

2017-09-02 15页 doc 41KB 363阅读




各银行汇款手续费各银行汇款手续费 各大银行卡收费标准 银行名称 开户工本费年费挂失密码挂失开办或补换新卡 中国银行 10元 10元10元不详5元/卡 工商银行5元 10元10元10元5元/卡 建设银行0元 10元10元10元5元/卡 农业银行普卡 5元 10元10元 5元/卡 彩照卡 25元 交通银行 5元 10元10元不详5元/卡 招商银行0元0元10元不详 广发行5元0元10元不详 深发行 10元 0元 5元 5元5元/卡 民生银行0元0元10元10元10元/卡 浦发银行0元0元 0元不详 兴业银行0元0元10元...
各银行汇款手续费 各大银行卡收费标准 银行名称 开户工本费年费挂失密码挂失开办或补换新卡 中国银行 10元 10元10元不详5元/卡 工商银行5元 10元10元10元5元/卡 建设银行0元 10元10元10元5元/卡 农业银行普卡 5元 10元10元 5元/卡 彩照卡 25元 交通银行 5元 10元10元不详5元/卡 招商银行0元0元10元不详 广发行5元0元10元不详 深发行 10元 0元 5元 5元5元/卡 民生银行0元0元10元10元10元/卡 浦发银行0元0元 0元不详 兴业银行0元0元10元 5元 各大银行异地存款收费标准 银行名称每笔收费最低收费封顶收费 工商银行百分之一1元50元 建设银行千分之五1元50元 中国银行千分之五1元50元 农业银行千分之五1元25元 招商银行千分之五5元没有 广发银行千分之一5元没有 深发展千分之一5元没有 交通银行万分之五10元 50元 光大银行免费免费 免费 民生银行免费免费 免费 浦发银行免费免费 免费 各大银行ATM机取款收费标准(每笔收费) 银行名称 本行异地取现 同城跨行取现 异地跨行取现 工商银行 交易金额的0.5% 最低1元最高50元 2元/笔交易金额的0.5%+2元/ 笔 中国银行 5元/笔 2元/笔 7元/笔 农业银行 交易金额的1% 最低1元2元/笔 交易金额的1%+2元/笔 招商银行 交易金额的5 每月前三笔免,第四笔开始2元/笔 2元/笔+交易金额 的5 交通银行 交易金额的8 2元/笔 交易金额的8+2元/笔 民生银行 5元/笔 免费 以ATM机所属银行价格为准 深发展 交易金额的5% 免费 交易金额的5%+2元/笔,最低1元/笔 浦发银行 免费 免费 免费(全国银联标志ATM) 华夏银行 1元/笔 免费 20元/笔 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 注:兴业银行(在本行ATM上取款暂不收费,在他行ATM上取款(含本地异地)人民币2元/笔(每月头3笔免费);少数地区(厦门等)按2元/笔收取,北京南京深圳分行均不收费 建设银行(龙卡储蓄卡:跨行ATM取现手续费每笔2元加上交易金额的1%,其中每笔交易金额的1%,最低 为2元在香港地区ATM取现手续费:每笔10元加上交易金额的1%) 使用网上银行收年费情况 中国银行:不收费 农业银行:年费50元 工商银行:有证书客户每户12元 建设银行:36元/年 浦东银行:暂时不收费 华夏银行:没开通 深圳发展银行:免收费 中信实业银:免收费 民生银行:免收费 广东发展银行:免收费 工商银行理财金账户客户免收 注: 使用电话银行收费情况 中国银行:免收费 农业银行:免收费 工商银行:每张登录卡12元 建设银行:36元/年 浦发银行:暂时不收费 华夏银行:免收费 深圳发展银行:免收费 中信实业银行:免收费 民生银行:免收费 广东发展银行:免收费 注:工商银行理财金账户客户免收 目前,各银行异地汇款通常都有两种方式,一种是直接到银行汇款的柜台式汇款,一种则是通过网上银行或电话银行汇款 中国工商银行 手续费用:工商银行提供两种汇款方式,一是灵通卡汇款,手续费为汇款金额的1%,最低汇款手续费为1元,最高为50元二是牡丹卡汇款,没有汇款的手续费用 网上银行:每笔最低5元,最高为50元 到账时间:灵通卡汇款24小时内到账,牡丹卡汇款3,3个工作日到账 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 中国农业银行 手续费用:分为存款汇款和电子汇款两种,存款汇款最低手续费1元,超过1000元,按0.5%收取费用电子汇款最低手续费1元,超过100元按1%收费 网上银行:与柜台式汇款收费相同 到账时间:即时到账 中国银行 手续费用:该行的汇款手续费是汇款金额的0.1%,最低限额为5元,最高限额为500元即汇款金额在5000元以内的汇款手续费均为5元,5000元以上按汇款金额的0.1%收取手续费 到账时间:第二天到账 建设银行 手续费用:最低手续费1元,最高手续费为50元 网上银行:每笔最低1元,最高不超过30元 电话银行:每笔最低1元,最高不超过40元 到账时间:分两种情况,如果汇款的银行是在联网城市,汇款后两小时即可到账;否则,需3,5个工作日才能到账 交通银行 手续费用:同行之间汇款,收取0.05%手续费,最低10元,最高50元;跨行汇款收1%的手续费,最高收取50元 到账时间:即时到账 招商银行 手续费用:分为两种,一种是快速汇款,最低手续费5元,超过1000元,按0.5%收取费用,适合1万元以内汇款金额另一种是电子汇款,最低手续费10元,汇款手续费为汇款金额的1%,最高为50元,适合1万元以上汇款金额 网上银行:每笔收费5元,跨行汇款收费10元 到账时间:快速汇款即时到账,电子汇款到账时间为2,3个工作日 