烦~ 如果你既要加速快又想震动小点那就换个比原车大一齿的小链轮吧~ 如果你想震动越小越好,那就比原车大2齿~ 《《单向棘轮》》 在双离合器的车上装一个滑行器,实现无阻力滑行,行驶中就不存在发动机牵制速度的问题。遇到城市道路中的复杂路况,慢行(驾驶感觉与电动车、自行车一样,加速,,,惯性滑行,,加速,,,),摩托is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 车的制动性能,大大由于电动车。处于复杂路况当中, 精力要保持高度集中,最高车速不要超过45KM。滑 行,,即驾考验个人的驾驶技术同时也增加驾驶乐 趣。胆小、轻浮或反应迟钝者,在城市道路中慎用~~ 滑行轮的行驶方式,复杂路段不要狂提车速,制动 要好。这个装置再公路上跑相当暇逸。大幅减低发动 机磨损(对延长曲轴和缸体寿命大有好处)。公路驾 驶,很省油。改装前,双离合车的百公里平均油耗1.8 ,,2.0L。改滑行轮之后的百公里油耗降为:1.2L. 依原车的驾驶感觉来盲目驾驶带滑行器的车辆(经 常忘记滑行功能),,,,很要命~原车与改装之后 的驾驶感觉截然不同。一定要认真操练体会,找到完 整的驾驶感觉,待娴熟之后,在正常驾驶。 装滑行轮的朋友,都来谈谈感觉。 此主题相关图片如下: 此主题相关图片如下: 此主题相关图片如下: 跨骑式节油轮特点: ?更 省 油:充分利用惯性滑行节油,熟练采用加速?滑行?加速?滑行这一 操作方式,间歇给油,可达45%以上的节油效果。 ?使用寿命长:发动机间歇性工作,整机温度低,机件磨擦小,减少拉缸事故,延长发动机使用寿命一倍。 ?自动离合、保护发动机:行车提速后,收小油门即为滑行状态,进退档位自如,无需抓离合器,操作简便。不管高档换低档还是低档换高档,齿轮之间结合自如。 ?乘坐舒适:瞬间离合,齿轮传动达到自然和谐,阻力小,提速快,乘坐平稳舒适。 ?安全性高:防止突然抱缸时发生危险,提高安全系数。 ?灵活轻便:车辆维护方便,无油时可像推自行车一样轻松自如。保持原有电起动、脚起动两用功能,不改变原机结构,互换性强,安装简便。 ?污 染 少:发动机经常处于怠速工作状态,减少废气排放,极具环保is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 性能。 我可不是做广告啊~有话直说,就这种个性~~与摩友们共同分享。乐在其中。别无它求~消遣而已~ 《《转》》 不需要很专业技术的摩托车省油N招 曾经营摩托车维修经常看到论坛中有一些省油的招式,只是没有基本的专业知识或机械常识,自己动手有些难哦~弄不好,还有可能弄巧成拙,本人就在这里介绍一些顺手即得的小招术: 请务必先仔细检查前后轮胎的气压,不要太瘪胎~ 本人曾见过一个人为了不至于在路上碰见熟人得捎带,他认为这样不划算,油嘛,,他每天都把气压弄成:哇~不好意思,你看坐两个人轮胎的气压太低,开起来都晃了,不安全.....其实他每天由于胎压不足造成的油耗加大比之偶尔带个人多得多~ 开骑式车的朋友,请注意一下,你的保护架上是否装有挡泥板不需要很专业技术的摩托车省油N招 本人是摩托车维修高级工,曾经营摩托车维修经常看到论坛中有一些省油的招式,只是没有基本的专业知识或机械常识,自己动手有些难哦~弄不好,还有可能弄巧成拙,本人就在这里介绍一些顺手即得的小招术: 请务必先仔细检查前后轮胎的气压,不要太瘪胎~ 本人曾见过一个人为了不至于在is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 路上碰见熟人得捎带,他认为这样不划算,油嘛,,他每天都把气压弄成:哇~不好意思,你看坐两个人轮胎的气压太低,开起来都晃了,不安全.....其实他每天由于胎压不足造成的油耗加大比之偶尔带个人多得多~ 开骑式车的朋友,请注意一下,你的保护架上是否装有挡泥板,有的话建议您拆除,挡泥板一方面增加车子行驶中的空气阻力增大油耗,同时不利于发动机的散热, 如有的朋友出于雨天挡泥水而在保护架上装挡泥板的,可以在前挡泥板下端加一块皮 在龙头车把上装有挡风板的朋友建议您拆除它,挡风沙可以带一副眼镜~目的也是为了减少风阻~ 开踏板车的朋友请检查一下后驱动轮与发动机体的空隙是否粘有很多泥块,在我们南方由于雨水多,经常有一些马大哈的朋友轮胎与机体的空隙都塞了很多泥块,轮胎橡胶都磨掉好多还不知情......光叫哇烂车子,越开越乏力,还是油老虎...... 喜欢开快车的朋友请注意一下:一般而言,100型车40~45km/h,125型车40~55km/h的时速是较省油的。