

2017-10-20 35页 doc 90KB 4阅读




长高个头的方法长高个头的方法 目 录 一、公司介绍............................................................................................................ 1 (一)公司组织..................................................................................................... 1 (二)业务范围..................
长高个头的方法 目 录 一、公司介绍............................................................................................................ 1 (一)公司组织..................................................................................................... 1 (二)业务范围..................................................................................................... 2 (三)公司目标..................................................................................................... 2 (四)公司定位..................................................................................................... 2 (五)公司文化..................................................................................................... 2 二、市场分析............................................................................................................ 2 (一)消费潜力分析............................................................................................. 2 (二)竞争性分析................................................................................................. 3 三、产品分析............................................................................................................ 4 (一)服务项目..................................................................................................... 4 (二)服务特点..................................................................................................... 6 四、SWOT分析....................................................................................................... 6 (一)S、W、O、T分析 .................................................................................... 6 (二)SWOT组合分析 ........................................................................................ 7 五、市场营销 ......................................................................................... 8 (一)校园营销策划背景..................................................................................... 8 (二)校园营销策划方案..................................................................................... 9 六、财务预算...........................................................................................................11 七、效益分析.......................................................................................................... 12 附录 ............................................................................................................................ 12 附录一:调查问卷............................................................................................... 12 附录二:小组人员工作量统计表....................................................................... 14 End of 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the so-called "poor" are associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, 历米校园文化传媒公司 第1页 曾几何时,大学校园一直被认为是远离市场喧嚣的象牙塔;然而如今却因为拥有了各种形式的广告,变得热闹非凡起来,甚至在某种程度上也迷漫着浓厚的商业气息。走进大学校园,稍留心者便会发现:招聘广告林立,商品广告四起,促销活动纷涌,赞助广告此起彼伏„„时下,大学的校园广告正是蓬勃兴起的阶段。趁这时机我们策划成立了【历米校园文化传媒公司】,针对校园广告策划,因为我们从大学里走出、做过学生工作,我们能更好的把校园的广告做的更好。我们依托学校和后勤的帮助,有自己的工作室作为办公地点,资金来自每个人的股份和后勤集团资金注入,共有8个人组成。公司成立的基础是我们总结学校各 个学生会以及各协会给我们的社会和校园的经验,一步一步走到成熟。 【历米校园文化传媒公司】的前身为2006年11月在后勤集团成立发展起来的“历米工作室”,是承德首家、也是承德唯一一家专门针对校园推广的经验最丰富的专业校园传媒公司。