光大银行 手续费用:手续费为汇款金额的0.5%,最低为2元,最高为20元 到账时间:即时到账 华夏银行 手续费用:手续费为汇款金额的0.1%,最低1元,最高10元 到账时间:即时到账 邮政储蓄 手续费用:按汇款金额的0.5%收取费用,最高50元 到账时间:即时到账,除少数偏远非联网地区 其中,交通银行跨行汇款与邮政储蓄手续费收取的方式是从本金中直接划扣 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 国内银行汇款比较 目前各银行汇款通常都有两种方式,一种是直接到银行汇款的柜台式汇款,一种则是通过网上银行或电话银行汇款 农业银行 手续费用:分为存款汇款和电子汇款两种,存款汇款最低手续费1元,超过1000元,按0.5%收取费用由于国内很多地区目前还没开通收费服务,所以还可以暂时享受免手续费的优惠电子汇款最低手续费1元,超过100元按1%收费 到款时间:实时到账 网上银行:与柜台式汇款收费相同 缺点:分为无卡汇款和汇款两种无卡汇款即无需办理银行卡,直接用现金汇到指定银行卡上即可但目前大多数农行网点在使用无卡汇款时,无法确认收款人姓名,所以一旦填错卡号,就可能导致汇到其他人账号上要将款重新划出,就需要得到收款人的确认,十分麻烦另外,晚上8点后到第二天早上8点间,无法通过网上汇款 招商银行 手续费用:分为两种,一种是快速汇款,最低手续费5元,超过1000元,按0.5%收取费用适合1万元以内汇款金额;另一种是电子汇款,最低手续费10元,汇款手续为汇款金额的1%,最高封顶手续费为50元,适合1万元以上汇款金额 到款时间:快递汇款可以实时到账;电子汇款到账时间为2-3个工作日 网上银行:每笔收费5元跨行汇款收费10元 缺点:如果低于500元的汇款,与其他银行相比费用最高通过网上银行汇款时,如接收方为同行汇款,需要点击同行速汇,否则统一按10元收费 建设银行 手续费用:最低手续费1元,最高手续费为50元 汇款方式:汇款方必须持有银行卡 到款时间:分为两种情况,如果汇款的银行是在联网城市,汇款后2小时内即可到账;如果汇款的银行不在联网城市,则需要3-5个工作日才能到账 网上银行:每笔最低1元,最高不超过30元 电话银行:每笔最低1元,最高不超过40元 缺点:在建行汇款,汇款方必须持有建行储蓄卡方可汇款如果没有储蓄卡,需要先花10元手续费办理建行龙卡尽管汇款最快在2个小时内即可到账,但收款方当天无法查询到账明细 工商银行 手续费用:工商银行提供两种转账方式,一是灵通卡汇款,手续费为汇款金额的1%,最低汇款手续费为1元,最高为50元二是牡丹卡汇款,没有汇款的手续费用 到账时间:灵通卡汇款为24小时内到账,牡丹卡汇款为3-5个工作日内到账 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 网上银行:每笔最低5元,最高为50元 缺点:工商银行通常人比较多,大中城市的工商银行都需要排队,办理时间较长网上银行周末和节假日无法汇款 交通银行 手续费用:1000元以内收1%的手续费,1000元以上收10元的手续费交通银行最大的特点是可以自动在汇款中扣手续费,甚至可以汇款方收款方分担手续费 到账时间:实时到账缺点:网点少 中国银行 手续费用:该行的汇款手续费是汇款金额的0.10%,最低限额为5元,最高限额为500元即汇款金额在5000元以内的汇款手续费均为5元,5000元以上按汇款金额的0.10%收取手续费 到账时间:第二天到账 缺点:周末和节假日大多数中行网点都会休息 光大银行 手续费用:最低手续费限额为2元,最高手续费限额为20元手续费为汇款金额的0.5% 到账时间:实时到账 缺点:光大银行的覆盖区域比较少,许多地区无法汇款 今天在翻看中行的存折时,发现每次取款的手续费都相差很大,就到网上收集了有关银行方面的信息,参考研究。(问补充) 1:四大银行的用卡存取收费: 1.1长城电子借记卡 中国银行 本地ATM取款:跨行取款每笔2元。 异地ATM取款:异地本行ATM跨行取款每笔10元;异地跨行ATM取款每笔手续费为12元; 异地存款手续费:异地本行存款只能办理汇款按当地电汇标准收取 异地取款手续费:只能在异地ATM机上取款 1.2金穗借记卡 中国农业银行 本地ATM取款:跨行取款每笔2元。 异地ATM取款:异地本行ATM跨行取款每笔取款金额的1%,最低1元;异地跨行ATM取款每笔手续费为2元+取款金额的1%; 异地存款手续费:省内异地柜台:交易金额的0.5%,最低1元,最高50元;跨省异地柜台:交易金额的0.5%,最低1元,最高100元。 异地取款手续费:省内异地柜台:交易金额的1%,最低1元,最高50元;跨省异地柜台:交易金额的1%,最低1元,最高100元。 1.3龙卡储蓄卡 中国建设银行 本地ATM取款:跨行取款每笔2元。 异地ATM取款:异地本行ATM跨行取款每笔取款金额的1%,最低2元;异地跨construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government, 行ATM取款每笔手续费为2元+取款金额的1%,1%部分最低2元; 异地存款手续费:按存款金额的0.5%收取手续费,最低2元,最高50元。 异地取款手续费:按取款金额的0.5%收取手续费,最低2元,不设上限 1.4牡丹灵通卡 中国工商银行 本地ATM取款:跨行取款每笔2元。 