

2017-10-07 37页 doc 114KB 15阅读




甘肃省一万名考试2013真题及答案甘肃省一万名考试2013真题及答案 2013甘肃省万名毕业生下基层考试、三支一扶考试、进村进社 公共基础试卷 一:单项选择题(本大题共80小题,每题一分,共80分) (在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题卡”相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均不得分。) 1、2012年12月4日中,中共中央政治局召开会议,审议中央政治局关于“改进工作作风、密切联系群众”的 A.“六项规定” B.“十项规定” C.“八项规定” D.“九项规定” 2.建设中国特色社会主义,总布局是 A.三位一体 B....
甘肃省一万名考试2013真题及答案 2013甘肃省万名毕业生下基层考试、三支一扶考试、进村进社 公共基础试卷 一:单项选择题(本大题共80小题,每题一分,共80分) (在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将“答题卡”相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂或未涂均不得分。) 1、2012年12月4日中,中共中央政治局召开会议,审议中央政治局关于“改进工作作风、密切联系群众”的 A.“六项规定” B.“十项规定” C.“八项规定” D.“九项规定” 2.建设中国特色社会主义,总布局是 A.三位一体 B.四位一体 C.五位一体 D.六位一体 3.经济改革体制的核心问题是处理好 A.政府和市场的关系 B.先富和共富的关系 C.城市和农村的关系 D.公平和效率的关系 4.在当代中国,坚持发展是硬道理的本质要求就是坚持 A.均衡发展 B.跨越发展 C.内涵发展 D.科学发展 5.大力推进生态文明建设的新目标是 A.努力建设生态中国 B.努力建设绿色中国 C.努力建设美丽中国 D.努力建设环保中国 6.解决“三农”问题的根本途径是 A.城乡发展均等化 B.城乡发展一体化 C.城乡发展同步化 D.城乡发展现代化 7.十八大报告指出,以经济建设为中心的是 A.兴国之要 B.立国之本 C.兴国之魂 D.治国之策 8.我国第一艘航空母舰的名称是 A.辽宁舰 B.大连舰 C.青岛舰 D.上海舰 9.学习马克思主义基本原理的根本方法是 A.熟读基本原理 B.背诵马列原著 C.密切联系群众 D.理论联系实际 10.辩证唯物主义认为,物质的唯一特征是 A.绝对运动性 B.自觉能动性 C.客观实在性 D.唯物辩证性 11.真理问题上的唯物论,就是承认真理是: A.客观的 B. 可知的 C. 主观的 D. 正确的 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 12.在人们的社会物质生活条件中,社会历史发展的决定力量是: A.地理环境 B.人口因素 C.生产方式 D.社会意识 13.产业资本循环采取的只能形式是: A.生产资本,流通资本和银行资本 B.货币资本,生产资本和商品资本 C.生产资本,商业资本和银行资本 D.货币资本,声场资本和商业资本 14、“认得意识高于一切,决定一切”的观点属于 A.机械唯物主义观邸 B.朴素唯物主义观点 B.客观唯心主义观点 D.主观唯心主义观点 15、科学社会主义问世的标志是: A.《共产党宣言》的发表 B.《德意志意识形态》的发表 B.《共产主义原理》的发表 D.《科学社会主义原理》的发表 16、马克思恩格斯认为,在共产主义社会,由于社会生产力的巨大发展,“三大差别”必然归于小时,以下标书中不属于“三大差别”的是 A.资产阶级与无产阶级的差别 B.工业与农业的差别 B.城市与乡村的差别 D.脑力老公与体力劳动的差别 17、马克思主义中国话的第一个重大理论成果是 A.科学发展观 B.毛泽东思想 C.邓小平理论 D.三个代表重要思想 18.毛泽东在1941年5月对“实事求是”的科学含义做了马克思主义界定的报告是 A.