公司致力于校园营销、校园传播以及校园文化发展事业。公司拥有丰富的校园人力资源,其中百分之八十的成员由在校大学生组成,他们不仅拥有丰厚的专业知识和校园实战经验,更拥有真诚与负责的态度。他们勇于挑战高峰,他们执著追求卓越,他们群策群力,精益求精,努力把“历米”打造成为承德高校第一传媒、校园推广专家。另外我公司拥有丰富的媒体资源,公司与承德各高校的学生会、社团、协会有着良好的合作关系,校园媒体覆盖学生宿舍、公告栏、食堂电视媒体、校园广播电台、校园刊物等,形成了遍及承德市各大高校的营销推广网络和信息收集渠道。公司将依托这些资源,通过有效的传播方式,为客户提供全方位的优秀校园整合营销服务。 为了让【历米校园文化传媒公司】更好的进入市场和有效运营,我们特此做了市场调查活动,并对公司运营及发展做了相应的专业策划。 一、公司介绍 (一)公司组织 1. 策划智力支持——优秀在校专业大学生,作为我们的战略合作伙伴,能为我们提供专业的专家策划服务。 2. 校园推广机构——各大的校园传播机构,是公司的友好合作伙伴。是我们整合了高校媒体资源、人力资源、渠道资源,以校园广告、校园媒体整合、校园行销、校园人力开发为一体,致力成为服务高校、学生、商家的校园文化传播组织。 r furton, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poo. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identificaticalled "poor" are associates, friends and family-tely enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sough accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurathro ivities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People,... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" act End of 2015 I County file made poor1to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, ing, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflectedlearnf income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources o poor,is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the her and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, there 3. 大学经典传媒——《校园校园快报》,是公司精心打造的校园强势媒体,《校园快报》面向承德大学城高校免费发行(定向直投到每个学生宿舍),发行量大,直投到达率达98%以上,直接的全面的覆盖承德大学城的大学生消费人群,是连接商家和学校的信息平台。 没有人比【历米】更了解大学生~ (二)业务范围 业务范围包括校园市场整合、开发;校园活动策划、执行;校园广告制作、发布;大学生素质拓展训练和职业培训等。 (三)公司目标 作为大学生群体这一细分市场的品牌行销的创建者,我公司力求成为集校园行销与公关、校园媒体购买、校园媒体运营、校园市场研究、校园数据库行销于一体的校园文化传播集团。 (四)公司定位 以校园市场为依托了解青年学生的消费心理,在校园市场上创造辉煌。 (五)公司文化 我们秉承“专业,专注,专职”的工作原则,在提供校园营销服务同时,帮助复杂多变校园下的每一个企业提升执行能力,有效的实施目标企业理念知名度的校园推广,保持并建立历米传媒的核心竞争力,促进历米传媒长期稳定和持续的发展。 公司使命:为中国广大实力企业打开校园市场,作客户最可信赖的校园营销,策划,执行公司。 公司理念:平等,尊重,信任,合作 分享,承担,探索,超越 二、市场分析 (一)消费潜力分析 大学生消费市场在市场规模上、购买力等方面对适销对路的产品有着极大的吸引力,同时大学生在消费方面也表现着很好的品牌认知度、品牌传播力和品牌忠诚度。大学生消费的这些特点是其他市场所不能及的,表现在: 1. 大学生消费项目日趋多元化。21世纪是物质生活和精神生活丰富多彩的时代,这个时代的大学生们已经不再满足于宿舍、教师、图书馆这三点一线的单 villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, poor sing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether inidentification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the mis reciseortance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the pe associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the impcalled "poor" ar-eople. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sopoor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million pible ate card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligof 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing st End2nding, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not atte e toaccess to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, du 历米校园文化传媒公司策划书 第3页 调生活。大学生的消费项目多种多样。服装、饰品、化妆品、电脑及其相关产品、数码产品、报纸、杂志、书籍、音像制品等都是大学生消费的对象。其中手机、电脑、影音器材、化妆品是大学生的消费热点。一份对河北省部分高校学生消费情况进行的问卷调查表明:在校大学生,年平均消费每人要在6300元左右。大学生作为一类独特的消费群体本身,其个体和总体消费能力都是极为可观的。特别是在日用消费品、文化消费品以及教育消费等方面更是主力消费群。 2. 校园消费环境存在特殊性。由于规律而紧张的学习生活,使得很多在校大学生都希望能在校园内满足自身的消费需求,以提高生活和学习的质量和效率。在这种情况下就形成了较为特殊的校园消费环境。根据对一些在校人员的提问调查,发现70%以上的人认为如果在校园内能有消费项目的话,则一般不愿意出校消费,即使一些校园的服务项目可能在价格和品质上与校外存在一定的差别,但是方便实惠成为最大的吸引力。 3. 大学生常常领导时尚潮流。随着改革开放的不断深入,信息传播的不断发展,大学生除了掌握着最新的科技文化知识以外,他们也感受着来自校内外的时尚气息。而大学生强烈的好奇心理,对新兴事物的渴望和积极态度,以及相对充裕的时间和较好的条件让他们始终掌握着最时尚最流行的信息,代表着最时尚的形象。