异地ATM取款:异地本行ATM跨行取款每笔取款金额的1%,最低1元,最高50元;异地跨行ATM取款每笔手续费为2元+取款金额的1%,1%部分最低1元,最高50元; 异地存款手续费:按存款金额的0.5%收取手续费,最低1元,最高50元。 异地取款手续费:按取款金额的0.5%收取手续费,最低1元,最高50元。 2:中行卡或折交易代码表示如下: B/F 承 前 页 CWD 结 清 取 现 CSH 现 金 交 易 TRS 转 帐 交 易 NCD 无折现金 FEE 手 续 费 PAY 代 发 工 资 CAG 换 折 ATM 交 易 JJ 基 金 NTR 无折转帐 CAG 换折 INT 利息 COR 冲正 JJL 基金红利 CTK 银券通 相关内容可参阅(银行信息港) 4:各种贷记卡的区别: 4.1贷记卡 ?贷记卡办卡免费,无须缴付押金。 ?具备免息还款期,消费之后在一定时间内及时还款即可免息。 ?能够透支,即在信用卡里没存钱的情况下就能刷卡消费或提取现金。 ?贷记卡具备循环信用,可以采用最低还款方式还款 4.2准贷记卡 ?准贷记卡办卡可能需要缴纳一定数量的押金 ?能够透支,在卡里没存钱的情况下消费,提现。 ?没有免息期,透支当日即开始计算利息。 ?不具备循环信用,无法采用最低还款方式还款 5:信用卡: 真正的信用卡必须具备以下三个特征: 一、能够透支,就是说不需要往信用卡里存钱就能消费,这是信用卡最基本的特征,如果不能透支肯定就不是真正的信用卡; 二、具有免息还款期,使用信用卡消费后有一定时间的免息还款期,只要在这段时间向银行还上相应的消费的金额,银行就不收取利息。没有免息还款期的也一定不是真正的信用卡; 三、具有循环信用,循环信用是一种按日计息的小额、无担保贷款。你可以根据自己财务情况,在每月到期还款日前,自行决定还款金额的多少(一次换清还是分期还款)。如果你选择分期还款,当您偿还的金额等于或高于当期账单的最低还款额,但低于本期应还金额时,剩余延后还款的金额就是循环信用余额。 说来说去就是一句话,信用卡可以采用最低还款方式分期还款,这样还款的时候只需要为未还款部分支付利息。 construction target assessment and civilized units, township of civilization and civilized community management assessment. Any impact of the city, the county town of achievement test, or two consecutive times in the city monthly assessment unit, to conduct interviews accountability. The a city to the system, the industry units to carry out self-examination and inspection, truly a grasp of a level, layers of implementation. County, a city government environmental performance as soon as possible to make supervision accountability measures, measures to be implemented, the intensity should be large. Operational stronger, truly good use, effective. Comrades, the urban civilization to create multi threads, heavy task, the county at all levels to seriously and to tight style to the work do fine do through, do a solid place, ensure to meet the requirements of the objective and sustaining, and strive to build our homes more beautiful, let the masses to live more happy! The meeting of job of safe production is the county Party committee, government held a special. At present, the county of production safety situation is more serious, the task is more and more heavy. From a national perspective, last year is a major production safety accidents connected together together, such as Tianjin port of a major fire and explosion, Shenzhen "landslide" accidents, serious damage to the image of the party and the government,
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