《论新阶段》 B《反对本本主义》 C《古田会议决议》D《改造我们的学习》 19.党的十五大根据社会主义初级阶段基本路线的要求,围绕社会主义现代化建设的总题目,制定了党在社会主义初级阶段的 A.基本理论 B基本纲领 C基本方针 D基本政策 20.在改革、发展,稳定的关系中,改革是 A.基础 B前提 C动力 D目的 21.社会主义既经济制度的基础是 A.股份制 B合作制 C公有制 D私有制 22,我国社会主义法制建设的基本要求,可以用16个字来概括,即“有法可依,有法必依、执法必严、违法必究”。这四个方面相互联系,相互制约,其中 关键是 A有法可依 B有法必依 C执法必严 D违法必究 23构建社会主义和谐社会的根本出发点和落脚点是 A坚持以人为本 B坚持科学发展 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model C坚持改革开放 D坚持民主法治 24在我国现阶段,国家的领导阶级 A农民阶级 B知识分子 C工人阶级 D新的社会阶级 25、1840年鸦片战争前,中国社会的性质是 A奴隶社会 B封建社会 C半殖民地半封建社会 D资本主义社会 26.1843年,魏源在《海国国志》中提出的思想主张是 A中学为体,西学为用 B施以夷计以致夷 C物竞天择,适者生存 D维新变法以救亡图存 27.中国近代史上第一个比较系统的发展资本主义的是 A《十款天条》 B《原道觉世训》 C《天朝田亩知道》 D《资政新篇》 28.中国第一个资产阶级革命团体是 A兴中会 B华兴会 C光复会 D日知会 29.标志国民政府在形式上统一全国的事件是 A宁汉合流 B南京国民政府成立 C马日事变 D东北易帜 30日本帝国主义发动全面侵华战争的标志性事件是 A九一八事变 B一二九事变 C卢沟桥事变 D 31.2005年3月14日,十届全国人大三次会议审议通过,首次以国家大法的形式宣示中国人民维护国家统一、领土完整的坚强意志,进一步巩固和凸显“大 陆和台湾同属于一个中国”这一事实,有力地遏制和打击“台独”分裂势力的法律是 A《反分裂国家法》 B《国家统一法》 C《国家安全法》 D《国防安全法》 32、首次提出“在公有制基础上有的商品经济”概念的中央文件是 A.《中共中央关于加快农业发展的若干问的决定》 B.《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》 C.《中共中央关于科技体制改革的决定》 D.《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》 33、它是人们对自己的祖国的深厚感情,是对自己祖国的一份责任,是将个人的命运紧密地联系在一起,调整个人与国家,个人与民族,关系的道德规范, 是一种重大的政治原则,是鼓舞和凝聚各民族的精神支柱,这里的“它”指的是 A.爱国情感 B.爱国情操 C.爱国主义 D.爱国心理 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 34、马克思主义认为,人的本质不是单个人所固有的抽象物,在其现实性上 A.一切人群关系的总和 B.一切人际关系的总和 C.一切公共关系的总和 D.一切社会关系的总和 35.道德有多方面功能,如认识功能、教育功能、评价功能、导向功能、调节功能、激励功能、辩护功能、沟通功能等,其中最主要的功能是 A.调节功能 B.认识功能 C.评价功能 D.教育功能 36、2001年中共中央印发的《公民道德建设实施纲要》,第一次系统明确地提出了公民基本道德规范,以下关于公民道德规范表述正确的是 A.爱国守法、明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献 B.爱国守法、诚实守信、办事公道、服务群众、奉献社会 C.爱国守法、男女平等、团结友善、勤俭持家、敬业奉献 D.爱国守法、忠诚守信、友爱善良、勤俭自强、敬业好学 37(在发展社会主义市场经济过程中,加强社会主义道德建设的重点是 A.诚实守信 B.贵和乐群 C.公平正义 C.