他们常常能领导起一种时尚潮流,引领新的流行趋势。因此很多产品,只要能在校园内打开市场,树立形象,便能很快为青年市场打开良好的基础。就现阶段而言,大学生在家庭以及亲友中,一般拥有较高的发言权,其购买行为自主性强,购买观念通常会影响到周围亲友。赢得大学生的认可在一定程度上也就赢得了社会潮流的认可。而且,大学生对其大学期间认可的品牌忠诚度极高,随着他们每年以几十万的数量走向社会,即将成为社会的主导消费人群和财富集中人群。赢得大学生的认可也将为赢得未来市场打下良好的基础。 (二)竞争性分析 校园市场存在已久,但是正规的广告公司由于不熟悉校园市场,很难切中学生群体的消费要点。而传媒公司通常会以针对学生群体的杂志或者报刊介入这个市场,可是凭此很难在学生中替企业做有效的宣传。事实上国内以校园为目标市场的传播公司大都是以学生为主要管理层,虽然在经验和能力上有所欠缺,但是凭借着身处校园这个得天独厚的优势,在校园营销领域,并不会逊于正规的广告公司。专业校园传媒公司的出现是最近两年的事情,这也是企业加大校园市场投入催生出来的结果。目前没有一家公司能够占据领导地位,全部都限于当地的业 on, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poo. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identificaticalled "poor" are associates, friends and family-tely enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sough accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurathro ivities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People,... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" act End of 2015 I County file made poor3to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, ing, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflectedlearnf income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources o poor,is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the her and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, therer furt 务开展,校园营销领域正处在“圈地运动”时期,有着巨大的发展空间。在河北省这样一个高校众多,在校大学生超过80多万的市场中,目前还没有一家服务于校园的传播公司,这就为我们创造了得天独厚的优势。我们【历米校园文化传媒公司】将植根承德高校这一市场,凭借良好的市场环境,依托广告专业优势,集合信息管理、电子商务、经济管理、法律等专业优秀人才,致力于打造河北乃至华北地区企业与高校的交流平台。 知己知彼,百战百胜。通过市场调查,我们了解到,目前市场上大多数的宣传手段仍是一些传统的宣传方式,不仅方式过于老式,而且效果往往也不尽人意,不能够紧密的贴切学生的生活,起不到大的宣传效应,不能为广大学生所深入接受。其原因主要有以下几点: 1. 宣传力度不够大,导致大家对各个传媒没有深入的了解; 2. 缺乏自身的特色与个性,相同形式的传媒之间没有鲜明的个性差别,十分雷同; 3. 时效性比较差; 4. 不足以吸引大家的注意力,没有得到广泛的关注; 5. 涉及面很窄,通常只报道正面新闻,不能够“想民所想,议民所议”; 6. 现代传媒有“孤芳自赏”的味道,缺少与广大学生的互动。 相比竞争对手而言,我们植根于学校,来自于学生,更了解大学生的兴趣与需求,我们将采用多种媒体进行交叉式宣传。或者说,我们具有竞争优势,因为我们更加了解我们的面向对象——广大学生,能够对其进行量身定做式宣传,这样进入市场的速度快,形成了名牌产品效应和低生产成本的态势等。 三、产品分析 【历米校园文化传媒公司】以倡导和实践校园文化灵魂为理念,凭借对高校组织体系、运营架构、独具特色的校园人文理念等深层次的认知,并依托承德大学城多所高校市场联动营销网络平台的优势,将企业的品牌、文化、产品与校园文化活动进行完美结合,为企业提供专业的市场培育、品牌传输及促进产品销售的品牌推广营销服务。帮助企业在高校进行品牌及产品的地面行销推广及公关服务。 (一)服务项目 1. 校园产品、活动推广。具体包括: 1)企业品牌、活动推广,运用传单、条幅、校园电视广告、校园海报、校报 villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, poor sing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether inidentification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the mis reciseortance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the pe associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the impcalled "poor" ar-eople. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sopoor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million pible ate card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligof 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing st End4nding, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not atte e toaccess to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, du 历米校园文化传媒公司策划书 第5页 等形式进行推广,例如在学校食堂各楼层安装彩色电视机播放广告,公众参观处粘贴海报,挂条幅或出宣传板等。 2)企业产品、活动展示,在节假日、定期、或按客户需求举办企业产品和服 务展示活动,为商家做宣传。 3)企业名人巡讲,不定期邀请社会人士来我校为学生作讲座,建立学生与社 会沟通的平台。同时也为企业做宣传,使同学们更加了解社会,从而对未来顺利就业与成功发展奠定基础。 2. 校园媒体传播服务。具体包括: 1)校园媒体渠道覆盖校园广播、电视台、校园网络、广告、校园刊物、校园 宣传栏、展位等 2)历米俱乐部网站,在历米传媒的网络平台上设立游戏联盟、大学城俱乐部 等网络俱乐部,吸引网络访问,以提高历米传媒网络访问量,提升历米网络在大学生中的影响力。 3)校园直投刊物《校园快报》,定期发送到各大高校的每个宿舍;我们还将新 创办一份周报《历米周报》,刊登相关商品信息和娱乐信息等,为合作商家做宣传,同时强化历米传媒的传播能力。 4)网络电子杂志,在历米网络平台上提供电子书籍的在线阅读与下载。 3. 