但也要具体看:人多车杂的路段,开不了,这时勤换挡没错,不要快档慢开或低档长开,否则既耗油,还损车; 时速不要过快,以免由于经常踩刹车使得既耗油还费胎皮...... 上坡要及时换挡没错,不要等到车子慢许多下来才换is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 低档开,下坡可以低一档并握住离合器低油门 滑行,不要轻易用空档,注意行车安全~~~ 经常性地添加车子各处活动件的润滑油,这样既省机件还省油,何乐而不为呢~ 在大白天开车时不要把前大灯打开,要知道每一个能量输出都要有油耗能量弥补的~ 辛苦一下,把大脚立起来,在后轮悬空的前提下发动车子看是否有黑烟冒出,有的话请到修理店检查或请懂行的朋友检查检查 不要轻易动手以免弄巧成拙,油没省多少却多掏修理费那就不划算了,OK, 当然,还有很多省油的法子和技巧,,以上观点如有错误恳请各路高手指出,大家可以多交流经验。 省油,小处说是省自己个人的腰包,大处讲是为国家的石油储备作 ,有的话建议您拆除,挡泥板一方面增加车子行驶中的空气阻力增大油耗,同时不利于发动机的散热, 如有的朋友出于雨天挡泥水而在保护架上装挡泥板的,可以在前挡泥板下端加一块皮 在龙头车把上装有挡风板的朋友建议您拆除它,挡风沙可以带一副眼镜~目的也是为了减少风阻~ 开踏板车的朋友请检查一下后驱动轮与发动机体的空隙是否粘有很多泥块,在我们南方由于雨水多,经常有一些马大哈的朋友轮胎与机体的空隙都塞了很多泥块,轮胎橡胶都磨掉好多还不知情......光叫哇烂车子,越开越乏力,还is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 是油老虎...... 喜欢开快车的朋友请注意一下:一般而言,100型车40~45km/h,125型车40~55km/h的时速是较省油的。但也要具体看:人多车杂的路段,开不了,这时勤换挡没错,不要快档慢开或低档长开,否则既耗油,还损车; 时速不要过快,以免由于经常踩刹车使得既耗油还费胎皮...... 上坡要及时换挡没错,不要等到车子慢许多下来才换低档开,下坡可以低一档并握住离合器低油门 滑行,不要轻易用空档,注意行车安全~~~ 经常性地添加车子各处活动件的润滑油,这样既省机件还省油,何乐而不为呢~ 在大白天开车时不要把前大灯打开,要知道每一个能量输出都要有油耗能量弥补的~ 辛苦一下,把大脚立起来,在后轮悬空的前提下发动车子看是否有黑烟冒出,有的话请到修理店检查或请懂行的朋友检查检查 不要轻易动手以免弄巧成拙,油没省多少却多掏修理费那就不划算了,OK, 当然,还有很多省油的法子和技巧,,以上观点如有错误恳请各路高手指出,大家可以多交流经验。 省油,小处说是省自己个人的腰包,大处讲是为国家的石油储备作 我骑的也是JS125-F,目前已经行驶了5400公里,油耗不高,综合道路油耗在1.8,,2L之间。 注意道路状况,在繁华的城市道路油耗较高,公里驾驶油耗is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 就低的多。还要注意自己的驾驶方法。 冬季或新车800KM之内油耗就较高。 原车加装的时建设专用润滑油,是重庆本地产的SF级润滑油。500KM更换SL级优质机油,发动机噪音和震动利马减轻不少。油耗也降低了。 行驶至今该车的故障虑几乎为零 ,只更换过前大灯(远光灯丝震断了),在1500KM时自己动手清洗了一次机油虑网;电瓶充电3次;平时使用长城半合成机油(1500KM自己更换)。l链条调整一次,润滑两次。往排气管加注机油(防锈处理)一次~~~ 该车的一、二级传动比同F8的一样,而搭载的却是YBR125的排量(54/54mm),该发动机是F8变速箱体与YBR125的优化整合。优化之后,扭矩提高。这样显得1、2、3档的动力有点过,特别时1、2档之间,感觉一档简直多余,应该有个1.5档才对。 针对四档提速到55公里/小时(5000转),发动机会产生震颤,大于65公里则又会变小的现象,我打算将前链轮更换成16齿或17齿的,这时的共振区估计会延后至60,,65KM(5000转),虽然扭矩会有损失,但如果驾驶得当,经济车速会提升,综合油耗也会降低。有力就有弊,提速时间肯定会变长。复杂道理的通过性会降低一些,但公路的驾驶的经济性则会提高。 将15齿链轮更换成17齿,等于提高is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 了档位等级,经济车速大幅提升,此刻的公里驾驶感觉一定很爽,公路长途驾驶,还能降耗节油。 待我改造之后,再谈感受。