团结友善 38在经历了18年的艰难谈判后,2012年8月22日正式加入世贸组织,成为世贸组织的第156个成员国的国家是 A中国 B.俄罗斯 C.巴西 D.南非 39社会主义职业道德中最高层次的要求是 A.爱岗敬业 B.诚实守信 C.服务群众 D.奉献社会 40、道德产生于人类的历史发展和人们的社会实践中,这种道德起源属于 A、朴素唯物主义 B、马克思主义 C、主观唯心主义 D、客观唯心主义 41、法律终止生效的法律时间效力的一个重要问题,在以默示废止方式终止法律生效时,主要一般适应当使用( ) A、特别法优于一般法原则 B、国际法优于国内法原则 C、新法优于传统原则 D、法律优于行政法原则 42、甲出生在美国,父亲是中国人,母亲是美国人,父母定居在美国,根据国籍法的规定,关于甲的国籍的正确表述是( ) A、具有中国国籍 B、具有双重国籍 C、无国籍 D、不具备中国国籍 43、公民享有的宪法基本权利中,最基础的权利是( ) A、受教育权 B、人生自由权 C、选举权和被选举权 D、言论自由权 44、甲乙双方约定,由丙每月代替乙向甲偿还债务,期限2年,丙以自己无义务拒绝履行,甲遂向法院起诉,要求乙、丙承担违约责任,法院应( ) A、判决乙承担违约责任 B、判决丙承担违约责任 C、判决乙、丙连带承担违约责任 D、判决乙、丙分别承担违约责任 45、精神病患者甲在其妻委陪下外出散步,顽童乙前来挑逗,甲受刺激后追赶乙,甲妻见状,竭力阻拦无效,甲将乙的头打破,乙的医药费( ) A、完全由甲妻承担 B、完全由乙的监护人承担C、主要由甲妻承担,乙的监护人承担部分 D、主要由乙的监护人承担,甲妻承担部分 46、我国的刑法分别犯罪划为10类,每类犯罪划分的依据是犯罪的( ) A、直接客体 B、同类客体 C、一般客体 D、复杂客体 47、公民的基本民事权益是( ) undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model A、选举权 B、姓名权 C、发现权 D、隐私权 48,、小李下班后去领工资,财务人员因粗心多给了他500元,李某因赶着回家所以没有数钱就直接塞进了口袋,李某的行为属于( ) A、无因保管 B、不当得利 C、无处分行为 D、盗窃 49、王五(男)与李六(女)于2001年在杭州相识,后由于工作关系二人非别于2002年3月、9月调至南京,冰于次年4月在南京结婚。2004年王五赴X国学习,留下李六一人在伤害定居,2005年李六去X国探亲,后二人在X国定居,由于性格不合等原因,2007年,李六向X国法院提起离婚诉讼,但该法 ) 院不予受理,李六遂向我国人民法院提出离婚诉讼,此案应由哪个法院管理,( A、只能由南京中级人民法院管辖 B、只能由上海某基层人民法院管辖 C、我国法院不予受理 D、由南京或上海的基层人民法院管辖 50、甲某17周岁,已参加工作,有固定收入,某日因甲某在街上寻衅滋事,将乙某打伤,乙某要求赔偿医药费,则下列表述中,不正确的是( ) A、甲某的父母必须承担赔偿医药费用 B、甲某的父母无须承担赔偿医药费的义务 C、甲某的父母可以选择是否替甲某赔偿医药费用D、甲某的父母如赔偿了医药费,则对甲某有追偿权 51、甲为了要男孩,将妻子刚生下的女婴,扔进小河里淹死,甲某犯有( ) A、过失杀人罪 B、故意杀人罪 C、遗弃罪 D、虐待罪 52、下列社会关系中,不属于民法的调整对象的是( ) A、某工商行政管理局与李某之间签订的电脑买卖关系 B、某税务机关于自然人张某之间的税款征收关系 C、中国公民王某与日本公民李某缔结的婚姻关系 D、自然人肖某因违章驾驶将赵某撞伤所构成的侵权赔偿关系 53、李某为公司仓库管理员,某日,两歹徒为逼李某交出仓库钥匙而持刀追打李某,李某被打成重伤,无奈之中李某抢了路边正在停车的黄某的摩托车逃走,李某抢走摩托车的行为:( ) A、应负刑事责任。李某抢走他人车辆,属于抢劫行为,侵犯他人权益 B、应负刑事责任。李某抢走他人车辆,属于盗窃行为,侵犯他人权益 C、不应负刑事责任。李某抢走摩托车属于正当防卫,保护了公司和个人的合法权益 D、不应负刑事责任。