

2017-09-25 2页 doc 11KB 405阅读




在职证明英文在职证明英文 附表一:(在职担保证明)(使用公司抬头纸) (英文证明模版)(必须打印,不可手写) STATEMENT Date: DD-MM-2011 Embassy of United State Beijing Attn: Visa Officer. Dear Visa Officer, This is to certify that Mr./Ms. XXX is the XXX of our company, his/her annual income is RMBXXX. He/She is going...
在职英文 附表一:(在职担保证明)(使用公司抬头纸) (英文证明模版)(必须打印,不可手写) STATEMENT Date: DD-MM-2011 Embassy of United State Beijing Attn: Visa Officer. Dear Visa Officer, This is to certify that Mr./Ms. XXX is the XXX of our company, his/her annual income is RMBXXX. He/She is going to the USA in XX of 2013 We guarantee that he/she will obey the local laws and regulations during the tour and come back to China as soon as he/she finishes the trip. His/Her position in our company will be kept for him/her until he/she returns. He/She will cover all the travel expenses by himself/herself. Please kindly issue his/her visa after your checking up. Name Sex Date of Birth Occupation Passport No. XXX M/F DD-MM-YYYY XXXX GXXXXXXXX Sincerely yours Name: XXX Add.: XXX Tel: XXX Fax: XXX Chief: XXX Date: DD-MM-2012
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