骑车还是玩车,是完善还是破坏,就象小孩拆玩具一样,反正闲不住~管他呢~~玩~生活的意义就在于折腾~~ 此主题相关图片如下: 多交流~好运~ 此主题相关图片如下: 此主题相关图片如下: 《《《双离器弯梁改装滑行小链轮的驾驶感觉非常好》》 通过实践,双离合器弯梁车改滑行轮后的驾驶感很爽~很棒~。近似电动车的驾驶感觉。摩托速度虽高,但制动也更好。 起步,,,加速,,,提档,,,滑行,,,减档,,,制动,,,,驾驶过程比原来(双离合器发动机)平稳、灵活。 加速,,,滑行,,,加速,,滑行,,,,即平稳省油,降低发动机磨损,延长发动机寿命~ 特别值得一提的是,使用滑行轮之后,在行驶中你可以在任何速度时段随意减档,而不会发生原来的发动机拖滞的不适感。 我经过反复试骑测试之后,表明,当速度达到60公里/小时,突然收油滑行,此刻实施紧急制动(前后is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to 同时双刹),在很短得距离内就能停稳(车身不发抖)。在速度60公里/小时内,制动是非常灵敏。 高速收油后的无阻力惯性滑行也并非从前想象的那样放肆~改装滑行轮后,我的驾驶体会是,平稳、节能、降耗和情趣,而并非某些固执迂腐分子的纸上谈兵,甚至谈虎色变。只有亲历实践的人才有真正的发言权。 无论是原装性能还是改装滑行,都得提高行车得安全意识。高速行进中,始终保持合理车距,精力高度集中,保持良好得知觉和预感。常在河边走,永远都要给自己留条回旋余地,此乃真君子。。摩托驾驶看似简单,其实比汽车驾驶更需要技术和经验,永远修炼自己提高境界~ 起步,,,加速,,,提档,,,滑行,,,减档,,,制动,,,,驾驶过程比原来(双离合器发动机)平稳、灵活。 此主题相关图片如下: is an effective shortcut to scientific and technological innovation. To active exploration "research" joint innovation of path, through joint development, and technology cooperation, variety form, will University Hospital by of hi-tech results in I County for into, formed reality productivity; to relies on technology cooperation led economic structure upgrade, around I County industry layout, active docking University, and research hospital by, hi-tech research results, with external think tank, speed up transformation upgrade chemical, and mechanical, traditional industry, speed up life paper, and food, and textile, and mechanical tool, new products development, and technology development, and New process innovation, promoted related industry by single products to diversified extends, by General products to high-end products extends, promoted industry expanded capacity, and upgrade grade, nine Xin day of in cosmetics industry has near ten years of accumulation, and Nanjing Institute cooperation for industry upgrade, both joint development of "Chinese God SOAP", take "micro-business" mode for letter sale, products innovation and sales mode innovation are brings has good of benefits; to
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