李某抢走摩托车属于紧急避险,损害了他人合法权益但保全了更大的合法效益 54、根据我国《收养法》的规定,无配偶的男性收养女性为养女时,收养人与被收养人的年龄差距是( ) A、30周岁以上 B、35周岁以上 C、40周岁以上 D、45周岁以上 55.赵某家在北京中关村,出国归来时因携带行李过多,被首都机场海关认定为走私,赵某现欲提起行政复议。下列关于行政复议机关的说法正确的是 A.赵某应当向首都机场海关申请复议 B.赵某应当向首都机场所在地人民政府申请复议 C.赵某应当向北京市海关申请复议 D.赵某可以向北京市海关或机场所在地人民政府申请复议 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 56.下列有关人格权的说法,错误的是 A.人格权是指民事主体具有法律上的独立资格所必须享有的民事权利 B.公民、法人都有人格权 C.人格权包括公民的生命健康权、姓名权(法人的名称权)、肖像权 名誉权、法人亦有) 公民的荣誉权也属于人格权的一种 D. 57.下列既可以单独适用,也可附加适用的刑罚是 A.有期徒刑 B.管制 C.剥夺政治权利 D.拘役 58.法定最高刑为五年以上不满十年有期徒刑的追诉期限为 A.五年 B.十年 C.十五年 D.二十年 59.犯罪最本质的特征是 A.危害结果多样性 B.罪当其罚性 C.刑事违法性 D.严重社会危害性 60.甲被人撞伤。其行驶侵权之债的请求权,诉讼时效自其知道侵权事实发生之日起是 A.1年 B.2年 C.最长不超过20年 D.6个月 61.利用计算机对指纹进行识别、对图像和声音进行处理所属的应用领域是 A.科学计算 B.自动控制 C.辅助设计 D.信息处理 62.在微机的配置中常看到“酷睿双核i3,2.3G,DDR3 4G”字样,其中数字2.3G和4G分别表示 A.CPU的时钟主题是2.3GHz,内存容量是4GB B.CPU的运算速度是2.3GMIPS,内存容量是4GB C.CPU的产品设计系列号是第2.3G号,内存容量是4GB D.CPU与内存间的数据交换速率是2.3GB,s,内存容量是2.3GB 63.文件ABC.tst存放在F盘的D文件夹中的E子文件夹下,它的完整文件标识符是 A. F:\D\E\ABC B. F:\ABC.tst C. F:D\E\ABC.tst D. F:\D:\ABC.tst 64.在Windows XP资源管理器窗口中,当选中文件或文件夹后,单击“文件”下拉菜单中的“发送”命令,不可以将选中的对象 A.发送到内存 B.发送到“我的文档”文件夹中 C.发送到软磁盘上 D.发送发到其他邮件接收者 65.在Word 2003中,对表格的一行数据进行合计,下列正确的是 A.=average(right) B.=average(lefe) C.=sum(left) D.=sum(above) undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 67.在某Word2003文档中,A和B是前后连续但格式不同的两个段落,当A段段落标记删除后,A、B两段合并成一个段落,则新段落的格式 A.必须重新设定 B.为A段落的格式 C.为B段落的格式 D.分别保持原来A、B两段的格式不变 68.在Word 2003中,为给每位用户发送一份相同的新产品目录,以下可以完成这一任务最简单的命令式 A.邮件合并 B.使用宏 C.复制 D.信封和标签 69.关于数据筛选,下列说法正确的是 A.筛选是将不满足条件的记录删除,只留下符合条件者 B.自动筛选前10项,只能将满足条件的前10项列出来 C.筛选是将满足条件的记录放在一张新表中,供查看 D.高级筛选可以定义两个筛选条件 70.要对数据清单中的数据进行分类汇总,首先应 A.选定数据清单中的所有数据 B.对数据清单中的数据分类字段排序 C.选定数据清单中要分类的数据 D.选定数据清单中要分类的字段所在的列 71.在Excel的单元格中要输入身份证号码时,首先应输入的字符是 A.“:”(冒号) B.“’”(单引号) C.“=”(等号) D.