校园人力服务。具体包括: 1)高校关系公关与维护,定期举行多所高校的联谊活动,促进各高校之间的合作与交流,并提供相关支持,在活动中增进历米传媒与各校的合作关系,提升历米传媒的影响力和关系网 2)校园人才推介与招聘,历米传媒积极与人才市场以及合作企业、商家 ,为企业推荐和培养人才,为大学生提供就业咨询和培训。成为承德大学城的“第一就业中心”。 4. 校园活动策划服务。具体包括: 1)校园市场调查与分析,为企业提供校园消费市场调查策划与实施的全程服 务,同时组织在校学生为校外企业、商家做市场调查和相关服务。 2)校园文体娱乐活动策划与执行,定期在各校举行娱乐活动,例如文艺晚会、 舞会、联谊会等,并按实际需求策划、举办专题性的大型活动,为企业做宣传,扩大历米传媒的影响力和活动策划水平 to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, ing, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflectedlearnf income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources o poor,is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the her and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, therer furton, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poo. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identificaticalled "poor" are associates, friends and family-tely enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sough accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurathro ivities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People,... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" act End of 2015 I County file made poor5 3)校园讲座策划与组织,为大学生提供展示自身魅力和智慧的舞台,也是向大学生传播先进思想的平台。我们定期举办类似的活动,免费向大学生开放,在活动场地上做相关的产品、服务宣传。 4)园旅游活动,通过与旅游景点以及旅行社协商、合作,组织学生团体旅 游和户外活动,扩大历米传媒在社会和学生中的影响力 5)校园公益活动 5. 校园个性方案服务。致力于打造企业和校园的完全沟通平台,根据客户需求及市场调查分析及区域划分,为客户提供个性的校园渠道服务方案。 (二)服务特点 与竞争者相比,我们公司提供地产品服务具有鲜明的特色,主要表现在以下几个方面:专业的技术人才,使提供的产品服务技术含量高;立足于大学校园的 使提供的产品质文化氛围,使提供的产品文化品位高;个性化的全程跟踪服务,量搞。其中全程服务是我们公司的一个最突出的特色服务。由于分散的时间、较远的距离和学生个性化需求等诸多原因,使得外部地社会竞争者根本无力提供这种服务。他们能提供的只能是批量的大众化的服务台,而我们公司有能力来提供这种。这一特色是我们的竞争者所无法比拟的。高技术,高品位,个性化是我们产品策略的核心。 四、SWOT分析 (一)S、W、O、T分析 对于公司的竞争分析,我们采用SWOT分析方法。综合分析企业的外部环境和内部条件,从而寻找两者最佳可行的战略组合。 1. 长处(S)。表现为: 1)技术领先。我们有专业的校园传媒设计人员和执行人员以及成熟的传媒经验。 2)文化品位高。公司来源于大学生,产品和服务该更贴近于大学生的文化需求。 3)心理距离优势。公司位于承德大学城石油学校内,成员来自于大学生,具有策划和举办学生活动的丰富经验,与各高校的学生组织有良好的合作关系。 2. 弱点(W)。表现为: 1)经验不足,公司作为河北地区校园传媒的领先者和大学生细分市场的开拓者,没有先例可循,完全依靠自身力量在摸索中慢慢的前进与发展。 nding, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not atte e toaccess to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, du villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, poor sing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether inidentification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the mis reciseortance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the pe associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the impcalled "poor" ar-eople. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sopoor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million pible ate card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligof 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing st End6 历米校园文化传媒公司策划书 第7页 2)初期资金短缺。公司初期市场投入较大,而且部分传媒方式是免费向大学生提供(例如《校园快报》就是免费发放到各宿舍),同时我们在各高校食堂和休闲场所安装液晶电视以播放针对大学生的广告,并策划建立大学生交流网站,这些都需要大笔资金的投入。 3)设备不足。作为专业的校园传媒公司,我们为商家和大学生提供专业的策划和服务。其中有很多室内和户外的大型活动需要专业级的音响、灯光、舞台、道具等设备,安装液晶电视也需要视频转接、发射、接收等专业的设备,目前我们缺乏这样的专业设备,承德本地也没有现成的相关产品和服务。 3. 机会(O)。表现在: 1)庞大的不断更新的校园市场,承德各高校不断扩招,以及大学城建设所带来的人流都为公司带来了更为广阔和不断发展的校园市场。 2)校园大学生需求,社会消费水平和经济的提高,直接影响大学生的经济条件提高,他们的需求也随着有了大幅度的提高,只要我们抓住商机,抢先进入市场并满足大学生的需求,我们就可以控制承德大学生市场。 3)校外市场广阔 ,大学城的不断建设吸引了大量的人流和商户,为公司的发展提供了越来越广阔的发展市场。 4. 威胁(T)。表现在: 1)社会上的竞争者。承德本地的广告公司和宣传团队。 2)校园的潜在竞争者。即我们公司进入市场后,随后跟进的和我们一样的公司,相对于我们,他们不占有任何优势。 (二)SWOT组合分析 1. 弱点-威胁组合(W,T)。