“,”(逗号) 72、设置Excel单元E2、F2、E3、F3的值分别为10、20、80、60,在G2输入公式=SE$2+F2,当把G2的公示使用填充柄富之岛G3中是,G3的值为 A.30 B.140 C.100 D.70 73、下列敢于PowerPoint叙述中正确的是 A.演示文稿在应用了某一个设计模板之后,背景不可以被修改 B.不可以在多张幻灯片中连续播放声音文件 C.超级链接可以链接到一个Excel魏建忠 D.PowerPoint中,保存文件时某人的文件扩展名是pot 74.在PowerPoint的幻灯片浏览视图中,用户不可以进行的操作是 A.修改幻灯片内容 B删除幻灯片 C移动幻灯片 D复制幻灯片 75.在PowerPoint中,不能完成对个别幻灯片进行设计或修饰的对话框是 A.背景 B幻灯片版式 C配色方案 D设计模板 76.在PowerPoint2003中,放映幻灯片有多种方法,以及集中放映方式可以不从第一张幻灯片开始放映的是 A.“幻灯片放映”菜单下“观看放映”命令项 B.视图按钮栏上的“幻灯片放映”按钮 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model C.“视图”菜单下的“幻灯片放映”命令项 D.在“资源管理器”中鼠标右击演示文稿文件,在快捷菜单中选择“显示”命令 77.下列属于C类IP地址的是 A. B. C. D. 78、下列所述选险种实现局域网与广域网,广域网与广域网互联的网络设备是 A.服务器 B网桥 C路由器 D交换机 79.下列属于网络防御技术的是 A.欺骗攻击 B各一插件 C木马程序 D入侵检测 80.下列所属数据模型是ACCESS数据库所采用的是 A.层次模型 B网状模型 C面向对象模型 D关系模型 二、多项选择题(本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分) (在每小题列出的四个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其选出并将在“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。错涂、多涂、少涂或未涂均不得分。) 1. 积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观,要做到“三个倡导”,即 A.倡导富强、民主、文明、和谐 B.倡导自由、平等、公平、法治 C.倡导爱国、敬业、诚信、友善 D.倡导自尊、自的信、理性、和平 2.科学发展观的精神实质是 A(解放思想 B.实事求是 C.与时俱进 D.求真务实 3.十八大报告指出,共产党人的政治灵魂是 A.对马克思主义的信仰 B.对社会主义和共产主义的信念 C.对广大劳动群众的信赖 D.对无产阶级和农民阶级的信任 4.马克思主义认识论与唯心主义认识论的区别在于是否承认 A.世界的可知性 B.客观事物是认识的对象 C.认识起源于经验 D.社会实践是认识的基础 5(商品经济得以产生的历史条件有 A.社会分工的出现 B.生产资料和劳动产品属于不同的所有者 C.货币转化为资本 D.劳动力转化为商品 6.意识形态又称为观念上层建筑,主要包括 A.政治思想 B.道德、艺术 C.宗教、哲学 D.法律思想 7.新民主主义革命的三大法宝是 A(统一战线 B.武装斗争C(工农联盟 D.党的建设 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 8.邓小平在1992年南方谈话时明确提出社会主义的本质是 A.解放生产力、发展生产力 B.消灭剥削 C.消除两级分化 D.最终达到共同富裕 9.社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领明确规定,建设中国特色社会主义经济,就是 A.在社会主义条件下发展市场经济 B.不断解放和发展生产力 C.实现国民经济又好又快发展 D.人民共享改革发展成果 10.1924年1月,中国国民党第一次全国代表大会确立的三大政策是 A.联俄 B.联共 C.扶助农工 D.平均地权 11.