公司的劣势来自于面对外部环境的威胁,这个状态对我们来说是极其不利的,我们应该尽量避免处于这种状态,只有通过奋斗来克服困难,减少处于这种状态的时间,这是一段艰难的时期,是对于我们公司的考验的磨练,我们公司全体上下团结一致,通过努力地奋斗,尽快地克服弱点,应对威胁的挑战,创业的艰难也应该在于此处吧。我们采取的具体措施有: 1)经验的不足主要是缺乏公司的管理经验和业务经营经验,可以通过聘请社会上有经验的人或学校知名教授、学者作为公司的顾问来帮我们度过这一时期。 2)资金的短缺可通过吸引风险投资来解决。 f income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources o poor,is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the her and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, therer furton, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poo. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identificaticalled "poor" are associates, friends and family-tely enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sough accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurathro ivities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People,... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" act End of 2015 I County file made poor7to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, ing, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflectedlearn 3)对于经常用到的设备可通过吸引的风险投资来购买,对于较少用到的昂贵的设备可通过设备的租赁和业务外包来解决。 2. 弱点-机会组合(W,O)。市场机会往往是稍纵即逝。捷足先登,我们应该采取积极的措施弥补企业的弱点,以最大限度地利用外部环境中的机会。如果动作稍有迟缓,将很有可能将机会让给竞争对手,具体的措施与WT组合中弥补措施一致。 3. 长处-威胁组合(S,T)。这种情况下,公司应该利用自身的长处,依靠自身的实力来正面地回击外部环境中的威胁。相对于社会上的竞争者,我们具有技术领先优势和较高的文化品位,并且由于都是同龄人,对学生的实际需求非常了解,具有得天独厚的心理距离优势。我们将不断地巩固和提高我们的优势。并且慎重而有限度地利用我们的优势,以便在后来的价格竞争和市场占有率的争夺上发挥作用。 4. 长处-机会组合(S,O)。这是一个理想的组合,我们应该做的是凭借公司的优势和资本(知识资本),最大限度地抓住这个发展机会,发展市场,培育效益增长点,最大限度地获取利润。我们在以后的发展中应极力扩大该组合在四个组合中的份量,这是公司的发展所在。 五、市场营销策划方案 (一)校园营销策划背景 大学的校园市场主要是由目前的在校大学生构成,它是相对于一般的社会消费市场而言的。在这里,企业所面对的消费者、消费者的购买力及消费者的购买欲望均与一般的社会市场有所区别。因而,校园市场也就具备了其独特的特点: 1. 封闭性。在校大学生与电视媒体接触不多,信息多来源于广播和互联网,信息的普及和传播主要是靠同学间的口耳相传,形成了一个较为封闭但却活跃的消费市场圈,产品的接受度和知名度主要依赖于其在高校市场内,也就是学生消费圈内的口碑,是利用关系营销手法的重要市场。 2. 容量大。资料显示,随着我国高等教育近年来的连续扩招,规模不断壮大,截至2005年,我国高等教育在校生的人数将超过1600万,如果大学生年平均消费每人5000元,年消费将高达800多亿,对商家和企业来说,也就意味着一个巨大的,高素质的新型消费市场的形成,也将占据未来整个消费市场不可忽视的一大份额。 3. 开发成本低。目前,企业在校园的经营并非相当激烈,一个企业要进入 nding, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not atte e toaccess to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, du villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, poor sing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether inidentification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the mis reciseortance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the pe associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the impcalled "poor" ar-eople. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sopoor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million pible ate card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligof 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing st End8 历米校园文化传媒公司策划书 第9页 校园市场比其在一般市场上抢占份额要容易得多,成本也低得多。 4. 集中性。校园市场消费集中,企业能够通过各种活动进行有效的宣传,这样花费的成本相对较低些。而且,有效的信息传达也比校园外市场上更迅速直接 5. 延续性。校园市场是有未来导向性的,具有连续性。企业占领这个市场不仅会带来短期的商品效益,而且,当代大学生一代拥有知识资本,以脑力劳动为主,崇尚品质生活,具有鲜明的品牌意识,是形成中国新生中产阶级和引领青年一族消费潮流的重要支柱,必将成为未来社会中消费的主导力量。 6. 文化的独特性。高等学校的文化既是校园文化的,又是社会文化的一部分,具有大众化和独特性综合的特点。新生代的高校学生热衷于各种时尚、潮流的“文化娱乐”方式,以此作为彰显自身个性的方式,这些都预示着高校市场文化消费的巨大潜力。高校文化在普及的过程中,也将引发新一轮的文化消费的热潮,而网络的迅速发展,使得校园文化加速传播与扩展,这种趋势将会打破以往校园文化仅作为社会文化的亚文化存在的现象,并将全国各个高校的校园文化连成一个统一,互动,活跃的整体,使得文化消费成为不可忽视的一个消费热点。 (二)校园营销策划方案 根据不同的目的我们可以划分企业校园营销活动为两种模式、两个步骤。 1.以促进企业商品在校园里的现场销售为目的。这种营销活动主要是影响企业的现实消费者。这是公司成立初期的主要模式,其形式主要有以下几种: 1)学校相关部门合作,承接学校针对学生的一些业务。 2)过校方来推广一系列服务。如银行业,很多大学生刚一入校就能拿到统 一发放的银行卡。此外,历米传媒可以向新生介绍推广速汇通、网上银行、电话银行等业务。 3)通过与校方勤工助学中心合作。如招聘部分学生在校园内代售客户产品 为他们提供勤工助学的机会。在这样一种方式下,该历米传媒由于前期的招聘,扩大了其在校园里的知名度,而且可以获得在校园里做促销的机会。 4)通过与院系教师合作。如指定或推荐某门课程的教材、辅导资料或参考 书目为某某出版社出版的或者某位作者的著作,同时辅以折扣优惠,从而促进书籍的销售。 5)构建校内食堂,商店销售终端。 6)让客户企业销售人员直接面对学生。三元、光明乳业就有专门的销售人 is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the her and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, therer furton, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poo. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identificaticalled "poor" are associates, friends and family-tely enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sough accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurathro ivities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People,... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" act End of 2015 I County file made poor9to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, ing, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflectedlearnf income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources o poor, 员直接负责学生订购,并采取统一配送等方式。 7)历米传媒协助寻找校园代理人,代理客户的产品和服务等。 2. 以提升形象,扩大知名度为目的。这种营销活动既可以影响企业的现实消费者,也可以影响企业的未来消费者,适于公司的进一步发展。其形式主要有以下几种: 1)校内设立奖、教、助学金来加强历米传媒形象传播。这种方式对进入校 园市场和扩大校园市场影响来说是一种很好的方式,因为它的影响深刻,给教师学生都能带来荣誉感,易于形成好的口碑传播。目前,这种方式已经被很多企业运用。像中国移动公司在我们学校设立的中国移动专项奖学金等。 2)一定的实习培训机会。在校内选拔符合相关的同学到对应的校外合作企 业进行一定时间的实习或培训,举行选拔活动,让学生进入到企业中,更深入地了解企业及产品和运作过程,从而使得历米传媒的声誉在同学间广泛传播,同时也树立起该企业关注大学生素质和能力提高的形象,大大拉近企业与大学生之间的距离和提高历米传媒的影响力和口碑,而且这种活动所花费的成本较低,效果很好。 3)为学生活动提供赞助。提供赞助的主要出发点是提升自身的品牌形象、 增强品牌美誉度和知名度,培养学生对历米传媒品牌的好感、促进潜在消费群的感情亲近,同时也是培养忠实的历米传媒跟随者、甚至直接刺激大学生对历米传媒代理产品和服务的购买行为行为。动感地带不失为一个成功的例子,现在,提到“动感地带”这一品牌,人们会自然地把它和“麦当劳”、“周杰伦”、“街舞”等年轻人的时尚新鲜事物联想到一起。而2005“动感地带”在中国人民大学赞助举办的“首都高校街舞大赛”,更是将动感地带“年轻”,“活力”,“动感”,“自由”等这些最时尚、最新潮元素展示无疑,迎合了学生的消费口味,同时也使动感地带打上了 “最酷、最炫、最动感”时尚符号的烙印。 4)办学校的大型活动。一般说来,大学每年都要举办一些有影响力的学术 会议或者传统的文娱节目。这种大型活动的特点就是普及面广,影响力大,参与人数多,是历米传媒迅速扩大知名度,提升自身形象和为客户做宣传的好机会。 5)举办专题活动。历米传媒将积极和校内学生组织合作,举办一些以传播 其历米传媒形象或促销活动为目的的活动,有利于历米传媒集中地进行营销传播。 6)为学校或学生的科研项目提供支持。例如联通公司对石油学校一些参加 villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, poor sing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether inidentification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the mis reciseortance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the pe associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the impcalled "poor" ar-eople. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sopoor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million pible ate card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligof 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing st End10nding, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not atte e toaccess to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, du 历米校园文化传媒公司策划书 第11页 创业大赛的团队的支持等。可以引起同学的好感和关注。 7)到校园里开展一些现场录制节目。这种活动对学生来说具有很大的吸引 力,尤其是露天拍摄时,不仅同学们积极报名参加,而且还会引来成群的围观者,对历米传媒可以产生很好的宣传效果。 8)争取在校园内的冠名权。这是指对学校建筑物或院系的冠名权。这对企 业来说是持久、深刻、最富积极意义的品牌传播手段,也是在学生心目中树立优秀企业形象的最佳方式之一。当然这种方式成本很高,我们会将这种方式推荐给商家。 六、财务预算 (一)公司财务状况 1. 注册资本。“历米校园文化传媒公司”注册资本为30万元。 2. 固定资产 1) 创建初期,公司的工作场地采用租赁的方式租入,每年付租金3.5万元。 2)司成立初期,为节省成本,只购买基本设备(如电脑和视频设备等)。对于大型设备和不常用设备(如户外活动用具、舞台、大型户外音响设备等)采取租赁的形式获得。 (二)初期财务预算 1. 