下列关于戊戌维新运动中维新派与守旧派论战的表述,正确的是 A.论战的实质是资产阶级思想与封建主义思想在中国的第一次正面交锋 B.论战主要内容是围绕要不要变法;要不要兴民权、设议院,实行君主立宪;要不要废八股、改科举和兴西学等问题展开 C.论战所涉及的领域十分广泛,进一步开阔了新型知识分子的眼界,解放了人们长期受到束缚的思想 D.通过论战,希望资产阶级社会政治学说在中国得到进一步的传播,维新变法政治运动的帷幕随之拉开 12.1987年召开的中共十三大提出了 A.社会主义初级阶段的理论 B.党在社会主义初级阶段的基本路线 C.社会主义现代化建设“三步走”的发展战略 D.党在社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领 13.下列关于信念的说法,正确的有 A.信念是人们在一定的认识基础上,确立的对某种思想或事物坚信不疑并身体力行的心理态度和精神状态 B.信念是认知、情感和意志的“合金” C.信念是一种强大的精神力量 D.信念是一种单纯的知识和想法 14.以下属于我国现阶段基本国策的有 A.对外开放 B.计划生育 C.节约资源和保护环境 D,男女平等 15.促进个人与他人关系的和谐,应坚持的原则有 A.平等原则 B.诚信原则 C.宽容原则 D.互助原则 16.国家赔偿方式有 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model A.支付赔偿金 B.恢复原状 C.返还财产 D.赔礼道歉 17.《中华人民共和国食品安全法》规定,预包装食品的包装上应当有标签。标签中应当标明 A.名称、规格、净含量、生产日期 B.生产者的名称、地址、联系方式 C.保质期 D.贮存条件 18.下列在我国《宪法》中规定了的有 A.国旗 B.国歌 C.国徽 D.首都 19.下列情形中,属于无效合同的是 A.代表人超越代理权限签订的合同 B.当事人双方协议同意解除的合同 C.当事人一方不能履行义务的合同 D.采取胁迫,欺诈手段签订的合同 20甲因为打架被判处拘役,对受害人给负赔偿费,同时被所在单位开除公职,他所受的法律制裁有 A.刑事制裁 B.民事制裁 C.经济制裁 D.行政制裁 21.CPU能直接访问的储存器是 A.ROM B.RAM C.CD-ROM D.Cache 22在Word中,下列有关页边距的说法,正确的是 A.设置页边距影响原有的段落缩进B.页边距的设置只影响当前页或选定文字所在的页C.用户可以同时设置左右上下页边距D.用户可以使用标尺来调整页边距 23.在Excel中,下列关于“剥除”和“消除”的叙述,正确的是 A.删除是指取消指定区域,消除只取消指定区域的内容 B.删除可以恢复,清楚也可以恢复 C.进行删除操作时即可以选择“编辑,删除”,也可以按CEL键 D.删除某一单元式其他单元移动,清除某一单元式其他单元不移动 24.在Powerpoint中,以下叙述正确的是 A.在Powerpoint中,只能通过“文本框”输入文本 B.在任意时刻,幻灯片创个内只能查看或编辑一张幻灯片 C.在幻灯片上可以插入多种对象,如插入图形,图表 D.备注页的内容与幻灯片内容分别储存在两个不同的文件中 25.以下说发正确的是 A.一台计算机的MAC地址是唯一的,不会改变 B.在网络的OSI七双模型中,最高层是表示层 C.IPv6采用的128位的地址长度 D.一台计算机可以同时拥有多个IP地址作为其在Internet的标识 三、判断 1、2013年6月11日17时38分,神州十号在酒泉卫星发射中心发射中心发射,飞行乘组由聂海胜、张晓光、王亚平组成,聂海胜担任指令长。 2、十七大以来的五年,我国教育事业迅速发展,基本实现免费教育。 3、中国特色社会主义道路,中国特色社会主义理论体系,中国特色社会主义制度,是党和人民就是多年奋斗,创造、积累的根本原则。 4、公平正义是中国特色社会主义的根本原则。 5、列宁总结和概括了哲学发展特别是近代哲学发展的历史事实,并吸取了黑格尔和费尔巴哈的有关思想,第一次明确提出“全部哲学,特别是近代哲学的undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 重大基本问题,是思维和存在的关系问题”。 