设备预算 1)场地租赁:35,000元 2)电脑11台:60,000元 3)视频控制设备:12,000元 4)31寸彩色电视40台(含安装费):65,000元 5)其他数码设备:20,000元 )常办公用品:8,000元 6 设备总预算:200,000元 2(工资预算 1)编辑制做人员工资:1,200元/人/月,2名,总计:2,400元/月 2)设备维护人员:1元/人/月,1名,总计:1,000元/年 3)业务员工资: 800元/人/月,3名,总计:2,400元/年 4)活动策划人员:900元/人/月,2名,总计:1,800元/年 5)其他临时人员:500元/人/月,5名,总计:2,500元/年 poor,is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the her and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, therer furton, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poo. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identificaticalled "poor" are associates, friends and family-tely enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sough accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurathro ivities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People,... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" act End of 2015 I County file made poor11to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, ing, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflectedlearnf income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources o 工资预算合计:10,100元/年 七、效益分析 年份 2007年 2008年 2009年 预计销售额: 1,050,000 1,650,000 2,100,000 主营业务成本: 195,000 235,000 260,000 营业税金及附加: 150,000 270,000 320,000 管理费用: 100,000 140,000 18,000 营业费用: 80,000 120,000 160,000 财务费用: 50,000 80,000 100,000 利润总额: 475,000 805,000 1,242,000 所得税: 156,750 265,650 409,860 净利润: 318,250 539,350 83,2140 根据财务预算,我们公司在第一年内预测销售额1,050,000元,总支出 成本800,000元,赢利318,250元。预计投资回收期为10个月。 作为传媒公司,本公司的销售毛利率,销售净利率远远高于一般企业水 平,公司的毛利是逐年增加的,公司的盈利能力是逐年增强的,公司的毛利 也是相当高的。通过分析可以看出,企业在经营过程中偿债能力逐步增强, 企业经营形势稳固。 附录 附录一:调查问卷 调 查 问 卷 【校园传媒】,是大学生群体——这一细分市场的品牌行销的创建者,是集校园行销与公关、校园媒体购买、校园媒体运营、校园市场研究、校园数据库行销于一体的校园文化传播集团。 以倡导和实践校园文化灵魂的理念,凭借对高校组织体系、运营架构、独具特色的校园人文理念等深层次的认知,并依托承德大学城多所高校市场联动营销网络平台的优势,将企业的品牌、文化、产品与校园文化活动进行完美结合,为企业提供专业的市场培育、品牌传输及促进产品销售的品牌推广营销服务。 帮助企业在全国高校进行品牌及产品的地面行销推广及公关服务 具体业务: 12nding, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not atte e toaccess to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, du villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, poor sing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether inidentification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the mis reciseortance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the pe associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the impcalled "poor" ar-eople. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sopoor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million pible ate card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligof 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing st End 历米校园文化传媒公司策划书 第13页 1.针对企业校园活动主题提供高校媒介计划、组织与实施方案 2.为有意和正在开拓市场的企业提供校园营销完全解决方案 3.针对企业的总体市场目标进行市场整体策略的计划、组织、执行与效果 监控服务 4.为企业与院校之间建立公共关系提供支持 为了让【校园传媒】更好的进入市场和有效运营,我们特此做一次市场调查活动,希望能让您对【校园传媒】有初步的认识和了解,为日后的合作奠定良好的基础。对支持和协助调查的商户,我们将在日后的合作中提供更优厚的条件: 1(贵公司(商铺)最大的消费群体是: A.职业人士 B.学生 C.游客 D.不好说 2(在贵公司(商铺)的销售总量中,大学生消费量所占的比重是: A.15% B.15~25% C.25~40% D.40%以上 3(贵公司(商铺)多长时间为自己的产品和服务做一次宣传: A.每月一次 B.每季度一次 C.每年一次 D.很少 E.不定期 4(常用的宣传方式(可多选): A.传单 B.报纸 C.电视 D.网络 5(每年的广告经费: A.1500-2500 B.2500-3500 C.3500-4500 D.4500以上 6(您每投资一次广告宣传所能取得的收益是: A.没有明显效果 B.1-3倍 C.3倍以上 D.说不准 7(贵公司(商铺)是否愿意针对大学生这一群体进行宣传活动: A.愿意,但没有合适的途径 B.愿意,做过了,却没有效果 C.愿意,但投资太大 D.不愿意 8(您认为面向大学城的所有大学生做一次全面宣传需要投入多少资金: A(1500 B. 2500 C.3000 D.说不准 9(您认为面向大学生做宣传最好的方式是(可多选): A.在大学生喜欢的媒体上做宣传 B.传单,或直接行销活动 C.赞助学校的活动(如文艺晚会等) D.不确定 10(如果“校园传媒”能为您提供面向大学城所有学校的全年多方位宣传及行销策划服务,您会投入多少资金来为您的公司(商铺)做宣传: (按全学期算) her and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the missing, there is no return, therer furton, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the precise identification of the poo. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the importance of accurate identificaticalled "poor" are associates, friends and family-tely enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sough accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million people. This original work accurathro ivities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligible poor people ... ... People,... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing state card poor "looking back" act End of 2015 I County file made poor13to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls, ing, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not attending, are faithfully reflectedlearnf income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, due to objective factors such as to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, access to employment, sources o poor,is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether in poor villages, the poor or the 附录二:小组人员工作量统计表 全组成员 工作内容 1(写市场调查计划,搜集原始资料。 2(参与调查问卷的设计,打印问卷,实施市场问卷调查。 曹 明 明 3(统计部分问卷,统计调查问卷数据,写市场调查。 (组长) 4(写策划书的公司介绍、环境分析及市场定位。 5(综合整理策划书内容。 1( 与写市场调查计划,搜集原始资料。 2( 调查问卷的设计,实施市场问卷调查,统计部分问卷,参与写市场调 查报告。 王 雪 3( 写策划书的具体营销战略。 4(参与整理策划书。 1( 参与写市场调查计划,搜集原始资料。 2( 参与调查问卷的设计,实施市场问卷调查,统计部分问卷,参与写市姚 小 青 场调查报告。 3(写策划书的具体营销战略。 1( 参与写市场调查计划,搜集原始资料,参与调查问卷的设计,实施市 场问卷调查。 张 志 军 2( 统计问卷,写市场调查报告。 3(参与整合策划书。 1(参与写市场调查计划,搜集原始资料。 2(参与调查问卷的设计,实施市场问卷调查,统计部分问卷,参与写市王 亭 场调查报告。 3(写策划书的财务分析、制作财务报表。 1( 参与写市场调查计划,搜集原始资料。 2( 参与调查问卷的设计,实施市场问卷调查,统计部分问卷,参与写市岳 溪 场调查报告。 3(写策划书的财务分析、制作财务报表。 1( 参与写市场调查计划,搜集原始资料。 2( 参与调查问卷的设计,实施市场问卷调查,统计部分问卷,参与写市胡 立 人 场调查报告。 3(整理、分析调查问卷。 1( 参与写市场调查计划,搜集原始资料。 2( 参与调查问卷的设计,实施市场问卷调查,统计部分问卷 高 小 宁 3(写策划书的概述。 14nding, are faithfully reflected to ensure that households do not leak, a man falls,objective factors such as learning, or is their lack of capacity, lack of enrichment opportunities, or lazy, and was not atte e toaccess to employment, sources of income, poverty level, and so on. Third, to clear reasons. Was due to disasters, disease, du villages, the poor or the poor, to a detailed registration, fully and accurately master the poor families, living conditions, poor sing, there is no return, there is no wrong Nano, truly na try na, falls to one person. Second, to clarify status. Whether inidentification of the poor further and to focus on "three clear": first, we must clear the number. Did take a look at the mis reciseortance of accurate identification, political nature and seriousness, don't take it lightly, and sloppy. Next, you need the pe associates, friends and family. If such poor list announced, will bring a lot of negative effect. We must recognize the impcalled "poor" ar-eople. This original work accurately enough, some towns Street, broad strokes, statistical dayuemo. Some of the sopoor people ... ... People, through accurate identification, filing State remaining card in our County poor ... ... Million pible ate card poor "looking back" activities, return does not meet the conditions of the poor ... ... Million, newly added to eligof 2015 I County file made poor ... ... Million, some time ago, we follow provincial and municipal requirements for filing st End
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