6、生产剩余价值是资本主义生产方式的绝对规律。 7、认识规律、把握规律、遵循和运用规律,是与时俱进的根本要求。 8、辩证唯物主义和旧唯物主义都坚持反映论,认为认识是主体对客体能动的反映。 9、党的早期领导人李大钊等都曾经提出过要把马克思列宁主义应用到中国具体实践中去的思想。因此,在党的幼年时期,对于马克思主义中国化已经形成了比较统一认识。 10、中国的农业社会主义改造大体经历了互助组、初级社和高级社三个阶段。其中,互助组具有社会主义萌芽性质,初级社具有半社会主义性质,高级社具有共产主义性质。 11、党的十六大明确把建立社会主义市场经济体制作为中国经济体制改革的目标,使我们党在社会主义理论上实现了又一次的重大突破。 12、中国人民解放军是一个执行革命政治任务的武装集团,唯一宗旨是打胜仗。 13、《中华民国约法》是中国历史第一部具有资产阶级共和国宪法性质的法典。 14、1937年9月22日,国民党发表《中国共产党为公布国共合作宣言》,次日蒋介石就此发表谈话,承认中国共产党在全国的合法地位,以国共第二次合作为基础的抗日民族统一战线正式形成。 15、武装斗争是中国革命的唯一形式。 16、北京大学和《新青年》编辑部是新文化运动的主要阵地。 17、人生观的核心是人生价值。 18、道德在原始社会并没有阶级性,因为那时没有阶级。但是阶级社会中,道德具有阶级性,表现为不同阶级有不同的道德观念和道德标准。 19、建设中国特色社会主义,实现中华民族伟大复兴,是中国各族人民的最高理想。 20、马克思主义认为道德归根到底是由社会经济基础决定的。 单选1(C;2(C;3(A;4(D;5(C;6(B;7(A;8(A;9(D;10(C;12(C;13(B;14(D;15(A;17(B;18(D;19(B;22(C;30(D;31(A;41(C;42(D;43(B;44(A;45(D;46(B;54(C;57(C;58(B;59(D;60(A; 61:D;考核计算机应用领域,上过基础班的都应该选中正确答案。 62:A;考核计算机性能指标的基本概念加常识,根据GHz就可以选中正确答案。 63:C;考核XP文件系统的基础,Windows中,盘符用冒号标识,文件夹之间用反斜杠分隔。但属于常识,应该可以选中正确答案。 64:A;考核XP基本操作的知识点,发送对象一般为邮件、压缩文件、桌面快捷方式、我的文档、移动设备等内容。题不难,但是较偏,一般人不会想到会考到这一点。 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 65:A;考核Word段落的基本操作,段落定义肯定不包括文字大小的定义。题不难,但是较偏,不过根据常识可以选中正确答案。 66:C;考核公式的基本使用方法,首先合计要用到sum公式,其次,按行就和的结果一般放在最右边。此题较偏,一般人不会想到会考到这一点,但是根据Excel中的经验应该可以选中正确答案。 67:B;考核Word段落的基本操作,段落合并后,后面的段落会沿用前面段落的格式,但各段落的文字大小、字体字号不会改变,所以容易错选为D。1500题册原题单选(二)81题。 68:A;考核Word邮件合并功能,1500题册原题单选(二)75题。 69:D;考核Excel筛选的基本概念,D没有明显的错误。如果满足条件的内容数量少于10,B选项就不满足条件了。 70:B;考核分类汇总的操作步骤,分类最总最关键的是按照要求进行排序。上过基础班的都应该选中正确答案。 71:B;考核Excel数据输入方法,身份证号码基本上全部是数字,所以要先输入单撇号。上过基础班的都应该选中正确答案。 72:D;考核绝对引用和相对引用的混合应用,以及自动填充,其中E2单元格被绝对引用了,而F2是相对引用,所以自动填充后公式变为E2和F3相加。1500题册原题单选(二)85题。 73:C;考核PowerPoint基本使用。 74:A;考核PowerPoint的浏览视图。1500题册原题多选(一)40题。 75:D;考核PowerPoint个性化设置。 76:B;考核PowerPoint放映方式。上过基础班的都应该选中正确答案。 77:B;考核A、B、C类网络的地址范围。上过基础班的都应该选中正确答案。 78:C;考核网络互连设备。上过基础班的都应该选中正确答案。 79:D;考核网络安全攻防基本概念。凭借常识应该选中正确答案。 80:D;考核ACCESS数据库所采用的数据模型。冲刺A卷80题。 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 31. 遏制台湾:《反分裂国家法》 32. 关于经济体制改革:公有制基础上有计划的商品经济 33. 它:爱国主义 34. 人的本质在其现实性上是一切社会关系的总和 35. 道德最主要功能:调节功能 36. 社会公德规范:爱国守法,明礼诚信、团结友善、勤俭自强、敬业奉献 37. 社会主义道德建设重点:诚实守信 38. 俄罗斯 39. 职业道德最高层次:奉献社会 40. 道德产生于人类和国家: 41. 法治上生效:新法优于旧法 42. 甲(出生于美国),甲父(中国),甲母(美国人),定居在美国:甲不具有中国国籍 43. 宪法最基本权利:人身自由权 44. 甲乙双方约定,丙替已还债,丙不还:已违约 45. 精神病人:妻子承担主要责任 46. 犯罪划分的依据是:犯罪的同类客体 47. 侵权责任法:发现权 48. 不当得利 49. 50. 某甲17周岁,已参加工作,有固定收入。某日某甲在街上寻衅滋事,将某乙打伤,某乙要求赔偿医药费,对此下列表述哪个不正确?( )。 A(某甲的父母必须承担赔偿医药费的义务 B(某甲的父母无须承担赔偿医药费的义务 C(某甲的父母可以选择是否替某甲赔偿医药费 D(某甲的父母如赔偿了医药费,则对某甲有追偿权 根据我国民法通则的规定,未满18周岁的未成年人,其父母是监护人。同时规定,16周岁以上不满18周岁的公民,以自己的劳动收人为主要生活来源 的。视为完全民事行为能力人。本题中甲17周岁,已参加工作,可视为完全民事行为能力人。据此,答案为A。 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 51. 甲将婴儿扔进河里:故意杀人 52. 不是民法调整的对像的:工商局 53. 紧急避险 A类 B类 C类,所以这个题选择: 二、多选答案: 1.ABC 2.ABCD 3.AB 4.BD(此题难度较高,出自某年考研题) 5.AB 6. ABCD 7.ABD 8.ABCD 9.AB(已查原文件) 10.ABC 11.ABCD(此题不确定) 12. ABCD为十五大提出,估计此题错的比较多 13. ABC 14.ABCD(已查文件盒相关题目,我也错了) 15.ABCD 16.ABCD(已查相关资料) 17.ABCD 18.ABCD(已查宪法文件) 19.BC [COCO解析](A为无权代理,效力待定。D为欺诈,胁迫损坏手段签订的合同,但未说明损坏国家,集体,第三人利益,不能确定为无效) 20.ABD 21.ABD [COCO解析] CPU可以直接访问内存(ROM和RAM) CACHE高速缓冲存储器是存在于主存与CPU之间的一级存储器,为了解决CPU和内存的速度匹配问 题设计的,因此也可以直接访问。 22.CD [COCO解析] AB错误。A不能影响段落缩进,B 页边距的设置改变整个文档设置。 23.BD [COCO解析] A清楚还可以取消相关格式,A说法太过绝对,C中按DEL是清楚。 24.AC [COCO解析] 幻灯片窗格中在幻灯片浏览视图中可以查看到多张幻灯片,因此B错。D说法不对。 25.ACD [COCO解析] 此题已查相关资料,MAC地址是唯一的,IPV6采用128位,一台计算机可以同时拥有多个IP地址 三、判断题 ?× ?× × × × × × × ?× × ?× ?×?×? 貌似判断没有异议18题已查为原话正确 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model
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